CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder –...

CPA Blaze Intro Thanks for purchasing my newest course, CPA Blaze. The concept of this strategy is simple, but incredibly effective when implemented properly as I am going to show you. Follow this guide exactly, and you should have hoards of targeted traffic and leads coming in starting with your very first campaign. As you may know, I have been using a lot of FB lead ads lately for my CPA campaigns. They are simple, highly effective, and fast to test and scale up. It is the ultimate type of ad for CPA on what I believe is the best ads platform. We are going to be using FB lead ads in conjunction with contests to generate leads in any niche and immediately monetizing them for short term profits while building a big list for long term profits. This is a not a new concept as contests have been used for a long time to generate leads online. However, I do not see anyone else using it along with FB lead ads and CPA offers as I am. It is the perfect combination to pull off big winning campaigns fast.

Transcript of CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder –...

Page 1: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

CPA Blaze Intro Thanks for purchasing my newest course, CPA Blaze.

The concept of this strategy is simple, but incredibly

effective when implemented properly as I am going to

show you. Follow this guide exactly, and you should have

hoards of targeted traffic and leads coming in starting with

your very first campaign.

As you may know, I have been using a lot of FB lead

ads lately for my CPA campaigns. They are simple, highly

effective, and fast to test and scale up. It is the ultimate type

of ad for CPA on what I believe is the best ads platform.

We are going to be using FB lead ads in conjunction

with contests to generate leads in any niche and

immediately monetizing them for short term profits while

building a big list for long term profits.

This is a not a new concept as contests have been used

for a long time to generate leads online. However, I do not

see anyone else using it along with FB lead ads and CPA

offers as I am. It is the perfect combination to pull off big

winning campaigns fast.

Page 2: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

What You Need • FB ads account (although you can use this same

concept with ANY ad platform)

• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber

• Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and

Instapage are good options. You can use standalone

Wordpress as a free option.

• Viral software (optional, highly recommended) – You

can grab my personal viral software here:

• Iproleads (optional) – This synchronizes your leads to

your autoresponder automatically

• CPA or affiliate offers to promote

• Tracking platform (optional) – CPVLab, FunnelFlux,

Voluum, and Clickmagick are good options

Important Contest Info When it comes to running contests, it is important to

know the laws so you can make sure you are in compliance.

I am not a lawyer, and I am not giving legal advice.

Page 3: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

However, I am just giving you what I believe to be helpful

information regarding this. Here is a link to an article that

does an excellent job teaching you what you need to know:

Overview Basically, you are going to be running contests to give

away something of value to the winner. This can be

anything you want including an info product, software, or

even a physical product.

I have to emphasize that the higher the perceived

value of the giveaway is, the better. For example, if you are

in the IM niche, you are going to get a lot more leads

offering coaching for free than you would get if you simply

offered a low ticket course.

In order to enter the contest, they are going to have to

give you their email. This is how you get them on your list

and market to them right away and down the road for short

and long term profits.

Page 4: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

Niche And Giveaway Selection There is a wide range of possibilities when it comes to

choosing your niche. FB has the unique and powerful

targeting abilities to allow you to enter practically any

niche in high volume. Also, because you can offer either

physical or digital products, you are not restricted to niches

that only deal with physical products.

Niche/Product Ideas

• Pet niche – Offer a free dog collar

• Survival niche – Offer a free helmet flashlight

• Gaming niche – Offer a free game or gaming


• IM/MMO niche – Offer a free coaching session or


• Fitness niche – Offer free gym accessories

These are just a few examples of niches you can enter

and what you can offer to your audience that should have

your head spinning with ideas. Remember, the concept of

Page 5: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

“free” is extremely powerful, and that is all it takes to get

someone to opt-in to your list. All of these niches have

CPA offers you can promote, and they all can be promoted

to over and over again with more and more offers.

Sourcing Your Giveaway Note how I have stated that your giveaway item

should have a high perceived value. This does not

necessarily mean that the item has to be expensive. In fact,

you can spend just a few bucks by dropshipping an item

from If you are not familiar with

dropshipping, it basically means that you buy the product

online with your own money and send it somewhere else

(to the winner in this case) without ever having to hold

inventory. Aliexpress has literally thousands of products in

practically any niche you can think of so you should have

no problem finding an item to giveaway.

If you are in a niche in which you can use an info

product, you can create your own PDF if you are

knowledgeable in the niche. You can also rebrand a PLR

info product from a PLR website such as http://master-

Page 6: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage If you go the PDF route, you should also

add your affiliate links inside.

If you want to exact item giveaways and exactly

where I sourced them, I include that information inside of

the done for you campaigns here:

Choosing A CPA Offer As always, I highly recommend asking your affiliate

manager which CPA offers are converting best specifically

with FB ads. Make sure you let them know if you are

looking into a particular niche and that you need an offer

that accepts email traffic as well.

Needless to say, this offer should be in the same niche

as the item you are giving away. Let’s say you are giving

away a dog collar. You would do very well promoting the

Bark Box CPA offer because it is in the same niche. You

would promote the offers immediately in the follow up

email and you can also promote it on the thank you page.

Setting Contest Rules/Ad Copy

Page 7: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

When you advertise your contest, you want to make

sure that you have all the details clearly explained to avoid

any confusion.

Here are the main things to consider:

1. What you are giving away

2. How long is the contest going to take

3. How to enter

What you are giving away and how to enter should be

clearly explained in the ad copy. The length of the contest

should be on the thank you page and in the follow up email.

You can swipe and see some of my exact ad copy from my

campaigns inside of the done for you and advanced training

package here:

Creating Your Lead Ad (Note: this section is also in my course CPA Lead Crusher

since the setup is the same with the lead ad. The only

difference is the ad copy)

Finally, we get to the fun stuff. To start off, you will

need to go to your Business Manager on FB and then go to

Page 8: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

your Ads Manager. From there, you click on “create” and

this should pop up

You can fill out the Campaign Name, Ad Set Name,

and Ad Name as you want. However, make sure you

choose “Lead generation” for Campaign Objective (if this

is your first time running a lead ad, you will first have to

Page 9: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

accept the lead ad terms as you can see in the screenshot


Next you will want to edit your ad set to set up the

budget, targeting, and placements (if you want in depth

targeting strategies, you can refer to my Spark CPA course



The important thing here is you want your placements to be

in strictly the newsfeeds (both desktop and mobile). You

can expand to other placements later on. However, in my

experience, newsfeed placements consistently give the best


Page 10: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

Next, you want to go in and make your ad. Here is an

example of how to set up your ad

Page 11: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

If you do not have Photoshop, there are free options to

create ad images. There is a software called GIMP that you

can download, or you can use Canva, which is completely

web based and has everything necessary to create ad


Page 12: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

Next you get to create your lead form. You will first

see a popup like this.

Choose “New Form” and click on “Next”

Page 13: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

This is what I recommend for each option:

Form Type – choose more volume. You want as many

leads as possible with as little steps as possible.

Intro – Turn this one off.

Questions – I usually just use this section to edit the

headline at the top of the form as seen above.

Privacy Policy – This is where you place a link to your

website’s privacy policy

Page 14: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

For the Thank You Screen, you want to let them know

that they have been entered into the contest and to check

their email for confirmation. it on the thank you page you

set up on your website.

That is pretty much all there is to it. You will now be

able to collect leads and send them to your CPA offers.


The one problem with lead ads is that you need to

import your leads to your autoresponder manually. This can

become tedious and drastically affects open rates as your

leads do not receive an email right away.

Page 15: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

FB does not synchronize to your autoresponder

automatically so you will need to get a tool to do it for you.

My recommendation is iProLeads. It is only $7 and works

like a charm.

Your Thank You Page And

Follow Up Email Your thank you page should simply let your leads

know right away to check their inbox.

This is really all you need to have on your thank you page.

The follow up email should restate the contest details

and also include an affiliate link to an offer in your niche.

For example, you can state something like “we are excited

to announce the winner so keep an eye on your inbox. You

can also purchase this item through this link (enter your

affiliate link) if you want.” This can also be a link to your

Shopify store or blog with a buy button.

Page 16: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

If you want exact email swipes as well as advanced

training with emailing, I include that inside of the done for

you + advanced training package here:

Please note that you should not expect a lot of

purchases or conversions on an affiliate offer right away.

Most people will wait until the contest is over before they

decide to take action.


On every landing page that you create (not just for FB

ads), you want to have privacy policy and terms of service

links at the footer of your page. You can create both of

these pages with free generators that you can find on

Google. However, please do your own due diligence and

make sure you include what you need to include on both

pages for your business.

Choosing/Announcing Winner

And Follow Up Profits

Page 17: CPA Blaze Intro -• Autoresponder – I recommend Aweber • Landing page builder – Instabuilder, Leadpages, and Instapage

When it comes time to pick your winner, you can

simply enter the leads you gathered into a randomizer such

as the one found here:


You will then announce that winner to the entire list of

entries. In the same email, you should also send a link to

where they can get the product for a cost. That way the

non-winners will know where to go if they still want the

item. This is where you should see an uptick of conversions

and profits coming in.

Starting from here, you can hit this same list over and

over again with CPA offers in the same niche. You can

even run more contests if you want. The point is, you

should be able to easily profit as this list is highly targeted

and will be interested in whatever you have to offer them in

their niche.

If you want more in-depth training including copy-

paste swipes, you should grab the done for you and

advanced training CPA Blaze package here:

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Going Viral And Exploding

Profits One of the biggest advantages of using contests is that

they are perfect for going viral. People love to share within

their own niche. That is why I highly recommend you grab

the viral software I had privately developed so that you can

significantly boost your traffic and profits.

This software helps your contests go viral, and you

can actually use it with any type of campaign you run. You

can grab it while it is still available here: