Data analysis & balancing meeting thibault coupart avril 2015

Data Analysis & Balancing Coupart Thibault - 10/04/2015

Transcript of Data analysis & balancing meeting thibault coupart avril 2015

Data Analysis & BalancingCoupart Thibault - 10/04/2015

PresentationData Analyst / Game Economy Designer

- Master in engineering/town planning- DU in Game / Level Design- Complementary Formation in Hadoop/Programmation skills

- Internship data analyst at Corexpert

- Data analyst at Adictiz

- Current- data analyst at 505 Games

Plan1. Definitions & concepts

2. Case Study 1 - Arcade Game

3. Case Study 2 - City Builder Game

4. Conclusion


Current mobile game trend (subjective opinion)


Definition & concepts

Definition & concepts

A few important words :

- The balancing fundamentally is about “tweaking” existing game variables in order to increase the game experience.

- You always want to have the reward accorded with the difficulty, the investment accorded with the quality, the cost accorded with the power.

- Data analysis helps a lot to spot areas of the balancing that need improvements, whereas a better balancing usually increase the commercial success of the game

- This statement is even more true in the world of Free-to-Play, where it is all about convincing the player that the ing-game purchase worth his real money.

Definition & concepts

A simple way of visualizing the balancing in a free-to-play Economy

Not good (too easy)

Not good (too hard)

Good !

Case Study 1 - Arcade game

Case study 1 - Arcade game

2D casual Games where you need to reach the highest distance possible with your dog ! (tap to fly)

Case Study 1 - Arcade Game



Accelerate Revival Reroll





Case Study 1 - Arcade Game

Distribution of players score for each levels of the Game

Case study 1 - Arcade game

Retention by level and fail rate

Case study 1 - Arcade game

Gate 1 where you need to pay 500 coins


Most important retention losses

Retention by level/steps and Retention as percent from previous

Case study 1 - Arcade game

Changing the wheel reward balance is also a part of the balancing.

25% 25

45% 45

5% 100

20% 5

50% 50

5% 100

Original values New values

(expected gain / roll : 31) (expected gain / roll : still 31)

Case study 1 - Arcade game

+4 pts post lvl 3

+8 pts post lvl 7

+3 pts post lvl 12

Case study 1 - Arcade game

Introducing the “bad” roll on the wheelwith the 2.5 release

Average Rerolls used by players

Case study 1 - Arcade game

+5 points retention at Day +1 and after

Case Study 2 - Builder game

Case study 2 - Builder Game

Case study 2 - Builder Game

Percentage from First - Economy Variables

Case study 2 - Builder Game

DPS/ Health of Units unlocked throughout the game

Case study 2 - Builder Game

DPS/ Health of Turrets unlocked throughout the game

Case study 2 - Builder GamePO



Defender > Attacker; hard to progress easily at this point in the game; correspond to HQ lvl 2 / 3

Case study 2 - Builder Game

Retention of users according to Campaign Mission with Fail Rate- February 2015

Most important drop

Case study 2 - Builder Game


Negative side effect - the investment is a deception

Case study 2 - Builder Game

Supplies invested in each units for each users who unlocked the said unit - February 2015

(Total number of Purchases * Unit Price) / Distinct users who bought it at least once)




- The balancing has became a big topic in the free-to-play economy, and pretty much every gameplay needs a decent balancing now to succeed

- A data analyst will have many benefits by matching balancing data with user data, and the opposite is true : a game designer / balancer will use user data to orient his balancing !


Thanks for your attention!

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