CRM and Help Desk software For Sales, Service and Support · 2018-05-08 · CRM and Help Desk...

NETKEEPER ® CRM and Help Desk software For Sales, Service and Support Evaluation Manual Multima Corporation

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NETKEEPER® CRM and Help Desk software For Sales, Service and Support Evaluation Manual

Multima Corporation

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Copyright and Trademark Copyright 2005 Multima Corporation, All Rights Reserved Text and art copyright ©1994-2005by Multima Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of Multima Corporation. NetKeeper is a Registered Trademark of Multima Corporation. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

SolutionsKeeper is a copyright of Multima Corporation and may not be reproduced in any form. All rights reserved wordwide.

Revision 050107C Printed in the United States of America


Tel: 800-532-4862

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NetKeeper• 3

Index Introduction 5 About Evaluation Manual 7 Overview 9 Features 10 Installation 15 Requirements 16 Quick Tour 19 Important Concepts 20 Topics in Evaluation 23 Start NetKeeper 24 Open a Service Call 25 Enter a Service Call 26 Support Other Sites 27 Assign the Call 28 Tabs 30 Attachments 31 Service Call Menu 32 Solve the Service Call with SolutionsKeeper 33 Page Tech 35 Wizard 36 Queues 37 ToDos 38 Complete the Call 39 Reports 40 Supercase 41 Contacts 43 Organizations 44 Business Development 47 BDM Console 48 Sales Pipeline 50 Lead Development 51 Quick Entry 52 Purchase Orders 53 Create a Purchase Order 54 Inventory 58

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Advanced Topics 59 NetKeeper Ad-Ons 65 NetKeeper Comparison Chart 69

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NetKeeper• 5

Introduction Welcome to NETKEEPER NetKeeper is a full-featured help desk and customer relationship management solution that is ready to run right out of the box . NetKeeper gives you the capability of quickly and effectively tracking all your customers, their service requests and provides you with information to help you close most cases while your client or user is still on the telephone.

You can use NetKeeper in a single user installation or in a multi user, multi site installation. NetKeeper will grow as your organization grows. This manual will give you an introduction to NetKeeper - a full corporate Help Desk and CRM software solution that is easy to use, fast and cost effective.

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Answer It! NetKeeper can record a case as fast as you can answer the telephone.

Solve It! NetKeeper gives you access to:

• resolution data • inventory data • configuration history data • extensive notes for each case data that you need to quickly solve


Close It! NetKeeper automatically saves the case history and time statistics every time you close a case.

Do It Quickly! That’s why you need NetKeeper to run your Help Desk successfully.

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NetKeeper• 7

About the Evaluation Manual Multima Corporation is pleased to extend to you the opportunity to evaluate NetKeeper. The evaluation program will give you a good overview of the versatility of NetKeeper and the program’s features. The evaluation database is the full program with some limitations. The evaluation version allows you to enter a limited but sufficient amount of data into the program. If you chose NetKeeper as your solution, any data entered in the evaluation version can be automatically transferred to the full version. The evaluation does not include the e-mail and alpha-paging console that is part of the full program. Upon completion of the evaluation, you should have a good understanding of NetKeeper’s capabilities. The complete NetKeeper program has far more functionality than can be shown in this evaluation. Do not hesitate to request more information from Multima Corporation or your software consultant.

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Contact Multima Corporation We are firmly dedicated to giving our customers and prospective customers superior service and support. Visit the Top FAQ site that is automatically generated by NetKeeper: Request on line support: [email protected] Telephone us: 1-800-532-4862

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NetKeeper• 9

Overview NetKeeper is a suite of integrated software programs to automate and manage contacts, business opportunities, inventory and service request. NetKeeper’s highly integrated programs consolidate all information in one database for quick and easy access. NetKeeper is ideal for organizations both large and small. NetKeeper is scalable. You can start with a small help desk and add more technician or other NetKeeper modules at any time. You can update, add NetKeeper programs and customize the program all without downing the server. NetKeeper’s thin client design requires little maintenance and makes for easy upgrading. NetKeeper will support external customers with cost effective tools for self service and automation. NetKeeper integrates with NetKeeper Express, automatic LAN inventory of hardware and software, in “real time”. You have all the information you need for superior LAN support.

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Some features to look for: 1. Separate Data Files

NetKeeper is unique among help desk programs. NetKeeper allows data partitioning. You can run many separate help desks with separate data files for requests, solutions, contacts etc and give the central help desk or administrator access to all the files from all the help desks.

2. Security and Access Levels

NetKeeper has an advanced security system. NetKeeper provides screen level security as well as area level security. The Administrator can create security access levels to assign access right to individual screens. A staff member can be a member of one or more access levels or groups. Each access level defines the rights to access one or more screens. An access level can also be used to deny access to one or more screens. You can assign VIEW, CHANGE, DELETE and DENY rights to the group or staff member.

3. Full three-tier organization system

NetKeeper is a full three system that is ideal for multi company or multi departmental support. The tiers are customizable. You can rename the tiers, change the order of the tiers or only use one tier. Tier one is usually company, tier two is usually a department and tier three is usually contacts. You can use one, two or all three tiers.

4. Fully customizable screens.

You can modify any screen, any control. You can customize the screens to your needs and the changes will survive version changes. You can change fonts, positions, field pictures, type field (make drop boxes) tab order, legends, tip help and more for EVERY field, not just user-defined fields. You can also customize (or change completely) any report.

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NetKeeper• 11

5. Word® merge. You can drag and drop a Word® merge document into a NetKeeper screen and NetKeeper will automatically fill in the fields in the merge document - very useful to fill forms or requisitions.

6. Full text search.

The entire NetKeeper database is text indexed. This means that you can search for the word audit on all cases, contacts, notes or any other table. You can even search for wild cards such as wine*. This will match to wine, wines, and winery etcetera.

7. Quick search “Address” box.

You can enter any data (such as a name, account number, tag etc) press TAB or double click and the program will find the contact record and fill in all the contact information available on the form.

Use of Tag Number or Equipment ID Example : enter the tag above (A3451wer) into the blank address field, press TAB and the program will find the user and fill as much information as is available for the contact. You can also program what is recorded in the “Address” box. The default is name and address but you could change it to display name, school, classroom number, tag, etc. Remember, all the information is text indexed for later searches.

Tag number or store number or Equipment ID number.

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8. Automatic history for the caller, the request and the equipment. While entering a Service Call on the service call form

• you can select “Call history” to display the history for the caller, the caller’s dept or the caller’s company (school). You pick what you need to display. The default is the caller’s history.

• You can also select “Request history” to display the history for the request. For example, this selection will display all previous calls that have “Do you have a server product….” as the request. This is very useful to see how previous requests were solved without the need to search for previous calls.

• In addition you can select the “Item history” button (the button with the magnifying glass on the same line as “item”). This button will display the call history for the equipment associated with the call. This is very useful to see if the same piece of equipment keeps breaking down and why. Note that in NetKeeper you can assign the call to a contact, a queue or a piece of equipment.

9. Automatic tech and queue assignments and automation of alerts The tech can be automatically assigned to the case based on location, department or request type. The tech can be automatically alerted of cases or of cases of pre-defined priorities. Cases can also be assigned to queues.

10. Default Tech and Priority Assignments

A contact can be assigned a default priority and a default technician for service. When a service request is entered for the contact, the default priority and technician will be filled in on the service call form.

11. Automatic calculation of date due

The date due (service level) can be automatically calculated base on the priority of the call. The calculation takes into account working hours and holidays.

12. Attachments – Drag and Drop

NetKeeper provides the capability to attach files, documents, databases, URLs and similar objects to most screens in the program. Also, end users can attach screen shots or documents when submitting a request. The objects attached to the screens are called “Attachments”. The Attachments offer a useful way to attach information to a service request, contact or many other objects in NetKeeper. For example, you can attach a letter using a Word® document or a budget using an Excel® spreadsheet. In fact you can attach almost anything including a WEB address (a URL) to quickly reference a service bulletin or patch. Attaching WEB links is very useful when recording the location of information sources, driver references or search results.

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NetKeeper• 13

13. Unlimited notes You can add an unlimited number of very large notes to a case or any other item. The notes are also text indexed and can be searched.

14. Unlimited work orders to a service request.

You can add one or more work orders to a service request. This is useful to handle projects such as setting up a conference room where a tech will set up a projector, another will set up computers and perhaps another will set up electrical power. The to-dos (work orders can be sequenced) and you can configure the program so the service request cannot be closed until all work orders are completed.

15. Automatic case audit log

A complete log is kept of who opened, reviewed, worked, re-assigned, etc the case. This log is used to keep track of the time spent on the case and also helps to keep order in the help desk since a record is kept of who worked or re-assigned the case and when. This log cannot be changed. In addition the program can be configured so that any notes entered can only be changed by the person who entered the note or even configured so once entered the note can’t be changed at all. Automatic and extensive logs are very important to a properly managed help desk.

16. Text summaries NetKeeper can display the case, request, super case or contact information as a text file that can be directly edited. This format is very useful to view cases with many notes and a long time-line. The notes feature also support time-line events that can be searched. The extensive notes features are very useful when a request involves many calls to and from the user, supplier or tech - also useful for tracking when parts are requested. (In addition to the full PO system included)

17. Very power full inventory system to track purchased hardware, software and

other goods. An item can be assigned to more than one person (multiple shifts or multiple teachers that can use the item). The system can also track loaned items. Also, NetKeeper integrates with NetKeeper Express an automatic LAN inventory program of hardware and software in “real time”

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18. Automatic FAQ generation. The program will automatically generate WEB pages with you frequently asked questions. These pages are ready to post to your WEB. This feature alone will typically help lower the volume of calls by 15 to 30%. The FAQ generation can be made hourly, daily or at any interval. Because the program support a dual data stream your knowledgebase and you call stream are automatically merged to creat the FAQ list. The FAQ knowledge base can include hyperlinks to other sites, patches or procedure. Audio and video can also be supported.

19. Fastest data entry in the industry. - Templates

Templates are used to drag and drop entries of complex tickets. For example, use an existing request to create a template to create a call install and run a projector. Then drag and drop the template on an empty service request form. Total time to enter and save the request: about 2-3 seconds no matter how complex the request.

20. Supercases

Occasionally there are cases that involve multiple requests, multiple techs and multiple contacts in different roles. These are usually very complex requests (an entire project for example) or cases where many things have gone wrong. Management needs a tool to track these complex cases as a unit and the super case is the way to track these complex issues. You can drag and drop requests, techs and contacts into the super case form (above). Now you can track the various items as one issue.

21. Groups

Groups can be used to track participants in training courses, ,to send mass emails or in many different ways.

22. White Board

Keep your staff updated. Use the white board to announce meetings, special events or special issues such as a new virus alert. Announcements for the staff appear on the main screen of the program.

23. NetKeeper is the result of 15 years of Help Desk installations through out the world. NetKeeper is the result of years of development and feedback from our customers. NetKeeper is always evolving and always improving. We take our customers comments and requests very seriously.

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NetKeeper• 15

Installation You must have MS SQL server version 7., 2000 or above installed on your server in order to run the evaluation or MSDE (free version of SQL).

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Requirements Requirements for Installing NetKeeper SQL NetKeeper Help Desk Main Console • A basic knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server. • Microsoft Windows® 2000, 2003, XP, NT 4.0 (SR3), 9x, 9.0 Mbytes of hard disk space (to

install the entire system). There is no special RAM memory requirement other than the minimum amount of memory to run the operating system.

• A super VGA video (800 X 600 pixels) of resolution to properly display the program screens. Server

• 9M hard disk free space • Microsoft® SQL Server version 7, 2000 or better or MSDE • Virtually all network protocols are supported including older protocols.

Requirements for NetKeeper with MSDE NetKeeper will run on MSDE, a free version of SQL Server that you can download from the Microsoft WEB site, however, it is not recommended for companies running more than five seats (concurrent techs). MSDE is not an appropriate choice for larger installations.

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NetKeeper• 17

Installation from the Web The program can be installed from a CD or by downloading it from the NetKeeper Web site. You can access the download page at:

• Select NetKeeper SQL evaluation • Fill in the data form if requested • Follow the prompts and download the file • Execute the downloaded file to install the program. • Enter the password provided by the NetKeeper staff • Read the "README.DOC" file that is displayed during installation.

The "README.DOC" file contains the most up-to-date information. We suggest that you print the "README.DOC" file and save the printout with your manual. The WEB installation will first extract the SETUP.EXE installation file to an installation directory. The installation routine will ask for a password (only for files downloaded from the WEB) and extract the SETUP.EXE file. The installation routine will the automatically run the SETUP.EXE file to install the program. Enter the Registration Information The program will prompt you to enter the registration information. Please request an extension if you need more time to evaluate NetKeeper. To unlock NetKeepert, start by running the program; click "Register" when prompted. After the registration screen loads, enter the information exactly as it appears on this form. Note: If the message "Incorrect Registration" appears, click on it and enter the registration above. NetKeeper is loaded on the file server not on the workstations. There are no NetKeeper components loaded on the workstations. NetKeeper WEB and LAN components are thin client designs, installed on the server, not on the workstation to eliminate workstation conflicts and messing with your windows/system directories.

Install Help Desk in a second PC in multi-seats installations You only have to create a shortcut to nkhdcap.exe since no components are installed in the local workstation. The entire program (and DLLs) installs in the NetKeeper directory (The directory where you installed Help Desk).

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Data Replication NetKeeper has the ability to support worldwide merge data replication. Business professionals and support staff have access to all program data on portable computers or hand-helds even when they are not connected to the main database. NetKeeper enables professionals to continue working while at a customer site or when there are no connections available to the corporate WAN or WEB. Staff can continue working anywhere at any time. Link the Help Desk Database and the LAN inventory database The linking is automatic in NETKEEPER . The program can view and update the "live" data collected by NETKEEPER EXPRESS. See Utilities|Setup|Login

End User access program Provide a Menu Selection or Program Shortcut (Icon) Not included in evaluation program Reports The full version of NetKeeper has many standard reports. Not included in evaluation program NetKeeper also links to the Crystal report Writer for custom reporting.

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NetKeeper• 19

QUICK TOUR This section includes short instructions on how to run certain tasks in the evaluation version of NETKEEPER The evaluation version is an actual working copy of the program. The manual is an evaluation version of the manual. It is not the full manual. You can test drive the program, log sales opportunities, log service calls, work orders and reporting users. You can link the program to other NetKeeper programs. Try out the program on your help desk. Because it is a evaluation version, you will be able to enter only a certain amount of information. If you decide to purchase the program, you will receive a full working copy of the program and a complete manual. Any information that you have logged into the evaluation version will not be lost when you install the full working version of NetKeeper. The evaluation version also installs sample data (MSDE version). The sample data includes help desk and inventory data. Don’t erase the data until you have finished the tour or you will not be able to see all the lookup and inventory data that you can access from within NetKeeper.

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Some Important Concepts Description NetKeeper is designed for quick case entry and for the centralization of all information required to track and prioritize service calls. NetKeeper will assist you in supporting users of your products and services. The Quick Tour section will give you a quick look at NetKeeper and will show you how easy it is to enter and track your calls. The Quick Tour is organized into several objectives. Each objective describes a basic function of Netkeeper. Assignments/ Work Orders/ Tasks/ To-Dos The help desk staff assigns the calls that cannot be solved immediately to queues or to technicians. In NetKeeper tasks or work orders are called ToDos. The assignment is automatic if the contact has a pre-assigned technician. You can make an unlimited number of work orders for each request. Notes NetKeeper has free form note pad areas throughout the program. The notes can be of any length. You can add an unlimited number of notes. When a new note is created, the User ID, date and time are automatically entered by NetKeeper. The first line of the note will appear in the list box at the bottom of the Service Call form, Contact form, ToDo form or other forms in the program for easy retrieval. NetKeeper also has full text search capabilities. The text search function can perform multiple word searches and retrieve data including all notes. NetKeeper saves data in order to make use of it at a later date. The Text Search function allows you to search through various files quickly. The program can perform multiple word searches. Automation NetKeeper has some important automation features to save you time and to run an efficient help desk. Contacts can have pre-assigned technicians and default priorities. When a contact requests service, the default priority is automatically assigned to the service call and work orders. NetKeeper automatically notifies the assigned technician by e-mail or alphanumeric pager. There is also available, NetKeeper Supervisor an add-on program to further automate the NetKeeper Help desk program. NetKeeper Supervisor is a sophisticated management tool that automates many features of the help desk system. The rule’s based program controls functions such as advanced automatic call notification via e mail or paging, queue assignment and re assignment, work order escalation. See Add-Ons Quick Click Call Entry NetKeeper has the speediest call entry system in the industry. To enter a contact, simply enter a few letters of the name and double click on it with the mouse. NetKeeper will automatically retrieve the contact’s information and fill in the service call form with all the contct’s information including previous service calls, solutions, assigned inventory and even notes.

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NetKeeper• 21

Three Tiers NetKeeper is a full three-tier solution that is appropriate for internal as well as external call center support. The program is organized in these three (changeable) tiers: Organization An external company or organization Department An external or internal department to which a group of contacts are assigned Contact A contact can be an employee in your organization or an external customer. Call ID Number NetKeeper automatically assigns a unique ID number to every service call. Call Type You can define call types to represent various customer issues. Queues can be defined to handle specific call types. Help Desk Log A log of all the service calls in the system. Even though the log can be purged, it is best to maintain the log for a long period of time in order to have accurate statistics and an audit trail of actual help desk usage. White Board Announcements for the staff will appear on the main screen of the program. Announcements can be used to remind the staff of pending meetings, new product releases or new virus alerts, for example. Templates The Service Request Templates (SRT) provide a way to quickly create the most often asked requests. The SRT are used to create a new request using an existing request as a template. Any existing request can be used as the template by checking the TEMPLATE checkbox on the Service Request screen.

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Field A field is used for data entry on a form. Multiple fields create a record. In NetKeeper, fields are user customizable. Label The label defines the field. Labels are also user customizable in NetKeeper. Record A record is created when fields are filled in on a form A completed record is then displayed in a table also called a list. In NetKeeper there are various records such as: service call records, contact records, work order records.

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NetKeeper• 23

Topics Covered in the Evaluation of Customer Support

1. Start the program 2. Open a new service call form 3. Enter a simple service call

Add Work Orders & Reporting Users Select a Lead Reporting User Add Service Call Notes

4. View Notes 5. Solve a service call with SolutionsKeeper 6. Page a Tech 7. Call Wizard 8. Retrieve Work Orders from Queues 9. ToDos 10. Complete a service call 11. Print a service call and Reports 12. SuperCase

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1. Start the Program

Log In • Enter ADM and no password. The password is optional. • Click Login

You now have access to the Main Menu. The system Administrator is responsible for setting up user rights to the program. To Log Out • Select File + Exit • Exit Windows

Enter your serial number and code The NetKeeper staff will send you a serial number and a code for the program that you should enter the first time you uopen the program. Select Utilities|Setup Data|Serial Number.

Click on this icon to start NetKeeper

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NetKeeper• 25

2. Start a New Service Call

Receive a Call When a call is received, you will open a new Service Call form by selecting the service call form directly from the Main Menu. Once entered the call is listed as an open service call and assigned to a tech or a queue. Open a new Service Call There are various routes in the program that you can take to access the Service Call form. The route that you decide to use depends on the type service offered by your support center. The methods to open a call are: Click on the Service Call icon This is the direct route to the Service Call form. or Click on the Wizard icon. The Wizard leads you through the call step by step.

Select a Contact name from the Contact information form

Use the Wizard to enter a service call. The Wizard will lead you through the call entry.

Select New Service Call from the Menu Select an organization or


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3. Enter a Simple Service Call - Customer Support

There are various ways to enter a service call. The following shows you the basic operation of the Service Call form for Customer Support. You can record and solve the incoming call while the caller is on the telephone or you can create and forward a work order to a tech or a service queue. For very simple calls, just recording the problem may be enough. The Service Call form makes it unnecessary to leave the screen to access information for the call. Enter the service call • Open a New Service Call or use the Wizard • Select the name of the caller from the attached lookup list or enter a few letters of the last

name and double click. If the contact record exists, NetKeeper will fill in all the contact information. NetKeeper allows the rapid entry of service calls by using lookup lists. Use the ellipsis button (...) found next to address, to look up the company and the program will fill in the name and location information, automatically. In order to make effective use of the lookups, enter the names of your prospective reporting users when you install and set up the help desk program.

• If the name is not listed, you can enter the user information on the fly. Make sure to enter the user information in the contact list so that it will be available the next time the end user calls See Contacts and Company Lists on the Main Menu or

• Select a Company or Department

Press the top ellipsis button to select the company, name and address of the caller or the caller name and department –see Tiers in Setup Options

Or …Quick Click Enter a few letters of the contact’s last name and double click the mouse. NetKeeper will find and fill in the contact information.

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NetKeeper• 27

Support Other Sites and Departments If your support center services organizations with various sites or departments, you may want to enter the service call from the Organization list. Choose the organization or department and the contact for the department. If the contact name is not important, enter a generic title such as End User. However, we highly recommend that you capture the name of the reporting user if you are charging for your services. It is not uncommon for Accounting Departments to demand the names of callers when they dispute the amount of support time given by your organization. You can view all the service calls for the organization or department from either list. Note: NetKeeper is a 3 tier system. You can change the titles of the tiers and the selection criteria for the address field: Organization, Company and Contact. See Setup Options The Service Call form is the main data entry screen of NetKeeper. The Service Call form is your “command center”. All the information required to service a call is available on the Service Call screen. You can access information such as LAN inventory, or general inventory information, previous cases and even your own databases. You do not have to leave the Service Call screen to access the information. Find a Solution in SolutionsKeeper • Look up a solution in SolutionsKeeper (found by pressing the ellipsis button next to Request

on the Service Call Screen). Look up the solutions attached to the request in SolutionsKeeper.

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Assign the Call If you cannot solve the request immediately, assign the service call to a service queue or a technician • Assign a priority to the call. • Select the type service call, for example software, hardware, TV maintenance etc. • Click the OK button to save the case

That’s all there is to it! NetKeeper has been busy behind the scenes timing your call. NetKeeper has also saved the name of the tech who entered the call and time stamped the call. The call is now listed in the Service Call list. Technicians can select to view only their assigned calls or view the entire list of Open and Closed Calls

LAN Inventory (optional) - Real Time Integration With MIS Inventory All the inventory information tracked by NetKeeper LAN inventory (NetKeeper Express) is available in real time (no need to import the data) right on your service call screen. Because all the information resides in a database, it is available even if the user’s PC is down. NetKeeper gives you access to all the inventoried information and changes in the system as changes occur. When you select the reporting user for the service call, the program will automatically fill in the inventory and client and company information. The NetKeeper system also tracks financial and lease data, location information and history. Note: You can import LAN inventory software program data from other LAN inventory programs into NetKeeper. However, it will only be as current as the date of your last inventory. .Service Call Priorities

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NetKeeper• 29

Priorities by contact, company or service request The priority field on the Service Request Screen reflects the urgency of the service request to the help desk. The priority field will be automatically entered when you select a request, a company, a department or a contact. The program will always enter the highest pre-defined priority level. You can pre-define the contact and company priorities as defaults to be used for the service call. This is a very useful feature to automatically assign the correct priority to each service request without your help desk personnel having to keep complex notes about assigning priorities. You can also automate the priority escalation and ticket assignments with NetKeeper Supervisor, an add-on module for the program. SeeAdd-ons for information about NetKeeper Supervisor Change the Priority for the Organization To change the priority for the organization or company, select from the Main Menu Contacts|Organization|Company|Change Company Record. Change the Company priority to 3.

NetKeeper automatically enters a pre-defined priority

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TABS At the top bottom of the Service Call form there is a very unique screen that lists many different items about the service call. The Tabs allow you to enter and change the information displayed in the list box and to view all the notes and solutions that have been attached to the service call.

User Call History After you have entered the reporting user and the request you can look up the reporting user call history and the request history if data is available. To display the User Call History click on the USER CALL HISTORY Tab. All calls for the user (including the current one) will be displayed. You can select Call History to display the history of the company, department or contact. Some service desks, especially while servicing high employee turnover clients, need to display the call history for the entire Company or Department, rather than the call history for the user. See Utilities|Options|Tier Setup Request History To display the Request History, click on the REQUEST HISTORY Tab. All calls that reference the same request will be listed.

Notes, Resolutions, Solutions, To-Dos You can add notes, resolutions and solutions to the call that you used to solve the problem. NetKeeper has a free form note pad area to view, modify or add notes. To add a note to the service call, select the Notes Tab. The first line of the note will appear in the list box at the bottom of the Service Call form. You are not limited to short descriptions when entering a service call request. NetKeeper will time stamp your entry. You can add an unlimited number of notes. Many times a service call needs more than standard descriptions to explain the service request. Solutions: The solutions that you have chosen in SolutionsKeeper will appear automatically in the browse box. You can also add your own solutions. Resolutions: In many organizations, it is necessary to add resolution notes and information about how the call was completed before the call can be closed. To-Dos: One service call can generate many different “To Do” items. You can add reminders or add information to the call for a technician to complete. The first line of the item will appear on the service call. You can add many “to do” items to the call.

Run attachment

Add new item



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Attach. (Attachments) You can attach documents, files and URLs from other programs.

To attach a file, open Attachments by selecting the Add button, open Windows Explorer and select the file to attach to NetKeeper. Use the mouse to drag the file to the Attachments screen. View or Play the Attachment

Select this button to view or play the attached file.

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Service Call Menu

Some of the displayed menu selections on the Menu Bar change according to the screen that is open. There are selections that pertain to the Service Call form that are not available on the Main Menu. You can access these menu items while entering the service call. History NetKeeper gives you complete information to solve the call. User Call History Displays the previous call history for the selected contact and company so that you can give the contact the type support necessary to solve the request.

Request History Lists the call history for one request type. Asset History Lists all the previous calls that pertain to the item selected in the service request. Help Desk Log A log of the service calls in the system. Re-notify Tech Re-pages the assigned technician. This process can be automated by using NetKeeper Help Desk Supervisor. See NetKeeper Help Desk Supervisor Help Desk Log A log of all the service calls in the system. The log can be purged, however, it is best to maintain the log for a long period of time in order to have accurate statistics.

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4. Solve Service Calls as They Occur with SolutionsKeeper™

• Click on the ellipsis button next to Request on the Service Call screen to open the SolutionsKeeper screen.

• Select a request (or problem description) • Highlight your selection • Press Select

The program will list the request and description of the request on the service call screen. The selected solutions for the request will also become part of the call. The solutions are rated and listed in order of their importance for the call. When a solution or solutions are selected for the call, the program will list them on the service call screen. You will be able to view all the attached solutions for the service call by selecting the Solutions tab on the service call screen.

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To See More Request Data (+) The icon next to a request signifies that there are attached sub-topics for the request.

• Highlight the icon box and click with the mouse. The related request sub-topics will display.

• Highlight the request topic or sub-topic that defines your request. The solutions for the topic will display on the right side if the screen.

Description of Request As you highlight a Request, any available descriptions of the request will appear in the Description of Request box at the bottom of the screen. To add to the description or enter a new description, select Insert . When you select a Request for the Service Call, the description will also be selected and appear on the Service Call screen.

Use FastFind to retrieve data quickly.

Highlight and select a request.

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The objective of any help desk system is to solve user requests as quickly and as efficiently as possible. First level personnel should be able to handle all but the most complicated calls. By using NetKeeper’s unique SolutionsKeeper™ feature, the knowledge tree that will grow more useful the more that it is used, you will be able to resolve many service calls and problems as you enter the call. The more calls that you solve immediately means the more efficiently your help desk will function. SolutionsKeeper’s unique design allows you to retrieve a vast amount of information quickly. SolutionsKeeper automatically saves each solution that was applied to a request. The same solution can be attached to several requests. Once you have selected a solution for the call, you can rate its effectiveness. You can change the rating at any time. By rating the solutions, you are effortlessly teaching SolutionsKeeper your knowledge and creating a useful knowledge base for the help desk. The solutions are listed so that the most often used or most highly rated solutions appear at the top of the list. The more you use SolutionsKeeper, the more pertinent and valuable the solutions and information in it will become for your company. You can select a standard request from the request list. SolutionsKeeper will list the most likely solutions for the request and automatically link them to the call. In this way, you can give the reporting user the information needed to solve the service call problem, immediately. SolutionsKeeper will automatically learn each solution that was applied to a request.

Solutions A list of all the solutions that are in the system are displayed in a tree. The system will automatically create a matching Category/ Sub Category in the Solutions tree for every corresponding entry in the Requests tree. The most highly rated solutions appear at the top of the list. The more you use SolutionsKeeper, the more pertinent and valuable the solutions and information in it will become for your company. There is an icon next to each solution, for example a face, a floppy disk, a piece of paper. The icons tell you where each solution was found. • The face means that the solution was given by a user or a staff member. • The piece of paper means that it was found in a book or article. • Musical note - Audio clip • Camera - Video clip Date The date that the solution was first entered into the database, the name of the person or article and the rating of the solution are also noted.

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5. Page a Tech

You can send an alphanumeric page to any help desk tech from any station on your network. You do not need a modem at your workstation to send the page. This feature is not available in the evaluation version

Comm Requests – Communications Requests

NetKeeper E-Mail Server and alphanumeric Paging Server will check for new Service Calls on one or more NetKeeper help desks. The program sends e-mail or paging messages to the assigned technician or technicians if the calls are of sufficient priority and you have enabled e-mail and paging. These can be messages that the help desk staff have generated as alpha numeric pages or e-mail while entering service calls into the help desk.

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6. Use the Wizard - Optional

You can select the Wizard to enter a new service call or you can use the service call form. The result will be the same. The Wizard will guide you through the call step by step. Upon completion, you will have all the information filled in on the service call form. You may find it an easy way to fill in the caller’s information while on the phone. • Select the Wizard from the Menu Bar. Once you have finished all the entries, you will have the completed service call form. You can add notes and To Do’s and more information to complete the call if necessary.

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7. Queues - How to Retrieve Work Orders

When work orders are created from the service call or when independent work orders are made, they should be assigned to queues such as installation queue, software training queue etc. Work Orders can be assigned to a queue without being assigned to a technician. The queue lists the work orders so that the work orders with the highest priority are at the top of the list for each technician. Open work orders can be selected by technicians according to skill level so that all jobs are completed quickly and efficiently. One a work order has been completed. The technician can close the work order. It will appear as closed on the queue list. Access the queues To see all the queues, select Queues found under Service Calls on the Menu Bar or use the Icon button. This is useful for picking up unassigned work orders. Access a queue You can access your own queue from the Main Menu by selecting the Icon Button. Each technician should have an assigned default queue. The default queue for one technician displays only the work orders that have been assigned to the technician. Note You can have any number of names listed in the Support Person list. However, the number of support staff who can logged into the program simultaneously is limited by the number of seats i.e. number of licenses that your organization has acquired To set a default queue, select Support Personnel under Lookups on the Main Menu. Select a support person name and select the default queue. Assign a Work Order to a Queue A work order can be assigned to a queue from the Service Call screen or from the Work Order screen. On the Service Call screen, you can assign a queue to only the lead work order in other words the original work order. All other work orders listed in the service call are not assigned to a queue on the Service Call screen. To assign the remaining work orders to queues, select Work Orders on the Menu Bar and open the work orders that need queue assignments.

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8. To-Do’s and Your To-Do’s (Work Orders and Tasks)

When you have many calls coming in during the day, you will find it very handy to be able to add reminders for yourself as well as assign tasks while entering the service call or the Supercase. You can also add tasks directly to the To Do list. To Dos are tasks and reminders of things to do such as service requests, work orders, updates to be sent, follow-up call to be made etc. Color Coding Color coded due dates show items that are due, overdue or pending. The dates will appear in colors: yellow - today’s date, green - pending, red - overdue and blue - no assigned date. Change the Sort Order You can change the sort order of the To-Do list so that you can group your To-Do’s, for example: select Type. The type To-Do’s can be e-mail, work orders, calls etc. You can define the type To-Do’s in program Options. By sorting by Type, you can do all your e-mails at once or all your calls at one time Administrative Actions All ToDos Only the Administrator has full access to the program and to Administrative Actions. The Administrator can view, change and close all ToDos in the system. Other members of the staff cannot access Administrative Actions. The Administrator has rights to the complete To-Do list. Each person with access to the program can view only his or her own To Do list. The “To Do” list that you see consists of your own reminders.

Color coded due dates show items that are due, overdue or pending.

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9. Service and Complete a Call - Feedback and Options Service the Call While servicing the call, the Help Desk staff has access to many information sources. The information sources available can include NetKeeper Asset Manager programs, CD-ROM data or other sources! NetKeeper has both external and internal links. Once the call has been completed and all the work orders closed, you will want some feedback to determine the efficiency of your help desk. You will also want to print reports containing the feedback information.

Complete the Call As long as the call remains open, you can access the service call form to modify and update the call.

• Select at the Service Call list and press the Change button. • Once, you are sure that the call has been completed, select Close Case located under

File on the Title Bar. All the information that you have logged in entering and serviceing the call will be available to calculate your Help Desk response time and other statistics. Congratulations You have just logged your first call and completed the call.

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10. Print a Service Call You can print the service calls as well as the many pre-defined standard reports that are included with the NetKeeper. These reports can be used as designed or can be modified and customized by using the Crystal Report Writer. The instructions to modify the reports are included in NetKeeper. Custom Reports You can also make custom reports or to changes to the service call or work order forms by using the Crystal Report Writer. Once you have created your reports, you can list the available reports on the Reports list in NetKeeper for easy access. Report Help and Training The Crystal Report Writer is one of the most popular and powerful report writers available. The report writer is not only useful for writing NetKeeper reports but also for many other programs in your organization. We recommend that at least one member of your staff become proficient in writing reports using the Crystal Report Writer. There are many resources as well as courses available to help you use the Crystal Report Writer effectively. This link offers sample Crystal Reports Some online resources: Training and Consulting

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11. SuperCases

SuperCase is a managerial tool to organize and track related requests, people, tasks and resources. Supercase can also be used for Project Management. Supercase is very useful when tracking complex cases or cases where multiple sources of information as well as old or new, closed or open requests need to be tracked together. To make a Supercase from a service call, check the Supercase checkbox on the service call form Super case does not replace the individual case history, which is also available. The super case enables the grouping of related information from the NetKeeper database or other sources. SuperCase also groups all staff, customer contacts, external parties and events that are related to the case. SuperCase tracks each person’s involvement or function in the context of the Super Case. The same staff person or company contact can be associated with more than one super case and the same request can be associated to multiple super cases. Case Log The case log maintains an audit trail of all actions and events related to the highlighted case.

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Open a Supercase form to add a new super case or to update an existing super case. Supercase unites service calls, to-dos, contacts and staff with a common issue. The form is similar to the service call form and functions in the same way. Select the type for the case. You can define the case types in the Type lookup. MENU SELECTIONS

The Supercase form has two unique menu selections Re-notify Tech The program will ask you if you want to exit the screen to re-send pages and e-mails. Select Yes to re-send messages. Case Work Log The case log maintains an audit trail of all actions and events related to the case.

Re-notify Tech Case Work Log

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CONTACTS In most organizations, it is important to track contact and company information. You will make use of the contact information while entering service calls. NetKeeper has import facilities to make it easy for you to import this information.

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The Organization list is comprised of three lists grouped together as one easy to use list. The Organization list lets you view the company and all the contacts related to the company. Netkeeper’s highly versatile 3-tier design allows you to service many organizations, departments and contacts. If you use the program for internal support, then you can keep track of all your co-workers in the contact list. Company List The Company List is comprised of all the companies and prospective organizations supported by you. This list is used for support and for Sales and Business Development in NetKeeper CRM. NetKeeper tracks customers from the time they are prospects through the sales cycle to purchasing and support. Contacts / Department You can add any number of contact names to a listed company. Enter the company name and the department first then the contact information. Each contact name can have a different address, different site information and phone number. If you use the Company List for call center operations, you will appreciate the program’s easy access to the contact information. You can also view all the service calls, resolutions, etc., for a company or for a department within a company. You have a complete history of all the service activities for every organization that you service.

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Summary Lists all the activities such as service calls and notes related to the selected name.

View Source Double click with the mouse to view the source and complete record of an entry in the summary. Query Performs a query to quickly find a service call or contact or other information. Create a query to display a subset of entries. Copy Row Use to copy a row. This is a quick and easy way to add a contact to an organization. Simply change the name on the newly created form since the address and much of the contact information remains the same.

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Contact Information

The help desk uses the Contact form to access information about the customerwhen entering a service call. The Sale’s and Marketing staffs use the contact information for sale’s leads. Note You must enter a last name for the contact. The program will not accept the data without a last name. Priority Select the default priority to be used for service for this contact. When the contact name is selected for the service call, the contact’s pre-defined priority will be entered in the call. Groups and Keywords Keywords to describe the contact can be used in Groups for mass e-mails, for participants in courses or in any way that you chose to define them.

Select a company for the contact or detach contact from the company.

Use to copy the name and address to a Word or other document

Use keywords to define contact See Groups and Keywords

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Business Development The sales and management teams use the Business Development module to create and follow sales leads and turn them into sales. NetKeeper unites all help desk and sales activities to develop a complete “picture” of the customer. Today, all members of the team sales, support and management must be able to stay in constant communication with one another. The ability to share data among members is crucial. NetKeeper CRM and NetKeeper Internet extend the reach of the sale’s team to include inside and remote users and business contacts. The sale’s staff is never out of touch with the company. NetKeeper provides a complete picture of sales activities for the Business Development team. With NetKeeper, the staff can target prospects, generate leads, create and execute marketing campaigns, manage opportunities and contacts, anticipate customer needs and save time. The next logical step for the traditional help desk/CRM center is to move to incorporate more customer marketing and sales capabilities for the development of Business opportunities. NetKeeper enables organizations not only to provide superior CRM services but also to support business development opportunities. NetKeeper creates a closed loop seamless flow of information from customer service and support to business development, marketing and sales.

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The BDM Console (Business Development Management) Track and maintain all information surrounding sales and business opportunities.

The Management and Sales staff uses the Business Development Console to centralize all the activities necessary to develop and maintain a business. The sale’s staff has access on one screen to all the information necessary to develop sales from leads, appointments, and new opportunities and “ToDos”. The help desk is the front end of an organization. Often the call center staff is the first to become aware of potential problems, customer feedback and business and sale’s opportunities. It is important to relay the information gathered by the help desk staff to the Business Management team. NetKeeper empowers staff at every level with up-to-the-minute information and in-depth customer and product knowledge for quick and accurate problem resolution and greater sales and marketing opportunities. The program provides an innovative and practical BDC (Business Development Console) that keeps all the resources necessary to run an effective business in one program and on one screen. Business opportunities, contacts, sales leads, appointments, follow-ups, customer service and support histories as well as WEB links, screen captures, documents and other important items are all easy to access. NetKeeper unites business development, customer relations and support all in one program.

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Operation The BDM Console consists of six lists on one screen. The BDM Console unites all the information needed to manage business activities. Each staff member has individual access to only his/her assigned information. The lists on the BDM Console function the same as any other lists in the program. Place the mouse on a selection. Right mouse click to open the operation menu. See Lists in the General Operations for more information.

Appointments View appointments for today only or all your appointments. To-Dos To-Dos entered by you or by others for you from the contact form or the service call form. Opportunities Recorded sales opportunities from Business Opportunities that have been assigned to you.

Important Items Important items from Appointments, To-Dos, Notes, Opportunities or Attachments Keep the most important items in this list as a way to quickly retrieve them.

• To add an item to the Important Items list: • Select an item from any of the other lists on the screen • Drag the item with the mouse to the Important Items list. • Right mouse click to view.

Attachments Open Windows Explorer to select a file. Use the mouse to drag the file into the Attachments list in the NetKeeper BDM console. You can attach items such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and video clips

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Sales Pipeline Track the Status of Your Sales Pipeline

The Sales Pipeline gives the sales staff and management an overview of the sales process from beginning to end. It helps them visualize the actions that have been taken and need to be taken to close the sale. Sales leads are less likely to fall through the cracks. It is an important tool for the development of sales and should be monitored closely. The entire sales process becomes more effective. The Sales Pipeline helps qualify leads and saves the field reps from wasting time with client meetings that are much less likely to generate revenue. A well-managed, dedicated sales development team can keep your sales pipeline full of highly qualified leads. Highlight the amount of new business that started with a sales development call. The Sales Pipeline displays all sales opportunities grouped by sales stage. Each column represents a different stage. You can define the stages for your organization. See Utilities|File Maintenance The screen header indicates the total number of sales opportunities and the type of filtering enabled. The column headers indicate the number of sales opportunities for the Sales Stage and the name of the Sales Stage. The Sales Opportunities are sorted alphabetically within each column. Double clicking on any item displays the Sales Opportunity detail. The exclamation icon next to the display name indicates that the Opportunity is more important. The icon is controlled by the “Is Important” check box in the Opportunity Data screen. Filtering By default the screen displays all Opportunities. To limit the list to Opportunities for just one BizDev person:

• Check the “Filter by Initials” check box • Enter the user’s initials • Click REFRESH

Print the Screen data Right mouse click on the screen Select Output Select Print All Send the data to an Excel spreadsheet Right mouse click on the screen Select Output Select Export to ASCII See Advanced TopicsBusiness Opportunities

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Assign and Develop Leads

The technical, sales and management staff can enter Business Opportunities as they occur. Often help desk staff and field technicians become aware of prospective sales and leads or customer concerns and potential problems while servicing the customer. Sales staff and Management can enter prospective sales leads as they update their customer contact files. The opportunity will display on the Sale’s Pipeline screen when you select the stage of development for the opportunity for example: new, evaluating, purchasing.

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QE (Quick Entry) Business Ops

The Sales staff will appreciate the QE screen. Information can be entered or updated quickly and “on the fly” in the office or from remote locations using the Internet. This is most convenient for entering information while on the road.

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PURCHASE ORDERS NetKeeper has a complete purchase order system to create purchase orders, to print purchase orders either with the included form or on your own pre printed form, to control receipts and record and to assign items to end users.

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Create and Track Purchase Orders

Creating purchase orders has never been easier. The purchase order screen looks like a standard purchase order form. NetKeeper allows the entry of unlimited line items in each purchase order. The purchase order form links to inventory and will move receipts to inventory automatically. Record receipts, even partial receipts with the press of a button. Inventory recording is automatic if you selected items from the catalog when you made the purchase order. If you made a purchase order without selecting recorded items, you will have to enter them into the catalog when they are received.

Unlimited line items Select items from NetKeeper’s electronic catalog.

Automatic movement of received items to inventory (even partial receipts)

Keep list of vendors for easy entry

Allows sale’s tax of up to four digits.

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Fill in a Purchase Order Form • Select a name from the attached contact list or enter a name • Enter all other required information • Select the Add a New Line Item button next to the line items box

• Press the Item Number button • Select an item from the catalog Important Inventory recording is automatic if you selected items from the catalog when you made the purchase order. If you made a purchase order without selecting recorded items, the item will not move to inventory automatically and you will not be able to assign the asset to an end user. You should take the time initially to enter the vendor information and the item in the Catalog.

• Enter the quantity and price if not already recorded

Press the Item Number button to select an item from the NetKeeper electronic catalog.

Open or reopen a line item on the purchase order or delete a line.

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• Select the Bill To and Ship To addresses Tab. You can set defaults for Bill To and Ship To addresses. See SetUp Options

• Return to the purchase order form • Add comments and notes - comments can be attached to each line • Press OK

NetKeeper will fill in the Manufacturer’s part number, cost and description and calculate the extended cost for you. Continue to add as many line items as you need for your purchase order.

• Enter Tax and shipping charges. You can enter the sale’s tax or you can set a default value in

Options. • The total for the purchase order is calculated by NetKeeper • Press the Print PO button.

That’s all there is to it. You can use the purchase order form in the program or print to your own purchase order form.

PO Comments The comments will not be included on the purchase order when printed. If you would like the comments printed on the purchase order, you can modify the purchase order form using the custom report writer.

Notes The notes that you enter here will not print on the purchase order. They are for internal use only.

You can set default Bill To and Ship To address. See Setup Options.

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Enter a New Item in the Catalog While Making a Purchase Order • Select Add a New Line Item button • Select Item Number button to open the Catalog • Press Insert to fill in the information about the item • Press Select Catalog Item

Receive Line Items As items are received, you can record them on the purchase order form. Receipts can be partial or complete. Select either button.

The receipts are also recorded in the company inventory as assets (if you selected the item from the item catalog when you made the purchase order). With very little effort, you can

Press the Item Number button to select an item from the NetKeeper electronic catalog or to add a new item to the catalog.

Partial receipt Enter the quantity received

Press Receive Item to transfer to inventory.

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Inventory Add and Find - Using the Catalog

You can view the company catalog of vendors and items that are approved for purchase at your site. Once the item is acquired, it becomes an asset and is assigned to the purchaser or employee.

Select Inventory on the Main Menu or access the inventory from the purchase order screen and use the list of items to fill in a purchase order.

Movement of Inventory is Automatic NetKeeper makes inventory movement from purchase order receipts to inventory automatic. You can then assign each received item as an asset to the end user for service and support.

Items in the catalog that can be purchased for the

Company assets Items that have been acquired by the company

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Advanced Topics There are many setup options and configurations for NetKeeper. The evaluation manual includes only a short overview of some of these options as an introduction to these advanced features.

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Set Up Staff Access Select Service Calls|Staff Members from the Main Menu to enter the names of the rest of the staff and the rights to the program. The evaluation version limits access to the program to two concurrent techs. Only the administrator has rights to enter new names. Tip Make sure that the initials for each support person are unique. Set up security The Administrator has access to the whole program to limit access rights to the program for the staff in order to maintain control of the database.

Use this screen to set up security rights for each help desk technician. You can limit access and actions for different sections of the program. You do not have to give the same rights to all technicians.

NetKeeper has screen level security levels. Select Utilities from the main menu for more information on security options.

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Setup Options Before you start entering calls, it is important to set up the options to customize the program for your organization. NetKeeper is highly customizable and can be set up for many different types of support. See Utilities|Setup Data to select the options you want to use.


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Customize Screens, Toolbar You can customize almost any screen in NetKeeper, rename fields, change their size or format, move them or hide them. You can also change the help message and tool tips and customize lists and forms. Customize a screen 1. Log in as Administrator 2. Select Utilities|Setup Data|Global Options 3. Verify that the "Prevent user screen changes" is not checked on the Setup tab 4. Close the Global Options screen 5. Open the screen you want to customize 6. Select the field to be changed 7. Place the cursor and click on the field you want to modify. 8. Press Ctrl_S (Press and hold the control key and press the S key) to display the Customize Window 9. Change one or more of the field attributes (only valid attributes are enabled) 10. Click OK to save the changes. Undo changes 1. Select the field as above 2. Press Ctrl_S (Press and hold the control key and press the S key) to display the Customize Window 3. From the Screen Builder menu select FIELD DEFAULTS Undo changes made to a screen 1. Select any field on the screen 2. Press Ctrl_S (Press and hold the control key and press the S key) to display the Customize Window 3. From the Screen Builder menu select SCREEN DEFAULTS Note: If a screen does not work properly or "looks funny", you may have to re-do or fix your changes to the screen. To check how the screen looks without your changes: 1- Log in as Administrator 2- Select Setup Data from the Utilities menu 3- Check the "Prevent user screen changes" option on the Setup tab 4- Click OK to close and save the Global Options screen 5- Open the screen. Don't forget to uncheck the "Prevent user screen changes" option to re-enable your changes.

Label the Field Enter the name (title) for the field. Select “hide” if you do not want the name to appear on the screen.

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Ctrl_S NetKeeper is highly customizable. You can change or hide the label of the field, tab, button or change the position of any controls on the screen. Use Ctrl_S to change the label and the format of a field or to hide the field. Point the mouse at the field and press Ctrl_S. Customize Toolbar - Screen builder enhancements You can reposition or remove the toolbar buttons on the NetKeeper Console using the CTRL_S screen builder command. SET TAB ORDER SCREEN Control Types The types of controls found on the forms are: String, Tab, Prompt, Text, Button, Entry, List, Combo Change the Order of the Controls

Change the order of the controls by using the up and down arrows. or the tabs can be hidden. User Defined Fields Most forms have User Defined Fields that the Administrator can set up to track information that otherwise would not be available in the program. Use Ctrl_S to open the selected User Defined Field.

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Top Requests - Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions) Netkeeper’s SolutionsKeeper automatically compiles the top requests into your help desk. You can compile the top 10 (or top 100) requests to a printed report, to a graph or to WEB pages. The WEB pages can then be posted on your intranet or on the Internet that end users and the staff have access to the requests and solutions. The Top 10 Requests Report will scan all service requests (or a range of service requests) to compile the top requests report. Requests that were not selected from SolutionsKeeper when a service call is entered are considered "miscellaneous requests" since they are not linked to a standard request. WEB Pages The program can automatically generate WEB pages for important functions, such as TOP 10 Requests. The WEB pages are placed in the HTML subdirectory of the directory (folder) where you installed NetKeeper. The resulting WEB pages can be copied to your WEB site and published to your intranet users or to the entire world. The generated WEB pages use standard HTML and should operate correctly in virtually any modern WEB browser. A person with reasonable HTML (the language of most WEB pages) knowledge can modify the generated WEB pages or the template files to match existing WEB pages. Graphs An easy way to track the top service requests to your help desk is to make a graph. Select Reports|Top Requests Not available in the evaluation version Automatic Mail Merge to create merged documents Automatic Mail Merge enables a way to automatically pre fill mail merge documents created with Microsoft® Word. Automatic Mail Merge is very useful to create repetitive documents that will extract data from several tables in the NetKeeper database. Automatic Mail Merge does not replace the Mail Merge features in MS Word but complements the features so you can pre-fill documents from the NetKeeper database. Send List Data to Excel You can export data to Excel from most NetKeeper lists. The program will send to Excel the data listed on screen. You can set filters to the on screen data or rearrange the columns before you send the data to Excel. The program exports the data to a comma-delimited file then calls Excel (or your default spreadsheet) to display the data.

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Add-On Modules and Services NetKeeper is a modular system. You can add other NetKeeper programs at any time. NetKeeper modules enhance the help desk with automation tools to deliver greater productivity and value.

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NetKeeper Help Desk Supervisor A sophisticated management tool that automates many features of the help desk system to relieve many of the ordinary tasks of the help desk and to speed up the delivery of optimum service. It is a rule’s based program that controls functions such as automatic call notification via e mail or paging for queue assignment and re assignment, work order escalation, changes in priorities. NetKeeper HD Mail SQL An automated incoming e-mail processing program, NetKeeper HD Mail creates service requests or sales requests from end user e-mails. The system notifies staff via e-mail or alphanumeric paging when service requests with predefined high priorities are received. New service requests entered via NetKeeper HD Mail process in the same manner as service requests entered by a tech, or by a user via the Internet. NetKeeper HD Mail attaches the entire e-mail message in the user's own words to service calls created by the HD Mail program. NetKeeper HD Mail Pro SQL All the functionality of NetKeeper HD Mail plus NetKeeper HD Mail Pro parses the messages into the service call or contact form's fields. Service requests created by the program display in NetKeeper CRM and Help Desk programs just as if the help desk staff had entered them. If the proper information is available, the system will automatically attach the service request to the correct account. NetKeeper Internet End User Portal NetKeeper Internet reduces support time and enables staff to optimize service to end-users. The main help desk experiences diminished telephone traffic, reduction in costs and increased customer satisfaction. NetKeeper Internet is available 24 hours a day, 7days a week and allows help desks, even with limited staff, to handle increases in service request volume that can occur during peak times. This fully customizable, fully integrated portal allows you to give the portal the “look and feel” of your Web site. End users or customers can enter and follow the progress of service requests and access SolutionsKeeper or the automatic Top 10 'FAQ' for answers to their questions for self-service through the Internet or Intranet.

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NetKeeper Internet Tech Portal By using the Tech Portal, technicians will no longer feel disconnected from the office. The technicians know that the information is complete, accurate and timely. The NetKeeper Tech portal eliminates any insecurity about customer relations and enables the technicians to provide highly productive and dynamic customer support. Positive customer relations often translate into the strongest marketing tool.. Technicians have access via the Internet to update and close service calls. Technicians can work in the field to service customers. The program will synchronize the data that technicians have entered while off-line once they access the program again. NetKeeper Express NetKeeper Express is fully integrated in “real time” with NetKeeper Help Desk and NetKeeper CRM. NetKeeper Express audits hardware, software across the LAN or WAN. The program also audits stand alones. The program also integrates with NetKeeper bar-code and directly populates NetKeeper with inventory data making it available to the staff for service and support. Active Directory Integration (Integrates with Microsoft Active Directory and/or LDAP to automate population of user and technical information. NetKeeper RMA Modules for NetKeeper CRM NetKeeper PDF integration Request information Services Training and Consulting On site courses and consulting services by Multima staff are available. Customization NetKeeper is a highly customizable program that does not require any special programming skills. Multima Corporation offers program customization services for those customers who wish to save time or have special custom requirements.

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NetKeeper Comparison Chart

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Enterprise Captain

SQL Captain



A fully integrated ready to use system right out of the box, deploys rapidly

Yes Yes Yes

Multiple independent service desks for use in other departments or multi-site installations

Yes Yes

Provides single view of customer from sales lead to purchase to help desk support


Business, sales lead development to improve sales efficiency Yes

Supports multi-message campaigns Yes

Thin client design- installs only on the server for easy maintenance Yes Yes Yes

True multi user, multi tasking program. Yes Yes Yes

Allows update and addition or changes to records while the help desk is in full operation

Yes Yes Yes

Modular and scalable system Yes Yes


Quick click - One click call entry - enter partial name or company: Retrieves complete contact information

Yes Yes

Customizable Sales Pipeline Yes

Reduces support time - One screen easy access to all information:contacts, previous calls, assigned inventory etc.

Yes Yes Yes

Project management Yes

Unlimited customers per contact Yes

Full, definable three tier system - organization, departments, contacts - customizable tiers

Yes Yes Yes

Customer management features such as training, updates or company mailing list and more.

Yes Yes

Active Directory/Exchange integration Yes Yes

White board for internal announcements Yes Yes

Supports multiple site replication Yes Yes

Tracks assets and movement of assets Yes Yes Yes

Multi-level security - Advanced security options to control access screen by screen to the database for each staff member

Yes Yes

"Drag and drop" or easily add file attachments, graphs, hyperlinks, documents

Yes Yes

Data export to Excel and HTML Yes Yes

Outlook integration Yes Yes

Complete Service Call Management

Manages high call volume quickly and easily Yes Yes Yes

Maintains a complete call log for each contact of calls, solutions, Yes Yes Yes

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work orders, assigned staff and more

Tracks all service requests Yes Yes Yes

One click quick access to solutions for service calls Yes Yes Yes

Text indexed database, keyword and Boolean search Yes Yes

Optional call assignment to equipment instead of caller Yes Yes

Fastsearch - text, keyword search for service calls, solutions and more

Yes Yes Yes

Administrator control bridge Yes Yes

Customizable fields, screens including lists Yes Yes

User definable fields Yes Yes Yes

Builds meaningful statistics of all calls Yes Yes Yes

Fully integrated with inventory, LAN audit information, user information

Yes Yes Yes

Tracks equipment history, location changes, tax, leasing and purchase information

Yes Yes Yes

Tracks equipment and parts costs and charge back rates for work orders

Yes Yes Yes

Tracks product history for external support Yes Yes

Pre-defined default priorities for customers, end users and organizations

Yes Yes

Automatically calculates due date based pre-defined priority Yes Yes

Automatic escalation, priority and re-assignment rules Yes Add-on

Automatic ticket creation from e-mail Yes Yes

Contact Management

Tracks contacts by company, site or department Yes Yes Yes

Groups contacts in one or more mailing, training, call back, etc lists.

Yes Yes Yes

Classifies your customers by one or more keywords. Yes Yes Yes

Automatically tracks and retrieves notes, To Do’s, service calls, products and training.

Yes Yes Yes

Tracks customer satisfaction . Feedback for training options, equipment needs and more.

Yes Yes Yes

Internet End User Portal - the Self Service Help Desk LAN portal is included in all products

Yes add-on

Handles and responds to a high volume of service requests. Yes Yes

Takes pressure off the help desk staff. Lets reporting users enter, watch the progress of their calls and look up solutions.

Yes Yes

"Free form" service request entry Yes Yes

Configurable and customizable Yes Yes

Automatic work order creation and tech notification Yes Yes

End user access to SolutionsKeeper for self service and Top FAQs Yes Yes

Tech Internet Portal

Techs have access to the help desk to service, enter and close calls

Yes add-on

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Techs can access SolutionsKeeper Yes Yes

Knowledge Management SolutionsKeeper - knowledge tree Yes Yes

Automatically generates Web pages with SolutionsKeeper data for techs and customers

Yes Yes

Automatically generates different Web pages for customer and tech access

Yes Yes

Automatically generates Top FAQs to Web Yes Yes

LAN Inventory - NETKEEPER EXPRESS Displays LAN inventory in "real time" for easy access on service call and contact forms

Yes Yes Yes

Automatic Dialer NetKeeper will dial the customer for you.

Yes Yes Yes

Purchase Order with Inventory control Yes Yes Yes

Easy access to all purchase orders and tax and leasing information Yes Yes Yes

Tracks pending & closed purchase orders Yes Yes Yes

Builds searchable purchasing history Yes Yes Yes

Customizable form - add company logo

Automatically moves received items (even partial receipts) to inventory

Yes Yes Yes

Allows entry of new vendors & items while creating PO's Yes Yes Yes

Unlimited line item entries on purchase orders Yes Yes Yes

Maintains vendor information and vendor inventory Yes Yes Yes

Assigns assets to contacts Yes Yes Yes

Tech Notification E-Mail & Paging Yes Yes Yes

Easy to set up and use paging system and e-mail system Yes Yes Yes

Automatically pages or e-mails the assigned technician Yes Yes Yes

Activates when a call of predefined priority is entered Yes Yes

Requires only one modem for the entire NetKeeper paging system. Yes Yes Yes

Send alphanumeric pages from any computer on the LAN Yes Yes Yes


Groups service issues, contacts, technicians into one case - Used for project management


Issue Tracking Yes Yes

Tracks issues Yes Yes

Tracks products by version numbers Yes Yes


Standard reports and graphs for service calls, work orders, purchase orders, customer information, customer satisfaction, inventory.

Yes Yes Yes

Fully customizable reports with powerful report writer using any fields in the program.

Yes Yes

View reports via Web Yes Yes

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