DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Agarwal A. Miliary Tuberculosis Presenting as Puerperial Fever. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases: 2011: 1-3. 2. Martini F.H., Welch K. The Lymphatic System and Immunity. In: Fundamentals of Anantomy and Physiology. 5th ed. New Jersey : Upper Saddle River, 2001: 132,151. 3. Savant C, Rajamani K. Tropical Diseases of the Spinal Cord. In : Critchley E, Eisen A., editor. Spinal Cord Disease : Basic Science, Diagnosis and Management. London : Springer-Verlag, 1997 : 378- 87. 4. Tachdjian, M.O. Tuberculosis of the spine. In : Pediatric Orthopedics.2nd ed. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1990 : 1449-54 5. Vitriana. Spondilitis Tuberculosa. Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi. FK UNPAD: 2002. 6. Currier B.L, Eismont F.J. Infections of The Spine. In : The spine. 3rd ed. Rothman Simeone editor. Philadelphia : W.B. Sauders, 1992 : 1353-64. 7. Miller F, Horne N, Crofton SJ. Tuberculosis in Bone and Joint. In : Clinical Tuberculosis.2nd ed.: London : Macmillan Education Ltd, 1999 : 62- 6. 8. Fitri; Irhani F. Spondilitis Tuberculosa Servikalis. Lecture Papers- Ilmu Penyakit Saraf. USU Institutional Repository. 2011. 9. Spiegel DA, Singh GK, Banskota AK. Tuberculosis of the Musculoskeletal System. Techniques in Orthopaedics. 2005 ; 20 (2) : 167-178.

Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1



1. Agarwal A. Miliary Tuberculosis Presenting as Puerperial Fever. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases: 2011: 1-3.

2. Martini F.H., Welch K. The Lymphatic System and Immunity. In: Fundamentals of Anantomy and Physiology. 5th ed. New Jersey : Upper Saddle River, 2001: 132,151.

3. Savant C, Rajamani K. Tropical Diseases of the Spinal Cord. In : Critchley E, Eisen A., editor. Spinal Cord Disease : Basic Science, Diagnosis and Management. London : Springer-Verlag, 1997 : 378-87.

4. Tachdjian, M.O. Tuberculosis of the spine. In : Pediatric Orthopedics.2nd ed. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1990 : 1449-54

5. Vitriana. Spondilitis Tuberculosa. Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi. FK UNPAD: 2002.

6. Currier B.L, Eismont F.J. Infections of The Spine. In : The spine. 3rd ed. Rothman Simeone editor. Philadelphia : W.B. Sauders, 1992 : 1353-64.

7. Miller F, Horne N, Crofton SJ. Tuberculosis in Bone and Joint. In : Clinical Tuberculosis.2nd ed.: London : Macmillan Education Ltd, 1999 : 62-6.

8. Fitri; Irhani F. Spondilitis Tuberculosa Servikalis. Lecture Papers- Ilmu Penyakit Saraf. USU Institutional Repository. 2011.

9. Spiegel DA, Singh GK, Banskota AK. Tuberculosis of the Musculoskeletal System. Techniques in Orthopaedics. 2005 ; 20 (2) : 167-178.

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