CPLP Work Product Simplified | by Trish Uhl @ Owl's Ledge LLC

CPLP ® Mastery Series CPLP ® Work Product Simplified Preparing Candidates for February 2015 Submission 11 December 2014 Facilitator: ~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP

Transcript of CPLP Work Product Simplified | by Trish Uhl @ Owl's Ledge LLC

Session 1: Overview

CPLP® Mastery Series

CPLP® Work Product


Preparing Candidates for February 2015 Submission

11 December 2014


~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Where in the World are YOU?

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP

• Founder and CEO, Owl’s Ledge LLC

• International Conference Speaker & Author

• 2011 President, ASTD Chicago Chapter (CCASTD)

• 2009 / 2010 ASTD International Conference Planning

Advisory Committee

• 2009 Top Trainer Award Recipient, Training magazine • 2005 CPLP® Pilot Pioneer Candidate

Trish has worked with CPLP® candidates to help them operationalize the ATD

Competency Model™ and be successful in achieving CPLP® since the start of

the program in 2005. As a CPLP® Pilot Pioneer herself, being one of the very first

– worldwide – to achieve the CPLP® credential, Trish is dedicated to radically

changing the learning & performance profession from reactive and tactical, to

strategic and responsive.

Trish is a contributing author to two books on the subject of technology and

teams: ASTD Press “10 Steps to Successful Teams” and Pfeiffer “Fortify Your

Sales Force: Leading & Training Exceptional Teams.”

Trish’s first book in the CPLP® Mastery Series, “Mastering the CPLP: How to

Prepare for – and Pass! – the CPLP Knowledge Exam” is available in Kindle or

Paperback format on Amazon.com.

[email protected]

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC


• Participants are welcome to contribute verbally to the discussion.

– Please keep phone on mute when not speaking to minimize background noise.

– We have A LOT of people on this call. Please be courteous and respectful of other participants.

• Chat Room feature

– Everyone

– Individual – including contacting the Moderator


Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Manage YOUR Expectations

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Be Like Shawn

THE MAP 4-Step Process

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Owl’s Ledge 4-Step CPLP® Work Product

Preparation Process

1. • Strategic Planning

2. • Project Work & Work Samples

3. • Writing & Assembling

4. • Packaging & Shipping

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Strategic Planning

• Pre-Work – You’ve read the relevant parts of the CPLP

Certification Handbook (“Handbook”)

• General Work Product requirements

• AOE-specific Work Product requirements

– Owl’s Ledge Getting Started Planning worksheet

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

CPLP® Work Product Overview


CPLP Handbook

Basic Requirements


Scoring Pitfalls &

Critical Flaws

Packaging & Shipping

:: END :: Certification Schedule &


• Handbook, Parts 1 & 3 • Handbook, Part 2, Appendix F • AOE specific

• Work Samples • Essay Responses • Work Product Map • Project,

Performance, Admin & Cover Sheet Forms • Raters

• Categories • Scores and Scoring Guides

• 5 years • Available AOE • PI – 7 years • Candidate’s own work • English

• Pitfalls & Critical Flaws

• DEADLINE • Notification &

Status • Appeals

• Packaging • Address • Final Forms

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Project Work

• Your Project

• Your Work Samples

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

How long does Work Product take?

Weeks 1/10 1/27 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/7 3/14 3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11


Project Forms

Work Product Map

Performance Forms

Scoring Guide

Proofread & Finalize

Copy/Paste to Official Forms

Print & Organize

Admin Forms

Labels & Packaging

Ship It!



CPLP® Work Product – Roadmap


Form B

Form A

Scoring Guide



Must be RECEIVED by Deadline!

Your project work should be COMPLETE!

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Writing & Assembling

• Project Forms

• Performance Forms

• Work Samples (Evidence)

• Admin Forms

• Coversheet

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Cover Sheet: Training Delivery (TD)

Source: Appendix J: Work Product Submission Cover Sheet Form —Training Delivery (TD)

“Cannot Be



Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Critical Flaws: Training Delivery (TD)

Source: Appendix J: Work Product Submission Instructions —Training Delivery (TD)

“Cannot Be



KEY ACTIONS - CATEGORIES Area of Expertise (AOE)-specific Appendix

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Instructional Design (ID)

Source: Appendix I: Work Product Submission Instructions—Instructional Design (ID)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Instructional Design (ID)

Source: Appendix I: Work Product Submission Instructions—Instructional Design (ID)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Training Delivery (TD)

Source: Appendix J: Work Product Submission Instructions—Training Delivery (TD)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Training Delivery (TD)

Source: Appendix J: Work Product Submission Instructions—Training Delivery (TD)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Managing Learning Programs (MLP)

Source: Appendix L: Work Product Submission Instructions—Managing Learning Programs (MLP)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Managing Learning Programs (MLP)

Source: Appendix L: Work Product Submission Instructions—Managing Learning Programs (MLP)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Performance Improvement (PI)

Source: Appendix K: Work Product Submission Instructions—Performance Improvement (PI)

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Performance Improvement (PI)

Source: Appendix K: Work Product Submission Instructions—Performance Improvement (PI)

MIND MAP Active, Not Passive

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Training Delivery (TD) Key Actions

Source: Appendix P: Work Product AOE Key Action List

Mind Map: Training Delivery Key Actions, grouped by Key Action Categories

Created online using: www.mindmup.com

SCORE CARD Appendix M – WP Scoring Process

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Score Card - EXAMPLE

Source: Appendix M: Work Product Scoring Process

EVALUATION PLAN Formative & Summative Measurement, Evaluation, Report & Readout

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

How Much Time Do the Raters Have?

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Packaging & Shipping

• Work Samples (Evidence)

• Admin Forms

• Release Forms

• Coversheet

• Sequenced & Labeled

• Shipping Method

• Correct Shipping Address

• Deadline

NEXT STEPS Where do you go from here?

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Owl’s Ledge Online Program

• Detailed “How to” for 4-Step Process – Strategic Planning

– Project Work & Work Samples

– Writing & Assembling

– Packaging & Shipping

• AOE-specific Checklist & Planning Session

• Online Facilitated Sessions & Recordings

• Work Product Examples

• Review & Feedback of Essay Responses

• Prepares candidates for February 2015 submission

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Systematic & Step-by-Step


“I came to Owl’s Ledge after completing the Knowledge Exam, but unsuccessfully submitting a Work

Product on my own.

The Owl’s Ledge course was focused and very clear about what the Work Product process included, the

pacing was perfect, and the facilitators pointed out key ways to present the information to the Raters.

I would suggest, and I have recommended, the Owl’s

Ledge 5 week Online Facilitated Work Product course to other candidates.”

-- Brenetta Ward, CPLP - Director of Learning & Development

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Register Now for Our Online Program

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC

Contact Us!

• Candidates outside the USA

– Contact us for Special registration arrangements

• Email: [email protected]

• Phone: +1 (630) 510-1461

Copyright © 2014-2015 Owl’s Ledge LLC