Crowdwish. ‘We think about the future in a way that no other animal can, does or ever has, and...


Transcript of Crowdwish. ‘We think about the future in a way that no other animal can, does or ever has, and...


‘We think about the future in a way that no other animal can, does or ever has, and this simple, ubiquitous, ordinary act is a

defining feature of our humanity’

Daniel Gilbert, “Stumbling on Happiness”.


1. Introduction2. Three undeniable truths3. Purpose4. Problem/solution5. How it works6. Business case7. (Top line) launch plan8. Q & A


We live in an increasingly tailored and ‘on demand’ world - where people; smarter, more connected and engaged than ever – demand goods, experiences and political change on their own terms.

Groups of like-minded individuals now have the appetite, the platforms and the connectedness to create the outcomes they want; rather than the outcomes that have been – historically – dictated to them. This can be evidenced everywhere, from the rise of the crowdfunding movement to the increased popularity of petition sites like, or sites like Songkick’s Detour where bands touring itineraries are created by fans not management.

It can be seen in the changes that have swept through the entertainment industry, in the social commerce space and through the political changes brought to the world through the social media enabled Arab Spring.

Three undeniable truths

1. Everyone on earth has hopes, dreams, ambitions and desires for the future. These might be anything – material or otherwise.

2. Whatever you’re hoping for, someone else somewhere is going to be wanting the same thing - the majority of our wishes are likely to be shared by other people.

3. The greater the number of people who want something the more likely it is to be delivered. 


Crowdwish is a place where dreams move closer to reality. 

 This is a place for everyone everywhere to share with the world that which we all have – our wishes for the future. Crowdwish aggregates those wishes together - allowing people to support one another’s hopes and dreams and in so doing creating critical mass for them and increasing their potency.

The site takes the most popular wish of the day and actions it - that isn’t to say that every wish can magically granted; more that behind the scenes the site will work tirelessly to make this aggregated demand as influential as it can be. This might be through lining up brands to produce discounts or bespoke products, it might be through lobbying government or media, or by pro-actively seeking out solutions.  The site will also amplify its successes – creating viral and PR-able stories every day. 

This is a place for people to demonstrate and amplify what they want and can be used however they choose: • Negotiate discounts• Challenge brands• Test ideas or inventions• Influence the media• Lower prices• Demand truth or explanations• Seek support for causes• Question businesses• Have unique experiences• Create bespoke products• Lobby governments• Raise funds• Make dreams come true The potential applications are limitless.


‘What problem are you solving?’ is the question most commonly asked of early stage businesses. The problem is this, and it’s a big one. The overwhelming majority of people’s hopes remain unfulfilled; our lives are littered with lost ambitions, forgotten hopes and discarded dreams.

Crowdwish seeks to address this directly and in so doing, help to tackle an issue that we are all affected by – how to capture and affirm get what we want from life. In commercial terms, huge swathes of the marketing services industry are dedicated to the elusive quest of capturing customer data, and paying a huge premium to do so.  Crowdwish has people volunteer that data on their own terms, and in so doing creating an enormously valuable database of what it is that people want.

How it works

1. Users create a profile

2. They can then search wishes and add to them…

3. …or create their own…

4. …to create an individual profile of different wishes

5. The more people ‘re-wish’ their hopes, the more likely they are to become actioned

6. At that point Crowdwish champions the particular cause and uses the power of that freshly aggregated demand to create bespoke solutions

7. Solutions are offered to those who have pre-expressed interest

8. And documented openly on the site.

Business case

From the perspective of suppliers – in whatever sector – there is a chance to engage with an authentic community of self-electing customers (or potential customers).

This – managed carefully – could become an invaluable source of research and development, a platform for NPD and a opportunity to create advocates.

This is a chance to compete for custom, to demonstrate values bought to life, to create dedicated products and, at its most simple, to fulfill demand.

The site has different revenue models: 1. Premium leads – ppc advertising2. Commission on bulk purchases3. Research and insight 4. Hosting brands5. Qualified lead generation


Launch plan

Start with focussed micro-community

Karmarama + focus

Wish a day fulfilled - Unique and imaginative solutions

PR push to spread reputation and word of mouth

Socialise via other platforms

Feedback and iterative design
