D5.1 ELSA Implementation Scenarios - TRIMIS · 2015-07-03 · SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation...

Project funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development Directorate General Information Society and Media Project funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development Directorate General Information Society and Media Project funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development Directorate General Information Society and Media D5.1 ELSA Implementation Scenarios Version Status Final File name SATIE_D5.1_ELSA_implementation_ scenarios.docx Main Author Teije Gorris & Han Zwijnenberg (TNO) Dissemination Level RE Delivery date July 5th 2012

Transcript of D5.1 ELSA Implementation Scenarios - TRIMIS · 2015-07-03 · SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation...

Project funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development Directorate General Information Society and Media

Project funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development Directorate General Information Society and Media

Project funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development Directorate General Information Society and Media

D5.1 ELSA Implementation Scenarios

Version Status Final File name SATIE_D5.1_ELSA_implementation_

scenarios.docx Main Author Teije Gorris & Han Zwijnenberg

(TNO) Dissemination Level RE Delivery date July 5th 2012

Document control sheet

Version history

Version Number Date Main author Summary of changes

1 15-3-2012 Teije Gorris Index

2 8-5-2012 Teije Gorris First Draft

3 16-5-2012 Teije Gorris Second Draft: updated contributions by partners on scenarios and assessment framework added

4 31-5-2012 Teije Gorris & Han Zwijnenberg

Final Draft: updated contributions by partners on scenarios, examples added, conclusions added.

5 4-6-2012 Sébastien Mure First quality check

6 5-7-2012 Teije Gorris Comments quality review processed into final version


Date Name

Prepared 5-7-2012 Teije Gorris

Reviewed 5-7-2012 SATIE QC unit


SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Table of Contents

TERMS .............................................................................................................................................. 6

ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 6

MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 8

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................ 9

1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT .................................................................................... 9

2 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 11

2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 11

2.2 ABOUT SCENARIOS .......................................................................................................... 11

2.3 DIFFERENT SCENARIO TYPES ........................................................................................ 12

2.4 SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT IN SATIE ............................................................................. 13

3 ELSA CONCEPT AND ELEMENTS ........................................................................................... 15

3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 15

3.2 ELSA CONCEPT ................................................................................................................. 15

3.3 ELSA ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................... 18

4 SCENARIO ‘SMART AND HEALTHY CITY’ .............................................................................. 24

4.1 FUTURE SITUATION IN 2022 ............................................................................................ 24

4.2 DRIVERS & CHALLENGES ................................................................................................ 26

4.3 IMPACTS ............................................................................................................................. 27

4.4 ELSA ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................... 28

5 SCENARIO ‘SMART AND GREEN CORRIDOR’ ...................................................................... 33

5.1 FUTURE SITUATION IN 2022 ............................................................................................ 33

5.2 DRIVERS & CHALLENGES ................................................................................................ 36

5.3 IMPACTS ............................................................................................................................. 37

5.4 ELSA ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................... 38

6 SCENARIO ‘SMART AND THRIVING REGION’ ....................................................................... 45

6.1 FUTURE SITUATION IN 2022 ............................................................................................ 45

6.2 DRIVERS & CHALLENGES ................................................................................................ 47

6.3 IMPACTS ............................................................................................................................. 48

6.4 ELSA ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................... 48

7 ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................... 54

7.1 INDICATORS....................................................................................................................... 54

7.2 PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 55

7.3 DEPLOYMENT BARRIERS ................................................................................................ 57

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


8 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 60

8.1 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 60

8.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................... 61

9 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 64

ANNEX: EXAMPLES FROM OTHER PROGRAMS, INITIATIVES ................................................... 65

ANNEX: SATIE CONTRACTUAL REFERENCES ............................................................................. 70

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Table of figures

FIGURE 1: GENERAL STRUCTURE OF ELSA CONCEPT. ........................................................... 16

FIGURE 2: ELSA PHASES .................................................................................................... 22

FIGURE 3: VISUALIZATION OF SMART AND HEALTHY CITY ...................................................... 24

FIGURE 4: TIMELINE SCENARIO SMART AND HEALTHY CITY .................................................... 25

FIGURE 5: VISUALIZATION OF SMART AND GREEN CORRIDOR ................................................ 33

FIGURE 6: TIMELINE SCENARIO SMART AND GREEN CORRIDOR .............................................. 36

FIGURE 7: VISUALIZATION OF SMART AND THRIVING REGION ................................................. 45


FIGURE 9: ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK .................................................................................. 57

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Terms and abbreviations




A test-bed is a research or development infrastructure instrumented and composed of road and traffic infrastructure, back-office systems, ICT hardware and software, and organisational/legal arrangements supporting technology verification, field operational tests, pilot deployments, methodology validation and impact assessment.

Innovation incubator Innovation incubators work in the interface between the sets of innovation and entrepreneurship supporting entrepreneurs to develop business.

Test Bed Innovation Incubator (TBII)

TBII is a key element of ELSA concept, which integrates test-bed with market oriented innovation incubator.


AHA ......................................................................................... Active and Healthy Ageing EIP

BIC ......................................................................................... Business and Innovation Centre

EBN ............................................................. European Business & Innovation Centre Network

EGCI ......................................................................................... European Green Car Initiative

EIB ................................................................................................ European Investment Bank

EIP ....................................................................................... European Innovation Partnership

EIT ................................................................. European Institute of Innovation & Technology

ELSA .......................................................................................... European Large Scale Action

ERDF .......................................................................... European Regional Development Fund

ESINET .......................................................................... European Space Incubators Network

FOT ....................................................................................................... Field Operational Test

FI ............................................................................................... Future Internet Program PPP

ICT ................................................................... Information and Communication Technologies

ITS ........................................................................... Intelligent Transport Systems & Services

KPI ............................................................................................... Key Performance Indicators

MoU .................................................................................... Memorandum of Understandings

NGO ...................................................................................... Non-Governmental Organisation

PT .................................................................................................................. Public Transport

PPP ................................................................................................. Public-Private Partnership

P2P .................................................................................................. Public-Public Partnership

R&D ............................................................................................. Research and Development

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


RTD ....................................................................... Research and Technological Development

SATIE ....................................................................... Support Action for a Transport-ICT ELSA

SME ................................................................................. Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

TBII ........................................................................................... Test Bed Innovation Incubator

WHO .............................................................................................. World Health Organisation

WP .................................................................................................................... Work Package

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Management Summary

Deployment in Europe of ICT solutions for mobility and transport remains fragmented and

limited in scale and impact, while a European mass market is still waiting for the starter’s

gun. A European Large Scale Action (ELSA) is needed in order to bring the many valuable

results of research, development and innovation projects together, focus them towards

deployment and apply them to address today’s mobility challenges.

As a first step towards a large scale action for ICT for Transport, SATIE developed the

concept and elements of an ELSA within WP3. SATIE WP5 has set the next step by

implementing the concept and elements in deployment scenarios to illustrate how an ELSA

will work in different situations and contexts. The goal of scenario development is to

facilitate the further development of the concept of an ELSA and to provide a framework for

a qualitative analysis of effects of an ELSA and effectiveness of different options.

Three ELSA implementation scenarios have been developed through an interactive process

in which research organisations and stakeholder organisations have contributed. Each

scenario has distinctive characteristics with regard to the type of ICT for Transport

implemented, geographical location, the network of actors and their objectives. These

scenarios are:

- Smart & Healthy Cities

- Smart & Green Corridors

- Smart & Thriving Regions

For each scenario it has been explored what the implementation of different ELSA elements

could look like given the specific (local) circumstances. This has given insights in variables

that may influence the effectiveness of an ELSA (deployment barriers, relevant actors and

potential test sites). Based on the scenarios an assessment framework has been

developed. The framework will be used in the next steps of SATIE WP5 for the qualitative

analysis of the effects of an ELSA and the effectiveness of different options.

The implementation of the current concept of an ELSA by means of scenarios has

highlighted conclusions and recommendations for the next steps with regard to the

development of the ELSA concept and elements and the analysis of effects of an ELSA. In

order to come to thorough analysis of effects it is necessary to further develop the ELSA

elements – especially financing, governance, network of test beds and indicators - into

operational and applicable guidelines for stakeholders planning to and participating in an

ELSA. Alignment with developments in EC policy and instruments (specifically the

development of Smart Cities EIP) is essential.

A necessary next step with regard to the scenarios is to validate them with the

stakeholders. An interactive process should generate input for the formulation of a strategic

goal for an ELSA, timelines, types of ICT for Transport solutions to be implemented and

potential funding instruments. The validated scenarios will form input for the analysis of

effects of an ELSA and the development of an ELSA handbook, and above all will gain the

support from innovators and investors to be participating in an ELSA.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


1 Introduction

Deployment in Europe of ICT solutions for mobility and transport remains fragmented and

limited in scale and impact, while a European mass market is still waiting for the starter’s

gun. A European large scale action is needed in order to bring the many valuable results of

research, development and innovation projects together, focus them towards deployment

and apply them to address today’s mobility challenges.

A large-scale action approach should:

shorten the innovation cycle of research, development and market introduction

link developments throughout Europe

give authorities and users a larger role in defining needs that the industry could

respond to

create partnerships among all stakeholders involved

bring together in a coordinated way funding from various sources

link local, regional, national and European development programs and funding

be directed towards addressing societal goals as well as business development for

small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and larger companies alike.

The European Commission appointed the SATIE project to explore options for defining and

launching a European Large Scale Action (ELSA), which fulfils the criteria above. An ELSA

could be closely linked to - if not actually included within - the next EIP on mobility in Smart


1.1 Purpose of this document

The goal of SATIE WP 5 is to provide input for the DG-INFSO in their task to evaluate the

use of an ELSA. This work package has two main objectives:

Develop an assessment framework based on the generation of scenarios for

implementation of a potential ELSA, corresponding to the preferred or most likely

options for each important element;

Determine potential effects and added value of an ELSA and the interest of potential

ELSA participants to invest under various implementation scenarios. This is done

both in response to requests of the European Commission customer and as input to

the ELSA Handbook by the end of the project.

This document presents the first results of SATIE WP5. Three scenarios have been

developed A scenario approach enables a flexible communication with stakeholders

involved. The scenarios will be used in the next step in SATIE WP5, which deals with the

qualitative analysis of the effects of an ELSA and the effectiveness of different options. The

results of SATIE WP5 will be incorporated in the ELSA handbook (D3.2).

1.2 Structure of the document

Chapter 2 will describe the methodology applied. It will provide the explanation and

argumentation for the scenario approach. Chapter 3 describes the current concept of an

ELSA as has been developed in the first stage of SATIE WP3. It will describe the ELSA

concept and the ELSA elements. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 will describe three scenarios that

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


have been developed within SATIE WP5. Each scenario describes the potential

implementation of the ELSA in a different context. The scenarios have been built around

variations of geographical scale (city, corridor, region), of (end-)user needs (environment,

safety, efficiency) and of the main actors involved. Chapter 7 describes the assessment

framework that will be used in the next step of SATIE WP5 to analyse the potential effects

of an ELSA in a qualitative way. To conclude, chapter 8 provides the conclusions and

recommendations of this study, and gives a perspective on the next steps within SATIE

WP5 and other tasks within SATIE.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


2 Methodology

2.1 Introduction

The concept of ELSA is under development. First and important steps to develop the

concept of ELSA have been set in the ELSA Taskforce (prior to the SATIE project) and in

SATIE WP3. In the next phase of SATIE next steps will be taken to make the concept of

ELSA more concrete and applicable.

Given the developments in this stage of the project a scenario approach has been chosen

as means to analyse the effects of an ELSA implementation. A scenario approach provides

a flexible approach that fits the characteristics of the current situation. This chapter will

describe what scenarios are, how they can be used and how they have been applied within


2.2 About scenarios

There are several definitions for a scenario:

Plausible stories about how the future might unfold from existing patterns, new

factors and alternative human choices. The stories can be told in the language of

both words and numbers.

Plausible descriptions of how the future may develop, based on a coherent and

internally consistent set of assumptions about key relationships and driving forces.

A tool for ordering one’s perceptions about alternative future environments in which

one’s decision might be played out.

Plausible alternative futures, each an example of what might happen under

particular assumptions.

A story about what happened in the future.

Why use scenarios? The main function of scenarios is to create awareness by

communicating clear representations of a possible future (within the context of SATIE the

future situation with an ELSA implemented). They can be used to gain acceptance of

forecasts. Scenarios can help to get people to think about the unthinkable or to consider

what they would do given an uncertain situation. This is useful for policy-makers as well as

for other stakeholders.

The use of scenarios enforces the user of the approach to think through the data available

and the ways in which the future is likely to shape based on the information available. For

scenario techniques, when certain information is not available, assumptions will be created

in order to forecast the future state of events. These assumptions offer a point of discussion

with stakeholder groups, and furthermore offer those interested in understanding the

outcomes, a way to critically examine the choices made in scenario construction. It is

therefore a necessity to document well the underlying assumptions.

Scenarios offer the possibilities to explore possible developments that may influence the

impact of an ELSA (level of innovation, partnership community, facilities etc.) and integrate

information from different policy domains (eg. energy, economy, health, etc.). Assumptions

could be explored with regard to: alternative types of transport-ICT measures or packages

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


that might be implemented (eg. warning systems, routing information and services, systems

for platooning, open data standards, etc), to discuss specific issues relating to ICT for urban

transport and mobility (an overview is presented in section 7.2), (future) funding sources

available, the methods in which ELSA in practice can be endorsed as part of European ICT

and competitiveness policy or Smart Cities EIP, and how different constellations of actors

may influence the deployment of ICT for Transport (in e.g. the testbeds and innovation

incubator which at present does not exist in the role that is envisaged in the future).

The scenarios can be used by the EC-DGINFSO and the SATIE community to ‘sell’ ELSA

within the Commission, to member states and regional authorities and industry and other

organizations throughout Europe. They will help to fit ELSA in Commission policies

currently under development (Horizon 2020, Smart Cities EIP), to policies and instruments

of member states (such as innovation policies, procurement frameworks and planning

horizons from authorities on lower level) and to the industry needs and approaches.

The scenarios will help to generate alternative ways to conceive and implement an ELSA,

so that both EC and future ELSA participants can understand and make their choices

regarding all of the ELSA elements identified in SATIE D3.1 (summarised in chapter 3 of

this report). They will help to further develop the ELSA concept and handbook in WP3,

define the elements of an operational ELSA in WP4 and provide a basis for a qualitative

analysis of the potential effects of ELSA in WP5.

2.3 Different scenario types

There are many types of scenarios using different kinds of categorisations. Examples are

exploratory and anticipatory scenarios, baseline and alternative scenarios, qualitative and

quantitative scenarios, preferential and doomsday scenarios.

The categorisation in exploratory and anticipatory scenarios is the most fundamental. The

exploratory scenario has a fundamentally different function compared to the anticipatory

scenario (see table below). The exploratory scenario starts from the present situation and

defines possible paths towards possible futures. The anticipatory scenario starts from a

future situation and defines paths (or policies) to reach this future. This does require a clear

and commonly agreed desired future situation.

Exploratory scenarios Anticipatory scenarios

(also ‘normative’ scenarios)

- present → future - to explore uncertainties/driving

forces/developments - to test impacts of implementing specific


- present ← future (back casting) - to investigate how specific end state

can be reached - to show how to achieve specific targets

Table 1: Characteristics of Exploratory and Anticipatory Scenarios

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


With regard to the deployment of ICT for Transport the exploratory scenario approach could

be used in order to explore the possibilities and test impacts of different specific policies to

accelerate the deployment of ICT for Transport. An ELSA could be one of the policies next

to other policies, initiatives or instruments. The scenario approach would be aimed at

supporting the EC in their decision on what instrument or policy to choose.

As described in the introduction and elaborated in D3.1, the goal of SATIE is to prepare an

ELSA to contribute to large scale deployment of ICT for Transport. The approach being

followed in the project is aimed at investigating how this can be reached. Given these

characteristics – there is a clear target, the aim is to show how this target is to be achieved

- the anticipatory scenario approach has been chosen to apply in SATIE WP5. The

scenarios could be used to illustrate how the implementation of an ELSA could look like in

different circumstances, with the implementation of different ICT for Transport packages

and what factors influence the effectiveness of an ELSA.

2.4 Scenario development in SATIE

For SATIE the following definition of scenario has been adopted: a scenario is the principal

combination of options for the construction and implementation of an ELSA. It describes a

clear representation of a possible future in which the concept of ELSA (as developed in

WP3) has become operational and is implemented and adopted by the DG-INFSO.

A scenario describes the implementation of types of ICTs for Transport and maps out the

relations between the different elements of ELSA (governance and partnership, financing

and business models, innovation sequence and management, pan-European dimension,

etc.), drivers and barriers (technological, legal, economic, etc) and the context in which the

ELSA has been implemented (alignment with European and National/Regional policies,

specific regional context, etc).

Each scenario will be constructed along the following elements:

Future situation in 2022: by means of newspaper headline – and narrative providing the

explanation - the future situation will be described in which ELSA has been fully

implemented and been running for 6-8 years. A timeline will describe the possible

implementation process of ELSA.

Drivers & challenges: Each scenario will address important drivers and challenges that

have to be dealt with when setting up an ELSA. The level to which the drivers and

challenges have will be taken into account in setting up an ELSA for a large extent

determines the potential effects.

Impacts: this aspect will describe the sort of impacts are being expected of the ELSA


ELSA elements: the results of WP3 (D3.1) – current definition and concept of ELSA -

will be used as a starting point. Each scenario will describe how the ELSA elements

(governance and partnerships, business models and financing, innovation sequence

and management etc) have been effectuated and implemented.

The scenarios have been developed in an interactive process. First a ‘pressure cooker

session’ has been organised with SATIE partners. A pressure cooker is a 4 day intensive

working session in which the SATIE partners have discussed and developed three

scenarios. The advantages of this approach are the gains of efficiency (as the focus is

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


completely on the scenarios for a couple of days) and the creative energy (the pressure of

delivering results in a short time frame).

Following the draft scenarios have been further enhanced in an iterative process of

stakeholder consultation – by means of workshops with and specific contribution by

stakeholder groups – and discussion of the results with the project partners.

In the next step of SATIE WP5, the scenarios will be discussed and finalised with relevant

stakeholders. This is necessary to further specify the ELSA elements and align

expectations. Relevant stakeholders are potential ELSA participants, the EC, national

member states, road operators and industry. The finalised scenarios will be used to assess

the effects of an ELSA. The scenarios will form the basis for the analysis of relations

between different variables (the implementation of types of ICTs, variation in the different

ELSA elements, deployment barriers) and the outcome of the ELSA.

The results of the scenarios will be used in other parts of the SATIE projects to develop the

ELSA handbook and development of the operational elements (network of test beds and


SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


3 ELSA Concept and Elements

3.1 Introduction

The SATIE project has kicked off in late 2011 will run until 2014. The concept of ELSA is

still under development. By the end of March 2012 a first report (D3.11) describing the

ELSA concept note was submitted to the Commission. The ideas presented in the report

were used as a starting point for the scenarios. Based on the concept note, this chapter

describes the main features of an ELSA, both the concept and elements. The application or

implementation of these features will be further elaborated in the subsequent chapters

describing the implementation scenarios. The experience of applying the first concept of

ELSA into the scenarios will be used to formulate recommendations for further steps in

SATIE WP 3 and WP4.

3.2 ELSA Concept

3.2.1 Strategy and goals

The strategy and design of ELSA should address major societal challenges of transport;

boost the economy and European competitiveness, while helping to overcome barriers for

transport-ICT deployment. The demand side at local level - public authorities, road

operators, end users - should be in the lead, defining the actual problems to be tackled with

a large-scale action in cooperation with the business sector. The demand side can also

support the take-up of ITS in European and global markets, e.g. by innovative and pre-

commercial procurement. ELSA would support a shift from a technology research

orientation to a deployment focus through a demand-led strategy plan, vision and goals.

These will be defined in cooperation between all stakeholders, reinforcing the commitment

of the participants. ELSA is expected to operate during 6-8 years with pre-defined phases

and progress evaluations. All actions within ELSA would support continuously the

introduction of new products and services into the market. Each phase would have clear

goals, and key performance indicators will be set to enable evaluations of each ELSA

action. In addition to traditional research project evaluation criteria, the goals would include

indicators measuring started business and deployment activities.

A significantly larger scale of action demands correspondingly large funding: ELSA would

therefore find synergy between available financial instruments. The goal would be to

multiply the effect of individual funding instruments by combining and focusing them on a

single initiative, thus pooling EU and national, public and private resources. ELSA would set

up a Coordinated Funding Framework enabling easy access to funding e.g. via Innovation


ELSA would create a European network of stakeholders with similar needs and provide

new mechanisms for sharing information. Learning from others and sharing of information

would be enabled in all levels of ELSA activities e.g. by linking resources and sharing

results and data. Since ELSA should create a high level of awareness, communication will

be one of the key activities. Each ELSA action area would have its own strategic plan with a

European level vision, goals and roadmaps, as well as some special local requirements.

1 SATIE 2012, D3.1: Preliminary Concept of ELSA for Transport.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


ELSA action areas would therefore offer flexible embedding of national and local actions

into a Europe-wide innovative collaboration.

3.2.2 General structure and architecture

The high-level view of an ELSA structure would show a Europe-wide grouping of public and

private partners able to drive and steer a large-scale action. They would ensure a

transparent and effective governance of the initiative while representing the societal and

commercial aims of the public and private stakeholders. The governing body would also

define the organisation and procedures for ELSA and its activities, such as financial and

organisational aspects, as well as the workplan for constituent activities. It would also

organise any selection procedures for choosing specific ELSA activities, locations and


Underneath this umbrella would be a group of ELSA innovation and deployment sites,

where specific measures would be implemented, according to a mix of European-level and

local ITS measures representing both the top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Figure 1: General structure of ELSA concept.

Locally, each ELSA component would be built on and would re-use any existing or

imminent ITS or other needed infrastructure. This might include a test-bed from a current

project as well as a local research community or – as an even better scenario – a

programme to start up innovation amongst academic and industrial research centres, and

starting up or bringing in innovative entrepreneurial companies. The ELSA concept will

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


create a convergence of efforts towards the acceleration of innovation and deployment in


The ELSA concept comprises the following elements (see Figure 1):

Governance and partnering

Financing framework

Action areas

Network of Innovation Incubators with test-beds.

3.2.3 Large scale action areas

ELSA should enable a flexible framework that comprises both a pan-European approach –

including the appropriate facilities for successful innovation - and at the same time is able to

adapt to specific circumstances for example:

Mobility needs: a city as a network connecting places to live, work and recreate or

a network of corridors effectively connecting cities and economic centres, etc.

Stakeholder needs: safe, efficient, clean economic viable transport for road users

(vulnerable, elderly, commuters, shippers, carriers, etc.), service providers,

inhabitants and administrations, etc.

Societal needs: such as road safety, air quality in cities, efficiency and throughput

on corridors, economic prosperity in regions.

There are many possible differentiations. As stated, within the ELSA framework three types

of ‘action areas’ have been identified leading to the vision of a Smart Europe:

Smart and Healthy Cities

Smart and Green Corridors

Smart and Thriving Regions.

Each action area addresses a ‘need’ with regard to the deployment of ICT in Transport.

3.2.4 Innovation management and Innovation Incubators

There are a number of research project test sites and test-beds associated with large or

small ITS implementations in Europe today. However, they are often working independently

with some potential overlapping and without clear business orientation. SATIE is exploring

the issue of ITS test-beds within the Innovation Incubator concept. Incubators are

programmes designed to accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial

companies through an array of business support resources and services, developed and

orchestrated by incubator management and offered both in the incubator and through its

network of contacts. Incubators vary in the way they deliver their services, in their

organizational structure, and in the types of clients they serve.

The structure of existing pan-European networks supporting innovation incubators could

help to organize an ELSA around business oriented organisational models of action. For

example, the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN) is now a leading non-

governmental pan-European network bringing together more than two hundred Business &

Innovation Centres (BICs), together with similar organizations such as incubators,

innovation and entrepreneurship centres across the Europe. Another example is the

European Space Incubators Network (ESINET), which is an experimental thematic platform

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


for the transfer of knowledge and technologies in the field of space industry. These

examples show similarities with the idea of Test Bed Innovation Incubators (TBII) targeted

by SATIE. These are generally located close to technology centres, with test-bed facilities;

they are looking at business development in cooperation with small and big companies as

well; they receive public funding at the local and regional levels. However, adaptation to the

domain of ICT for Transport is needed.

The notion of Test Bed Innovation Incubators goes beyond the technical aspects to focus

also on evaluation from “experimental areas” of first commercialisation. From a general

standpoint, Innovation Incubators play a critical role in business development. They bring

together the skills and expertise necessary to help sustain and grow an enterprise; provide

facilities to rapidly test out new ideas in practice, with quick assessments; allow fast

learning across a community of innovators; and establish clear pathways for scaling up the

most promising models. Moreover, Innovation incubators provide investors and large

companies with better opportunities for innovations in which to invest. Innovations are

reviewed and supervised by experts, often venture capitalists, to ensure their quality and

the sustainability of their business. However, in order to ensure the success of incubators, a

network, clear operations model, and set of services and tools that are based on both the

objectives and the stakeholders, must be defined.

The visions supporting an ELSA would contribute to establishing a network of multiple TBII

locations that can support continued research, testing, and demonstration of connected

services, standards, applications, and innovative products. Test environments would also

serve as precursors or foundations for state and local/city/regional deployments. The TBII

network would be supported by a set of evaluators and private investors, who could steer

business development of ITS products and services, along economic rules of efficiency and

profitability, but also along the lines of societal goals for transportation needs supported at

European, regional and local policy levels.

Organising a network of ITS Test Beds around Innovation Incubators does not mean that

each TBII would be fully dedicated to ELSA objectives, but an ELSA would capitalise on

these existing structures. The network of TBII would act as a “virtual engine” for ITS

innovation and deployment supported by interaction and emulation among local partners.

An ELSA would support an organizational framework following structure similar to EBN,

which is organised towards innovation and incubators linked within an active network, under

a business vision orientation.

3.3 ELSA Elements

3.3.1 Governance and partnership

ELSA governance structure includes European, national and local level stakeholders and

organisations in balanced and flexible cooperation. On a European level, innovative,

harmonised and pan-European solutions are brought to the market. On a national level, the

pan-European types of actions are adapted to local needs. Governance structure integrates

European and national, funding, relevant stakeholders and innovation competences into

synergic process creating a win-win situation and fastening ITS up-take on all levels of the


SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


ELSA governance on the European level will be established by utilising the following

practical lessons learnt from the first experiences2 of the Pilot European Innovation

Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), Future Internet PPP and other recent or

on-going initiatives. The governance structure should be simple and flexible, representative

and balanced. Partnership building should be inclusive and open. It should also promote

synergies that can elevate innovations from a local to a European level. It is crucial to start

building the necessary partnerships already in the ELSA preparation stage (during the

SATIE project). Synergies and clear relationships with other related European initiatives

should be clarified from the start. Existing public and private financial and other resources

for research and innovation should be used in a smart way. Partnering has to bring together

European and national level players in Public-Public Partnerships (P2Ps) and Public-

Private partnerships (PPPs) and direct and facilitate them towards deployment of ICT for


Governance on a European level should also steer the innovation and deployment in a

structured and planned way. This can be done through formulation of research calls,

through dialogue with national funding agencies and by informing the research community

of the policy goals. ELSA concept requires new and innovative thinking of partnerships to

speed up innovation and to take innovations from a local to a European level. For instance,

bringing private investors on board, working together with the local public authorities, the

innovators and the TBII can generate fast solutions for market entry and the necessary

leverage required to bring innovations into a pan-European perspective.

3.3.2 Financing and business models

ELSA will require coordination of funding available from various sources. These funding

sources should contain local, national and regional level sources, as well as the potential to

utilize loans (from EIB etc.), private investments and PPP models. More precisely, through

each local TBII partnership, ELSA will bring together the funding available from different

sources, to match the business model in question. In addition to funding available at local or

national levels, the European dimension of ELSA will allow creating and facilitating

complementary access to European funding, such as EU grants or loans from European


As for the EU financing instruments concerned, particular attention will be paid to the

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Research and Innovation financing under

Horizon 2020, and financing for ITS under the Connecting Europe Facility, although ELSA

is naturally open to other sources of funding as well. In this respect, it is relevant to

emphasize that ELSA in the field of ICT for transport fits under the ERDF mechanisms for

regional development. Since the ERDF financial instrument addresses the EU’s economic,

social and territorial cohesion, the impact of transportation improvement on the revitalization

of local economies constitutes a most relevant issue. However, the technologies of the

“intelligent transportation” domain are rarely considered through their impact on innovation

and job creation, as well as product-oriented development and the competiveness of this

European industry as a whole.

Having identified the relevant financing instruments, ELSA will setup a Coordinated Funding

Framework that will enable easy access to funding within the different financial regulations

2 http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/pdf//eip_staff_paper.pdf

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that apply. ELSA will use its large-scale European dimension in order to create synergies,

exploit economies of scale and avoid the drawbacks of fragmentation. ELSA will tackle the

uncoordinated financing policies for ICT for Transport in different EU regions (yet fully

respecting their diversity) and it will contribute to the definition of common interests and the

promotion of shared solutions through different financing instruments, thus securing that the

(limited) financing available is directed to the best business cases addressing the most

pertinent mobility challenges.

As the large-scale deployment of transport-ICT solutions is being pursued, the

establishment of appropriate business models is also a key element of ELSA. The main

issue in this respect is to design business cases, in the sense that public subsidies –

whether regional, national or local financing – should not be a prerequisite for continued

deployment, but merely a catalyst for bringing the innovation to the market in a coordinated

way. In other words, the model to be developed within ELSA will focus on attracting

business and offering clear and viable perspectives under real market conditions, securing

appropriate return on investment in due time and manage the risks of investments. ELSA

will thus pursue ambitious but always realistic deployment scenarios, while taking into

account relevant quality and cost considerations, as well as their contribution to the EU’s



Funding for research, deployment and infrastructure is organised via different services

(DG’s) and instruments. Example: The PPP-FI, EIP-AHA and EGCI issue calls under FP7,

CIP, EUREKA, Structural Funds. The EIP AHA facilitates the network of interested

organisations by providing a market place listing AHA calls currently running under different

programs. The market place includes information about funding instrument/the program,

running time, beneficiaries, etc

3.3.3 Innovation sequence and management

The purpose of a ICT for Transport ELSA is to bring new ICT solution faster to the market.

This means that the sequence of research, development, testing, demonstration, pilots, test

markets, procurement and market penetration should be managed more as a continuous

flow of activities. Market penetration may also require additional efforts directed to faster


To manage this sequence more as a continuous flow, the following elements are needed:

long term programming,

stable partnership

business plan for the entire horizon of the partnership

financial commitment.

Programming: links between the various stages should be planned in advance and

secured during the process, of course subject to positive outcomes in each stage.

Partnership: In every stage of the innovation sequence new actors need to be involved:

research institutes (fundamental research and applied research), development departments

of larger companies or SME’s, in house or external test facilities, authorities and user

organisations, marketing departments of larger companies, buyers, production facilities and

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suppliers and investment agencies (public and private). A long-term interaction between

these different actors creates a faster throughput in the process.

Business plan: Investments in R&D should have a perspective in the next phases and it

should also be clear which actors will invest and where the revenue will come from and how

this will be distributed.

Financial commitment: Long-term commitment from authorities and companies is needed

to create a stable business environment in which every contributor is willing to invest its

own part in terms of manpower, ideas and financial resources.


ELSA is about scaling up deployment. During the program the innovation sequence must

converge ELSA investments, actions, business development etc. in order to overcome this

challenge. The sequence of PPP-FI provides an example: In Phase 1 the program starts

with 8 use cases on different application domains (mobility, safety, cities, etc). In phase 2

the use cases will be narrowed down to maximum 5 use cases. In the 3rd phase the use

cases will be expanded.

3.3.4 Monitoring the progress

ELSA will operate 6-8 years with pre-defined (e.g. 2 year) phases (see Figure 2). Each

phase of will have clear goals and key performance indicators (KPI) will be set for each

ELSA action. ELSA actions are systematically evaluated after each phase with KPI´s

towards pre-set goals. The evaluations after each phase will assess e.g. level of the

cooperation between stakeholders, started business and deployment activities and

‘deployment potential’, level of innovation, etc.

The level of the goals in the different phases of ELSA will increase during the running of

ELSA. For example cooperation between various stakeholders will be a learning process. In

the first phase, ELSA cooperation and partnerships will be established in the local level.

Pan-European linking and information sharing with established procedures can be set as a

goal in the second phase. New problems, goals, technologies and stakeholders will be

introduced throughout ELSA’s existence. This makes ELSA flexible for needed changes

and ELSA will evolve during the years.

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Figure 2: ELSA phases

3.3.5 Pan European dimension

One of the main strategic pillars and challenging factors of ELSA is the focus on the ‘pan-

European dimension’. This approach facilitates perspectives and potential - both research

as market wise – on both a European and a local level. Strategic programming of R&D

activities for the different action areas enables a more effective allocation of budgets and

investments; creating synergy and scale of testing. The network of TBIIs enables mutually

beneficial interchange of testing, development and learning between the different

stakeholders. The efficient organisation of learning processes on a European scale is a

prerequisite to rapidly advancing development to a mature level suitable for successful

deployment of the targeted innovations.

The holistic perspective on the barriers identified – e.g. organisational/institutional,

legislative, business models, etc. – will lead to harmonisation of the European market.

Examples of benefits include: standardisation of procedures, protocols and data, as well as

harmonisation of stakeholder roles, procurement, funding schemes and business models.

This holistic approach maximises chances for innovations being accepted by the users and

adopted in society.


The pan European dimension should facilitate an holistic and integrated approach to enable

further deployment. To facilitate interaction, networks have to be organized on different

levels and different actors.

The EIT ICT Labs deploys different catalysts to speed up innovation processes on existing

activities. To organize the learning process catalyst has been developed called ‘Best-

Practice Benchmarking’ the goal is to understand and integrate global best-practices to

create a self-reinforcing innovation ecosystem.

CIVITAS has established a CIVITAS FORUM to establish and facilitate interaction between

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both demonstration cities as non-demonstration cities.

3.3.6 Area action plans

The implementation of an ELSA would require a detailed action plan for each of these

areas taking into account the goals of these actions in a sequenced way and producing

finally systems and services capable for reaching the goals, shortening the time-to-market

and opening new business opportunities.

Area action plans should be able to integrate and utilise available instruments, commit

major stakeholders, manage innovation potential and integrate national and local levels into

synergic and efficient collaboration. These plans should include a clear vision and roadmap

on a European level that can then be adapted on national and local levels according to

special needs and fostering commitment. Area action plans should include goals and

related indicators of success, which can be used in monitoring of progress and assessment

of impacts during the sequenced ELSA implementation.

All three ELSA action areas must create relevant stakeholder commitment and operate

successfully on a European, national, regional and local level. The involvement of

stakeholder groups has to be flexible because organisation structures, roles, operation

models and principles may be different in national and local levels and in different member


3.3.7 Communication and dissemination

ELSA will also develop communication structures and instruments in such a way that a true

community of transport innovation incubators is created, ensuring that knowledge and best

practices are exchanged in a structured way between all the stakeholders that are part of

the innovation chain.

The knowledge accumulated within ELSA will of course be communicated continuously

within and between innovation incubators. In addition, however, also relevant initiatives and

their state of play, intermediate and final results as well as follow-up actions will be shared

with and between all other stakeholders having an interest in these developments, including

in particular the industry, authorities, professional organisations, etc. Without prejudice to

each incubator's own communication and dissemination strategy and tools, such

dissemination within ELSA will have a clear European dimension, so as to foster the

scaling-up of consecutive actions, the initiation of further follow-up initiatives and an

increasing spread of transport-ICT innovation all over Europe.

To speed up the deployment of ICT for transport, it is moreover crucial to create demand

and raise consumer awareness. This requires a joint effort by the industry and the wider

innovation community, including public and research communities. Once again, the pan-

European dimension of the objectives pursued requires raising consumer awareness in a

concerted way through cooperation at European level.

Communication, dissemination and awareness-raising within ELSA will consequently take

the form of a dynamic interaction process where all the main stakeholders will be able to

express their views in order to establish the much-needed bottom-up and top-down

approaches that will provide the essential links between policy, industry, users and real-life

transport-ICT scenarios.

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4 Scenario ‘Smart and Healthy City’

This chapter describes the ELSA implementation scenario ‘Smart and Healthy City’. It is the

first of three scenarios that have been developed following the approach described in

chapter 2. Examples have been added to illustrate how comparable elements have been

implemented in other initiatives.

This scenario focusses on the implementation of an ELSA on the geographical level of

cities. ‘Smart’ refers to the implementation of ICT for Transport – enabled by an ELSA - that

lead to intelligent mobility solutions. The ‘smart’ aspect has been used in the other

scenarios as well. ‘Healthy’ reflects the importance of this aspect as policy objective for

local administrations. It stands for the health of citizens and visitors, which will benefit from

stimulating energy efficient transport use (enabled by ICT for Transport e.g. stimulating

modal shift, green traffic management, facilitating electro-mobility etc.), which reduces


4.1 Future situation in 2022

Figure 3: Visualization of Smart and Healthy City

“London3 dropped 12 positions on the list of most polluted metropolitan areas”

3 In this scenario London serves as an example for any large urban metropolitan area in Europe

such as Paris, Munich, Barcelona etc.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Enabled by an ELSA, the deployment of ICT for Transport has its influence on the three

dimensions sustainability: environmental (ecological stability), economic (economic

efficiency) and social (distributional/social equity). This situation is addressed in the 2022

‘Smart and Healthy City’ scenario.

In this scenario the cities’ transport authority of 2022 has made publicly available several

sources of traffic information, which have been combined with personal information from

local travellers through social media. This has enabled private initiatives to develop

profitable apps that connects public transport and car- and ride-sharing concepts. A smart

connected mobility platform will have to be available to provide the solid basis for this


Future Smart and Healthy Cities have moved from the conventional stand-alone approach,

where only a few stakeholders are charged with finding solutions to the sustainability issues

of road transportation, to an integrated approach where all stakeholders contribute to

determine the best solutions for mobility problems with optimal technologies.

The Smart and Healthy City scenario includes ICT for Transport solutions for vehicle

technology. Vehicles are expected to remain dependent on fossil fuels and internal

combustion engines for this time-frame. However, for the long-term, when the shift towards

electric mobility will start in earnest, an integrated approach enabled by ICT for Transport

will be the most efficient concept - rather than concentrating only on vehicle technologies.

For the integrated transport system, including infrastructure, policymakers will still have a

strong focus on all possible technological alternatives.

At the same time the connected mobility paradigm shall be widely implemented and has

overcome all technological and economic barriers related to interoperability or to (societal)

profitability (as expressed by cost benefit ratios).


Figure 4: Timeline scenario Smart and Healthy City

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A possible timeline for successful deployment of ICT for Transport in Smart and Healthy

cities in Europe by means of an ELSA is described below. For the case at hand the

successful Smart and Healthy City scenario in 2022 requires a timely interplay of the

stakeholders in the city: London administration, industry and incubators. It further needs a

supporting policy that enables the development of new concepts. The roadmap that

emerges from this process needs an agreement between all stakeholders. Specific

milestones on the roadmap could be:

- 2014: New business concepts are developed at the multimodal hubs using unused

office spaces

- 2015: 10 million London commuters use the apps

- 2017: EU policy supports the roll-out in 3 other metropolitan area’s

- 2018: The mobility coefficient (number of trips on-time within schedule) is increased

by 25%

- 2018: Improved mobility attracts new business of SME’s in the city centre

- 2019: Japanese officials visiting London copy the concept

- 2020: An incidental success factor is the organization of electric power plugs

throughout smart corridors. They enable travellers to easily log-on and log-off their

electric vehicles. The roll-out of this additional infrastructure attracts many additional


- 2021: Exhaust fumes are reduced along the new smart corridors and health

conditions are improved

4.2 Drivers & Challenges

With almost two thirds of the population of the European Region living in urban

environments, societal challenges are broad. Societal themes like health & environment

and economic & social prosperity are the main drivers for cities (administration and politics)

and encompass issues to which the deployment of ICT for Transport will have to respond.

Urban areas are often unhealthy places to live, characterized by heavy traffic, pollution,

noise, violence and social isolation for elderly people and young families. People in towns

and cities experience increased rates of non-communicable disease, injuries, and alcohol

and substance abuse, with the poor typically exposed to the worst environments

(WHO/Europe). ICT for Transport could provide solutions for modal shift policies, safe

transport – with special attention to vulnerable road users – and air quality. Furthermore,

ICT for Transport could lower barriers for (public) transport modes and could stimulate

minority groups to participate in society.

The 2008 and 2012 economic crises have caused unemployment and economic downturn.

That was most visible in Europe's cities where the general tax incomes of urban

administrations have declined rapidly. Cities have to meet the challenge to reach policy

objectives while at the same time facing budget cuts. Investments will be closely monitored

and weighed. Hence deployment strategies for ICT for Transport should focus on the most

beneficial policy objectives against a minimum of public investment. This means using

legacy systems as much as possible (instead of investing in new technologies) and the

active participation of private companies.

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4.3 Impacts

Stimulation of “ecomobility” with eco-driving and eco traffic management has been


While vehicles have become more efficient, eco-driving and eco traffic management

together with the appropriate infrastructure investments have helped to reduce emissions

significantly. Eco-driving and eco traffic management represent enormous fuel and cost

savings in the urban area.

Changes in motorists’ driving behaviour save up to 20% on fuel consumption and costs,

thanks to the support that they get from their cooperative vehicle. Eco traffic management –

made possible through the combination of various local information sources to create a

real-time view on the state of the city - has also been implemented with specific measures,

such as charging and access management systems, which influence the mobility choices.

Electric vehicles are increasingly being used in the city, thanks to the efficient deployment

of charging stations and in-vehicle systems that help the driver to make the most suitable

and cost-efficient decision with regards to energy consumption. This high share of electric

vehicles has triggered the creation or further development of mobility services, such as car

sharing. ITS solutions have supported the widespread deployment of fully-electric vehicles

in the city by ensuring prediction and connectivity. The fully electric vehicle is now fully

integrated in the transport system.

A cooperative deterministic urban traffic management is in place and offers dynamic routing

for all connected vehicles based on their destination information, including fully-electric


Efficient urban freight and logistics

After having clearly identified that a reduction of the economic activities in the cities was not

an option, efficient traffic management solutions have been deployed to allow freight

transport in the city. These solutions not only improved the cost efficiency of city logistics,

but managed to lower the congestion delays, the fuel consumption as well as the CO2

emissions and emissions of local pollutants. The implemented solution includes dynamic

management of priorities at cross-roads, dynamic booking and scheduling of delivery

spaces, deployment of new urban logistics concepts such as freight buses, and low

emissions of last-mile delivery vehicles.

Fully informed travellers

Real-time information and real-costs alternatives have enabled citizens – including the

vulnerable road users - travelling from, to and within the city to make an informed choice

and opt for a safer, greener and more efficient travel. Multi-modal options are available and

fully integrated.

Travellers have access to real-time information on their journey time, by car or by public

transport, and the real cost of the option they choose. This is enabled for example by the

use of TPEG standards for travel information and services, as well as through the

deployment of 4G/LTE and broadband internet access over the city.

Route guidance, traffic information services and driver assistance systems are contributing

to a decreased amount of traffic jams and accidents. Location-based services such as

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


parking guidance and booking are improving safety and driving efficiency in the cities –

especially the city centres.

4.4 ELSA Elements

4.4.1 Governance and partnership

Within the ELSA framework (for example an EIP) London has emerged as a winning city

from a competitive call for proposals for smart city candidates. London will be in the driver’s

seat in managing the development of the Smart and Healthy City concept. This is a

requirement for development of platforms and standardised solutions which can foster

further innovative initiatives from companies, both large and SME-sector. The City

Administration should form a partnership which brings together PT operators, user groups

(inhabitants, retailers, PT users), industry, and distributors. This is best achieved through

open policy goals and establishment of Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) involving all

private sector and public sector stakeholders. These agreements set the basis for trust and

continued partnerships that enable innovators to become part of the policy implementation.

As London has made the data publicly available the business models will be based on

outreach to clients while fulfilling London’s policy goals.

London will set clear targets for the outcomes, in terms of volumes of passengers using PT,

the amount of emissions to be reduced by 2022, access of private vehicles to the City,

parking etc. However, based on the framework private companies should be encouraged to

develop services and concepts that help London to meet these objectives.

Collaboration between local authorities, road, rail and other transport operators, user

groups, the World Health Organisation (WHO), CIVITAS, POLIS and businesses has

proven to be crucial in reaching the Smart and Healthy City goals. They signed a covenant,

supported by the European Commission, to combine policy goals and instruments from

various domains into common goals. Various funding instruments have been combined.

The combination of various data sources into one combined platform required considerable

effort. It is envisaged that the Mayor will take a strong role in initiating the collaboration

across the different departments of the City. Integrated data management solutions will be

outsourced to private companies, with City officials ensuring that data access and integrity

issues are solved without compromising the individual’s rights. At the same time, the

possibilities that emerge for apps developers from these partnerships and open access to

data can be translated into solutions that speed up the smarter and greener city



CIVITAS: In the CIVITAS initiative the demand side is led by city administrations. Cities are

leading the implementation of sustainable mobility measures. The CIVITAS program

facilitates the implementation of a number of reference projects, in terms of project design,

management of the learning process, and evaluation. Commitment of the CIVITAS

partners is voluntary and there is no formal commitment to the societal goals. The FP7

framework supports the procurement process of the CIVITAS project activities that are

therefore limited to research only and not covering substantial roll-out.

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4.4.2 Business models and financing

London may wish to work together with innovation financing agencies such as the UK

Innovation Investment Fund to map out the best available solutions (and fit between

resources) to promote the greener and healthier smart city concept. Concepts developed

should be commercially viable, at least in the medium-term when coverage and penetration

rate becomes sufficient. This has been a particular challenge in the past, so offering free

trials and attracting as many clients as possible to use the services is critical for successful

deployment. The increased awareness of transport system users regarding the available

services will be key in reaching penetration rates that make the business viable. However,

when introducing service fees companies can take benefit of the large market size in a city

like London, allowing to keep prices low through larger user groups.

In the provision of public transport (PT), the services will continue to remain subsidised.

However, for private vehicle use cross-subsidy from petrol engine cars to electric and

hybrid cars can provide incentives towards a greener vehicle fleet. The same principle can

also be applied to congestion pricing, parking and fuel prices.

Additional funding from regional funds and the Smart Cities program can be used to finance

certain services. The overall funding envelope will consist of funding from several sources.

This is why London is to coordinate the innovations and to attract investors.

Due to the fact that different departments of the London administration have opened up

data for service providers, an industry has mushroomed that will provide new applications

combining services related to environment, health, education etc. with transport sector data.

The outcome is a system that provides the users more options than simply traffic data and

attracts people that are less frequent users of transport services to try the transport

applications as well.


Dominant in business cases at the city level is the public sector. To overcome barriers with

regard to risk management an ELSA should provide facilities to cover risks involved in

deployment actions. The European Initiative on Smart Cities provides an example: the

Initiative will be modulated according to the cities' ambition and the risk involved. Ambitious

cities could receive funding for technical assistance to facilitate access to loans and risk

sharing loans. Pioneer cities, taking much greater risks through radical technology and

organisational transformations, could in addition receive funding in the form of grants to

support the implementation of the proposed package of technologies and measures.

4.4.3 Innovation sequence and management

The main policy objective of the scenario is health. This aspect is critical when exploring the

transportation policy decisions implemented in London over the past years. London has

taken major initiatives in the early 2000’s to tackle traffic reduction needs and reduce

emissions that have a negative effect on the health of the London population. The major

management objectives show the interaction between technologies, deployment, and

financial operation of the pricing scheme. The most remarkable item is the persistence of

the political will to achieve better social results: traffic congestion reduction (productivity)

and emission reduction (health improvement) through road charging solutions.

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Nevertheless the expected results did not reach the overall goals stated when the first

charging solutions were implemented4.

Among many European projects, the ELSA board of evaluators selects the London project

as a major step for pan European deployment of ITS technologies to support a major shift

in mobility control and financing ( pay as you move) to achieve a sustainable urban growth.

The ELSA supports the running costs of the implementation phase and evaluates the cost-

benefits for a pan European implementation of the scheme. A European policy framework

for “pay as you move” urban initiatives through ERDF funding is directly articulated with the

evaluation phase of the project. On one hand ELSA is clearly supporting business

initiatives; on the other hand the new drafted regulatory and European financing

environment creates the conditions for a pan European deployment of the technologies and

services tested in London.

4.4.4 Monitoring the progress

London remains the owner and operator of the core functions of the system, which is

located within the Department of Transport. However, due to continuous interaction with

other departments of the London administration (Health, Education, Environment, Utilities

and Energy) the system keeps evolving and developing new solutions and applications to

transport system users. London will monitor user satisfaction through online surveys,

opinion polls and rating methods within the applications.

Results of monitoring provide insight for the innovation sequence and process. It provides

the information to steer on new problems to overcome, goals to adjust, new technology to

be developed and new stakeholders to be involved. It also leads to (market) intelligence

and provides insight to new and business opportunities. With regard to awareness raising,

continuous insight in user needs is needed.

4.4.5 Area action plan

To succeed as an ELSA, a Smart and Healthy City concept needs to be backed up by an

action plan, which requires a steering function from the EU level. In fact, the combination of

services offered in London is a result of the area action plan, which has focused on

developing Smart and Healthy City using ICT for Transport solutions combining health and

environment concerns. The solutions developed at various test beds across Europe are

combined under the leadership of the London to a locally working service mix.

The ability to scale up the innovation depends on the ways in which mobility solutions,

services and products can be integrated into other services and existing technology

platforms. In London, the traffic data, city maps and PT timetables were publicly available to

all developers and innovators to come up with ICT for Transport solutions and applications

that would help users in their mobility needs and London to meet its targets. The fact that

London has followed the instructions on opening up data access and providing

opportunities to integrate various services into the city’s core transport operations has

opened up the markets to free competition.

Example: action plan highlights of the AHA EIP in relation to headline target

4 Transport for London. Central London Congestion Charging Impacts monitoring Sixth Annual

Report, July 2008

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4.4.6 Pan European dimension

Services and innovations have been slingshot by the London Test Bed and Innovation

Incubator (TBII). The London TBII has been based on the Cisco Future Centre launched in

2011 among many other initiatives to speed up the innovation process within the UK start-

up environment. This Centre will form a major node and focus on the thematic areas of

Future Cities and Mobility, Smart Energy Systems, Internet of Things and Business Model


The ELSA deployment phase is supported by a technology spin-off association from the

French TBII for the Nice region.

The development of products and services developed in this scenario have been enabled

by the provision of access to various data sources. The core of the ‘Smart and Thriving

Region’ scenario are bottom-up developments and private initiatives enabled by open data.

The ELSA pan European network of TBII’s facilitates the exchange of knowledge and

experience and facilitates testing with open data, the interoperability of standards and

transferring technologies from the city to the region and vice versa.


Programs and initiatives Future Internet, European Institute of Innovation and Technology

(EIT) and CIVITAS have a Pan European Network of demonstration or test sites. An

overview of geographical linkages with this scenario:

Future internet: FI CONTENT project: Hertfordshire, United Kingdom; TRANSPHORM

project: London, United Kingdom, BBC Experimentation Lab

EIT ICT LABS: London is associated partner in network of ‘nodes’ (incubation sites)

CIVITAS: London, Brighton & Hove are demonstration sites in the CIVITAS initiative

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4.4.7 Communication and dissemination

London has consulted the leading institutions and initiatives in developing the Smart and

Healthy City. This involves among others the WHO healthy cities, CIVITAS and POLIS.

They are some of the key initiatives and organisations providing guidelines for creating the

Smart and Healthy City concept.

Due to its leading role as Europe’s largest city, developments in London have been

followed inside and outside the European Union. The media department has taken care of

managing the success story in the media and the fact that London has actively cooperated

with national and EU funding programmes has kept the TBII’s interested in the

developments within the Smart and Healthy City concept formulation.


The NiCE project (FP7), part of the EURO-cities Forum, supports cities in their effort to

reduce CO2 by means of ICT. By signing the Green Digital Charter, developed under the

Greenshift initiative, cities are committed to reduce emissions with 30% (in 10 years). NiCE

offers: tools (implementation framework, analysis and information resources); learning and

targeted exchange activities, and outreach and showcase cooperation opportunities.

Collaboration and coordination with the Smart City community give some direction to

maintain focus on the societal goals.

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5 Scenario ‘Smart and Green Corridor’

This chapter describes the ELSA implementation scenario ‘Smart and Green Corridor. It is

the second of three scenarios that have been developed following the approach described

in chapter 2. Examples have been added to illustrate how elements have been

implemented in other initiatives.

This scenario focusses on the geographical level of corridors: links or axis connecting cities

or hubs. ‘Green’ reflects the importance of this aspect as strategic objectives of road

operators and industry. ICT solutions facilitate cooperative driving solutions for efficient use

of the corridor capacity. This includes freight planning solutions in order to increase loading

factor. Furthermore ICT for Transport increase safety and security in cross-border corridors

(location based services, data mining eg.).

5.1 Future situation in 2022

Figure 5: Visualization of Smart and Green Corridor

“Smart and Green Corridor Helsinki-St.Petersburg5 becomes EU standard”

Smart and Green Corridors play an important role in connecting large urban areas (Smart

and Healthy Cities) and enabling green and safe trade. The functioning of corridors is

5 The corridor Helsinki - St. Petersburg serves as an example for any other European and/or cross-

European corridor.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


increasingly being threatened by criminal activities - vehicles, goods are stolen and

smuggling activities take place. The public authorities should provide security to users of

infrastructure; there is a need for enforcement because of fair competition. At the same time

demand for efficiency and environment is rising – both from both the public and private


The implementation of ICT for Transport contributes in dealing with the threats mentioned

and transitioning corridors into Smart and Green Corridors. A Smart and Green Corridor

combines information (safety and security) from the infrastructure, service providers,

authorities, operators, vehicles and provide information results in real time information.

Smart and Green corridors will have specific enabling capacities – using information

disseminated in the ports, airports, intermodal and logistic nodes - with regard to inter

modality and freight transport serving objectives with regard to the use of different modes of

transport. Furthermore Smart and Green Corridor will deploy specific ITS systems and

services that enable the planning of trips and routes according to traffic, weather and road


In the next decade future network activities are expected to be focused on developing key

enabling technologies for the future generations of the European high-speed broadband

and mobile network infrastructure, improving economic, spectral and energy efficiency of

access/transport infrastructures.

OEMs, automotive and technology suppliers, road operators, service providers, research

institutes all over Europe had been working together to create the technological building

blocks of the so called “cooperative mobility network” to enhance road safety, reduce traffic

congestion and emissions. In this network corridors will be equipped with intelligent

infrastructure, where smart sensor systems are integrated and combined with decentralised

data processing and fusion and real-time control, using different types of communication

such as 4G/LTE, DSRC. The full operational deployment of GALILEO has triggered the

creation of new tools and services, based on improved positioning and signal integrity and

authentication, and combined with digital maps.

Most of the vehicles using the Smart and Green Corridors are equipped with active safety

systems. They include advanced sensors and their human machine interface has largely

improved. Active safety systems are cooperative. They are also adaptive, and address

specifically the needs of vulnerable road users – such as motorcyclists, and ageing drivers.

They have largely benefited from the progresses made in data fusion. Under specific

conditions, autonomous driving has been implemented, and has proven to enhance safety

whilst reducing environmental impacts, increasing road capacity and providing a better

mobility access to several groups of people, such as elderly and disabled.


A possible timeline for successful deployment of ICT for Transport in Smart and Green

Corridors in Europe by means of an ELSA is described below.

In principle, for the case at hand the successful Smart and Green Corridor scenario in 2022

requires a timely interplay of the stakeholders in the corridor: road operators, manufacturing

industry, (insurance) companies involved in freight transport over the corridor and

supporting policy. The roadmap that emerges from this process needs agreement of all

stakeholders. A number of concrete milestones for the roadmap could be:

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


- 2014: first test with security systems based on tracking and tracing information

- 2015: 60% penetration level of tracking and monitoring systems of vehicles using

the corridor

- 2015: Road Side Units installed to test, demonstrate and support ITS


- 2016: large field operational test with nomadic traffic safety applications test to both

general as professional public on the corridor (e.g. alert and warning functions, road

& weather condition information, pre crash, signaling)

- 2017: First small scale test with platooning trucks with cooperative systems

- 2018: After successful first piloting the Smart and Green Corridor Helsinki-

St.Petersburg, 4 more corridors were granted with the financial support from TEN-T


- 2019: After 5 years of operation the Helsinki PP-initiative has created 1000 jobs in

SME sector along the corridor, including ICT and energy sectors.

- 2020: The road authorities of Slovakia, Czech Republic and Lithuania agreed to

privatize their main corridors network and granted a European consortium lead by

the French group Vinci the right of way to operate a fully automated truck line.

- 2020: Connected vehicles and or autonomous vehicles enabled by cooperative


- 2021: Despite traffic flow is increased of 20%, the number of reported incident

declined 40% as well as the severity of events.

- 2022: The implementation of ITS systems for travel and traffic information services

and for a dynamic management of corridor resulted in increased efficiency on the

corridor, travel time decreased (-15%) enabling an increase of trade (200%)

- 2022: The corridor operates as a smart energy supplier enabled by smart grids:

electrified roads, solaroads, fuel Cell, Hydrogen

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Figure 6: Timeline scenario Smart and Green Corridor

5.2 Drivers & Challenges

Corridors play an important role in connecting nodes in (trade) networks. Facilitating

efficient, safe and secure corridors will impact economic development alongside the

corridor and trade between EC and non-EC countries. The driving forces for the scenario

can be approached through many emerging economic and political concerns dealing with

trade increase between EC and non-EC countries, needs for reliable and faster transport

including border crossing, aspects of insurance and security, such as smuggling; increase

in stolen goods-loads-vehicles.

Nevertheless, the quality of environment remains a key objective, in the fast growing

north/east regions, and more specifically for corridors which represent a major bulk of the

tremendous growth of economic exchanges. How to monitor this growth without focusing

again on the old inefficient solutions of new road construction?

The implementation of ICT for Transport – in both transport management systems as within

the vehicles - will provide improved information about load, freight flows, origin sources and

destinations. Monitoring and mining the information will provide the intelligence that can be

used in and more efficient enforcement and control actions. At the same time these

technologies could be used in improving operations at border crossings. Road operators,

trade, insurance and trucking companies will gain from smart and safe corridors.

Another important driver that affects the scenario of the smart and green corridor is the

increased demands with regard to the environment. Both from a European perspective

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(Euro VI directives) as from local perspective (local air quality legislation) drive the

development of corridors and vehicles using the corridors into a greener direction. ICT for

Transport will help transport organisation, logistics and planning solutions, which will

contribute to reduce air pollution and noise, and improve efficiency. It will help road

operators in a more green traffic or corridor management. From the end user perspective,

ICT for Transport will help with a greener motor management (inside the vehicle) and will

help road users make greener choices.

Today the industry is working to implement the technological building blocks and the

standardisation process is in progress. It is time now to move from technology to

interoperability and standards that are country-neutral while evaluating the impacts on a

safe, efficient and clean mobility on a wide scale.

5.3 Impacts

The cooperative mobility network is the ground on which Smart and Green Corridor can be

built, as it is designed to enable applications to prevent road accidents for all road users

and to improve traffic efficiency, with a consequent reduction of CO2 emissions. The

integration of the cooperative mobility network with freight management systems will

facilitate the development of techniques for e-freight and e-customs leading to efficient and

increased security. From the technological point of view, the cooperative mobility network

should enable the use of different communication channels depending on the application.

Making an optimised use of different communication channels, it will be possible to extend

the cooperative mobility network to a centralised and multi-national level, for example to

traffic control centres for dynamic re-routing to prevent traffic congestion and in general to

optimise traffic flow (in the short and in the long distance) and reduce emissions.


Basically it is the carbon & environmental impact per piece of load, according to the “Work

done Principle”, but we propose some innovative control parameters such as following. ICT

for Data Monitoring and Data Managing will be essential for developing useful key

indicators within HCT Corridor transports:

What Description Trend

Goods value / transport costs Goods value that far exceeds the cost of the transport

Goes to great value

Freight volume / energy


Transported freight (tons) that exceeds the amount of energy required for transport

Goes to great value

Emissions / transport performance goods

Emissions for transported goods

decreases and approaches zero in

relation to transport of goods

tends to 0

Real time / forecast time Time required for transport is close to compliance with the forecasted transport

goes to 1

Strengthening smart hubs

A Smart and Green Corridor needs smart and efficient hub. At the same time Smart and

Green Corridors can strengthen hubs (or cities) connected to the corridor:

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Smart and strengthened services for the vehicles and the users i.e. drivers and

passengers. The extended service can create an extra value for the society.

ICT that increase the usage of space-efficient, safe and convenient hubs. Smart

parking & charging of electric vehicles that are closely connected to the public

transport services.

These strategic smart interchange-hubs at the core and periphery of urban areas need to

serve the dual purpose of personal and goods road transportation, as the consolidation of

the increasing traffic from transportation of goods will be integrated in these interchange-

hubs. ICT will be the facilitator for this.

Those smart multi-purpose hubs as one important element of the future cities transportation

infrastructure need to be easy to access by users and have to offer a combination of

additional, sustainable vehicle and transport related ICT services, such as trip-sharing/car-

pooling and maintenance, etc.

Improved capacity & Efficiency

The concept of Smart and Green Corridors, marked by a concentration of freight traffic

between major centres and the relatively long distances has shown a dramatic

improvement of the transport system efficiency. Within these corridors industry has

encouraged to rely on co-modality and advanced technology to accommodate rising

transport volumes while promoting environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. This

reflect an integrated transport concept where short sea shipping, rail, inland waterways and

road complement each other to make it possible to choose the best environmentally friendly

transportation for each transport.

Smart and Green Corridors are equipped with adequate transhipment facilities at strategic

locations (such as seaports, inland ports, rail yards and other terminals and installations)

and depots, initially made for traditional fuels but later equipped with bio fuels and other

forms energy carriers. The updated Service Infrastructure support this thanks to the widely

spread usage of smart integrated ITS services.

5.4 ELSA elements

5.4.1 Governance and partnership

The governance of an ELSA aimed at developing Smart and Green Corridors stretching

across national borders, in this case also crossing to a non-EU country, should focus on the

fact that corridors are a matter of national policy, combined with EU’s external relations.

Thus, the governance has to be heavily focused on authorities’ cooperation in terms of

security, safety, cross-border modalities and the integration of systems and user interfaces

on both sides of the border. As part of the governance process, the respective

governments, with the support of EU, should engage into a dialogue, which covers:

Cooperation between authorities, regional, national and EU levels, as the project

crosses national and EU border.

Interaction between private sector actors and public sector in terms of concept and

content development.

Dialogue on technologies involved, solutions offered, procedures of network

management etc. The authorities responsible for the actual infrastructure of the

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corridor have taken the lead on facilitating the corridor design and development,

which ensures that the process has started under coordinated leadership.

Organisation of the actors and other stakeholders to structure the parties playing a

role in the field of influence.

This can take place in the context of the (funding or R&D) program, which oversees the

research related to the particular topic. Important actors are customs, shippers, carriers,

ICT technology providers, security service providers, infrastructure operators (terminals,

rail, road, waterways); service (information: weather, congestion, security (active burglars))

providers; public authorities (ministries of Transport, Trade, Justice) and port authorities.

The ELSA governance in a Smart and Green Corridor should contribute to overcome the

possible barriers of individual interests of local actors that are keen to own innovative

systems and in the meantime to protect their own market. In this scenario the ELSA

governance structure should integrates several competences, coming from European and

national stakeholders, in to a synergic process, in a fruitful cooperation that can elevate

innovation from local to a pan-European perspective.

For example, a partnership between private investors, public authorities, innovators R&D

and Road Operators can generate an exchange of experience and knowledge both in term

of technological solutions and in cooperation models, facilitating the achievement of the



TEN-T requires strong involvement or lead from public authorities of member states to

enable funding for deployment activities.

Example of private lead on corridor level: EGCI. OEM/industry is organised in strategic

advisory board (note: and not a steering committee), developing roadmaps and milestones

stimulating deployment of ICT facilitating Green Hubs and Green corridors, transport

systems integration and safe and intelligent trucks.

5.4.2 Business models and financing

National governments and national or private road operators play an important role with

regard to developing business and financing models for ICT for Transport deployment in the

Smart and Green Corridors. There will have to be alignment between national interests or

policy and the actions at the corridors. Road operators, together with customs, are the

relevant operational bodies from governments in this respect.

The road operator, based on their knowledge and experience, would be able to define the

quality of transport service that can be produced as well as the corresponding costs and the

speed at which innovation can be taken up. Moreover, the road operator is well placed to

help assess user acceptance based on real user needs and the users’ readiness potentially

to pay for a service of a given quality.

So the road operator is able to direct and facilitate the market towards deployment of

specific ICT for Transport following realistic scenarios, speed up innovation accordingly and

help take innovations from a local to a European level in order to provide a better service to

users by setting real-life examples.

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Considering that an ELSA will require coordination and synergy of funding available from

various sources, also the road operator, as manager and producer of the transport service,

will provide fundamental support to innovation with own investments (within the scope of

any motorway concessionaire’s long-term contractual relationship).

Public-Private Procurement processes could be the instrument to be used in building up

PPP en P2P partnerships combining traditional infrastructure investments with innovative

smart transport solutions. For the tendering of these services procurement process may

need to take into consideration the open ended innovation process.

This approach could contribute to the definition of common interests and shared solutions

from both public and private sides, exploiting different financing instruments and learnt

lessons and ensuring that the financing available could be directed to best business case

addressing the most pertinent challenge and that the procurement process could be

oriented to a performance perspective.

Since the Smart and Green Corridor covers a multi-level and multi-national interest, various

funding streams provide potential. ELSA provides the instrument to combine or stack the

different sources to a maximum. Examples of sources are: TEN-T program, CBC (Cross

Border Cooperation) & European Neighbourhood & Partnership Instrument (ENPI), national

programs from member states.

Furthermore ELSA could bring together funding potential – based on their strategic

investment plans - of private stakeholders such as motorway and road operators, industry,

insurance and the freight sector (carriers, fleet owners, shippers). Driving force for their

investments are business opportunities. The incubators have a specific role to this aspect.

Therefore the model to be developed within an ELSA would aim to influence the real market

conditions and consequently attract business considering the real market conditions and in

this context, it is needed to promote the coexistence of private and public suppliers, acting

individually or in joint form. Then the model should secure an appropriate return on

investment, monitor the risk of investment as well as should guarantee a minimum level of

penetration and success of market.


To overcome barriers with regard to investments and investment risks ELSA could seek

cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB). The European Green Car Initiative

provides an example. Besides the funding made available via FP7 organisations in the

EGCI can also apply for loans from the EIB. Two EIB loan mechanisms will provide the

bulk of financing under the EGCI: The Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF) & The

European Clean Transport Facility (ECTF).

5.4.3 Innovation sequence and management

Road capacity issues, in-vehicle technology deployment, industry competitiveness and

viable market solutions need to be approached in a global and integrated manner to

achieve sustainable objectives of environment quality improvement. This is a role of the

ELSA network of TBIIs to allow this major innovation breakthrough through transitioning

dedicated corridors towards smart safe and green corridors.

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Beyond national level a platform is needed for discussion, to share elements and

operational states, to connect investors to initiatives, to monitoring and to reaching the

target groups of citizens. In each stage of innovation sequence fundamental actors need to

be involved, among these there are the road operators, so creating a deeper exchange of

knowledge and a learning process between involved stakeholders where technological

solutions and procedures are found and shared in order to reach the objective of

improvement of transport service. Moreover, this process should also lead to a better

understanding of the constraints facing the different actors and enable the identification of

appropriate means to mitigate, and consequently secure the necessary commitments.

The learning process has a higher efficiency if it is developed on a European scale to

rapidly advance the development to a mature level for a successful deployment of the

innovations in the transport field. This could be a resource provided by the program

support, as means to connect research teams and focus groups. Highly beneficial to all the

stakeholders, problem at the moment is the identification of setting for this type of platform.

Incubators have a specific role in management of innovation process and in creating the

necessary critical mass of positive results from test beds to attract large-scale interest and

financial support. An incubator in the case of the Smart and Green Corridor would be

responsible of evaluating the innovation and, if needed, reviving the concepts to improve

the outcomes and efficiency of the concept. This could also lead to expanding the

involvement of stakeholders across EU to take part in the concept development and in

terms of designing localised applications.

The innovation process and management in the Smart and Green Corridor focuses on the

vehicle and infrastructure in the road transport as intertwined parts of the road transport

system. The Smart and Green Corridor Helsinki St. Petersburg could be used for both

demo/tests and as reference corridors. There should be openness for other stakeholders to

perform activities.

To enable the Smart and Green corridors with a high degree of ICT, we foresee a series of

parallel or and inline coordinated test and demonstrations of already known solutions and

techniques, and a gradually upgrade of the corridor infrastructure, vehicle systems and

integrated technologies when they are available for example to demonstrate that truck

platooning (automated convoys) can contribute to energy saving in and the increase of the

road capacity.

The efficient and strategically located transhipment points and its highly supportive

infrastructure was a success and showed the users that the Smart and Green Corridor

model is also a platform for development and demonstration of logistics solutions such as

innovative information systems, collaboration models and techniques enabling e-freight and

e-customs solutions.

Furthermore an important aspect to be developed and tested in the network of test beds

and incubators is a harmonized regulatory framework with transparency to all stakeholders.

5.4.4 Monitoring and evaluation

To make the Smart and Green corridor work as a larger business case with ELSA,

European coverage or beyond, what is needed is openness of the basic concept with

respect to regional issues and challenges, types of software and programmes used,

platforms and design and implementation of messaging, signalling and information sharing

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mechanisms. The important core aspect is that the corridor concept clearly addresses the

fundamental needs of improved and more safe mobility, the security and integrity of corridor

user (both in real life and virtually) and freight transport on corridor and the utilisation of

best practices and innovations available.

Selection of good practices/initiatives and their funding needs to be transparent and linked

to policy goals and set targets. In the case of corridors, the important aspects are

measuring the degree of innovation, the potential benefits to all stakeholders and

possibilities to utilize the concept or some elements of it in other contexts in similar settings.

ELSA actions would be systematically evaluated, assessing for example the level of

cooperation between stakeholders, started business and deployment activities, the level of

innovation etc.

Due to the authorities’ cooperation, the success of smart corridors can be evaluated against

the targets set for the services. Indicators on mobility, cross-border operations service

times, security of corridor users and the identification of illegal and dangerous goods and

transport equipment will be constantly monitored against set targets. When there is less

progress against one or more indicators the reasons will be jointly evaluated and necessary

actions will be taken, including also working in cooperation with the service providers, if

slow progress is a result of service delivery in one or more areas.

5.4.5 Area action plans

The first phase of the area action plan focuses on arranging the financial contributions from

the EC. The fact that EU could support the Smart and Green Corridor development under

TEN-T financing framework will offer a framework for financing the concepts in the future.

However, due to the nature of TEN-T financing, the corridors seeking for funding should

have the concept development ready by the time they apply for the funding, This means

that support from targeted calls, the structural funds and national funding schemes are

needed to facilitate the initial concept development. The area action plans can therefore

focus either on the initial concept development or the actual investment funding and

support. However, apart from the administrative services the concept should be self-funded,

so the investment funding should not be massive. However, support to concept

development and formation of the right consortium to provide the required services will be


The road operator in fact defines a work plan and the related investments plan, including

also test beds and demonstrators in order to improve knowledge through technical

experimentations of new technological solutions. This approach aims to verify innovative

systems, as for example cooperative systems, and to know consequently their acceptance

by the users.

In the development of Smart and Green Corridor concept should be considered the

integration and use of several instruments and technologies. Therefore in the Smart and

Green Corridor concept development, in order to avoid possible barriers, the following

aspects should be analysed and solved:

Interface between innovative technological systems: it can be tested through prove

of concept, test beds, pilot, FOT, market implementation;

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Standards /Interoperability: in order to ensure the deployment of an innovation

system is need to achieve a standardization or to define an efficient solution to solve

the consequent risks;

Consideration of the end user needs;

Flexibility of the systems: in order to allow future developments or accommodate

future applications.

5.4.6 Pan European dimension

The ELSA acts as a fertilizer of all existing initiatives with the aim to bring in one place a

first major deployment of an equipped fleet of platooning trucks in order to validate a model

of sustainable reduction of gas emissions. From the evaluation phase results, ELSA

evaluators are also defining a code of practice in order to legitimate new ten-T financing

and truck regulation in order to support fully automation of truck convoys on dedicated

European Trans European road networks.

There is an opportunity to build upon already existing arenas for high capacity transport

research. Besides the initial test bed of Helsinki-St. Petersburg there is a potential of

European location to form a network of test beds and incubators. Examples of locations are

corridors in and around between Stockholm, Gothenburg, Zwolle and Gent. Involved

countries in the corridor test area, Sweden Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and

potentially Norway. Different areas within Europe will have needs for different solution for

the ICT infrastructure. The pan-European dimension will connect – facilitated through the

ELSA monitoring and evaluation – different test beds – but also the French know how in the

operations of privately owned roads and the fragmented know how of vehicle automation

through the known results of major worldwide experiments achieved along the last years,

their needs and the deployment actions in order to gain maximum effect.

All ELSA action areas must create relevant commitment by all involved parties and operate

successfully on a European, national, regional and local level. Therefore, it is extremely

important to develop a enough flexible structure in order to allow the involvement of as

much as possible several actors avoiding to create barriers between there has to be flexible

because structures, roles, operation models, principles as well as regulations and

standards may be different and therefore the possible raising barriers needed to be solved.

The ELSA Pan European dimension will further have to focus on regulations and

agreements and on standards.

Regulations and agreements: There is a need to identify challenges (technologies,

information sharing, and privacy) early on so that they can be responded to,

particularly if there is a need to amend regulations, which is a time-consuming

process. Where regulation is slow/not applicable agreement between parties may

improve deployment (contracts/MoU etc),

Standards: the minimum requirements for a smart and green corridor will be

specified: such as language used, level of information collection and sharing and

minimum operability standards. However, as with regulations the more important

aspect is to ensure that there are no constraints provided by standards.

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5.4.7 Communication and dissemination

If the concept is to become a standardised approach in designing the extra-EU and intra-

EU smart corridors, it will require effective marketing as the test bed is in the north-east part

of Europe with limited exposure to broader European audience or transport system users.

Marketing must clarify the added value of the business case and attract private sector in

other European locations to take into consideration the potential benefits of becoming

involved in localised concept development.

The R&D results will provide indications (impacts/ cost benefits analysis, BC) that will fulfil

the needs for dissemination of results at the EU level to demonstrate the outcomes and


Another important goal of communication and dissemination is awareness raising. Through

a network of interested parties (stakeholder community) potential partners are identified and

kept informed of the results, determination of the existence of a market and possible

business case through exploration of potential markets and clients outside the current


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6 Scenario ‘Smart and Thriving Region’

This chapter describes the ELSA implementation scenario ‘Smart and Thriving Region’. It is

the third scenario that has been developed following the approach described in chapter 2.

Examples have been added to illustrate how elements have been implemented in other


This scenario focusses on the geographical level of regions: covering a network of corridors

and cities. The ‘thriving’ part of the scenario reflects the bottom-up initiatives taken by

private actors (technology and service providers but also SME developing smartphone

applications servicing both ‘travellers’ in the region.

6.1 Future situation in 2022

Figure 7: Visualization of Smart and Thriving Region

“A consortium of private organisations wins Cross-border concession for Traffic

Management operations in the Rotterdam, Duisburg, and Antwerp region6”

The Smart and Thriving Region is characterised by the presence of several large urban

areas or hubs (Smart and Healthy Cities) and connected by several important multi-modal

6 The region of Rotterdam, Duisburg and Antwerp serves as an example of a European large cross

border region.

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corridors (Smart and Green Corridors). The Smart and Thriving Region hosts important

economic functions for both regional and European economy.

The scenario comprises the creation of a Europe-wide service platform. Based on local

information and local services, but virtually linking different regions, a market place for

multimodal traffic and travel information services is available. It is personalised, context-

aware and acts as a virtual travel assistant, both pre-trip and on-trip. It is based on the new

concepts of Cloud Computing, Future Internet, Internet of Things and Machine to Machine,

as well as the deployment of IPv6.

Cloud computing is used in the automotive area, both in the area of computation and

content management, such as distributed and heterogeneous database systems.

Connections between new internet related advances, such as social networks, are creating

positive impacts on mobility. Open source software communities, open and transparent

traffic, transportation and ITS related modelling tools support the development of new



Figure 8: Timeline of scenario Visualization of Smart and Thriving Region

A possible timeline for successful deployment of ICT for Transport in Smart and Thriving

Regions in Europe by means of an ELSA is described below. ELSA has delivered a

substantial contribution to realising this major change in organising traffic management in

the triangle Antwerp-Rotterdam-Duisburg, one of the stepping stones of the deployment of

a European wide service platform. The roadmap that emerges from this process needs

agreement of all stakeholders. A number of concrete milestones for the roadmap could be:

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- 2014: CBA study shows benefits traffic management –network performance and

optimised use of infrastructure by private operations

- 2014: The three cities, the regional governments and the local private actors sign a

letter of intent describing the services they will develop and offer together, the kind

of projects which will be financed in the cross-border regions and the modalities for

sharing data.

- 2014: a formal public private partnership is set-up, defining the research and

development priorities, the governance and competencies of the different actors for

the different services. A budget is allocated and earmarked to support the different


- 2015: first healthy business cases developed for combining and operating traffic

management and freight management

- 2015, the Dutch TBI organized around traffic management in the triangle Antwerp-

Rotterdam-Duisburg host a week of exchange of good practices with

representatives from other Smart and Thriving Regions (e.g. Lyon, Geneva, Milan).

The conference concludes on a positive evaluation of the pan-European service

platform, which supports the creation of business in the two regions.

- 2016: cross-border data warehouse aggregates traffic data enabling next generation

traffic and transport management

- 2019: integration of freight flow and port community data into the data warehouse

- 2022: Interfaces have been realised between smart cities - smart corridors (cross

border, persons and goods) strengthening the ELSA deployment activities

6.2 Drivers & Challenges

Regions connected to important urban areas and hubs of freight transport need an efficient

transport system to answer the increase of mobility demand, whilst minimising the negative

effects of mobility, such as the decrease in transport comfort for persons, and the delays in

transport of goods in the corridors and hubs of the region. Traditionally local or national

governments are the bodies which take the lead in stimulating activities and measures to

face those challenges. However the economic crises of 2008 and 2012 have led to budget

cuts on all levels of public government, limiting their possibilities to intervene.

Enabled by the exploding market of mobile internet and smart phones, information and

services are available anywhere, anytime. This has led to an increased demand for both

services and quality of those services – in both public and professional domains. This is

also being reflected in the demand for services and information in the mobility domain.

Traditional examples are traffic information and traffic management services. Examples of

new products and services provided by (small) private companies by means of applications

for smart phones (freight market places, location & situational based information services,

communication and transactional services not necessarily related to transport (restaurant,

theatre, social networks), personalised & aggregated information).

This is the context leading to the need for a new system for organising mobility solutions

where public bodies facilitate private sector initiatives - driven by market opportunities - in

developing products and services that serve public goals (mobility efficiency).

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6.3 Impacts

Steering ELSA towards a Smart and Thriving Region will have an impact on the economic

development (for both large companies and SME’s), on the innovation resulting from public

investment and an increased serviceability towards end users of the mobility system. At a

higher level, goals with regard to cost efficiency and societal goals linked to efficiency,

safety and economic development are met.

Regional business development

Emerging business opportunities will rise. There is growing market for new personalised

services (traffic and non-traffic related). This creates opportunities for innovative (small)

companies on the base of user generated content - (non) traffic related. At the same time

growing deployment of cloud computing and penetration of smart phones creates the

surroundings for development of professional systems and services e.g. advanced freight

management systems and market places for freight. These developments will impact the

sector of freight transport: from carrier to shipper to service providers.

Efficient government body

The institutional bodies also take benefit from the development towards a Smart and

Thriving Region. Improved mobility, job creation and economic growth make the region

more sustainable and contribute to raise the living standard. Driven by the economic crises

the developments in this scenario impact the overhead level of public bodies, where

efficiency gains can be expected.

6.4 ELSA elements

6.4.1 Governance and partnership

The regional approach to smart traffic is based on the cooperation between public

authorities (in this case city and regional authorities, potentially from different Member

States, and to a smaller extent the national and European authorities themselves) and

private entities, from small innovative SME’s to larger corporation. This cooperation is

aiming establishing innovative traffic management services.

The first element of this partnership is the public-private approach. The public authorities

have defined the framework in which part of their data/information and competencies will be

shared within the partnership. ELSA enabled a transition from a centralised approach,

where the public authorities owns the data and provides the services, whilst bearing the

entire responsibility of the traffic management, to an open approach where the data are

available to private parties and to other public parties and where private partners are

proposing innovative traffic management services. The public authorities remain the

regulatory body, responsible for setting and enforcing constraints and quality of services.

They are also responsible for defining the contractual terms needed for accessing public

data. This network of involved actors is crucially enlarged with private actors who have a

direct interest in the services to be delivered and transport organisations that offer transport

facilities (freight as well as private and public transport). NGOs and civilian organisations

are part of the collaboration as well (for instance NGO related to traffic safety).

The second aspect of the partnership is the private-private collaboration. In order to ensure

high innovation and effective roll-out of robust technologies, very innovative SME, reactive

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


medium size businesses and large corporations are involved. The governing body makes

sure that the contractual terms of the partnership ensure a fair sharing of benefits and IPR

between the private parties. Where the public authorities are paying for some innovation or

some R&D services, the partnership should also make sure that most of the IPR remain

with the private actors, in order to continue the development of the market.

The governance partnership lastly ensures an efficient coupling of the inter-urban and

inner-urban market places, which is a complex challenge considering they are very different

eco-systems. Coupling inter-urban traffic flows with inner-urban traffic flows requires a

dedicated form of governance that is able to cross-link the various regulatory fields

(combining personal and freight transport, combining various transport modalities,

combining urban and inter-urban traffic flows). Given the perceived end-goal, in which

public authorities will offer value added services addressing societal goals, public actors

need to organise this process. To answer that issue, an interface will be created between

the two other action areas of the ELSA. The Smart and Thriving Region will therefore rely

on the partnership and governance built for the smart cities and the smart corridors, and

ensures that synergies are created at regional and cross-regional level. There will be a

need for an organisational model that functions at a number of levels at the same time,

such as aligning cross-border traffic management and aligning urban-corridor traffic



The Smart and Thriving Region scenario is build on bottom-up initiatives and processes by

(private) stakeholders working together in cross-border regions. There is a parallel with the

bottom-up process followed by the EIP AHA where an Invitation for Commitment procedure

is triggering stakeholders to commit themselves to the strategic implementation plan. This

plan acts as a basis for organising the resources needed to undertake actions.

EIT-ICT: The EIT ICT Labs' business model focuses on exploiting market disruptions by

applying ICT to other business domains, identifying and opening new research areas for

others to follow and adapting to the social changes arising from open innovation and

various new employment and business models. The program entails: lean and agile

governance, create an innovation flow between different stakeholders in the innovation web

and facilitate access to critical and relevant expertise

6.4.2 Business models and financing

The development of new business models is a primarily bottom up driven process that has

its kernels outside the ‘formal’ domain of traffic management. Through R&D programmes

directed at establishing and using open data for realising societal impact, companies and

knowledge institutes developed innovative and disruptive services. Test bed facilities in

smart cities and in smart corridors were combined in order to realise an integrated

approach for traffic management.

Besides R&D public grants, an innovation friendly public procurement process is organised

by a specific body of the partnership. Based on the latest recommendations from the EC

and the new public procurement Directive, different mechanisms are set-up in order for the

public authorities to purchase the best innovative solutions at a fair price, whilst developing

a dynamic and open market for traffic management systems. A public procurement

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


process, including a pre-commercial procurement phase, is established. It is based on a

multiple-phase competition, where only the best suppliers get access to the next round of

funding. At the end of the pre-commercial phase, two suppliers ideally have developed

implementations ready to be purchased, and they may bid for the actual commercial tender.

Throughout the process, the public authorities ensure that the defined requirements (e.g.

standard specifications, interoperability between the systems) are respected.

Through this process, personalised services for the transport network users have been

developed, according to needs and requirements defined by a working group within the

governance body. The ELSA procurement process, enabling a fair risk and benefit sharing

between the suppliers and the financing public authority, provided the opportunity for

companies and consortia to develop a more ground-breaking service concept that

integrated the various modalities of personalised traffic information into overarching traffic

management information.

The final stage of offering cross-border traffic management information showed to offer an

interesting playing field to those parties that covered the entire value chain, so including the

development of means of transport. The first means introduced related to freight transport,

since these offered traffic data by freight transporters who had a specific interest in

optimising freight transport infrastructures. Passenger traffic management followed suit, by

means of the large number of involved passengers, willing to trade part of their personal

information for accurate, reliable and timely traffic management information, encompassing

personalised services and service concepts much broader than (multi-modal) traffic

information alone (but also referring to other interesting business information and

leisure/social information).

After a first procurement process, the most successful businesses have experienced an

acceleration of their growth. Some SME and spin-off have been bought up by larger

corporations, some have attracted venture capitals and could enlarge their development

capacities. Some medium-sized companies have increased their size and their range of

product, and have moved from the national emerging market to the global market.


A main challenge is developing new business models for innovative ICT technologies and

services. To overcome the challenge examples of the EIT-ICT could be used. The EIT-ICT

provide a set of tools supporting the business development. Examples are: Business Club,

Entrepreneurs Club, Entrepreneurship Support System, European SME Program,

Innovation Radar, EIT funding on existing activities to catalyse innovation and new

business creation.

6.4.3 Innovation sequence and management

The full triangle between Antwerp, Rotterdam and Duisburg becomes an emerging market

oriented experimental zone associating European TBIIs under an ELSA. The initial Dutch

TBII was dealing with both traffic management within the cities and the industrial complexes

and the main transport infrastructures between the three cities. Within this triangle the test

bed differentiates between the various components of the traffic management system.

Various test approaches were developed in order to gain an understanding of the

complexity of the full test bed.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Different test beds have tested different solutions towards the granularity needed for an

optimal approach for service quality and optimised traffic flows, without inhibiting the

development of open and competitive market. The results of these test beds showed that

the deployment of specific ICT solutions and ITS systems was highly beneficial to drive

businesses while optimising traffic flows and reducing the harmful impacts of mobility.

Advancement in the technological infrastructure enabled high speed- high quality delivery of

data services in which platforms formed the nodes of a personalised infrastructure,

integrating data from a multitude of sources. The ELSA provided the opportunity for private

organisations to develop, test and validate new business concepts (payed vs free, adds vs

no adds; generic vs personalised; high-low quality of the information) that are based upon

personal data provided by travellers (passenger and freight transport). The concepts were

related to offering personalised traffic management information. Another strand was

dedicated to integrating multimodal and cross-border traffic management services.

When a research, service or purchase contract has been awarded to a consortium of

private actors, the process of change is triggered and continues as long as the contract is

valid. Given the required bottom-up initiative and the non-linear aspect of innovation,

initiatives may require some time before they actually produce a sustainable effect.

However, the competitive phases and the performance based approach within the

partnership provide objectives milestones to assess the progresses made and the

advancement of the programme. Once the services developed, tested and implemented in

a TBII have reached a stable and robust level, they can then be deployed in other regions.

This might require some further engineering tasks, but it is a clear objective of the

European Large Scale Action.

6.4.4 Area action plans

A number of action lines are identified that deal with the various elements of the cross

border traffic management challenge. Technological, organisational, business oriented and

institutional action lines are integrated in the action lines. Being triggered bottom-up by

businesses and organisations that do not form part of the traditional traffic management

segment additional facilities are offered for integrating the new and emerging bottom-up

initiatives by travellers and IT systems integrators.

Private actors are key to this challenge. The idea of cross-border traffic management relies

on the emergence of personalised traffic management services, both on corridors and

within urban areas. Feeding initiatives that emerge within an incubator area, offering them

test bed facilities and a ‘playing field’ may accelerate the emergence of new personalised

and dedicated services. It also may block innovation which emerges out of bottom-up

initiatives that fall outside the scope. A balance needs to be found between stimulating what

may emerge by itself and remaining inactive until some level of success is achieved. This

can be achieved within the multiple phase process to access funding, provided the different

phases or also open to the outside, under certain conditions.

The action plans and support for Smart and Thriving Regions are based on supporting

initiatives of 2 or more cities that will cooperate across city limits in developing services that

connect cities and their surrounding regions. The idea is that the participating cities will put

in a joint call for the services needed, and will provide the needed data and other support

for potential service providers. The area action plans can focus on developing the total

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


service concept by one or more service providers or segments of services, which can be

implemented at different times.

Bottom up initiatives that are outside the realm of the traditional traffic management circles

do not require much R&D budget. The main R&D investments are dedicated to those

aspects not covered by emerging new services. It is a ‘filling the gap’ approach rather than

an approach covering the full value chain. Development of business concepts that have

emerged into more encompassing business concepts is a second action line within the

R&D programme.

6.4.5 Pan European dimension

The link between different TBII and Smart and Thriving Regions, enabled by the European

large scale initiative, allow testing new concepts at a large scale, in regions where

potentially the users, if taken randomly, have rather different behaviours and habits towards

mobility and the cost of mobility. The pay as you move concept is one of those which can

be implemented.

Under ICT-ELSA leadership the Dutch TBI organized around traffic management in the

triangle Antwerp-Rotterdam-Duisburg in cooperation with Nissan UK, the Zero Emission

Centre of Excellence in the North East UK, and the Dutch electric group STEDIN, the

project aims at providing major results for evaluating the viability of such deployments. The

ICT-ELSA is also integrating this initiative within the European green car action plan. The

ICT-ELSA acts as a go-between with the private interests and the need to test locally a

major technology shift. The ICT-ELSA is clearly evaluating the possibility to support

European policies to consider decentralized traffic management as a mean to support

regional competitiveness through ERDF funding.

The purpose of the Smart & Thriving region approach which offers a break with the current

practice, at least at the experimental level, is triple:

1. Promote an approach to "living laboratory" capable to identify new mobility

behaviours in a "tariff" economic framework, within a minimum controlled approach

called "action research".

2. Structure an “informed” supply of global mobility possibilities, around a single

payment in accordance with the new paradigm "pay as you move". This can be

done by integrating on a single support both the payment for the use of the road,

transit or parking. "Incentive" management procedures can be achieved through a

discount flat experimental calculation of the costs of trips. This should be done

regardless of the mode of transport to promote a comprehensive and global

“customer” oriented approach-. This was never attempted experimentally to our


3. Plan transportation access within a dynamic technological innovation, an

entrepreneurship source of value creation and a quality of service around the core

operations of a mobility provider.

The mobility pricing plan is entirely supported by a mobility provider in charge of organizing

the pricing schemes for each mode of transportation oriented toward a customer

relationship. The plan is validated by the metropolitan region of London, which gives full

responsibility to the operator under a specific contract.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


The ELSA plays a centre role in this activity by supporting its deployment, with the ambition

to foster new mobility pricing solutions in the five biggest European metropolitan areas. This

is relevant to the transportation carbon emission taxation plan which was agreed on five

years ago at the European level.

Furthermore the pan European dimension focusses on privacy issues and standards

Led by the new European Data Protection Regulation cross border data traffic

needed to be harmonised leading to new privacy-sensitive business concepts. Both

within nations and between national regulations will have to be addressed. Local,

regional and national authorities will face change of competences and field of action.

Having corridor related traffic management systems crossing borders requires

checking the relevant regulations and agreements as well.

Serving as a bottom up process standard setting will not play a major role in first

instance. Still, one should check the availability or emergence of de facto standards

that might speed up the process of realising the requested services. Offering

transparency in standard setting might trigger the realisation of services needed.

6.4.6 Monitoring and evaluation

Criteria for quality of services need to be developed. These criteria will be used to select

private actors that offer the requested quality of services and the requested form of

services. Handing over formal responsibilities to private organisations requires a

transparent decisions process as well.

The Smart and Thriving Region will operate on the basis of expectations of the participating

private stakeholders and cities involved. The monitoring needs are related to smooth traffic

flows, increased used of rapid mass transit, operations of freight corridors and user

satisfaction. All of these can be benchmarked and targets can be set, jointly by the cities’

transport authorities and the participating service providers

6.4.7 Communication and dissemination

The main focus on communication and dissemination will lie on raising awareness among

end users. For the general public emphasis lies on 1 to1 communication and free trial

packages of services and products – mainly smart phone as a platform based applications,

products and services - developed within the different phases of ELSA. Specific and

targeted actions will be deployed aimed at the business to business communication and

raising awareness among professional users.

Further awareness raising activities may be initiated on the side of public authorities. Are

they aware of emerging services by private actors outside the realm of traditional traffic

management? Do they accept these services as potentially interesting for a more

personalised traffic management approach? And, if so, what for attitude should they adopt?

Only when the benefits of the new approach outweigh the costs of migrating to this new

situation they may become more interested.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


7 Assessment framework

The previous chapters have illustrated different ELSA implementation scenarios. It has

been explained how ELSA works in different contexts varying in geographical scale,

stakeholders involved and (end-) user needs. In SATIE Task 5.2 the scenarios will be used

to analyse the effects of ELSA and the effectiveness of different options. The goal is to

identify and compare different options in all of the various elements that we explore in

SATIE. This chapter describes the assessment framework that will be used in the analysis.

The framework consists of

Identification of indicators: indicators to express the effect of ELSA.

Process: steps to be followed in the analysis of effects of ELSA.

Identification of deployment barriers: barriers that slow down the deployment of ICT

for Transport

The assessment framework is based on the mechanism of illustrating ‘how’ and to ‘what

level’ ELSA is able to break through the ‘deployment barriers’ (eg. legal, organisational,

market/economic, etc). This will be determined by the design and architecture of ELSA

Concept and ELSA Elements. The level of effect will be expressed in indicators (eg. traffic,

sustainability, competitiveness, smart, social inclusion).

7.1 Indicators

Essential for the implementation of an ELSA is the formulation of a clear, measureable and

strategic goal. Essentially this will form the basis for the analysis of effects of the ELSA

implementation. The model of AHA EIP provides a good example. A single KPI was

selected as the target for the EIP, i.e. to increase average life expectancy by 2 years on

average. This mainline target has been the basis for the structure of the activities and

actions. A strategic goal for acceleration the deployment of ICT for Transport by means of

an ELSA has not been formulated in this way yet.

Though a goal has not been set we can provide a list of main indicators. The main

indicators have been compiled based on the overall societal goals. Based on indicators

used in the analyses of European policy measures, initiatives and programs7, we have

identified a first list of sub-indicators by which the effects of an ELSA for ICT for Transport

could be expressed. Each indicator has been operationalized into sub indicators. In task 5.2

the final list of indicators will be made and applied resulting in scores on the indicators will

be assigned for both the reference situation (now; without an ELSA implemented) and the

scenarios (2022; ELSA implemented).

Indicator Sub-indicator

More accessible Proactively manage the available road capacity in real time.

Improve dynamic traffic control system.

Multimodal connections

7 Among others the CONDUITS project (FP7 DG RTD).

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Balancing capacity and demand for travel through increasing

public transport capacity and/or reducing the need to travel.

More sustainable Reduce air pollutant emissions from ground-based transport.

Improve perceptions and reduce impacts of noise.


Facilitate an increase in public transport, walking and cycling.

More competitive Shorter time to market of new products, technologies,


Reduce costs of initial investments of innovations

Shorten time return on investment

Increase accessibility to market

Improve people’s access to jobs.

Improve access to commercial markets for freight

movements and business travel.

Smarter (innovation) Increase accessibility of the innovations

Increase adaptability to local situations

Increase User acceptance

Improve journey planning and information.

More social Reduce crime rates and improve perceptions of personal

safety and security.

Reduce the numbers of road traffic casualties.

Reduce casualties on public transport networks.

Improve the safety and security at corridors and nodes

7.2 Process

The assessment framework consists of several steps (a process) that will be used in SATIE

Task 5.2 for the qualitative analysis of effects of ELSA. Preparatory to the process of

analysing the effects is determining the reference by which the ELSA implementation

scenario will be compared. The reference could be a baseline situation without an ELSA.

Another option could be to compare the different ELSA scenarios to each other. The choice

for a reference situation will be based on the latest developments at the EC (In order to

align the outcome of the analysis accordingly).

The first step in the process is to identify potential relations between the deployment

barriers and the indicators and how the ELSA elements influence these relations. The

ELSA elements have been described in the previous chapters. The next sections will

describe the deployment barriers and indicators that have been identified at this stage. In

the task 5.2 the deployment barriers and indicators will become increasingly operational

and linked to each other.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


For the qualitative analysis of to what level ELSA is able to overcome the ‘deployment

barriers’ we will use the methods of “Strengths and Weaknesses analysis”, “Desk research”

and “Deep Smarts” (qualitative analysis of effects by interviewing experts in assessment

and modelling).

The analysis of the strengths and weaknesses will be used to ‘asses’ the reference

situation of the scenarios and the scenarios themselves (2022). The reference situation is

the situation without an ELSA in the city, corridor and region used in the scenarios.

For both the reference as the scenarios desk research will be used to translate the

strengths and weaknesses into a score on the indicators identified. The objective is to

identify how and in what way for each scenario the ELSA elements will address the

‘challenges (implementation barriers)’ and lead to effect on the scores on the ‘indicators’

identified. For the reference situation a score will be assigned to each of the indicators. For

the analysis of the scenarios (2022, with an ELSA implemented) the focus lies on the effect

- level (low, medium, high) and direction (direct or indirect and positive or negative) - on the

scores. Relevant sources to be researched consist of impact analyses of policy

instruments, innovations and ICT for Transport implementations.

The deep smart method will be used to refine and validate the scores and effects of the

ELSA implementation in the different scenarios. This method involves the contribution of

experts on impact assessments. Experts that have many experience on modelling and

assessing policy measures have insight in relations between the ‘deployment barriers’ and

‘indicators’ and how the ELSA elements affect those relations.

In the final step of the qualitative analysis of the effects the results of the previous steps will

be synthesised. In this step the final conclusions will be drawn with regard to the effects of

the ELSA Implementation.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios



p 4


p 3


p 2


p 1

Analysis reference

Deployment barriers

Indicators(ELSA effects)

ELSA elements


CorridorStrengths & weaknesses

Score on indicators

Identify relations

Analysis scenario’s

Strenghts & weaknesses

ELSA implementation

Impact onscore

on indicators

Validation“Deep Smarts”

Citystrengths scores- - weaknesses --

Smart & Thriving Region

Smart & Green Corridor

Smart & Healthy Citystrengths scores- - weaknesses --

Deployment barriers

Indicators(ELSA effects)

ELSA elements

ELSA effects

Figure 9: Assessment Framework

7.3 Deployment barriers

Various ICT for Transport solutions have been developed but not yet brought to the market

in large volumes. There are various aspects that influence the deployment of ICT for

Transport. In this section we provide an overview of deployment barriers. They are based

on studies on the deployment of ICT for Transport (eg. ELSA taskforce, Safespot8,

Benchmarking studies on Intelligent Vehicles Safety Systems9) and processes of

deployment of mobility innovations (CIVITAS10).

In the first step of the assessment framework (identify relations) the list of deployment

barriers will be narrowed down to the ones that really matter to the actors concerned in a

8 SAFESPOT 2006, D6.2.1: Report on preliminary analysis and initial deployment program

9 TNO, 2007. TNO Report for the European Commission. Benchmarking study on activities in

promoting and deploying Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems in the EU. 10

CIVITAS GUARD 2010, D2.2 Analysis of the Implementation Process within CIVITAS II measures

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


potential ELSA. The barriers will be linked to the ELSA elements and the indicators. In the

following steps of the assessment framework the strengths of the links will be analysed and

how variations in the ELSA elements affect its impact.


Technology readiness level (prove of concept, pilot, FOT, market implementation) in

combination with the business case (too expensive or insufficient reliability; too

costly to develop)

Standards/interoperability: if standardization is not achieved deployment might be at

risk. It’s more of a mitigation strategy and possible solution for a lot of risks.

Function (safety, eco, efficiency (user serviceability)) and the fit to end user needs

The flexibility to in or accommodate future applications and development

Organisational and institutional

Disparity between private and public sector or the level to which (local) policies,

visions or roadmaps of different stakeholders are aligned

Willingness to cooperate (MoU, LOI's) vs. individual interests: manufactures want to

own systems and to protect their own market

Availability, trust and experience in models for multi stakeholder cooperation (profit,

losses, risks, liability)

Availability, trust and experience in performance oriented procurement processes


Possibilities for business models, business case: high costs initial investments,

speed return on investment, high maintenance costs of infrastructure

Payment model (subscription, free, flat fee, pay to activate, pay per use)

Willingness to pay (end-users); perceived high costs by end-users

Market model: public, private (single vs. multiple suppliers)

Requirement for a minimum level of penetration and successful market

Financial (funding)

Available resources / instruments: EU (FP7, EIB, CIP)

Available resources / instruments: Market (CO2 trading, tax relief)

Available resources / instruments: National/regional/Member states

Technologies ready/need for next step (from R+D or market)

Level of fit between resources for P2P/PPP


Awareness: there is a lack of awareness and understanding of the available

systems. Poor communication of benefits of ICT for Transport

Awareness: promotion and deployment activities do not match end-user needs

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Understanding: users do not understand how the systems operate and do not trust

the system (including privacy issues on data); fear of unreliable systems

Willingness to buy: do the users see the added value of the systems, are they willing

to pay for the systems or services. Systems or services could be too expensive.

Willingness to by: Level of deployment activities and their match with end-users: eg.

fiscal incentives, for car owners or buyers, reduction of participation fees / insurance

premiums, systems as part of market packages (car makers), offering of vehicles

equipped with systems (lease companies)


The existing legal situation restricts the implementation of solutions envisaged

significantly eg. limitations for private sector to install sensors on public roads.

Risks and liability. Liability undefined for traffic accidents caused by new techniques

Gaps in certification

Deployment by regulation


Political support (champion) and willingness to commit to long term investments.

Politicians concerned with the implementation do not harmonize with each other or

do not cooperate as expected.

Industrial support (champion)

General public support (media sentiment, communications)

Deployment and operational issues (decision making process)

Level of insight what process will be followed (when, what decisions are being made

by whom?)

Openness in the value chain (open data, open systems, open business model; 5


Subsidiary principle stops promotion and deployment of certain systems.

The transformation of the implementation strategy and harmonizing all elements of

the implementation process necessary do not perform as expected and restrain the

implementation process significantly.

The level of flexibility to deal with unexpected issues during the deployment process

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


8 Conclusions

Deployment in Europe of ICT solutions for mobility and transport remains fragmented and

limited in scale and impact, while a European mass market is still waiting for the starter’s

gun. A European large scale action is needed to bring the many valuable results of

research, development and innovation projects together, focus them towards deployment

and apply them to address today’s mobility challenges.

As a first step towards a large scale action for ICT for Transport SATIE developed the

concept and elements of an ELSA within WP3. This has been the starting point for WP5 to

develop implementation scenarios to illustrate how an ELSA will work in different situations

and contexts. The goal of scenario development is to facilitate the further development of

the concept of an ELSA and to provide a framework for a qualitative analysis of effects of

an ELSA.

In this report three ELSA implementation scenarios have been described. The scenarios

have been developed through an interactive process in which research organisations and

stakeholder organisations have contributed. Each scenario has distinctive characteristics

with regard to type of ICT for Transport that is implemented, the geographical location, the

network of actors and their objectives. These scenarios are:

- Smart & Healthy Cities

- Smart & Green Corridors

- Smart & Thriving Regions

The remainder of this chapter states the conclusions and recommendations.

8.1 Conclusions

• Given the scenarios developed and the context of the project an assessment framework

has been designed based on an analysis of strengths and weaknesses. This is a

suitable method for the qualitative analysis of the effects of an ELSA, as the key to

success of an ELSA will - to a large extent - be determined by the extent to which the

ELSA is able to overcome ICT for Transport deployment barriers. In the next step of

SATIE WP5 the assessment framework will be used in the qualitative analysis of the

effects of an ELSA and the effectiveness of different options. Necessary preoperational

steps will be the validation of the indicators for the analysis and the reference situation.

• Three scenarios have been developed to illustrate the pan European implementation of

an ELSA in different situations. The scenarios illustrate that deployment barriers may

differ according to local circumstances. Stakeholders involved around corridors are

different than stakeholders involved in a city. Priorities on societal goals may differ in

different regions. In order to facilitate successful deployment of ICT for Transport at pan

European scale, an ELSA has to be designed to overcome barriers and at the same

time to be flexible enough to adapt to local circumstances and cultural differences.

ELSA elements that can be designed in a more generic way are: “the innovation

sequence”, “communication & dissemination” and “monitoring”. The other elements,

namely “governance and partnerships”, “business models and finance” and “pan-

European dimension” have to be designed in a flexible way to adapt to local situations.

Specific attention is needed for the governance of an ELSA and the way the ELSA

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


governance is able to interact with local situations and stakeholders (specifically

regional and national authorities).

• The ELSA innovation sequence comprises ‘a decision making process’. The process is

needed to steer deployment activities and converge actions towards a pan European

uptake of the deployment of ICT for Transport. The decision making process involves

decision making on what actions to start, what actions to stop and on which TBII the

actions should take place. A framework for monitoring (including a set of KPI’s) is

essential to an effective decision making process.

• The scenarios have provided examples of both test sites and incubators. The ELSA

element ‘pan European Dimension’ is innovative as it combines both functions into a

Test Bed and Innovation Incubator (TBII) and links different TBII in a pan European

network. Lessons learned and experiences from the examples (and their networks)

could be used to further this element of an ELSA. To further capitalize the innovative

concept, criteria should be defined to illustrate the added value of (a pan European

network of) TBII’s compared to existing initiatives, and to provide perspective for

existing test beds and incubators to evolve into a TBII.

• The scenarios emphasise the need for aligning European, National and Regional

(policy) initiatives and (financial) instruments. In order to assure swift deployment the

governance structure has to take this into account when formulating new research

questions and programming actions based on research results. Stakeholders

representing policy initiatives, financial instruments and research have to be

represented in the governance of an ELSA.

• Common elements in the scenarios that prove to be driving forces for innovation are the

realisation of open data and standardisation of the data. Open data can be a ‘nucleus’

for SME’s, research institutes and entrepreneurs to develop new solutions and services.

The open data (formats) can contribute to a pan European deployment of ICT for

Transport as they enable a flexible adaptation to local situation. Furthermore open data

contributes to the realisation of interfaces between smart cities, corridors and regions.

• Pan European deployment of ICT for Transport requires a large scale action. The level

of success depends on the level of participation investors and innovators and the

structure of the ELSA. A clear and ambitious strategy and vision is needed as a starting

point (compare the EIP AHA: extent average life by two years). The vision has to be

ambitious but realistic, measurable, recognizable for different stakeholder groups

(including politicians) and be explainable in one sentence. The translation of the vision

into indicators is necessary for the analysis of the effects of the ELSA. The scenarios

described in this report include different visions. They focus on health, green, safety and

security and economic development. In the next phase of ELSA development a

common goal and vision should be developed and anchored within the concept of

ELSA. This may need to focus on 1-2 scenarios. The concept of open data and

standards provides a starting point (see previous conclusion).

8.2 Recommendations

• Common elements in the scenarios are the emerging opportunities of development of

smartphone applications, a generic technology. A cross-sectoral collaboration –

collaboration with for example the health sector, the energy sector, SME’s, etc. - in

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


innovation management related to ICT apps in transport sector is essential. Certain

challenges in the transport domain (open data, standards) could be similar to other

domains. Solutions invented to tackle problems in other domains could provide

solutions for the transport sector as well.

• The preliminary concept of ELSA, developed in SATIE WP3, has been used in the

development of the scenarios. The process of applying the concept has led to

recommendations for the next steps in WP3 (development of the ELSA concept and

handbook) and WP4 (development of the operational elements of ELSA/Network of


– For successful deployment of ICT for Transport private investments are crucial.

Public funding instruments should be balanced accordingly. Therefore the role of

the private sector – especially the involvement of Europe-wide businesses as

main investors and co-sponsors of the initiative - should be reflected in the

governance model. Furthermore in the next step of shaping ELSA it should be

explored how different public funding instruments can be coupled (local, national

and EC funding instruments and work methods) - specifically the possibilities of

an EIP and alignment with the mobility part of the EIP Smart Cities.

– The pan-European Dimension is one of the ELSA elements. This element could

be repositioned from the ELSA elements to the ELSA concept, as this is more a

concept or strategy than an element. The operationalization of the concept is

reflected in other ELSA elements.

– The ELSA element “action area” should further focus on the large-scale

approach related to the ICT deployment aspects, i.e. in relation to the test-beds,

innovation incubators and the potential interest of an ELSA for industry that

wants to scale up its activities in this area and to create a market for their

products and services.

• The current concept of ELSA comprises three action area’s (on city, corridor and

regional level). The scenarios have illustrated a broad spectrum of ICT’s, actors, and

business models involved. With regard to the objective of an ELSA – speeding up the

deployment of ICT for Transport - it has to be decided whether a focus on a broad

spectrum contributes to the overall objective (whether an ELSA is big enough to cut

through the innovation cycle in all the scenarios). It could be considered to limit the

number of action areas to 1 or 2. It should be explored how action areas would be

selected (e.g. within an EIP initiative framework), and how the specific transport-ICT

measures to be implemented would be chosen.

• The scenarios have been developed in interaction with important stakeholders (EC,

OEMs, Road operators, etc.). When setting next steps in the development of the ELSA

concept and analysis of effects it is recommended to (re)confirm the scope, focus and

objectives of an ELSA and the scope of the scenarios with the EC and external

stakeholders (national ITS organizations, etc.). The interaction will provide input on how

elements from other initiatives could be integrated in the design of the ELSA (e.g. EIP,

PPPs, TEN-T, etc.).

• TBII’s are a crucial element of the ELSA that contribute to the pan European

deployment of ICT for Transport. At present there are no known examples of TBII’s or

test beds evolved into a TBII. In order to support a successful launch of the ELSA it is

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


desirable to start at short notice the development of 1-2 concrete cases (within SATIE

or parallel to SATIE supported by the EC).

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


9 References

CIVITAS GUARD 2010, D2.2 Analysis of the Implementation Process within CIVITAS II


SAFESPOT 2006, D6.2.1: Report on preliminary analysis and initial deployment program

SATIE 2012, D3.1: Preliminary Concept of ELSA for Transport.

SATIE 2012, Presentation on the results of the pressure cooker.

TNO 2007, TNO Report for the European Commission. Benchmarking study on activities in

promoting and deploying Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems in the EU.

Transport for London 2008, Central London Congestion Charging Impacts monitoring Sixth

Annual Report.


EC: http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/pdf//eip_staff_paper.pdf

CIVITAS : http://www.civitas-initiative.org

CONDUITS: http://www.conduits.eu

CVIS: http://www.cvisproject.org/

EIT ICT LABS : http:// eit.ictlabs.eu

Easyway: http://www.easyway-its.eu/

FESTA: http://www.its.leeds.ac.uk/festa/index.php

FOT net: http://www.fot-net.eu/



EGCI: http://www.green-cars-initiative.eu

Smart Cities: http://setis.ec.europa.eu/about-setis/technology-roadmap/european-initiative-


Future Internet: http://www.fi-ppp.eu

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Annex: Examples from other programs, initiatives



Smart & Healthy City Smart, Safe & Green


Smart & Thriving






CIVITAS initiative the

demand side is led by

city administrations.

Cities are leading the

implementation of

sustainable mobility

measures. The CIVITAS

program facilitates the

implementation of a

number of reference

projects, in terms of

project design,

management of the

learning process, and

the evaluation.

Commitment of the

CIVITAS partners is

voluntary and there is

no formal commitment

to the societal goals.

The FP7 framework

supports the

procurement process of

the CIVITAS project

activities that are there

for limited to research

only and no covering

substantial roll-out.

TEN-T requires strong

involvement or lead

from public authorities of

member states to

enable funding for

deployment activities.

Example of private lead

on corridor level: EGCI.

OEM/industry is

organised in strategic

advisory board (note:

and not a steering

committee), developing

roadmaps and

milestones stimulating

deployment of ICT

facilitating Green Hubs

and Green corridors,

transport systems

integration and safe and

intelligent trucks.

The Smart and Thriving

Region scenario is build

on bottom-up initiatives

and processes by

(private) stakeholders

working together in cross-

border regions. There is a

parallel with the bottom-

up process followed by

the EIP AHA where an

Invitation for Commitment

procedure is triggering

stakeholders to commit

themselves to the

strategic implementation

plan. This plan acts as a

basis for organising the

resources needed to

undertake actions.


Labs' business model

focuses on exploiting

market disruptions by

applying ICT to other

business domains,

identifying and opening

new research areas for

others to follow and

adapting to the social

changes arising from

open innovation and

various new employment

and business models.

The program entails: lean

and agile governance,

create an innovation flow

between different

stakeholders in the

innovation web and

facilitate access to critical

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


and relevant expertise


Modelling &


Dominant in business

case: public sector

Providing facilities to

cover risks involved in

deployment project.

Example of EISC: The

Initiative will be

modulated according to

the cities' ambition and

risk involved. Ambitious

cities could receive

funding for technical

assistance to facilitate

access to loans and risk

sharing loans. Pioneer

cities, taking much

greater risks through

radical technology and


transformations, could in

addition receive funding

in the form of grants to

support the

implementation of the

proposed package of

technologies and


Equillibrium in business

case: more focus on

public-private business


Besides the funding

made available via FP7

organisations in the

EGCI can also apply for

loans from the

European Investment

Bank (EIB). Two EIB

loan mechanisms will

provide the bulk of

financing under the

EGCI: The Risk-Sharing

Finance Facility (RSFF)

& The European Clean

Transport Facility


Dominant in business

case: private sector.

A main challenge is

developing new business

models for innovative ICT

technologies and

services. To overcome

the challenge examples of

the EIT-ICT could be

used. The EIT-ICT

provide a set of tools

supporting the business

development. Examples

are: Business Club,

Entrepreneurs Club,

Entrepreneurship Support

System, European SME

Program, Innovation

Radar, EIT funding on

existing activities to

catalyse innovation and

new business creation.

See also EIB instruments

and EGCI example.

Funding for research, deployment and infrastructure is organised via different

services (DG’s) and instruments. Example: The PPP-FI, EIP-AHA and EGCI

issue calls under FP7, CIP, EUREKA, Structural Funds. The EIP AHA facilitates

the network of interested organisations by providing a market place listing AHA

calls currently running under different programs. The market place includes

information about funding instrument/the program, running time, beneficiaries, etc



ELSA is about scaling up deployment. During the program the innovation

sequence must converge ELSA investments, actions, business development etc.

in order to overcome this challenge. The sequence of PPP-FI provides an

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


example: In Phase 1 the program starts with 8 use cases on different application

domains (mobility, safety, cities, etc). In phase 2 the use cases will be narrowed

down to maximum 5 use cases. In the 3rd phase the use cases will be expanded.



In order to monitor the progress and success of ELSA KPI have to be defined

that are aligned with the goals of ELSA. The EIP-AHA provides an example. The

characteristics of ELSA resemble the EIP-AHA with regard to monitoring. The

EIP-AHA has developed a potential multidimensional framework for monitoring.

The approach is justifiable given the variety and number of individual actions in

the framework of the Partnership, be it at local, regional or at European scale,

being put forward, and considering the comprehensiveness of the top level

including Healthy Life Years (HLY), Quality of Life, sustainable health care

systems and Innovation based competitiveness. In other words, the monitoring

framework should seek to assess the impact of individual actions performed at

micro level on macro targets and on specific objectives describing the situation of

the whole population (e.g. HLY+2). The proposed monitoring framework could be

based on 4 levels.

� 1st level (top) macro level: captures HLYs and ‘triple win’ objectives, namely

Quality of Life, sustainable care systems and innovation based competitiveness.

� 2nd level (main determinants): 1st level determinant indicators disaggregated

into various indicative measures (e.g. Years Lived with Disability – YLD - for

selected diseases, chronic diseases screening and treatment quality, cost-

effectiveness of care/Healthcare spending).

� 3rd level (specific objectives) interface objectives between HLYs+2 and

individual actions, e.g. increasing the rate of early diagnosis, decreasing

avoidable inpatient services, increasing adherence to medicine regimes and


� 4th level (micro level): a mix of output and outcome indicators which would

measure individual actions– (, e.g. increasing community care services in a

region, providing training for care workforce on diagnostic tools in a number of

hospitals in a region/country.

Besides a generic frame work for monitoring it is important to have specific KPI’s

for the different action areas. Clear KPI help to communicate potential benefits for

(local) investors and innovators and tailor make ELSA actions for local situations.

Examples of KPI’s are given for each action area. The examples are not limited to

each area.

EISC: KPI’s on

transport. % for the

municipal fleet running

on alternative/clean

fuels, # low carbon

transport projects

implemented by 2015

KPI: efficiency, CO2


KPI: jobs, economic


SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Action Area




reference sites/

locations from

other programs

and initiatives

that correspond

with the



Future internet: FI


Hertfordshire, United



London, United

Kingdom, BBC

Experimentation Lab


CIVITAS: London,

Brighton & Hove

EISC: 10-20 testing and

deployment programs in

cities focused on

transport (tbd)

Future internet: FI

CONTENT kortrijk -->

kinepolis group,

dusseldorf -->

eTwinning; FI FINSENY:

Aachen, Germany,

Smart Watts & Smart

Wheels RWTH Aachen

EON Energy Research

Center Laboratories; FI


Cologne, Germany

Smart Food Awareness

, Cologne, Germany

Smart Agri Logistics

EIT ICT LABS: Helsinki

TEN-T: Nordic Triangle

railway/road axis,

Motorways of the Sea

Future internet: FI

CONTENT Helsinki,

Finland, FinnONTO FI

FINSENY, Helsinki

Kalasatama FI SAFE

CITY Helsinki --> Public

Safety and Security

EIT ICT LABS: Eindhoven

CIVITAS: Ghent, Aachen,


TEN-T: High-speed

railway axis Paris-



PBKAL. Railway axis




DITCM: Dutch integrated

test site for Cooperative

Mobility Eindhoven



Easyway: deployment

guidelines and decision

making process for the

ITS deployment to

improve the situation on

European roads,

concerning safety,

mobility and

environmental impact,

by deploying

harmonised ITS

services for the

European traveller and


The pan European dimension should facilitate an holistic and integrated

approach to enable further deployment. To facilitate interaction, networks have to

be organized on different levels and different actors.

The EIT ICT Labs deploys different catalysts to speed up innovation processes

on existing activities. To organize the learning process catalyst has been

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


developed called ‘Best-Practice Benchmarking’ the goal is to understand and

integrate global best-practices to create a self-reinforcing innovation ecosystem.

CIVITAS has established a CIVITAS FORUM to establish and facilitate

interaction between both demonstration cities as non-demonstration cities.




The NiCE project (FP7),

part of the EURO-cities

Forum, supports cities in

their effort to reduce

CO2 by means of ICT.

By signing the Green

Digital Charter,

developed under the

Greenshift initiative,

cities are committed to

reduce emissions with

30% (in 10 years). NiCE

offers: tools


framework, analysis and

information resources);

learning and targeted

exchange activities, and

outreach and showcase



Collaboration and

coordination with the

Smart City community

give some direction to

maintain focus on the

societal goals.

SATIE – D5.1 Elsa Implementation Scenarios


Annex: SATIE contractual references

SATIE is a Support Action funded by the European Commission – Directorate General

Information Society and Media, through the 7th Framework Programme for Research and

Technological Development.

Grant Agreement number: 287921

Project duration: 36 months

From: 01 September 2011

To: 31 August 2014

The principal EC project officer is:

Stefanos Gouvras

European Commission DG INFSO BU31 04/37 B – 1049 Brussels Belgium E-mail: [email protected]

The shadow EC project officer is:

Helen Köpman

E-mail: [email protected]

Address to which all deliverables and reports have to be sent:

Stefanos Gouvras

European Commission DG INFSO BU31 04/37 B – 1049 Brussels Belgium E-mail: [email protected]

For information or documents to be transferred by electronic means, the following address

shall be used:

For the European Commission: [email protected]

[email protected]