D3.4 Core Features Services and ContentFINALs3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/discover4carers/... ·...

Deliverable 3.4 Revision: 1.0 Authors: Nigel Wynne (BCU), Timothy Marquis (BCU), Rosa Almeida (INTRAS), Panos Bamidis, Hein de Graaf. Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT Policy Support Programme Dissemination Level P Public C Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services DISCOVER Skills Zones: Core Features and Content Map Project Acronym: DISCOVER Grant Agreement Number: 297268 Project Title: Digital Inclusion Skills for Carers bringing Opportunities Value and Excellence

Transcript of D3.4 Core Features Services and ContentFINALs3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/discover4carers/... ·...

Page 1: D3.4 Core Features Services and ContentFINALs3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/discover4carers/... · Deliverable 3.4 Revision: 1.0 Authors: Nigel Wynne (BCU), Timothy Marquis (BCU), Rosa

Deliverable 3.4 Revision: 1.0


Nigel Wynne (BCU), Timothy Marquis (BCU), Rosa Almeida (INTRAS), Panos

Bamidis, Hein de Graaf.

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT Policy Support Programme

Dissemination Level

P Public ����

C Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services

DISCOVER Skills Zones: Core Features and

Content Map

Project Acronym: DISCOVER

Grant Agreement Number: 297268

Project Title: Digital Inclusion Skills for Carers bringing

Opportunities Value and Excellence

Page 2: D3.4 Core Features Services and ContentFINALs3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/discover4carers/... · Deliverable 3.4 Revision: 1.0 Authors: Nigel Wynne (BCU), Timothy Marquis (BCU), Rosa


Revision History

Revision Date Organisation Description

#1.0 11/6/15 BCU/INTRAS/AUTH/ASTRA Map of learning Activities and Resources Produced By DISCOVER.

1.1 12/6/15 BCU Core services section added

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Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ 3

TABLE OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ 4

TABLE OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. 4

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 5

1. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................ 6

2. CORE FEATURES ..................................................................................................... 6

2.1. MOODLE ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.2. ENROLMENT ................................................................................................................... 7

2.3. COMMUNICATION TOOLS .................................................................................................. 7

DISCUSSION FORUMS ............................................................................................................ 7 2.3.1.

BIG BLUE BUTTON ................................................................................................................ 8 2.3.2.

2.4. ORGANISATION OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES .............................................................................. 8

META STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................ 9 2.4.1.

USING THE WEB ................................................................................................................. 10 2.4.2.

CONNECTING FOR CARE ....................................................................................................... 10 2.4.3.

ENHANCING CARE SKILLS ..................................................................................................... 10 2.4.4.

MAKING YOUR SKILLS COUNT .............................................................................................. 11 2.4.5.

2.5. HELP MENU ................................................................................................................ 11

2.6. SIDE NAVIGATION .......................................................................................................... 11

2.7. QUICK START ................................................................................................................ 11

2.8. SCOOP.IT .................................................................................................................... 12

2.9. FILTERED SCOOP.IT VIEWS ............................................................................................... 13

2.10. SIGNPOSTING TO SERVICES............................................................................................... 14

2.11. INTERACTIVE MAP ......................................................................................................... 14

2.12. TEACHERS AREA ............................................................................................................ 15


4. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS AND CUSTOMISATIONS ............................................... 27

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Enrolment form for Skills Zone ................................................................................... 7

Figure 2: Discussion forum posting ............................................................................................ 8

Figure 3: Icon Based Non Linear Design..................................................................................... 9

Figure 4: Four domains within Spanish Skills Zone .................................................................... 9

Figure 5: Topics within the UK Connecting for Care Skills Zone .............................................. 10

Figure 6: Preventing Falls Simulation (New HTML 5 interface) ............................................... 10

Figure 7: Open Labyrinth branching scenarios ........................................................................ 11

Figure 8: Help icon ................................................................................................................... 11

Figure 9: Quick Start icon in Greek Skills Zone ........................................................................ 11

Figure 10: Scoop.IT collection of web-based resources in support of heart problems used

within Dutch pilot. ............................................................................................................ 12

Figure 11: Icon within Dementia Topic in UK Skills Zone leading to filtered view of Dementia

Scoop.IT curated content collection ................................................................................. 13

Figure 12: Signposting Gallery in Spanish Skills Zone .............................................................. 14

Figure 13: Teachers Zone ......................................................................................................... 15

Table of Tables

Table 1: DISCOVER learning activities and services for each pilot .......................................... 27

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This document provides an overview of the core services provided to each of the Skills Zone

platforms that have been developed and used within the four pilot sites during the

DISCOVER project.

The virtual learning environment MOODLE was chosen as the foundation technology upon

which each Skills Zone was developed as Moodle is already being used by a number of the

DISCOVER consortium partners and provides a ready-made toolset that each of the pilot

organisations can exploit according to their specific needs. This flexibility and the large

community of developers supporting MOODLE globally ensure that a low cost, updatable

and responsive technology base is available for pilot organisations to further develop their

DISCOVER offering.

An icon approach to design and navigation is used to create a non-linear learning

environment that reflects the wide variation in needs expressed by carers.

A number of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools have been adopted,

again to provide flexibility in the training and support activities pilots choose to adopt.

Signposting is supported through interactive galleries and maps and opportunities to assess

learning are available for many of the learning activities designed in the form of multiple

choice assessments. Certificates have been used extensively by the UK and Spanish pilots to

promote engagement and to help evidence learning.

A detailed content map is provided in table form to indicate the similarities and differences

between the pilots. The document concludes with an indication of the ongoing development

activities that the DISCOVER consortium has been supporting during the final phases of the

project and to-date and offers this as testament to the strong relationships built between

the partners, their commitment to carer support and the success of DISCOVER.

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DISCOVER (www.DISCOVER4carers.eu) is a 3 year European project (ICT-PSP) that

commenced in April 2012 led by Birmingham City Council and involving partners from across

Europe. The project aims to reach informal and formal carers of older people, provide them

with learning materials and support and encourage them to mentor others, creating a new

service to deliver digital skills training to carers and care receivers. In doing so it will

challenge existing training practices and create a technical solution for the provision of

better care using the most appropriate technology and innovative forms of learning to reach

and engage carers.

The aim was to provide access to rich digital learning experiences that will address carer

learning and signposting needs using a ‘learn to learn’ approach to support personal


The project has been delivered in four test-beds across Europe: in Greece, the Netherlands,

Spain and the UK. It has involved over 660 family carers, care workers and stakeholders in

the development of innovative training materials to improve care and digital skills. As a

result, DISCOVER has created several lasting project ‘products’:

• The project website – 4 national instances

o www.DISCOVER4carer.eu (UK and international version)

o http://DISCOVER.psicoed.es/ (Spanish version )

o http://gr.DISCOVER4carer.eu (Greek version to move to

http://www.learn4care.gr in the near future)

o http://nl.DISCOVER4carers.eu/ (Dutch version)

• The Skills Zone – 4 national instances

o http://moodle.DISCOVER4carers.eu/

o http://moodle.DISCOVER4carers.eu/?lang=es

o http://moodle.DISCOVER4carers.eu/?lang=nl

o http://moodle.DISCOVER4carers.eu/?lang=el


The learning activities and signposting services provided by DISCOVER are based within a

platform called the Skills Zone. Each pilot organisation has developed the content within

their respective Skills Zones in accordance with their local needs.


The Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE provides the main toolset and technology base

that each pilot’s Skills Zone has been based upon. MOODLE is one of the most widely used

VLE’s within education globally. It is open source and benefits from a large developer

community. Moodle is also the VLE used by as number of the organisations within the

DISCOVER consortium.

Each MOODLE based SKILLS ZONE has the following core features available for pilot

organisations to use:

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2.2. Enrolment

All visitors to the respective DISCOVER project websites for each pilot can enrol onto the

relevant Skills Zone via completion of an online, CAPTCHA protected, enrolment form.

Enrolment onto a Skills Zone provides single sign on to the VCC online simulations used by

each pilot


Figure 1: Enrolment form for Skills Zone

2.3. Communication Tools

DISCOVER provides two communication technologies.

Discussion Forums 2.3.1.

These have been provided to facilitate asynchronous discussion between carers and


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Figure 2: Discussion forum posting

Big Blue Button 2.3.2.

This technology provides pilots with the option of utilising a live-stream tool to support

synchronous communications and face to face distance learning support.

Figure 3: Synchronous Learning Tool BigBlueButton Interface

2.4. Organisation of Learning Activities

The user interface design adopted leverages an icon driven navigation system that aims to

promote non-linear access to learning and support activities arranged around subject topics.

This design was adopted in light of the wide variety of needs expressed by carers during our

stakeholder analysis. This variety meant that the typical modular and linear system of

learning traditionally adopted within formal education was less suited to the needs of our

extremely heterogeneous population of carers. DISCOVER carers where predominantly

interested in accessing information, just-in-time, about issues that were relevant to their

immediate contexts. Providing a non-linear approach to setting out DISCOVER activities best

supported this need.

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Figure 4: Icon Based Non Linear Design

Meta Structure 2.4.1.

Activities and services within DISCOVER for most pilots are based within four domains:

Figure 5: Four domains within Spanish Skills Zone

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Using the Web 2.4.2.

This area provides access to a large number of learning activities based on a variety of topics

that carers have indicated hold value to them. Most of these activities are supported by

content curated from the web using content curation software called Scoop.IT.

Connecting for Care 2.4.3.

This area aims to introduce carers to different communication technologies and provide

guidance on the safe use of these.

Figure 6: Topics within the UK Connecting for Care Skills Zone

Enhancing Care Skills 2.4.4.

In this area are topics that relate specifically to care skills. This area typically contains the

high value, rich media simulations developed by partners during DISCOVER.

Figure 7: Preventing Falls Simulation (New HTML 5 interface)

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Figure 8: Open Labyrinth branching scenarios

Making Your Skills Count 2.4.5.

This area is designated for resources that support activities related to evidencing learning

and skills and preparation for employment.

2.5. HELP Menu

The help menu provided key information that supported effective use of Skills Zone


Figure 9: Help icon

2.6. Side Navigation

To support navigation and to help carers know there level location within the Skills Zone an

iconised side navigation menu has been developed.

2.7. Quick Start

The Quick Start icon allows carers to view a web page that lists DISCOVER content within

each of the respective skills zones. Content descriptors are hyperlinked to provide direct

access to learning activities.

Figure 10: Quick Start icon

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2.8. Scoop.IT

Scoop.IT is third party software licensed by DISCOVER to support the curation of web based

content. The use of content curation as a method of providing access to quality web based

resources has allowed DISCOVER to develop a large number of learning activities that are

based around localised and contextualised web based resources for each pilot country.

Each pilot has curated content around a number of topics. Scoop.IT organises this content

into collections that consist of web pages containing thumbnails of the web resources

curated and or media within those web resources.

Figure 11: Scoop.IT collection of web-based resources in support of heart problems used

within Dutch pilot

52 collections of curated content have been developed by DISCOVER to support carers. This

represents 52 separate topic areas. These collections contain 1600 scoops and these have

been viewed 10700 times.

Each pilot now has a method to continually update, expand and amend content for their

respective Skills Zones with no need to invest in content authoring tools and skills unless

bespoke content is required.

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2.9. Filtered Scoop.IT views

DISCOVER has customised the application of Scoop.IT collections to provide links to specific

resources within a collection in support of learning activities linked to from within DISCOVER

Skills Zones. Using this approach Skills Zone teachers can curate content to a topic collection

and then designate that content to fall within one of three levels: Beginner, Intermediate

and Experienced. They can then apply a filter to that topic collection so that only Beginner

level curated content is seen by a carer when they select the relevant level icon for a specific

learning activity. The example below shows the beginner level Dementia icon linking to

Beginner level curated content within the Dementia topic collection.

Figure 12: Icon within Dementia Topic in UK Skills Zone leading to filtered view of

Dementia Scoop.IT curated content collection

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2.10. Signposting to Services

To help signpost carers to the websites of key services a javascript gallery has been

developed. The gallery uses hyperlinked icons to indicate different services and these can be

filtered by clicking the relevant subject hyperlink.

Figure 13: Signposting Gallery in Spanish Skills Zone

2.11. Interactive Map

To further support signposting and to promote carer led sharing of information an

interactive map has been created using Google Maps and embedded within each Skills Zone.

The map identifies key services, locations and facilities that may be of relevance to carers.

Figure 14: Carers' Map of Birmingham in UK Skills Zone

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2.12. Multiple Choice Assessment

Most of the learning activities within the UK, Greek and Spanish pilots are accompanied by a

multiple choice quiz assessment. The Dutch Skills Zone is designed to provide information

and quick access to topics rather than course learning and therefore does not offer quizzes.

2.13. Certificates

The certificates plugin for MOODLE allows learners to gain a certificate following the

successful completion of multiple choice assessments. Certificates can be adapted and

customised to meet the needs of organisations using DISCOVER. The INTRAS and BIRM

pilots have adopted certificates with AUTH committed to doing this in the near future.

2.14. Teachers Area

To support the trainers within each pilot a Teachers Area has been developed to house

guidance and support resources for teachers.

Figure 15: Teachers Zone

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(���� = content developed; IP = In Progress; PE = Provided Elsewhere)

Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Home Page Structure and Content Purpose of Content

Welcome to the DISCOVER Skills Zone � � � �

Home Page

Interactive Map Trainer and carer generated location based

information � � � IP

What’s New Keeping users updated � � �

Local Services Signposting � � �

HELP Guidance � � � �

Brain Games Information and Signposting � IP �

Communication Forums and Chat � � � IP

Sub-Domain 1 - Using the Web

Introduction to Scoop.it Guidance � � �

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Feedback Opportunities via Discussion

Forum links provided at learning activity


Carer Engagement, Further Development ü

Digital Skills for Carers � � � �

Keyboard Skills Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate IP ✓


Mouse Skills Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Experienced ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Music and Photo Skills Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓

Experienced ✓

Types of Computer Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Experienced ✓

Web Curation Tools Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓

Experienced ✓ ✓ ✓

Email Skills Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓


✓ ✓

The Internet and

Searching the Web Digital Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓

Experienced ✓ ✓ ✓

Windows Skills Digital Skills ✓ IP ✓

Beginner ✓ IP ✓

Intermediate ✓ IP ✓


IP ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Social Networking Digital Skills PE PE ✓

Beginner ✓

Intermediate ✓

Experienced ✓

Dementia[1] Information & Care Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Experienced ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dementia (Spain) ✓

INTRODUCTION Information ✓


Introduction Information ✓

Loneliness and isolation Care Skills ✓

Health Problems Care Skills ✓

Anxiety Care Skills ✓

Erroneous thoughts Care Skills ✓

Depression Care Skills ✓

Caring the carer Care Skills ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch



Difficulties that may arise in

communication and language Care Skills ✓

Coping with communication difficulties Care Skills ✓

What we must avoid in the

communication Care Skills ✓



Behavioural Changes Care Skills ✓

Daily Living Activities Care Skills ✓

dressing Care Skills ✓

incontinence Care Skills ✓

eat Care Skills ✓

bathing Care Skills ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Structured Discussion Forum Activities for

many of the above Dementia topics in the

Spanish pilot

Reflection/Communication ✓


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Information � ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓

Experienced ✓

Assistive Technologies Information and Care Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓

Experienced ✓ ✓ ✓

Heart Disease Information and Care Skills � ✓ IP ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ IP ✓


✓ IP ✓

Finance Information ✓ IP ✓ ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Beginner ✓ IP ✓ X

Intermediate ✓ IP IP ✓

Experienced ✓ IP IP ✓

Diabetes Information and Care Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ IP ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ IP X

Experienced � ✓

Stroke Information and Care Skills � ✓ IP ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ IP ✓

Intermediate X ✓ IP X

Experienced ✓

Moving and Handling Information and Care Skills � ✓ IP ✓

Beginner ✓ IP ✓


Experienced ✓ ✓

Communication Skills Support for Migrant

Workers Information and personal skills ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Sub Domain 2 - Connecting

for Care ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Guide to Forums Information and Communication Tool/Digital

Skill ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Guide to Facebook Information and Communication Tool/Digital

Skill ✓ ✓ ✓ PE

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓ PE

Guide to Twitter Information and Communication Tool/Digital

Skill ✓ ✓ ✓ PE

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓ PE

Guide to Gmail Information and Communication Tool/Digital

Skill ✓

Beginner ✓

Guide to Scoop.it Information and Communication Tool/Digital

Skill ✓

Intermediate ✓

Guide to Skype Information and Communication Tool/Digital

Skill IP

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Safeguarding Information and Digital Skill � ✓ ✓ ✓

Beginner ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Intermediate ✓ ✓ ✓

Experienced IP ✓ ✓

Discussion Forums Communication and Support Tool ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Big Blue Button Communication and Support Tool ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Sub-Domain 3 - Enhancing

Care Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Reducing the Risk of Falls (VCC) Care Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Assistive Technologies in Home (VCC) Care Skills IP IP IP IP

Dementia (VCC) Care Skills IP IP IP IP

Second Life Scenarios

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

New care giver and elderly person

with dementia scenario Care Skills ✓

Formal care giver and dementia

patient scenario Care Skills ✓

FitForAll, a Physical Training Platform -

Assistive Technologies Care Skills ✓

Elderly patient with Frontal Lobe

Atrophy - Frontal lobe disorder Care Skills ✓

Second Life – Community Building ✓

Open Labyrinth ✓

Digital Skills Developing Digital Skills IP

Dementia Care Skills ✓

Diabetes Care Skills ✓

First Aid Care Skills ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Parkinson Disease Care Skills ✓

Heart Disease Care Skills ✓

COPD Care Skills ✓

Stroke Care Skills ✓

Multiple Sclerosis Care Skills ✓

Physical Activity Care Skills IP

Carers Care Care Skills IP

Sub Domain 4: Making Your

Skills Count ✓ ✓ ✓

Preparing for Interview Preparation for employment/further training ✓ IP IP

Guide to E-Portfolio IP IP

Build an Online Profile Safe practice in using

technology/safeguarding/using an e-portfolio IP ✓

Upload and Store Your

Certificates Demonstrating learning & experience IP ✓

Create a CV in Mahara Preparation for employment/further training IP ✓

Build as Blog Communication tool IP ✓

Network with Friends and

Colleagues Networking tool IP ✓

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Teaching material content in DISCOVER Skills

Zone Spanish Greek English Dutch

Build a Webpage to Share

Resources Content creation skills

IP ✓

Writing a CV Preparation for employment/further training ✓ IP ✓

Table 1: DISCOVER learning activities and services for each pilot


It is testament to the success of DISCOVER that significant further development work has been undertaken by all pilots to further adapt their

Skills Zones to meet the needs of their local carer populations and to facilitate the execution of respective business activities. INTRAS for

example have added further learning activities to their Skills Zone and ASTRA are in the process of developing a new website to support their

expanding carer support activities. BCU are continuing to develop their online simulation platform and new simulations are scheduled for

release during 2015 with a commitment to further collaborate and support pilot organisations into the foreseeable future. AUTH have

developed further branching scenarios and will be collaborating with partners to adapt these as DISCOVER activities continue.