CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION ......Customer Service Excellence, the UK Government's...

Commercial in Confidence 1 TCSE Initial Assessment Certification Review Report V417.12.12 © emqc Ltd 2012 ® Customer Service Excellence is a trade mark of the Cabinet Office and is used under licence CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION REVIEW REPORT for Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing on behalf of

Transcript of CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION ......Customer Service Excellence, the UK Government's...

Page 1: CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION ......Customer Service Excellence, the UK Government's national standard for excellence in customer service. Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood

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1 TCSE – Initial Assessment – Certification Review Report –V4– 17.12.12

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Customer Service Excellence is a trade mark of the Cabinet Office

and is used under licence




Charnwood Borough Council

Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing

on behalf of

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1. Key Information ....................................................................................... 3

2. Introduction and Background ................................................................. 3

3. Methodology ............................................................................................ 3

4. Summary of Strengths ............................................................................ 4

5. Assessor’s Findings ................................................................................ 4

5.1 Criterion 1 – Customer Insight ........................................................... 4

5.2 Criterion 2 – The Culture of the Organisation ................................... 5

5.3 Criterion 3 – Information and Access ................................................ 6

5.4 Criterion 4 – Delivery .......................................................................... 8

5.5 Criterion 5 – Timeliness and Quality of Service ............................... 9

6. Conclusion and Recommendation ......................................................... 9

7. Compliance against the Customer Service Excellence Standard ...... 11 8. Rolling Review Matrix …………………………………………….Appendix 1

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1. Key Information

Assessor Name SUE DOWEY

Document Review Date 1 AUGUST 2013

Visit Date Thursday 8 August 2013 Friday 9 August 2013

Assessment Reference Number 13/0701

2. Introduction and Background This Assessment Report covers the services provided by Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. This report includes a brief description of the Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing, the assessment methodology and an overview of how Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate demonstrated compliance against the Customer Service Excellence, the UK Government's national standard for excellence in customer service.

Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate is responsible for the following council services:

Cleansing and Open Spaces: waste operations, ground maintenance, engineering and open spaces;

Leisure and Culture: leisure centres, markets and fairs, museums, tourism town centre management, town hall, public conveniences, arts and culture;

Neighbourhood Services: community safety and neighbourhood management, community grants, sports and recreation, children and young people, waste education, anti social behaviour (ASB), closed circuit television.

The nature of the directorate will help the council to engage with the more challenging groups and assist in the prevention of anti-social behaviour (ASB) that is known to be of major concern and importance to council customers. The services provided by the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate are all front facing council services.

The directorate comprises of 121 staff (107 FTE) operating across a number of sites with an annual budget of in excess of £7m

3. Methodology Shortly before the assessment visit the Assessor carried out a full examination of all the key documents that were listed in a matrix of evidence and the two-day on-site assessment programme was agreed in advance of the on-site visit. The desktop review of evidence was taken from a comprehensive database of directorate/corporate evidence supplied in advance by the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. The findings for this report has been taken from a sample of evidence for the desktop review and the outcome of the on-site assessment taking in feedback from the directorate senior management team, staff, partners and customers The on-site assessment visit started with the Assessor meeting the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate Strategic Director and Heads of Service who provided a brief update on changes to the directorate since the initial CSE certification in 2010 and following annual reviews. Following completion of the assessment the Assessor was able to provide feedback on Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate compliance against all the elements of the Customer Service Excellence criteria and on their recommendation to the emqc Ltd Certification Committee.

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4. Summary of Strengths

The Neighbourhood and Community Wellbeing directorate are an exemplary directorate providing high levels of customer service and satisfaction to council customers. They demonstrated high levels of customer satisfaction both in the evidence submission for the desktop review and further supported in the findings of discussions with the senior management team, customers, staff and partners at the on-site assessment.

The directorate provide high levels of service to council customers and there is a desire by the staff met at the on-site assessment to deliver the best possible customer experience. Staff confirmed that the senior management team provide excellent levels of support to them in the delivery of services. Feedback from the sample of customers at the on-site assessment confirmed that generally they feel they are experiencing good levels of customer service from council services.

There was real evidence that Neighbourhood and Community Wellbeing directorate are committed and inspired in delivering the best possible customer experience.


During the two days spent on site for this three-year certification review it was clear that there is a real commitment by staff in delivering high levels of service to council customers.

Partnership working is clearly working to the advantage of council services and this was confirmed in discussions with partners at the on-site assessment. There are strong, helpful and constructive arrangements in place that demonstrate benefits to the customers and clear levels of accountability across partnership working arrangements.

Whilst observing staff at the on-site visit it was evident that they are providing professional services and this was confirmed with the sample of customers met at the on-site assessment.

Discussions with customers confirmed high levels of service are being delivered from the directorate responsibilities.

The directorate has been successful in achieving number of awards that has included Horticultural Excellence in Parks, Customer Involvement, Britain in Bloom National category for Small Cities and the Campaign for Courtesy for town hall staff being consistently polite, approachable, friendly, helpful an wiling to give the best service, the latter was nominated by town hall customers.

The service is providing excellent levels of service to Charnwood Borough Council customers and is fully compliant across all 57 elements of the standard. The directorate is by no means complacent in its approach to their areas of council responsibilities and continue to work to further improve and develop front line customer services.

5. Assessor’s Findings

5.1 Criterion 1 – Customer Insight

You continue to have an in-depth understanding of your customer groups and this was evident at the on-site assessment and in the desktop review of evidence. Examples of customer insight included the corporate plan, council demographics, 2012 joint assessment needs assessment, equality mapping whilst further supported by neighbourhood walks, children and young people profiles, waste partnership audits, leisure centre surveys, participation activity Charnwood, youth cafe and other supporting evidence. The directorate develops customer insight from 2012 joint assessment needs assessment, customer satisfaction surveys, “You Said – We Did’, equality mapping, exit interviews, complaints handling and recording, grounds maintenance feedback and the landlord services residents group.

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The directorate hold an annual waste amnesty in residential student living areas; this gives the opportunity for the directorate to gain further insight of their customers whilst also taking opportunities to educate on recycling and street cleanliness. Your efforts from the initial three-year CSE certification continue for reaching those perceived to be hard to reach customers. Evidence incudes work on equality impact assessments, BME profile, community hero day, Outwards management plan (a plan to access nature projects), the Wild Card uptake (a school holiday programme) and the Parkour diversionary groups for hard to reach young people. National Customer Service Week saw the strategic director and heads of service observing front line services with the council Chief Executives attending staff forums. The strategic complaints panel, to include the responsible council member, will be holding an event to invite past complainants into the council to share their experiences of registering their complaint. A draft corporate communication plan is currently at the consultation stage that addresses the need to revisit the more traditional methods of communication for council customers. The council have lead member roles and responsibilities and a member has been appointed to promote customer service across all council directorates. Areas forums, citizens panels, the partnership strategy, consultation feedback, road shows, CBC website and leaflets all evidence methods of directorate communication. Resident’s surveys/action plans (2012); the corporate plan and Charnwood News contribute to effective consultations that lead on to improvements in service. One example of successful communication across partnership working was the recognition of a community hot spot, by communicating with multi agency groups and young people a Parkour initiative (free running) was introduced and as a result of this local area initiative a 20% reduction in ASB and cycle theft was achieved. The empowering communities scrutiny panel, resident’s surveys, Charnwood News, friends of groups, ‘You Said – We Did’, 2010-16 corporate plan are just a few examples of the reviewed strategies to engage with customers and staff. The GovMetric annual report, residents survey, complaints analysis and council annual report all serve to evidence that reliable and accurate methods are in place to measure customer satisfaction and methods for publicising outcomes. Evidence of Customer Journey Mapping was provided with one example being the market traders who had been consulted on changes to the market stalls, their feedback has been amalgamated into the outcomes and refurbishment of the market trader stalls will commence in 2014. In discussions with market traders they could confirm that their feedback had been taken into account and included in the final refurbishment programme. You are fully compliant in this criterion. Area for consideration. The museum customer satisfaction survey is a lengthy document and in its present format could present difficulties to those customers who may have specific needs e.g. limited literacy. On-site discussions were that the survey was to be reviewed; you may wish to consider how you use the five key drivers of satisfaction in the survey. This will be reviewed at the first annual CSE review in 2014

5.2 Criterion 2 – The Culture of the Organisation

There is a corporate commitment in placing the customer at the heart of the directorate’s service delivery. The corporate plan, customer service strategy, lead political member responsibility for customer service, corporate road shows and scrutiny panels evidence a corporate commitment to council customers. Customer service standards are in place along with a draft corporate customer service strategy. In discussions at the on-site assessment it was evident that the Chief Executive is placing great emphasis on the customer experience, which has led to the customer service programme project. Equality impact assessments are routinely carried out across the directorate and a draft corporate equality strategy is out for consultation. There are systems in place to protect the privacy of customer information both in storage and transfer. The information security policy, data protection policy, Sentinel information sharing protocol (across multi agencies), system protected passwords and private interview rooms all evidence the safe storage and transfer of personal customer information. Employees met at the on-site assessment felt they are encouraged to provide a customer-focused culture with the exception of a few members of staff not wanting to embrace culture change, albeit these were minor in numbers.

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Customer service training, recruitment, induction programmes, personal review guidance (replaces PDR’s), IIP certification, equality working group, management competence framework, organisational values, One Charnwood, cultural web workshops and the customer services programme project evidence a corporate/directorate commitment to customer service. Customers met at the on-site assessment could all confirm that staff are polite, friendly and professional. The town hall staff were successfully nominated by its customers for the ‘Campaign for Courtesy Award’ an award for being consistently polite, approachable, friendly, helpful and wiling to give the best service. Staff were able to discuss the improvements of the ‘Personal Reviews’ (a replacement for the PDR system) and how it is now more meaningful and timely. The personal review assessment is set against core values and guidance. Staff did feel that they can and do influence changes to internal processes, one comment from the staff group was ‘They just let you and trust you to get on with it’. Staff met at the on-site assessment generally felt that they are valued for their contribution to the directorate. Some quotes taken from staff and customers at the on-site assessment included:

“We are not good at celebrating what we do well” (staff)

“I get genuine thanks from my manager” (staff)

“Heads of service are always present and always interested in you and what you have to say” (staff)

“The Chief Executive takes time to attend staff forums” (staff)

“The staff are always polite, helpful and friendly” (customer)

“They are fabulous” (customer)

“I feel safe here” (youth café customer)

“They listen to you here” (youth café customer) You are fully compliant in this criterion. Area for Development. The corporate (draft) equality strategy is out for consultation and when implemented will require time to become embedded across the council directorates and evaluated, this will be reviewed at the first annual CSE review in 2014.

5.3 Criterion 3 – Information and Access

Information on the full range of directorate services is clearly outlined on the Charnwood Borough Council website and also available in hard copy from reception points. The council contact centre take all telephone calls for the directorate and council as a whole, at least 70% of traffic through the contact centre is for the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. Contact centre scripts are devised, agreed and signed off by both the directorate and contact centre and reviewed after a three-month period. Issues that arise from the scripts can be amended where applicable immediately, or referred back to the directorate for guidance. Charges for services are widely available via the website, contact centre and face-to-face at reception points. The customers spoken too at the onsite assessment included market traders; leisure members and members of the general public and all confirmed they were aware of the cost related to their individual council services. The communication of council information is currently under review in the draft communications strategy, it is accepted that a number of customers now prefer digital communications e.g. Facebook, e-mail, twitter and other social media systems. Council research and resident feedback would indicate that currently the main preference for contacting council services continues to be by telephone. Charnwood News, CBC website, annual reports are examples of other mediums used for accessing information for both council and directorate customers. The ‘You Said – We Did’, ‘Have Your Say’ leaflet, internal communication briefings and customer service website project plan evidence that customers have received and understood information. From the sample of customers met at the on-site assessment it was felt that generally they are kept informed if information is not readily available at the first point of contact. The newly introduced town hall on line theatre booking system now allows customers to purchase their ticket, select their seat and pay for the tickets on line, they are also able to request tickets to be posted or print themselves.

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Assisted collections for the waste management team, reception points, contact centre, neighbourhood walks by postcode, CBC website and the quick response (QR - the ability to scan a QR code on a mobile device taking you directly to an organisations website) are just a number of access channels to CBC and Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate services. Govmetric, SOCITM reports and customer satisfaction channel reports evaluate access to the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. The draft communications strategy will serve towards offering alternative access channels. All premises visited were as clean and comfortable as possible and all had facilities for private meeting rooms. The refurbishment of the leisure facilities at the Loughborough Leisure Centre and Town Hall had made both venues more appealing to the eye. Main customer feedback for the leisure centre included an area of toddler safety in the soft play area, consider providing disposal shoes for adult use in the soft play area and supply clothes hooks in the ladies locker rooms. All three areas of customer feedback were passed onto Fusions area manager whilst on-site. There was evidence at the on-site assessment that positive partnership arrangements are in place to benefit customers. The formal contracted services e.g. leisure and waste management, joint activity groups (JAG) across multi agency working, children and young people (CYP) action plan, Loughborough in Bloom, street pastors, Loughborough university, Charnwood Sport & Active Recreation Alliance (CSARA) are just a few examples of partnership working across the directorate. There is clear evidence from discussions with the sample of partnered agencies that clear lines of accountability are in place in the form of service level agreements. From those partners not having formal contracts in place there was clear evidence that there are clear and defined expectations of delivery. Quotes taken at the on-site assessment included:

“The relationship with Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate can only be described as a positive experience” (partner)

“Good, clear and open communications” (partner)

“I was clear about service level agreements and expectations but Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate were willing to review when a loss if funding was experienced” (partner)

“I cannot think of how the partnership can be improved” (partner)

“Things have improved since the new market manager came into post” (market trader)

“We know just where we stand with the market manager” (market trader)

“I was made fully aware of the costs of the staff (new market trader)

“CBC are the best of partnerships across other neighbouring authorities as they are always willing to listen and try to resolve problems” (partner)

A number of community activities are supported and encouraged by Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate with examples that include Fabulous Fridays, Love Loughborough discount card, Britain in Bloom awards and the Loughborough BID receiving £100k in town improvement funding. For a second year the council are running “Loughborough by the Sea’ a four day seaside event in the town centre whereby local communities are invited to stand a stall. The town hall hold painting exhibitions where local artists are invited to exhibit their artwork and have the opportunity to sell pieces of art and/or take commissions. You are fully compliant in this criterion. Compliance Plus 3.4.2. Retained from initial certification. The ‘Sentinel’ on line reporting system for ASB reporting continues to provide joined up services across multi agency groups. Sentinel allows for timely and regular information to be recorded with multi agency partners having access to information. This system provides information across multi agencies thus presenting seamless services.

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Area for development 3.3.1 & 3.3.2. The draft communications strategy will offer customers alternative choices of communicating with the CBC and Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. This strategy will require time to become embedded into the council and Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate and be evaluated; this will be reviewed at the first annual review in 2014.

5.4 Criterion 4 – Delivery

Business plans 2012/13 & 2013/14, the corporate plan, customer service standards, the Charnwood community safety partnership plan 2011-14, contractual SLA’s and KPI’s, museum accreditation, quarterly performance reports, complaints analysis, annual reports, performance reports published on the CBC website are examples of effective delivery of services, These are further supported by the printing re-cycling sites, performance data, customer service speed web event, young inspector reports, green space & engineering contract reference panels and user group forums. The examples evidence that Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate having challenging standards in place both locally and nationally. Evidence would indicate that most standards are being met and published on the CBC website and included in annual reports.

The customer service standards, CBC website and staff intranet provide full and factual information on the standards of service that customers should expect to receive when contacting the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate services. The sample of customers met at on-site assessment could confirm that they knew what to expect at the outset of their journey through the service.

Examples of the methods used to measure service delivery includes ASB minimum standards, customer and trader charters, Govmetric annual report, CBC Annual report 2012/13, customer satisfaction surveys, Serco customer survey, Fusion surveys and the customer clinic poster. Currently the Cleansing and Open Spaces service is meeting four of its six targets and recycling 49.5% against a 51% target. Benchmarking of performance is measured through the policy scrutiny committee. Environmental Services were benchmarked across other ES services in England. Sentinel incident recording is compared to neighbouring districts and good practice shared across Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. Green Flag awards have been made to the Outwoods and Queens Park, the Green Flag award is a scheme that benchmarks national standards for parks and green spaces. The Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate have the ‘Real Deal’ certificate and charter for its market. The Real Deal campaign is a cross-sector partnership initiative bringing together local authority trading standards services, market operators and traders, industry groups, copyright and trademark owners, all of whom are united with a common commitment to tackling the problem of fake goods/services.

The corporate complaints policy ‘Have Your Say’ (comments, compliments and complaints) is available on the CBC website, reception points, CBC contact centre and by members of the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate. Analysis of complaints is undertaken on a corporate basis and fed down to each directorate. Complainants (both upheld and not upheld) are routinely asked to provide feedback on the complaints process. The corporate complaints scrutiny panel has arranged to meet a selection of complainants on a face-to-face basis to judge their satisfaction of the complaints process whilst identifying potential areas for improvement. The Lagan CRM system holds records, actions and escalation details of recorded complaints and is accessible to all staff. Corporately directorates have ‘Complaints Handling Days’ that are tailored to each directorate and complaints training is delivered through the staff induction process. The sample of staff met at the on-site assessment all felt empowered to handle a complaint at the first point of contact to avoid escalation through the formal complaints process. Dips in performance are identified through the various customer feedback systems in place. Feedback from dips in performance or customer feedback is widely publicised in ‘You Said – We Did”. Safeguarding incident reporting forms are available and examples were provided to evidence annual and local ombudsman letters.

You are fully compliant in this criterion.

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Area for Consideration 4.4.2. Customer feedback for the Loughborough leisure centre included an area of toddler safety in the soft play area, a request from a customer for adult disposal shoes for use in the soft play area and the provision of clothes hooks in the ladies locker rooms. All three areas of customer feedback were passed onto the Fusions area manager whilst on-site.

5.5 Criterion 5 – Timeliness and Quality of Service

Comprehensive and measurable standards are in place for customer contact and detailed in the customer charter and service fact sheets posted on the CBC website, examples of standards include:

Answer telephone calls in 30 seconds

See customer within 20 minutes of reporting on site

Respond to written communication in 10 working days

Respond to complaints in 15 working days (if not completed at 1st point of contact)

Missed re-cycling or waste collection bin 24 hours

Visitors to the museum will be acknowledged in 3 minutes Timeliness of telephone contact is measured and monitored via a traffic light system on the Lagan CRM system.

Customer service standards regarding timeliness and quality of services is published on the CBC website and across reception points. Factsheets for the standards on timeliness and quality of service for each of the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate services are posted on the CBC website. There are clear standards, SLA’s and KPI’s for street cleaning that could result in penalty points for the contractor. Other examples of published standards include LAGAN complaint workflow training, sport and leisure booking scripts, ASB risk matrix, ground maintenance SLA’s and Sentinel information sharing agreements/protocols. Customers are advised at the first point of contact the most appropriate person who can deal with their reason for contact. The majority of calls to the CBC contact centre for the Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate can be satisfied at the first point contact. Service scripts are jointly agreed between the contact centre and service holder. Journey mapping exercises have been undertaken across the directorate and the sample of partners met at the on-site assessment could confirm that information is shared where it will most benefit the directorate, partnership or customer.

The customer charter does not currently detail the response time to e-mails and text you may wish to consider a standard for this in the draft corporate communications strategy. The customer service programme project may also wish to consider the timelines and methods of contact. Customer service standards, customer satisfaction surveys, monitoring statistics, complaints analysis, leisure centre customer charter (Fusion), call monitoring data, the customer service programme standards project, annual company reports, annual complaints report and increased ASB incidents reporting all contribute to how the directorate monitor, measure and publicise performance against standards.

The directorate is proud of the two Green flag awards (for the parks and open spaces) and have been recognised across neighbouring authorities as a best practice service provider.

You are fully compliant in this criterion

6. Conclusion and Recommendation The Charnwood Borough Council Neighbourhood & Community Wellbeing directorate continue to provide high levels of customer satisfaction to the general public (customers) in the Charnwood District of Leicestershire. The services delivered by the directorate are considered by Charnwood residents to be important council services e.g. street cleaning, waste and re-cycling management, ASB, tourism and leisure pursuits. The directorate continue to place the customer at the heart of its service delivery and customer service is promoted openly across those staff members met at the on-site assessment.

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There are no actions that require immediate attention and I am pleased to pass on to emqc Ltd’s Certification Committee my recommendation that you are again certificated as meeting the Customer Service Excellence Standard. Certification is valid for three years from the Certification Committee’s decision date and subject to ongoing annual monitoring. As you have decided to adopt the Rolling Review Process for all future annual reviews you will find attached the three-year matrix as discussed at the feedback meeting. Should you have any questions referring the rolling review please do not hesitate to contact emqc Ltd or your assessor Sue Dowey direct. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind hospitality and cooperation during this assessment.

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7. Compliance against the Customer Service Excellence Standard

Criterion Sub-

Criterion Element Non

Compliant Partial Compliance

Compliant Compliance Plus

1 1.1 1.1.1



1.2 1.2.1



1.3 1.3.1





Criterion Sub-Criterion

Element Non Compliant

Partial Compliance

Compliant Compliance Plus

2 2.1 2.1.1






2.2 2.2.1





Criterion Sub-

Criterion Element Non

Compliant Partial Compliance

Compliant Compliance Plus

3 3.1 3.1.1


3.2 3.2.1




3.3 3.3.1



3.4 3.4.1



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Criterion Sub-Criterion

Element Non Compliant

Partial Compliance

Compliant Compliance Plus

4 4.1 4.1.1



4.2 4.2.1




4.3 4.3.1






Criterion Sub-

Criterion Element Non

Compliant Partial Compliance

Compliant Compliance Plus

5 5.1 5.1.1


5.2 5.2.1





5.3 5.3.1



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Appendix 1 – Rolling Review Matrix

Customer Service Excellence Standard

Charnwood Borough Council

Neighbourhood and Community Wellbeing

Rolling Review Programme

Element CSE Element Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

1.1.1 In depth understanding of customer group X X X

1.1.2 Customer Insight X X X

1.1.3 Hard to Reach - Disadvantaged X X X

1.2.1 Involvement & Engagement of customers X X X

1.2.2 Service Improvements via Customer Consultation X X X

1.2.3 Review of customer consultation strategy X X X

1.3.1 Methods used to measure customer satisfaction X X X

1.3.1. Publicising of satisfaction levels X X X

1.3.2 Specific questions re delivery, timeliness, access, quality and information


1.3.4 Challenging and stretching targets X X X

1.3.5 Customer journey / experience changes X X X

2.1.1 Corporate commitment, vision and values X

2.1.2 Customer insight to policy & strategy X

2.1.3 Policies / procedures for customer to expect excellent levels of customer service


2.1.4 All customers treated fairly X

2.1.5 Customers privacy X

2.1.6 Staff customer focused culture X

2.2.1 Recruitment and training X

2.2.2 Staff polite and friendly – understanding customer needs X

2.2.3 Customer focused performance management X

2.2.4 Staff knowledge incorporated into policy/process development


2.2.5 Value contribution of staff X

3.1.1 Examples of contact and service information X

3.1.2 Information if charges apply X

3.2.1 Information channels X

3.2.2 Steps to ensure information understood X

3.2.3 Improvements to the range and content of information X

3.2.4 Accuracy of information & timescales for inaccuracies X

3.3.1 Options available for contacting the organisation X

3.3.2 Evaluation of customer interaction via access channels X

3.3.3 Premises clean and comfortable – physical environment X

3.4.1 Arrangements with other partners/providers – benefits X

3.4.2 Partner accountability X

3.4.3 Interaction with the wider communities X

18 19 19