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    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis

    For the Third International Consensus Definitions

    for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3)

    Christopher W. Seymour, MD, MSc; Vincent X. Liu, MD, MSc; Theodore J.Iwashyna,MD, PhD; FrankM. Brunkhorst, MD;Thomas D.Rea,MD, MPH;

    AndréScherag, PhD;Gordon Rubenfeld,MD, MSc;JeremyM. Kahn, MD,MSc; Manu Shankar-Hari, MD,MSc; Mervyn Singer, MD,FRCP;

    CliffordS. Deutschman, MD, MS; Gabriel J.Escobar, MD;Derek C.Angus, MD, MPH

    IMPORTANCE  The Third InternationalConsensus Definitions Task Force defined sepsis

    as “life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated hostresponse to infection.”

    Theperformanceof clinical criteria forthis sepsisdefinition is unknown.

    OBJECTIVE  To evaluate the validity of clinical criteria to identify patients with suspected

    infectionwho are at risk of sepsis.

    DESIGN, SETTINGS, AND POPULATION  Among1.3 million electronichealth record encounters

    from January 1, 2010, to December 31,2012, at 12 hospitalsin southwesternPennsylvania, we

    identified those with suspected infectionin whom to compare criteria. Confirmatory analyses

    were performed in 4 data sets of 706 399 out-of-hospital andhospital encounters at 165 US

    andnon-US hospitalsrangingfrom January 1, 2008, until December 31,2013.

    EXPOSURES   Sequential[Sepsis-related] OrganFailure Assessment(SOFA)score, systemic

    inflammatory response syndrome(SIRS) criteria,LogisticOrgan Dysfunction System (LODS)

    score,and a newmodelderived usingmultivariablelogisticregressionin a split sample, thequick

    Sequential[Sepsis-related] OrganFailure Assessment(qSOFA) score(range,0-3 points, with1

    pointeach forsystolichypotension [100mm Hg], tachypnea[22/min],or altered mentation).

    MAIN OUTCOMESAND MEASURES  For constructvalidity, pairwise agreementwas assessed.

    For predictive validity, the discrimination for outcomes (primary: in-hospital mortality;

    secondary:in-hospital mortality or intensive care unit [ICU] length of stay3 days) more

    common in sepsis thanuncomplicated infectionwas determined. Results were expressed as

    thefold change in outcome over deciles of baseline risk of death andarea under thereceiver

    operating characteristic curve (AUROC).

    RESULTS   In theprimary cohort, 148907 encounters hadsuspected infection(n = 74 453

    derivation; n = 74454 validation), of whom 6347 (4%) died. Among ICUencounters in the

    validation cohort (n = 7932 withsuspected infection, of whom1289 [16%] died),the predictive

    validityfor in-hospital mortalitywas lowerfor SIRS (AUROC = 0.64; 95% CI, 0.62-0.66) and

    qSOFA (AUROC = 0.66; 95% CI, 0.64-0.68) vs SOFA (AUROC = 0.74; 95%CI, 0.73-0.76;

    P  < .001 for both) or LODS(AUROC = 0.75; 95%CI, 0.73-0.76; P  < .001 for both). Among

    non-ICU encounters in thevalidationcohort (n = 66 522withsuspectedinfection, of whom

    1886 [3%]died),qSOFA had predictive validity (AUROC = 0.81; 95%CI, 0.80-0.82) thatwas

    greater thanSOFA (AUROC = 0.79; 95% CI, 0.78-0.80;P  < .001) and SIRS (AUROC = 0.76; 95%

    CI, 0.75-0.77; P  < .001). Relativeto qSOFA scoreslowerthan 2, encounters with qSOFAscores of 

    2 or higherhad a 3- to 14-fold increase in hospitalmortality across baseline risk deciles. Findingswere similar in external data sets andfor thesecondary outcome.

    CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE   Among ICU encounters with suspected infection, the

    predictive validity for in-hospital mortality of SOFA was not significantly different than the

    more complex LODS butwas statisticallygreater than SIRS andqSOFA, supporting itsuse in

    clinical criteria for sepsis. Among encounters with suspectedinfection outside of theICU, the

    predictive validity for in-hospital mortality of qSOFA was statistically greater thanSOFA and

    SIRS, supporting itsuse as a promptto consider possible sepsis.

     JAMA. 2016;315(8):762-774. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.0288

    Editorial page 757

    Author AudioInterview at

    Related articles pages775 and


    Supplementalcontent at

    Author Affiliations: Authoraffiliations arelisted at theendof this


    Corresponding Author: Christopher

    W.Seymour, MD,MSc, Departments

    of Critical Care Medicineand

    Emergency Medicine,Universityof 

    PittsburghSchool of Medicine,

    Clinical Research,Investigation,and

    Systems Modeling of AcuteIllness

    (CRISMA) Center,3550 TerraceSt,

    ScaifeHall, Ste639, Pittsburgh, PA

    15261 ([email protected]).


    Original Investigation   |   CARING FOR THE CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT

    762   (Reprinted)

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    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    Although common and associated with high morbidity

    and mortality,, sepsis and related terms remain diffi-

    cult to define. Two international consensus confer-

    encesin andusedexpertopinion togenerate thecur-

    rentdefinitions.,However,advancesin theunderstanding of 

    thepathobiologyand appreciation that elements of thedefini-

    tions may be outdated, inaccurate, or confusing prompted

    the European Society of 

    Intensive Care Medicine

    and the Society of Critical

    Care Medicine to convene

    a Third International Con-

    sensus Task Force to re-

    examine the definitions.

    Like many syndromes,

    there is no “gold stan-

    dard” diagnostic test for

    sepsis. Therefore, the task

    force chose several meth-

    odsto evaluatethe useful-

    ness of candidate clinical criteria, including clarity, reliability

    (consistency and availability), content validity (biologic ratio-

    nale and face validity),constructvalidity (agreementbetween

    similar measures), criterion validity (correlation with estab-

    lished measures and outcomes), burden, and timeliness. Un-

    like prior efforts, the task force used systematic literature re-

    views and empirical data analyses to complement expert


    Based on clarity and content validity and after literature

    review and expert deliberation, the task force recommended

    elimination of the terms sepsis syndrome, septicemia, and se-

    vere sepsis and instead defined sepsis as “life-threatening or-

    gan dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to

    infection.” Ofnote,the task forcedid notattempt to redefine

    infection. Rather, it next sought to generate recommenda-tions for clinical criteria that could be used to identify sepsis

    among patients with suspected or confirmed infection. The

    purposeof thisstudywas to inform this stepby analyzingdata

    from several large hospitaldatabases to explore the construct

    validity andcriterionvalidityof existingand novel criteriaas-

    sociated with sepsis.


    This study was approved with waiver of informed consent by

    the institutional review boardsof theUniversity of Pittsburgh,

    Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), Veterans Ad-ministration (VA) Ann Arbor Health System, Washington State

    Department of Health, King County Emergency Medical Ser-

    vices (KCEMS), University of Washington, and Jena University


    Study Design, Setting, and Population

    A retrospective cohortstudywas performedamong adult en-

    counters (age ≥ years) with suspected infection. The pri-

    mary cohortwas all hospital encounters from to at

    communityand academic hospitalsin theUPMChealth care

    systemin southwesternPennsylvania. The cohortincluded all

    medical and surgical encounters in the emergency depart-

    ment, hospital ward, and intensive care unit (ICU). We cre-

    ated a random split sample (/) fromthe UPMC cohort,the

    derivation cohort for developing new criteria, and the valida-

    tion cohort for assessment of new and existing criteria.

    We also studied external data sets: () all inpatient

    encounters at KPNC hospitalsfrom to ; ()all en-

    counters in hospitals in the United States’ VA system

    from to ; () all nontrauma, nonarrest emergency

    medical services records from advanced life support agen-

    ciesfrom - transported to hospitalswith commu-

    nityinfectionin KingCounty, Washington(KCEMS);and()all

    patients from - at German hospital enrolled with

    hospital-acquired infection in the ALERTS prospective cohort

    study.These cohorts were selected becausethey included pa-

    tient encounters fromdifferent phases of acutecare (outof hos-

    pital, emergency department, hospital ward) and countries

    (United States and Germany) with different types of infection

    (community and nosocomial). The UPMC, KPNC, and VA data

    were obtained fromthe electronic healthrecords (EHRs)of the

    respective health systems;KCEMSdata wereobtainedfrom the

    administrative out-of-hospital record; and ALERTS data were

    collected prospectively by research coordinators.

    Defining a Cohort With Suspected Infection

    For EHR data (UPMC, KPNC, and VA), the first episode of sus-

    pected infection wasidentifiedas thecombination of antibiot-

    ics(oral or parenteral) andbodyfluidcultures(blood, urine,ce-

    rebrospinal fluid, etc). We required thecombination of culture

    and antibiotic start time to occur within a specifictime epoch.

    If theantibioticwas givenfirst,the culturesamplingmusthave

     beenobtained within hours.If theculturesamplingwas first,

    theantibioticmust have beenordered within hours. The“on-

    set” of infection was defined as the time at which the first of these events occurred (eAppendix in the Supplement). For

    non-EHR data in ALERTS, patients were included who met

    US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definitions or

    clinical criteria for hospital-acquired infection more than

    hoursafter admission asdocumentedbyprospectivescreening.

    For non-EHR data in KCEMS, administrative claims identified

    infection present on admission (Angus implementation of in-

    fectionusing International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Re-

    vision, Clinical Modification ( ICD--CM ) diagnosis codes).

    Determining Clinical Criteriafor SepsisUsing ExistingMeasures

    In UPMC derivation and validation data, indicators were gen-

    erated for each component of the systemic inflammatory re-sponse syndrome (SIRS) criteria; the Sequential [Sepsis-

    related] Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score; and the

    Logistic Organ Dysfunction System (LODS) score, a weighted

    organ dysfunction score (Table ). We used a modifiedversion

    of the LODS score that did not contain urine output (because

    ofpooraccuracy inrecording onhospital ward encounters), pro-

    thrombin, or urea levels. The maximum SIRS criteria, SOFA

    score, and modified LODS score were calculated for the time

    window from hoursbeforeto hours after the onset ofin-

    fection, aswell as on each calendar day. This window wasused

    EHR   electronic healthrecord 

    GCS   GlasgowComa Scale 

    ICU   intensivecare unit 

    LODS  LogisticOrgan Dysfunction


    qSOFA   quickSequential 

    [Sepsis-related]Organ Function


    SIRS   systemic inflammatory 

    response syndrome 

    SOFA   Sequential [Sepsis-related] 


    Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis   Original Investigation   Research   (Reprinted)   JAMA   February23,2016 Volume 315, Number8   763

    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

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    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    forcandidate criteriabecause organ dysfunction in sepsismay

    occur prior to, near the moment of, or after infection is recog-

    nized by clinicians or when a patient presents for care. More-

    over, the clinical documentation, reporting of laboratory val-

    ues in EHRs, and trajectory of organ dysfunction are

    heterogeneous acrossencounters andhealth systems. In a post

    hocanalysis requestedby thetask force,a change inSOFA score

    was calculated of points or more from up to hours before

    to up to hours after the onset of infection.

    Deriving Novel Clinical Criteria for Sepsis

    In the derivation cohort (UPMC),new, simple criteriawere de-

    veloped accordingto theTransparent Reportingof a Multivari-able Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis or Diagnosis

    (TRIPOD) recommendations.This entailed steps:() assess-

    ingcandidatevariablequality andfrequencyof missingdataand

    ()developinga parsimoniousmodel andsimplepointscore.,,

    Becauseof thesubjectivenature andcomplexityof variablesin

    existing criteria, we soughta simple model that could easily be

    used by a clinician at the bedside.

    Based on the assumptionthat hospital mortality would be

    farmorecommonin encounterswithinfectedpatients whohave

    sepsis than in those who do not, all continuous variables were

    dichotomized by defining their optimal cutoffsusing themini-

    mum/ distanceon thearea under thereceiver operating char-

    acteristic curve(AUROC)forin-hospitalmortality.

    Cutoffswererounded to the nearest integer, and standard single-value im-

    putation was used, withnormal value substitution if variables

    were missing. The latter approach is standard in clinical risk

    scores,, and mirrors how clinicians would use the score at

    the bedside. Multiple logistic regression was used withrobust

    standard errors and forward selection of candidate variables

    using theBayesianinformation criterion to developthe “quick

    SOFA” (qSOFA) model. The Bayesian information criterion is a

    likelihood-based stepwise approach that retainsvariables that

    improve the model’s overall ability to predict the outcome of 

    interest while incorporating a penalty for including too many

    variables. Favoring simplicity over accuracy, a point score of

    was assigned to each variable in the final model, irrespective

    of the regression coefficients. Model calibration was assessed

     by comparing clinically relevant differences in observed vs ex-

    pected outcomes, as the Hosmer-Lemeshow test may be sig-

    nificant due to large sample sizes.

    Assessments of Candidate Clinical Criteria

    Thetest:retestor interraterreliability ofindividualelementswas

    not assessed, in part because most elements have known reli-

    ability. However, the frequency of missing data was deter-

    mined for each element because more common missing datafor individual elements will potentially affect the reliability of 

    integratedscoressuch asthe SOFA score. Constructvaliditywas

    determined by examining the agreement between different

    measures analogous to the multitrait-multimethod matrixap-

    proach of Campbell and Fiske, using the Cronbach α to mea-

    sureagreementor commonality.,Confidenceintervalswere

    generated withthe bootstrap method ( replications).

    Criterion validity was assessed using the predictive valid-

    ity of the candidate criteriawith outcomes (primary outcome:

    in-hospital mortality; secondary outcome: in-hospital mortal-


    comes are objective, easily measured across multiple hospi-

    tals in US/non-US cohorts, and are more likely to be present inencounters with patients with sepsis than those with uncom-

    plicatedinfection.To measurepredictivevalidity, a baselinerisk

    model wascreated forin-hospital mortality based on preinfec-

    tion criteria using multivariable logistic regression. The base-

    linemodel included age(as a fractional polynomial),sex,race/

    ethnicity ( black, white, or other), and the weighted Charlson

    comorbidity score (as fractional polynomial) as a measure of 

    chronic comorbidities., Race/ethnicity was derived from

    UPMC registration system data using fixed categories consis-

    tent with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services EHR

    Table 1. Variables for CandidateSepsisCriteria Among Encounters WithSuspected Infection

    SystemicInflammatoryResponse Syndrome(SIRS) Criteria(Range, 0-4 Criteria)

    Sequential[Sepsis-related] Organ FailureAssessment (SOFA)(Range, 0-24 Points)

    Logistic Organ DysfunctionSystem (LODS)(Range, 0-22 Points)a

    Quick Sequential[Sepsis-related] Organ FailureAssessment (qSOFA)(Range, 0-3 Points)

    Respiratory rate,breaths per minute

    PaO2/FiO2 ratio PaO2/FiO2 ratio Respiratory r ate, b reathsper minute

    White bloodcell

    count, 109/L

    Glasgow ComaScalescore Glasgow ComaScalescore Glasgow ComaScalescore

    Bands,% Meanarterialpressure, mmHg Systolicbloodpressure, mm Hg Systolicbloodpressure,mmHg

    Heartrate, beatsper minute

    Administration of vasopressorswithtype/dose/rateof infusion

    Heart rate, beatsper minute

    Temperature, °C Serum creatinine, mg/dL,or urineoutput, mL/d

    Serum creatinine,mg/dL

    Arterial carbondioxide tension,mmHg

    Bilirubin, m g/dL Bilirubin, m g/dL

    Plateletcount, 109/L Platelet count, 109/L

    White bloodcell count,109/L

    Urine output, L/d

    Serumurea, mmol/L

    Prothrombin time,% of standard

    Abbreviation:FiO2, fraction of 

    inspired oxygen.

    a Measurement unitsfor LODS

    variables per original descriptionby

    LeGall etal.9

    Research   Original Investigation   Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis

    764 JAMA   February23,2016 Volume315,Number 8   (Reprinted)

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    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    meaningful use data set. Race/ethnicity was included in the

     baseline modelbecauseof itsdescribedassociation withthe in-

    cidence and outcomes of sepsis.

    Encounterswerethen dividedinto decilesof baseline risk.

    Within each decile, the rate of in-hospital mortality ± ICUlength of stay of days or longer was determined comparing

    encounters with infection with or more SIRS, SOFA, LODS,

    andqSOFA points vs encounterswith lessthan criteriaof the

    same score (threshold of points was determined a priori).

    Model discrimination was assessed with the AUROC for each

    outcome using the continuous score(s) alone, then added to

    the baseline risk model. Analyses were separately performed

    in ICUencountersand non-ICU encounters at theonsetof in-

    fection. New, simple criteria in external data sets were as-

    sessed in both ICU and non-ICU encounters.

    Because serum lactate is widely used as a screening tool

    in sepsis,howitsmeasurement would improvepredictiveva-

    lidity of newcriteriawas assessedin posthoc analyses. Evalu-ation included qSOFA modelsthatdid and didnot include se-

    rum lactate at thresholds of ., ., and . mmol/L (, ,

    and mg/dL)and as a continuousvariable.OnlyKPNC data

    were used for these analyses because an ongoing quality im-

    provement program promoting frequent serum lactate mea-

    surement acrossthe healthsystem minimized confoundingby


    Several sensitivity analyses were performed to assess ro-

     bustness of the findings. These included a variety of restric-

    tions to thecohort, more rigorous definitions of suspected or

    presumedinfection,alternative ways to measureclinicalvari-

    ables (such as altered mentation in theEHR), andmultiple im-

    putation analyses for missing data. There are many possible

    time windowsfor criteria aroundthe onset of infection. A va-

    riety of windows differing from the primary analysis weretested,including () hours before to hours after;() hours

     before to hours after;and () restricting to only the hours

    after the onset of infection. Detailed descriptions are in the


    All analyses were performed with STATA software, ver-

    sion . (Stata Corp). All tests of significance used a -sided

     P  ≤ .. We considered AUROCs to be poor at . to ., ad-

    equate at . to ., good at . to ., andexcellent at . or



    Cohorts and Encounter Characteristics

    At hospitals in US and non-US data sets between

    and (Table), encounterswere studied.In the

    primarycohort of records(UPMCderivationand vali-

    dation;  Figure ), encounters had suspected infec-

    tion, most often presenting outside of the ICU (n =

    [%]). Asshownin Table, first infection wascommonlysus-

    pected within hours of admission (%), most often pre-

    senting in the emergency department (%) compared with

    theward (%) or ICU(%), andmortality waslow (%).The

    Table 2. Summary of Data Sets

    Characteristics UPMCa KPNC VA ALERTS KCEMS

    Years of cohort 2010-2012 2009-2013 2008-2010 2011-2012 2009-2010

    No. of hospitals 12 20 130 1 14

    Total No. of encounters 1 309 025 1 847 165 1 640 543 38 098 50 727

    Data sourceand study design

    Retrospective studyof EHRs

    Retrospective study ofEHRs

    Retrospective studyof EHRs

    Prospective cohortstudy

    Retrospective studyof administrative records

    Setting Integrated healthsystem in southwesternPennsylvania

    Integrated healthsystem in northernCalifornia

    All hospitals in the USVA system

    Single universityhospital, Jena,Germany

    Out-of-hospital recordsfrom integratedemergency medicalservices system in KingCounty, Washington

    Definition of suspectedinfection

    Combination of bodyfluid culture andnonprophylacticantibiotic administrationin the EHRb

    Combination of bodyfluid culture andnonprophylacticantibiotic administrationin the EHRb

    Combination of bodyfluid culture andnonprophylacticantibiotic administrationin the EHRb

    CDC criteriafor hospital-acquiredinfectionsc

    ICD-9-CM codesfor infection, withpresent-on-admissionindicatorsd

    No. with suspectedinfection (% of total)

    148 907 (11) 321 380 (17) 377 325 (23) 1186 (3) 6508 (13)

    Location at onset ofinfection, No. (%) infected

    Intensive care unit 15 768 (11) 7031 (2) 73 264 (19) 300 (25) 0

    Outside of intensivecare unit

    133 139 (89) 314 349 (98) 304 061 (81) 886 (75) 6508 (100)

    In-hospital mortality,No. (%) infectede

    6347 (4) 16 092 (5) 22 593 (6) 210 (18) 700 (11)

    Abbreviations: KCEMS, King County EmergencyMedical Services; KPNC,Kaiser

    Permanente Northern California;EHR, electronic health record; ICD-9-CM,

    International Classificationof Diseases, NinthRevision,ClinicalModification;


    a Referredto as theprimary cohort,further dividedintoderivation (n = 74453)

    and validation (n = 74454) cohorts.

    b SeetheeAppendix in theSupplementfor detailsabouttimewindows

    specified between bodyfluid cultures and antibioticadministration.

    c Patientswere enrolled in ALERTSif thein-hospitalstaywas longerthan

    48 hoursand in-person prospectivescreeningrevealedhospital-acquired

    infection criteria according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


    d Required Angusimplementation ICD-9-CM code for infection accompanied

    by present-on-admissionindicator, as previously validated.6

    e AmongUPMC encounters,28 286 (19%)had in-hospitalmortality plus

    intensivecareunit lengthof stay of 3 days or longer.

    Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis   Original Investigation   Research   (Reprinted)   JAMA   February23,2016 Volume 315, Number8   765

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    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    mediantimefrom thestart ofthe encounteruntil theonset of 

    suspected infection(defined as cultureor antibiotics order) was

    . hours (interquartile range, .-. hours). In KPNC hos-

    pitals(eTable in the Supplement), firstsuspected infections

    occurred outside theICU (%)with similar mortality(%)and

    proportion identifiedwithin hours of admission(%). Se-

    rum lactate was measured in % of suspected infection en-

    counters in KPNC hospitals compared with less than % in

    the other cohorts. In VA hospitals, encounters with sus-

    pected infectionhadsimilarmortality(%)but weremore likely

    to be firstidentified in the ICU(%).A minority of firstinfec-

    tion episodes occurred following surgery, and positive blood

    cultures were found in %to % of encounters. In the base-line risk model, using only demographics and comorbidities,

    there was a -fold variation for in-hospital mortality across

    deciles of baseline risk, ranging from .% to %(eFigure in

    the Supplement).

    Frequency of Missing Data Among Clinical

    and Laboratory Variables

    In theUPMC derivationcohort, SIRS criteriaand selectedlabo-

    ratory tests in SOFA andLODS were variably measured in the

    EHR near the onset of infection (eFigure in the Supple-

    ment). Tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotension, although

    present in less than % of encounters, were the most com-

    monclinical abnormalities. Encounters in theICU were morelikely to have SIRS and SOFA variables measured and values

    were morelikely tobe abnormal. For encountersoutsideof the

    ICU, laboratory data were less available, with total bilirubin,

    ratioofPaO to fractionof inspiredoxygen,and platelet counts

    absent in %, %, and %of encounters, respectively.

    Performance of Existing Criteria in the ICU

    in the UPMC Cohort

    Among ICUencounters withsuspected infectionin theUPMC

    validation cohort (n = [%]), most had or more LODS

    points (%), SOFA points (%), or SIRS criteria (%) near

    thetime of suspected infection, withmortalityratesof %for

    allscoresat thisthreshold (Figure andeFigureinthe Supple-

    ment). SOFA and LODShad greater statistical agreement with

    each other (α = .; % CI, .-.) but lower with SIRS

    (α = . [% CI,.-.] for SOFA; α = .[% CI,.-


    vslessthan SIRS criteriawerecomparedwithindecileof base-

    line risk and observed a - to -fold increased rate of hospital

    mortality compared with a - to -fold increase in mortality

    comparing those with or more vs less than SOFA points

    (Figure).Thefoldchangein the LODS scorewasevengreater

    than that for SOFA.In the ICU, the predictive validity for hospital mortality

    using SOFA (AUROC = .; % CI, .-.) and LODS

    (AUROC = .; % CI, .-.; P  = .) were not statisti-

    cally different but were statistically greater than that of SIRS

    (AUROC = .; % CI, .-.;  P  < . for either LODS

    or SOFA vs SIRS) (Figure and eFigure and eTable in the

    Supplement).Resultsfor a change in SOFA of points or more

    weresignificantlygreatercompared with SIRS(AUROC = .;

    % CI, .-.; P  < . vs SIRS criteria). The SOFA score

    was or more in %of decedents (% CI,%-%); among

    survivors,the SOFA score wasless than in %(%CI, %-

    %). These proportions were similar for a LODS threshold of 

    or (eTable in the Supplement). Among decedents, ormore SIRS criteriawerepresent in % (% CI,%-%). Re-

    sults were consistent for the combined outcome (eFigures

    and inthe Supplement).

    Performance of Existing Criteria Outside the ICU

    in the UPMCCohort

    For encounters with suspected infection outside of the ICU

    (n = [% of cohort]), (%) had no SIRS crite-

    ria, (%) had no SOFA points, and (%) had

    no LODSpoints(Figure ).Agreementfollowed a patternsimi-

    Figure 1. Accrual of Encounters for Primary Cohort

    1309025 Patient encounters at 12 UPMChospitals in 2010-2012

    148907  With suspected infection in ED,ICU, ward, step-down unit, orPACU included in primary cohort

    1160118  Excluded

    1109402 No infection present

    2117  Error in encounter start time

    45628  Aged

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  • 8/18/2019 Criterios Clinicos de Sepsis Seymour


    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    Figure 2. Distribution of PatientEncounters Over SIRSCriteria and SOFA, LODS, andqSOFA Scores Among ICU Patientsand Non-ICU Patients

    WithSuspected Infectionin theUPMC Validation Cohort (N = 74 454)

    ICU encounters (n = 7932) Non-ICU encounters (n = 66 522)







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r   s ,


    qSOFA Score

    0 1 32







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r   s ,


    qSOFA Score

    0 1 32

    qSOFA scoreD







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r

       s ,


    LODS Score

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r

       s ,


    LODS Score

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    LODS scoreC







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r   s ,    %

    SOFA Score

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r   s ,    %

    SOFA Score

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    SOFA scoreB







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r   s ,


    SIRS Criteria

    0 1 2 3 4







        E   n   c   o   u   n    t   e   r   s ,


    SIRS Criteria

    0 1 2 3 4

    SIRS criteriaA

    ICU indicates intensivecare unit;LODS,Logistic OrganDysfunction System;

    qSOFA, quickSequential [Sepsis-related]Organ Function Assessment; SIRS,

    systemic inflammatory response syndrome;SOFA, Sequential[Sepsis-related]

    OrganFunctionAssessment. Thex-axis is the scorerange, withLODS truncated

    at 14points(of 22points) andSOFA truncatedat 16points(of 24points) for


    Research   Original Investigation   Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis

    768 JAMA   February23,2016 Volume315,Number 8   (Reprinted)

    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

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  • 8/18/2019 Criterios Clinicos de Sepsis Seymour


    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    The discrimination of hospital mortality using SOFA

    (AUROC = .;% CI,.-.),LODS (AUROC = .; %

    CI, .-.), or change in SOFA (AUROC = .;%CI, .-

    .) scores was significantly greater comparedwith SIRScri-

    teria(AUROC = .; %CI, .-.; P  < . forall) (Figure

    andeFigureandeTableinthe Supplement). Sixty-eight per-cent (% CI, %-%) of decedents had or more SOFA

    points and %(%CI, %-%)of survivorshad less than

    SOFA points. In comparison, only % (% CI, %-%)

    of decedents had or more SIRS criteria,whereas % of sur-

    vivorshad less than SIRS criteria (% CI,%-%) (eTable

    in the Supplement). Results were consistent for the com-

     bined outcome (eFigures and in the Supplement).

    Performance of New, Simple Criteria

    The final qSOFA model included Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)


    and respiratory rate of /min or more ( point each; score

    range, -) (Table ). Most encounters with infection (%-%) hadless than qSOFA points,and mortality rangedfrom

    %to % over the scorerange (eFigure in the Supplement).

    Calibration plots showed similar observed vs expected pro-

    portionof deathsacross qSOFA scores(eFigure in theSupple-

    ment). The qSOFA agreed reasonably well with both SOFA

    (α = .;% CI,.-.) andLODS (α = .;% CI,.-

    .) and, unlike SOFA andLODS, also agreedmore with SIRS

    (α = .; % CI, .-.) (Figure ). The % of encoun-

    terswithinfection with or qSOFA points accountedfor %

    of deaths, % of deaths or ICU stays of days or longer.

    In the ICU, the predictive validity for hospital mortality of 

    qSOFA above baseline risk (AUROC = .; % CI, .-

    .) was statistically greater than SIRS criteria ( P  = .) but

    significantly less than SOFA ( P  < .) (Figure and eFigure

    and eTable in the Supplement). Outside of the ICU, there

    was a - to -fold increase in the rate of hospital mortalityacross the entire range of baseline risk comparing those with

    or more vs less than qSOFA points (Figure ). The predic-

    tive validity of qSOFA was good for in-hospital mortality

    (AUROC = .; % CI, .-.), was not statistically dif-

    ferent from LODS ( P  = .) and was statistically greater than

    SOFA or change in SOFA score ( P  < . for both) (Figure ,

    Figure, and eFigure and eTable inthe Supplement). Sev-

    enty percent (% CI, %-%) of decedents had or more

    qSOFA points and % (% CI, %-%) of survivors had

    less than qSOFA points (eTable in the  Supplement).

    Results were consistent for the combined outcome (eFigures

    and in the Supplement).

    Among encounterswith or moreqSOFA points,% alsohad ormoreSOFA points (eFigure inthe Supplement). This

    proportion was greater among decedents (%) and ICU en-

    counters (%) and increased as the time window for evalu-

    ationwas extendedto hours (%) and hours (%) af-

    ter the onset of infection.

    External Data Sets

    The qSOFA was tested in external data sets comprising

    patient encounters at hospitals in out-of-

    hospital(n = ),non-ICU(n = ), andICU (n = )

    Figure 3. AreaUnder theReceiver OperatingCharacteristicCurve and 95%Confidence Intervals forIn-Hospital Mortalityof CandidateCriteria

    (SIRS, SOFA, LODS, and qSOFA) Among SuspectedInfection Encounters in theUPMC Validation Cohort (N = 74 454)

    ICU encounters (n = 7932)A

    SIRS 0.64









  • 8/18/2019 Criterios Clinicos de Sepsis Seymour


    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    settings (eTable in theSupplement). Among encounterswith

    communityinfection(KCEMS) or hospital-acquiredinfection

    (ALERTS), qSOFA had consistent predictive validity

    (AUROC = . and ., respectively) (Table and eFigure

    in the Supplement). Results were similar in the VA data set

    (AUROC = .), in which no GCS data were available.

    Serum LactateDuring model building in UPMC data, serum lactate did not

    meet prespecifiedstatistical thresholdsfor inclusionin qSOFA.

    In KPNC data,the post hocaddition of serum lactate levelsof 

    . mmol/L( mg/dL)or more toqSOFA (revised toa -point

    score with added point forelevatedserumlactate level)sta-

    tisticallychanged thepredictive validityof qSOFA (AUROCwith

    lactate = .; % CI, .-. vs AUROC without lac-

    tate = .; % CI, .-.;  P  < .) (eFigure A in the


    consistent for higher thresholds of lactate (. mmol/L

    [mg/dL], .mmol/L[ mg/dL])or using a continuousdis-

    tribution ( P  < .).However,the clinicalrelevance wassmall

    as theratesof in-hospital mortalitycomparingencounters with

    or more vs lessthan points across deciles of risk were nu-

    merically similar whether or not serum lactate was included

    in qSOFA (eFigure B in the Supplement).

    Among encounters with qSOFA point but also a serum

    lactate level of .mmol/L or more,in-hospitalmortality washigher than that for encounters with serum lactate levels of 

    lessthan. mmol/L acrossthe range of baseline risk. Therate

    of in-hospitalmortality wasnumerically similar to that foren-

    counters with qSOFA points using the model without se-

    rumlactate(eFigureinthe Supplement). Becauseserumlac-

    tate levels arewidely used for screening at many centers, the

    distribution of qSOFA scores over strata of serumlactatelevel

    was investigated. The qSOFA consistently identified higher-

    risk encounters even at varying serum lactate levels (eFigure

    in the Supplement).

    Figure 4. FoldChangein Rateof In-Hospital Mortality(Log Scale) Comparing Encounters With≥2 vs

  • 8/18/2019 Criterios Clinicos de Sepsis Seymour


    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    Time Windows for Measuring qSOFA Variables

    When qSOFA variables were measured in the time window

    from hours before/after or hours before/after the onset of 

    infection in KPNC data (eTable in the Supplement), results

    were notsignificantly differentfrom theoriginalmodel( P 

     = .for hours and  P  = . for hours). When qSOFA variables

    were restricted to only the -hour period after the onset of 

    infection,the predictive validityfor in-hospital mortalitywas

    significantly greater (AUROC = .; % CI, .-.;

     P  < .) compared with the primary model.

    Additionalsensitivityanalyses areshown ineTable in the

    Supplement. The predictive validityof qSOFA wasnot signifi-

    cantly differentwhen using moresimple measures,such as any

    altered mentation (GCSscore

  • 8/18/2019 Criterios Clinicos de Sepsis Seymour


    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    tion, lowsystolic blood pressure, andelevated respiratoryrate

    hadstatisticallygreater predictivevalidity thanthe SOFA score

    (Figure ).The predictive validityof qSOFA wasrobust toevalu-

    ation under varied measurementconditions,in academic and

    community hospitals, in international locations of care, for

    community and hospital-acquired infections, and after mul-

    tiple imputation for missing data. It was, however, statisti-

    cally inferior compared with SOFA for encounters in the ICU

    and has a statistically lower content validity as a measure of 

    multiorgan dysfunction. Thus, the task force recommended

    use of a SOFA score of pointsor morein encounterswithin-

    fection as criteria for sepsisand useof qSOFA in non-ICU set-

    tings to consider the possibility of sepsis.

    Criteria Outside of the ICU

    For infected patients outside of the ICU, there is an increasing

    focus on early recognitionof sepsis. Potentialcriteria fororgan

    dysfunctionlike SOFA or LODSrequired clinical andlaboratory

    variables that maybe missing anddifficultto obtain in a timely

    manner.These characteristics mayincreasemeasurement bur-

    denfor clinicians.In comparison, a simplemodel (qSOFA)uses

    clinical variables, hasno laboratorytests,and hasa predictive

    validity outside of the ICUthat is statistically greater than the

    SOFA score ( P  < .). TheqSOFA andSOFA scoresalso hadac-

    ceptable agreement in the majority of encounters.

    However, potentially controversial issues are worth not-

    ing.First, qSOFA wasderived andtestedamongpatient encoun-

    tersin whichinfection wasalreadysuspected. TheqSOFA is not

    analertthatalone willdifferentiate patients withinfection from

    those without infection. However, at least in many US and

    European hospital settings, infection is usually suspected

    promptly, as evidenced by rapid initiation of antibiotics.,

    Second,mentalstatus is assessed variablyin different set-

    tings, which may affect the performance of the qSOFA. Al-

    though the qSOFA appeared robust in sensitivity analyses toalternative GCS cut points, further work is needed to clarify

    itsclinical usefulness. In particular,the modelevaluated only

    whether mental status was abnormal, not whether it had

    changed from baseline, which is extremely difficult to opera-

    tionalize and validate, both in the EHR and as part of routine

    charting.An alternative to theGCS (eg, Laboratory andAcute

    PhysiologyScore, version, in KPNCencounters)foundsimi-

    lar results.

    Third, serumlactate levels, which have been proposed as

    a screening tool for sepsis or septic shock, were not retained

    in the qSOFA during model construction. One reason may be

     because serum lactatelevels were not measuredcommonly in

    the UPMC data set. When serum lactate levels were added toqSOFA post hocin theKPNC healthsystem data set, in which

    measurement of lactatelevels wascommon, thepredictive va-

    lidity wasstatistically increasedbut withlittledifference inhow

    encounters were classified. This analysis assessed only how

    serumlactate levels at differentthresholdscontributed above

    and beyondthe qSOFA model. However,among intermediate-

    riskencounters(qSOFA score = ),the additionof a serum lac-

    tate level of . mmol/L( mg/dL)or higheridentified those

    with a risk profile similar to those with qSOFA points. Thus,

    areas for further inquiry include whether serum lactate lev-

    els could be used for patients with borderline qSOFA values

    or as a substitute for individual qSOFA variables (particularly

    mental status,given theinherentproblemsdiscussed above),

    especially in health systems in which lactate levels are reli-

    ably measured at low cost and in a timely manner.

    Criteria in the ICU

    Among ICU encounters, the diagnosis of sepsis may be chal-

    lenging because of preexisting organ dysfunction, treatment

    priorto admission,and concurrent organ support.In thisstudy,

    as others have reported in a distinct geographic region and

    health care system, traditional tools such as the SIRS crite-

    ria have poor predictive validity among patients who are in-

    fected. Yet in our study, SOFA and LODS scores had superior

    predictive validity in the ICU and greater agreement, perhaps

     because more variables were likely to be measured, abnor-

    mal, and independent of ongoing interventions. These re-

    sults areconsistent withpriorstudiesof SOFA andLODS in the

    ICU., On average, only of infected decedents in the

    ICU had a SOFA orLODSscoreof lessthan .TheqSOFA score

    had statisticallyworse predictive validity in the ICU, likely re-

    lated to theconfoundingeffectsof ongoingorgansupport(eg,

    mechanical ventilation, vasopressors).

    Advances Using EHRs

    The data from these analyses provided the Third Interna-

    tional Consensus Task Force with evidence aboutclinical cri-

    teria for sepsis using EHRs from large health systems with

     both academic and community hospitals. More than % of 

    US nonfederal, acute care hospitals(and all US federal hospi-

    tals) now use advanced EHRs. Adoption of EHRs has in-

    creased -fold since in the United States and will con-

    tinue to increase. The EHR may present hospitals with an

    opportunity to rapidly validate criteria for patients likely to

    have sepsis, to testprompts or alerts among infected patientswithspecificEHR signaturessuggestive of sepsis,and to build

    platforms for automated surveillance. In addition, criteria

    such as in theqSOFA canbe measured quickly and easily and

    assessed repeatedly over timein patientsat riskof sepsis,per-

    haps even in developing countries without EHRs.


    Thisinvestigationhas severallimitations.First,we studiedonly

    patients in whom infection was already suspected or docu-

    mented. We did not addresshow to diagnose infectionamong

    those in whomlife-threateningorgandysfunctionwas theini-

    tialpresentation. Therefore, these dataalone do not mandate

    thathospitalized patients with SOFA or qSOFA pointsbe evalu-ated for the presence of infection.

    Second, we chose to develop simple criteria that clini-

    cians could quickly use at the bedside, balancing timeliness

    and content validity with greater criterion validity. We ac-

    knowledge that predictive validity would be improved with

    more complex models thatinclude interaction terms or serial

    measurements over time.,, We tested how the change in

    SOFA score over time would perform, andalthough similar to

    the maximum SOFA score, the optimal time windows over

    which change should be measured are not known.

    Research   Original Investigation   Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis

    772 JAMA   February23,2016 Volume315,Number 8   (Reprinted)

    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    wnloaded From: by Jose Vergara on 02/29/2016

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    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    Third, no organ dysfunction measurements evaluated in

    this study distinguish between chronic and acute organ dys-

    function, assess whether the organ dysfunction has an expla-

    nation other than infection, or attribute dysfunction specifi-

    cally to a dysregulated host response. For example, a patient

    with dementiawithan abnormal GCS scoreat baselinewill al-

    ways have qSOFA pointbut may notbe aslikely to have sep-

    sisas a patientwith a normalbaseline sensorium. Assuch, we

    illustrated the predictive validity of various criteria across a

    fullrange of underlyingriskdeterminedfrom comorbidity and


    Fourth, we chose outcomes associated morecommonly

    with sepsis than with uncomplicated infection. These out-

    comeshavehigh contentvalidityand weregeneralizableacross

    data sets, but there are certainly alternative choices.

    Fifth, we compared predictive validity with tests of infer-

    ence that may be sensitive to sample size. We found that sta-

    tistically significant differencesin AUROC wereoften present,

    yet these resulted in differences in classification with debat-

    able clinical relevance. We reconciledthese databy reporting

    the fold change in outcome comparing encounters of differ-

    ent scores to provide more clinical context.

    Sixth,the acute,life-threatening organdysfunctionin sep-

    sis may also occur at different times in different patients

    (before, during, or afterinfectionis recognized).Results were

    unchanged overa variety of timewindows, includingboth long

    (-hour)and short(-hour) windows around the onsetof in-

    fection. Prospective validation in other cohorts, assessment

    in low- to middle-income countries, repeated measurement,

    and the contribution of individual qSOFA elements to predic-

    tive validity are important future directions.


    Among ICU encounters with suspected infection, the predic-

    tive validityfor in-hospital mortalityof SOFA wasnot signifi-

    cantly different than the more complex LODS but was statis-

    tically greater than SIRS and qSOFA, supporting its use in

    clinical criteria for sepsis. Among encounters with suspected

    infection outside of the ICU, the predictive validity for in-

    hospital mortality of qSOFA was statisticallygreaterthanSOFA

    and SIRS, supporting its use as a prompt to consider possible



    Author Affiliations: Departmentof Critical Care

    Medicine,Universityof PittsburghSchool of 

    Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Seymour,

    Kahn,Angus); Clinical Research,Investigation, and

    Systems Modeling of AcuteIllness (CRISMA) Center,

    Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania(Seymour, Kahn, Angus);

    Divisionof Research,Kaiser Permanente, Oakland,

    California (Liu);Department of Internal Medicine,

    Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor (Iwashyna,

    Escobar); VeteransAffairs Center for Clinical

    Management Research,Ann Arbor, Michigan

    (Iwashyna,Escobar); Australia and New Zealand

    IntensiveCare Research Centre, Departmentof Epidemiologyand PreventiveMedicine, Monash

    University, Melbourne,Victoria, Australia

    (Iwashyna,Escobar); Center for Clinical Studies,

    JenaUniversityHospital,Jena, Germany

    (Brunkhorst); Division of General Internal Medicine,

    Universityof Washington, Seattle (Rea); Research

    Group Clinical Epidemiology, IntegratedResearch

    and Treatment Center,Center for SepsisControl

    and Care,Jena UniversityHospital, Jena,Germany

    (Scherag);Trauma,Emergency, and Critical Care

    Program, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre;

    InterdepartmentalDivision of Critical Care,

    Universityof Toronto, Toronto,Ontario,Canada

    (Rubenfeld); Critical Care Medicine,Guy’s and St

    Thomas’ NHS FoundationTrust,London, England

    (Shankar-Hari);BloomsburyInstituteof Intensive

    Care Medicine,UniversityCollege London, London,England (Singer); FeinsteinInstitute for Medical

    Research,Hofstra–North Shore–LongIsland Jewish

    Schoolof Medicine, Steven and Alexandra Cohen

    Children’s Medical Center,New HydePark,

    New York (Deutschman).

    Author Contributions: DrSeymour hadfull access

    toall ofthedata inthestudyandtakes

    responsibility forthe integrityof thedataand the

    accuracy of thedataanalysis.

     Study concept and design: Seymour,Iwashyna,

    Rubenfeld,Kahn, Shankar-Hari, Deutschman,


     Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Liu,

    Iwashyna, Brunkhorst,Rea, Scherag, Kahn,Singer,

    Escobar, Angus.

    Drafting of themanuscript:Seymour, Singer,

    Deutschman, Angus.

    Critical revision of themanuscriptfor important 

    intellectual content: Liu, Iwashyna,Brunkhorst,Rea,

    Scherag, Rubenfeld,Kahn, Shankar-Hari, Singer,

    Deutschman, Escobar,Angus.

     Statistical analysis: Seymour, Liu, Iwashyna,


    Obtained funding: Escobar.

     Administrative, technical, or material support:

    Brunkhorst,Rea, Scherag, Deutschman, Escobar,Angus.

     Study supervision: Deutschman, Escobar.

    Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have

    completedand submittedtheICMJEFormfor

    Disclosure of PotentialConflicts of Interest.Dr

    Seymourreportsreceipt of personal fees from

    Beckman Coulter.Dr Singer reports board

    membershipswith InflaRx, Bayer, Biotest, and

    Merck. Dr Deutschmanreports holding patents on

    materials unrelatedto this work andreceiptof 

    personal fees fromtheCenters forDiseaseControl

    and Prevention, theWorld Federationof Societies

    of Intensive and Critical Care,the Pennsylvania

    Assembly of Critical CareMedicine,the Society of 

    Critical Care Medicine,the Northern Ireland Society

    of Critical Care Medicine,the International Sepsis

    Forum, Stanford University, theAcute DialysisQuality Initiative,and the European Society of 

    Intensive Care Medicine.Dr Escobar reports receipt

    of grantsfrom theNational Institutes of Health, the

    Gordonand BettyMoore Foundation,Merck,

    Sharpe& Dohme, and AstraZeneca-MedImmune.

    No otherdisclosureswere reported.

    Funding/Support: This work wassupported

    in partby theNational Institutes of Health

    (grants K23GM104022 and K23GM112018),

    theDepartmentof VeteransAffairs (grantHSR&D

    11-109),the Permanente Medical Group,

    andthe Centerof SepsisControl andCare,funded

    bythe GermanFederalMinistryof Educationand

    Research(grant01 E01002/01E0 1502).

    Roleof the Funder/Sponsor:Thefunding sources

    hadno rolein thedesign andconduct of thestudy;

    collection, management, analysis, and

    interpretation of thedata; preparation,review, or

    approval of themanuscript; anddecisionto submit

    the manuscriptfor publication.

    Disclaimer: Thisarticle does not necessarily

    representthe view of theUS government or

    Departmentof VeteransAffairs. Dr Angus,

    Associate Editor, JAMA, had noroleinthe

    evaluationof or decision to publishthisarticle.

    Additional Contributions: We acknowledge the

    European Society of IntensiveCare Medicine and

    Society of Critical CareMedicine fortheirpartial

    administrative supportof thiswork. We

    acknowledgethe contributions of the 2016Third

    International Consensus SepsisDefinitions Task

    Forcemembers,who were notcoauthors, fortheir

    reviewof themanuscript: John C.Marshall,MD,

    Universityof Toronto, Toronto,Ontario,Canada;

    DjilalliAnnane,MD, PhD, Critical Care Medicine,

    Schoolof Medicine, Universityof Versailles,France;

    Greg S.Martin, MD, Emory University Schoolof 

    Medicine,Atlanta, Georgia; Michael Bauer, MD,

    Center for SepsisControl and Care,University

    Hospital, Jena, Germany; Steven M. Opal,MD,

    Infectious Disease Section, BrownUniversitySchool

    of Medicine,Providence, RhodeIsland; RinaldoBellomo, MD,Australianand NewZealand Intensive

    CareResearch Centre, Schoolof PublicHealth and

    PreventiveMedicine, MonashUniversity,University

    of Melbourne,and AustinHospital,Melbourne,

    Victoria, Australia; GordonR. Bernard, MD,

    VanderbiltInstitute for Clinical and Translational

    Research,Vanderbilt University, Nashville,

    Tennessee;Jean-Daniel Chiche, MD,PhD,

    RéanimationMédicale-Hôpital Cochin, Descartes

    University, CochinInstitute, Paris, France; CraigM.

    Coopersmith,MD, Emory Critical Care Center,

    Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine, Atlanta,

    Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis   Original Investigation   Research   (Reprinted)   JAMA   February23,2016 Volume 315, Number8   773

    Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rig hts reserved.

    wnloaded From: by Jose Vergara on 02/29/2016

  • 8/18/2019 Criterios Clinicos de Sepsis Seymour


    Georgia; Tomvan derPoll,MD,Academisch

    Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam,the Netherlands;

    Richard S. Hotchkiss,MD, WashingtonUniversity

    Schoolof Medicine,St Louis,Missouri;Jean-Louis

    Vincent, MD,PhD, UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles,

    and Departmentof Intensive Care,Erasme

    UniversityHospital, Brussels, Belgium;

    andMitchellM. Levy, MD, Division of 

    Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,

    BrownUniversitySchool of Medicine,Providence,

    RhodeIsland. Thesecontributions wereprovided

    without compensation.


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    Research   Original Investigation   Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis

    774 JAMA   February23,2016 Volume315,Number 8   (Reprinted)