CTR: Choose The Right Enrique Hernandez Jordi Salgado



Transcript of CTR

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CTR: Choose The Right

Enrique HernandezJordi Salgado

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What Is CTR?• The acronym CTR defines choosing the right• What exactly do we mean by that though?• Choosing the right is for the most part having a good sense of morality• What is morality you may ask well morality is: Having a self proclaimed or societal code of conduct which more or less

reflects they’re opinion to distinctively describe right from wrong.• Obviously everyone knows that at times choosing the right may be difficult.

Especially in scenario’s when your friends are doing what is wrong this perfectly fits into the many examples. One being your friends enter somewhere you know is not allowed imagines time stopping all of the sudden you have two routes to take to options two consequences. At moments like these you want to tag along but there is something tugging at you pulling you to try and stop you from doing the bad action. However in due time it will become a lot easier. The more you do the right the bigger your pride, self-esteem and personal satisfaction become. I’d rather be happy knowing I’m the goody two shoes that I am than a stupid trouble maker who thinks anything inappropriate is funny I don’t like being mean but you have issues.

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Where Did it come from?• "Choose the right" is a saying or motto among members of The

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) that is taught to children and used by members of the church as a reminder to act righteously. The phrase is taken from an LDS hymn which has that title.

• The Letters CTR is an obvious reference to this phrase…• The acronym CTR was used in the shield design for the LDS church

speaking they’re motto of Choosing the right.• In 1970 a committee of eight women were called to design a new program for the 6 and 7 year old children of the church. It was decided the children needed a “badge of belief”, and the CTR Ring was born.

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How to Choose the Right.• Choosing the right can be anything from doing your homework on

time to saving a person from a burning fire.• Examples can include: Giving someone a helping hand when they need it Being generally kind to people Having a good sense of humanity Knowing right from wrong Not partaking in any immoral actions Recognizing the consequences in your actions ETC……..

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What is choosing the wrong?• In simple terms choosing the wrong is the complete opposite of

choosing the right and doing the negative action knowing that a positive one is present

• This includes:Being selfish or arrogant Constantly being aggressive or uncooperative with no sense of remorseBullyingDeceitful Getting to school late Using negative or offensive language towards othersBeing prejudice, or inconsiderate or having a bigot attitudeGenerally being impolite

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Quotes You Should Know!“Have courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These

are the magic keys to living your life with integrity”. W. Clement Stone

• Obviously another quote about doing the right you guys and girls a probably getting tired of hearing this some of you may even be thinking this kid doesn't know anything about us. Though this may be true but if you bothered to continue listening to me it most likely means A you like what I write, B you feel guilt because you know your a trouble maker and you know who you are. And lastly you have nothing else to do but forget about the last one. This quote could not be any simpler to decipher as it says a pretty obvious and bold message. However I understand if you trouble makers don’t understand basically it is just trying to say choose the right yeah its RIGHT there -> choose the right. Anyway this quote can take effect in many situations. One some one offers you drugs, alcohol, or a weapon say NO if not your a coward because your afraid of what will happen next. If you get in trouble face the truth don’t lie lying only leads to more lies. Doing what is right will ultimately make you feel better.

• “If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it”Marcus Aurelius

I think this quote is simple and self-explanatory. So the theme of all these quotes is “choose the right”. The first half of this quote is basically another way of saying that. The second half of the quote is saying not to lie. Obviously we all lie. Everyone in the world has at least told some form of lie for some type of reason, may it be good or bad. I lie, of course. I lie a lot. BUT I do not lie for the wrong reasons. I do not lie to hurt anybody nor do I lie to conceal information that would be important to someone. I only lie to encourage

someone, compliment someone, even to save time on telling the truth. Lying is only bad when you make it bad. But of course it is viewed as negative, so for all intents and purposes—Lying is bad! Don’t do it, its


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Ctr is Honesty• There is a phrase you will constantly keep hearing and that’s “Honesty is the best policy” why is that though?

Honesty is the quality of being honest I other words not lying and doing everything properly and regularly.• •Honesty is telling the truth. Honesty is straightforward conduct. Honesty is being sincere, truthful,

trustworthy, honorable, fair, genuine, and loyal with integrity •Tell the truth despite consequences• •Voice their opinion in a kind, thoughtful way• •"Tell on" someone only when necessary• •Show and share their feelings• •Know their classmates and teachers care and want the best for them• •Feel and react without guilt • Express themselves positively as well as critically

• You are being honest when you ...• •Do your own homework• •Tell a friend the truth• •Explain the real reason you didn't turn in your homework• •Keep your eyes on your own paper• •Clean up your room after making a promise• •Give the cashier the extra money she gave you by mistake• •Write a report in your own words instead of copying• •Admit you made the mistake• •Keep a friend's secret• •Turn in a wallet full of money that you found• Looking at all these examples you can easily tell that choosing the right is the exact same

thing as honesty.

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Sportsmanship• A good sense of sportsmanship is also something very important

when choosing the right.• Good sportsmanship is when teammates, opponents, coaches, and

officials treat each other with respect. Kids learn the basics of sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and their coaches. Kids who see adults behaving in a sportsmanlike way gradually come to understand that the real winners in sports are those who know how to persevere and to behave with dignity whether they win or lose a game.

• Displaying good sportsmanship isn't always easy: It can be tough to congratulate the opposing team after losing a close or important game. But the kids who learn how to do it will benefit in many ways.

• Bad sportsmanship however is the complete opposite of choosing the right, looking at the definition closer an example of bad sportsmanship is being ignorant, rude, and a sore loser.

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Respect• the right thing to do is not the popular choice or the easiest choice and it is a

great achievement to commit to this right thing when it is not popular or easy. You don’t see many examples of this nowadays since doing the right thing is becoming a natural and popular action, especially in Los Angeles. You may not realize it, but think about how our society has changed since ten or twenty years ago. We have seemed to have gotten better at common courtesy and having respect for ourselves and others.

• Respect is taking into consideration the views and desires of others, and including it into your decisions. When you respect another, you factor and weigh their thought's and desires into your planning and balance it into your decision making." I think respect can be applied to many things, and it is easier to give examples of respect than to define it. you show respect in whatever way you think is respectful or if your more to social standards as others think is respectful and you earn it by doing socially respectable things. In other words respect is a matter of opinion but it is highly recommended you respect everyone.

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When you choose the wrong

Bad action Feel good about it

Regret it later and receive a

bad consequence.

• When choosing the right you must always look at the consequences that will come with the present action. Consequences are the results of an action. For example, you call your father a bad name the consequence is your father might knock you out. The consequences of unprotected sex might be pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease. Look at the roots of the word. "Sequence" means one thing following another. A consequence is a result that follows from actions or conditions. He didn't study for the test. A poor grade was the consequence.

• A consequence is always there for every action the problem however is knowing which is the right one.

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Doing the right thing• One of the greatest things any of us can do in life is reach out and do a good deed for

another human being. Whether it means offering your love and compassion, or making a charitable donation of time, energy, or money, there are many ways to bring sunshine into the lives of others.

Invite an elderly neighbor to dinner, or offer to bring him or her a home-cooked meal. Give money to charity Join a group whose mission you believe in and donate your most valuable resource—

time. Rescue a dog, cat, or other animal from your local shelter. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or church shelter. Bring flowers to a friend who’s been feeling down. Donate "once in a lifetime" clothing, such as bridesmaid dresses, prom dresses, or

even bridal gowns—many people can’t afford new formalwear for big events, so let someone else enjoy them.

Help stretch limited budget dollars--and keep the library open for as many hours as possible--by offering a few hours of your time each week.

• As you can see there are several ways to do the right thing and tons more to be discovered.

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CTR Video• Choosing the Right faith in humanity...