Crafting Outstanding Presentations - Storytelling Techniques

Claudio Perrone @agilesensei

Transcript of Crafting Outstanding Presentations - Storytelling Techniques

Claudio Perrone


How relevant are presentations to

your career?

In late 2007, I was leading a happy life

One day, my phone rang…  

I was offered to speak at a BIG conference

On the one hand, it was a fantastic opportunity

On the other hand, public speaking scared me to death

Year: 1997 Location: C.E.R.N.  

I trained 15 scientists for a week

They skinned me alive

I’ll never forget that experience…

There was no way I was going face another possible humiliation

Besides, I could brain-damage people with PowerPoint

What would you do?

1  Move  Beyond  Bullet  Points  


-­‐-­‐-­‐  Leonardo  Da  Vinci  

Simplicity    is  the  ul<mate  sophis<ca<on  “

Despite my efforts, my first dry-run was a disaster

I had strong images, but lack of structure confused the audience

At first, I created a “logical” outline

Main Point: Agility + Communication + Creativity lead to success 1. Supporting detail: Agility 2. Supporting detail: Communication 3. Supporting detail: Creativity Summary: Agility + Communication + Creativity lead to success

Let’s see how they “play”


The downturn threatens

the future of many individuals and organizations

You are an entrepreneur, meeting an investor

for the first time

Investors can be so

H A R D t o p e r s u a d e

You’d love them to invest in your great idea

Move beyond bullet points Unleash the Power of Story

Tame your story to persuade

I suggest...

…And Cut. Well done! (you’ll add the cool pictures another time)

What if Spielberg showed up?

But wait…

Dude, you are telegraphing.

Your “story” has no


How about this? telegraphing

vs. dramatic irony

vs. dramatic tension

Unleash  the    Power  of  Story  



Enter a new world

People make choices based on emotions

(and use data to justify them)

Why Story?

What’s  a  good  story  idea?  

Someone wants something badly and goes after it against great odds




Story revolves around conflict

Antagonist Nature Society Self

Protagonist   vs.  

Story has good structure

O u t e r j o u r n e y

Often, there is a character inner journey


W: Weakness (psychological and moral) A: Action (and struggle to accomplish it) C: Changed Person

Let’s see the “highlights” of a past presentation


Most  IT  projects  fail  Will  yours?  

Once  upon  a  1me  I  was  a  successful  so6ware  developer…  

My  technical  skills  made  me  feel  invincible  

Un<l  one  day…  

…I  entered  a  world  of  decep<on  

It  was  Hell  from  day  1  

What  would  you  do?  

I  choked  

…but  then,  I  decided  to  fight  back  

This  is  what  I  tried:  


Effec<ve    Communica<on  

Deliberate  Crea<vity  1  

2  3  



…but  the  project  was  s<ll  at  risk  

Effec<ve  Communica<on  




Deliberate  Crea<vity  



So,  what  happened  to  the  project?  

Amazingly,  it  succeeded  

Lessons  learned...  

“ We  moved  from  the  Flintstones  era  to  the  future.  -­‐-­‐-­‐  an  end  user  

“ I  was  part  of  something.  I  belonged.  -­‐-­‐-­‐  a  developer  

…And Cut!

Agile  Tales  Walk-­‐through  (1/3)  Setup  

Se\ng    (+Hook)  

Setup  (ordinary  world)  

Character  flaw  


Inci<ng  incident  

Enter  special  world  

Complica<on   Dilemma   Refusal  of  the  call  

Ac<on  /    Resolu<on  

Turning  point    (will  he  succeed?)  

Ac<on  /  Resolu<on  

New  complica<on  

Agile  Tales  Walk-­‐through  (2/3)    Development  

Agile  Tales  Walk-­‐through  (3/3)    Resolu<on  

Drama<c  ques<on  (restated)  

Climax   Adermath   Theme  

How do you craft your own story?

Tame    Your  Story  



I used to rewrite a story ~30 times

Not anymore

I use a 7-steps process

Step 1: Research (Create a Data Dump)

Step 3: Fill and cluster content

Step 4: Identify Story Ideas

Features    Steel  Nib  Body  Cap  Blue  ink  ...  

Benefits  Does  not  leak  Provides  physical  pleasure  Thoughts  flow  on  paper  Can  write  beau<ful  poetry  …  

Reversed  Benefits  Leaks  Inflicts  physical  torture  Thoughts  don’t  flow  on  paper  Writes  terrible  poetry  …  

E.g.:  Candidate  Scenario  1  A  poet  struggles  to  leave  her  mark  on  this  earth.  She  writes  terrible  poetry,  her  thoughts  don’t  flow  on  paper,  all  the  pens  she  tries  are  physical  torture  for  her  hand.  Un<l  one  day…  

Reverse Benefits

(what,  how)   (why,  WIIFY)   (lead-­‐to  why)  

Step 5: Create a dramatic outline

Complication: Claudio fears public speaking Development: 1. Claudio moves beyond bullet points 2. Claudio unleashes stories 3. Claudio tames stories Resolution: Claudio conquers fear

Step 5. Dramatic outline II (saga) Major Complication: Claudio fears public speaking Semi-Major Complication: Claudio kills with PowerPoint

Development 1,2,3 Interlinked Complication: Spielberg challenges Claudio Semi-Major Resolution: Claudio moves Beyond Bullet Points Semi-Major Complication: Spielberg challenges Claudio

Development 1,2,3 Interlinked Complication: Stories consume Claudio Semi-Major Resolution: Claudio embraces stories Semi-Major Complication: Stories consume Claudio

Development 1,2,3 Semi-Major Resolution: Claudio tames stories Interlinked Complication: Claudio fears public speaking Semi-Major Complication: Claudio fears public speaking (restated)

Development 1. Claudio pursues emotion Development 2. Claudio welcomes obstacles (carpe diem) Development 3. Claudio finds own voice

Major Resolution: Claudio conquers fear

Final Thoughts

“ --- Oscar Wilde

Everyone else is already taken.

Be yourself.

Claudio  Perrone  

[email protected]  

Thank  you!