Custom Social Media Metrics with QQL

Custom Social Media Metrics with QQL

Transcript of Custom Social Media Metrics with QQL

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Custom Social Media Metrics with QQL

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What is QQL •  QQL (quintly query language) makes it possible to define your own

metrics based on the quintly data pool

•  Based on SQL language, technically based on SQLite

•  You are able to adjust metrics and customize your dashboard

•  It is possible to modify existing metrics or create your own metrics

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1. How to setup a new Custom Metric

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New Custom Metrics Click on “Manage Profiles” 1.  Step: Click on “Custom Metrics”

2.  Step: Type or insert the SQL Code

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2. How to adjust an already existing metric

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Already Existing Metrics

•  Click on the question

mark next to each metric

•  In the help section you

will find “Open in QQL


•  From here you can adjust

the query, adding more

data sources, change the

visualization type

•  Once you adjusted the

query, hit “Run Query”

Page 7: Custom Social Media Metrics with QQL •  Find helpful Custom Metrics on our helpdesk, such as: o  Custom Interaction Rate

o  Comments o  Different Weights

o  Own Tweets by Time o  Hashtag Activity & Interaction

Go to our helpdesk: or send a tweet to @quintlyapp

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Track and benchmark your social media performance
