CURRICULUM VITAE MEF UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, …. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018 2 Post-doctoral...

CURRICULUM VITAE Name : MUSTAFA KIBAROGLU Title : Prof. Dr. Institute : MEF UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, Turkey Positions : Dean, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences : Director, MEF Strategy, Center for International Security Studies and Strategic Research Phone : + 90 212 395 3659 Mobile : + 90 532 236 5549 E-Mail : [email protected] Website : Twitter : @mkibaroglu EDUCATION & DEGREES Sabbatical - Belfer Center, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, MA., USA, 2004/2005 Post-Doc. - Center for Nonproliferation Studies, MONTEREY INSTITUTE, CA., USA, 1996/1997 Post-Doc. - Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, UNIVERSITY of SOUTHAMPTON, UK, 1996 Ph.D. - International Relations, BILKENT UNIVERSITY, Ankara, 1996 (English) MA. - Economics, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, 1990 (English) B.Sc. - Industrial Engineering, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, 1987 (English) Diploma - High School, Lycée de GALATASARAY, Istanbul, 1981 (French) MASTER THESIS East Side Story: A Comparative Analysis of Socialist and Capitalist Economic Systems, Department of Economics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, June 1990 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime at the Crossroads: Strengthening or Uncertainty , Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, July 1996 FELLOWSHIPS Sabbatical Fellowship (September 2004 - July 2005), participated in the International Security Program (ISP), and the Managing the Atom (MTA) Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA;

Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE MEF UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, …. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018 2 Post-doctoral...


Name : MUSTAFA KIBAROGLU Title : Prof. Dr. Institute : MEF UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, Turkey Positions : Dean, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences : Director, MEF Strategy, Center for International Security Studies and Strategic Research Phone : + 90 212 395 3659 Mobile : + 90 532 236 5549 E-Mail : [email protected] Website : Twitter : @mkibaroglu

EDUCATION & DEGREES Sabbatical - Belfer Center, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, MA., USA, 2004/2005 Post-Doc. - Center for Nonproliferation Studies, MONTEREY INSTITUTE, CA., USA, 1996/1997 Post-Doc. - Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, UNIVERSITY of SOUTHAMPTON, UK, 1996 Ph.D. - International Relations, BILKENT UNIVERSITY, Ankara, 1996 (English) MA. - Economics, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, 1990 (English) B.Sc. - Industrial Engineering, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY, Istanbul, 1987 (English) Diploma - High School, Lycée de GALATASARAY, Istanbul, 1981 (French) MASTER THESIS East S ide Story : A Comparat iv e Analys i s o f Soc ia l i s t and Capi ta l i s t Economic Sys t ems , Department of Economics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, June 1990 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION The Nuc lear Non-Pro l i f e ra t ion Reg ime at the Crossroads : Str eng then ing or Uncer ta in ty , Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, July 1996 FELLOWSHIPS Sabbatical Fellowship (September 2004 - July 2005), participated in the International Security Program (ISP), and the Managing the Atom (MTA) Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA;

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


Post-doctoral Fellowship (October 1996 - July 1997), participated in projects on nuclear proliferation such as Iran's nuclear program; illegal trafficking of fissile and nuclear-related material from the post-Soviet republics; disposition of excess plutonium from nuclear weapons dismantling programs of Russia and the US; and Turkey's attempts to establish nuclear power plants and reasons of failures, at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), Monterey, California, USA; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Post-doctoral Fellowship (July - October 1996), worked on the “Legal Aspects of the IAEA Safeguards” at the Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation (PPNN), Mountbatten Centre for International Studies (MCIS), University of Southampton, United Kingdom; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) Fellowship (February - May 1995), participated in the UNIDIR Project “Confidence-Building and Arms Control in the Middle East,” United Nations Offices, Geneva, Switzerland; ACADEMIC AWARDS, HONORS & MEMBERSHIPS

Council Member, 1995 Nobel Peace Prize winner Pugwash Confer ence s on Sc i ence and World Affa i r s , Washington, D.C., USA; Distinguished Member, Sectoral Research Group, ROKETSAN Missile Industries Inc., Ankara, Turkey;

Scientific Board Member, Equi l ibr i : Turkish Stud ie s Center , Milano, Italy;

Scientific Council Member, Mult i -Ethni c/Rel i g ious Conf l i c t Preven t ion Centr e , Faculty of Law, University of Bihac, Bosnia-Herzegovina; PUBLICATIONS Books Mustafa Kibaroglu and Aysegul Kibaroglu, Global Secur i ty Watch – Turkey : A Refer ence Handbook , Praeger Security International, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, Connecticut, USA, March 2009 Edited Books 7..Ugur Ersen & Mustafa Kibaroglu (Eds.), Analys i s o f S tra t eg i e s to Counter the Terror i sm Threat , IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 2011; 6..Adil Duyan & Mustafa Kibaroglu (Eds.), Defence Agains t Terror i sm , IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 2011; 5..Dan Radu Voica & Mustafa Kibaroglu (Eds.), Responses to Nuc l ear and Radio log i ca l Terro r i sm , IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2011; 4..Selcuk Cankaya & Mustafa Kibaroglu (Eds.), Bioter ror i sm: Threa ts and Deterr en t s , IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2010; 3..Osman Aytac & Mustafa Kibaroglu (Eds.), Defense Agains t Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion Terror i sm , IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2009; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu (Ed.), Eastern Medi t e r ranean , Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, February 2009; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu (Ed.), Turkey ' s Neighborhood , Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, April 2008;

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


Chapter s in Books

24..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Nilsu Goren, “Ensuring the Safety, Security and Peaceful Nature of Nuclear Energy in Turkey”, in Chen Kane (Ed.), Nuclear Energy in the Middle East , Routledge (forthcoming);

23..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey and Nuclear Weapons: Can This be Real”, in George Perkovic and Sinan Ulgen (Eds.), Turkey and Nuc lear Weapons , Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C., 2015, pp. 127-154;

22..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nuclear Security and Turkey. Dealing with Nuclear Smuggling”, in Sinan Ulgen (Ed.),

Nuclear Secur i ty : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e , EDAM & Nuclear Threat Initiative, Istanbul, 2015, pp. 77-94; 21..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Measures to Counter the Threat of WMD Terrorism”, in U. Feyyaz Aydogdu (Ed.),

Techno log i ca l Dimens ions o f Defence Agains t Terror i sm , NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Vol. 115, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2013; pp. 63-69;

20..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Arab Spring, Turkey, and its Middle Eastern Neighbors,” in Sverre Lodgaard (ed.),

In the Wake o f the Arab Spr ing : Conf l i c t and Coopera t ion in the Middle East , Scandinavian Academic Press, Oslo, 2013, pp. 129-152;

19..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe: The Case of Turkey,” in Paolo Foradori (ed.),

Tact i ca l Nuc l ear Weapons and Euro -Atlant i c Secur i ty : The Future o f NATO , Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2013, pp. 92-104;

18.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction to Homeland Security”, in Julian Charvat

(ed.), Homeland Secur i ty Organizat ion in Defence Agains t Terror i sm , IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2012, pp 177-183; 17.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Unchanging NSNW Policy,” in Malcolm Chalmers and Hugh Chalmers (eds.),

A Prob lem Deferr ed : NATO Non-Stra teg i c Nuc l ear Weapons After Chicago , Royal United Services International (RUSI), Whitehall Report, October 2012; pp. 37-44;

16..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Long Quest for Nuclear Power,” in Mehran Kamrawa (ed.), The Nuc lear

Ques t ion in the Middle East , Columbia University Press, New York, USA, 2012; 15..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “NATO and US Nuclear Weapons: What Would Happen after the Bombs Have Gone?”,

in Malcolm Chalmers and Andrew Somerville (eds.), I f the Bombs Go: European Perspe c t iv e s on NATO’s Nuc l ear Debate , Royal United Services International (RUSI), Whitehall Report 1-11, June 2011, pp. 41-49.

14..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey and Shared Responsibilities,” in Scott Sagan (ed.), Shared Respons ib i l i t i e s fo r

Nuc l ear Disarmament: A Globa l Debate , American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2010, pp. 24-27;

13..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Future of Extended Deterrence: The Case of Turkey,” in Bruno Tertrais (ed.),

Perspe c t iv e s on Extended Deter r ence , Coll. Research and Documents No: 03, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris, France, 2010, pp. 87-95;

12..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Tackling the Threat of WMD Terrorism,” in Osman Aytac & Mustafa Kibaroglu (eds.), Defense Agains t Weapons o f Mass Destruc t ion Terror i sm , IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009, pp. 161-169;

11..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “European Union’s Policy Toward Iran,” in Birgul D. Coskun & Bezen B. Coskun (eds.),

Neighborhood Chal l enge : European Union and I t s Neighbours , Peter Lang Publisher, Boca Rato, Florida, USA, 2009, pp. 187-210;

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


10..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Yasemin Nun, “Iran,” in Mustafa Kibaroglu (ed.), Turkey ’ s Neighborhood , Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, 2008, pp. 143-165;

9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Contemporary Security Challenges: Is Classical Deterrence an Adequate Response?” in

Mustafa Aydin & Kostas Ifantis (eds.), Internat iona l Secur i ty Today : Unders tanding Change and Debat ing Stra tegy , Center for Strategic Research, SAM Papers No. 1/2006, pp. 205-224;

8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Security Implications of Turkey’s March Toward European Union Membership,” in

Joseph S. Joseph (ed.), Turkey and the European Union : In te rna l Dynamics and Externa l Chal l enges , Palgrave, Basingstoke, Hampshire, 2006, pp. 178-190;

7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey's Threat Perception from the East: A Roadblock in its March Toward the West?”

in Ali L. Karaosmanoglu & Seyfi Tashan (eds.), Turkey ' s Secur i ty Per c ep t ion and the European Union : Compat ib i l i t i e s and Incompat ib i l i t i e s , 2004, Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, pp. 53-78;

6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Promjena Sigurnosnog Okruzenja i Koncept Odvracanja” (Changing Security

Environment and the Concept of Deterrence) in Nedzad Basic and Peter Stoett (eds.,) Sigurnosne Studi j e U Tranzi c i j i (Secur i ty Studie s in Trans i t ion) , 2003, Univerzitet u Bihacu i Univerzitet u Banja Luci, Bosnia & Herzegovina (Bosnian Edition), pp. 296-311;

5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey will play an active role in the Middle East: Reflecting U.S. and other Western

interests, Turkey can become a successful bridge with the Middle East and Central Asia as an agent of stability,” in David Lesch (ed.) History in Dispute : The Middle East S ince 1945 , 2003, Vol. 14, First Series, Columbia, SC: Manly, Farmington Hills, MI, St. James Press, pp. 261-267;

4..Ali L. Karaosmanoglu and Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Defense Reform in Turkey,” in Istvan Gyarmati and Theodor

Winkler (eds.), Post -Cold War Defense Re forms: Lessons Learned in Europe and the Uni t ed Sta te s , , 2003, East West Institute, Brassey's, New York, pp. 135-164;

3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Managing Non-Proliferation: A Turkish Perspective,” in Jasjit Singh (ed.), Reshaping

Asian Secur i ty , 2001, Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA), Knowledge World, New Delhi pp. 244-249;

2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey,” in Harald Müller (ed.), Europe and Nucl ear Disarmament , 1998, Peace

Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), European Interuniversity Press, Brussels, pp. 161-193; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “EURATOM & ABACC: Safeguard Models for the Middle East?” in Jan Prawitz and

James F. Leonard (eds.), A Zone Free o f Weapons o f Mass Destruc t ion in the Middle East , United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), 1996, New York & Geneva, pp. 93-123; Arti c l e s in SSCI Journa ls

19..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Ban the bomb by … banning the bomb? A Turkish Response”, Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , May/June 2017, Vol. 73, No. 3, Chicago, Illinois, PP. 199-200;

18..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Selim C. Sazak, “Business as Usual: The U.S.-Turkey Security Partnership,” Middle

East Po l i cy , Winter 2015, Vol. XXII, No. 4, Middle East Policy Council, Washington D.C., pp. 98-112; 17..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Place in the Missile Shield Project,” Journa l o f Balkan and Near Eastern

Studie s , Summer 2013, Vol. 15, No. 2, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 223-236; 16..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “NATO’nun Balistik Füze Savunma Sistemi ve Türkiye” (NATO’s Ballistic Missile

Defence and Turkey), Ulus lararas i I l i sk i l e r Derg i s i , Special Issue on NATO and Turkey, Summer 2012, Vol. 9, No. 34, Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dernegi, Istanbul, pp. 183-204;

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15..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “How can countries ensure that the Nuclear Security Summit does not lose momentum and become just another gathering? Position: Kickstart momentum with local review teams and summits with teeth”, Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , March/April 2012, Vol. 68, No. 2, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 81-83;

14..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Iranian quagmire: How to move forward; Position: Resuscitate the nuclear swap

deal,” Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , November/December 2010, Vol. 66, No. 6, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 102-108; 13..Tarik Oguzlu and Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Is the Westernization Process Losing Pace in Turkey: Who’s to

Blame?” Turkish Studie s , December 2009, Vol. 10, No. 4, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 577-593; 12..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Tarik Oguzlu, “Turkey and the United States in the 21st Century: Friends or Foes?”

Korean Journa l o f Defense Analys i s , Winter 2008, Vol. 20, No. 4, Korean Institute for Defense Analyses, Seoul, pp. 367-382;

11..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Baris Caglar “Implications of a Nuclear Iran for Turkey,” Middle East Po l i cy ,

Winter 2008, Vol. XV, No. 4, Middle East Policy Council, Washington D.C., pp. 59-80; 10..Tarik Oguzlu and Mustafa Kibaroglu “Incompatibilities in Turkish and European Security Cultures Diminish

Turkey’s Prospects for EU Membership,” Middle Eastern Studie s , November 2008, Vol. 44, No. 6, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 945-962;

9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “A Turkish Nuclear Turnaround,” Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s ,

November/December 2007, Vol. 63, No. 6, Chicago, Illinois, p. 64; 8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions from a Historical Perspective,” Middle Eastern Studie s ,

March 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 223-245; 7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Good for the Shah, Banned for the Mullahs: The West and Iran's Quest for Nuclear

Power,” Middle East Journa l , Spring 2006, Vol. 60, No. 2, Middle East Institute, Washington D.C., pp. 207-232; 6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Clash of Interest Over Northern Iraq Drives Turkish-Israeli Alliance to a Crossroads,”

Middle East Journa l , Spring 2005, Vol. 59, No. 2, Middle East Institute, Washington D.C., pp. 246-264; 5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Missing Bill Clinton,” Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , March/April 2004, Vol. 60, No.

2, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 30- 32; 4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey Says No,” Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , July/August 2003, Vol. 59, No. 4,

Chicago, Illinois, pp. 22- 25; 3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Generals' Discontent,” Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , March/April 2001, Vol.

57, No. 2, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 28-30; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Deterrent,” Bul l e t in o f the Atomic Sc i en t i s t s , March/April 1999, Vol. 55, No.

2, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 3 & 61; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Impact of the Northern Tier on the Middle East: A Rejoinder,” Secur i ty Dia logue ,

September 1996, Vol. 27, No. 3, SAGE Publications for International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), London, pp. 319-324;

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


Arti c l e s in SSCI Journa ls ’ Web Por ta l s

7.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Disarmament while the chance remains”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Development and Disarmament Roundtable, Vol. 73, No. 1, January-February 2017;

6.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Reality: Humanity can't indefinitely avoid using nuclear weapons”, Bulletin of the Atomic

Scientists, Development and Disarmament Roundtable, Vol. 73, No. 1, January-February 2017; 5.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “To abolish nuclear weapons, strip away their handsome mask”, Bulletin of the Atomic

Scientists, Development and Disarmament Roundtable, Vol. 72, No. 6, November-December 2016; 4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s nuclear contradictions”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Development and

Disarmament Roundtable, Vol. 71, No. 5, September- October 2015; 3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “How plutonium undermines the Hibakusha”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Development

and Disarmament Roundtable, Vol. 71, No. 4, July- August 2015; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nuclear Weapons: Not taboo enough”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Development and

Disarmament Roundtable, Vol. 71, No. 4, July- August 2015; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Selim C. Sazak, ”Good news from Vienna is a relief to Ankara”, Bulletin of the Atomic

Scientists, Analysis, Vol. 71, No. 4, July- August 2015;

Arti c l e s in In ternat iona l Re f e r e ed & Indexed Journa ls

19..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism Requires Concerted Action,” Strateg i c Analys i s , Vol. 38, No. 2, March 2014, Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis (IDSA), New Delhi, India, pp. 209-216;

18..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Acceptance and Anxiety: Turkey (Mostly) Embraces Obama’s Nuclear Posture,”

Nonpro l i f e ra t ion Rev i ew , Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2011, Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), Monterey, California, pp. 201-217;

17..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey Had Plans – But No Plants to Benefit from Nuclear Energy,” Nonpro l i f e ra t ion

Rev i ew , Vol. 17, No. 3, November 2010, Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), Monterey, California, pp. 437-438;

16..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Reassessing the Role of US Nuclear Weapons in Turkey,” Arms Contro l Today , Vol.

40, Issue. 5, June 2010, Arms Control Association, Washington D.C., pp. 8-13; 15..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turquia y Medio Oriente en una Epoca de Grades Transformaciones” (Turkey and the

Middle East at the Time of Great Transformations), Foro In ternac iona l , Número Especial 198, “Dinámicas de Seguridad en Oriente Medio Desde la Caída de Bagdad”, Vol. XLIX, No. 4, October-December 2009, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City, pp. 892-928;

14..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Twists and Turns in Turkish Iranian Relations” Iranian Revo lu t ion a t 30 , Viewpoints

Special Edition, The Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C., 2009, pp. 152-154; 13..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Dealing With the Threat Posed by Non-State Armed Groups Aspiring to Weapons of

Mass Destruction” Disarmament Forum , 2008, No. 2, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Geneva, No. 1, 2008, pp. 37-44;

12..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nuclear Energy Development and Proliferation Concerns in the Middle East” with Baris

Caglar, ORIENT , Spring 2008, Deutschen Orient Institute, Berlin, pp. 11-18;

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11..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Aylin Gurzel, “U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Turkey: Yankee Go Home?” Secur i ty Index: Russ ian Journa l on Internat iona l Secur i ty , Vol. 83, No. 3, Winter 2007, PIR Center, Moscow, pp. 77-82;

10..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “La Marcha de Turquía Hacia la Pertenencia en la Unión Europea Podría Conducir a una

Falla de Seguridad” (Turkey’s Membership in the European Union May Result in Security Deficiency) Estudios de Asia y Afr i ca , Vol. XLI, No. 2, May-August 2006, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 303-319;

9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Isn’t it Time to Say Farewell to US Nukes in Turkey?” European Secur i ty , Vol. 14, No.

4, 2005, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 443-457; 8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “NATO Before and After the Second Gulf War.” Connec t ions : The Quarter ly Journa l ,

Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 2005, Center for Security Studies, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 43-45; 7..Kaveh Afrasiabi & Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Negotiating Iran’s Nuclear Populism”, Brown Journa l o f Wor ld

Affa i r s , Summer/Fall 2005, Vol. XII, No.1, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, pp. 255-268; 6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Concerns About the State-Building Efforts in Iraq” Iranian Journa l o f

In t ernat iona l Af fa i r s , Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), Tehran, Vol. XVIII, No. 4 (Spring 2005), pp. 443-454;

5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “La Turquie, les États-Unis et l’OTAN : une alliance dans l’Alliance” (Turkey, the US and

NATO: an alliance within the Alliance) Quest ions In ternat iona le s , No. 12, Direction de la Documentation Française, Paris, March-April 2005, pp. 30-32;

4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Changing Strategic Environment and the Concept of Deterrence” Research Papers , Vol.

IV, No. 1-2, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention Center, University of Bihac, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2004, pp. 567-580 ;

3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “An Assessment of Iran's Nuclear Program” Review o f In ternat iona l and Stra teg i c

Af fa i r s , Spring 2002, Vol. 1. No. 3, Frank Cass, London, pp. 33-48; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey and Israel Strategize” Middle East Quarter l y , Winter 2002, Vol. 9, No. 1, Middle

East Forum, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 61-65; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey's Quest for Peaceful Nuclear Power,” Nonpro l i f e ra t ion Rev i ew , Spring-Summer

1997, Vol. 4, No. 3, Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), Monterey, California, pp. 33-44; Book Rev i ews 2…Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Debating Security in Turkey: Challenges and Changes in the Twenty-First Century,” Ebru Canan-Sokullu (ed.), Plymouth, Lexington Books, 2013, 347 pages, Ins igh t Turkey ,Vol. 15, No. 4 (Fall 2013), SETA Foundation, pp. 207-209; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: A Changing Role in World Politics”, Tareq Y. Ismael and Mustafa Aydin (eds.), London, Ashgate Publishing Co., 2004, 224 pages, Turkish Studie s , Vol. 5. No. 2, (Spring 2004), Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 153-156;

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


Occas iona l Papers

2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, Between All i e s and Riva l s : Turkey , Nuc l ear Weapons and BMD, Proliferation Paper Series No 49, March 2014, Security Studies Center, IFRI, Paris;

1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, Nuclear izat ion o f the Middle East and Turkey ’ s Poss ib l e Responses , EDAM Discussion

Paper Series, November 2012, 2012/5, Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), Istanbul; Arti c l e s in Turkish Journa ls

11..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Tom Sauer, “Mr. Trump, Post Nuclear Ban Treaty, NATO’s Nuclear Weapons in Europe are Obsolete”, Ins igh t Turkey , Summer 2017, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 23-33;

10..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “What Went Wrong with the ‘Zero Problem with Neighbors’ Doctrine?”, Turkish Po l i c y

Quarter ly , Fall 2012, Vol. 11, No. 3, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, pp. 85-93; 9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Role in NATO’s Nuclear Strategies Revisited”, Fore ign Po l i c y Quarter ly

(Special Anniversary Issue – Turkey’s 60 Years in NATO), Vol. XXXVIII, No: 1-2, 2012, Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, p. 53-66;

8..Mustafa Kibaroğlu, “Nuclear Swap Agreement with Iran”, Fore ign Po l i c y Quarter ly , No. 1, 2010, Foreign

Policy Institute, Ankara, pp. 91-96; 7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkish Perspectives on Iran’s Nuclearization” Euras ia Cri t i c , April 2009, Eurasia

Group, Istanbul, pp. 48-54; 6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Sweet & Sour Policy Against WMD Proliferation” Turkish Po l i c y Quarter ly ,

Summer 2004, Vol. 3, No. 2, Istanbul, pp. 101-111; 5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Triple-Trouble: ESDP, Cyprus, Northern Iraq,” Ins igh t Turkey , January -

March 2002, Vol. 4, No. 1, Istanbul, SETA Foundation, Istanbul pp. 49-58; 4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “America's War, Turkey's Worry: A Shift from Frontline State to Fault Line State,” Ins igh t

Turkey , October - December 2001, Vol. 3, No. 4, SETA Foundation, Istanbul, pp. 9-17; 3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Future Agenda of Non-proliferation and Arms Control” Fore ign Po l i c y Quarte r ly ,

Spring 2001, Vol. 26, No. 1 / 2, Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, pp. 62-68; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Can Middle East be Rid of Doomsday Weapons? Nuke Tests by India and Pakistan

Highlight a Bigger Danger in the Middle East” Diplomacy Papers , June 1998, No. 1, Ankara, pp. 33-37; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Is Iran Going Nuclear?” Fore ign Po l i c y Quarter ly , December 1996, Vol. 20, No. 3 - 4,

Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, pp. 35-55;

Chapter s in Turkish 8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, "NATO'nun Suriye Stratejisi" (Syria Strategy of NATO) Hasan Basri Yalçın & Burhanettin Duran, Kürese l v e Bö lg e s e l Aktör l e r in Sur iy e Stra t e j i l e r i (Syria Strategy of Global and Regional Actors) SETA Yayınları, Kasım 2016, s. 82-94; 7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Türkiye ve Nükleer Silahlar: Bu Gerçek Olabilir Mi?” (Turkey and Nuclear Weapons: Can This Be Real?), Sinan Ulgen (Ed.), Türkiye v e Nükleer S i lah lar (Turkey and Nuclear Weapons) EDAM, Istanbul;

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “NATO’nun Nükleer Stratejisi ve Türkiye’deki Amerikan Nükleer Silahlari” (NATO’s Nuclear Strategy and American Nuclear Weapons in Turkey), Seyfi Tashan (Ed.), Türkiye ’n in NATO’da 60 Yi l i : Guven Veren Bir Ortakl ik (Turkey’s 60 Years in NATO: An Assuring Partnership), Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, 2012, s. 55-72; 5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran’in Nukleer Güç Olma Iddiasi ve Bati’nin Tutumu: Sah’a Destek, Mollalara Yasak” (Iran’s Bid for Nuclear Power and the Attitude of the West), Ortadogu Siyase t inde Iran (Iran in Middle East Politics), Baris Kitap, Ankara, 2011, pp. 197-236; 4. Mustafa Kibaroglu and Aysegul Kibaroglu, “Stratejik Arastirma Merkezlerinin Yapilanmasi” (Structuring Centers for Strategic Research), Hasan Kanbolat & Hasan Ali Karasar (Eds.), Turkiye’de Stratejik Dusunce Kulturu ve Stratejik Arastirma Merkezleri: Baslangicindan Bugune Turk Dusunce Kuruluslari, (Culture of Strategic Thought in Turkey) Nobel Yayinevi, Ankara, Subat 2009, pp. 378-384; 3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Francis Fukuyama ve ‘Tarihin Sonu’” (Francis Fukuyama and the ‘End of History’) in Haydar Cakmak (Ed.), Ulus lararas i I l i sk i l e r : Gir i s , Kavram ve Teor i l e r (International Relations: Introduction, Concepts and Theories), Ankara, Platin, 2006, pp. 309-315; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran’in Nukleer Programi: Aktorler ve Etkileri” (Iran’s Nuclear Program: Actors and Their Impact), in Osman Metin Ozturk & Yalcin Sarikaya (Eds.), Kaosa Dogru Iran : Gunce l I ran Ince l eme l e r i (Iran Toward a Chaos: Contemporary Iran Studies), Ankara, Fark Yayinlari, 2006, pp: 71-120; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Türkiye, Almanya ve AB Bakis Acisindan Ortadogu icin Perspektifler” (Middle East from the Perspective of Turkey, Germany and the EU), Ortadogu ’nun Siyas i v e Stra t e j ik Durumu (The Political and Strategic Situation of the Middle East), Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Ankara, 2004, pp. 27-33; Art i c l e s in Turkish

33.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “ABD’nin Nükleer Silahlari Trump‘in Elinde Daha Buyuk Tehlike Arz Ediyor” (US Nuclear Weapons Pose a Much Greater Danger in the Hands of Trump), Strate j i s t (March 2018), No. 10, pp.

32.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkiye’nin S-400 Macerasinin 4 Yuzu” (4 Faces of Turkey’s S-400 Adventure),

Yorunge (February 2018), No. 3, pp. 40-45; 31.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Zeytin Dali Harekati’nin Siyasi, Diplomatik ve Askeri Acidan Bir Degerlendirmesi” (An

Assessment of the Olive Branch Operation from Political, Diplomatic and Military Perspectives), Strate j i s t (February 2018), No. 9, pp. 10-19;

30.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkiye NATO Iliskilerinin Anatomisi” (Anatomy of Turkey NATO Relations),

Strate j i s t (January 2018), No. 8, pp. 24-29; 29.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “2017’de Nükleerde Birbirine Zıt Gelişmeler” (Contraversial Developments in the

Nuclear Field in 2017), Strate j i s t (December 2017), No. 7, pp. 50-57; 28.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkiye'nin Idlib Operasyonunun Uluslararasi Siyaset ve Hukuk Acisindan bir

Degerlendirmesi” (An Assessment ofTurkey’s Idlib Operation from the Perspective of International Politics and Law), Strate j i s t (November 2017), No. 6, pp. 10-17;

27.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “BM’de Reform Mu? Rönesans Mı?” (Reform or Renaissance in the UN?, Strate j i s t

(October 2017), No. 5, pp. 18-27; 26.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Terorizmin Kazandigi Yeni Boyut: KIS Kullanimi Tehdidi” (Terrorism Gains a New

Dimension: The Threat of Use of WMD”), Strate j i s t (September 2017), No. 4, pp. 12-21;

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25.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Katar Ablukası Kime Ne Katar?” (What’s the Added Value of Qatar Blockade for the Players, if Any?), Strate j i s t (August 2017), No. 3, pp. 36-43;

24.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “NATO, AB Parantezinde Turkiye-Almanya Iliskileri ve Incirlik Gerilimi” (Turkish-

German Relations in the Context of NATO and the EU and the Tension Over the Incirlik Base), Strate j i s t (July 2017), No. 2, pp. 19-23;

23.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran’in Dis Politikasinda ABD’nin yeri ve Trump Donemi” (The Place of the US in

Iran’s Foreign Policy and the Trump Era), Strate j i s t (June 2017), No. 1, pp. 14-19; 22.. Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Ortadogu’da Nukleer Silahlardan Arindirilmis Bolge (NSAB) Olusturulması Cabalari ve

Turkiye” (Efforts to Create a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone (NWFZ) in The Middle East and Turkey), Ortadogu Anal iz (December 2012),Vol. 4, No. 48, s. 69-76;

21..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran ile P5+1 Arasinda Bagdat’ta Yapilan Gorusmelerin (Gizli) Gündemi” (Untold

Agenda of Negotiations in Baghdad between the “P5+1” Countries and Iran), Anal i s t , June 2012, pp. 60-61; 20..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “2012 Baharinda Türkiye’nin Orta Dogu’daki Güvenlik Cevresine Bir Bakis” (A Closer

Look at Turkey’s Security Environment in the Middle East in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring), Ortadogu Anal iz , April 2012,Vol. 4, No. 40;

19..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Türkiye ve Arap Baharı: Değişimi Açıklamak ve Anlamak” (Turkey and the Arab Spring:

Explaining and Understanding the Change), ADAM Akademi , 2012, Cilt. 1, Sayi. 2, pp. 25-36; 18..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Fuze Kalkani Tartismalarinda Dun, Bugun, Gelecek” (Past, Present and Future in Missile

Shield Debate), Strate j ik Anal iz , No. , Aralik 2010, Istanbul, pp. …; 17..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Fuze Kalkani Projesi ve Turkiye” (Missile Shield Project and Turkey), Strate j ik Anal iz ,

No. 101, September 2008, Istanbul, pp. 57-67; 16..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Yasemin Nun, “Irak’in Yeniden Yapilandirilmasiyla Ilgili Turkiye’nin Kaygilari”

(Turkey’s Concerns About Restructuring of Iraq), Global Stra t e j i , Vol. 3, No. 9, 2007, Ankara, pp. 35-44; 15..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran’in Nukleer Güç Olma Iddiasi ve Bati’nin Tutumu: Sah’a Destek, Mollalara Yasak”

(Iran’s Bid for Nuclear Power and the Attitude of the West), Akademik Orta Dogu , Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006, Ankara, pp. 77-111;

14..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nükleer Silahlar ve Türkiye” (Nuclear Weapons and Turkey), Görus , June/July 2004,

Ankara, pp. 2-31; 13..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “NATO’nun Kurulusu, Misyonu, Gelecegi, ve Türkiye’nin Rolu (NATO’s Foundation,

Mission, its Future, and the Role of Turkey), 2023 , May 2004, pp. 6-15; 12..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Ege-Dogu Akdeniz Ekseninde Kibris’in Stratejik Konumu ve Annan Plani” (The

Strategic Location of Cyprus along the Aegean-Eastern Mediterranean Axis and the Annan Plan), Mülkiye Derg i s i , Winter 2004, Vol. 28, No. 242, Ankara, pp. 85-94;

11..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Kuzey Kore’nin Nükleer Silah Programi: Sebepler ve Sonuçlar” (North Korea’s Nuclear

Ambitions: Causes and Consequences), Ulus lararas i I l i sk i l e r , Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 2004, Ankara, 154-172; 10..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Ortadogu ve Kitle Imha Silahlari” (Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Restructuring

Middle East), Avrasya Dosyas i – Yeniden Yapi lanan Orta Dogu Oze l , Winter 2003, Vol. 9, No. 4, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 107-125;

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9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Kitle Imha Silahlarinin Yayilmasi Sorunu ve Türkiye” (Proliferation of WMD and Turkey), Dogu Bat i , August-October 2003, Ankara, pp. 122-142;

8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Kitle Imha Silahlari Konusunda Asil Tehlike Devlet-Disi Aktörlerdir” (Non-State Actors

Pose the Most Significant Threat in the Field of Weapons of Mass Destruction), 2023 , January 2003, pp. 6-16; 7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “11 Eylül'ün Ardindan Strateji, Tehdit ve Caydiricilik” (Strategy, Threat and Deterrence

after September 11), Fore ign Po l i c y , Winter 2002, Istanbul, pp. 30-38; 6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Rusya’nın Yeni Ulusal Güvenlik Konsepti ve Askeri Doktirini” (Russia’s New National

Security Concept and the Military Doctrine), Avrasya Dosyas i - Rusya Oze l , Spring 2001, Vol. 7, No. 1, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 95-106;

5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Amerikan Ulusal Füze Savunma Sistemi” (American National Missile Defense System),

Avrasya Dosyas i - Amer ika Oze l , Fall 2000, Vol. 6, No. 3, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 90-105; 4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Candu Kadük mü Oluyor?” (Will Candu Be Caduque?), Ener j i Derg i s i , February 2000,

Vol. 5, No: 2, Istanbul, pp. 26-27; 3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iki Yüzlü' Enerji, 'Iki Yüzlü' Bati” (Janus Face Energy, Janus Face West), Ener j i Derg i s i ,

December 1999, Vol. 4, No: 12, Istanbul, pp. 48-49; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Iran Nükleer Bir Güç mü Olmak Istiyor?” (Does Iran Want to Become a Nuclear

Power?), Avrasya Dosyas i - I ran Oze l , Fall 1999, Vol. 5, No. 3, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 271-282; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Kitle Imha Silahlarinin Yayilmasi Sorunu ve Japonya’nin Güvenligi” (Proliferation of

Weapons of Mass Destruction and Japan’s Security), Avrasya Dosyas i - Japonya Oze l , Summer 1999, Vol. 5, No. 2, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 23-39;

Occas iona l Papers in Turkish

2. Mustafa Kibaroğlu, Turkiye NATO Il i ski l e r i , SETA Analiz, No. 191, Mart 2017, SETA Vakfı; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, Iran i l e Nukleer Muzakere l e r : Turkiye Acis indan b ir Deger l end irme , EDAM Tartisma

Kagitlari Serisi, Kasim 2013, 2013/14, Ekonomi ve Dis Politika Arastirmalari Merkezi (EDAM);

Proceed ings

11..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Threat of Biological Weapons and Bio-Terrorism”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Air Orien ted Terror i sm , organized by NATO and CAOC SIX, 27-28 February 2008, Eskisehir,Turkey;

10..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Facing the Challenge of Nuclear Proliferation in the Trans-European Landscape”, with

Aylin Gurzel, Proceedings of the Conference on Trans-European Secur i ty Chal l enges , organized by NATO and ATAUM, 30 November – 01 December 2007, Ankara,Turkey;

9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Uses and Misues of Article IV Rights under the NPT”, Proceedings of the Conference on

Nuclear Techno log i e s and Susta inab le Deve lopment organized by the Iranian Center for Strategic Research and Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 05-06 March 2005, Tehran, Iran (forthcoming);

8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Turkey’s Role in NATO Strategies Toward the Mediterranean”, Proceedings of the

Confer ence on the Trans format ion o f NATO and the Pos i t ion o f Turkey , organized by NATO and Ege University, 05 – 06 April 2004, Izmir, pp. 79-82;

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7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The General Situation in Iraq: A Turkish Perspective” in Maurizio Martellini and Riccardo Redaelli (eds.), Proceed ings o f the In t ernat iona l Workshop on : Towards a Mult i la t e ra l Reg iona l Secur i t y Arrangement in the Middle East (Rome: Landau Network - Centro Volta Publications, 2005), pp. 35-39;

6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Situation in Iraq as Seen from Turkey” Abstrac t s o f the 15 th In t ernat iona l

Confer ence on the Pers ian Gul f , Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), Tehran, March 1-2, 2005, p. 119;

5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Law of Administration and the Status of the Turkomans” Proceed ings o f the

Confer ence on Iraq on the Way to i t s Const i tu t ion , Bilkent University & Foreign Policy Institute, March 22-23, 2004, Ankara, pp. 24 & 37-38 & 45.

4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Impact of Energy Transportation Lines on International Security” Proceedings of the

Conference on The Impac t o f Energy and Water Resourc e s on Nat iona l and Internat iona l Se cur i t y War Academies, January 2004, Istanbul, pp. 198 - 212;

3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “How are the Policies of Various Pivotal States Likely to be Affected by the War Against

Terrorism? A Turkish View” Proceedings of the Conference on The Arc o f Ins tab i l i t y : Chal l enges fo r U.S. Po l i cy and Stra t egy in the Greater Middle East , US Navy War College, March 2002, Newport, Rhode Island, USA;

2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “An Assessment of Iran's WMD Capability and the Threat Posed to its Neigborhood,”

Proceedings of the International Conference on Armed Force s in the Middle East , ASAM, Ankara, 2001; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Prospects for Cooperation Among the Eurasian Countries and the Proliferation Concerns

of the West”, I . Euras ia Confer ence on Nuc l ear Sc i ence and i t s Appl i ca t ion : Proceed ings , Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) & Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), October 2000, Izmir, pp. 47-48;

Newsle t t e r Art i c l e s

2..Mustafa Kibaroglu and Baris Caglar, “Cooperation Failure in the Fight Against Terrorism” COE-DAT Newsle t t e r , June 2007, Vol. 1, No. 2, Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, Ankara, pp. 12-16;

1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Revisiting the Concept of Deterrence in Search for an Adequate Response to

International Terrorism” COE-DAT Newsle t t e r , April 2007, Vol. 1, No. 1, Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, Ankara, pp. 8-14;

Op-Eds in Newspapers

20..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nuclear Soul Searching in Seoul,” Hurr iye t Dai ly News , 20 March 2012, p. 10; 19..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The ‘Missile Shield’ and Turkey’s Poistion in the Debate,” Today ’s Zaman , 01

November 2010, Istanbul, p. 20; 18..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nobel Baris Odulu Obama’ya ‘Tesvik Primi’Mi?” (Is Nobel Peace Prize an

Encouragement for Obama?) Aksam , 16 October 2009, Istanbul, p. 20; 17..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Secim Sonuclari Irak’ta Siyasi Butunlugun Korunmasi Sansini Arttiriyor” (Election

Results Raise the Hopes for Keeping Political Integrity in Iraq) Aksam , 02 March 2005, Istanbul, p. 8; 16..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Bush Ortadogu’da Sertlesiyor: ABD-Ortadogu-AB Ucgeninde Turk Dis Politikasi”

(Bush is Getting Tough in the Middle East: Turkish Foreign Policy in the US-Middle East-EU Triangle) Cumhuriye t – Stra te j i , 15 November 2004, Istanbul, pp. 6 - 7;

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15..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Kuzey Irak: Iran Tehditi Karsisinda On Cephe Hatti” (Northern Iraq: Forward Defense against Iran) Cumhuriye t – Stra te j i , 11 October 2004, Istanbul, pp. 8 - 9;

14..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Irak’ta Hedef Bolgesel Merkez Us” (The Objective in Iraq is Regional Base) Cumhuriye t

– Stra te j i , 9 September 2004, Istanbul, pp. 8 - 9; 13..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Gecici Yasada Kürtlere Verilen Veto Imtiyazi Bölünme Getirebilir” (Privileges Given to

the Kurds in the Adminitrative Law May Pave the Way to Separation) Cumhuriye t – Stra te j i , 9 August 2004, Istanbul, pp. 8 - 9;

12..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Rusya'da Tarihi Anlasma” (Historic Agreement in Russia) Radikal – Yorum, 28 May

2002, Istanbul, p. 9; 11..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “On the Controversies of the Proposed ‘Missile Shield’” Turkish Dai ly News , 8 May

2001, Ankara, p. 5. 10..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Sokakta Nükleer Tehdit” (Nuclear Threat in the Streets) Radikal – Yorum, 24 January

2001, Istanbul, p. 7; 9..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Avrupa Ordusu’na Ince Ayar Gerekiyor” (The European Army Needs Fine-Tuned

Approach) Mil l iy e t – Ente l l ektüe l Bakis , 20 December 2000, Istanbul, p. 21; 8..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Kibris’in Stratejik Onemi Nerede?” (Where is the Strategic Importance of Cyprus?”

Mil l iy e t – Ente l l ektüe l Bakis , 29 August 2000, Istanbul, p. 20; 7..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Türkiye AB Güvenlik Semsiyesinde Israrli,” (Turkey Insists on EU’s Security Umbrella),

Mil l iy e t – Ente l l ektüe l Bakis , 30 May 2000, Istanbul, p. 22; 6..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Nükleer Denge Araniyor: Rusya Parlamentosu Duma’nin Onayladigi START II

Anlasmasinin Onemi,” (Nuclear Balance Sought: The Meaning of Ratification of START II by the Russian Duma), Mil l iy e t – Ente l l ektüe l Bakis , 20 April 2000, Istanbul, p. 22;

5..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Ticarette Yeni Sans: Irak,” (A New Chance in Trade: Iraq), Mil l iy e t – Ente l l ektüe l

Bakis , 29 February 2000, Istanbul, p. 20; 4..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Helsinki Kosullari Lehimize,” (Helsinki Decisions are to Our Advantage), Mil l iy e t –

Ente l l ektüe l Bakis , 14 December 1999, Istanbul, p. 20; 3..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Avrupa’da Güvenlik ve AGIT Istanbul Zirvesi,” (Security in Europe and the OSCE

Istanbul Summit), Dünya, 15 November 1999, Istanbul, p. 13; 2..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Politics on the Fault Lines: Fractures in Greek-Turkish Relations,” Turkish Dai ly News ,

13 November 1999, Ankara; 1..Mustafa Kibaroglu, “Cyprus S-300 Missile Plan Puts Turkey under the Gun,” Defense News , August 3-9, 1998,

Vol. 13, No. 31, Springfield, Virginia, p. 19;

Op-Eds on the In terne t

“Iran ile Muzakereler: Aklin Yolunda Yurumek,” Al Jazeera Turk , November 2014

“Conventional Arms Control: A Turkish Perspective” European Leadersh ip Network , November 2013 “Israeli isolation cannot be sustained anymore” Bit t e r l emons-Internat iona l , August 2010

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


“No short-term fix to relations” Bit t e r l emons-Internat iona l , June 2010 “Turkish-Syrian rapprochement key to peace in the Middle East” Bit t e r l emons-Internat iona l , January 2010 “Zero conflict with and among the neighbors“ Bit t e r l emons-Internat iona l , September 2009; “What does the future hold for Turkey and Iraq?“ Bit t e r l emons-Internat iona l , July 2009; “Aims beyond Turkey” Bit t e r l emons-Internat iona l , April 2009; “Turkey-Israel relations after Gaza?” (www.opendemocracy .ne t ) January 2009 “Will the smoke of Gaza cloud Turkish-Israeli relations?” (www.b i t t e r l emons- in t e rnat iona l .o rg ) January 2009 “Kurds hold the key for both Turkey and the US “ (www.b i t t e r l emons- in t e rnat iona l .o rg ) March 2008 “New tests for Turkey’s evolving security relationship with Israel “ (www. james ) February 2008 “The CHP’s role in pushing Turkey toward a cross-border operation” (www. james ) July 2007 “Turkey’s foreign policy toward northern Iraq still undecided” (www. james ) July 2007 “Iran’in nukleer programi: aktorler ve etkileri” (www. j eopo l sar . com ) January 2006 “Beyond Iran: the risk of nuclearing Middle East” (www.washing ton ins t i tu t e .o rg ) February 2005 “Iran’s nuclear program may trigger the Young Turks to think nuclear” (www.ce ip .org ) December 2004 “Two steps forward, one step back” (www.b i t t e r l emons .org ) March 2004; “Iraq’s Chem-Bio weapons: where are they?” (www.haberana l iz . com ) March 2004; “Carnegie Analysis: the view from Turkey” (www.ce ip .org ) March 2003; “Turkey - European Union” (www.turkishnews l ine . com ) March 2003; “US operations in Iraq and UN authority to inspect” (www.turkishnews l ine . com ) February 2003; “Threat posed by Weapons of Mass Destruction” (www.s t rad ) February 2003;

CONFERENCES ATTENDED & PAPERS PRESENTED 167. Attended the Roundtable Meetings with Top Executives of the OPCW organized by Green Cross Switzerland and CWC Coalition, 19-20 February 2018, The Hague, Netherlands; 166. Attended the Workshop on Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy in the Middle East organized by International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), 28 November 2017, Istanbul, Turkey; 165. Attended the XX Edoardo Amaldi Conference on International Cooperation for Enhancing Safety, Security and Safeguards and Non-Proliferation organized by the Accademia Nazionali dei Lincei, European Commission and IAEA, 09-10 October 2017, Rome; Italy; 164. “Arms Control and Strategic Stability,” paper presented at the Tbilisi International Nuclear Non-proliferation Research Workshop on The Black Sea Region and the Global Nuclear Order, organized by King’s College

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


London, Civil Council on Defense and Security, Stockholm University, and Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, 19-20 June 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia; 163. “Turkish perspectives on deterrence and assurance”, presented at the conference on Rethinking deterrence and assurance: Western deterrence strategies: at an inflection point?, organized by the Wilton Park, 14-17 June 2017, West Sussex, United Kingdom; 162. “Foresights of the International Powers Balance in the Region: Turkish Political Position on the Gulf States and Regional Conflicts” presentation made at the conference on Doha 5th International Policies and Strategies Forum 2017, Qatar-Turkey: Strategic Vision to the Middle East Crises, organized by Qatar Security studies Center (QSSC) & Turk Asya Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi (TASAM), 05-06 March 2017, Doha, Qatar; 161. “NATO, Nuclear Weapons, and the Middle East: A Turkish Perspective”, presentation made at the conference on Nuclear Deterrence After the Warsaw Summit, organized by the NATO Defense College in Rome & Institut de Research Strategique de l’Ecole Militaire (IRSEM), 05-07 December 2016, Rome, Italy; 160. “Countering the risks of returning foreign fighters having potential access to critical infrastructure: A Turkish Perspective”, presentation made at the NATO Advance Research Workshop on The Risk of Skilled Scientist Radicalization and Emerging Biological Warfare Threats, organized by the Landau Network Fondazione Volta & Health Security Partners, 29 November – 02 December 2016, Como, Italy; 159. Attended the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference, organized by the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, 3-4 November 2016, Brussels, Belgium; 158. “South Eastern Flank Security-A Turkish Perspective”, paper (to be) presented at the NATO Senior Officer Policy Course, 5-7 October 2016, NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany; 157. “Problems, costs and utility of keeping US nuclear weapons in Europe: A Turkish Perspective”, presentation made at the roundtable on Security Challenges & Nuclear Weapons in Europe, organized by Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs & Centre for International Security and Diplomacy, SOAS, 26-27 September 2016, London, United Kingdom; 156. Attended The 2016 Nuclear Knowledge Summit: Solutions for a Secure Nuclear Future organized by the Fissile Material Working Group (FMWG), 29-31 March 2016, Washington, DC, USA; 155. “Syr ia ’ s r emain ing 1 per c en t o f chemica l weapons s to cks must be the concern o f the 100 per c en t o f the wor ld popula t ion”, paper presented at the Plenary Session during the 20th Session of the Conference of the States Parties of the CWC, organized by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition, The Hague, Netherlands, 02 December 2015; 154. Attended the 61st Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, organized by the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 01-05 November 2015, Nagasaki, Japan; 153. “Transat lant i c Miss i l e Defense Arch i t e c ture : Def in ing the Right Threat Se t” paper presented at The United States and Global Missile Defense 2015 Conference organized by the Atlantic Council, 25 June 2015, Washington DC, USA; 152. “Impl i ca t ions o f the Nuc l ear Nego t ia t ions be tween Iran and the “P5+1” Countr i e s fo r Turkey”, paper presented at the Panel on Global, Regional, National Security and Turkey organized by the Turkish War Colleges, 02 June 2015, Istanbul; 151. “Impl i ca t ions o f the Nuc l ear Nego t ia t ions be tween Iran and the “P5+1” Countr i e s fo r Turkey”, paper presented at the Panel on Changing Security Dynamics in the Middle East and Turkey organized by Marmara University and MURCIR, 13 May 2015, Istanbul;

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150. “Unders tanding the Meaning o f the Prov i s iona l Agreement in the Nuc l ear Negot ia t ions be tween Iran and the “P5+1” Countr i e s”, paper presented at the Panel on Iran on its Way Back to the International Community organized by Kadir Has University, 14 April 2015, Istanbul; 149. “Turkey and Nuc lear Weapons : Can This be Rea l?”, chapter presented at the Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference organized by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 24-25 March 2015, Washington DC, USA; 148. “The Nexus Between Techno log i ca l Change , Terror i sm and WMD Pro l i f e ra t ion”, paper presented at the Annual NATO Conference on WMD Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation organized by NATO Public Diplomacy Division, 01-03 March 2015, Doha, Qatar; 147. “Atti tudes towards the Nonpro l i f e ra t ion Reg imes”, chaired the discussion session at the Workshop on US-Turkey Track 2 Strategic Dialogue organized by United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and EDAM, 26-27 February 2015, Istanbul; 146. “The Middle East Po l i c y o f the Unit ed State s”, paper presented at the Panel on The Middle East and Turkey organized by Halic University and BILGESAM, 25 December 2014, Istanbul; 145. “Nuclear Secur i ty and Turkey . Deal ing wi th Nuc l ear Smugg l ing”, paper presented at the Workshop on Turkey and Nuclear Security organized by MEF University and EDAM, 17 December 2014, Istanbul; 144. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Chemica l Weapons and the Si tuat ion in the Midd le East as Seen f rom Turkey”, paper presented at the Open Forum on the Situation in Syria during the 19th Session of the Conference of the States Parties of the CWC, organized by the Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition, The Hague, Netherlands, 03 December 2014; 143. “State s Par t i e s to the CWC Must Also Cons ider the Threa t Posed by Non-State s”, paper presented at the Plenary Session during the 19th Session of the Conference of the States Parties of the CWC, organized by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition, The Hague, Netherlands, 03 December 2014; 142. “The Remain ing Tac t i ca l Nuc l ear Weapons in Europe”, paper presented at the international workshop on The Future of Nuclear Weapons in Europe, organized by the Flemish Peace Institute and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 25-26 September 2014, Brussels, Belgium; 141. “The Irr egu lar/Unconvent ional Warfare Chal lenges Faced by Turkey” , paper presented at the NSHQ Allied and Partners SOF Commanders’ Conference, organized by NATO and the Turkish Special Forces Command, 17-19 September 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. 140. “Further ing the Goal o f a WMD-Fee Zone in the Middle East”, paper presented at the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference, organized by the EU Consortium and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), 04-05 September 2014, Brussels, Belgium; 139. “Internat iona l Ef for t s to Rid Syr ia o f Chemica l Weapons”, paper presented at the Roundtable Discussion on Bringing the Chemical Weapons Convention into Effect Through the Middle East, organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), 04 August 2014, London, United Kingdom; 138. “Engaging Russ ia i s Neces sary , Agains t Al l Odds , fo r Stab i l i t y in the Wor ld”, paper presented at the Conference on Changing Defense and Security Strategies Within the International Security Environment: Current Security Challenges and NATO's Strategies, organized by NATO Headquarters and 3. Army Corps, 17 June 2014, Istanbul Turkey,

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137. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkish -Iranian Rela t ions”, paper presented at the Conference on Turkish Foreign Policy in the Light of Changing Global Balances and Regional Developments, organized by Intermational Antalya University, 05 May 2014, Antalya, Turkey; 136. Attended The 2014 Nuclear Knowledge Summit: Towards Sustainable Nuclear Security organized by the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19-21 March 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 135.. “Iran , the Nuc l ear I s sue and i t s Role in the Reg ion”, views presented at the workshop on Turkish Perspectives on a Changing Middle East organized by CITpax & CIDOB, 15-16 December 2013, Madrid, Spain; 134.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on Defense Matter s”, views presented at the workshop on Defense Matters, organized by Carnegie Europe, 26 November 2013, Brussels, Belgium; 133.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on NATO in the 21 st Century”, views presented at the Roundtable Discussions at the Experts on Defence Issues from NATO Countries, organized by Public Diplomacy Division of NATO, 25 November 2013, Brussels, Belgium; 132.. “Defense and Secur i ty Dimens ion o f Turkey -Po land Rela t ions”, paper presented at the workshop on Different Aspects of Turkey-Poland Relations: Politics, Energy and Security, organized by the Center for Strategic Research (SAM), Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 November 2013, Ankara, Turkey; 131..Organized and attended the 60th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, organized by the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 01-05 November 2013, Istanbul, Turkey; 130.. Attended the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference, organized by the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, 30 September-01 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium; 129.. “Impl i ca t ions o f I ran ’s Nuc l ear Program for Turkey”, views presented at the workshop on Regional Responses to Iran's Nuclear Programme, organized by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 17 September 2013, Doha, Qatar; 128.. “EURATOM & ABACC : Rec ipes fo r a Middle East NWFZ?” views presented at the Global Governance Programme High-Level Policy Seminar for Assessing the Prospect of the Euratom Treaty Approach in the Middle East, organized by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 14-15 June 2013, Florence, Italy; 127.. “Streng then ing the CWC: A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the Third Review Conference of the OPCW, organized by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), 10-12 April 2013, The Hague, Netherlands; 126.. “Nationa l Secur i ty Perspe c t iv e s in the Middle East : A View f rom Turkey”, views presented at the Conference on National Security Perspectives in the Middle East, organized by the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), 27 March 2013, Istanbul, Turkey; 125.. “Nuclear Pro l i f e ra t ion in the Gul f : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the Conference on Nuclear Proliferation in the Gulf, organized by the British-American Security Information Council (BASIC), 25-26 March 2013, Istanbul, Turkey; 124.. “Syr ian Chemica l weapons and Border Secur i ty I s sues”, views presented at the Seminar on Combatting WMD Terorism, organized by the Marshall Center, 19-21 March 2013, Garmisch-Partenkirschen, Germany; 123.. “NATO’s Role in Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, views presented at the Seminars on NATO’s Strategic Outlook, organized by the Public Diplomacy Division of NATO, NATO Headquarters, 11-12 March 2013, Brussels, Belgium;

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122.. “US Nuclear Weapons in Turkey”, views presented at the POPA/CSIS Workshop on: “Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons - Challenging Assumptions, Proposing a Future organized by the American Physical Society (APS) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 25-26 february 2013, Washington DC, USA; 121.. “Tact i ca l Nec l ear Weapons Stat ioned in Turkey”, views presented at the Warsaw Workshop: Prospects for Information Sharing and Confidence Building on Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons organized by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PIIA), 7-10 February 2013, Warsaw, Poland; 120.. “Deal ing wi th the Threat o f WMD Terror i sm”, views presented at the UNSCR 1540 Civil Society Forum - Opportunities for Engagement organized by the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 7-11 January 2013, Vienna, Austria; 119.. “A Cri t ique o f Turkey ’ s ’Zero Prob lem wi th Neighbors ’ Po l i cy”, paper presented at the workshop on Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy Paradigm following the Arab Spring, organized by the Institute of Turkish Studies at Georgetown University and Okan University, 14 December 2012, Istanbul, Turkey; 118.. “Turkey-Iran Rela t ions : S tra t eg i c Dynamics and Long-Term Consequences fo r the Reg ion”,paper presented at the symposium on Iran, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Arabian Peninsula, organized by Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 16 December 2012, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 117.. “The Arab Spr ing , Turkey and Iran : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, paper presented at the workshop on The Arab Spring, Turkey and Iran, organized by NUPI, 03-05 December 2012, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates; 116.. “Evaluat ing In ter im Steps to Suppor t a WMDFZ”, paper presented at the Regional Security and Steps Toward Reducing WMD Risks in the Middle East Conference, organized by EDAM, GPoT and Carnegie Europe, 26-27 November 2012, Istanbul; 115.. “Introduc tory Remarks on Mari t ime Secur i ty”, presented at the Maritime Security Workshop, organized by Multinational Maritime Security Centre of Excellence-MARSEC COE, 16 November 2012, Aksaz Naval Base-Marmaris-Turkey; 114.. “Prevent ing Nuc l ear Terror i sm: Separat ing Rhetor i c f rom Act ion”, paper presented at the Reuters Global Security Seminar, organized by The Thomson Reuters Foundation, Stanley Foundation and Gerda Henkel Foundation, 14 November 2012, Istanbul; 113.. “Relat ionsh ips and Assurances in US-Turkey Stra teg i c Dia logue : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, paper presented at the US-Turkey Strategic Dialogue, organized by Center on Contemporary Conflict,U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 31 October-02 November 2012, Istanbul; 112.. “The Non-Pro l i f e ra t ion Trea ty”,paper presented at the Introductory Workshop on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, organized by EDAM, GPoT and Carnegie Europe, 12 October 2012, Heybeliada, Istanbul; 111.. “Any Future fo r WMD-Free Middle East?”, paper presented at the 2012 Conference on the Middle East Zone Free of weapons of Mass destruction: Searching for Solutions, organized by the PIR Center, 04 October 2012, Moscow, Russia; 110.. “Janus Face Technono logy , Janus Face West : Turkey ’ s Ques t fo r Nuc l ear Techno logy Trans f e r”, paper presented at the conference on Turkey’s Strategic Vision 2023: International Congress on Nuclear Technology Transfer, organized by Turk Asya Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi (TASAM), 21-22 September 2012, Istanbul;

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109.. “Impl i ca t ions o f I ran ’s Nuc l ear Program for Turkey”, views presented at the Panel on Will the Ongoing Nuclear Talks with Iran Yield Better Results than Past Efforts? organized by the Brazil Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, 07 September 2012, Washington, D.C., USA; 108.. “Deterr ence , Assurance and Reduc t ions : A Turkish Perspe c t i v e”, views presented at the Conference on Deterrence, Assurance and Reductions: Rebalancing the Nuclear Order organized by the Wilton Park, 22 June 2012, West Sussex, United Kingdom; 107.. “Turkey a f t e r Chicago : NATO’s f ront - l ine s ta t e?”, views presented at the Panel on NATO Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons organized by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 12 June 2012, London, United Kingdom; 106.. “The Impac t o f In te l l i g ence Analys i s on Fore ign and Nat iona l Secur i ty Po l i c i e s Concern ing the In ternat iona l Fight Agains t Terror i sm and Po l i t i ca l Vio l ence”, views presented at the Conference on From Intelligence to Policy-Making: Intelligence Analysis for Policy Executive organized by National Intelligence Authority (MIT), 04 June 2012, Ankara; 105.. “Turkey ’ s P lace in the Miss i l e Shie ld Pro j e c t”, views presented at the Panel Turkish American Alliance in a Volatile Region: Challenges and Opportunities organized by Koc University, 29 March 2012, Istanbul; 104.. “NATO's Future Role in the Middle East”, views presented at the Panel on Turkey's Security Challenges and the Role of the Atlantic Alliance organized by Carnegie Endowment & EDAM, 27 February 2012, Istanbul; 103.. “Perspe c t iv e s on NATO Deterr ence and Defence Pos ture”, views presented at the Panel on NATO’s Deterrence Posture and Prospects for Change organized by Europeasn Leadership Network (ELN) and USAK, 17 January 2012, Ankara; 102.. “Nuclear and Conf idence Bui ld ing : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the Panel on Geopolitics, Nuclear Issues and the Greater Middle East organized by International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Istanbul, Turkey, 12 December 2011; 101.. “A Turkish View on Nuc lear Disarmament”, views presented at the Panel on European Secuity and Nuclear Disarmament - Ghost from the Past or Path to the Future? organized by Free University of Berlin, 05 July 2011, Berlin, Germany; 100.. “A Turkish Perspe c t iv e on Nuc lear Disarmament”, views presented at the 59thth Pugwash Annual Conference on Science and World Affairs: European Contributions to Nuclear Disarmament & Conflict Resolution, organized by Pugwash, 30 June-05 July 2011, Berlin, Germany; 99.. “Terror i sm and WMD Pro l i f e ra t ion”, views presented at the Annual NATO Conference on WMD Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, organized by the Senior Defense Group on Proliferation, 17-18 June 2011, Bergen, Norway; 98.. “A Perspe c t iv e f rom the Assured”, views presented at the Workshop on Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Assurance in the NATO Area, organized by the Wilton Park in association with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 12-15 June 2011, West Sussex, UK; 97.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on EU Strategy aga ins t the Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion”, views presented at the Roundatable Discussion on First Consultative Meeting of the EU Consortium on Non-Proliferation (“Kick-off-Meeting”), organized by the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, 23-24 May 2011, Brussels, Belgium;

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96.. “Turkey ’ s Exper i ence in Fight ing the I l l e ga l Tra f f i ck ing o f Nuc l ear Mater ia l”, views presented at the Panel on Next Generation Nuclear Security: Measuring Porgress and Charting the Way Forward, organized by the Fissile Material Working Group, 13 April 2011, Vienna, Austria; 95.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on the Swap Deal”, views presented at the Seminar on A Reflection on the May 2010 Brazil-Turkey Nuclear Initiative Towards Iran, organized by the Brazil Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, 22 February 2011Washington DC, USA; 94.. “NATO Deterr ence and Defense Pos ture : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the Conference on NATO Deterrence and Defence Posture After Lisbon, organized by the European Leadership Network for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) for Defence and Security Studies, 25 January 2011, London, United Kingdom; 93.. “NATO and US Nuclear Weapons in Europe : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the Roundtable Seminar on NATO and US Nuclear Weapons: After the Bombs Have Gone, organized by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 24 January 2011, London, United Kingdom; 92.. “Turkey ’ s Ques t fo r Peace fu l Nuc l ear Power”, paper presented at The Nuclear Question in the Middle East - Part II, organized by Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University – Qatar, 08-10 January 2011, Doha, Qatar; 91.. “The Future fo r Nonpro l i f e ra t ion and Disarmament : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the conference on The Future for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, organized by the Ditchley Foundation, 02-04 December 2010, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom; 90.. “Arti c l e XI o f the CWC: A Turkish Perspec t i v e”, views presented at the workshop on Article XI of the Chemical Weapons Convention organized by Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, 24-25 November 2010, The Hague, The Netherlands; 89.. “WMD Pro l i f e ra t ion in the Middle East : A Turkish Perspe c t i v e”, views presented at the workshop on Nuclear Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East and Regional Security: The Task Ahead, organized by Pugwash Conferenecs on Science and World Affairs, 23-24 October 2010, Farnham castle, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom; 88.. “Turkey ’ s Reac t ions to US Nuclear Pos ture Rev i ew”, paper presented at International Responses to the US NPR 2010, organized by Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, 15-16 September 2010, Palo Alto, California; 87.. “Turkey ’ s Ques t fo r Peace fu l Nuc l ear Power”, paper presented at The Nuclear Question in the Middle East, organized by Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University – Qatar, 23-24 May 2010, Doha, Qatar; 86.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on CBRN Defence”, paper presented at CBRN Defence, WMD Proliferation and the New NATO Strategic Concept, organized by Senior Defence Group on Porliferation, 11-14 May 2010, Bucharest, Romania; 85.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on Nuc lear Secur i ty”, views presented at Next Generation Nuclear Security: Meeting the Global Challenge, organized by the Fissile Material Working Group, 12 April 2010, Washington DC, USA; 84.. “Tact i ca l Nuc l ear Weapons inTurkey”, paper presented at the “Global Zero Summit” organized by the International Global Zero Commission, 01-04 February 2010, Paris, France;

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83.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program: Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, paper presented at the Conference on “Iran’s Nuclear Program: American, European, and Turkish Responses” organized by the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University & George Marshall Center, 18 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey; 82.. “What’s Wrong wi th Turkey ’ s Ques t fo r Nuc l ear Power”, paper presented at the “Nuclear Power in the Middle East: Implications, Challenges, Opportunities” organized by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences & New York University (NYU), 14-15 December 2009, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 81.. “A Turkish Perspe c t iv e on Chemica l Disarmament”, paper presented at the NGO Coalition Afainst Chemical Weapons, organized by Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), 01-04 December 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands; 80.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on Nuclear Disarmament”, paper presented at the 58thth Pugwash Annual Conference on Science and World Affairs: Justice, Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, organized by Pugwash, 17-20 April 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands; 79.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e”, participated in the Seminar on International Security Responses to a Nuclear Terror Attack, organized by Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and National Defense University, 03 December 2008, London, United Kingdom; 78.. “Turkey’s Foreign Policy Challenges in the Caucasus and Beyond” paper presented at the Silent Colloquium: Turkey’s New Foreign Policy Strategies “Between East and West”? Diplomacy and Diplomatic Cultures in Dialogue organized by Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, Diplomatic Academy Vienna, Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Embassy of the Turkish Republic in Vienna, 20 October 2008, Vienna, Austria; 77.. “Nationa l Counter Terror i sm Law Case Studie s : Turkey”, paper presented at the workshop on Lifting the Fog of Law: Legal Regimes to Combat Terrorism in Near East and South Asia organized by the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies & Inter-University Center for Legal Studies, National Defense University, 22-23 July 2008, Washington, DC - USA; 76.. “The Role o f Nuc l ear Weapons in Turkey ’ s Secur i ty and i t s Att i tude towards NWFZ”, paper presented at conference on Pre-conditions for a NWFZ in the Middle East: Fourth Session organized by the Monterey Nonproliferation Strategy Group and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 13-14 March 2008, Milano, Italy; 75.. “Threat o f Bio log i ca l Weapons and Bio -Terror i sm”, paper presented at Air Oriented Terrorism, organized by NATO and CAOC SIX, 27-28 February 2008, Eskisehir,Turkey; 74.. “Facing the Chal l enge o f Nuc l ear Pro l i f e ra t ion in the Trans -European Landscape”, paper presented at Trans-European Security Challenges, organized by NATO and ATAUM, 30 November – 01 December 2007, Ankara, Turkey; 73.. “Nuclear Deve lopment and Non-Pro l i f e ra t ion in Centra l Asia and Caucasus”, paper presented at Japan- Turkey Round Table, organized by the Foreign Policy Institute, 22 November 2007, Ankara, Turkey; 72.. “Turkish Fore ign Po l i c y Toward Northern Iraq”, paper presented at the conference on Iraq: Domestic Stabilization and the Regional ethno-Religious Polarization, organized by Landau Network - Centro Volta 09-10 November 2007, Como, Italy; 71.. “The US Nuclear Weapons in Turkey”, paper presented at the 57th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs: Prospects for Disarmament, Dialogue and Cooperation, organized by Pugwash, 22- 28 October 2007, Bari, Italy;

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70.. “Weapons Trans f e r s and Non-State Armed Groups : Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion”, paper presented at the Preventing the Spread of Weapons to Non-State Armed Groups, organized by United Nations Institute fro Disarmament Research, 03 September 2007, Geneva, Switzerland; 69.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on Art i c l e XIV of the CTBT”, paper presented at the Urging Entry Into Force: The 2007 CTBT Article XIV Conference, organized by Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, 13 July 2007, Milano, Italy; 68.. “European Proposa l s fo r Str eng then ing the Nuc lear Nonpro l i f e ra t ion Reg ime”, panel chaired at the Carnegie Nonproliferation Conference: Tomorrow’s Solutions, organized by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 24-25 June 2007, Washington DC, USA; 67..”Turkish-Iranian Rela t ions After the Cold War”, paper presented at the Sixth METU Conference on International Relations: Security in the Middle East, organized by Middle East Technical University, 14 June 2007, Ankara; 66.. “Changing Pro f i l e o f Terror i sm”, paper presented at the Conference on Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism, organized by George C. Marshall Center and the NATO Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, 14-18 May 2007, Ankara; 65.. “Turkey ’ s Reac t ion to the Deve lopments in Iraq”, paper presented at the conference on Iraq After the New Government: Stabilization Security Problems and the Regional Scenario, organized by Landau Network - Centro Volta 24-26 November 2006, Como, Italy; 64.. “Euratom & ABACC: r c ep i e s fo r a NWFZ in the Middle East”, paper presented at the 56th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, A Region in Transition: Peace and Reform in the Middle East, organized by Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 11-16 November 2006, Cairo, Egypt; 63.. “The Ef f e c t s o f I ran ’s Nuc l ear and Miss i l e Programs on Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, paper presented at the Conference on the Implications of Regional Deevelopments for Turkey’s Security Policies,organized by the Turkish War Colleges, 09 - 10 March 2006, Istanbul; 62.. “Secur i ty in the Wider Black Sea Reg ion : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, views presented at the Conference on Enhancing Security in the Black sea Region: Can We Build Bridges and Barriers? organized by PfP Consortium of Defense Academies, 29 January – 01 February 2006, Bucharest, Romania; 61.. “Turkey ’ s Secur i ty Po l i c y Toward Syr ia and Iran”, paper presented at the Panel on Turkey’s Security Policy in the Middle East and Arabian Gulf organized by Emirates Center for Strategic Research, 18 - 19 December 2005, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 60.. “Concerns About Iran ’s Nuc l ear Capabi l i t i e s and Inten t ions”, views presented at the Panel on Iran’s Nuclear Program: An Evaluation of Latest Developments jointly organized by International Strategic Research Organization and TOBB University of Economics and Technology, 16 November 2005, Ankara; 59.. “Turkey ’ s Concerns About the Sta te -Bui ld ing Ef for t s in Iraq”, views presented at the International Workshop on The New Iraq, Stabilization, Reconiliation, Institution-Building and the Regional Scenario jointly organized by Landau Network Centro Volta, Iraqi national Academy of Sciences, Harvard University and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 03-05 November 2005, Como, Italy; 58.. “A Turkish Perspec t i v e on Arms Contro l and Disarmament I s sues”, views presented at the 55th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs 60 Years After Hiroshima and Nagasaki organized by Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, Washington DC, USA, 22-27 July 2005, Hiroshima, Japan;

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57.. “Secur i ty in the Black Sea Reg ion : Turkish Perspe c t iv e s”, views presented at the Harvard Black Sea Security Program organized by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April 03-08 2005, Cambridge, Massaschusetts, USA; 56..Attended the Inaugural Conference organized by the Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University, April 4 - 5, 2005 Brandeis, Massachusetts, USA; 55.. “Uses and Misuses o f Art i c l e IV Rights under the NPT”, paper presented at the Nuclear Technologies and Sustainable Development organized by the Iranian Center for Strategic Research and Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 05-06 March 2005, Tehran, Iran; 54.. “Iraq After the Ele c t ions : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, paper presented at the Persian Gulf Conference organized by the Iranian Institute of Political and International Studies (IPIS), 01-02 March 2005, Tehran, Iran; 53.. “Debate Over the Sta tus o f Remain ing US Nuclear Weapons in NATO Countr i e s : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, paper presented at the conference on Germany and Nuclear Proliferation organized jointly by The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center of Washington and The Aspen Institute, 25 -26 February 2005, Berlin, Germany; 52.. “Impl i ca t ions o f I ran ’s Nuc l ear Program for Turkey”, paper presented at the panel Beyond Iran: The Risk of Nuclearizing Middle East organized by The Washington Institute, 09 February 2005, Washington DC; 51.. “The Si tuat ion in Iraq : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e”, paper presented at the 3rd Iran-Turkey Round Table organized jointly by the Iranian Institute of Political and International Studies (IPIS) and the Center for Strategic Research of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SAM) , 25 - 28 December 2004, Tehran, Iran; 50.. “Disposa l o f Redundant Heavy Weapons : A Turkish Perspe c t ive”, paper presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Disposal of Redundant Heavy Weapons organized jointly by the Security-Related Civil Science & Technology Programme of NATO and the Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs, 06 - 10 October 2004, Bratislava, Slovakia; 49.. Preemptive Use of Force: A Reassessment, Attended the conference organized by the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University & National Defense University, September 30 - October 1, 2004, Medford, Massachusetts, USA; 48.. “Pit fa l l s o f the Trans i t iona l Adminis t ra t iv e Law o f I raq and the i r Impl i ca t ions fo r Reg iona l Secur i t y”, paper presented at the Conference on Toward a Multilateral Regional Security Arrangement in the Middle East organized by Landau Network-Centro Volta, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Harvard University, 05 - 06 July 2004, Rome, Italy; 47.. “NATO’s Response to the Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion”, paper presented at the Conference on Change and Adaptation: Contemporary Security Challenges and NATO organized by Ankara University, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, and Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 14 - 15 May 2004, Antalya; 46.. “NATO Before and After the Second Gul f War”, paper presented at the Conference on the Crisis Management Concepts, Capabilities and Mechanisms in the Euro-Atlantic Areas organized by Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Euro-Atlantic Security Study Group, 18 – 21 April 2004, Bologna, Italy; 45.. “Turkey ’ s Role in NATO Strateg i e s Toward the Medi t e r ranean”, paper presented at the Conference on the Transformation of NATO and the Position of Turkey,organized by NATO and Ege University, 05 – 06 April 2004, Izmir;

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44.. Turkey and the European Union, Attended the international workshop organized by the University of Birmingham, the Bogazici University and TUSIAD, 01-03 April 2004, Istanbul; 43.. Iraq on the Way to its New Constitution, Attended the international conference organized by the Foreign Policy Institute and the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bilkent University, 22-23 March 2004, Ankara; 42.. “Perspe c t iv e s fo r the Middle East Peace Proce s s f rom the Viewpoin t o f Turkey” Paper (to be) presented at the 11th Pugwash Workshop on the Middle East, organized by the Pugwash Conferences and World Affairs, 04-08 March 2004, Amman, Jordan; 41.. “The Impac t o f Energy Resourc e s and Pipe l ines on In ternat iona l Secur i ty”, paper presented at the Conference on the Implications of Energy and Water Resources on National and International Security,organized by the War Academies, 15 – 16 January 2004, Istanbul; 40.. “A New Stra teg i c Vis ion for NATO in the 21 st Century”, paper presented at the 13th International Antalya Conference on Security and Cooperation,organized by the Turkish Atlantic Council and NATO, 06 – 10 December 2003, Antalya; 39.. European Security and Defence Policy After Iraq, Attended the conference organized by the WILTON PARK, 14 – 18 July 2003, West Sussex, United Kingdom; 38.. The Future of the Alliance attended the brainstorming sessions organized by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, 07 – 08 July 2003, Brussels, Belgium; 37.. “Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion and the Non-State Actors”, paper presented at the Second METU Conference on International Relations: Regional Perspectives, 23-25 June 2003, Middle East Technical University, Ankara; 36.. Globalization and International Security, Attended the conference organized jointly by the Center for Strategic Research and Study (SAREM) of the Turkish General Staff 29-30 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey; 35.. “Perspe c t iv e s fo r the Middle East f rom the Viewpoin t o f Turkey , Germany and the EU” Paper presented at the workshop on The Politico-Strategic State of Affairs in the Middle East, organized jointly by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation & the Center for Advanced Strategic Studies, 10-11 May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey; 34.. “Seminar on New Approaches to Nuclear Verification and Nuclear Security” attended the Seminar organized by IAEA’s Office of External Relations and Policy Co-ordination, 24 – 26 February 2003, Vienna, Austria; 33.. Briefings on the NATO Prague Summit and the Future of the Alliance, attended the Seminar organized by NATO’s Office of Information and Press & Turk-Atlantic Council, 27 November – 02 December 2002, Brussels, Belgium; 32.. “NATO’s Role in Confront ing the Threa ts Posed by the Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion in Turkey ’ s Neighborhood”, paper presented at the Study Group Meeting on the Future of NATO, organized by the PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Institutes, 10-11 October 2002, Ankara, Turkey; 31.. “Turkey ' s Fore ign Po l i c y Toward the Middle East . Pas t , Pres en t and Future” Paper presented at the Tour D'Horizon in Turkish Foreign Policy, organized jointly by the Foreign Policy Institute & the General Directorate of Press, 16-22 September 2002, Antalya, Turkey; 30.. “Turkey ' s Perspe c t iv e on WMD Pro l i f e ra t ion in the Middle East” Paper presented at the Steering Committee and Security Working Group Meeting, organized by the Search For Common Ground (SFCG) Washington D.C, 12-15 June 2002, The Hague, The Netherlands;

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29.. Georgetown Leadership Seminar, Attended the Seminar organized by Georgetown University, 17 - 22 March 2002, Washington D.C., USA; 28.. “How are the Po l i c i e s o f Various Pivo ta l Sta te s Like ly to be Aff e c t ed by the War Agains t Terror i sm? A Turkish View” Paper presented at the Conference on The Arc of Instability: Challenges for U.S. Policy and Strategy in the Greater Middle East organized by the US Navy War College, 06 – 08 March 2002, Newport, Rhode Island, USA; 27.. “Recent Deve lopments in WMD Threats and Nat iona l Concerns ,” Paper presented at the WMD Subgroup Meeting-III, organized by the Search For Common Ground (SFCG) Washington D.C, 28 February – 02 March 2002, Dedeman Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey; 26.. EU-NATO Co-operation and the Participation of Third Countries in the ESDP, Attended the Venusberg Group conference organized jointly by the Bertelsmann Foundation, and the Center for Applied Policy Research, University of Munich, in cooperation with The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London, & the Center for European Studies of the Middle East Technical University, 27 - 28 November 2001, Ankara, Turkey; 25.. “Turkish-Israe l i S tra t eg i c Re la t ions : A Win-Win Si tuat ion ,” Paper presented at the workshop on Turkey and the Middle East, organized jointly by The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) London & Middle East Technical University, 26 November 2001, Ankara, Turkey; 24.. “Under What Condi t ions Might a Middle Eastern Country Cons ider Moving to the Next Leve l o f WMD Capabi l i t i e s o r Use and How do We Prevent Esca la t ion to That Leve l? A Turkish Perspe c t i v e” Paper presented at the WMD Subgroup Meeting-II, organized by the Search For Common Ground (SFCG) Washington D.C., 31 October - 02 November 2001, Divan Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey; 23.. “Miss i l e s and Miss i l e Defense Techno log i e s ,” Paper presented at the workshop on the Missile Defense and Turkey, organized by the Center for Eurasia Strategic Studies (ASAM), 12 September 2001, Ankara, Turkey; 22.. “WMD Pro l i f e ra t ion in the Middle East : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e ,” Paper presented at the WMD Subgroup Meeting-I, organized by the Search For Common Ground (SFCG) Washington D.C., 04 – 06 July 2001, Divan Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey; 21.. “An Assessment o f I ran 's WMD Capabi l i t y and the Threat Posed to i t s Neigborhood ,” Paper presented at the International Conference on Armed Forces in the Middle East, organized by the Center for Eurasia Strategic Studies (ASAM), 26 – 27 June 2001, Ankara, Turkey; 20.. “Nonpro l i f e ra t ion and Disarmament : A Turkish View ,” Paper presented at the 2001 Workshop of PRIF’s Nonproliferation and Disarmament Program, organized by the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), 26 – 30 May 2001, Schlangenbad, Germany; 19.. “US Perspe c t iv e s o f Turkish-Israe l i S tra t eg i c Coopera t ion ,” Paper presented at the conference, Turkish-Israeli Strategic Cooperation, organized jointly by Bilkent University & The Ariel Center for Policy Studies (Tel Aviv), 10 – 11 May 2001, Ankara, Turkey; 18.. Scientific and Technological Aspects of the Implementation of the Protocol to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, Attended the NATO Advanced Studies Institute Program organized jointly by the University of Bradford & Hungarian Center for Foreign Policy Studies, 19 - 29 March 2001, Budapest, Hungary; 17.. “Future o f Nonpro l i f e ra t ion and Arms Contro l : A Turkish View,” Paper presented at the 3rd Asian Security Conference: Towards a New Asia, organized by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), 26 – 29 January 2001, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India;

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16.. “Nationa l Perspe c t iv e s on the Stra t eg i c Environment and the Impor tance o f the Eastern Medi t e r ranean” & “Coopera t ion in the Eastern Medi t e r ranean ,” Papers presented at the conference on Security in the Eastern Mediterranean, organized jointly by the Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies (Bar Ilan University) & Kokkalis Program (Harvard University), 04 – 05 December 2000, Ramat Gan, Israel; 15.. “Prospec t s fo r Coopera t ion Among the Euras ian Countr ie s and the Pro l i f e ra t ion Concerns o f the West ,” Paper presented at the I. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application, organized by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) & Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), 23 - 27 October 2000, Izmir, Turkey; 14.. “Poles Apart? Arms Contro l in a Mult i -po lar Wor ld : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e ,” Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Conference on Controlling Arms: Globalization of the Security Environment, organized by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA - Pentagon) & DynMeridian Corporation, 30 May - 02 June 2000, Norfolk, Virginia, USA; 13.. “In Search o f S tab i l i t y and Coopera t ion in South-Eastern Europe : A Turkish Perspe c t iv e ,” Paper presented at the conference, Regional Cooperation and Reconstruction in South-East Europe, organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), 29 - 30 October 1999, Rome, Italy; 12.. CBW Terrorism - Risks, Implications and Government Responses, Attended the conference organized jointly by the WILTON PARK and the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute (CBACI), 01 - 03 October 1999, West Sussex, United Kingdom; 11.. Nuclear Law and Liability in Turkey, Attended the conference organized jointly by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK), OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and chaired the session on The Internat iona l Nuc lear Liabi l i t y Reg ime , 08 - 09 September 1999, Ankara, Turkey; 10.. Eight Annual International Conference on Controlling Arms: The Next Generation, Attended the conference organized by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA - Pentagon) & Science Applications and International Corporation (SAIC), 01 - 04 June 1999, Norfolk, Virginia, USA; 9.. The Verification Revolution: Human and Technical Dimensions, Attended the conference organized jointly by the WILTON PARK and the Verification Research Training and Information Centre (VERTIC), 05 - 07 March 1999, West Sussex, United Kingdom; 8.. The Role of Biotechnology in Countering BTW Agents, Attended the NATO Advanced Research Workshop organized jointly by Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) & Czech Institute for International Relations, 21 - 23 October 1998, Prague, Czech Republic; 7.. “Effor t s to Implement and Streng then the Nuc l ear , Chemica l and Bio log i ca l Non-Pro l i f e ra t ion Reg imes : A Turkish Perspec t i v e ,” Paper presented at the workshop, Efforts to Implement and Strengthen the NBC Non-Proliferation Regimes, organized by the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), 27 - 30 September 1998, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany; 6.. Seventh Annual International Conference on Arms Control and the Revolution in Military Affairs, Attended the conference organized by the Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA - Pentagon) & Science Applications and International Corporation (SAIC), 08 - 11 June 1998, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 5.. “Prospec t s fo r Coopera t ion Between Turkey and Gree c e Agains t the Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Destruc t ion and Bal l i s t i c Miss i l e s in the Medi t e r ranean and the Middle East ,” Paper presented at the conference, Is the Barcelona Process Working? - EU Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, organized by the Philip Morris Institute (PMI), ELIAMEP & The Lambrakis Foundation, 01 - 03 April 1998, Athens, Greece;

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4.. “Nuclear Disarmament : Should This Be the Goal ,” Paper presented at the conference, Building an Effective International Consensus Against Nuclear Proliferation: What More Can Be Done? organized by the WILTON PARK, 01 - 05 December 1997, West Sussex, United Kingdom; 3.. NPT Seminar: Assessing the 1997 NPT PrepCom, Attended the seminar organized jointly by the Monterey Institute of International Studies & the Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation, 26 - 27 April, 1997, Monterey, California, USA; 2.. “Turkey and Nuc lear Disarmament ,” Paper presented at the workshop, Europe and Nuclear Disarmament, organized by the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), 29 September - 02 October 1996, Ochsenfurt, Germany; 1.. “Veri f i ca t ion Prov i s ions o f a Nuc l ear -Weapons-Free Zone in the Middle East ,” Paper presented during the Expert Group Meeting at the conference, Confidence-Building and Arms Control in the Middle East, organized by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), 08 - 12 June 1995, Lund, Sweden; CONFERENCES & SEMINARS GIVEN 91.. “Turkish-Iranian Relations”, Conference given to foreign students attending a degree seminar at BILGESAM, 16 March 2017, Istanbul 90.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r the Secur i ty and Stab i l i t y in the Middle East”, Conference given to the members of ISFAM, 02 May 2015, Istanbul; 89.. “Impl i ca t ions o f the Tens ion in US-Rıuss ia Re la t ions fo r In ternat iona l Secur i ty”, Conference given to civil citizens and bureaucrats at Bahcesehir University, 13 December 2014, Istanbul; 88.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey”, Conference given to civil citizens and bureaucrats at Bahcesehir University, 23 November 2013, Istanbul; 87.. “Turkey ’ s Attempts and Fai lure s to Ins ta l l Nuc l ear Power P lants in the Country”, Conference given to senior citizens at the Alumi Association of Saint Joseph High School, 24 March 2013, Istanbul; 86.. “Turkish Fore ign Po l i c y Out look”, Conference given to senior members of the Levent Rotary Club, 28 January 2013, Istanbul; 85.. “An Overv i ew o f WMD Pro l i f e ra t ion”, Conference given to civil and military staff and commanders at the NATO Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, 26 March 2012, Ankara; 84.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des t ruc t ion and Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program”, Conference given to military students and staff commanders at the Armed Forces Colleges, 23 March 2012, Istanbul; 83.. “The Role o f In te rnat iona l Organizat ions in the Fight Agains t Terror i sm”, Conference given to civil and military bureaucrats at Bahcesehir University, 28 April 2012, Istanbul; 82.. “The Role o f In te rnat iona l Organizat ions in Combat ing WMD Terror i sm”, Conference given to civil and military staff and commanders at the NATO Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, 08 February 2012, Ankara; 81.. “Measures to Counter WMD Terror i sm”, Conference given to military staff and commanders at the Army War College, 31 January 2012, Istanbul; 80.. “Turkey and Nuc lear Weapons : Str ik ing a Balance Between All i e s and Neighbors”, Conference given to high level civil and military staff and commanders at the Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 25 November 2011, Paris, France;

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79.. “Issues in Turkish Fore ign Po l i cy : An Academic Perspe c t iv e”, Conference given to high level civil and military staff and commanders at the Portuguese Institute of National Defense, 15 November 2011, Lisbon, Portugal; 78.. “Threat o f Bio log i ca l Weeapons and Bio t e r ror i sm”, Conference given to military students and staff commanders at the Armed Forces Colleges, 10 October 2011, Istanbul; 77.. “An Assessment o f the Recen t Deve lopments in the Middle East and North Afr i ca” Lecture given to the members of the Galatasaraylilar Birligi, 21 April 2011, Ankara; 76.. “Turkey ’ s Attempts to Acquir e Nuc lear Techno logy” Conference given to the faculty members and graduate students at Mersin University, 01 April 2011, Mersin; 75.. “Ameri ca ’ s Role in the Secur i ty o f Europe”, Conference given to high level military staff and commanders at the Army War Academy, 30 March 2011, Ankara; 74.. “Ameri ca ’ s Role in the Secur i ty o f Europe”, Conference given to high level military staff and commanders at the Army War Academy, 28 March 2011, Ankara; 73.. “Turkish-Israe l i Re la t ions f rom a Mil i tary -Stra teg i c Perspe c t iv e”, Conference given to high level bureaucrats at the National Security Academy, 06 December 2010, Ankara; 72.. “Turkish-Iraqi Re la t ions f rom a Mil i tary -Stra teg i c Perspe c t iv e”, Conference given to high level bureaucrats at the National Security Academy, 22 November 2010, Ankara; 71.. “Turkey ’ s Nuc l ear Future : A View f rom Ankara”, lecture given to graduate students and faculty at Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 17 September 2010, Monterey, California; 70.. “The Out look o f Turkish Fore ign Po l i c y as o f the end o f 2009”, Conference given to the distinguished members of SKAL International Ankara, 11 December 2009, Ankara; 69.. “Ameri ca ’ s Role in the Secur i ty o f Europe”, Conference given to high level military staff and commanders at the Army War Academy, 26 December 2008, Ankara; 68.. “Ameri ca ’ s Po l i c y toward Iraq : Past , Presen t and Future”, Conference given to high level civil and military staff at the Ministry of National Defense, 19 December 2008, Ankara; 67.. “Peace Suppor t Opera t ions f rom the Perspe c t iv e o f Turkish Fore ign Po l i cy”, Conference given to high level military staff at the Headquarters of the Partnership for Peace Training Center, 19 December 2008, Ankara; 66.. “Global Terror i sm and Internat iona l Coopera t ion”, Conference given to high level military staff at the Headquarters of the Special Forces Command, 25 November 2008, Ankara; 65.. “Turkish-Israe l i Re la t ions f rom a Mil i tary -Stra teg i c Perspe c t iv e”, Conference given to high level bureaucrats at the National Security Academy, 24 November 2008, Ankara; 64.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f WMD and Counter Secur i t y Measures”, Conference given to high level military staff and commanders at the Army War Academy, 03 November 2008, Ankara; 63.. “Sign i f i cance o f Nat iona l Secur i ty in Times o f Cr i s i s”, Conference given civil and military bureaucrats at Ankara University, center for Political Strategy, 12 July 2008, Ankara; 62.. “Future Trends in Combat ing Terror i sm”, Conference given to high level military staff at the Headquarters of the Turkish General Staff, 06 May 2008, Ankara;

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61.. “Recent Economic and Po l i t i ca l Deve lopments in the World and the i r Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey”, conference given to high the members and staff of T.C. Ziraat Bankasi , 14 April 2008, Ankara; 60.. “Turkish-Israe l i Re la t ions f rom a Mil i tary -Stra teg i c Perspe c t iv e”, conference given to high level bureaucrats at the National Security Academy, 09 April 2008, Ankara; 59.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to military students and staff commanders at the Armed Forces Colleges, 11 January 2008, Istanbul; 58.. “Amer i ca ’ s Role in the Secur i ty o f Europe”, Conference given to high level military staff and commanders at the Army War Academy, 26 December 2007, Ankara; 57.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f WMD and Counter Secur i ty Measures”, Conference given to high level military staff and commanders at the Army War Academy, 31 October 2007, Ankara; 56.. “The Si tuat ion in the Middle East and Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to the members of the Alumni of Lycee de Galatasaray, 18 May 2007, Ankara; 55.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f WMD and Counter Secur i t y Measures”, Conference given to high level military staff at the Headquarters of the Turkish General Staff, 16 May 2007, Ankara; 54.. “An Assessment o f Current Sta t e o f Af fa i r s in Turkey ’ s Acces s ion Nego t ia t ions wi th the EU”, Conference given to high level military staff at the Land Forces Command Headquarters, 30 January 2007, Ankara; 53.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Ambit ions : An Emerg ing Cris i s?”, Conference given to high level civil and military officers from NATO and partner countries at the NATO School, 02 November 2006, Oberammergau, Germany; 52.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to the students and faculty members of the Selcuk University, 14 April 2006, Konya; 51.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to the students and faculty members of the Kadir Has University, 29 March 2006, Istanbul; 50.. “Effe c t s o f Nuc l ear Weapons Pro l i f e ra t ion and Smugg l ing on Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to staff at the Police Academy, 13 March 2006, Ankara; 49.. “Deve lopment o f Weapons o f Mass Destruc t ion and The ir Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to military students and staff commanders at the Army War Academy, 07 March 2006, Ankara; 48.. “Future Forms o f Terror i sm”, Seminar given to the international military staff officers at the Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, 23 January 2006, Ankara; 47.. “Pos i t ions o f Major P layer s in the I ran ian Nuc l ear Puzzle”, Seminar given to the staff and students at the Defense Language Institute, 20 June 2005, Monterey, California, USA; 46.. “Pos i t ions o f Major P layer s in the I ran ian Nuc l ear Puzzle”, Seminar given to the faculty members and graduate students at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, 17 June 2005, Monterey, California, USA; 45.. “Pos i t ions o f Major P layer s in the I ran ian Nuc l ear Puzzle”, Seminar given to the faculty members and graduate students at the El Colegio de Mexico, 09 June 2005, Mexico City, Mexico; 44.. “Turkish-Israe l i Re la t ions : Pas t , Pres en t and Future”, Seminar given to the faculty members and graduate students at the El Colegio de Mexico, 08 June 2005, Mexico City, Mexico;

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43.. “The Making o f Turkish Fore ign Po l i c y : An Academic Perspe c t iv e”, Seminar given to the faculty members and graduate students at the El Colegio de Mexico, 07 June 2005, Mexico City, Mexico; 42.. “War on Terror : Rights and Wrongs”, Talk given to Staff Officers at the PENTAGON, 02 June 2005, Washington DC, USA; 41.. “A Tour D’Horizon on Turkish Fore ign Po l i c y”, Lecture given to Turkish students in Harvard University, 15 April 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; 40.. “Pos i t ions o f Major P layer s in the I ran ian Nuc l ear Puzzle”, Seminar given to the faculty members and fellows at Harvard University, 14 April 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; 39.. “Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Seminar given to the faculty members, fellows and students at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University, 16 March 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; 38.. “Domest i c Po l i t i c s in Turkey a t a Glance”, Conference given to the members of the Council of International Education Exchange, Bilkent University, 24 December 2004, Ankara; 37.. “Impl i ca t ions o f I ran ’s Nuc l ear Program for Turkey ’ s Secur i ty Concerns”, Seminar given to the faculty members and fellows at Harvard University, 14 December 2004, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; 36.. “Clash ing In ter e s t s Over Northern Iraq Drives Turkish -Israe l i Re la t ions to a Crossroads”, Seminar given to the faculty members and fellows at Harvard University, 02 December 2004, Cambridge, Mass., USA; 35.. “Turkey ’ s Fore ign Po l i c y During the Cold War”, Seminar given to the students of Tufts University, 14 October 2004, Medford, Massachusetts, USA; 34.. “Turkey ’ s Re la t ions wi th i t s Neighbors and the Unit ed State s”, Conference given to the members of the Council of International Education Exchange and the scholars hosted by the Fulbright Commission, Bilkent University, 12 July 2004, Ankara; 33.. “Turkey-EU Rela t ions a f t e r the Re f e r endum Resu l t s in Cyprus “, Conference given to the members of the Baskent Rotaract Club, 1 May 2004, Ankara; 32.. “The Greater Middle East Pro j e c t and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ,” Conference given to members of ARI Hareketi, 28 April 2004, Ankara; 31.. “The Greater Middle East Pro j e c t and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ,” Conference given to staff of Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), 28 April 2004, Ankara; 30.. “The Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion and the Threats Ahead”, Conference given to the students and faculty members of the Izmir University of Economics, 06 April 2004, Izmir; 29.. “The Annan Plan for Cyprus and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, Conference given to the students and faculty members of the Middle East Technical University, 17 March 2004, Ankara; 28.. “Changing Secur i t y Environment and New Threa ts to Turkey ’ s Secur i t y”, Conference given to the students and faculty members of Kirikkale University, 22 December 2003, Kirikkale; 27.. “New Threats and the Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion”, Conference given to high level military staff at the Land Forces Command Headquarters, 19 November 2003, Ankara;

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26..“Fore ign Po l i c y Dec i s ion -Making Proce s s”, Conference given to high level bureaucrats and graduate students at the Center for European Studies, ATAUM, 18 November 2003, Ankara; 25.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion and Turkey ’ s Secur i ty”, conference given to senior students of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, 04 November 2003, Ankara; 24.. “Secur i ty Struc tures in the Pos t -Cold War Era”, Conference given to high level bureaucrats and graduate students at the Center for European Studies, ATAUM, 03 November 2003, Ankara; 23.. “Turkey ’ s Neighbors and i t s Nat iona l In te r e s t”, Conference given to the military staff at the Gendarmerie Schools Command, 20 October 2003, Ankara; 22.. “Essence o f Dec i s ion Making in Fore ign Po l i c y”, conference given to high level bureaucrats at the National Security Academy, 07 October 2003, Ankara; 21.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des t ruc t ion and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r In ternat iona l Terror i sm”, Conference given to the military staff at the Gendarmerie Schools, 08 May 2003, Ankara; 20.. “Emerg ing Threats in the Fie ld o f In te rnat iona l Secur i ty”, Conference given to the military staff commanders at the Presidential Guard Regiment, Presidency of Turkish Republic, 09 April 2003, Ankara; 19.. “Turkey ’ s Geo-Stra teg i c Out look in to the 21 st Century” Conference given to Training Diplomats at the Diplomatic Academy of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 07 April 2003, Ankara; 18. “Emerg ing Threats in the Fie ld o f In te rnat iona l Secur i ty”, Conference given to military students and staff commanders at the Army War Academy, 11 March 2003, Ankara; 17.. “Oil and Internat iona l Po l i t i c s in Iraq”, Conference given to members of the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, 30 January 2003, Ankara; 16.. “Turkey ’ s Re la t ions wi th Russ ia in a His tor i ca l Perspe c t iv e”, Conference given to high level bureaucrats and graduate students at the Center for European Studies ATAUM, 18 November 2002, Ankara; 15.. “Evolut ion o f European Secur i ty and Defense Po l i c y ,” Conference given to members of ARI Hareketi, 19 October 2002, Ankara; 14.. “Thoughts on the Concep t o f Stra tegy and Pol i c y P lanning” Conference given to Afghani Training Diplomats organized by the Center for Strategic Research (SAM) of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 10 July 2002, Ankara; 13.. “Thoughts on the Recen t Deve lopments in the Fie ld o f In te rnat iona l Secur i ty ,” Conference given to high school students organized by the Cankaya Lisesi, 29 March 2002, Ankara; 12.. “Thoughts on the Recen t Deve lopments in the Fie ld o f In te rnat iona l Secur i ty ,” Conference given to high school students organized by the TED Ankara Koleji, 15 March 2002, Ankara; 11.. “Thoughts on the Recen t Deve lopments in the Fie ld o f In te rnat iona l Secur i ty ,” Conference given to high school students organized by the Adnan Menderes Anadolu Lisesi, 13 December 2001, Istanbul; 10.. “Re-bui ld ing Afghanis tan : The Role o f Reg iona l Powers and the Unit ed Nat ions” Conference given to students and the members of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Club, Middle East Technical University, 20 November 2001, Ankara;

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9.. “The New World Order in the Aftermath o f the September 11 Inc ident and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey” Conference given to government officials, bureaucrats, media representatives and businessmen organized by the National Security and Strategic Studies Association (UGSAD), 24 October 2001, Ankara; 8.. “Regiona l Impl i ca t ions o f the U.S. Miss i l e Defense Shie ld ,” Conference given to government officials, representatives of diplomatic missions, academics, media representatives and businessmen at the Turkish-American Association (TAA), 25 September 2001, Ankara; 7.. “Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion and Bal l i s t i c Miss i l e s Non-Pro l i f e ra t ion Reg imes ,” Conference given to the military attachés at the Strategic Intelligence School Command of the Turkish General Staff, 10 May 2000, Ankara; 6.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des t ruc t ion & Turkey ’ s Secur i ty Concerns ,” Seminar given to the faculty members of the Department of International Relations, Koç University, 28 April 2000, Istanbul; 5.. “Thoughts on Turkey ’ s Candidacy to the European Union ,” Seminar given to the members of the Contemporary Life Support Association, 05 February 2000, Ankara, 4.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des t ruc t ion : Secur i t y Impl i ca t ions fo r the Middle East and South Asia ,” Seminar given in the Department of International Relations, Bilgi University, 04 January 2000, Istanbul; 3.. “The Dark Side o f Sc i ence : Threat o f Bio log i ca l Weapons and Bio -Terror i sm ,” Seminar given to the faculty members of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, Bilkent University, 8 December 1999, Ankara; 2.. “Pro l i f e ra t ion o f Weapons o f Mass Des t ruc t ion in the Middle East and i t s Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ' s Secur i ty ,”, Conference given to military officers at the Headquarters of 4th Army Corps, 28 April 1999, Ankara; 1.. “Turkey and Nuc lear Disarmament ,” Conference given to high level bureaucrats at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK), 21 April 1999, Ankara; MA & Ph.D. THESES SUPERVISED (at BILKENT UNIVERSITY 1997 thru 2011) Comple t ed : 23..Burcin Ulug (Ph.D.), Europeanizat ion o f Turkey ’ s Fore ign Po l i c y , 2015 22..Olcay Denizer (Ph.D.), Terror i sm wi th Weapons o f Mass Des truc t ion : How Cred ib l e i s the Threat? 2014 21..Aylin Gurzel (Ph.D.), Coopera t iv e Threa t Reduc t ion Program: Prob lems/Prospec t s fo r the Future , 2012 20..Sercan Dogan (MA), Al-Qaeda a f t e r 2001 With Regard to i t s Stra tegy , 2010 19..Beyza Unal (MA), Winning the Heart s and Minds in Counter insurgency Operat ions , 2010 18..Sebnem Udum (Ph.D.), The Nuc lear Energy Debate in Turkey , 2010 17..Baris Caglar (Ph.D.), Chang ing All iance and Coopera t ion Dynamics : Globa l izat ion , Nat ion-State and the Threa t , 2010 16..Kwangsoo Choi (MA), Orig ins o f Turkey ’ s Concerns About Northern Iraq , 2008 15..Yasemin Nun (MA), Secur i ty Impl i ca t ions o f Smal l Arms Light Weapons Pro l i f e ra t ion , 2008

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


14..Eyup Ersoy (MA), The Sign i f i cance o f Turkish Armed Force s as an Ins t rument o f Fore ign Po l i c y , 2008 13..Hakan Fidan (Ph.D.), Revo lu t ion in In format ion Techno log i e s and the Future o f Ver i f i ca t ion , 2006 12..Gokce Berberoglu (MA), Contending Approaches to Nuc l ear Energy , 2005 11..Berk Ece (MA), Asymmetr i ca l Deterr ence fo r NBC Terror i sm , 2004 10..Ilker Kiremitçi (MA), Georg ia ’ s Fore i gn and Secur i ty Po l i cy and i t s Re la t ions wi th Turkey , 2004 9..Sebnem Udum (MA), The Impac t o f Turkey ’ s Response to Pro l i f e ra t ion Threats in the Middle East on i t s In tegra t ion wi th Europe , 2003 8..Ilgar Aliyev (MA), US Fore ign Po l i cy toward the Caucasus : Pas t , Pres en t and Future , 2002 7..Omer Faruk Ozköse (MA), The ‘European Army’ & Impl i ca t ions fo r Turkey ’ s Secur i ty , 2002 6..Ozkan Ozer (MA), The Debate on the Future o f Nuc l ear Weapons in the Unit ed State s , 2002 5..Himmet Yurtsever (MA), Iran ’s Nuc l ear Program & Impl i ca t ions fo r Reg iona l Secur i ty , 2001 4..Baris Caglar (MA), Pro l i f e ra t ion o f WMD in the Middle East & Turkey ’ s Concerns , 2001; 3..Mehmet Ali Dogan (MA), Ref l e c t ions on Turkish-Israe l i Re la t ions , 2000 2..Tuncay Kardas (MA), Turkish-Israe l i Re la t ions in a His tor i ca l Context , 1999 1..Hakan Fidan (MA), Inte l l i g ence and Fore ign Po l i cy , 1999 COURSES TAUGHT AT BILKENT UNIVERSITY (1997 thru 2011) IR 519 - Research Methods (MA & Ph.D); IR 529 - Arms Control and Disarmament (MA & Ph.D); IR 544 - Problems of Nuclear Proliferation after the Cold War (MA & Ph.D); IR 562 - Contemporary Issues in Arms Control (MA & Ph.D); IR 547 - International Politics (MA & Ph.D); IR 213 - Middle East in Global Politics (undergraduate – Summer School); IR 229 - Research Methods (undergraduate); IR 307 - Research Methods (undergraduate); IR 310 - Politics of International Economic Relations (undergraduate); IR 333 - Foreign Policy Analysis (undergraduate); IR 343 - Middle East Security Structures (undergraduate); IR 344 - Selected Topics in International Security (undergraduate); IR 424 - Issues in Strategy and Diplomacy (undergraduate – Summer School); IR 439 - Turkish Foreign Policy -I (undergraduate); IR 440 - Turkish Foreign Policy -II (undergraduate); COURSES TAUGHT AT OKAN UNIVERSITY (2011 - 2014) IR 214 - Foreign Policy Analysis (undergraduate); IR 401 - International Political Economy (undergraduate); IR 402 - International Security (undergraduate); IR 403 - Turkish Foreign Policy (undergraduate); UI 402 - Uluslararasi Guvenlik (undergraduate);

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu CV March 2018


UI 403 - Turk Dis Politikasi (undergraduate); UI 421 - Ortadogu’da Guvenlik Yapilari (undergraduate); COURSES TAUGHT AT MEF UNIVERSITY (2016 - ) IR 101 - Introduction to International Relations IR 303 – Turkish Foreign Policy POLS 324 - Issues in Nuclear Security Policy (Sponsored by The Stanton Foundation, Cambridge, MA, USA) OTHER -Academic Advisor, NATO Centre of Excellence - Defence Against Terrorism, Ankara (2006-2013) -Lecturer, National Security Academy, Ankara; -Lecturer, War Academies & Army War College, Istanbul & Ankara;

-Editor-in-Chief, Defence Against Terrorism Review - DATR (2007-2013) -Editorial Board Member and Referee in academic journals; -Commentator on NTV, CNNTurk, HaberTurk, BloombergHT, TRT, Al Jazeera, CCTV, ABC, CBS, BBC;

-Married to Prof. Dr. Aysegül Kibaroglu (MEF University – POLS&IR Dept) and has one son;