Transcript of COVER STORY -...

Page 1: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef
Page 2: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef
Page 3: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef


In accordance with the theme of the first edition of the Tulip Magazine which is Premium Business, then the selected cover also has a supporting theme. A Queen is identical to the message of beauty and perfection. Royal life has always made the queen as the center of attention. Thus the image of a queen that needs to be presented is a perfection and greatness.A queen with a crown of chocolate wrapped sophisticatedly and shows its class.

The same goes with chocolate. It becomes a premium product if it is produced with a great enthusiasm from a variety of parties who are related to the chocolate business to make a product at its best. Even the best chocolate needs be treated special, even when it is still in the form of seeds and then processed until it becomes a ready to eat product. Real Chocolate is always in need of distinctive touch and special treatment so that the results are perfect.

Started at around early 2000, Tulip published a kind

of four-page-brochures containing information and

recipes of chocolate, then the brochures developed

into eight-pages of pamphlets in 2004. Due to such

a high demand from customers, the pamphlet evolved

again into A4 size bulletin contains 8 pages which

do not only contain recipes, but a lot of information

around the world of chocolate and bakery.

This bulletin is produced until the year 2010.

Now in accordance with the basic principle of Tulip

chocolate; innovation and customer satisfaction as

a top priority, it is time that Tulip to publish a media

information to the chocolate connoisseurs and

chocolatiers in the form of a magazine by the name

of TULIP Chocolate Magazine. More of a information

media, it is also as a lifestyle magazine and a trend

setter in the field of chocolate.

Economic growth in the countries of Asia Pacific is the

highest in the world during the last few years, means

living standard and the economy of the society will

Model : Neli Yustikarini

Photographer : Setiabudi














Premium Businessin Chocolate Industry

Premium Business

Premium Trend

Molecular Recipe


Premium Pastry Shop


Valentine Recipe

Easter Recipe

Tulip’s Tips & Trick

Choco Tools

The Rising Chef Profile


Frank Haasnoot profileVictorian patisserie

Presenting a Plate of Molecules

by : Angga Priyatna

Janice Wong profile2am:dessertbarJanice Wong Recipe

Au ChocolatJuchheimPique.Nique

50 Choco IdeaChocolate Color Bon - bonby : Louis Tanuhadi

Equipment as the Final Determinant of a Product’s Quality

Ainun ChomsunJan Juana

by : Pipit Yulianti

by : Benty Diwansyah

The Secret Behind TemperingPerfect Tempering for Perfect Chocolate

Pand’or Food & Cakes

A Doubtful Prospect

increase, and there are many well-off societies

who have high buying power. It is the right

time for TULIP Chocolate Magazine to bring up

Business Premium as a theme in the field

of culinary for the premiere issue.

Chocolate business in Asia Pacific countries

will grow very significantly, in comparison with

the European countries that are stagnant it

even tends to be negative. Because in the

European countries the level of consumption

of chocolate is very high above 7-8 kg per

capita, while in Asia it is still so low compared

to the number of inhabitants, around 1-2 kg

per capita. An excellent opportunity at this

moment if we start the chocolate business

with reliable standard and quality.

Best Regards,

Louis Tanuhadi Tulip Ambassador

Jl. S. Parman Komp BNI 46 No. E7Slipi, Jakarta 11480 Indonesiat. 021 548 1148f. 021 536 [email protected]


Chief Editor : Louis TanuhadiEditor & Writer : Nada, MoorweTranslator : Eka Rambe, DianaPhotographer : Albertus, Dwi, SetiabudiPhoto Editor : Octopus Designer : Firman, Andika

Copyright 2013 by Tulip Chocolate Magazine. All pieces to produced in this issue are under prior copyright of the creators and publisher by the contractual arrangements.

For more ideas and detail recipe in this magazine, please contact : [email protected]

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 132

Warior Chocolate Showpiece01.

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Frank Haasnoot Alters Chocolate to a MasterpieceThe Netherlands not only does it have the best cheese in the world or the wonderful various

colors of the Tulip flowers, or the neat urban land use which neatly blends between water and

land, but the Netherlands also has a chocolatier who is now the talk of this year in the pastry

and chocolate world. He is Frank Haasnoot.

Belanda tak hanya punya keju terbaik di dunia atau bunga tulip berbagai warna yang menawan atau

juga tata kota yang teratur rapi memadukan antara air dan daratan, Belanda juga memiliki seorang

ahli cokelat yang sedang dibicarakan dunia pastry dan cokelat di tahun ini, yaitu Frank Haasnoot.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 134

His long journey in the chocolate, pastry

and bakery world in fifteen years has

brought him to an accomplishment.

It started from his hobby; young Haasnoot

loved to help his uncle who owned

a restaurant in the Netherlands. His interest

in the pastry world has started from an

early age. Reading pastry magazines,

seeing his favourite pastry chef making

artistic showpieces and pastries which in

the end has led him to be a well known

Pastry Chef in the world.

Become World Chocolate Master

His winning in the World Chocolate Master

in 2011 has drawn attention to pastry

chefs and chocolatiers from all over the

world. Until the media wrote his success

and his masterpiece that crowned him

World Chocolate Master.

“Warrior” is his showpiece which took him

for one year to perfect it purposely for

competing in the World Chocolate Master.

It shows an Aztec according to Frank’s

imagination. The chocolate showpiece

contained 40 kilograms of chocolate.

“I made tens of showpieces prior to

preparation for this competition. Some

worked but some didn’t. But I kept on

creating and evaluating failures. I also really

respect the process that have been made

with the team, my friends and my seniors

that I talk to, ” said Frank Haasnoot.

Frank Haasnoot prefers to call himself as a

“Creative Artistic Chef” with a high skill of

a sculptor. One of his dreams when he was

a child was to become a furniture designer

and a carpenter. “My dreams have never

ceased. Right now, those dreams are

implemented in a different media, that is

chocolate. I like to draw and that passion

that keeps me creating,” said the chef who

just turns 31 years old this year.

Perjalanan panjangnya di dunia bakery,

pastry dan cokelat dalam kurun waktu 15

tahun membawanya ke sebuah pencapaian.

Berawal dari kegemaraan Haasnoot kecil

membantu pamannya yang memiliki restoran

di Belanda. Ketertarikannya pada dunia

pastry sudah dipupuk sedari belia. Membaca

majalah tentang pastry, memperhatikan para

Pastry Chef idolanya membuat Showpiece

yang kokoh dan artistik. Hingga pada akhirnya

perjalanan Frank Haasnoot membawanya

sebagai seorang Pastry Chef ternama

di dunia.

Menjadi “World Chocolate Master”

Kemenangannya di kompetisi cokelat dunia

“World Chocolate Master” di tahun 2011,

menarik perhatian para Pastry Chef dan

pelaku cokelat di seluruh dunia. Hingga

pada akhirnya media dunia menulis tentang

keberhasilan Frank Haasnoot dan karya

masterpiece nya yang berhasil membuat para

juri menyematkan predikat World Chocolate

Master kepadanya.

“Warrior” adalah nama Chocolate Showpiece

yang telah diuji coba selama 1 tahun khusus

untuk mengikuti kompetisi World Chocolate

Master. Menggambarkan prajurit suku

Astek menurut imajinasi Frank. Chocolate

Showpiece yang dibuat dari cokelat ini

memiliki berat 40 kg. “Puluhan showpiece

sudah saya buat dalam persiapan kompetisi.

Ada yang berhasil dan banyak yang gagal.

Tetapi saya tak lelah terus berkreasi dan

mengevaluasi kegagalan. Saya sangat

menghormati proses yang telah dibuat,

bersama tim dan juga teman serta senior

yang saya ajak bertukar pikiran,”

ujar Frank Haasnoot.

Frank Haasnoot lebih suka menyebut dirinya

sebagai “Creative Artistic Chef” dengan

kemampuan yang tinggi sebagai seorang

seniman pahat. Salah satu cita-cita Frank

ketika masih anak-anak adalah menjadi

furniture designer dan tukang kayu. “Cita-cita

saya tidak mati. Saat ini cita-cita itu terwujud

dalam media yang lain yaitu cokelat. Saya

suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang

membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef

yang baru memasuki usia 31 tahun ini.




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02 - 05. Frank Haasnoot’s Masterpieces

Menjadi seorang Pastry Chef

dan Ahli Cokelat bukan sesuatu

yang sulit dan tak mungkin,

tetapi menjadi Pastry Chef

dan Ahli Cokelat yang baik itu

membutuhkan kesungguhan

dan kerja keras yang tinggi.

Ada satu pesan dari Frank

untuk para Pastry Chef, untuk

menantang dirinya dengan

mengikuti berbagai kompetisi

di negaranya sendiri dan bahkan

di luar negeri. Dengan mengikuti

kompetisi, memaksa seorang

Pastry Chef untuk terus kreatif.

“Jangan menunda waktu untuk

ikut kompetisi. Sekarang!”

pesan Frank.

Kompetisi Bukan Hanya Sebuah Perlombaan

“And I believe as you work with

food, you have to see in the end

that it’s still a food,” ujar Frank

Haasnoot ketika ditanya mengenai

bagaimana memadukan seni

dan media makanan. Setelah

memenangkan kompetisi WCM

di tahun 2011, Frank ingin

mengikuti kompetisi berikutnya

yaitu Coupue du Monde

de la Patisserie. Baginya

kompetisi bukan hanya sekedar

pertandingan, tapi bagaimana

keberanian seorang Pastry Chef

menunjukkan “style”nya melalui

produk yang dibuat.

Jiwa seni Frank memang tak

terbendung. Hingga kesibukannya

saat ini sebagai Pastry Chef

di sebuah toko cokelat dan

pastry di Kuwait, The Victorian,

membuatnya belum bisa

berlibur. Travelling adalah salah

satu caranya untuk menikmati

hidup. Belajar tentang makanan

setempat dan juga budayanya.

Bagi Frank, Asia adalah tujuan

travelling yang menarik.

Being a Pastry Chef and

a Chocolatier are not something

difficult and impossible to

achieve, but being a better

Pastry Chef and a better

Chocolatier take preseverance

and high level of a hard work.

There is one message that

Frank leaves for pastry chefs;

to challenge themselves to enter

various competitions in their

own countries and abroad.

By participating in competitions

a pastry chef is pushed to keep

being creative. “Don’t put off

the time to participate in

a competition. Do it now!”

said Frank.

Competition is not Only Contest

“And I believe as you work

with food, you have to see in

the end that it’s still a food,”

said Frank Haasnoot when

asked how he blends arts and

food. After winning the World

Chocolate Master competition

in 2011, in future Frank would

like to compete on Coupue

du Monde de la Patisserie.

To him, competition is not just

a contest, but how a Pastry

Chef’s boldness to show his

“style” through the products

that he makes.

Frank’s sense of arts is

overwhelmed. Due to his busy

schedule as a Pastry Chef of

a chocolate shop and pastry

in Kuwait, The Victorian, he is

unable to take a vacation yet.

Travelling is also one of his

ways to enjoy life. Learning

about local food and its culture

are also interesting. To him,

Asia is an appealing travelling


Photo doc. Frank Haasnoot


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01- 03. The luxurious interior design of Victorian Patisserie & Cholatatier.




Premium Business

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There is no other word than “luxury”

than best to describe The Victorian

Patisserie & Chocolatier in the Tilal

Complex Shuwaikh, Kuwait. The

luxury is served in every elements,

from the shop design, product

designs to its selling method.

It is the World Chocolate Master

2011, Frank Haasnoot, who is in

charge in the production. Along with

his partner and his team, working

hard in the production room to

create the best creation and to

deliver the The Victorian Patisserie &

Chocolatier’s customers’ dreams

of a chocolate product and pastry.

In accordance with its production

concept, the Victorian Patisserie

& Chocolatier prefers to prioritizes

special orders from the customers.

“We have to be able to make what

the customers want. Our production

process is very custome made

because the products that we make

are not something that we make the

same every single day,” explained

Frank Haasnoot who takes a lot of

effort to create a solid team with

the pastry chef from Kuwait. The

chocolate products or pastry that

are commonly ordered are usually

ordered for special ocassions

like weddings, birth of a baby

ceremonies, birthdays, and other

special celebrations.

Tidak ada kata yang lebih tepat selain

“mewah” yang pantas untuk disematkan

pada The Victorian Patisserie &

Chocolatier yang ada di Tilal Complex

Shuwaikh, Kuwait. Kemewahan yang

disajikan di semua elemen, mulai dari

desain toko, desain produk dan cara


Dialah World Chocolate Master 2011,

Frank Haasnoot, yang memegang

kendali produksi. Bersama partnernya

dan juga tim, bekerja keras di ruang

produksi untuk menciptakan karya-

karya terbaik dan juga mewujudkan

mimpi pelanggan The Victorian

Patisserie & Chocolatier akan sebuah

produk cokelat dan juga pastry.

Sesuai dengan konsep produksinya,

The Victorian Patisserie & Chocolatier

lebih mengutamakan dalam produksi

untuk pesanan khusus dari pelanggan.

“Kami harus bisa mewujudkan apa yang

diinginkan oleh pelanggan. Dan proses

produksi kami sangat dinamis karena

produk yang dibuat bukan sesuatu yang

sama dan berulang seriap hari,” jelas

Frank Haasnoot yang membutuhkan

usaha yang keras untuk membentuk

yang tim solid dengan pastry chef dari

Kuwait. Produk cokelat atau pastry

biasanya dipesan untuk kebutuhan

sajian dalam upacara pernikahan,

kelahiran bayi dan ulang tahun atau

juga perayaan-perayaan khusus.

04. The premium handling for chocolate

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 138

“All of our finest works are showcased

in our display room. What makes us different

from other pastry or chocolate shops is

our tablewares, like our trays are special

delivered from London with classic design,”

said Frank Haasnoot. The Victorian Patisserie

& Chocolatier doesn’t sell its chocolate and

pastry products only but also its tableware

which were produced from fifty to one

hundred years ago. Beside trays that are

from England, vases are from Murano and

porcelains are from Portugal, luxury isn’t it?

If there is a saying, “Customer is a King”,

it is exactly what happens at theVictorian

Patisserie & Chocolatier. The class A and

A+ customer target is what makes the

Victorian Patisserie & Chocolatier performs

its best. The victorian building with perfect

details, products which are made from the

finest ingredients, the best pastry chef and

its strategy to “sell” that leaves luxurious

impression. “We are giving the customers

Royal services,” says Frank Haasnoot.

“Seluruh karya terbaik kami

sajikan di ruang pamer. Dan yang

membedakan dengan toko kue atau

cokelat lainnya, seluruh piranti saji

seperti nampan didatangkan khusus

dari London dengan desain klasik,”

ujar Frank Haasnoot. The Victorian

Patisserie & Chocolatier tidak hanya

menjual produk cokelat dan pastry-

nya tetapi juga piranti sajinya, yang

ternyata telah diproduksi 50-100

tahun yang lalu. Selain nampan

dari Inggris, vas didatangkan dari

Murano dan porcelain dari Portugal,

mewah bukan?

Jika ada pepatah yang mengatakan

bahwa “Pembeli adalah Raja” hal

itulah yang terjadi The Victorian

Patisserie & Chocolatier. Target

pelanggan di kelas A dan A+

membuat The Victorian Patisserie

& Chocolatier tampil total. Gedung

yang ditata bergaya Victorian

dengan detail yang sempurna,

produk yang disajikan dibuat dari

bahan terbaik dan Pastry Chef

terbaik, dan juga cara “menjual”

yang tetap meninggalkan kesan

mewah. “We are giving the

customers Royal services,”

cerita Frank Haasnoot.



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The Victorian Patisserie & Chocolatier

also provides “Sugar Suite”; a room that

can be booked for meeting purposes,

and “Chocolate Lab” where all of the

chocolate experiments are done.

Segmented customer target is one of

important points in running a business

of various fields, not only for chocolate

or food. The Victorian Patisserie &

Chocolatier has proofed that clear

segmentation and consistency have

resulted a maximum outcome.

The Victorian Patisserie & Chocolatier

menyediakan pula “Sugar Suite” yaitu

ruangan yang disewakan untuk kebutuhan

meeting, serta “Chocolate Lab” dimana

seluruh eksperimen tentang cokelat

dilakukan di sini.

Penetapan target “pasar” merupakan salah

satu poin penting dalam menjalankan

sebuah bisnis di berbagai bidang, bukan

hanya di bidang cokelat atau makanan.

The Victorian Patisserie & Chocolatier telah

membuktikan bahwa segmentasi yang jelas

dan konsisten memberikan sebuah hasil

yang maksimal.

05. Chocolate sculpture

06, 07, 08, 10. The touch of Frank Haasnoot

09. Victorian symbol on chocolate

Photo doc. Frank Haasnoot





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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1310

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Presenting aPlate of


A luxurious interior design and the delicacy of cooking

are now no longer enough for high class restaurants to

attract customers. It is the challenge for the chefs, and the

restaurants managers to present a plate of amazement for

their customers. And in the last few years, that plate

of amazement was discussed and referred to as

molecular gastronomy.

Desain ruang yang megah dan kelezatan masakan kini

sudah tidak lagi cukup bagi rumah makan kelas atas untuk

mendatangkan pelanggan. Inilah tantangan bagi para chef,

dan penanggung jawab rumah makan untuk menyajikan

sepiring ketakjuban kepada pelanggannya. Dan beberapa tahun

belakangan ini, sepiring ketakjuban itu diperbincangkan dan

disebut dengan molecular gastronomy.

Premium Trend




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Menilik asal katanya, gastronomi berasal

dari bahasa Yunani kuno, gastros yang

berarti ‘lambung’ atau ‘perut’ dan nomos

yang berarti ‘aturan’ atau ‘hukum’. Banyak

ahli mencoba menterjemahkan kata yang

dimunculkan pertama oleh penyair Perancis

Jacques Berchoux 200 tahun lalu. Hingga

akhirnya salah satu penemunya yang

masih hidup, Hervé This, meluruskan

kesimpangsiuran tersebut.

Dalam artikelnya yang berjudul “Food for

tomorrow?” -dimuat dalam laman,

Hervé memisahkan dan membedakan antara

memasak dengan gastronomi. Memasak







If we see from the original words,

gastronomy comes from ancient Greek

language, gastros which means ‘lambung’

or ‘stomach’ and nomos means ‘rule’

or ‘law’. Many experts have been trying

to translate the word which firstly

introduced by a French poet, Jacques

Berchous, 200 years ago. Until finally,

one of the living inventors, Hervé This,

has straightened out this confusion.

In his article entitled “Food for tomorrow?”

– included in page, Hervé

separate and distinguish the meaning

between cooking and gastronomy. Cooking

is the activity to prepare and cook food

while gastronomy is the science

or knowledge learning on all things

about food.

(cooking) adalah menyiapkan dan memasak

makanan sedangkan gastronomi adalah ilmu

atau pengetahuan yang mempelajari semua

hal tentang makanan.

“Jadi gastronomi pada intinya tidak ada

hubungannya dengan seni penyajian

makanan, fashion food, atau cara menyiapkan

dan menyajikan makanan yang mewah

seperti tournedos Rossini, canard à l’orange,

atau lobster orientale, tetapi bagaimana

memahami makanan. Lebih tepatnya lagi

molecular gastronomy adalah mengetahui

berdasarkan metode ilmiah bahan-bahan

kimia apa yang terkandung dalam makanan

dan apa yang terjadi sehingga makanan

mengalami perubahan fisik. Contohnya proses

mengentalnya mayonnaise dan soufflé yang

mengembang,” urai Hervé This.

Kata molecular dalam molecular gastronomy

memang memiliki arti yang sama, terutama

dalam kasanah ilmu biologi molecular. Sebuah

kesamaan yang disengajakan lantaran kimia

dan fisika merupakan inti dari perubahan yang

“So basically, gastronomy has nothing

to do with the art of food presentation,

fashion food or how to prepare and present

luxurious food like tournedos Rossini,

canard à l’orange, or lobster orientale,

but it is all about how to comprehend food.

More exactly, molecular gastronomy is to

know – based on the scientific method

– what are the chemical substances

contained inside the food and what happen

so that the food having physical changes.

For example, the thickening process of

mayonnaise and a fluffy soufflé,”

Herve This explained.

The word molecular in molecular

gastronomy has the same meaning,

especially in the molecular biology science

vocabularies. An intentional similarity

because chemistry and physics are the

cores of the changes which occur when

the food is cooked or presented. Based

terjadi saat makanan dimasak atau disajikan.

Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka Hervé This

bersama dengan Kurti Nicholas pada tahun

1988, menciptakan istilah “Molecular and

Physical Gastronomy” dan menegaskan

bahwa molecular gastronomy adalah

sebuah ilmu baru.

Terlepas dari silang pendapat dan pelurusan

oleh penemunya, molecular gastronomy

telah membuka jendela baru dunia memasak

dan makanan. Jendela yang disebut Hervé

This dengan ‘cooking gastronomy ‘ ini telah

menjadi tren baru dalam dunia masakan

mewah. Dan menilik ke dalam daftar 50

restoran terbaik di dunia tahun 2012,

menurut, sepertinya

para jawara memasak itu menyajikan sepiring

molekul yang membuat takjub para pengamat

makanan dan restoran.

Jika para pengamat tersebut dibuat takjub,

bagaimana dengan Anda?

on this fact, in 1988, Herve This together

with Kurti Nicholas created a term of

“Molecular and Physical Gastronomy” and

confirmed that molecular gastronomy is a

new science.

Regardless the cross opinion and the

confirmation by the inventors, molecular

gastronomy has opened up a new insight

in culinary and food world. This insight that

Herve This called as ‘cooking gastronomy’

has become a new trend in a luxurious

culinary world. And looking into the world’s

50 best restaurants in 2012, according

to, it seems that

the cooking champions present a plate

of molecule which fascinate the food and

restaurants observers.

If those observers are amazed then how

about you?

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1314

Cocoa CaviarRevolution in the food manufacturing industry has occured so rapidly, especially among the upper class, premium class that prioritizing quality, uniqueness and flavor.

Molecular Recipe

Angga Priyatna

TULIP Chocolatier

Page 17: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef


Cooking Molecular RecipeIngredients A:400 ml Water

120 grams Syrup sugar

35 grams Tulip Bordeaux cocoa powder

1,25 grams Alginate


Ingredients B: 500 ml Cold water

5 grams Calcium Chloride

Ingredients C: 500 ml Water

One of the premium trend is “caviar”,

popularized by Chef Ferran Adria,

a pioneer in modern food processing

techniques, and widely followed by

many other world chefs. “Caviar”

is the round-shaped thickened juice,

yet still slushy inside. The name is

taken from one of legendary food;

Sturgeon’s fish eggs living in the

Caspian sea, Russia or

in the Black sea, Europe.

It can be made from fruit juice or any

flavor, for this recipe, caviar is made in

the chocolate flavor.

Alginate is the extract of seaweed

that serves as a thickening fluid,

it works by binding the water


Calcium Chlorides CaCl2 is a

compound of calcium and chlorine.

It is a salt that is solid at room

temperature and is highly soluble

in water.

Mix together the water, syrup,

Tulip Bordeaux cocoa powder

and Alginate.

Using a mixer, whisk to dissolved.

Dissolve Calcium Chloride in cold


Cook to boiling, and allow to cool

at room temperature.

Using a pipette, drop the solution

of ingredients (a) into the solution

of ingredients (b) filter “caviar”

and soak in water until it is ready

to use.

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Page 18: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef

TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1316

Experience is what Janice Wong wishes

to give to everyone who loves the culinary

world. “Food is not just what is served

on the table to make our stomach full.

Food should be enjoyed with the right

atmosphere, should provide a sense of

pleasure and an unforgettable experience,”

explained Janice interviewed in a Moovina

Restaurant in Plaza Indonesia in

mid-December 2012.

Pengalaman, hal inilah yang ingin dibagikan

Janice Wong kepada semua orang yang

mencintai dunia kuliner. “Makanan bukan

hanya apa yang tersaji di meja dan kemudian

membuat kenyang. Makanan haruslah

dinikmati dengan suasana yang tepat,

memberikan rasa senang dan sebuah

pengalaman yang tak terlupakan,” jelas Janice

yang ditemui di sebuah restoran mewah di

Plaza Indonesia pada pertengahan

Desember 2012 lalu.

Photo doc. Janice Wong

Janice WongWorking With Love & Passion

The Rising Chef Profile

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Janice’s culinary journey

began when she decided

to study pastry in Melbourne,

Australia then resumed to

Paris. Her experiences and

abilities at culinary school

are equipped with various

working experiences in

numerous restaurants in the

big cities of the world, such

as Paris, New York, Chicago,

Madrid, Barcelona and other

big countries. Her many

stages have given her the

opportunity to work alongside

celebrated chefs such as

Gunther Hubrechsen, Loretta

Fanella, Oriol Balaguer, Arzak,

Will Goldfarb, Alex Stupak and

Pierre Herme.

Janice’s decision to open a

culinary business occured when

she was 25 years old. “I’d seen

the world and studies many

things from the kitchen.

I wanted to give something

to my country, Singapore,”

she said proudly.

“Desserts are almost never the

highlight of a meal compared

to main course. I want to

change that perception by

serving only desserts at

2am:dessertbar. I devote all my

capability to create the perfect

dessert menu,” she said avidly.

Perjalanan Janice di dunia

makanan dimulai sejak

memutuskan untuk menuntut

ilmu di Melbourne, Australia

dan dilanjutkan di Paris untuk

mempelajari pastry lebih dalam.

Pengalaman dan kemampuannya

di bangku sekolah dilengkapi

dengan pengalaman kerja di

berbagai restoran di kota-kota

besar dunia, seperti di Paris, New

York, Chicago, Madrid, Barcelona,

dan Negara besar lainnya.

Pengalamannya dilengkapi

pula dengan kesempatan

untuk menjadi tim dari celebrity

chef dunia, seperti Gunther

Hubreschen, Loretta Fanella,

Oriol Balaguer, Arzak, Will

Goldfarb, Alex Stupak dan

Pierre Herme.

Sharing Philosophy through 2am:dessertbarWhen Tulip Magazine visited 2am:dessertbar

in Singapore in November 2012, the different

ambiance was felt when entering the stylish

room with simple and minimalist interior design;

more-over, when each dessert was served, like

Banana Passion Fruit Dessert, Shades of Purple,

Basil White Chocolate and Popcorn Parfait.

2am:dessertbar was established in 2007 and

has become the talk amongst the dessert lovers

in Singapore and even the world. “When I started

this business challenging myself to create a

new form or texture with basic ingredients and

equipment. Customers who come will only care

about the new experience that they will get when

enjoying each menu that they order. But I have

to keep trying to introduce the philosophy from

each menu delivered in many interesting ways.

One of them is by writing this book, ‘Perfection

in Imperfection’ in 2011,” said Janice who also

opened 2am:lab and 2am:experience supported

by other young chefs.

Aside how each menu was created, Janice

also considered of how each menu is served

captivatingly. Therefore she chose the bar concept

to create a relaxed atmosphere where there is an

interaction between the chef and the guests.

Through every menu that was created, Janice

has combined a lot of things, such as taste,

beauty, art, culture and nature that are present

on each plate.

Keputusan Janice untuk

membuka bisnis di bidang

makanan ini terjadi saat usianya

menginjak 25 tahun. “Saya telah

melihat dunia dan mempelajari

banyak hal di dapur. Saya ingin

memberikan sesuatu kepada

negara saya, Singapura,”

ujarnya penuh bangga.

“Dessert atau makanan pencuci mulut seringkali

menjadi anak tiri jika dibandingkan dengan makanan

utama. Saya ingin mengubah prespektif itu dengan

hanya menyajikan menu dessert di 2am:dessertbar.

Seluruh kemampuan saya curahkan untuk

menciptakan menu dessert yang sempurna,”

ujarnya dengan penuh semangat.

Ketika Tulip Magazine bertandang ke 2am:dessertbar

di Singapura pada November 2012 lalu, suasana

“berbeda” sudah terasa ketika memasuki ruangan

yang ditata apik dan dengan disain interior yang

simpel dan minimalis. Apalagi ketika satu persatu

hidangan dessert disajikan, seperti Banana Passion

Fruit Dessert, Shades of Purple, Basil White

Chocolate dan Popcorn Parfait.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1318

Janice Wong’s achievement

in the last 2 years :

2011 Launch of Perfection in Imperfection book

2011 Opening of SPICE in London - Guest Chef

2011 Presenting Chef for Boiron products at China (Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai) and

South Korea.

2011 Pastry Chef of the Year (World Gourmet Summit awards)

2011 Abu Dhabi Gourmet Summit - Guest Chef at Yas Island Rotana

2011 Madrid Fusion – Guest Chef at SPICE

2012 Best of HOW International Design Award for Perfection in Imperfection 2012 Young Woman of The Year 2012 (Her World)

2012 Launch of a new catalogue in collaboration with PCB France

2012 Best Dessert Restaurant (Is Magazine)

2012 Shortlisted for President Design Award (2am: lab, 2am: experience)

2011 RSBF private dinner with MM Lee – Guest Chef

The More Local it is the More Premium it Gets

2am:dessertbar berdiri pada

tahun 2007 dan telah menjadi

perbincangan di kalangan pecinta

dessert di Singapura dan bahkan

telah mendunia. “Ketika saya

memulai bisnis ini saya menantang

diri saya untuk membuat

sebuah bentuk baru dengan

menggunakan bahan-bahan yang

mendasar dan juga peralatan

When asked about the premium

products Janice’s answer was

surprising, she thinks that a

product is called a premium

if it is from local. “When we can

find and make the local and

authentic product then serves

it on an out-of-mind menu, that

is premium,” she said shortly.

Ketika ditanya mengenai produk

premium, jawaban Janice sangat

mengejutkan, menurutnya sebuah

produk disebut premium jika

berasal dari bahan baku lokal.

“Ketika kita bisa menemukan

dan kemudian mengolah

produk yang lokal dan otentik

kemudian disajikan dalam sebuah

menu yang out of mind , itulah

She thinks by finding an Asian

genuine fruits like cempedak

(the smaller cousin of the

well-known, jackfruit), durian

or jackfruit from the farmers,

choosing the best kind of fruit

and making it into a menu is

one of the things that makes

it a Premium.

premium,” ujar Janice singkat.

Menurutnya dengan menemukan

buah yang otentik dari Asia

seperti cempedak, durian atau

nangka dari petaninya sendiri,

memilih jenis buah yang terbaik

dan meramunya menjadi sebuah

menu adalah salah satu hal yang

membuat karya menjadi Premium.

Di sela-sela kesibukannya Janice

Amidst her tight schedule,

Janice still has a wish to be

able to stroll into the fields and

meet with fruit farmers either in

Malaysia, Indonesia or even in

other Asian countries.

Janice Wong is a lady with

an assertive face still has lots

masih punya keinginan untuk bisa

“berjalan-jalan” ke ladang dan

bertemu dengan petani buah,

baik di Malaysia, Indonesia atau

di negara Asia lainnya.

Janice Wong yang berperawakan

mungil dan memiliki garis muka

yang tegas ini masih memiliki

segudang keinginan yang ingin

of desires that want to be

realized. “I will keep learning

and developing my self. My job

demands me to keep working.

My business in Singapore is

still running well and I’m still

travelling around the world and

meet countless extraordinary

friends,” said Janice boldly.

diwujudkan. “Saya akan terus

belajar dan mengembangkan diri.

Pekerjaan saya menuntut saya

untuk terus berkarya.

Bisnis saya di Singapura tetap

berjalan dengan baik dan saya

masih bisa berkeliling dunia dan

bertemu dengan banyak teman

yang luar biasa,” ujar Janice

penuh keyakinan.

yang sederhana. Pelanggan yang

datang mendapatkan pengalaman

yang berbeda di tiap menu yang

dipesan. Saya terus berusaha

untuk mengenalkan filosofi dari

tiap menu yang dibuat dengan

berbagai cara yang menarik.

Salah satunya dengan pembuatan

buku Perfection in Imperfection

di tahun 2011 lalu,”ujar Janice

yang juga membuka 2am:lab dan

2am:experience yang didukung

beberapa chef muda lainnya.

Selain bagaimana setiap

menu diciptakan, Janice juga

memikirkan bagaimana setiap

menu disajikan dengan menarik.

Maka konsep bar dipilihnya untuk

membuat suasana yang santai

dan ada sebuah interaksi antara

chef dengan pengunjung.

Melalui tiap menu yang diciptakan,

Janice telah menggabungkan

banyak hal, seperti rasa,

keindahan, seni, budaya dan alam

yang tersaji di tiap piringnya.

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2am:dessertbar Unique for the Senses

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1320

To present a new experience for culinary

world lovers, that was Janice Wong’s

intention as she opened 2am:dessertbar

in last October, 2007. From its

name, 2am:dessertbar describes the

uniqueness of business owned and

developed by a very talented female

chef, Janice Wong.

2am:dessertbar focusses on progressive

dessert products paired with wine.

The menus presented extremely keep

the balance of taste, texture and the

temperature as well. One of its taglines

is “creating unique dining experience

for the guest”. Located in the area of

Holland Village, 2am:dessertbar is a

perfect “hangout” place for the dessert

lovers in Singapore. “Our targets are

those dessert lovers in the age of 18 to

40 years old,” said Janice Wong.

And on one night when Tulip Magazine

stopped by at 2am:dessertbar outlet,

a cozy and modern atmosphere was really

showed there. The visitors are able to

watch directly how the chefs preparing

the dessert menus ordered from the

bar area. “This makes us different from

other restaurants where they usually put

their kitchen and eating area in separate

places,” Janice Wong explained.

“I do not cook molecular but some

techniques applied with technology

are practiced to facilitate the efficiency

of cooking. For instance using nitrogen

instead of deep freezing changes the

forms of the food but not the taste. 

I practice very much the classical methods

but inspiring diners that a classic texture

can be served in a different form. 

For example, a creme brulee does not

have to be in a cup but piped instead,”

said Janice.

“What people remember when they

enjoying their food is the flavor, while the

aesthetics or the art of presentation may

become the second or the third thing

they remember. That is why I commit

to use the best ingredients and also

the best processing method here,” said

Janice Wong who has been awarded the

appreciation as Young Woman of

The Year by Her World Magazine.

If you have the opportunity to visit

Singapore and wanting to indulge your

tongue and having a unique sensation,

2am:dessertbar is a recommended

place to go. Don’t forget to firstly

make a reservation so that you will not

disappointed for not getting your seat.

All information on 2am:dessertbar can

be seen at

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sudah dipesan di area bar. “Inilah yang

membedakan kami dengan restoran lainnya

yang meletakkan dapur dan area makan

terpisah,” jelas Janice Wong.

“Saya tidak memasak dengan teknologi

molecular tetapi menggunakan teknik

memasak yang efisien. Misalnya dengan

menggunakan nitrogen untuk membekukan

dengan cepat tanpa menghilangkan

rasanya. Saya berlatih dan terus mencoba

menggunakan metode klasik yang disajikan

dengan cara yang baru. Misalnya creme brulle

yang biasanya disajikan dalam cup dirubah

tampilannya dengan menyajikannya di dalam

sebuah pipa,”ujar Janice.

“Yang diingat oleh seseorang ketika menikmati

makanan adalah rasa, estetika atau seni

penyajiannya bisa jadi nomor dua atau tiga.

Karena itu saya berpegang teguh untuk

memakai bahan-bahan terbaik dan cara

pengolahan yang terbaik pula,” jelas Janice

Wong yang telah mendapat penghargaan

sebagai Young Woman of The Year dari Her

World Magazine.

Jika Anda berkesempatan ke Singapura

dan ingin memanjakan lidah dan mengalami

sebuah suasana yang unik, 2am:dessertbar

adalah tempat yang direkomendasikan.

Jangan lupa untuk melakukan reservasi

terlebih dahulu agar Anda tak kecewa karena

tidak mendapat tempat duduk. Segala

informasi mengenai 2am:dessertbar dapat

dilihat di

Menghadirkan sebuah pengalaman

baru bagi pecinta dunia kuliner, itulah

niatan Janice Wong ketika membuka

2am:dessertbar di bulan Oktober 2007

lalu. Dari namanya saja, 2am:dessertbar

sudah menggambarkan uniknya bisnis yang

dimiliki dan dikembangkan oleh seorang chef

perempuan yang sangat berbakat,

Janice Wong.

2am:dessertbar fokus kepada produk

dessert yang progresif yang dipasangkan

dengan wine. Menu yang disajikan sangat

menjaga keseimbangan rasa, tekstur dan

juga temperatur. Dan salah satu tagline nya

adalah “creating unique dining experience

for the guest”. Berlokasi di daerah Holland

Village, 2am:dessertbar adalah tempat

“nongkrong” bagi para pecinta dessert di

Singapura. “Target market kami adalah para

pecinta dessert yang berusia 18-40 tahun,”

ujar Janice Wong.

Dan di malam ketika Tulip Magazine

bertandang ke gerai 2am:dessertbar,

suasana nyaman dan modern sangat terasa

kental. Para pengunjung bisa menyaksikan

secara langsung, bagaimana chef

menyiapkan menu dessert yang

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1322

Basil White

Chocolatebasil white chocolate ganache

passion fruit leather




coconut sorbet

tapioca pearls

vanilla powder

Janice Wong

Photo doc. Janice Wong

Page 25: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef


Basil White


Passion fruit blanket

Recipe for 48 serving

Ingredients:600 grams Passion fruit puree

2 grams Xantan Gum

1 grams Pectin

 Method:• Heat puree in a saucepan. Add xantan

gum to thicken.

• Heat mixture to 60°C and add pectin.

• Sieve the mixture, spread thinly

on a silicon pat.

• Dehydrate at 41°C for 4 hours or until dry.

Passion fruit meringue

Recipe for 25 serving

Ingredients:100 ml H20

100 grams Sugar

100 grams Passion fruit puree

17grams Egg white powder

3.5 grams gelatin

 Method:• Heat water and sugar together

• Combine the bloomed gelatin with

the sugar mixture.

• Combine egg white powder with passion

fruit puree and add to sugar/gelatin


• Sieve the mixture. Rest for 6 hours

in the chiller.

• Place mixture in a mixing bowl and

whisk until firm. Spread on a silicon pat

and dehydrate it over night at 70°C

Basil White Chocolate Ganache

Recipe for 30 serving

Ingredients:Basil white chocolate Infusion

500 grams white chocolate

25 grams basil

 Ganache 400 grams basil infused white chocolate

200 grams cream


1 Siphon

2 N20 charges

 Method:• Infuse fresh Basil leaves and white chocolate

in a vacuum pack for 3 hours at 60 degrees.

• After 3 hours, sieve the white chocolate.

Store in a bowl.

• Boil cream, pour it over above basil white


• Ensure that it is mixed well. Pour into

a siphon and charge 2 charges.

• Rest 2 hours in chiller

• Leave it at room temperature for 15 minutes

before use.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1324

Choco Talk

Fear and worry are two things that often come to mind

when preparing and even running a business. Let alone

when faced to a wish to create a business premium

that has been intended to do so. Luxury products,

fancy shops and everything is lush!

Takut dan khawatir, dua hal inilah yang seringkali mendekap

pikiran ketika sedang mempersiapkan dan bahkan sedang

menjalankan sebuah bisnis. Apalagi jika dihadapkan dengan

keinginan untuk mewujudkan sebuah bisnis premium yang

sudah dicita-citakan. Produk yang mewah, toko yang

mewah, semua serba wah!


A Doubtful Prospect

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Before starting a business, we have

to understand and map the market

segmentation for products that will be made.

If having a products with average quality and

it is being marketed to upper class segment

where price is not an issue or vice versa,

having a premium product to a middle-low

class segment, automatically the consumers

may not be able to accept it. Therefore, rarely

a business owner willing to develop their

business to a premium product.

Producers reluctant to enter the premium

class is caused by some fears such as

no markets, no buyers and unable to

predict when to meet a break even point.

Is it true that a premium product doesn’t

have a market? Yes, there is a market for

that! Although it’s not as big as the middle

or low class market.

The next question is: can it access to a class

premium with the consequence of having

low sales volume? Here is the answer. These

bag manufacturers are very famous, Louis

Vuitton and Hermés. Why do those brands

still survive and are still pursued by upper

class women despite of the fact that they

are produced and sold in limited quantity?

The two high class branded manufacturers

produce and sell a few bags but manage to

achieve bigger profits than the mass products


Sebelum memulai suatu bisnis, kita harus

memahami dan memetakan segmentasi pasar

untuk produk yang akan dibuat. Jika memiliki

produk yang kualitasnya biasa-biasa saja

tetapi dimasukkan ke dalam segmen kelas

atas dimana konsumen menomorduakan

harga atau sebaliknya memiliki produk dengan

kualitas premium dengan harga yang tinggi,

tetapi dimasukkan ke dalam segmen kelas

menengah bawah, otomatis konsumen tidak bisa

menerima. Karena itulah jarang produsen mau

mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan membuat

produk premium.

Keengganan produsen untuk masuk ke kelas

premium disebabkan oleh beberapa ketakutan

seperti tidak ada pasarnya, tidak ada yang

beli, dan tidak bisa memprediksikan kapan

modal bisa dikembalikan. Apakah benar,

produk premium tidak memiliki pasar? Ada!

Akan tetapi tentu saja pasarnya tidak sebesar

kelas menengah atau kelas bawah.

Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah: sanggupkah

masuk dalam kelas premium dengan

konsekuensi volume penjualan yang kecil?

Ini jawabannya. Produsen tas ini sangat

terkenal, Louis Vuitton dan Hermés. Kenapa

sampai sekarang merek tas tersebut masih

bertahan bahkan makin diburu oleh para

ibu-ibu kelas atas, padahal tas-tas tersebut

diproduksi dan dijual dalam jumlah yang sangat

terbatas? Dua merek tas kelas atas tersebut

membuat dan menjual sedikit tas namun bisa

meraih keuntungan dalam jumlah yang lebih

besar dibandingkan perusahaan tas yang

mass product.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1326

Deciding product segmentThe existence of the above branded bags will be the

first evident that there is a market for premium products.

The next problem is how to decide the product segmentation?

Keberadaan dua merek tas di atas, sepertinya menjadi bukti

pertama bahwa sebenarnya pasar untuk produk premium itu

ada. Masalahnya kemudian adalah bagaimana menentukan

segmentasi produknya?

much more expensive than the average price

more expensive than the average price

more expensive than the average price30%





cheaper than the average price15%

15 - 20%

Market segmentation has four classification variables, they

are demography, geography, psychography and behaviour.

Like the above example, we will refer to psychography where

segmentations are divided by social class, life style, and

characters, like illustrated in the pyramid. On that pyramid

there are illustrations of numbers of markets for each classes.

The socialites class or the rich individual group has the least

market because it is on tip of the pyramid. At this level price

is not an issue; what matters is how can we give the best

quality, the best service and the exclusivity for this customer.

While in the middle class, the market is way bigger than the

socialite class, but in this level it is only as far as wishes.

Wishes of wanting to have high class products. As far as they

get it to have the second grade products with the second

grade quality.

At the working class, people at this level have to struggle for

their life survival. Let alone to get expensive products, to be

able to have decent meals is already enough. On this group,

the needs to buy beyond their basic needs is solely based

on the functions of each products.

Segmentasi pasar memang memiliki 4 variabel klasifikasi yaitu

demografis, geografis, psikografis dan perilaku. Seperti contoh

di atas kita akan mengacu pada variable psikografis dimana

segmentasi dibagi berdasarkan atas kelas sosial, gaya hidup,

dan karakter, seperti yang tergambar pada segitiga piramid.

Pada segitiga tersebut tergambar jumlah pasar di tiap-tiap kelas.

Kelas sosialita atau kelompok individu yang berkelimpahan,

memiliki pasar paling sedikit karena berada dipuncak piramid.

Pada kelas ini harga sudah bukan lagi masalah tetapi yang paling

penting adalah bagaimana kita bisa memberikan kualitas yang

terbaik, pelayanan terbaik, serta ekslusifitas bagi konsumen.

Sedangkan pada kelas menengah atau kelas berkecukupan

pangsanya memang jauh lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan

kelas sosialita, namun pada kelas ini individunya masih memiliki

cita-cita tinggi. Maksudnya, keinginan untuk medapatkan barang

kelas atas sangat tinggi tetapi hanya sebatas cita-cita. Oleh

karena itu untuk memenuhi cita-citanya, segmen ini akhirnya

membeli barang-barang KW atau kualitas nomor dua.

Pada kelas pekerja, orang-orang yang berada di segmen ini,

untuk kelangsungan hidupnya saja mereka harus berjuang

mati-matian. Jadi, jangankan mengkonsumsi makanan atau

barang yang mewah, bisa makan kenyang saja sudah bersyukur.

Pada kelompok ini pula kebutuhan untuk membeli barang

di luar kebutuhan pokok didasarkan kepada fungsi barang

yang akan dibeli.

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The basic characteristic of a human being

is to show off. The desire of to feel superior

and special. The desire to feel valued and

considered as important. The desire to feel

distinctive, special and different from the rest.

For there are people who want to be treated

and considered as special then premium

products will definitely be sold.

To make it more convincing that the fact premium market does

exist, then there is another question; why do the costumers

want to buy the premium products?

Nah, untuk lebih meyakinkan bahwa pangsa pasar premium itu

memang ada dan selalu ada maka dibuatlah pertanyaan,

kenapa konsumen mau membeli produk premium?

Bila seseorang disebut pakar wine,

maka seseorang tersebut harus

mengetahui segala macam rasa

dan asal-usul dari setiap jenis wine

yang ada di dunia. Artinya, untuk

menjadi pakar, seseorang itu harus

menyisihkan uang untuk membeli

semua wine yang ada di dunia, dari

yang paling murah sampai yang paling

mahal. Oleh karena itu jika seseorang

menyandang gelar ‘pakar’ tanggung

jawabnya besar sekali, bahkan

bisa menjadi bomerang bagi orang

tersebut. Ya, bagaimana mungkin

seorang pakar wine saat ditanya rasa

wine tidak bisa menjawab dengan

alasan belum pernah merasakan.

Dan karenanya seseorang yang

menyebut dirinya pakar harus mau

menyisihkan uangnya untuk membeli

barang-barang premium agar bisa

menjaga kepakarannya akan produk

tersebut. Selama masih ada orang

yang mau dibilang pakar atau suka

memamerkan kepakarannya maka

barang-barang premium pasti

ada yang membeli.

When someone is called as a wine

connosseur, then she is expected

to know many tastes of wine and its

origin for every wines in the world.

In another word, to become a wine

connosseur she needs to spend

her money to buy all wines in the

world from the modest price to the

most pricey wine. Hence, there is

a big responsibility that comes for

someone is called themselves as

an expert; it could be a boomerang

for them too. How can someone

is called a wine connosseur when

being asked of a taste of wine but

he cannot answer because he has

not even tasted a wine before.

And therefore when someone calls

herself an expert then she should

be willing to spend her money

to buy premium products to keep

her expertise of the product.

As long as there are people who

call themselves expert or are fond

of displaying their expertise, then

people will buy premium products.

Sifat dasar manusia itu pamer. Ingin merasa

unggul dan istimewa. Ingin merasa dinilai dan

dianggap penting. Ingin merasa khusus, istimewa,

dan berbeda dari yang lain. Selama masih

ada orang-orang yang ingin diperlakukan dan

dianggap istimewa maka barang-barang premium

pasti akan terjual.

Show Off

The Needs of a Premium Product





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Possessing a premium product

to appreciate of what someone

has achieved. Perhaps it never

crosses to mind to buy an

expensive thing, but when

someone is able to reach

beyond their target that they

could get a big bonus, one

may want to spoil oneself

Mengkonsumsi barang premium

untuk menghargai diri atas

prestasi yang telah dicapai.

Mungkin sebelumnya tidak

terpikir untuk bisa membeli

barang mewah, akan tetapi ketika

seseorang mampu melebihi target

sehingga mendapat bonus yang

besar, seseorang tersebut ingin

memanjakan dirinya dengan

Self Indulgence

The needs to remind of one’s identity.

The needs to build hopes and energy

to motivate one self. As long as there are

people who want to possess premium products

than premium products will still

have a market.

If still unsure with the above facts, we can see

on the population data. Indonesia, as we all

know is the fourth most populated country in

the world. If among 254 million there is 10% of

people in the socialite class, then it is obvious

that the market for premium products do exist.

If then comes a question like,

is there a premium class in Indonesia? The

answer is, when Rolls Royce had a

hundredth birthday, this company

launched one hundred units

of white Phantom Centenary,

Indonesia got four units and

within days they were

gone. They

were all

sold out!

Ingin mengingatkan diri pada indentitas

seseorang. Ingin membangun harapan dan

energi untuk memotivasi diri. Selama masih ada

orang yang ingin memiliki barang premium maka

barang-barang premium akan tetap memiliki


Jika masih belum yakin dengan fakta-fakta

di atas, kita bisa melihat pada data jumlah

penduduk. Indonesia, seperti kita ketahui

merupakan peringkat ke-4 penduduk terbanyak

di dunia. Kalau diantara 245 juta terdapat 10

persen orang dalam kategori kelas sosialita,

maka pasar untuk produk premium jelas ada.

Kalau kemudian muncul pertanyaan apakah

ada kelas premium di Indonesia? Jawabannya

adalah, saat Rolls Royce berulang tahun

ke 100, perusahaan ini meluncurkan

100 unit Phantom Centenary

berwarna putih, tak kurang

dan tidak lebih. Indonesia

kebagian 4 unit dan konon

dalam waktu beberapa

hari sudah lenyap

dari ruang pamer.


Self Motivation

by consuming or buying

expensive products. As long

as there are people who wish

to appreciate themselves, who

want to entertain themselves

from a failure, who want to

indulge themselves, then

premium market will still exist.

mengkonsumsi atau membeli

barang yang mewah.

Selama masih ada orang yang

ingin menghargai diri, ingin

menghibur diri dari sebuah

kegagalan, ingin memanjakan diri,

maka pasar untuk barang-barang

premium pasti ada.




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Premium business is not just a problem of the selection

of premium raw materials, but also all aspects of that

show it as a premium brand. There are three factors

needed when making a premium product, they are

product quality, promotions and customers’ satisfactions.

Bisnis premium bukan hanya masalah pemilihan bahan

baku yang premium, tetapi juga segala aspek yang

menunjukkannya sebagai brand premium. Untuk membuat

produk premium ada 3 hal yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu,

kualitas produk, promosi, dan kepuasan pelanggan.

The Key of Premium Business

If you want to make a premium product, it is impossible

not to use premium ingredient. Even from every aspects

including packaging. It is not only the design that is

premium but also the material for packaging

is premium too.

Product PremiumJika ingin membuat produk premium tidak mungkin kita

menggunakan bahan-bahan yang tidak premium. Bahkan,

dari berbagai sisi termasuk pengemasan. Bukan saja

didesain dengan cita rasa premium, tetapi bahan-bahan

kemasannya juga harus premium.

In order the premium business to grow fast, it needs

promotions and branding. One of the challenges in

the premium segment is promotion because a good

promotion takes high costs. Premium business could go

on without any promotions, but it will take a longer time

to gain good result. With promotions, the outcome will

appear faster, but without a promotion, it will need more

years to introduce the products. Promotions do play an

important role to succeed the premium business but

motivation to build a higher business

is also important.

Nah, agar bisnis premium berkembang pesat perlu

melakukan promosi dan branding. Memang, kendala untuk

masuk segmen premium salah satunya adalah promosi

karena promosi yang baik membutuhkan biaya tinggi.

Bisnis premium bisa saja berjalan tanpa promosi, namun

dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menikmati hasilnya.

Jika dengan promosi bisa menikmati hasil lebih cepat, maka

tanpa promosi akan dibutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk

mengenalkan produk. Promosi memang berperan penting

untuk menyukseskan bisnis premium akan tetapi motivasi

membangun bisnis jauh di atasnya.


Customers’ SatisfactionsSatisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment

from someone that arises after comparing perceptions

or a product from his or her expectations. There

are factors that influence perceptions or customers’

expectations when purchasing a product or paying for

a service are their needs and wants that the customers

feel when buying the product or paying the service, their

past experiences when they have used the products or

services and their friends experiences who have used the

products or services, finally advertisement.

Kepuasan adalah perasaan senang atau kecewa seseorang

yang muncul setelah membandingkan antara persepsi atau

hasil suatu produk dengan harapan-harapannya.

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi dan harapan

konsumen ketika melakukan pembelian suatu barang

atau jasa adalah kebutuhan dan keinginan yang dirasakan

oleh konsumen tersebut pada saat melakukan pembelian

suatu barang atau jasa, pengalaman masa lalu ketika

mengkonsumsi barang atau jasa tersebut serta pengalaman

teman-teman yang telah mengkonsumsi barang atau jasa

tersebut dan periklanan.

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Are those three factors enough?

No, it is not. Premium business

is not a premix, but it is a diesel

business. The heat stays long.

Let’s go back to Louis Vuitton

dan Hermés bags. How long

have they built their brands

until they earned the costumers

trust? Hermés was established

in 1837 by Thierry Hermès.

Where as Louis Vuitton was

established in 1854.

What did Hermés dan Louis

Vuitton do to make premium

business is to keep the

quality. For years the quality is

maintained. Another example is

Alba dan Seiko. Few years ago

Alba dan Seiko were considered

to be economic watches. But

since they maintain their quality,

at present the two brands have

gained the costumers’ trust and

are now considered as a rather

expensive watches even though

they are not in the same class

as Omega’s.

Apakah dengan 3 hal tersebut

cukup? Belum. Perlu diketahui

bahwa bisnis premium bukan

bisnis premix, tetapi bisnis diesel.

Panasnya lama. Kembali kepada

contoh produksi tas Louis Vuitton

dan Hermés, berapa tahun

mereka membangun merek

tersebut sehingga dipercaya?

Hermès, didirikan oleh Thierry

Hermès sejak tahun 1837.

Sedangkan Louis Vuitton

berdiri sejak1854.

Apa yang dilakukan oleh Hermés

dan Louis Vuitton adalah

membuat bisnis premium dengan

cara menjaga kualitas. Dari tahun

ke tahun kualitas dipertahankan.

Contoh lain adalah jam Alba dan

Seiko. Beberapa puluh tahun lalu

Alba dan Seiko termasuk kategori

jam yang tergolong ekonomis.

Tetapi karena kualitas yang

dipertahankan, kini dua merek

tersebut sudah mulai mendapat

kepercayaan dan sudah termasuk

dalam kategori jam yang cukup

mahal walaupun belum bisa

masuk ke dalam kelas Omega.

Cara lain membangun bisnis

premium adalah membuat brand

baru dengan kualitas super,

seperti yang dilakukan oleh

Another way of building

a premium business is to make

a new brand with super quality,

like the Toyota did by creating

‘Lexus’. To create its new brand

image, Lexus is not produced in

Japan but in America.

Considering the increasing

growth of the upper middle

class and the world economic

analyse that predicting the

Indonesia’s economy will grow

bigger which means premium

market has the potential to grow

wider. This open market should

be filled with quality products.

And these quality products will

remain at its segment if its

quality remains stabil in any

conditions. When the cost of

the main staple arises, don’t

hesitate to adjust the price,

just don’t lower the quality.

Jump into a premium business

does take a lot of challenge,

as there are not short term

premium business.

So, still need an antidote for

fears and doubts in running

premium business?

Toyota dengan membuat Lexus.

Untuk menciptakan citranya maka

Lexus tidak di produksi di Jepang,

tetapi di Amerika. Apakah di

tahun pertama Lexus mendulang

sukses? Tidak. Butuh setidaknya

beberapa tahun untuk membuat

konsumen percaya.

Mengingat pertumbuhan

penduduk kelas menengah

atas yang meningkat serta

analis ekonomi dunia yang

memprediksikan bahwa ekonomi

Indonesia akan tumbuh besar

artinya potensi pasar premium

terbuka lebar. Pasar yang terbuka

ini harus diisi dengan produk-

produk yang berkualitas.

Dan produk berkualitas ini akan

tetap bertahan di segmennya

jika kualitas tetap dipertahankan

dalam kondisi apapun. Jika harga

bahan pokok naik, jangan ragu

untuk menyesuaikan harga,

jangan mengorbankan kualitas.

Masuk ke dalam bisnis premium

memang penuh tantangan, karena

tidak ada bisnis premium yang

berumur pendek.

Masih butuh obat penawar rasa

takut dan ragu menjalankan

bisnis premium?

Run Like a Diesel machine

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Two figures chosen by Tulip

Chocolate Magazine, Jan

Djuhana and Ainun Chomsun

are professionals in their own

fields. Jan Djuhana has been

in the indonesian music world

for years and Ainun Chomsun

has been dwelling in the world

of social media have expressed

their aspirations concerning the

premium business from their

own perspectives.

In building a chocolate business,

as well as other businesses,

it always cooperates with other

things. When having chocolate

products that are high quality,

then the next task is how to make

public know that an extraordinary

product has been produced;

one of the most rapid medium of

communication is the social media.

Then other factors such as

architecture and interior design

of the chocolate shop that has

character and is convenient are

also one of supporting factors

for a product to be received by

the public. The entertainment

factor also holds an important key,

the beautiful music that is played

in the chocolate shop. Music is

very influential in the creation of

atmosphere and mood.

Next is Jan Djuhana and Ainun

Chomsun’s opinions about

Premium Products.

Dua tokoh yang dipilih oleh Tulip

Chocolate Magazine, Jan Djuhana

dan Ainun Chomsun adalah tokoh

professional di masing-masing

bidangnya. Jan Djuhana yang telah

melalang buana di dunia musik

Indonesia, dan Ainun Chomsun

yang berkutat di dunia Social

Media menyampaikan pendapatnya

mengenai Bisnis Premium dari

perspektifnya masing-masing.

Dalam membangun sebuah bisnis

cokelat, dan juga bisnis di bidang

lainnya selalu bersinergi dengan

hal-hal lainya. Ketika memiliki produk

cokelat yang berkualitas tinggi,

kemudian tugas selanjutnya adalah

bagaimana agar masyarakat luas

mengetahui jika telah lahir sebuah

produk yang luar biasa, salah satu

media komunikasi yang paling cepat

adalah dengan Social Media.

Kemudian faktor lainnya seperti

desain arsitektur dan interior toko

cokelat yang berkarakter dan

nyaman juga merupakan salah satu

factor pendukung sebuah produk

diterima oleh masyarakat luas. Faktor

entertainment juga memegang kunci

penting, musik yang diperdengarkan

di toko cokelat yang sudah dibuat

begitu indah. Musik sangat

berpengaruh pada penciptaan

suasana dan juga mood.

Berikut pendapat Jan Djuhana dan

Ainun Chomsun mengenai Premium


Premium is a TasteOpinion

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Ainun Chomsun

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Foursquare and

several other social media brands

have become a trending topic

in the marketing world. Where

an information can be spread in

an easy and fast way. One thing

that matters in the social media

marketing program is the effort

to create an interesting discussion

topic which can make the

message readers to participate

in spreading the related message

mentioned above.

Nowadays, social media has

become “a space” which is easily

accessable by anyone in the

whole world by using the internet

network only. A communication

can be built easily by a company

or brand directly to their

customers. In addition to instill

brand awareness, social media

also can increase the company’s

service for the customers.

The founder and volunteer

of Akademi Berbagi, Ainun

Chomsun, proposed that social

media follows democracy

concept. There is a freedom to

speak which can not be limited.

Everyone has the right to speak

about anything which can be

read by anyone. “There are no

classification for big brands,

small or the medium ones in

social media. They all have the

same opportunity, it leaves to

them whether they can build

their brands well or not. The one

thing that exists in social media

is segmentation. In social media,

the occupant demography data

is quite complete, a brand just

choose which segment to be

aimed. The communication,

both visual and written, must be

adjusted to the segmentation,”

Ainun explained.

The following is Ainun’s opinion

on premium brand and product,

“A premium brand is a brand

aiming certain class in limited

amount and they have attitude:

not just any product, but a

product with value. In order to

build it, the communication must

be in accordance to the premium

consumer targets and to maintain

it, the brand must be consistent,

having good value and attitude.”

Now, it is the time for a product

or brand to be present in social

media. About what form or what

tools to be chosen and to be

used, it depends on the brand’s

or product’s needs and readiness.

“Because, like it or not, social

media has become a separate

‘market’ where there are so

many brands or products to be

discussed. If we are not ‘present’

there, then we will be left behind

and no longer knowing on what

the consumers are talking about.

The information in today’s era has

become an important part so that

the brand or product is able to

exist in the society,” said Ainun

who always shares information

and her knowledge through her

twitter account @pasarsapi.

Ainun has proved that the social

media has “force” by running

a social movement with a sharing

principle named Akademi Berbagi

which has become as big as now.

“We use all social media channels

which quite popular here, like

facebook, twitter, blog, website,

and google+ for socializing

the movement, searching for

teachers, looking for places

which can be used as classes; for

students registration as well as for

coordinating with all volunteers in

Indonesia. Because it is cheaper

and easier if we use social media.

And when Akademi Berbagi

was founded at the first place,

we used a social media : twitter,

which was so popular at that

time,” said Ainun when she was

asked on how she runs her free

classes in Akademi Berbagi.

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Foursquare

dan beberapa brand sosial

media lainnya telah menjadi

perbincangan dalam dunia

marketing. Dimana sebuah

informasi bisa disebarluaskan

dalam cara yang mudah dan

cepat. Yang menjadi perhatian

dalam sosial media marketing

program adalah usaha untuk

menciptakan sebuah topik

bahasan yang menarik dan

mengajak si pembaca pesan

untuk ikut menyebarluaskan

pesan tersebut.

Sosial media saat ini telah

menjadi “ruang” yang mudah

diakses oleh siapapun di seluruh

dunia hanya dengan jaringan

internet. Sebuah komunikasi bisa

dibangun dengan mudah dari

sebuah perusahaan atau brand

langsung kepada customernya,

selain untuk menanamkan brand

awareness, sosial media juga bisa

meningkatkan pelayanan kepada


Founder dan volunteer Akademi

Berbagi, Ainun Chomsun memiliki

pendapat bahwa sosial media

menganut paham demokrasi. Ada

kebebasan berpendapat yang

tidak bisa dibatasi. Semua orang

berhak bicara apapun dan bisa

dibaca siapapun. “Di sosial media

tidak ada pengkotak-kotakan

brand besar, kecil atau sedang.

Semua mempunyai kesempatan

yang sama, tinggal siapa yang

bisa membangun brand-nya

dengan baik. Yang ada adalah

segmentasi. Di sosial media data

demografi penghuninya cukup

lengkap, sebuah brand tinggal

memilih segmen mana yang akan

dibidik. Komunikasi baik visual

maupun tulisan harus disesuaikan

dengan segementasinya,” Ainun


Social Media Follows Democracy Concept

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Berikut adalah pendapat Ainun

mengenai brand dan produk

premium, “Brand premium adalah

brand yang membidik kelas

tertentu, dalam jumlah terbatas dan

mempunyai attitude. Bukan sekedar

produk, tetapi yang memiliki value.

Untuk membangun tentunya semua

komunikasinya harus sesuai dengan

target konsumen premium dan

untuk mempertahankan sudah pasti

harus konsisten, mempunyai value,

dan attitude yang baik.”

Sebuah produk atau brand sudah

saatnya harus hadir di sosial media,

soal bentuk, tools apa yang dipilih

dan akan digunakan sebagai apa itu

tergantung kebutuhan brand atau

produk dan kesiapannya. “Karena

suka tidak suka, sosial media

sudah menjadi ‘pasar’ tersendiri

dimana banyak brand atau produk

yang dibicarakan. Jika kita tidak

ikut ‘hadir’ di situ maka kita akan

banyak tertinggal dan tidak lagi

mengetahui apa yang konsumen

bicarakan. Informasi di era

sekarang menjadi bagian penting

agar brand atau produk bisa tetap

eksis di masyarakat,” jelas Ainun

yang rajin pula berbagi informasi

dan juga semangat berbagi melalui

akun twitternya @pasarsapi.

Ainun telah membuktikan

“kekuatan” sosial media dalam

menjalankan gerakan sosial

dengan prinsip berbagi yang

dinamai Akademi Berbagi menjadi

besar seperti sekarang. “Kami

memanfaatkan semua kanal

sosial media yang cukup dikenal

di sini yaitu: facebook, twitter,

blog, website, google+ untuk

mensosialisasikan gerakan, mencari

guru, mencari pinjaman tempat

untuk kelas, pendaftaran murid

serta berkoordinasi dengan seluruh

relawan di Indonesia. Karena

menggunakan sosial media lebih

murah dan mudah. Dan Akademi

Berbagi dibentuk di awal langsung

menggunakan sosial media, yaitu

ketika twitter booming,” ujar Ainun

ketika ditanya tentang bagaimana

menjalankan kelas gratisnya

di Akademi Berbagi.


Jan Djuhana

ll Indonesian people mostly very familiar

with great names like Kla Project, Dewa,

Padi, /rif, or Sheila on 7, Glenn Fredly,

Audy, Astri. But, only few of them who

know that behind the success of the bands

above there is one name that can not be

taken for granted, he is Jan Djuhana. His

success in orbiting those artists can not

be separated from his acumen and ‘magic’

ears which by some people in music

industry referred as golden ears.

Jan has been in the recording

business since 1970s, where

this business is not a business

which can be predicted easily.

It has no standard theory and

formulas. Since its a likely-

speculative nature, not least

the recording companies who

closing their business, bankrupt.

“Songs can not be regulated.

No matter how much the

promotion fund provided, it will

not be able to seduce people’s

ears to listen. Songs can not be

used for Corruption, Collusion

and Nepotism. People’s ear can

not be bought”, said Jan who at

his young age had had a record

store business.

According to Jan, who is the

Artist and Repertoire Senior

Director of Sony Music,

premium products in music

business is if music and songs

produced are accepted by all

people. Accepted by all social

classes as well as by all musical

genres connoisseurs. As for

examples, there are Dewa, Padi,

Yovie and Nuno (Menjaga Hati),

or Bondan & Fade to Black with

their hits ‘Ya Sudahlah’.

“Unlike Wali, in the selling

aspect, they have sold so many

copies, but their music can

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1334

not get into urban cities or big

cities. The upper class can not

accept Wali’s music,” said Jan

who has also been mortgaged

his house to reopen his closed

record store.

Jan who once had a band

named Navano also explained

that in order to make a piece

of classy music or song

is not easy.

“Just like if we open a

restaurant. We have to have

a good chef, who has an

expertise in cooking.

All restaurants have fried rice

and cap cay in their menus,

but those delicious fried rice

and cap cay with high flavor

must have been cooked by a

good chef,” said Jan giving an


“Presenting the best and nicest

music must be started by

choosing an easy listening song,

choosing the right arranger, and

the last but not least is by the

accuracy to determine the artis

who will sing it,” he continued.

When the completed song

is launched, coupled with a

touch of luck, then, boom!

It’s booming in the market,

accepted by all people, even if

possible, it can be a worldwide

song like the ‘fever’ of PSY’s

Gangnam Style. So, that

premium song will be called

as a masterpiece.

Di Indonesia, siapa yang tidak

kenal dengan nama besar Kla

Project, Dewa, Padi, /rif, Sheila

on 7. Akan tetapi mungkin

sedikit yang tahu bahwa

di balik kesuksesan mereka ada

seorang nama, Jan Djuhana.

Kesuksesannya mengorbitkan

artis-artis tersebut tidak lepas dari

ketajaman naluri dan telinganya

yang oleh sejumlah kalangan

musik dianggap telinga emas.

Dunia rekaman yang diterjuni oleh

Jan sejak tahun 70-an, bukanlah

dunia bisnis yang gampang

diprediksi. Tidak memiliki teori

dan rumus yang baku. Karena

sifatnya yang cenderung

untung-untungan, tidak sedikit

perusahaan rekaman yang tutup,


“Lagu ( tidak bisa diatur.

Sebesar apa pun dana promosi

yang disediakan tidak akan

mampu merayu telinga orang

untuk mendengarkan. Lagu itu

tidak bisa diKorupsi,Kolusi,

Nepotisme –kan. Telinga

masyarakat tidak bisa dibeli,”

kata Jan yang saat muda pernah

punya usaha toko kaset.

Menurut Artist and Repertoire

Senior Director Sony Music ini,

produk premium dalam dunia

musik adalah jika musik dan lagu

yang diproduksi diterima oleh

semua kalangan. Diterima oleh

semua kelas sosial juga diterima

oleh penikmat semua aliran musik.

Contohnya adalah Dewa, Padi,

Yovie and Nuno (Menjaga hati),

atau Bondan feat to Black dengan

lagunya ‘Ya Sudahlah’.

“Berbeda dengan Wali, secara

penjualan memang banyak

tetapi Wali tidak bisa masuk

ke urban city atau kota-kota

besar. Kalangan atas tidak bisa

menerima musik Wali,” terang Jan

yang juga pernah menggadaikan

rumahnya untuk membuka

kembali toko kasetnya yang tutup.

Jan yang pernah memiliki

band bernama Navano ini juga

menjelaskan bahwa untuk

membuat sebuah musik atau

lagu yang berkelas memang

tidak mudah.

“Ibarat kita buka restoran.

Kita harus punya koki yang baik,

yang pinter masak. Semua

restoran punya menu nasi goreng

dan cap cay tetapi nasi goreng

dan cap cay yang enak dan

bercita rasa tinggi pasti dibuat

oleh seorang juru masak yang

baik,” kata Jan memberi contoh.

“Menghidangkan musik yang

terbaik dan paling enak harus

dimulai dari memilih lagu yang

enak di telinga, memilih arranger

yang tepat, dan yang terakhir

adalah ketepatan menentukan

artis yang membawakannya,”


Ketika lagu yang telah selesai

dibuat tersebut diluncurkan dan

ditambah dengan sentuhan factor

luck, maka, boom! Meledak

di pasaran, diterima oleh semua

kalangan, bahkan jika mungkin

mendunia seperti ‘demam’

Gangnam Style-nya PSY. Maka

lagu berkualitas premium itu akan

disebut sebagai masterpiece.

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Je t’aime

Benty Diwansyah

TULIP Chocolatier

Valentine Recipe

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1336

Ingredients:300 grams Almond powder

35 grams Tulip Bordeaux

Cocoa powder

300 grams Refined sugar

115 grams Egg whites

(room temperature)

Directions:1. Cook 300 grams of sugar and 100 grams of water to a temperature of 118°C [to avoid

the occurence of crystalization, occasionally polish the pan rim with a brush which has

been soaked in water before].

2. Filter together Almond powder, refined sugar, and Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa powder.

Mix 115 grams of white eggs into it, stir until well blended. Set aside.

3. Meanwhile, beat 115 grams of white eggs at medium speed. When the sugar

has reached a temperature of 105°C, keep on beating until the sugar reaches

a temperature of 118°C. Raise the speed to a speed of 3 while pouring the sugar

solution into it. Keep on beating to cool [ + 5 minutes], then put it into the almond


4. Syringe by using a plain nozzle (size 0) 1.5 cm on a baking sheet that has been

covered with Silpat or a flat silicone paper. Leave it for 1.5 hours or until the surface

dries. Bake in oven at a temperature below 150°C dan above 130°C for 14 minutes.

Macaroon ParisienneThe finished product :70 pcs @ 5 grams

Note :

To make Macaroon with food

coloring, substitute 35 grams of

Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa powder

with 35 grams of Almond

powder. Cook the desired food

coloring together with sugar.

300 grams Sugar

(cook to 118°C)

100 grams Water

115 grams Egg whites

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Salted Caramel Macaroon


100 grams Sugar

100 grams Fresh Cream

5 grams Fleur de sel

100 grams Unsalted Butter



1. Cook the sugar on medium heat

until caramelized

2. Deglaze with warm fresh cream,

also add fleur de sel into it, allow

it to a temperature of 35°C. Then

add unsalted butter, stir until well

blended. Keep it in a chiller until

hardened, then whisk it by using

a mixer until fluffy.

3. Paste the two pieces of yellow

Parisienne macaroon with Salted

Caramel ganache.

Raspberry & Rose Macaroon


200 grams Tulip White


25 grams Cocoa butter

50 grams Fresh cream

75 grams Rasberry puree

2 grams Rose extract



1. Chop the Tulip White Couverture

and melt it together with cocoa

butter by steamed. Heat the fresh

cream and mix into it. Stir until well


2. Put Rasberry puree and rose

extract. Then keep it in a chiller

until hardened.

3. Paste the two pieces of pink

macaroon with Rasberry and

Rose ganache.

Chocolate Macaroon


200 grams Tulip Easimelt


150 grams Fresh cream

1 ea Vanilla pod

20 ea Butter unsalted



1. Melt the Tulip Easimelt Aura by

steamed. Heat the fresh cream

and Vanilla pod, mix them into

Tulip Easimelt Aura. Stir until the

chocolate melts and well blended.

2. Put Butter unsalted inside it. Leave

it overnight at room temperature

until hardened.

3. Paste two pieces of Chocolate

Parisienne macaroon with 65%

of Chocolate ganache.

After eight Macaroon


200 grams Tulip Easimelt Aura

100 grams Fresh cream

1 ea Vanilla pod

20 grams Butter unsalted

2 grams Mint flavoring

25 grams Creme de menthe


1. Melt the Tulip Easimelt Aura by

steamed. Heat the fresh cream

and Vanilla pod, mix them into

Tulip Easimelt Aura. Stir until the

chocolate melts and well blended.

2. Put Butter unsalted inside it. Leave

it overnight at room temperature

until hardened.

3. Paste two pieces of Chocolate

Parisienne macaroon with 65%

of Chocolate ganache.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1338

Egg Nest

Pipit Yulianti

Chocolate School Instructor

Easter Recipe

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Almond Shortbread 140 grams Egg yolks

260 grams Sugar

• Beat the egg yolks and sugar until fluffy

and thick

260 grams Soft butter

50 grams Honey

10 grams Vanilla essence

• Mix together the soft butter, honey and vanilla,

then stir them into the egg mixture

350 grams Wheat flour

50 grams Almond powder

10 grams Baking powder

75 grams Tulip Dark Chocolate Chips

• Sift together the flour, almond powder and baking powder and stir into the batter gradually

• Stir Tulip Dark Chocolate Chips into the batter

• Pour into the silpat baking sheet, bake it in the temperature of 160° for ± 20 minutes

• Once cooked, allow to cool. It ready to be decorated

Using a piping bag, spray Dark

Chocolate Hestia that has been

tempered to the marble or stainless plate

that has been frozen overnight.

Immediately after freezing, shape the

chocolate in irregular circular like a nest.

Place the chocolate nest on the cake

and decorate it with chocolate eggs

which have been made before by

using Tulip Dark Chocolate Hestia and

Tulip White Chocolate Ivory.



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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1340

PAND’OR FO OD & CAKESPremium in Every Corner

That day, rain was pouring quite heavily in Kebayoran

Baru area, South Jakarta. The heavy pour in

December didn’t stop some of the Jakarta residents

to park their posh cars in front of Pand’or Food and

Cakes. Security guards and parking attendants were

busily parking the cars and covering the coming and

going customers from the rains. A customer who

seemed to be an expatriat, a Japanese or A Korean,

was running through the rain. He stopped for a while

on the stairs waiting for the crowd ahead to be a little

bit unraveled.

That is a slight description of how packed the

Pand’or Food and Cakes during lunch hours.

The restaurant and cake shop was once named

Pandora Restaurant. It was first established in

Ratu Plaza in 1983. According to Meutia Utomo,

the owner of Pand’or Food and Cakes, the reason

of Pand’or’s establishment was because her father,

Tirto Utomo, who at that time served as a Director

of a subsidiary of Pertamina, Far East Oil, often went

back and forth Jakarta-Tokyo. Many of his colleagues

were from Japan. Knowing that there were not many

restaurants served European menu with Japanese

ambiance, Tirto then decided to open a Japanese

franchise, Pandora’s Box. Five years later the

contract was not renewed then Pand’or Food

and Cakes was officialy launched.Meutia Utomo the owner of Pand’or Food and Cakes

Premium Pastry Shop

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Up to date Pand’or Food

and Cakes is still maintaining its

characteristive by keep having

a chef from Japan. At present,

Meutia trusts Chef Suzuki

Kiyomi to run Pand’or Food and

Cakes. However, it is the refined

taste from Meutia that makes

Pand’or still lives on at the

upper level segment.

Sharp TongueMeutia’s capability to maintain

it is more or less because of

her experiences when travelling

around the world to taste high

class foods and cakes. A former

chef, who doesn’t want to

be named, from Pand’or said

that Meutia who has a “sharp


“The sharpness of a tongue is

not enough!” she says when

asked by Tulip Chocolate

Magazine about how to make

a premium product.

To make a premium product,

a high quality product, the

requirements are hands,

feet, body and head must be

premium. All aspects must be

in a high quality. To have a heart

and capital as investments are

not enough,” states Meutia who recommends

Pand’or’s favourite cakes: Marjolen, Carmelita,

and Opera to be tasted.

Pand’or’s seriousness in serving premium dish is

not just proven through its taste but also through

its label in every package of the cookies taht

says, ‘All of our products are made from premium

ingredients which guaranties freshness, quality

and authenticity of all our cakes, cookies, and


Talking about premium, Meutia also mentioned

that an expensive product doesn’t make it a

premium. For example, when she was in New

York she bought an expensive chocolate bar.

It turned out that the taste was not delicious.

To Meutia, a scrumptious chocolate doesn’t taste

too sweet nor too soft and it doesn’t leave an

after taste in the mouth.

Premium CustomersThe rise and fall in a business is a common thing

to happen. The same goes to the ups and downs

of a business. Pand’or had experienced ten years

of not gaining a profit. However, it never occurred

to her to close it down. On the contrary, Meutia

who started to run Pand’or after finishing her

studies at a culinary school abroad in the 90’s,

in fact analized and made some changes.

Including to make over its interior design and its

food serving. For example, when adding sugar

to a drink, Meutia doesn’t want to have the sugar

blocks served just like that, those sugar blocks

will be given some decorations to make it look

different from the other restaurant.

So as for the marketing and making the

customers to come. Meutia invites multinational

secretaries in particular the Japanese and

Korean companies to eat at Pand’or. That way

the secretaries will recommend Pand’or to

their superiors. What Meutia did has resulted

in positive reactions as Pand’or previously has

had European culinary with Japanese taste as

a reputation so it’s not really hard to bring the

customers back.

With expatriates have become the customers

of Pand’or apparently has become a magnet

for the locals. The Japanese, in particular, are

perfectionist in choosing anything. They are also

renowned for their high taste for food. The trust

that Meutia builds and the premium service are

factors that the Pand’or customers keep flocking

in Jalan Wijaya and in another of its branch

at Medco Energy Building, Mezzanine Floor,

Sudirman SCBD

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1342

A break-through was made by Au Chocolat which is

located in the newest shopping centre, Marina Bay

Sands, Singapore. With tenant area of 4,700 square

meters, Au Chocolat is really drawing the visitors’

attention who on average are tourists from ouside the

Singapore. Opened in July, 2012, Au Chocolat presents

an interesting “shopping” concept which is combining

bistro and confiserie in a strong France ambiance. It can

be seen from the architecture design and interior design

which presenting a classic atmosphere as if we are

“shopping” in one of stores in Paris.


Au Chocolat

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Au Chocolat Bistro

Providing breakfast menus up

to dinner menus. It is presented

with a France traditional style

and also international menus in

a cozy eating atmosphere.

Realizing that the venue where

Au Chocolat located is in a

shopping area, there are various

kinds of food menus provided

in order to meet the appetite of

customers coming from many

countries, for example, there are

salad, pasta, savory and sweet

creeps offered in the menu.

There are also interesting menus

for children like French toast

crunch, ‘OO’ mini burgers, little

chicken tenders and Danielle’s

battered fish.

For the beverages, there are

special menus processed from

the best chocolate : signature

Au Chocolat hot fudge and

chocolate blended.

Au Chocolat Confiserie

In an etalage in this area,

there are many kinds of

praline chocolate with various

appearances and tastes. And

what interesting is that the

production area of praline

chocolate can be watched

directly by the visitors. “We spoil

the visitors by allowing them to

watch directly the processed

best chocolate. So there’s no

need to be worried. The bought

chocolate is definitely a home-

made chocolate and made from

the best chocolate in the world,”

said Sabrina Sengol, the Retail

Manager of Au Chocolate.

On the other side, there is a

long etalage filled with attractive

pastry products. Many kinds of

products which are guaranteed

to indulge the customers’

tongue such as cake,

pie and pastry.

The visitors will also be able

to shop souvenirs as gifts from

Singapore like children clothes,

mugs, ballpoints, pillows with

the icon of Danielle and her two

friends attached.

An unforgettable experience

for Tulip Magazine to visiting

Au Chocolat and tasting several

cakes and beverages processed

from chocolate. A mature

concept which can make it

easier for you to develop a

business you already started

or a business which is being

pioneered. Au Chocolat can be

an inspiration for your business!Au Chocolat is not a franchise from France, the business

which are run by the best people in Singapore has proved

that a mature concept producing a mature result. That

concept is not reflected only in the building design but also

in the presentation, the packaging and also in the friendly


Au Chocolat presents cartoon characters as its icon;

Danielle and her two little dog friends, OO and Yu Fa.

Those three icons were designed so interesting that they are

likeable by children. Those three cartoon icons are attached

in every merchandise and also in the packaging.

It is told that Danielle and her two loyal friends are having

their adventures and making interesting stories with

Danielle’s magic paintbrush. The Danielle’s stories will

continue along with the development of the business with

the brand of Au Chocolat where this business is planning

to open Theme Park and online club for children.

It is divided into 2 shopping areas : Au Chocolat Bistro and

Au Chocolat Confiserie.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1344


the Symbol of


Total and serious. That was the impression

felt by Tulip Chocolate Magazine when

visited an island located in Takashimaya

Food Hall, Singapore. Filled with cookies and

Baumkuchen products which are packed in

lovely packaging, with beautiful colours.

This cake, which is similar to lapis legit –

a cake from Indonesia – is an original cake

coming from Germany with a unique shape.

It is made by using a special tool, and can be

watched directly by the visitors who want to

see the making of Baumkuchen. The scent

of butter in the dough through the roasting

process will poke your nose.

With a brand of Juchheim which is very

popular in Japan since the early 19th century,

Baumkuchen is a symbol of joy and happiness.

Its shape which is similar to a large ring was

originally made with simple tool: a large tree

branch with coals underneath.

With sophisticated technology, Baumkuchen

Oven was invented which is also used in

outlets Juchheim in Takashimaya.

In Japan, since the year of 1960, Baumkuchen

has become a token of gratitude for the

invitations who has come to a wedding party.

With the granting of this cake, a never ending

joy is expected for the happy bride as well as

for the invitations who have given their prayers

and blessings.

The level of difficulty in making Baumkuchen

has created a total business premium

concept. The products processing, packaging

and their presentation to the customers are

an unseparated process. The Juchheim

corporation which has been established since

1909, proves that a good product will have an

excellent appearance if they are packed in

a lux style.

The Juchheim products are not only loved

by the Singapore people who usually buy

them as gifts, there are also many tourists

shopping at Takashimaya who buy cookies,

biscuits, and Baumkuchen to be brought to

their countries as souvenirs from Singapore.

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Give great atmosphere to enjoy contemporary laid

back dinner, with great meals and dessert.

You can find Pique Nique outlets at Takashimaya,

Orchard Road, Singapore.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1346

When “real” chocolate (using cocoa mass & cocoa

butter) is melted, it won’t turn into its original shape after

we just put it in the refrigerator. We’ll get a dull mass

that’s very easy to melt and sometimes, the chocolate

can even be grainy or have a white, oily, layer on its

surface. To end up with a chocolate that’s shiny, has a

hard snap, doesn’t melt so easily in your hands and has

a little contraction (to release from a mould), we need to

do something that chefs call “tempering”.

This is needed due to the natural characteristics

of cocoa butter, the fat found in cocoa beans.

Cocoa beans contain around 55% of this cocoa butter

and, of course, so does cocoa mass, the ground

down cocoa beans. Both are critical ingredients

for real chocolate, except for white chocolate that

doesn’t contain the cocoa mass. Since compound

chocolate, usually, doesn’t contain either cocoa mass

or cocoa butter but vegetable fat and small amounts

of cocoa powder, it usually doesn’t require tempering.

Unfortunately, it also lacks the nice taste and melting

behavior of real chocolate.

To transform chocolate in fancy pralines (bite size pieces

with a filling), delectable chocolate bars or other works

of art, we need to melt it first. This is usually done by

indirect heat such as a “bain-marie” (hot water bath)

or hot air. We can also use specialized chocolate

melters that are able to keep our chocolate at a certain

temperature after melting.

This article will explain a few things about why certain

chocolates can be so nice and shiny while others might

not look their part.

THE SECRETBEHIND TEMPERING Ever wondered why some chocolates can be so nice and glossy?

Have you heard the term “tempering” but don’t know what this means?

Andy Van den Broeck

TULIP Ambassador

Tips & Trick

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When cocoa butter is melted, it can

solidify in 5 different forms, which

we call crystals. All these crystals

have a different melting point, some

even lower than the average room

temperature, meaning they’ll be liquid

at room temperature. Tempering is

required to make sure that cocoa

butter crystallizes in the stable (Beta)

crystals that melt around 34°C.

Tempering can be done in a couple

of different ways but is generally

separated in 2 categories:

• creating crystals

• using existing crystals

When creating crystals, we cool down

the chocolate until stable crystals can

be formed (<34°C) and give movement

to the mass. This will ensure that

crystals will be formed. Usually,

temperatures used for cooling are

much colder than 34°C and

a mass temperature of 24°C to 27°C

is quite common. This means that

some unstable crystals are formed as

well. To eliminate these, we need to

heat up the chocolate slightly before

using. The final temperature depends

on the type of chocolate and exactly

how much cooling and movement was

used but is usually between 27°C

and 34°C.

When using existing crystals, we

can either add them to fully melted

chocolate (seeding) or melt the

chocolate just enough to make it

fluid but keep enough crystals inside

(0.4%-0.6%). This last technique is

extremely helpful for small quantities in

a micro wave oven or larger quantities

overnight in a chocolate melter.

Once chocolate is tempered, it will want to do

exactly what it’s taught to do, solidify. We might

however have other plans and want to transform

the chocolate into pralines, chocolate bars, Easter

bunnies,…you get the point…To do this, we need

to keep the amount of crystals under control by

simply melting the ones that are created but not

needed yet.

Once we are ready to have the chocolate

become solid with a nice gloss and hard snap,

we can place it in a refrigerator. A refrigerator for

chocolate should be a lot warmer than any other

refrigerator and is usually kept between 10°C

and 15°C. This is to ensure slow crystallization.

Shock cooling, as needed for compound, can still

destroy our good efforts of tempering and result

in unstable crystals.

The only thing left now is to enjoy the products

just made…

If you like to know more about turning real

chocolate in exquisite delicacies, please contact :

[email protected]

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1348



for Perfect


Always check if your chocolate is well tempered!

An easy way to do this is to dip a pallet knife,

back of a spoon,… into the chocolate and

leave it to solidify at room temperature (±22°C).

The chocolate should become dry to the touch

within 5-10 minutes with a nice gloss.

If it takes longer, the chocolate isn’t tempered

yet (under tempered). If the chocolate solidifies

in less than 5 minutes, is very thick and has lots

of air-bubbles, it has too many crystals and we

need to melt the ones we don’t need

(over tempered).

Some people choose to add cocoa butter

to make over tempered chocolate more fluid.

This will seem to fix the problem shortly but

actually makes things worse as we now have

more cocoa butter that crystallizes faster,

besides making the chocolate more expensive.

The correct solution is to slightly warm the

chocolate to melt away the crystals that we

don’t need.When making the perfect praline, a thin

(2-3mm), even shell is very important. If you

haven’t decorated the moulds, try to heat them

to about 1°C-2°C colder than the chocolate

working temperature. This will result in a

glossier surface and give you a little more time

while working with liquid chocolate.

If you have the time, chocolate can temper itself!

When melting chocolate that has been well

tempered, cooled, transported and stored,

like our Tulip couvertures, at a temperature not

exceeding the working temperature, you retain

enough crystals and end up with a chocolate

that’s still tempered. Depending on the quantity,

this might take a couple of hours to overnight.

You can speed this process up by using a micro

wave oven but you have to be very careful to

make sure that you don’t heat the chocolate

too much.

The perfect moulded praline (bite-size pieces of chocolate with a filling inside)

Tips & Trick

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When moulding, sufficient vibration is important

and don’t forget to scrape the excess

of chocolate from the mould while upside down

before flipping over and cleaning thoroughly.

about 2-3 mm remains to achieve maximum

flavor from the filling while keeping enough space to close the

moulds with a nice chocolate layer. If the filling needs refrigeration,

place the moulds in a relatively warm refrigerator (10°C-15°C)

for maximum 30 minutes.

Before closing the moulds, let them get back to room temperature and

don’t forget to heat the surface slightly to soften the chocolate layer.

This will further help sealing the fresh, liquid chocolate on to the already

solid shell.

Scrape the excess of chocolate from the moulds in 1 fluid motion

keeping a 90° angle between the scraper and the mould. This will

result in a nice and flat bottom layer. If the surface isn’t smooth

or shows air-bubbles, apply more chocolate before scraping again.

Failing to do this will result in stripes and an uneven chocolate layer.

A transfer or plain plastic sheet can be used to create a more glossy

or decorated bottom layer.

This foot will result in a better sealing of the

bottom layer of chocolate (after filling). This is

a little trick that ensures that the bottom layer

of chocolate doesn’t crack away when biting

into the praline. Don’t forget to scrape the

moulds again to make them nice and clean.

Don’t place the moulds in the refrigerator

but leave the chocolate to solidify at room

temperature (±22°C).

Place the mould upside down on a piece of

grease proof paper for about 5 minutes.

This will allow the still liquid chocolate to flow

towards the paper and result in a nice and

even shell with a slightly thicker foot.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1350

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To make the shell of chocolate bon-bon,

we need the following ingredients.

• Tulip Dark Chocolate Hestia 56%

• Tulip Dark Chocolate Aura 65%

• Tulip Milk Chocolate Lactea 34%

• Tulip White Chocolate Ivory

• Cocoa Butter

• Various of Food Coloring Powder

Trend that is popular today is colorful trend (multi color). Reflecting the harmony and the diversity mix of colors.

By using a toothbrush, spray the cocoa butter which has been colored to the surface of chocolate mold hole, leave to dry.

Dissolve cocoa butter with the desired color, using air brush, spray it into the mold holes. The color composition depends on your creativity.

Pour the chocolate based on your own creativity; Dark, Milk or White. Tap and level it so that the air trapped inside it can come out.

Clean the mold surface from the color remnants of cocoa butter, leave the mold in a cold room of 20 – 22°C, so that the colors made from cocoa butter is completely dry.

Pour the chocolate and clean the spill, put it upside down on a piece of paper until it is ready to use. Fill with various of stuffing according to taste.

Color Chocolate Bon-Bon






Louis Tanuhadi

TULIP Ambassador

Choco Idea

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1352

The expertise of a chocolatier indeed

is the most important thing in a

business that is based on the

chocolate. Especially for the chocolate

business that focuses on premium

products. “Signature” is a pride for

the Pastry Chef or more specifically

for a Chocolatier.

Equipment in the process of chocolate

into a new form and filled with highly

diversified creations. Starting from

Melting Kettle/chocolate melting,

standardized and magnetized

chocolate molds, mold shaped

sculpture/hollow, to a sophisticated

machine like enrobing, guitar cutter,

and a variety of equipment which are

needed to make a piece of chocolate.

Chocolate World is a company

based in Belgium and has become

a manufacturer of a moulding with

a polycarbonate, which specified

for chocolate, ice cream and


Made by experts with a high degree

of accuracy. The product of chocolate

world has s become incredibly global.

“Indonesia is one of potential countries

with extensive market. Because of that

the Chocolate World dares to open up

its distribution lines here.

I am very proud to be able to introduce

these premium chocolate production

equipments to my present clients and

also to the chocolate entrepreneurs

who will continue to grow,” says

Michael, Director of PT Berkat Wahana

Saudara which is the distributor

of Chocolate World in Indonesia.

“A perfect blend of chocolatier’s

capabilities and skills in processing

chocolate with the best quality

supported by qualified equipment

is one of the keys to success in a

chocolate business,” says Michael.

Investment for chocolate processing

equipment is indeed great, but those

investments do support chocolate

businessmen to go ahead and

develop. For example, magnetic

mould from Chocolate World is

more expensive. But chocolatiers

acknowledge its magnetic quality is

stronger that its plate iron will not fall

off in the middle of among production,”

cited Michael as an example.

Equipment as the Final Determinant of a Product’s Quality

Photo doc. PT Berkat Wahana Saudara

Choco Tools

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dare to break the mould


Distributed by P.T. Berkat Wahana Saudara

Jl. Tomang Raya no 8B. Jakarta 11430Phone: +62-21-568-0020, +62-21-5600-466, +62-21-5600-154

[email protected]

dare to break the mould


Distributed by P.T. Berkat Wahana Saudara

Jl. Tomang Raya no 8B. Jakarta 11430Phone: +62-21-568-0020, +62-21-5600-466, +62-21-5600-154

[email protected]

Page 56: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef

TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1354

Tulip Chocolatier Bittersweet Chocolate Couverture (55%)

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier White Chocolate Couverture

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

This series has both Real Chocolate (couverture) and Premium Compound. Designed for a variety products that need the best quality of chocolate.



Tulip Masterbaker Dark Chocolate Compound

4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterfilling Dark Chocolate

(Bake Stable Chocolate)4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterdécor Dark Chocolate Compound

4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterdécor White Compound

4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterbaker is compound series. Suitable for many bakery products. Provide bene�ts for your bakery business.

Tulip Chocolatier White Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Strawberry Compound12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Milk Chocolate Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Décor Dark chocolate Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Dark Chocolate Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box


Tulip Chocolatier Chocolate Coating

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

2 paper bags @ 2,5 kgs in carton bag

Tulip Chocolate Cream

5 kgs plastic pail ( individual )

Tulip Burgundy Cocoa Powder

12 - 14 %

Tulip Black Velvet5 kgs plastic pail

( individual )

Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa Powder

22 - 24 %2 paper bags

@ 2,5 kgs in carton bag2 paper bags

@ 2,5 kgs in carton bag2 paper bags

@ 2,5 kgs in carton bag

Tulip Chocolatier Dark Chocolate Chips

1 plastic bag @ 10 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Noir Cocoa Powder

12 - 14 %

Sciroppi Chocolate Syrup

6 bottles @ 1 Kg in a carton box

Tulip Color Rice Mix 8

2 plastic bags @ 5 kgs in carton bag

Cioccolato The Gourmet Chocolate Drink

10 pouch bags @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Choco Rice Dark 5

2 plastic bags @ 5 kgs in carton bag

Tulip Embassy Easimelt Dark - Hestia (56%)

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Easimelt White - Ivory (33%)

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Easimelt Milk - Lactea (34%)

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Choco Chips

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Easimelt Dark - Aura (65%)4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Chocolate Batons (52%)

8 inner boxes @ 1.5 kgs in a carton box

This series feature our prime range of chocolates. A product that is very well liked by Chocolatiers, Pastry Chefs and Professional Bakers in the 5-Stars Hotel Industries and Modern Bakeries. All products in this series are Real Chocolate ( Couverture ) and is meant for up-market as well as International standard Pralines, Cakes and Pastries making.

Page 57: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef


Tulip Chocolatier Bittersweet Chocolate Couverture (55%)

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier White Chocolate Couverture

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

This series has both Real Chocolate (couverture) and Premium Compound. Designed for a variety products that need the best quality of chocolate.



Tulip Masterbaker Dark Chocolate Compound

4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterfilling Dark Chocolate

(Bake Stable Chocolate)4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterdécor Dark Chocolate Compound

4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterdécor White Compound

4 slabs @ 5 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Masterbaker is compound series. Suitable for many bakery products. Provide bene�ts for your bakery business.

Tulip Chocolatier White Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Strawberry Compound12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Milk Chocolate Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Décor Dark chocolate Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Chocolatier Dark Chocolate Compound

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box


Tulip Chocolatier Chocolate Coating

12 slabs @ 1 kg in a carton box

2 paper bags @ 2,5 kgs in carton bag

Tulip Chocolate Cream

5 kgs plastic pail ( individual )

Tulip Burgundy Cocoa Powder

12 - 14 %

Tulip Black Velvet5 kgs plastic pail

( individual )

Tulip Bordeaux Cocoa Powder

22 - 24 %2 paper bags

@ 2,5 kgs in carton bag2 paper bags

@ 2,5 kgs in carton bag2 paper bags

@ 2,5 kgs in carton bag

Tulip Chocolatier Dark Chocolate Chips

1 plastic bag @ 10 kgs in a carton box

Tulip Noir Cocoa Powder

12 - 14 %

Sciroppi Chocolate Syrup

6 bottles @ 1 Kg in a carton box

Tulip Color Rice Mix 8

2 plastic bags @ 5 kgs in carton bag

Cioccolato The Gourmet Chocolate Drink

10 pouch bags @ 1 kg in a carton box

Tulip Choco Rice Dark 5

2 plastic bags @ 5 kgs in carton bag

Tulip Embassy Easimelt Dark - Hestia (56%)

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Easimelt White - Ivory (33%)

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Easimelt Milk - Lactea (34%)

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Choco Chips

4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Easimelt Dark - Aura (65%)4 inner boxes @ 2.5 kgs in a carton

Tulip Embassy Chocolate Batons (52%)

8 inner boxes @ 1.5 kgs in a carton box

This series feature our prime range of chocolates. A product that is very well liked by Chocolatiers, Pastry Chefs and Professional Bakers in the 5-Stars Hotel Industries and Modern Bakeries. All products in this series are Real Chocolate ( Couverture ) and is meant for up-market as well as International standard Pralines, Cakes and Pastries making.

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TULIP Chocolate Magazine #01 - 1356

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Page 60: COVER STORY - · suka menggambar dan hasrat itulah yang membuat saya terus berkarya,”ujar chef