Daily Sound, Thursday, June 21

THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2012 WWW.THEDAILYSOUND.COM FREE VOLUME 7 ISSUE 121 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Facebook.com/ TheDailySound FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SBDailySound Afternoon Sun 70° DAILY SOUND The Place For Real News Bus Breakdown Key commuter bus service in trouble, Page 3 Suspect in East Valley Road death gets public defender Page 4 City tries to remove foul smell at Bird Refuge Page 4 On Patrol lawsuit can go to trial Page 2 Pages_JUN_21_DS :Layout 1 6/20/12 10:15 PM Page 1


Santa Barbara Daily Sound, Vista bus service, East Valley Road crash suspect in court

Transcript of Daily Sound, Thursday, June 21

Page 1: Daily Sound, Thursday, June 21


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DAILY SOUNDThe Place For Real News

Bus BreakdownKey commuter bus service in trouble, Page 3

Suspect inEast ValleyRoad deathgets publicdefenderPage 4

City triesto removefoul smellat BirdRefugePage 4

On Patrollawsuit cango to trialPage 2

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2 Thursday, June 21 2012 Daily Sound


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The city of Santa Barbara and Ira and Linda Distenfield are engaged in a high-profile battle over the reality show ʻOn Patrol.ʼDAILY SOUND / File Photo

On Patrol celebrates rulingThe producers of the hit

reality show “On Patrol withSBPD” celebrated a tentativeruling set down by SantaBarbara Superior Court JudgeDonna Geck yesterday, whichsaid there was enough evi-dence for their case to moveforward.

The executive producers ofOn Patrol filed a claimagainst the City of SantaBarbara earlier this year afterthe city abruptly ended film-ing in the middle of theshow’s fifth season.

City officials claimed theypulled the plug because OnPatrol owed the city morethan $45,000 in royalties.

Judge Geck validated four

of On Patrol’s five complaintsin her tentative ruling.

“While [the City of SantaBarbara] may dispute theexistence of any such writtencontract, that dispute does notchange the fact that its exis-tence and material term wereadequately alleged in the[claim], which is all that thiscourt is concerned with ondemurrer,” Geck wrote.

Distenfield said Geck’sruling was a small victory forthe show’s battle with CityHall.

“I think the good thingsabout this are twofold,”Distenfied said. “We’re ableto go forward with the lawsuitand, not only did Judge Geckoverrule the city’s challenges,but said that the defenses the

See PATROL, page 6


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The city of Santa Barbara and Ira and Linda Distenfield are engaged in a high-profile battle over the reality show ʻOn Patrol.ʼDAILY SOUND / File Photo

Bankruptcy could doompopular transit service

A bus company’s bank-ruptcy could leave hundredsof Santa Barbara employeescommuting from Ventura outon the curb as early as July1st.

The Texas-based CoachAmerica operated the VISTACoastal Express line buseswhich run from Ventura up

through Carpinteria, SantaBarbara, and out to UCSB.But the company filed forbankruptcy in January andVentura CountyTransportation Commissionexecutive director DarrenKettle said an estimated 1,500commuters, many of themworkers in Santa Barbara,could be left stranded in thecounty.

“The nature of the impact

will have a fairly broadreach,” Kettle said.

T r a n s p o r t a t i o nManagement Systems boughtpart of their assets whichincluded the VISTA lines.Kettle said the companydecided maintaining theroutes wouldn’t be financiallyviable and isn’t going to pro-vide them.

With those routes gone, theonly lifeline left would be the

Coastal Express Limited, anexpress connection betweenVentura and Santa Barbarawhich is operated throughMTD. But in addition to lessfrequent service, that linecosts twice as much as thestandard price which mightnot be viable for some com-muters.

Estella Rios, a Santa


See BUS, page7

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4 Thursday, June 21 2012 Daily Sound



Warmer &Breezy


TodayTodayʼs weather will pretty much mirror what weʼve seenall week long, that is until we get to the late afternoon andevening hours. At that time, the sundowner winds willbegin to pick as a strong and cold low pressure systemdrops into the Pacific Northwest from Canada, setting thestage for several nights of gusty winds.

Patchy fog,mild


Windy &Warmer58/76°


Patchy Fog,Mild


MondaySaturdayFriday Sunday

Facebook's U.S. user numbers dwindled in May from Apriland March, according to data compiled by research firmcomScore, in the latest sign that growth may be leveling off atthe No. 1 social network.

Last month, Facebook attracted 158.01 million unique visi-tors in the United States, edging lower from 158.69 million inApril and 158.93 million in March, comScore said.

Keeping users coming back -- or combating fatigue -- is cru-cial for all social media services, analysts say. Facebook is con-sistently trotting our new features, including the "Timeline"interface rolled out this year, and more are expected with thedeal to acquire popular photo-sharing app Instagram.

ComScore has changed how it counts users, making year-agocomparisons harder. Under its old methods, comScore previous-ly said Facebook had 157.22 million visitors in May 2011,which would make Wednesday's data a year-on-year increase ofjust 0.5 percent.

The changes comScore made generally reduce user numbers,so in an apples-to-apples comparison, user growth would lookslightly bigger, a comsScore spokesman said.

Users spent an average of 380.8 minutes, or more than sixhours, on the site in May this year, up slightly from 378.9 min-utes in April.

In April last year, as measured under comScore's old tech-niques, users spent 374.9 minutes on the site.

Facebook losing popularity


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Suspect in deadlycrash back in court

L. Tyrone Richardson, theman charged with the second-degree murder of AllisonMeadows, will arraigned inSanta Barbara CountySuperior Court today.

Richardson was set for hisarraignment Wednesdaymorning, but there was adelay due to representationissues.

Richardson was originallyset to be represented by localdefense attorney StevenAndrade but couldn’t affordto retain his services. That’swhen attorney Josh Webbstepped up and offered todefend Richardson for freecontingent upon the investi-gation fees being paid by theState, much like a publicdefender’s investigation feeswould.

Honorable Clifford R.

Anderson, the Santa BarbaraSuperior Court Judge presid-ing over the arraignment,blocked this on grounds thatthe State could not afford topay these fees in the financialpredicament it is already in.

Being unable to afford anattorney, Richardson is forcedto go with a public defenderwhen he faces charges includ-ing second-degree murder,parole violation, driving with-out a license and while intox-icated. His bail remains at $1million.

Richardson is accused ofkilling Meadows in a bizarrecar accident on East ValleyRoad nearly three weeks ago.The CHP is investigatingwhether car surfing may haveled to Meadows’ death.

Richardson’s arraignmentwas rescheduled for Thursdaymorning at 8:30 a.m.


L. Tyrone Richardson

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The style of story-tellingand humor used in WesAnderson’s MoonriseKingdom is reminiscent ofLost in Translation and Fargo.Perhaps this comparisoncomes to mind in part becausethe stars of both films, BillMurray and FrancesMcDormand are Mr. and Mrs.Bishop in this film. But thecomparison has more to dowith the emptiness of thecharacters protrayed and theoffbeat interaction and dia-logue of the entire ensemblecast.

The two central charactersare twelve years old.Eccentric in their own right,Sam (Jared Gilman) and Suzy(Kara Hayward) are unusual-ly suited. Troubled and aban-doned, both lack healthyparental examples of moralcharacter. Sam’s lack is dueto the death of his parents andhis subsequent uncommittedfoster home experiences.However, Suzy’s void is notdue to her parent’s deaths butto their empty lives. Havinglost love for each other, theBishops have become more alegal partnership not onlybecause they are both lawyersbut also because they don’tcare about each other. Notonly is Laura Bishop havingan affair on her husband butshe also uses a bullhorn tocommunicate impersonallywith her four children.

Reacting to their empti-ness, Sam and Suzy reach outto each other for love. It isthis young and innocent lovethat fuels the central action ofthe film. Running away fromhis scout camp, Sam enticesSuzy to run away from herhome. It is their flight intothe wilderness that creates theopportunity for them to find anew way to live.

Completing the ensemblecast is Captain Sharp (BruceWillis), a simple-minded butcaring police chief, ScoutMaster Ward (EdwardNorton), whose retreat intoscouting’s paramilitary lifehas provided structure to hislife, and a soul-less bureau-crat from social servicesplayed by Tilda Swinton.

We won’t spoil the plot ofhow this young love impacts

Sam and Suzy’s life or a state-ment that Walt Bishop makesto his wife that sums up thefilm. When Laura Bishopapologizes for the pain shecaused her husband, sheexplains to him that the two ofthem are “all their childrenhave”. He insightfullyresponds, “It is not enough.”We agree. This film is notenough. The humanity por-trayed is so void of depth andwisdom that it is depressing,not only for Sam and Suzy,but for all of us viewers aswell. Although there are somemoments of humor, they donot overcome the emptinessof the characters’ lives.

Discussion for those whohave seen this film:

1. The creative style offraming each scene is mini-malistic yet symbolic. Theuse of props such as Suzy’ssuitcase and Sam’s glassescreate a second languagewithin the film. Do you findthis type of symbolic lan-guage helpful or distracting ina film?

2. The innocent sexualityof Suzy and Sam implies a

lack of exposure to the sexu-alized culture in which welive. What do you believe thewriters were communicatingin having them be sounspoiled? Do you believethis is true of most twelveyear olds? Why do youanswer as you do?

3. The paramilitary andsurvival nature of the scoutcamp was something Samseems to have excelled atlearning. Yet he wants toleave. Why do you think thisis true? Was it that the otherscouts did not accept him,was it his desire to be lovedby Suzy, or was it a rejectionof such a rigid way of life?What motivates you to livethe life you live: friendship,love, or something else?


Cinema In Focus is a socialand spiritual movie commen-tary. Hal Conklin is formermayor of Santa Barbara andDenny Wayman is pastor ofthe Free Methodist Church ofSanta Barbara. For morer e v i e w s :www.cinemainfocus.com.

Moonrise Kingdom;two stars, shallow

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6 Thursday, June 21 2012 Daily Sound


city put up ‘bordered of the frivolous.’”City Attorney Steve Wiley disagreed.“[The ruling] is pretty much what we

expected,” Wiley said. “This puts us in agood position for motion for summaryjudgment and that should get the casedismissed.”

Wiley called the lawsuit frivolous andsaid the city will fight it.

“There’s really no case here,” Wileysaid, “it’s a flakey lawsuit. [Distenfield]is just trying to get out of paying thecity.”

But Distenfield says this suit is notabout the back money the city claims theshow owes and also said the city hasinformed the court that it is open tomediation.

“This lawsuit is not about moneyowed by On Patrol to the City of SantaBarbara,” Distenfield said. “On Patrolpaid over $50,000 to the PoliceDepartment with all checks given direct-ly to the former Business Manager,Karen Flores. We have asked theDepartment over and over again to pro-vide an accounting of monies paid by OnPatrol to Ms. Flores. That accounting hasyet to be provided, and Ms. Flores hassince been arrested for embezzlement of

hundreds and hundreds of thousands ofdollars.”

Distenfield says this lawsuit is aboutthe City’s failure to honor the terms ofthe extended contract to film SeasonFive.

“If Wiley thought this litigation was anuisance without merit, then why wouldthey agree to mediate and why would theJudge refer to their defense arguments as“bordered on the frivolous.”

Wiley countered Distenfiled’s argu-ment saying the city would only agree to

mediation if On Patrol agrees to pay thearrearage.

“Until they’ve paid their bills, we’renot going take it to the City Council,”Wiley said.

But Distenfield and his wife, LindaDistenfield, dispute the allegation thatmoney is owed.

“It was agreed by all parties that thebalance due would be paid in full after anextensive accounting and a signedextended contract,” Linda Distenfieldsaid. “Neither has happened.”


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Daily Sound Thursday, June 21 2012 7


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Barbara County employeeand seven year Ventura com-muter, said she’s disappointedthat they couldn’t do some-thing earlier because a lot ofVentura residents don’t havecars.

“They’re leaving a lot peo-ple that don’t have cars in thelurch,” Rios said.

Emi Goleta, anotherVentura commuter, works inretail and as a dance instruc-tor. While she has a car, sheprefers taking the bus, as itavoids many of the hassles ofcommuting. Without it, she’dhave to drive up four to fivetimes a week and might evenhave to consider cutting backher hours

“It’s so nice to not have toworry about driving, parking,or gas,” Goleta said. “You canjust relax on the bus.”

Goleta’s situation under-scores another problem withlosing the routes. Caltrans hasbeen working to ease com-muting traffic on the 101

Freeway, and with no buslines, more drivers would bethrown out onto an alreadyovercrowded freeway.

But neither Ventura norSanta Barbara intends to let itget to that point.

The VCTC is holding aspecial meeting today to dealwith the problem. Kettle saidthe commission is hoping toget a one-month extension forthe services from AmericanCoach and then negotiate anew contract with anothercompany by August.

“We’re hopeful we’ll beable to put these piecestogether,” Kettle said. “Butwe’re not there yet.”

If a deal can’t be negotiat-ed the commission would tryto cobble together some serv-ices from other companieslike Gold Coast, MTD, andothers. Kettle estimatesVentura would need to gatherabout 27 vehicles to maintainminimal service levels,though he noted that’s for allcommuters, not just SantaBarbara.

“With the various partnersthroughout the region we’ll

be able to keep some level ofservice in existence,” Kettlesaid.

Gregg Hart, public infor-mation officer for the SantaBarbara County Associationof Governments, said SantaBarbara’s position isn’t asprecarious. Ventura deals withcommuters going to both LosAngeles, Santa Barbara andfurther inland. He said SantaBarbara could get by with justa third of what Ventura needs.

“If it’s only eight or nine[buses] it’s not quite as daunt-ing,” Hart said.

Still, Hart said protectingout of town commuters isimportant and SBCAG couldwork out its own contingencyplans if Ventura doesn’t get adeal. Santa Barbara coulddraw a few buses from MTD,put the Clean Air Expressshuttles on a normal schedule,and even get support fromSanta Barbara Airbus.

“The bottom line is wewant to make sure that thisservice continues uninterrupt-ed and that passengers aren’tinconvenienced at all,” Hartsaid.


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8 Thursday, June 21 2012 Daily Sound



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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: THE NEALTAYLOR NATURE CENTER GIFTSHOPat 2265 Hwy. #154 SantaBarbara, CA 93105County of SantaBarbara; TheNeal Taylor Nature Centerat Cachuma Lake(SAME). Thisbusiness is conducted by aCorporation (Signed:) JulieMcDonald. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on JUN 06,2012. I hereby certify that this is a correctcopy of the original statement on fileinmy office. Joseph E. Holland, CountyClerk (SEAL) by Kathy Miller. OriginalFBN Number: 2012-0001674.PUBLISHED JUN 21, 28, JUL 05, 122012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT OF ABANDONMENTThe following person(s) has(have)abandoned the use of the FictitiousBusiness Name(s): CACHUMALAKE NATURE CENTER GIFTSHOP at 2265 Hwy. #154 SantaBarbara, CA 93105County of SantaBarbara;Cachuma Lake NatureCenter, II(SAME). This business wasconducted by aCorporation(Signed:)Julie McDonald.This statement was filed with the CountyClerk of Santa Barbara County on MAY25 2012. I hereby certify that this isa correct copy of the original statementon file in my office. Joseph E.Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) by KathyMiller. Original FBN Number: 2009-0002448. PUBLISHED JUN 21, 28,JUL 05, 12 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: ITO WINESat 4 South Main Street, Suite2,Ipswich, MA County of Essex; ITOWines, LLC (SAME). This business isconducted by a/an Limited LiabilityCorporation (Signed:) Richard Libby.This statement expires five yearsfrom the date it was filed in the Officeof the County Clerk. This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on MAY 15, 2012. Ihereby certify that this is a correct copyof the original statement on file in myoffice. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) by Kathy Miller. Original FBNNumber: 2012-0001434. PUBLISHEDJUN 14, 21, 28, JUL 05 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT OF ABANDONMENTThe following person(s) has(have)abandoned the use of the FictitiousBusiness Name(s): PREFFEREDTRANSPORTATION at 517Brinkerhoff Ave Santa Barbara, CA93101 County of SantaBarbara;Andriana Barreto DosSantos,(3969 Via Zucero Apt 204 SantaBarbara, CA 93110) StephanieChase Shondrick(SAME). Thisbusiness was conducted by a GeneralPartnership(Signed:)Adriana BarretoDos Santos. This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on JUN 13, 2012. Ihereby certify that this is a correct copyof the original statement on file in myoffice. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) by Joshua Madison. OriginalFBN Number: 2011-0002928.PUBLISHED JUN 14, 21, 28, JUL 052012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:PREFERRED LIMOUSINETRANSPORTATION, PREFERREDLIMOUSINE at 3969 Via Lucero #204Santa Barbara, CA 93110 County ofSanta Barbara; Adriana Barreto DosSantos(SAME). This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Adriana BarretoDos Santos. This statement expiresfive years from the date it was filed inthe Office of the County Clerk. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on JUN 13,2012. I hereby certify that this is acorrect copy of the original statementon file in my office. Joseph E.Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) byMiriam Leon . Original FBN Number:2012-0001756. PUBLISHED JUN 14,21, 28, JUL 05 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: FASTRACKBOOKKEEPING at 302 Piedmont St.Santa Barbara, CA 93105 County ofSanta Barbara; Nancy MarieDayton(SAME). This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Nancy Dayton.This statement expires five yearsfrom the date it was filed in the Officeof the County Clerk. This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on JUN 06 ,2012. I

hereby certify that this is a correct copyof the original statement on file in myoffice. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) by . Original FBNNumber: 2012-0001685. PUBLISHED JUN 14, 21, 28,JUL 05 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: ITECH YOURWAY! at 5730 Hollister Ave.. Goleta,CA 93117County of Santa Barbara;Thua GHuynh(41 Dearborn Place #74Goleta, CA 93117). This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Thua Huynh. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. This statement was filedwith the County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on JUN 06 2012. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) byKathyMiller. Original FBNNumber: 2012-0001683. PUBLISHED JUN 14, 21, 28,JUL 05 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: JGMCONSULTING at 333 Hot Springs Rd.Santa Barbara, CA 93108 County ofSanta Barbara; John G.MCManigal(SAME). This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)John GMcManigal. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on JUN 13, 2012. I hereby certify that this is acorrect copy of the original statementon file in my office. Joseph E.Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) byJoshua Madison. Original FBNNumber: 2012-0001765. PUBLISHEDJUN 14, 21, 28, JUL 05 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: ANDRADEMAINTENANCE at 1714 1/2 SanPascual St. Santa Barbara, CA93101 County of SantaBarbara;Genoveva Andrade(SAME).This business is conducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Genoveva Andrade.This statement expires five yearsfrom the date it was filed in the Officeof the County Clerk. This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on MAY 21 , 2012. Ihereby certify that this is a correct copyof the original statement on file in myoffice. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) by Kathy Miller.. Original FBNNumber: 2012-0001496. PUBLISHEDJUN 14, 21, 28, JUL 05 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: SAM’SMOBILE NOTARY SERVICE at 206Moreton Bay Lane #1 Goleta, CA93117 County of SantaBarbara;Susan Von Loehrer(SAME).This business is conducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Susan VonLoehrer. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on JUN 05, 2012. I hereby certify that this is acorrect copy of the original statementon file in my office. Joseph E.Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) byAshlee H.. Original FBN Number:2012-0001670. PUBLISHED JUN 07,14, 21, 28 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: PVAC(PERFORMING AND VISUALARTS CAMP) at 350 Loma Alta Dr.Santa Barbara, CA 93109 County ofSanta Barbara;Dauri MKennedy(2325 State Street SantaBarbara, CA 93105). This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Dauri Kennedy.This statement expires five yearsfrom the date it was filed in the Officeof the County Clerk. This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on MAY 09 , 2012. Ihereby certify that this is a correct copyof the original statement on file in myoffice. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) by Kathy Miller. Original FBNNumber: 2012-0001385. PUBLISHEDJUN 07, 14, 21, 28 2012

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NUMBER 1401798Petitioner or Attorney:Eric David BledelTO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:Eric David Bledel filed a petition withthis court for a decree changingnames as follows:Present Name:Eric David BledelProposed Name: John Michael DavisTHE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, if any,

why the petition for change of nameshould not be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a writtenobjection that includes the reasons forthe objection at least two court daysbefore the matter is scheduled to beheard and must appear at the hearingto show cause why the petition shouldnot be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant thepetition without a hearing.

NOTICE OF HEARINGDATE: Jul. 26, 2012 TIME:9:30 a.m. DEPT: 6THE ADDRESS OF THE COURT IS:SUPERIOR COURTOF CALIFORNIACounty of Santa Barbara1100 Anacapa StreetSanta Barbara, CA 93101A copy of this Order to Show Causeshall be published at least once eachweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the petitionin the following newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in this county SantaBarbara Daily Sound.DATE: 5/16/2012Terri Chavez, Deputy Clerk

Denise de BellefeuilleJUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR

COURTPUBLISHED JUN 14, 21, 28, JUL 052012

Daily Sound Thursday, June 21 2012 9LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE



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10 Thursday, June 21 2012 Daily Sound


City tries to stop noxiousodors from Bird Refuge

The Andree Clark BirdRefuge is one of SantaBarbara’s most beautiful, nat-ural treasures.

But right now, it stinks.A rapid algae bloom and

decay has resulted in noxiousodors to ooze out of the 29-acre Bird Refuge.

The Bird Refuge has poorcirculation and its only sourceof freshwater is rainwater andurban runoff. As a result, cityofficials said, the Bird Refugehas poor water circulation andlow oxygen levels, which canresult in the awful smell.

The last time this occurredin 2009, the city added waterto the lake to improve thewater quality. This time, how-ever, the city can’t add waterbecause the lake level is toohigh.

Instead, the city’s Parksand Recreation Departmentbegan operating a small,motorized skiff onWednesday. The small boat isdesigned to aerate the water,increase oxygen levels,improve water quality andreduce odors.

“We anticipate that theconditions at the Bird Refugewill improve over time,” saidJill Zachary, assistant parks

and recreation director, in anews release.

The Parks and RecreationDepartment recently complet-ed the first phase of a 5-yearvegetation management proj-ect to improve water flow inthe culverts that enter thelake, reduce the potential forflooding and improve mos-quito abatement.

The Bird Refuge was orig-inally a salt marsh thatreceived fresh water fromSycamore Creek.Construction of the railroad inthe 1880s re-routed SycamoreCreek and thereby eliminatedthe primary source of freshwater.


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Daily Sound Thursday, June 21 2012 11

1 3 8 27 9 8 69 6 7 28 6 1 9 2

5 67 6 9 5 1

4 3 83 4 1 5

7 9 3 4



7 9 6 24 6 7 5 2

3 4 6 5 79 2 8 6 5

3 5 1 9 83 4 9 2 5

1 5 4 9 39 7 2 1 6

3 1 5 9

5 8 4 3 1

1 3 8 9

8 2 1 9

4 7 1 3

6 2 7 4

7 8 1 6

8 6 7 2

3 8 5 4

2 6 7 4 8



3 6 1 5 4 8 77 8 3 9 6 54 5 7 2 1 3 91 5 2 8 9 48 3 9 1 5

3 7 4 8 6 12 8 3 9 7 5 4

7 4 1 2 3 66 9 1 5 4 3 8

2 9

1 4 2

6 8

7 6 3

4 6 2 7

9 2 5

6 1

5 8 9

7 2

STo solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.


2 74 9

6 7 35 4 9

1 5 8 76 9 1

1 8 23 6

8 5


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“EXCUSES, EXCUSES” by Roslyn Ashe

ACROSS 1 Almanac info 6 Wall St.

regulator 9 Thespian

Bernhardt 14 “___ With

Me” (popular hymn)

15 Zeta’s follower

16 Caribbean isle

17 Bearing freight

18 Hoover, for one

19 Mountain air?

20 Four Tops hit of 1965

23 The “S” in RSVP

24 Super finish? 25 Complimen-

tary 26 Blogger’s

tirade 28 Eyeglass

frames 29 Weight

lifter’s pride, in slang

32 In reserve 34 Superman’s

sandwich? 35 Opposite of

baja 36 Geraldine’s

claim (with “the”)

39 Gave out, as a battery

40 Retirement accts.

41 State flower of New Mexico

42 Camera type, for

short 43 “No ifs, ___

or …” 44 Sneak a look

at45 German

carmaker Fritz

46 Male swan 47 Letters near

7, on some old phones

50 Album that preceded “Britney”

55 Persona non ___

56 “Au contraire!” in the 1990s

57 “Key ___” (Bogart/Bacall film)

58 Harder to find

59 Morn’s opposite

60 Metric quart, approximately

61 George Jetson’s son

62 Legal thing 63 What the

rich live in? DOWN 1 Some surreal

paintings 2 Beaded

calculators 3 Stream with

far-reaching effects

4 Where the serpent prevailed

5 Watchtower guard

6 Feast celebrating the Exodus

7 List- shortening abbreviation

8 Marshmallow roasters

9 Give one’s assent

10 Stood 11 Impolite 12 Cain’s victim 13 10 to 20? 21 How some

like it 22 Michael

Keaton role 27 It was

dropped at Woodstock

28 ___ a beet 29 Neigh-

borhood get-together

30 Relating to the ear

31 Computer input

32 They’re not in your favor in Reno

33 First name

on the moon 34 Uncompro-

mising one 35 Together, in

music 37 Dug for

diamonds 38 Looks over 43 Bee house 44 Poker pile 45 Prefix

meaning “bone”

46 Makes reference to

48 Star in Orion 49 Annoying

night noise 50 Storybook

meanie 51 Ph.D. exam 52 Catherine

___ (Henry VIII’s sixth wife)

53 Peace emblem

54 Gallop or canter


Edited by Timothy E. Parker August 22, 2008

Universal Crossword

© 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com


HOROSCOPES by Eugenia LastHappy Birthday: Don't

live in the past when the pres-ent and future have so muchmore to offer. Expand yourhorizons, start new projects,learn new skills and meet newpeople. Get involved in any-thing that allows you to useyour skills and talents inunusual ways. Personalgrowth will help you getahead professionally. Strivefor perfection and satisfac-tion. Your numbers are 2, 11,15, 21, 28, 36, 45.

ARIES (March 21-April19): Avoid anyone makingunrealistic promises. Protectpersonal information andkeep your emotions undercontrol. Get out with oldfriends, or attend a reunionthat will bring back memo-ries. Your love life will takean interesting turn. 2 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May20): Invest in something youenjoy. Expand your interestsby offering your services for afee. Working from home willhelp you stay focused.Greater responsibility and sta-bility can be accomplished.Walk away from anyone whotreats you unfairly. 4 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June20): Don't let friends or rela-tives hinder your productivi-ty. Put the jobs that help paythe bills first. Someone youwork with will try to makeyou look bad. Make sure youdo what's expected of you inorder to avoid criticism. 3stars

CANCER (June 21-July22): Don't let anyone stand inyour way or upset you, dis-rupting your plans. Makeyour thoughts known so youcan move on without feelingguilty. Don't believe every-thing you are told, especiallyif it's someone promising theimpossible. 3 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):Expect to meet with delays orsetbacks if you have to dealwith government agencies orinstitutions. Taking care of anolder relative or domesticproblem should be donequickly, before you jeopard-ize your position or your rep-utation. 3 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Set the stage so you canshow off your capabilities.You may face competition,but if you remain steady and

precise, rely on past experi-ence and call in favors, youwill overcome any challengeyou face. 4 starsLIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.

22): Make a move if it willresolve an issue. Offer yourservices and refuse to let any-one stand in your way or takeover. Do whatever it takes tobe and do your best. A self-improvement project willboost your confidence. 2 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21): You have a chance tolearn something valuable.Watch what others do and say.Don't waffle when it comes todiscarding things you nolonger need. Focus on newventures and purchases.Fixing up your home willimprove your productivity. 5stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Initiate changes athome that will make you feelmore comfortable or that willenhance a relationship thatcontributes to your happiness.Don't donate to a cause youknow little about. Charitybegins at home. Focus onfamily relationships. 3 stars


Jan. 19): Travel to visit some-one you miss, who needs yourhelp or who has something tooffer you. Open up about theway you feel and how youwant to see a partnership takeshape. Don't let a last-minutechange of plans upset you. 3stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Weigh your optionsand consider how you canmake the most of your time.Ajob offer may limit time withfriends and family. Assesswhether you can make asmuch working for yourself orfrom home. Love is highlight-ed. 3 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20): Someone close to youmay not be revealing impor-tant information required foryou to make a good decision.Ask questions, and don't givein or give up until you get theanswers you need to moveforward. Anger won't solveproblems. 5 stars

Birthday Baby: You aresensitive, affectionate andengaging. You strive for per-fection.

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NEWS12 Thursday, June 21 2012 Daily Sound

The city of Santa Barbarawill hold pedestrian cross-walk stings on Thursday atvarious locations throughoutthe city.

City officials said authori-ties are performing the stingsbecause of recent cases ofpedestrians being struck byvehicles, and many more

complaints of near misses.Motorists and bicyclists arereminded to be alert forpedestrians attempting tocross the street.

Police to hold crosswalk stings today

U.S. may get 70 million-year-old dinosaur back

(Reuters) - U.S. authoritiessaid on Wednesday theyexpect this week to seize a 70-million-year-old dinosaurskeleton that was discoveredin Mongolia more than 65years ago and now is stored inNew York and at the center ofan international legal dispute.

A federal judge in NewYork has signed a warrant thatallows the U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security to seizethe skeleton of theTyrannosaurus bataar - anAsian cousin of the NorthAmerican Tyrannosaurus rex- from Dallas-based HeritageAuctions.

"We should have it by the

end of the week," said LuisMartinez, a spokesman forU.S. Immigration andCustoms Enforcement.

The seizure will be a"major step forward" for thegovernment of Mongolia,which is claiming sovereignownership and seeking theskeleton's return, said RobertPainter, a Houston attorneywho represents MongolianPresident Elbegdorj Tsakhia.

The skeleton - 8 feet(2.4m) tall and 24 feet (7.3m)long - has been stored incrates in New York City sinceHeritage sold it at auction toan unidentified buyer formore than $1 million on May

20. At the request of theMongolian government, aU.S. District judge in Dallasissued a restraining order pre-venting the skeleton frombeing moved or the owner-ship transferred while the dis-pute is pending.

Manhattan U.S. AttorneyPreet Bharara filed a lawsuiton Monday seeking the for-feiture of the nearly intactskeleton and its return to theMongolian government.

In New York, U.S. DistrictJudge Kevin Castel onTuesday issued an order toseize the fossil because it wassubject to forfeiture underfederal laws.

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