Curriculum Driven Tablet Pro

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Transcript of Curriculum Driven Tablet Pro

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Title of Presentation

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MICDS Background

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Three Elements that Impact our CurriculumExternal Pressures that Necessitate/Encourage ChangeInternal Evolution of Technology Use and Our Understanding of 21st Century Skills/LiteraciesProfessional Development of Faculty

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Cultural Drivers

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Information Explosion

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Participatory Culture

Shift from Consuming Knowledge to Evaluating, Constructing, and Creating Knowledge

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Social Networking

Shift to collaborative, sharing environment

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FlatWorld Ideology

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Evolution of Literacy

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•Basic Literacy and Habits of Mind•Visual/Media Literacy•Information Literacy•Inter-Cultural Awareness•Digital Citizenship•Network Literacy

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MICDS Culture BTbefore Tablets

Lab and Cart Based Integration

Issues with access outside of class (hardware and software)

Issues with installation and customization of machine to create a PLE

DyKnow as Delivery Tool

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MICDS Culture ATafter Tablets

DyKnow transforming lecturesStudent customizing their browsers with tools to help productivitySoftware access for students at homeSpontaneous and Short Uses of TechShift to PaperlessMovement to more electronic sources

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Curriculum Increasingly Student Centered

Wiki Study PagesNing Learning SpacesUS History CourseZoho Research NotebooksWeb 2.0 and Diigo

Collaborative, Networked, Transparent

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Assessment Transforming with Transparency

DiagnosticFormativeSummative Performance/Project/Inquiry BasedConversationalSelf Reflective

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Advantages to Social, Collaborative Learning

Students are more engaged in the learning processStudents provide support system for each other Students identify their strengths and weaknesses and learn to navigate group work accordinglyStudents ENJOY learning.Students employ creativity, critical thinking, and innovation to a greater extent

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An Essential Understanding

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"If we teach today like we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”

-John Dewey, Educator and Philosopher

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Teacher and Student PLEPersonal Learning Environments

Lenovo X61 TabletDyKnow

Technology ToolKit

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Teacher PLE and Professional Development

Teachers needed Opportunities to Use Tools

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Curriculum Revision with Tools

Google Docs to write WorksheetsWikis to Plan Lessons CollaborativelyDelicious to Share Sites

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Supporting a 21st Century Curriculum

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Digital Literacy Course Classroom Teachers Advisory: Digital Citizenship

OneNote CSI Access

Delicious English Literacy

Website Eval Fine Arts Communication

Google Search History Safety

Alternative Search Math Etiquette

Copyright Physical Education Responsibilities

Digital Imaging Science Commerce

Personal Portal World Languages Wellness

Communication Law

Teaching/Learning Strands

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Integrated UnitsTo what extent does humankind manipulate or control the environment?

How have humans impacted the environment?

How do we responsibly and ethically balance competing interests?

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Integrated Survey

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Instructional Tech and Media Specialist/ Librarian Collaboration

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Homework: Brave New World

Post a reflective comment or a question. (Just kidding but notice the power of a short clip and some structured reflection- simple, technology enhancement

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Where are we headed?

Portfolio Assessment (Increased emphasis on feedback, formative and diagnostic)Reduce number of ExamsTrimestersStudent ChoiceAdditional External CollaborationsShift to Process over product, skills over content, depth over breadth

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