Curriculum Vitae -  · Web viewSurveying / Quantity ... life experiences about Monitoring...

CURRICULUM VITAE Position Title and No.: Project Management + Design + Procurement + Construction + Maintenance + Transfer / Road Asset Management Name of Expert: Helmut Giesa Date of Birth: 24.04.1955 Country of Citizenship/Residence: German Education: 1988 – 1993 University in Hagen, Germany Post-graduate studies of ECONOMICS / Accounting / Financial Management as a part-time student 1973-1981 Univ. of Technical University of Munich, Germany, Graduation in CIVIL Engineering / TOWN PLANNING / TRANSPORTATION, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. (=MSc equivalent), 1970- 1973 University of Applied Science in Munich, Germany, Degree in SURVEYING / QS - Engineering Dipl.-Ing. (FH) (=BSc equivalent) Language Skills: speaking reading writing German excellent excellent excellent English excellent excellent excellent Membership in Professional Associations and Publications: Member of the German Institution of Arbitration / DIS (Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit) VSVI (Society for Road Construction and Transportation Engineers), GPM (Association for Project Management), DVP (German Association of Project Controllers), VDI (Association of German Engineers A _ GENERAL Key Skills necessary in all DBOMT / OPRC - Project Management Cycles in Road + Bridge Sector within Authorities (~ 11 years), Consulting Firm / PM-Institutes (11 yr), and Construction Industry (~11 yrs) A1 Three academic formal EDUCATIONs (i) Surveying / Quantity Surveying, (ii) Civil / Structural Eng. (Roads/Bridges, Town Planning, Transportation and (iii) post-graduate studies Economics. A2 Skills in several infrastructural SECTORS: in all project cycles like studies, financing agreements, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation + maintenance Energy + Facilities: EPC-Power Generation, Converter Station, Transmission, Distribution of Electricity and all attached facilities / common Buildings for administration + operation. Buildings : EPC / Turnkey buildings (Luxury Hotels, Apartment Houses, Service Buildings, CV HELMUT F GIESA, DOCUMENT.DOC PAGE 31 - 1

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Position Title and No.: Project Management + Design + Procurement + Construction + Maintenance + Transfer / Road Asset Management

Name of Expert: Helmut GiesaDate of Birth: 24.04.1955Country of Citizenship/Residence: German

Education: 1988 – 1993 University in Hagen, GermanyPost-graduate studies of ECONOMICS /

Accounting / Financial Management as a part-time student

1973-1981 Univ. of Technical University of Munich, Germany,Graduation in CIVIL Engineering / TOWN PLANNING / TRANSPORTATION, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. (=MSc equivalent),

1970- 1973 University of Applied Science in Munich, Germany, Degree in SURVEYING / QS - Engineering

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) (=BSc equivalent)

Language Skills: speaking reading writingGerman excellent excellent excellentEnglish excellent excellent excellent

Membership in Professional Associations and Publications: Member of the German Institution of Arbitration / DIS (Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit) VSVI (Society for Road Construction and Transportation Engineers), GPM (Association for Project Management), DVP (German Association of Project Controllers), VDI (Association of German Engineers

A _ GENERAL Key Skills necessary in all DBOMT / OPRC - Project Management Cycles in Road + Bridge Sector within Authorities (~ 11 years), Consulting Firm / PM-Institutes (11 yr), and Construction Industry (~11 yrs)

A1 Three academic formal EDUCATIONs (i) Surveying / Quantity Surveying, (ii) Civil / Structural Eng. (Roads/Bridges, Town Planning, Transportation and (iii) post-graduate studies Economics.

A2 Skills in several infrastructural SECTORS: in all project cycles like studies, financing agreements, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation + mainten-ance

Energy + Facilities: EPC-Power Generation, Converter Station, Transmission, Distribution of Electricity and all attached facilities / common Buildings for administration + operation.

Buildings : EPC / Turnkey buildings (Luxury Hotels, Apartment Houses, Service Buildings, Boarding Houses up to 25 floors, Office Buildings, Industrial Production halls, Residential houses.Water: Treatment plants, supply, drainage, sewer, sanitation, purification plant, waste depositsRoads / Highways with asphalt or concrete pavement structures

Bridges with masonry, pre-stressed / prefabricated concrete and combined steel components Railway network / transport corridors and open cast mining.

A3 Hands-on experiences in all LIFE CYCLES (e.g. EU-PCM / Project Cycle Management guidelines) within Author-ities, Consulting firm, Project management institutes and Construction industry:

a) P R O G R A M M I N G : EC Development Policy, PRSP, Country Strategy Paper, Nat. Indicative Programwith Conceptual design to incorporate the Employer’s Requirements

b) I D E N T I F I C A T I O N : Prefeasibility Studies with definition of requirements, cost estimate based on the Preliminary design, Eco-Fin Evaluation / IRR – Internal Return Rate, Identification or Action Fiche.

c) F O R M U L A T I O N : Feasibility studies and Detailed Design and REVIEWs: Traffic volume + growth, geotechnics /soil classes / bearing strength (standard testing methods of material – AASHTO / BS), design life, survey, hydraulics / drainage / structures, geodetic survey, cycle and thickness of re-gravelling operations according to Kenyan Design Manual for rural and urban roads, detailed design for all type of road pavements for paved and unpaved roads / agricultural access to fields, horizontal and vertical alignments in compliance with the Standard and Special Specifications, suitable drawings produced, quantity calculation, BoQ established.


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Technical Specifications / Requirements and Regulations like the Overseas Road Notes ORN 1-40 / TRL, BS (British Standard) and EC/DIN-Code, AASHTO (US), South African Standard SATCC and German Codes as well mostly harmonized with the EC/DIN Codes), Standard Testing Methods of Material, Tests on Completion.

TENDER DOSSIERs with Review of (i) technical Requirements, value engineering, (ii) financial aspects (Cost Estimates / Financial proposal / Fin-ancing Agreement) and (iii) legal conditions of contract / Instruction to Bidders (ITB / ITT) / Contract Data [EU or FiDiC based particular applications] esp. Adjustments/Variations / Revision of prices [changes in scope of works / economic development respect by proportional and mono-material formula [ad-justment multiplier P, coefficients / weightings a,b,c of direct est. cost elements with base/current cost indices or reference prices AND source of publications, refer to EU Article 37+48 / FiDiC-RB-Clause 13.8].

PROCUREMENT / Purchasemethods of different donors (EDF - PRAG 2008/2012/2013, WB, AfDB) applied, in-depth knowledge of formal procedures of tendering (RFP, QCBS/FBS/LCS), g+s procurement notices, validity, submission, open-ing, eligible and responsive criteria for T+F bids, evaluation, member of evaluation committees for service and works contracts, evaluation reports, award of contract.

EVALUATION of supply, service and work quotations / technical + financial bidsevaluation of the eligible / criteria for the administrative, technical, financial and composite evaluation (e.g. QCBS), evaluation committees, evaluation reports, award of contract.

Several SENSITIZATION (public participation) meetings with communities and SLRA along the road corri-dor to introduce the EU-/AfDB-financed infrastructure projects with the adjacent facilities: e.g. Bandajuma-Mao-MRU-Bridge and Matatoka – Sefadu / Koidu Highway

Governmental COMPENSATION (Land Acquisition, RESETTLEMENT, economical loss and damage, e.g. crops) of project affected people (PAP) / Right of Way-Encroachments.

d) I M P L E M E N T A T I O N / SUPERVISION / Superintendence with the purpose to deliver the results in compliance with the contract, manage the available resources efficiently and administrate the progress with sophisticated decision making procedures like AO, Addenda (advises given by TA) and 650 km Feeder Roads (EU-financed), Method of measurement and payment / IPC /VOP/ Final Ac-ceptance.

e) O P E R A T I O N and M A I N T E N A N C E DBOMT / Performance based management and maintenance contracts (input or output quantity and quality related), Tests upon completion / prov. Acceptance, defect liability, final acceptance.Monitoring of the Contractor’s performance in compliance with the defined Service Levels during the Operation and Monitoring phase ahead of the Transfer to the Client / Employer.

f) MONITORING, EVALUATION, Re-planning and Audits (“Audit of External Operations”) with the Inform-ation collection, tools, key assessments, distinction of the “evaluation” criteria for Relevance, Efficiency / Economy, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability with coherence and added value aspects in line with LOG-Frame Matrix with the different Development / Performance Indicators for in the different intervention hierarchy (input, activities, output, outcome, impact and sustainability). And to monitor the Per-formance of the Contractor in compliance with the Service Level of an output- and performance based Roads + Bridge contract. More theoretical and real life experiences about Monitoring & Evaluation can be retrieved from my CV M&E

g) RISK MANAGEMENT: Definition, Methods & Principles. Process / techniques / tools (combined factor= probability of cause * impact of effect), , Risk Options, Limitations, Application for Project Management, Risk Treatments (avoid, reduce, share, retain risk impacts) to minimize the probability of causes / impacts of uncertain events and maximize the realization of opportunities.

B _ PARTIKULAR Know-how, Skills and Experiences for ROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT

B1_ Policies (i) – (v):I worked almost four years for the Sierra Leonean Roads Authority and was involved in the SLRA Direc-torate. Hence I got an in-depth insight of the mission and functions of the Authority: (i) update of the Roads Authority Act (SLRA), the development and enforcement of (ii) Road Maintenance Fund Administration Act (RMFA) and the World Bank Approach (iii) to change the Institutional set-up of SLRA to reduce running / operational costs from 30% minus.(iv) In addition a giz-expert and myself (JV RRI&giz) worked out the Feeder Roads Act – by visiting sev-eral district officials – to enforce the act via parliament and president. Purpose: decentralize / devolve the Road Maintenance Activities of the feeder roads (Class F / third class) towards the District councils with the objective


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(v) Devolution / Decentralization to shift the responsibility of the routine, periodic and emergency mainte-nance from the Roads Authority (SLRA) to the District / Local councils (DC/LC).(v) Axle Load control and fines in compliance to the ECOWAS Regulation No. 14

B2_ Holistic Methodology to construct and maintain a road in a technical and economical manner prior to save construction investment (accommodate a suitable Road Asset Management Unit) , done with “SLRA” and “Straßenbaubehörde Nbg”.

(i) Structural Design Principle with the surroundings and design speed in line with the Kenyan Rural Roads design manual for pavement, re-gravelling operations, drainage systems, alignment, … (ii) Classification of the Soil / Material characteristics, Subgrade, Pavement strength, flexible surfacing, (iii) Water … drainage / hydraulic analysis, Kenyan RURAL Road Design Manual provides orientations.(iv) Traffic Issues : axle load distribution, equivalent factors, equivalent standard axle, damage factor(v) CLASSIFIED Traffic Count with determination of random vehicle loads by using mobile weighbridges to determine the equivalent standard axles an indicator of “fatigue / damage” factor.(vi) visual Road Condition Survey (network) + more detailed Inventory (project level) in compliance with TRL Note / PIARC.(vii) Decision making about the “range of scores for intervention of different type of maintenance levels (periodic, routine, emergency within a reasonable response time), overlay / re-gravelling, rehabilitation, re-con-struction / improvement (strengthening of the pavement + surfacing).(viii) Cost estimate done by Weltbank-ROCKS (kilometer estimates) or by using the different X-sections to derive the predictable construction cost using actual BoQ-unit rates from previous projects plus an escalation rate / VOP.(viii) Application of the Pavement Maintenance Management Program / Road Maintenance Management System, which have been established within SLRA during my TA to SLRA assignment (2009-2013).(ix) Unconstraint budgeting of the different interventions i.e routine maintenance, periodic maintenance, over-lays / surfacing, improvement measures and the e.a. emergency measures > change in range of interventions to adapt the works with available funds = constraint budget.(x) Revamp the Road Asset Unit to a RAMU / Road Asset Management Unit at SLRA for a sustainable maintenance policy within the Roads Authority.

B3_ Roads Economic Decision Model RED for the economic evaluation of low volume roads (investment + maintenance – without project + Alternatives) with Traffic Value, Vehicle Operation Cost /VOC, Speed, International Roughness Index (IRI), Time and Accidents, Benefit Distribution, Net present Value, Risk Analysis, Rate of Return, Sensitivity Analyses of impacts of the coefficients (i.e. investment, traffic volume)

B4_ Know ledge Transfer PM & Road + Bridge Maintenance : TRL ORN No 1- 40, PIARC Handbook by plenty of workshops / training / coaching especially in the field (i) Project Cycle management with Log Frame Approach and LF Matrix with the development / perfor-mance indicators for inputs, outputs/results, outcomes, impacts and sustainability.(ii) Road Condition survey (theory and practice), visual and GPS / GiS-Application, (iii) Pavement Maintenance Management Program (Hardware and PMMP Software), (iv) Data - Input and Output of the PMMP with the different levels of intervention (periodic, routine, emer-gency maintenance, overlay / surfacing i.e. re-gravelling , rehabilitation, reconstruction) in dependencies of the scores,the cost approach, the unconstraint / constraint budget and (v) Revamp organizational structures of Road Asset Management Units (RAMU).

B5_ Procurement Procedure / Tender Dossier, Evaluation, Member of Evaluation Committee Established within four months the OPRC-Tender Dossier with the three parts : Bidding Procedure, Specifi-cation for the Performance of the Contractor with the defined Service Level during “Improvement-Phase” and during the Operation / Maintenance Period with its routine, emergency and periodic Interventions to comply with the contractual obligations. Familiar with preliminary and post qualification examination of bids as a member of evaluation committees.

B6 _ OPRC-Workshop: Presentation of the four months work in a three day work shops to present the three parts of the Tender Dossier to highlight the crucial issues to be considering, when you prepare a TD for a specific project.

B7_ Partial Supervision of the execution of 750 km Feeder Roads, financed by the EU with site visits for Veri-fication Reports for the provisional acceptance and final acceptance.


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C _ General ADMINISTRATION of national policy, programs, and Road+Bridge projects

within Institutions / Authorities with all coordination of technical, financial, legal, logistic, organizational matters like administrative orders AO, bid / performance / retention securities and sureties, royalties, possession on site, addenda for alterations, additions, omission, claims, payments, taking-over certificate, remedial, liquid-ate damages, final statement + discharges, final payment, result-based issues. Programming: DONOR develop-ment POLICY, Country Strategy Paper/PRSP/e.g. AfP Agenda for Prosperity, National Indicative Programmes, Financing Agreements/Decisions for Loans/Grants with links to EU Delegation, giz (gtz), AfDB, and WB field/country offices (Airport, Harbour, Roads).

CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES in all Life Cycles of a project Philosophy and Methodology of EU-PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT (operational PCM-guidelines)

Development Cooperation policy (Country Strategy Paper, …), Donor Coordination. Promote proactive Participation and take over ownership by the beneficiaries and stakeholders with im-

provement of the facilitation skills PCM-phases : programming, identification, formulation, implementation, Evaluation / Audits. Logical Framework Approach (LFA-Procedure / ANALYSiS stage (stakeholder, problem, objective, strategy)

with the intervention hierarchy (bottom up: problematic situation, input, activities, results/output, purpose/ out-come and objectives / impact) with the objectively verifiable development / SMART performance indicators (OVi), source / means of verification, and relevant assumptions for a risk management matrix (grade of prob-ability + effect).

Log-Frame Matrix (LFM-Product / PLANNING stage: result-based ACTITIVITY (sequences, dependencies, milestones), RESOURCE (human resources /financial means) with COST / Budget SCHEDULE and recurrent expenditures (operation / maintenance) > WORK PLAN.

Institutional ASSESSMENT of internal and external aspects of the Organization (PCM, p 95) Project Management expert in TIME and COST Planning and Project Tracking and Trending / Prediction /

forecasting through the monitoring tools like MS-Project prof 2007/2010.Preparation of an operational action plan to trouble shoot the delays.

QUALTY ASSURANCE / Quality control in line with the Tech Specs / Standards and in compliance with the entire “Contract” : e.g. preliminary / detailed design, scope of works (BoQ, Cost Estimate), execution (LAB tests: material, workmanship, components of the permanent works, site diaries (proper reporting of the utilization of resources and locations for cause-effect delay analysis, test for/upon/ after completion.

Quantity Survey / method of measurement, accurate measurement for payment, MONITORING & EVALUATION (M&E), Re-Planning, mid-term Reviews / MTR, Technical / Perfor-

mance Audits; and all type of Reports (please refer to the attached excerpt of the M&E CV:

RISK MANAGEMENT Definition, Methods & Principles. Process / techniques / tools, Risk Options (combined factor= probability of cause * impact of effect) Limitations, Application for Projectmanagement, Treatments (avoid, reduce, share, retain risk impacts) to minimize the probality of causes / impact of uncertain events and / or to maximize the realization of opportunities.

D_ CONTRACT / CLAIM Management in all life cycles with (Alternative) Dispute Resolution Procedures

CONTRACT /Claim Management applied for Financing Agreements / Decisions for Loan, Grants, supply, service and work contracts (FiDiC, VOB A/B/C, EU-GCC+SCC) for infrastructure projects


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Types of Condition of FIDIC contracts with different delivery approaches used in last 20 yearsProject Delivery Approaches FIDIC Procurement Payment ApproachClient/Consultant Agreement White

QBS, QCBS Best Value

Time-boundLump sum



Method of measurement and payment

acc. toInput / output;

Incentive / disincentive;Cost plus profit

Global or detailed price Lump sum

Design + Bid + Construct (DBC) RedPlant + Design + Build (PDB) YellowEPC / Turnkey … General Contractors SilverDesign + Build + Operate / Maintenance (BDOM) Gold

Build Subcontractors GreenDesign + Build + Finance + Operate (PPP) MixOutput- and Performance based Management and Maintenance Contracts (input or output re-lated, asset management, OPRC) for Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, and other Road furniture.


Typical Sequences of Principal / Payments / Dispute Events in Design + Build Period and Operation Service Period with Milestone tracking / monitoring like Issue / Submission of Tender, Letter of Acceptance, Advanced Payment / Performance Guarantee, Retention, Commencement date, monthly IPCs, Commission Cert, O&M re-quirements / Plan, Operating Licence, Asset Replacement Schedule / Fund, final payment, completion certific-ate (provisional and final acc.)

Payment and Claim Issues: Determination by RE, Claim procedures (submission, determination) Adjust-ment / Variation of Prices (, Valuation upon date of Termination, amicable settlement of Disputes, Dispute Adjudication Board / DAB, Conciliation.

Time Schedule Analysis with sequences and dependencies and Calculation / Cost Estimate with unit rate analysis with made up of P&G, prime cost, direct and indirect cost, overheads, subcontractor’s surcharges, ten-der / contract price.Details about Contract / Claim Mangement and Alternative Dispute Resolution experiences can be retrieved from my Competence profile:

E_ C A P A C I T Y B u i l d i n g

with Liberian Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) and Sierra Leone Road Authority (SLRA) with extensive Training, Coaching, Mentoring due to continuous Know how TRANSFER including state-of-art technology(i) a day to day communication (face to face, lessons, circulars) and plenty of 40 Workshops in all life cycles (PR+ID+FO+IP+A, according to EU-PCM) and Training measure in the field(ii) Capacity development in all facets to run/operate and assess an Institution with the different departments like Directorate, Development, Design / Survey, Operation, Maintenance, Feeder Roads, Training and Human Resource Development, Administration.(iii) Advices and hands-on Support provided in the following areas to enhance the Capacity of the Institu-tions : Administration, organization, logistic, finance, technique (topography, traffic, soil, IDF / Climate, hy-draulics, drainage, pavement, structures, ), contract / claims / EU-GCC/SCC), safety, health, environment, so-ciety, (ESIA / social management plan / PAP + Resettlement Plans), gender equality, resource management with the concept of interlocked or nested Log-frames of policies, programs and projects.

F_ EU Communication and ViSiBiLiTY Manual


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with the relevant communication matrix. Besides Helmut possesses Communication skills, social competencies with multicultural / tribal experiences in all hierarchy levels with strong proven leadership abilities, which have been proven as a sine qua non conditio - beside technical prerequisites – achieving objectives successfully.

G_ Policy of ETHICAL Conduct As an individual consultant, Helmut F Giesa used to stick to the donor’s policy of ETHICAL CONDUCT to prevent corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive and obstructive practices.Definitions: Please see Guidelines for selection and employment of consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA credits and grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated 2014.Updates will be observed.

Other Skills (e.g. computer literacy, additional knowhow, experiences, skills

(i) EDP-Knowledge and application of MS Office 2007/2010, outlook, MS Office 2007/2010 (Time / Activity scheduling, Resource planning and Cost / Budget planning, project tracking and trending time, cost and quantities), Mind Manager / Mind jet Coordination tool, Financial Software Lexware

(ii) Legal Knowledge and application : German Price Law (HOAI), award of contract and execution of works (VOB), EG-Sektorenrichtlinie, Civil Law, “rainbow” FiDiC [Red Book: construction only; Silver: EPC/Turnkey; Yellow: Plant + Design + Build; Gold: Design+ Build+ Op-erate (Maintain); Green: Subcontractors for small scale project; White: consultant / client relationship], Finance of PPP and EU-General / Special Conditions of Contract (GCC / EU-SCC) services, works and grants.

(iii) Economic / Financial Management of supply market, procurement, selling market, labour market, capital market(iV) EU-structures and processes: Financing Agreements, Procurement (PRAG2012/16) of supply, service, works and

grants, Evaluation, Project Cycle Management (PCM), ROMs, EU-Evaluations, Audits.(v) Working experienced in Europe, Asia, and Africa with intercultural skills in fragile states, too.(vi) Communication skill, social competences and multicultural / tribal experiences in African countries (Liberia,

Sierra Leone, South Africa, Libya, Malawi, Ghana)(vii) Quality Assurance: EFQM / Monitoring ROM / Review / Technical Audits with DAC-Criteria relevance/

project design, efficiency, effectiveness, impacts, sustainability, coherence and added value to EU.(viii) Courses in Coaching / Training / Workshops / Mentoring (refer to item training, workshops, lecturas, coach-

ing): Management Techniques, Creativity, Conference Techniques, Rhetoric, Argumentation, Management Psychology, Project Cycle Management (EU-PCM), Road Asset Management, TC of capacity development (CD), PCM with Technical Audits and ROM.

(ix) Coordination + cooperation + Leadership capabilities in more as 18 projects(x) Application of EU-Communication and Visibility Manual with the communication matrix: Press Releases,

Newspaper coverage, TV + Radio Broadcastings (workshops/site visits).

Professional experiences abroad

Afghanistan, China, Georgia / Caucasus, Ghana, India, Iraq / Kurdistan, Kenya, Liberia, Lybia, Malawi&Tanzania, Nepal, Palestine, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, South-Africa (R.S.A.), Saudi-Arabia (K.S.A.), Sierra Leone, South-Su-dan, Uganda, Yemen (Y.A.R.), and Germany, of course.

Country (Sector) Date from - Date toIndia (Harbour, Cost Estimator, Procurement) August 2017 – dto.

Pakistan (R+B, Procurement / Contract) April 2017 – July 2017Sierra Leone (Roads+Bridges, OPRC) March 2017

Palestine (Mediation) January 2017Sierra Leone (Roads + Bridges, DB) 05/2016-12/2016, 4 missions

South-Sudan (Roads OPRC) 12/2015-04/2016, 2 missionsUganda (Roads / Business development) 03/2016, 1 mission

Georgia / Caucasus (Concrete Highway, Claims) 08/2015 - 12/2016, 6 missionsKenya (Highway) 04-07/2015 – 09/2016, 4 missions

Germany + Myanmar/Thailand (Infra) 2015 – ongoing Ghana, Liberia & Germany (Building + Civil) 2013 – 2014

China (Air Traffic / Aviation) Nov 2013


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Sierra Leone (Highways + Bridges) 2009-2012Libya (Energy) 2008/2009

Philippines (Ship-Steel) 2008India (Energy) 2008

P.R. China (Air Traffic / Airbus) 2007Germany (Energy) 2007

Iraq / Kurdistan & Jordan (Energy) 2006 / 2007Liberia (Water) 2006

Afghanistan (Highway+Bridges) 2004 / 2005Germany (Railway) 2002 – 2003Romania (Highway) 2001

Germany (Highways, Railways, Utilities, Sanit-ary, Buildings / Sky scrapers) 1992 – 2000

Nepal (Roads) 1990 / 1991 Germany (Sanitary/Waste Deposit) 1989

Yemen Arab Republic / (Highway+Bridges) 1987 / 1988 Malawi & Tanzania / NCP (Modal split) 1987

Rep. Of South-Africa (Highway+Bridges) 1984 / 1986Germany (Civil) 1983

Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia (Highways) 1981 / 1982

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

PeriodNo. A.

Employing organization, title/position, Client / Donor,

reference information

Country Summary of activities performed relevant to the Assignment … Number of Record

August 2017 -

- dto.

Organization: Padeco Col Ltd / GuB GmbHPosition: Cost-Estimator / Procure-ment Expert.Contact info for Reference:Walter Faidt [email protected]

India [38] Design, Construction, Installation, Operation and Maintenance Facilities of the Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (DBO) with EMP, EMoP, RAP, Intelligent Transport System ITS, toll plazas, operation control center, including 22 km long bridge sections, 6 lanes wide, 150-180 m spans, Investment 2800 Million USD; PMSC-Assistance in final Cost Estimate for buildings / MEP, roads and bridges, bid-ding / procurement procedure to clarify and evaluate the technical capacities and financial capabilities (i.e. Unit rate / prime cost analysis ) of the Contractor’s Bids and to facili-tate Technology Transfer. The Plant, Design + Build project (based on Yellow FIDIC Book) is financed by JICA, based on Japanese ODA Loan / Bid Evaluation Guidelines 2015.

April 2017

-July 2017


Organization: BMB Mott Mac-Donald Netherlands / GuB GmbHPosition: Procurement / Contract Contact info for Reference: [email protected]

Pakistan [37] Peshawar / Karachi Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Project: Finalize and Review two Tender Dossiers for dissemination (IfB), Pre-site visit clarification, Openings of Tec+Fin Bids, Member of the Evaluation Com-mittee to produce the Tec + Fin Evaluation Report; financed by Asian Development Bank (ADB). Investment 250 Mil USD.

March 2017[36].

Organization: HIFAB / GuBPosition: AdvisorContact info for Reference: Cooperation

Sierra Leone

[36] Expression of Interest (i) Service Contract OPRC – 500 km Feeder Roads: local consultant in Freetown orga-nized, meeting with MAFFS and inputs, (ii) EOI for Indi-vidual Consultant Road Asset Mgmt, financed by WB.

Jan 2017[35]

Organization: GuB GmbHPosition: Mediator

Contact info for Reference Katharina [email protected]

Palestine [35] Mediation Discrepancies of needs, rights, and interests have been settled by a guided process within one month only. The Mediator is not allowed to divulged any data (duty to keep confidential) about the disputing Parties, the Project, the Investment and the content of the satisfactorily achieved results – without prejudice privilege- . (i) Pre-conditions of the Mediation have been met: both par-ties were ready and willing to participate, each party brought along legal representatives and competent / autho-rized decision makers to decide (ii) process and (iii) the re-


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PeriodNo. A.

Employing organization, title/position, Client / Donor,

reference information

Country Summary of activities performed relevant to the Assignment … Number of Record

view and ratification / endorsement safeguarded the deci-sion to became final and conclusive.

05/2016-up to date


Organization: FTL CompanyPosition: Technical and Financial Project Management, Procurement + Contract/Claim ManagementContact info for Reference Managing Director of FTLAbiodun [email protected]

Sierra Leone

[34] Construction of GOSL - financed Design + Build Roads and Townships in the Eastern ProvincesTasks: Technical, Financial and Contractual Project and Contract Management Advisor with discretionary power for Business development / Capacity Building to (i) Procurement, production, logistic / transport, Construc-tion Management (ii) Finance with financial monitoring system (iii) Administration Management / General Manage-ment for Roads, Bridges and Housing / Building faciliites. (iii) Contractual appreciation of several roads+bridge con-tracts based on Unidroit Principles (Hardship Ebola, doc-trine of frustration). Portfolio 200 Million USD. Current on 4th mission – ongoing.



Organization: Sheladia, USAPosition: Procurement & Contract Mgmt.

Contact info for Reference PM of Ministry, Transport, Roads and Bridges James Alam [email protected]


[33] World Bank-Procurement / Contract Management Ministry for Transport, Roads & BridgesTasks: (i) Upgrade of Tender Documents for output perfor-mance based road contracts OPRC esp. Routine and Peri-odic Maintenance, Emergency Works and Improvement upon Transfer for all Service Levels / Performance Criteria for paved and unpaved Roads inclusive Bridges: Bidding Procedure, Specifications, and Condition of Contract. (ii) Calculation Scheme, Price Break Down / Unit Rate Analy-sis (iii) OPRC-Training / Workshop for MTRB / Roads Au-thority [04/2016] 2 Missions + home based works = 4 months with Sensitiza-tion for x-cutting issues (SHEs + Gender).



Organization: TIEG / Position: Individual Consultant, Advisor Helmut F Giesa, FWC

Contact info for Reference Dele-gation of European UnionKampala / [email protected] (and Fiona Nagasika)

Uganda [32] EU-financed TA in Design, Business Develop-ment and Environmental Policy and Management to the UNRA [Uganda National Roads Authority]Tasks : Review of the new organisaitonal structure, pro-cesses with the recruitment of human resources and their ca-pabilities and income possibilities (bill boards). Needs as-sessment, Proposals to overcome the bottlenecks and quick win solutions like management program presented in a precedence networtk, monthly tracker / monitoring system and Quick-win action plan; 1 Mission ~ 1,5 monhs .

08/2015 -


Organization: PADECO JapanPosition: Contract / Claim Man-ager

Contact info for Reference First Chairman of the Road Depart-ment / Ministry of Regional Devel-opment and Infrastructure RD / MRDINugzar Gasviani [email protected]

Mrs. Yayoi Nishihama, Authorized Representative of [email protected]

Georgia [31] Contract / Claim Management for Ministry of Re-gional Development and Infrastructure for Georgia / Road Department. Three Lots of new constructions of Highways, 65 km, CONCRETE roads with 7 Bridges / in-tersections with ramps and bridges with building / mainte-nance and parking facilities financed by JICA (150 Mio. EUR). Contract Basis: MDB harmonized edition for Con-struction (FIDIC - red book). Tasks: (i) Engineer’s Determi-nation of time- and value-related (15 Mio. EUR), and all other Claims (+5 Mio. EUR) referring to the Contract. (ii) Advices for DB-Member / Amicable Settlement / Arbitral awards (iii) Risk Management with the responses to avoid, reduce, share or grade retentions. (iv) SCL delay + disrup-tion forensic analysis proposed (v) Representing the Em-ployer in the DB Hearings for Dispute resolution. 6 Missions done (Nov 2016) ~ 8,5 months cumulative. M#7+M#8 is scheduled in 2017.



Organization: WYG TurkeyPosition: Contract / Claim Man-agement

Kenya [30] EU-Technical Assistance for Evaluation of contractual claims / Contract + Claim Management Training:


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[30]. Contact info for Reference Kenyan National Highway Author-ity, PM Daniel [email protected] Delegation of European Union Nairobi: Kizito.OJAAMONG. and Juliet Chelimo.

a_Rehabilitation of Bridges a highway with asphalt concrete surfacing and building facilities, 120 km length. Financed by EU. Facilitator for FIDIC / MDB harmonized edition for Construction, EDF General/Special Conditions of Contract in context with PRAG_2014/2016 b_Two Trainings in Contract/Claim Management facilitated for KeNHA/KERRA/KURA. c_Main observation: contra proferentem in all parts of the Tender Docs.4 Missions, ~ 3,0 months cumulative

02/2013 on-going


Organization: GuB GmbH Germany Position C: Project Developer Position B: Adjustor Position C: Procurement Contract and Project Mgmt

Contact info for Reference Walter [email protected]

Thailand / Myanmar

Sierra Leone

Germany Liberia

[29] Ongoing – Development of a technical (buildings / housing), social (e.g. Temples) and economical (markets mall, hospital, pharmacy, community building centers) in-frastructures with an investment volume of 400 Mio. USD. Qualified appraisals / assessments of the fair market value of REAL ESTATE of Industrial Plants and Residential Estates for private or Bank customers:basic principles (WertVO, MaBV, BauNVO, BGB, HOAI §33/34); selection of methods (plot value, tangible assets, capitalized and realizable value); object types (property es-tate, industrial complexes, ownership /cadaster / mort-gages).Technical and Contractual Support / Cost Estimates for international construction companies. Support for Public Private Partnership (PPP) of a multi-story building with 300 parking places (7 levels): set up the requirements of the PPP-procedure, design, super-vision and operation … BOT (Build, Operate 15-20 yrs, Transfer)Preparation of Technical Proposals (Approach, Organiza-tion + Methodology, Work programs) and Financial Propos-als (calculation / cost determination of the tender prices) for different co-operation partners and donors: EU – Swazi-land; WB – Liberia; UNOPS/SIDA – Afghanistan, AfDB – Gambia, USAiD – Iraq, JiCA – Bangladesh, USAiD Afghanistan, EU St Lucia, a.s.o.

Nov. 2013 [28]

Organization: Particip / EcorysPosition: Monitor / Evaluator / Assessor (Framework Contract)Contact info for Reference Delegation of European Union (DEU) Beijing P.R.C.Yi Xiaolin, Task Manager [email protected]

China [28] EU- ROM-Mission / result-oriented monitoring-mis-sion: Institutional Capacity Building for the Civil Aviation Sector in China (EU-co-financed Program: Airworthiness, Air Traffic Mgmt, Pilot Training, CA + Safety Regulations ...) with MOFCOM, CAAC / Cast, CAUC, EU-CCAP; Assessment of 1 Financing Agreement / Decision, 2 Grants, and 1 Service Contract Performance.

01/2011 –


Organization: R R I & GiZ (previous invent / gtz )Position: Project Management and Procurement Specialist; Evaluation Committee, Team LeaderContact info for Reference Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA), Mr. Munda E Rogers, Di-rector Generale-mail: [email protected]/CV2015HFG/11-RRI.pdf

Mr. Sahr D Dugba, Director of De-velopment, SLRA

Sierra Leone

[27] EU -TA to SLRA : Construction / Reconstruction / Rehabilitation of the Road network in Sierra LeoneMain project features: Technical Assistance – Technical Advisor / Team Leader / Project Management Specialist Institutional Capacity Development to plan, develop, manage and maintain classified road network with all the adjacent facilities / market buildings / Joint Border Post Sierra Leone - Guinea; with the application of EU-Project Cycle management (PCM) guidelines in all phases of a pro-gram / project like Logical Framework approach (Process: Analyses Stage) and LF-Matrix (Product – Planning stage with the result-oriented ACTIVITY, RESOURCE and COST schedules including annual recurrent costs; split up in Cost Codes (Funding Sources Gov. / Donors) ).


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e-mail [email protected]

Written References published under Certificates 1+2+31 _ JV RRI & GiZ[01/2011-01/2013] _ SLRA / GoSL[04/2009 – 01/2013] Louis Berger [03/2009 – 03/2010]

The EU-procurement guidelines (PRAG 2010/2012) for EU / EDF-external actions and AfDB rules have been ap-plied – for both: services and works.Member of the evaluation committees (mostly AfDB), evaluation report.And it is important to determine a baseline / reference line with the essential objectively verifiable performance in-dicators (OVi) in all LF-Interventions enabling the authori-ties to monitor, review, assess / evaluate esp. the results / output in the implementation stage. Multi Donor Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP), Donor Coordination, Road Management System for Budgeting, Financial Management and Monitoring + Evaluation. Decentralization / Devolution of the urban and rural Feeder Roads to District Councils / Local Councils. Meet-ings with the district councillors to make them aware about the Feeder Road Policy and Decentralization process. EU Communication and Visibility Manual Matrix , Project Cycle Management Guidelines with Log Frame Approach and Matrix and Performance Indicator for Monitoring and Evaluation extensively applied Specific delivered RESULTS as a Technical Advisor / TA to SLRA: Data collection and input of Road Register, Road Condition Survey and Road Register for Road Asset Management Database (Road Information System RIS), Classified Traffic Counts with axle load control and reduction meas-urements (mobile weighbridges) with a concept of road transport observatory (RTO) / ECOWAS Regulation No. 14, Training concepts and techniques carried out in plenty of 40 workshops, site visits, study tour Ghana, discussion with the engineers ... for Know-how / Expertise / Skill Transfer to approx. 70 SLRA Engineers, Project Man-agement Methodology, PM application of MS-project, and GPS / GiS; Detailed advices for the supervisor (Manage-ment) in technical, financial and contractual issues, re-jection of a huge Claim of 15 Mio. USD, Review of Design with the technical and economical achievement: quantities reduced and hence the cost estimate saved 30 Mio USD (120 km road length). Several Sensitization campaigns as-sisted for different locations and projects for the planned Highways / Transport Facility Projects (EU-/AfDB fin-anced)The Technical Assistance Team (similar TSG) delivered ad-ditionally the Technical Specification and a ROAD and BRIDGE design manual (RBDM). Leadership / Coordination / PMProved by the successful completion of all project where I have been involved with competency and responsibility for my own affairs. Training, Coaching and Motivation techniques, Study Tour to Ghana Financing: European Union / WB IBRD - IDA / AfDB / Is-lamic Dev Bank / Badea / Kuwait Fund / OPEC a.s.o.

04/2010 Organization: GoSL / SLRA


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– 01/2011


Position: Technical and contrac-tual Advisor, Procurement / Con-tract + Claim Management Special-ist, Procurement Support / Evalua-tionSierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA)Mr. Munda E Rogers, Director [email protected]

Mr. Sahr D Dugba, Director of [email protected]

03/2009 -03/2010


Organization: Louis BergerPosition: Contract + Claim, Technical Advisor Procurement, Evaluation Written Reference: Agency: Sierra Le-one Roads AuthorityFinanced by EU

Contact info for Reference Pascal HOUDEAUManaging Director for [email protected]

Sierra Leone


[25] EU-Technical Assistance (TA) to SLRA : Construc-tion / Reconstruction / Rehabilitation of the Road net-work and Facilities / (Marketing Buildings + Parking) in Sierra LeoneMain project features: Technical Cooperation – Contract Management Specialist / FiDiC / EU-GCC/SCC for all type of highways, bridges and housing.Financing: Government of Sierra Leone (NAO) / European Union / of the Engineering / Procurement / Construction EPC/Turnkey Project (similar Gold FIDIC book) with DBOMO (design, build, operate, maintain and own).Project Cost: Road and minor structural Construction 150M Euro for Supply, Services and Works Contracts.Activities performed: Advises / contractual solutions in all project cycles inclusive Procurement, Evaluation, Award with Training and Coaching (see above mentioned assign-ments with SLRA between 2010 and 2013)

10/2008 –


Organization: SiEMENS AGGeneral ContractorPosition: Coordinator , Project Manager, Superintendent

General Electric of Libya (UtilityFinanced by World BankConstruction Contact info for Reference Bertrand Laine, Site Manager E&M – [email protected]

North AfricaLibya

[24] Construction of a Substation / Switchgear Building of 400 KV and 66 KV in Ghadames / Libya

EPC- / Turnkey Project : Construction of a 400 kV/66 KV Substation / Switchgear BUILDINGS, fire brigade build-ing, administration, offices, pipelines, sewer systems, wa-ter supply and concrete access roads. Review of contract documents to look for claim entitle-ments.Project Cost: 120 Mio. Euro / civil works around 6 Mio Euro.

02/2008 –


Organization: SIEMENS AGGeneral ContractorPosition: Construction Liaison Of-ficer, Superintendent, Project Man-agement

PGCIL Powergrid Corporation (Energy Utility)Financed by World BankContact info for Reference Gustav Jantsch, EPC – Coordina-



Construction of two HVDC bi-pole Converter Stations, +/-500 KV / 2.500 MW incl. ground electrode stations with AC-switchyard extension 132 kV with concrete access roads. Construction of several high BUILDINGS up to 23 m with re-enforced concrete and brick walls, Adminis-tration / Office Buildings, water supply, sewerage, road construction with concrete (access of 375 tons generators). The entire stations have been built with labour intensive works methods in compliance with the Indian law. Find loopholes of the contract to bring forward a contractor’s FIDIC Claim.


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tor, Head Office Erlangen, Ger-many + IndiaE-mail: [email protected]

Financing: Government of India in conjunction with World Bank;

Project Cost: 13,6 Mrd. NRI / 240 Mio. Euro

07/2007 –


Organization: Drees & SommerProject Management InstitutePosition: Consultant Advisor and Project Controller with CAPDI ChinaAIRBUSContact info for Reference Heinz Fraunhoffer, Stuttgart General ManagerProf. Hans Sommer, CEO, Owner

Financed by Gov. P.R.C



[22] Final Assembly Line FAL-C Airbus A319/A320 in Tianjin, P.R.C./ChinaMain project features: Construction of civil and building works (Power house / substation, service Building, Canteen, Hangar and all other technical and social facil-ities for the huge aero-industrial Project with extensive overlapping bored pile walls and in some areas with 20m deep steel pilings in the black cotton ground (clay). The Hangars and assembly halls have a length of 800 m. And construction of extended concrete tax ways for the heavy duty plane operations (testing areas).Financing: Airbus / Chinese Government (Chin. Aeronauti-cal Design and Project Institute CAPDI)Project Cost: 300 Mio. Euro of a Private and Public Financ-ing Initiative (PPFi) – similar a Silver Book FiDiC contract (EPC/Turnkey) -.Activities performed: Advisor and Emergency Project controller / Time Scheduling for the Final Assembly Line esp. the power house to supply the entire project with elec-tricity.

06/2007 -12/2007


Organization: ALSTOM, General ContractorPosition: Project ManagementSite SupervisionContact info for Reference Alain Cailler General Construction Manager ; Lingen – Germany.E-Mail : [email protected]

Financed by RWE Public Utility

Germany [21] Construction of a GuD / Gas and Steam power plant in Germany Main project features: VoB – Contract - Construction of 875 MW Gas and Steam / Combined Cycle power station plant in Germany with several technical buildings, 124 m high cooling tower, social buildings and offices, a lot of different ground pipelines for the operation of a GuD-power plant, sewerage systems, and approx. 5 km asphaltic roads and concrete parking / delivery areas.

Financing: RWE .Energy public utility, Project Cost: 550 Mio. Euro, EPC / Turnkey Contract (similar Silver Book FIDIC)Activities performed: Coordination of the design and su-pervision of all “steel and re-enforced concrete” works, pipe laying, road construction like ABB-Project in Iraq and preparation of Claims for the EPC-Contractor.

08/2006 –


Organization: ABBGeneral ContractorPosition: Construction Supervi-sion, Coordinator, Project Manage-ment Contact info for Reference Jürgen von der Au EPC, Project Leader Head Office, ABB Mannheime-mail: [email protected]

Kurdistan /North-Iraq

Arbil (Erbil)

+ Jordan


[20] Construction of a 450 MW Gas Power Station with the extension of combined cycle to 900 MWMain project features: FiDiC – EPC / Turnkey-Contract - Construction of a 450 MW gas power station with all tech-nical and social infrastructures / with facilities BUILDINGs ( Administration / Office Build-ings, Workshops, Fire Brigade Building, Gate Houses

Financing: private Investor with Kurdish Regional Govern-ment / EPC/Turnkey similar Silver Book FiDiC and DBOO Service (design + build + operate +own)Project Cost: 200 Mio. Euro; EPC / Turnkey Contract


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Financed by Mass Jordan Invest-ment (private Investor)

( Silver Book FIDIC)Activities performed: Design coordinated and Execution of works supervised.Daily Coordination of ten site agents of the subcontractors / 700 workers on site.

03/2006 -07/2006


Organization: Hydroplan / GuB Position: Consultant, TA Team Leader, NAO, Advisor for Manag-ing Directors, Public procurement for LWSC Liberia Water and Sewer CorporationContact info for Reference Nathan Hun-Bu Tulay, Managing Director, LWSCe-mail: [email protected]

Financed by EURequest for Reference:



[19] Technical Assistance for the Rehabilitation of the Water Infrastructures of Monrovia and Support to the administrative, financial and technical management of the LWSC. Rehabilitation of the Water Infrastructures (water treatment plant, transmission lines, booster / pumping stations (buildings) and reservoirs) in Monrovia and Support to the administrative, financial and technical management of the LWSC.Financing: European Commission (ACP-9th EDF 003)Project Cost: 3.0 Mio. Euro EU-General and Special Conditions for Service and con-struction Contracts (similar red book FiDiC) with Variation Orders / Revisions of Prices (VoP).Activities performed: Tender Documents / Revision of Price-Formulae. Procurement and administrative, financial and technical support for LWSC. Basic knowledge of the procedures for programme estimates (PE) with imprest ac-counts (authorization + payment functions) for “indirect management” during formulation stage received. Applica-tion easy due to my experiences in book-keeping. Note: NAO was not attached to EUD in 2006.

01/2005 -02/2006


Afghan-German Asman Abi Tulu, JV GuB GmbH Contrac-torPosition: Technical advisor Project Manager, General Man-agementContact info for Reference Fatlind Malaj, Kosovo-Albaniae-mail : [email protected]

Private Entity



[18] Afghan-German Cooperation between GuB, GmbH / Asman Abi Tulu (AAT) Main project features: Infrastructures in civil (roads, minor bridges with reinforced concrete), sewer and buildings / FiDiC. Technical and financial advice and support for AAT.Financing: Private EnterpriseActivities performed: Coordination and Support for Acqui-sition, Bid preparation and Calculation, Design, Procure-ment and Supervision, Quantity Survey and Method of Measurement and Payment.



Organization: IBG Gauff /GuB ConsultantsPosition: Consultant, CoordinatorResident Engineer for D+B+B/CContact info for Reference K. Birkenmeyer, MD, owner

Financed by BMZ / KfW


[17] Road Reconstruction Programme for Kunduz / Emergency rehabilitation of roads, two reinforced bridges with constant cross-sections / Length approx. 7 meters and 15 culverts of 14 km town roads with as-phaltic concrete wearing course as a Design / Engineer-ing, Procurement and Build / Construction Contract (EPC-Contract).Financing: German Ministry of economic cooperation and development (BMZ) with KfWProject Cost: 3.5 Mio. EUROActivities performed: Initiation, technical, logistic and fi-nancial administration / of Design, Procurement and Su-pervision of the execution of the asphalt and concrete / bridge works [ Design + Build + Operate + Transfer con-cept : DBOT / EPC – FiDiC ]; Coordination of all key stakeholders and Supervision;


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Variation and Revision of Prices, Incidental Budget con-trol of 3,5 Mio. EURO with Lexware Prof. Financial Data-base.

01/2003 -12/2003


Organization: Socotec Position: Consultant, institutionnel support, Procurement, Contract ManagerManagement Marketing Contact info for Reference H. Hesse, MDFinanced by Ministry of Transport Consultant / Project

Germany [16] Setup of the Acquisition procedure of infrastructure projects (railway projects) by PM ToolsResponsible for the management of the marketing / Procure-ment department. Establishment of a sales and marketing organization by using project management methods and processes. Request and preparation of Tender documents re-lated to railway and road engineering services.

01/2001 -12/2002


Organization: DB Deutsche Bahn = German Railway AuthorityPosition: Procurement Contract + Claim ManagementContact info for Reference Hans-Joachim DunschHead of Contract DepartmentMrs. Renate EichhornHead of ClaimManagement Department

Financed by Ministry of Transport

Germany [15] Procurement / Supply Department Railway AuthorityMain project features: HOAI-Service, VOL-supply and VOB-work contracts of civil and railway construction works including bridges and tunnels ... Construction [ VOB, similar Red FiDiC Book and Service (HOAI) contracts ]Financing: Ministry of Transport Activities performed: Re-engineering and improvement of the purchase proced-ure of engineering and construction services. Review and evaluation of the Contractor's submitted claims related to additional railway and bridge works. Negotiations with the Contractor's representatives to defend portions of the claims for the Client.Achievements : minus 40% claim negotiation

06/2001 -08/2001


Organization: Seib ConsultantPosition: Consultant Highway Engineer MoT / N.A.R. Contact info for Reference Hans Seib, MD / CEO, Owner

Financed by EU / PhareStudies

Romania [14] Upgrade of the Infra Trans-European Transport Network, Corridor IVUpgrading measures of the existing roads by field investiga-tions.Financing: Financing: European CommissionActivities performed: Co-ordination and preparation of feasibility studies with survey, geotechnical explorations, soil/material testing, pavement design, optimization of alignment with mass haul diagrams and production of ten-der documents and database for cost estimates / “Construc-tion” (Red-FiDiC Book)

01/1999 -12/2000


Organization: IPM / DBPM-Institute for Deutsche Bahn (DB = German Railway authority)Position: Consultant – Institutional support, Procurement & Contract ManagerContact info for Reference Franz MergenthalerDepartment Manager,DB Netz AG

Financed by Ministry of Transport

Germany [13] Contractual Procurement / Supply Department of the railway authorityProcurement of all HOAI-service, VOL-supply and VOB-work contracts for all “railway” structures like Steel / com-posite Bridges, Cast in Box Girders, incremental launching methods / timed shifting and Tunnels in Munich and negoti-ations with the contractors to defend their claims. Achievements: approx. 40% claim amounts reduced by tough negotiations and well organized Data Mgmt.Assistance in the purchase department to procure engi-neering and construction services: Acknowledgement of or-ders. Claim Management / Settlement of Disputes. Re-view of the submitted claims to the Client. Negotiations to find an amicable settlement to defend portions of the claim (VoB Part A + B + C)

07/1995 -06/1997


Organization: DRESS & SOMMERDaimler Quarter DevelopmentPosition:

Germany Project management (review of general design, procure-ment, evaluation of bids, supervision, and contractual ap-preciations of contractor’s claims:(1) Public utilities (Tram and Omnibus operation depots in


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07/1997 -12/1998


Project ManagementProcurementContract ManagementProject Controller Contact info for Reference Heinz Fraunhoffer, Stuttgart General ManagerProf. Hans Sommer,CEO, Owner

Financed by Public UtilityMunicipality

Mannheim with construction of arch halls administration / social BUILDINGS, workshop s and outside facilities (electrified rails, roads, parking); Familiar with all building trades and construction sequences (order) and depend-encies (FS, FF, SS, SF+/-maturity):SHELL construction (RC, brickwork) Staircase, lightning system, ROOF, safety barriers, plumber, structural facing (twin) FACADE, sun screeds, Windows to protect against inclement weather, cellar or roof : Central of Heating / Cooling HVAC / Sprinkler, INTERIOR works: door case / frames, rough installation of cable/pipes for heating, fire protection / sprinkler, electric, sanitary, plumbing; plaster-ing, floor screed (DB false floor / HB raised screeds), floor and wall covering (tiles, flags) painting, dry construction with partition walls, lifts / elevators, door leaves, locking system, final electric / SANITATION installation and build-ing services / CONTROL system, suspension ceilings, light-ing, floor cover (parquet, linoleum), carpenter / built-in fur-niture, outdoor facilities, basic cleaning, take-over, move in furniture, pre-opening phase / Test phase. Project Cost: operational depots 90 M€(2) Huge Turn-key BUILDINGS in Berlin comprise of five turn-key BUILDINGS up to 25 floors with 5 Under-ground floors for parking / storage areas Trades as described under Financing: Daimler Chrysler, private Financing Initiate (PFI) Project Cost: 250 Mio. Euro Turnkey Sky scrapers in Berlin.

My perceived achievements: “tact cycles” concept with “optimiz-ation of team configurations” caught up a 6 month delay in shell-

construction, interior works (wet + dry construction) with con-tents, furniture and fixtures for pre-opening / Test Phase

Six TURNKEY-BUILDINGSB2 : Gross Floor Area 30.000 m2 + 8.000 m2 Under Ground, Cost

= 100 + 44 Mio. DMA1 : Area 32.000 m2 + 7.000 m2 UG, Cost = 110 + 41 Mio. DM

A2 : Area 30.000 m2, Cost = 100 Mio. DMA3 : Area 6.000 m2, Cost = 20 Mio. DM

A4 : Area 13.000 m2, Cost = 45 Mio DMA5 Area 30.300 m2, Cost = 120 Mio DM

01/1995 -06/1995


Organization: Progeo ConsultantPosition: Authority AdvisorProcurement & Contract ManagerContact info for Reference Andreas Roedel, Owner – MD (Progeo) and Prof. Bielknroth, Com. MD (LBV)

Financed by Mining Authority LBV (Brown Coal) / Ministry

Germany [11] Re-cultivation of the open cast mines and dismant-ling of the industrial power plantsConsultancy to the administrative, financial and technical top management about the EU-wide procurement process, technical advice to prepare the technical and contractual tender documents for demolishing industrial plants and huge buildings, evaluation of contractors’ bids, award of contract, follow up activities.Project Cost: 350 Mio. per anno budgetActivities performed: In charge of consultancy of the strategic and operational procurement process, award of contract and implementation coordination (VOB/A,B,C.

01/1994 -12/1994


Organization: ARGE Hochtief-Wayss & FreitagPosition:

Germany [10] Sewage Purification Plant BerlinScheduling and time control for the proper execution of sewage treatment plant in Berlin / “Klärwerk Wassmanns-


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Construction Supervision Project ControllerTracking and TrendingTrouble ShoutingContact info for Reference H. Schwerdtfeger, General Project Manager

Financed by Berliner WasserbetriebeWater Authority

dorf”, to expedite the process of construction: operational and administrative buildings, aeration basins, sludge tanks, pipelines, sewers, drainage, two precast bridges with a length of 15 m (scaffolding support) / tunnels and circa 100.000 m2 asphaltic access roads / parking areas.Project Cost: 140 Mio. EuroActivities performed: Project tracking and trending / fore-casting with MS-Project Software (Time and Cost)

01/1993 -12/1993


Organization: Straßenbauamt German Roads AuthorityPosition: Authority Project Leader – Public Procurement of infrastruc-turesContact info for Reference Ltd. Baudirektor WredeDG Roads authority.

Financed by Ministry of Transport

Germany [9] Administration and Public Approval Procedure (Raumordnungsverfahren)Design, construction and preventive and corrective mainte-nance of state roads / highways and concrete pre-stressed bridges between a span of 25 to 275 m (BAB-Highway; in-cremental launching method) in the entire district Central Franconia (1,200 km) based on VOB Part A + B + C. Re-sponsible for the punctual implementation of design tasks, staff coordination and design check. Preparation of tender documents, Evaluation of bids, Award of Contract, Supervi-sion of construction works (roads and bridges).

01/1992 -12/1992


Organization: FiEGL Construc-tion Position: ConstructionSuperintendent, Calculator, Project / General ManagerContact info for ReferenceHanns Steinbacher, Owner

Financed by Ministry of Transport

Germany [8] Construction of the Bundesstraße B13 By-pass Gunzenhausen – AhaMain project features: Construction of carriageways, 1 major bridge in reinforced concrete, Length approx. 55 m with three spans, sewer and purification plants based on VOB Part A + B + C Management of road construction, sewerage and storm wa-ter drainage. Co-ordination of subcontractors. In charge of quantity survey and all contractual procedures and matters including the relevant negotiations.

01/1991 -12/1991


Organization: LAHMEYER Position:ConsultantHighway Engineer DesignSupervisionInternational Consult Contact info for Reference Joachim Neumann, General Manager

Financed by Ministry ofTransport

Germany [7] Technical studies for Public Private Partnership (PPP) of the Highway Dresden – LeipzigTechnical Study and examination of the financial implica-tions of the upgrading of the existing “65 km long Auto-bahn” with 13 highway bridges in reinforcement / pre-stressed concrete modules / incremental launching method to introduce toll gates for a public private partnership co-operation.Cost investigations about reconstruction and realignment of portions of the highway and 13 bridges / Autobahn Dres-den-Chemnitz for different options (typical classified cross-sections)

01/1990 -12/1990


Organization: LAHMEYER In-ternational Consult Position: Consultant, Road Design and Cost EngineerContact info for Reference Lue Luetkestratkoetter, MD / CEO

Financed by NEA/Nepal Electricity Authority and World Bank

Nepal [6a] Feasibility study of Hegdanga - Chepuwa access road – Arun III HEP (40 km) and [6b] Review of the Tumlingtar – Arun acces road – Arun II HEP (200 km) access road Financing: The Word BankProject Cost: (1) 35 Mio. USD (2) 120 Mio USDActivities performed:(6a) Feasibility Study / Construction Planning Report of the


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access gravel road to the ARUN III Hydroelectric Power Station (HEP) in the Himalaya with 9 reinforced / partially pre-stressed bridges (up to 40 m) over gorges and 1 pre-stressed bridge (70 m) of the Arun River.(6b) Review of Tender Documents for gravel access road from Tumlingthar to the ARUN II HEP (70 km long) in the mountainous area of Himalaya with 5 bridges (up to 35 m) over deep gorges and 1 bridge (75 m) over the Arun.

01/1989 -12/1989


Organization: MICHEL Contrac-tor Position: Construction Site Super-visor

Contact info for Reference Carl Pioch, Owner – MD

Financed by District Council

Germany [5] Construction of a Waste Disposal SiteConstruction of a 35 ha waste dump site with de-aeration domes and gas pipelines to the combined heat and power station and administration and maintenance building, sewer systems with adjacent asphalt concrete road.Responsible for the site management / superintendence / VoB Part A+B+C (German contracting rules for award and execution of construction performance contracts).

05/1987 -06/1987


Organization: GITEC Consult Position: Consultant, Highway En-gineer, Survey Engineer

Contact info for Reference M.P. Giesler, owner – MD

Financed by Ministry of Works and Transport

Malawi /Tanzania

[4] Northern Corridor Project (NCP) from Dar-es-Salam – Mybea – Chipoka – Chilumba – Monkey BayPreliminary and detailed design and preparation of the inter-disciplinary tender documents and detailed design and preparation tender documents for Northern Corridor Project (NCP) Dar-es-Salam – Mybea – Chipoka – Chilumba – Monkey Bay: architectural, mechanical, electrical and loading services of the port facilities (administration, storage BUILD-INGS, steel gantry, docks / quays)

07/1987 -12/1988


Organization: GiTEC ConsultPosition: Consultant, Highway En-gineer, Site supervisor, Quantity Surveyor

Contact info for Reference M.P. Giesler, owner – MD

Financed by KfW German Bank of Reconstruction


Republic Yemen

Sana’a & Taif

[3] Rehabilitation and construction of the Sanaa - Taiz roadThe rehabilitation works entailed the repair of potholes, strengthening of portions of the base course, levelling as-phalt course to cover the undulations and an asphalt con-crete overlay of the 280 km long dual single carriageway. The storm water drainage with 15 huge box-culverts (sev-eral cells) and three reinforced concrete bridges with spans to 25 m (scaffolding structure / support ) in the mountainous area have been upgraded and three by-passes have been constructed. Project Cost: 140 Mio. Euro

01/1984 -12/1986


Organization: LTA Pty (Ltd) ContractorPosition: Construction Planning and Costing EngineerContact info for Reference Dr. Volker F Claus, LTA – MD – Director

Financed by MoWT

Rep. of South-Africa

[2] Re-Construction of a 51 km portion of national route 3 section 7 and 8 from Harrismith to Warden Construction of a four lane, single carriageway – under a half-width sequence of construction / under traffic - with a huge intersection (Bridge Construction with four ramps at Warden) with building and sanitation facilities along the corrodor.Project Cost: 110 Mio. EuroActivities performed: Site supervision and project manage-ment / Time Scheduling applied with the assistance of mass haul diagram, PM-Techniques and Project tracking and trending methods.

04/1981 - Organization: Held & Francke Asia Taif – Zalim Highway Construction


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PeriodNo. A.

Employing organization, title/position, Client / Donor,

reference information

Country Summary of activities performed relevant to the Assignment … Number of Record


Construction AGPosition: Supervisor / Chief Sur-veying Engineer and EstimatorContact info for Reference Mr. Dr. Reutlinger, General Manager

Financed by MoTGovernment of South Africa

K.S.A. Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia

A_ supervision of the highway and bridge contract (asphalt +concrete), FIDICTaif – Zalim Highway Construction, Length 90 km, B_ Detailed Engineering Design / Cost Estimate of tender documents / BidsC_ Cost Estimate for Cement plant (prime cost, indirect cost, final charges)Project Cost: 75 Mio. Euro

Thesis:Town planning and Transportation in Rural Areas Research of rural traffic movement including a draft of a census-paper. A poll was performed (field works of several weeks) to get basic data to develop suggestions for im-provements of infrastructure measures in public transportation systems / public means.

Other relevant information (e.g., Publications, training, workshops, lectures, coaching … A,B,C,D,E,F,G, H)

A_ Thesis: Town planning and Transportation in Rural Areas (please refer to the item “Thesis”)B_ Training / Coaching / Mentoring facilitator: Mining Authority (LBMV / LBM) in Bitterfeld / Germany:a_ Courses for the Technical Departments : Preparation of the Tender Documents (BoQ, Cost Estimate) for the Demolition of Industrial Building Plants and Rehabilitation of the open cast mines to add value to the estates. An-nual Budget: 750 Mio.DM Investment b_Lessons for the Purchase Department / technical and financial Exec Management about the EU-wide Tendering and Procurement ProceduresC_ Lecturer: Project Management Methodologies, Construction Management inclusive SHEs-Q[Time Scheduling, Budget Control, and Quality Assurance], Contract + Claim, Management (VOB), Organization, Calculation of large scale infrastructure projects [prime costs, P&G, final charges, S/C, total amount of Tender, Make up of Unit rates with production rates], SHEs-Q [safety, health, environment, social Quality] issues, and finan-cial management in implementation phase [sureties / guarantees, IPC, PAC, FSA, FAC, discharge and ethical pro-fessional conduct.D_ Seminar: Air Traffic Management Development of EGNOS (AOC) European Geographical Navigation Overlay System (with advance operational capabilities) in comparison to US_GPS and GUS_GLONAS ... Thales Group and DLRFE_ Dr. h.c. of Meditation, CCU-Institute (USA).F_ Workshops facilitated: Bridge Construction methods for the sub and super structure (external, internal formwork, floating controls, and spacers) either with steel composition girders or prefabricated components.a_ Bracing scaffolding / false work, light and heavy supporting frame (push-pull props, shoring tower brace, timber boards on sub grade formation with spot or spread foundations with longitudinal beams / buffer beams, traverses, head spindles, piers / props, load bearing towers, lowering device, bracing strutting,…)b_ Formwork carriage / advance feed transverse drive system (gantry) with casting segments / concrete cycles to jack forward with the rig to the next pier / lattice tower. c_ Incremental launching methods with launching nose, hydraulic / jacking system, auxiliary pylons, … with the stationary field factory in the vicinity of abutments and d_ balanced cantilever construction with the booster phase / commencement pier and auxiliary struts to cowl in both directions simultaneously. G_ Additional WORKSHOPS relevant for Technical Assistance Assignments in Road / Highway Institutions (i) Project Cycle Management [Log frame Approach (Process-Analysis), Logframe Matrix (Planning / result-oriented Product: Activity, Resource and Budget Schedules], (ii) Decentralization / Devolution of Feeder Roads towards the District Councils, (iii) Road Condition Survey / GPS / GiS with Maintenance / Overlay Interventions and Cost Estimate (e.g. WB-Rocks)(iv) Road Asset Management / Road Maintenance (ORN) in compliance with OPRC Contract, esp. the Monitoring of the defined Service Levels during the Operation + Maintenance phase.(v) Axle Load Control Measures / mobile Weigh bridges (vi) Pavement Design ORN 31 (TRL) / PIARC, (vii) Time and Cost planning tool (Software Microsoft project 2007/2010) with PM Methodology and Application,


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(viii) Risk management: Definition, Methods & Principles. Process / techniques / tools, Risk Options (combined assessment factors = probability of cause * impact of effect), Limitations, Application for Projectmanagement, Treatments of risks: avoid, reduce, share, or retain risk impacts.(ix) Cost Estimate (unit rate analysis). Direct, indirect cost, overheads (site, head office), profit. (x) Contract Management “Tender Document preparation with all technical (provision) and legal aspects (conditions) ” - Service and Work Contracts (FIDIC; EU-GCC/SCC) (xi) Claim Management / Adjustments to scrutinize alterations in scope of works, technical aspects, and time related im-pacts for Variation / Adjustments of Prices (VoP), Extra Cost plus profit, and Extension of time. (xii) Workshop DBO-contract, Aggregate “Operation Service Period”: Commissioning Certificate, Operation and Maintenance requirements, Operation and Maintenance Plan, Operation License, Asset Replacement Schedule / Fund, ad-vanced payment, interim payments, final statement of account, Completion Certificate.H_ Study Tour : Ghana with SLRA Engineers: Organizational structure, processes and development in Administration, Supervision and their socio-economic development of the Ministry of Roads and Highways (MoRH), Department of Feeder Road (DFR), Ghana Highway Authority (GHA), Department for Urban Roads (DUR) and Ghana Road Fund Secretary (GRFS).I _ OPRC-Workshop in Juba / South-Sudan: Preparation (4 months) and introduction (3 day workshop) of the OPRC-Procurement Document with its three parts: Day 1 Bidding Procedures, Day 2 Specifications with Performance /Requirements / Service Levels Criteria, and Day 3 Conditions of Contracts with Contract Forms based on World Bank with Structure of the Unit Rate Analysis.

Expert’s contact information: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected] WEB: Germany Mobile Phone / Whatsapp +49 172 821 1831Sierra Leone Mobile Phone / Whatsapp +232 76 73 80 76 Skype HFG2404 .