Dangers of technology issue book

Dangers of Technology


Dangers of technology is an issue book that describes how we can avoid getting controlled by technology.

Transcript of Dangers of technology issue book

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Dangers of Technology

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Dangers of Technology by: Mia Brooke

Chris ArmstrongMarivi Lugo

C O N T E N T SI N T R O D U C T I O NAs technology grows, we lose the ability to communicate with others face to face. If there is no control over the amount of technology used, it can become a danger.

S O L U T I O N O N EMake technology work for you. Provide information for individuals and families to better prepare themselves, and manage the use of technology in their lives.

S O L U T I O N T W OLearning to know that you don’t need the most recent technology and becoming aware of when to unplug from technology.

A P P E N D I XThis section of the book further explains the reasons for creating this book. It identifies personal opinions about the topic and some experiences.

C O N C L U S I O NThe conclusion of issue book includes personal opinion of the writers and designer. How they felt while working on this project and what outcome they got from it.




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Technology surrounds us. It’s an aspect of our daily lives that often goes unnoticed because of how prevalent it is. To put technology a little more in perspective we need to look back at some of the advancements that have been made in the last 100 years. The airplane was invented in 1903. Pop-up toasters came in 1919 and were followed just a few years later by notebooks with spiral bindings in 1924. Fast forward to 1927 when a 21-year-old man from Utah invented the TV. He lived without electricity until he was 14.

The “World Wide Web”, or public version of the Internet as we know it came into existence in 1990. While the pop-up toasters and spiral notebooks didn’t change the world like computers, smart-phones, and the Internet has, they nevertheless show just how dramatically the last 100 years have been for technology.


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As the world changes and evolves to embrace new technologies it’s important to understand and safeguard oneself, and those around them from the potential dangers that technology brings with it. The advent of the Internet has made accessibility to insurmountable amounts of information as easy as a simple click. It’s estimated that there are over 3.4 billion devices connected to the Internet at this very moment. Statistics from Internet Live Stats show that “around 40% of the worlds population has internet connectivity.” In 1995 that number was 1%. Why do those numbers matter? Technology has made the world smaller. While the advantages of that are very evident, that smallness introduces a need of awareness that will be addressed in this Issue Book. The warning signs or issues that we’ll detail can be as simple as social behaviors, or practices that affect communications and relationships, to the dark side of the Internet.

This Idea Book provides insight into the problems associated with technology and provides two solutions to the problem.

Question:What are the dangers of technology?

As each area is covered throughout the Idea Book with facts and information from specialists and collected data; a better informed decision individually, and as a collective group can be decided upon with regards to how, when, and to what degree we allow technology into our lives.

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Solution OneWriter: Chris Armstrong

Scope: Technology is ever changing and evolving, and with technology changing, so are the minds of the youth that have not known a world without technology in it.

Make technology work for you. Set limits for yourself and your family members. Knowing how frequently you’re using mobile devices like cell phones, tablets, gaming consoles, and computers will allow you to do a self-check to ensure you’re enjoying them in healthy moderation. This will strengthen your communication with those around you, make you more engaged as a friend, co-worker, family member, and also set a positive example for your peers and family members. Know when to unplug.


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It was a typical Monday morning at the computer store, filled with people bringing in computers and laptops in need of repair or virus removal that happened over the weekend. Routine stuff really. As lunchtime drew closer the talk inevitably moved towards food and what the plan was for lunch. One of the employees, Cameron, would on occasion have his wife come into work with him on her days off. Today was one of those days. It was never a problem because she would hang out off to the side of the workbench Cameron was at and play on her laptop.


There was a bakery game that she was fond of playing that occupied the majority of the 8 hours she spent playing in the back of the computer store. Cameron and his wife decided that they were going to get sandwiches at Subway and he took a quick mental note of what she wanted. The buzzer at the back of the store went off indicating someone had entered the front door. One of the employees popped their heads out and sat back down when they saw it was Cameron returning with lunch. Looking inside the bag, Cameron dug out his wife’s sandwich and handed it to her. He sat down and began eating, having set his phone on the workbench. The employee that had checked to see who had come in the store just minutes earlier watched as Cameron’s wife pulled apart the sandwich and promptly picked up her phone, texting someone. Cameron who was sitting a foot away from her looked down as his phone vibrated. He picked it up, read the text, and sighed. Texting back quickly, he got up and walked out of the store. Cameron returned 10 minutes later with a small bag. Curiosity got the best of the observing employee who turned and asked, “What was that about?” Turning towards his co-worker, Cameron replied, “I forgot to cucumbers on her sandwich.”

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Option one discusses how to manage technology so that it impede the natural communication we should embrace as human beings. Managing how and when we use the technology around us has implications about how we can show respect by our use of that technology.

There is a time and place for texting, or taking phone calls, but that place is not when you’re in the middle of a conversation with someone else. Don’t risk sending the wrong message by prioritizing a piece of plastic and wires.

Sending Right Messages

How do we send the right message?

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Solution TwoWriter: Mia Brooke

Scope: Technology has given us the possibility to communicate with people all over the world through email, instant messaging, Skype, social media, etc. Business deals that would take time and planning of time zones so the group could talk can now be done through email at any time of the day.

Realize you don’t have to have it all. Having the latest and greatest form of technology is not a requirement for majority of people. Some jobs may require it but for most of us; having the newest phone, tablet or computer is a desire but not a necessity. The Northern Advocate says that “Although it may be tempting to buy the latest mobile phone or iPod, or to set up an account for every social media site going, remember that technology is meant to be there to enhance your life, not detract from it and, if it is causing you stress, then it is not doing its job.”

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, not harder. When it becomes a hindrance instead being helpful; then maybe it is time to unplug and shut the technology down


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ResearchResearch has shown that Americans replace their phone every two years.

A survey, detailed by Child Guide Magazine, found most children get their first cell phone by the age of six.

So why are parents getting their kids a cell phone so early in their childhood?

The largest majority of parents, 31-percent, said they purchased a cell phone for their child for "security reasons, so my child could always contact me." Another 25-percent said their child's cell phone was to help them keep in touch with friends and family while another 20% said their child's cell phone helped their kid "keep up with friends at school.

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Although, some of these reasons may have some merit a six-year-old is in the first grade. They don’t need a cell phone but that has become the norm. of the 2,290 American parents

• 96% have a cell phone

• 83% have a TV or sound system

• 75% have a tablet

• 71% have a handheld gaming console

• 65% have an eBook reader

• 51% have an Xbox or PlayStation

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Is it really necessary to have it all? Or should we be spending more of our time interacting with our

children so that they don’t feel like they need all the latest technology?

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, not harder. And should be taught but in moderation. When it becomes a hindrance instead being helpful; then maybe it is time to unplug and shut the technology down and focus more on our family unit than the ever-vibrating cell phone.

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ConclusionIt's not often that you get to pick a subject matter that truly speaks to you. Having had the chance to work on this issue book has been a great opportunity to reaffirm my personal feelings on how I use technology, and how I can ensure I set a strong example for the people I care about. My sit down interview with Chief Diamond was a particular highlight for me because it gave me some excellent insight into the community I live in and the changes occurring within it. The real challenge for me was finding a way to share helpful information that didn't come across as overly negative, or doom and gloom. The team element of the assignment brings it's own challenges because you aren't able to meet face to face, but overall I believe we captured what the set out to accomplish. Watching an idea grow into a fully realized project is very rewarding.

I really enjoyed this project. I felt like we had ample time to complete the necessary work and we really worked well as a team. I think the biggest thing for any team, especially one that has never met before is communication. Constantly communicating with each other and holding each other accountable for our portion of the work kept me motivated. I never wanted to let the team down and getting feedback from each other was super beneficial to the team.

I felt the topic was something we could all relate to because technology plays such a large role in each of our lives and it wasn’t something that was difficult to keep interested in. It was amazing to me the amount of study and work that has gone into learning about the effect technology has made on the world that we know. Both for the good and for the not so good.

I really appreciated the hard work my team put it and I feel proud of the work we accomplished with just the three of us, so thank you to Chris and Marivi! Good job guys!

Mia Brooke - Writer

Working on this project has helped me learn so much. Focusing on a an issue that our sociaty has is interesting because there are so many different perspectives. Our group decided this would be an amazing topic to create an issue book. We each learned that this issue can be handled in so many ways. If we focus on specific fami-lies, the issue will be handled differently. This is because all families are different.

Now that I know more about this issue, I can incorporate what I have learned in my life. I have discovered that technology is a great thing. Technology helps us create things that our hands cannot do it the same. I have enjoyed working with Mia and Chris. Both had great ideas about the topic and in which way to approach it.

Marivi Lugo - Designer

Chris Armstrong - Writer

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AppendixTeam member bias: Chris Armstrong, Mia Brook, and Marivi Rueda

Selecting of Issue: We chose to learn more about this issue because we all believe that this topic is something that has a big impact on our lives and our children. We also believe that understanding how technology affects negatively our lives, we can then learn how to balance using it.

Team member tasks: We each were in charge of research. Marivi is the editor and was in charge of designing and layout of the book, phrasing and structuring items in table of contents and all sections of both the issue book and the appendix. We have three writers: Mia and Chris. They are responsible of two solutions. They are responsible for completing strategic research – meaning the history and nature of the issue. They gather information through interviews, and providing editorial comments.

Strategic Research: Part of research comes from the interviews our writers gathered together. The research helped to get a better idea of the issue through the eyes of those that are experts. In this case, technicians. Most of the research was by looking at different sources like the Internet or case studies.

Personal reflection: Marivi Rueda Working on this topic has taught me a lot. I have been able to reflect how much technology influences my life. Mostly, how much it negatively influences my life. The dangers of technology are a lot. If we are not aware of the amount of time we spend using technology, we could lose control of our lives. Gathering information in order to put together this issue books has been very helpful to realize how much harm this tool can do to our lives.

Mia Brooke I found that the negative effects of technology were things that I found in my own life. We are all so enthralled by getting likes on our posts on Facebook and Instagram we take away from other important things we could be doing. We could be strengthening our friendships or marriages or families by doing something active together. Our go-to’s when we are bored are to watch Netflix or get on our phones and play games and get on social media. But when is the last time any of us really unplugged and turned off our technology for an extended period of time? I know that through the research and reflecting unplugging is something that we all should do at some point and really find out who we are without all the technology attached. Talk to your spouse, teach your kids something you were taught as a kid, go to the park. The possibilities are endless, just don’t forget to leave your phone behind!

Chris ArmstrongTechnology is something I work with every day. I’m the Technology Specialist for the West Jordan Police Department. My role there includes everything from taking care of the current systems in place, to helping detectives recover data on computers, mobile devices, tablets, and also surveillance video. I see firsthand how trusting people are with their personal information and pictures. I’ve heard countless stories of young lives turned upside down 1 3

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because of a vindictive or careless person sharing other individuals’ questionable photos. I’m a father of four kids that like television, and video games. Being a video gamer myself, I understand the draw and appeal of them. I also know that they can consume and change a person; tricking them into be-lieving the virtual world has more to offer than real life. This is why I’m interested in technology and how to cope with it.