Critical Data Elements

Critical Data Elements Grade Code Three Digit Code Differentiates General Education, Special Education and Team Teaching students. Grade Level Two Digit Code Based on the students age and at what level they are to be tested. Special Education and General Education students can have the same Grade Level. Official Class Three Digit Code Created by the school. Can be named anything. IE: 701 for the first 7 th Grade Official Class. Closely linked to three digit student Grade Codes.


Critical Data Elements. Grade Code. Grade Level. Official Class. Three Digit Code Differentiates General Education, Special Education and Team Teaching students. Two Digit Code Based on the students age and at what level they are to be tested. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Critical Data Elements

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Critical Data ElementsCritical Data Elements

Grade CodeGrade Code

•Three Digit Code

•Differentiates General Education, Special Education and Team Teaching students.

Grade LevelGrade Level

•Two Digit Code

•Based on the students age and at what level they are to be tested.

•Special Education and General Education students can have the same Grade Level.

Official ClassOfficial Class

•Three Digit Code

•Created by the school.

•Can be named anything. IE: 701 for the first 7th Grade Official Class.

•Closely linked to three digit student Grade Codes.

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ATS Grade CodesATS Grade Codes

•General Education and Special Education students have different Grade Codes.

•Similarly, Self-Contained Special Education and Team Teaching Special Education students have different Grade Codes.

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ATS Grade CodesATS Grade Codes

•General Education Grade Codes end in “0”.

•Special Education Self-Contained Grade Codes begin with “9”

•Team Teaching Grade Codes end in “9”.

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Special Education Grade CodesSpecial Education Grade Codes

•A students Grade Code determines what type of Self-Contained Special Education class they should be placed in.

Self-Contained Classes Self-Contained Classes

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODCurrent Class Data Add / Change ScreenCurrent Class Data Add / Change Screen

ATS Function used to create and modify Official Classes.

Determines what students of what grade are allowed in a class.

Creates the link between the ATS Official Class and the CAP Class Code.

Determines the maximum register for each class.

Used by city wide placement officers to assign seats.

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODCurrent Class Data Add / Change ScreenCurrent Class Data Add / Change Screen

Created by the School

General Ed, Special Ed or Team Teaching

Multiple Grade Codes are allowed. In Team Teaching two Grade Codes are entered, one General Ed and one Team Teaching Grade Code.

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODCurrent Class Data Add / Change ScreenCurrent Class Data Add / Change Screen

Created by the School

General Ed, Special Ed or Team Teaching

Creates the link between ATS and CAP

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODLink Teacher to ATS Official ClassLink Teacher to ATS Official Class

Use beginning of last name to search for a teacher

F5 to Search for Teachers

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODLink Teacher to ATS Official ClassLink Teacher to ATS Official Class

F2 to Select teacher


Use the TAB key to move your cursor next to Teacher

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•CAP Class Codes are three characters. A letter followed by two numbers.

•The ATS Grade Code used when creating an Official Class (CMOD) determines the CAP Class Code used.

•CAP Class Code entered on the CMOD screen should match the CAP Class Code assigned by the CSE.

•Elementary/Middle Schools CAN NOT have two Official Classes with the SAME CAP Code.

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Self-Contained Special Education classes have a range of CAP Class Codes depending on the ATS Grade Code used in the CMOD screen. For example, the FIRST Self-Contained Special Education class in an Elementary/Secondary School with ATS Grade Code 951 or 961 will have a CAP Class Code of E01. The SECOND class created with these Grade Codes would have a CAP Class Code of E02.

Self-Contained Special EducationSelf-Contained Special Education

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•Team Teaching ATS Grade Codes (ending in 9) have a CAP Class Code starting with T followed by a two digit number.

•A schools first Team Teaching class created will have a CAP Class Code of T01. The second will have a CAP Class Code of T02, and so on.

For example:

•The first Team Teaching class created by a school, a 6th Grade Team Teaching class, would have a CAP Class Code of T01.

•The second Team Teaching class created, a 7th Grade Team Teaching class would have a CAP Class Code of T02.

Team Teaching Special EducationTeam Teaching Special Education

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODGeneral Education Official ClassGeneral Education Official Class

Created by the School

General Ed Grade Code (Ends in a 0)

No CAP Code for General Ed Classes

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODSpecial Education Official ClassSpecial Education Official Class

Created by the School

Special Ed Grade Code (Begins in 9)

CAP Code for Self-Contained Special Ed Official Class

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ATS FUNCTION: CMODATS FUNCTION: CMODTeam Teaching Official ClassTeam Teaching Official Class

Created by the School

Team Teaching Grade Code along with General Ed Grade Code

CAP Code for Team Teaching Special Ed Official Class