Course Vocabulary

7/29/2019 Course Vocabulary 1/16 Red de tutores Inglés II Course Vocabulary A Average: A typical level of a group. Advisable: To be recommended. Amateurs: A person who engages in a pursuit, esp. a sport. Afterwards: happening at a time subsequent to a reference time. Amateur (n):  someone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their job Ache (n): continuous pain that is not sharp or very strong: a stomachache Allow : to let someone do or have something, or let something happen Appetizers: An appetizer is a small portion of food you eat before the main dish in order to trigger your appetite. B Bargain prices: A cheap price. Beat: To hit (someone) repeatedly in order to cause pain or injury. Boss: A person in charge of a worker or organization. Breathtaking: Astonishing. Blossom: Produce flowers.

Transcript of Course Vocabulary

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Course Vocabulary

AAverage: A typical level of a group.

Advisable: To be recommended.

Amateurs: A person who engages in a pursuit, esp. a sport.

Afterwards: happening at a time subsequent to a reference time.

Amateur (n):  someone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as

their job 

Ache (n):  continuous pain that is not sharp or very strong: a


Al low : to let someone do or have something, or let something happen

Appetizers: An appetizer is a small portion of food you eat before themain dish in order to trigger your appetite.


Bargain prices: A cheap price. 

Beat: To hit (someone) repeatedly in order to cause pain or injury.

Boss: A person in charge of a worker or organization.

Breathtaking: Astonishing.

Blossom: Produce flowers.

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Behave: conduct oneself in a specified way.

Bossy: Fond of giving people orders.

Bud (v): To be in an early stage of development. To begin to develop.The flowers bud in spring.

Bother (v): to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when

they are trying to do something: Danny, don't bother Ellen while she's


Bath (v): to wash someone in a bath [= bathe American English] I'll

bath the children

Bag (v): to put things into bags. He got a job bagging groceries

Backache (n): a pain in your back

Bite (n): the act of cutting or crushing something with your teeth

Bellboy: especially British English a young man who carries bags,

takes messages etc. in a hotel

Boss: A boss is the person in charge of supervising the things you do

at work.

Bu lky (adj) : something that is bulky is bigger than other things of its

type and is difficult to carry or store: a bulky parcel 

Bend (v): to move part of your body so that it is not straight or so that

you are not upright:

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Cricket game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players;

Teams take turns trying to score runs.

Cheapskate: A stingy person.

Clue: An idea that serves as a guide in a task.

Cruise: A voyage on a ship taken for pleasure usually calling in at

several places.

Cookout (n): a party or entertainment featuring the cooking and eating

of a meal out of doors.

Clap (v): to hit your hands against each other many times to make a

sound that shows your approval, agreement, or enjoyment. 

Claim (v): to state that something is true, even though it has not been


Cruise (n): a holiday on a large ship. a Mediterranean cruise

Cold (n): a common illness that makes it difficult to breathe through

your nose and often makes your throat hurt

Championship: a competition to find which player, team etc. is the

best in a particular sport:

Clown: A clown is a funny person who entertains and makes people

laugh by wearing make-up and colorful outfits.

Customer: A customer is a synonym of client. It is the person who

uses the services of a business.

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Classmate: a member of the same class in a school, college or, in the

US, a university

Check: The check is a piece of paper containing the price you have to

pay at a restaurant.


Dummy: A stupid or silly person.

Delivery: The action of delivering letters, packages, or ordered goods.

Drag: Pull (someone or something).

Dent: (v) : if you dent something, or if it dents, you hit or press it so that

its surface is bent inwards:

No one was injured, but the car was scratched and dented 

Drown (v ): to die from being under water for too long, or to kill

someone in this way:

Many people drowned when the boat overturned 

Delivery (n): the act of bringing goods, letters etc. to a particular 

person or place, or the things that are brought

Delay : to wait until a later time to do something: Don't delay - send off 

for the information now 

Daring : involving a lot of risk or danger, or brave enough to do riskythings:

Decor: It is a short form of the word “decoration” and it means the way

things are arranged in a room.

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Emp loyee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else [=

worker]: a government employeeEarly : before the usual, arranged, or expected time [≠ late]: We arrived 


Expensive: This means that you have to pay a lot of money to buy


Expenses: The cost required for something


Flock (v): to decorate or coat with flock, as wallpaper, cloth, or metal.

Fit (v): if something fits another thing, it is similar to it or suitable for it

Frown (n): the expression on your face when you move your eyebrows

together because you are angry, unhappy, or confused

Flip (v): to move something with a quick sudden movement so that it is

in a different position

Fence (n): a structure made of wood, metal etc. that surrounds a

piece of land

Froth (v): if a liquid froths, it produces or contains a lot of small

bubbles on top

Fellow (n): people that you work with, study with, or who are in the

same situation as you

Forecaster : someone whose job is to say what is likely to happen in

the future; especially what kind of weather is expected

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Goal: Something that you are trying to do or achieve

Gusts: A brief, strong rush of wind.

Gloomy: to appear depressing.

Gril l (n) : a grated utensil for broiling meat, fish, vegetables, etc., over a

fire; gridiron

Gambl in g (v): to risk money or possessions on the result of something

such as a card game or a race, when you do not know for certain whatthe result will be 

Gaze (v): to look at someone or something for a long time, giving it all

your attention, often without realizing you are doing so 

Grocery : food and other goods that are sold by a grocer or a


Get along with : if two or more people get along, they have a friendly

relationship: We've always got along quite well 

Get in touch wi th : To maintain contact with somebody over the phone

or visit

Glass: It is a recipient used to pour beverages, for example, water or 


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Hurry: Move or act with haste.

Hazard: A danger or risk.

Handicap: A condition that markedly restricts a person's ability to

function physically, mentally, or socially.

Harvest (n): a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored: a

harvest of wheat  

Hunt ing (v): to chase animals and birds in order to kill or catch themHealth (n) : the general condition of your body and how healthy you are

Hurry: to do something or go somewhere more quickly than usual,

especially because there is not much time [= rush]:


Interview: A meeting of people, face to face, esp. for consultation.

Inhibited To prohibit from doing something 

Illness: A disease.

Itch: An uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to


Injured (adj ): having a wound or damage to part of your body 

Indoor (adj): used or happening inside a building [≠ outdoor]:

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Jogging (v): the activity of running slowly and steadily as a way of 

exercisingJudge (v): to form or give an opinion about someone or something

after thinking carefully about all the information you know about them


Luggage: Suitcases in which to pack personal belongings for traveling.

Leisure: Free time.

Leaves (n): one of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the

stem of a tree. In winter, there are not many leaves on tress

Ligh t (adj) a light colour is pale and not dark. if it is light, there is the

natural light of day 

Leather (n): animal skin that has been treated to preserve it, and is

used for making shoes, bags etc:

The inside of the bag was lined with soft leather 

Loc k (v):  to fasten something, usually with a key, so that other people

cannot open it. or to be fastened like this: 

Landscape (v):  to make a park, garden etc. look attractive and

interesting by changing its design, and by planting trees and bushes


Lawn : an area of ground in a garden or park that is covered with short


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Mind: the part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels and remembers.

Mild: moderate.

Mountainside: hillside.

Messy: Untidy or dirty

Mirage (n): an effect caused by hot air in a desert, which makes you

think that you can see objects when they are not actually there  

Match (n): an organized sports event between two teams or people

Mirror (n): a piece of special glass that you can look at and see

yourself in

Mate (v): someone you work with, do an activity with, or share

something with class/team/work etc. mate

Middle: the part that is nearest the center of something, and furthest

from the sides, edges, top, bottom etc

Mow: to cut grass using a machine


Nearby: not far away: Lucy was staying in the nearby town of 


Night-stand: a small table beside a bed 


Outfit: A set of clothes worn together. 

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Overtime: Time worked beyond one's scheduled working hours.

Oversized (adj): bigger than usual or too big: an oversized jacket

Overdo: (v) to do something more than is suitable or natural

Overtime: time that you spend working in your job in addition to your 

normal working hours

Owe : to need to pay someone for something that they have done for 

you or sold to you, or to need to give someone back money that they

have lent you [↪ borrow, lend]

PParcels: A collection of things wrapped in paper in order to be sent by


Parasailing: Glide through the air wearing an open parachute while

being towed by a motorboat.

Poke: Jab or prod (someone or something), esp. with one's finger.

Pill: A small round mass of solid medicine to be swallowed whole.

Path (n): a track that has been made deliberately or made by many

people walking over the same ground:

I walked nervously up the garden path towards the front door 

Pinch (v) : to press a part of someone's skin very tightly between your 

finger and thumb, especially so that it hurts

Poultry (n) : birds such as chickens and ducks that are kept on farms in

order to produce eggs and meat

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Puzzle (v): a game or toy that has a lot of pieces that you have to fit


Pitch (v):  a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played [=

field] football/cricket/rugby etc. pitch

Pleasure: Pleasure is a sensation of comfort and happiness obtained

from different activities.


Rugby a game played by two teams in which each team tries to carry 

or kick a ball over the other team’s goal line.

Raincoat: A long coat made from waterproofed.

Rooftops: The outer surface of a building's roof.

Regret: Feel sad, repentant.

Rub: Move one's hand or a cloth repeatedly to and fro on the surface

of (something) with firm pressure.

Raise (n):   an increase in the money you earn, My boss gave a big


Raft ing (v): the activity of travelling on a raft, especially as a sport 

Reach (v) : if someone or something reaches a particular point in their 

development, they get to that point 

Rest: (v) to stop working or doing an activity for a time and sit down or 

lie down to relax

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Soccer  a game played between two teams of 11 players in which a

ball is moved toward a goal usually by kicking.

Shutdown: a temporary closure due to a fault or for maintenance.

Stamp: An official mark that indicates approval or the payment of a


Sample: pattern

Safe: Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk.

Stingrays: A marine ray.

Sore: Painful or aching.

Strenuous: strong.

Shelter (v): To protect, as by shelter; take under one's protection:

Parents should not try to shelter their children from normal childhood


Simmering (v): to make a gentle murmuring sound, as liquids cooking

 just below the boiling point

Spoil (v): to damage severely or harm (something), especially with

reference to its excellence, value, usefulness, etc.: The water stain

spoiled the painting. Drought spoiled the corn crop.

Shade (n): the comparative darkness caused by the interception or 

screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area.

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Smooth: a smooth surface has no rough parts, lumps, or holes,

especially in a way that is pleasant and attractive to touch: Her skin felt

smooth and cool.

Sow (v): to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground. These fields

used to be sown with oats

Stout (adj  ): fairly fat and heavy, or having a thick body: a short, stout 


Seashell (n): the empty shell of a small sea creature. jewelry made out

of seashells

Sunburn (n): red and painful skin that you can get from spending too

much time in the sun

Score (v): to win a point in a sport, game, competition, or test:

Sales (n): the total number of products that are sold during a particular 

period of time

Scrambled (adj): to cook an egg by mixing the white and yellow parts

together and heating it in a pan

Sold out (exp): if a concert, performance etc is sold out, all the tickets

for that show have been sold: The group will play three sold-out shows

at Wembley Stadium

Stab (v): to push a knife into someone or something. He was stabbed

to death in a fight.

Shift (v): to move from one place or position to another, or make

something do this:

Steering wheel (n): a wheel that you turn to control the direction of a


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Shrill (n): a shrill sound is very high and unpleasant: 'That's not true,'

she protested in a shrill voice

Straight (adj): something that is straight does not bend or curve

Snorkeling (v): when you swim under water using a snorkel: We went

snorkeling in Hawaii.

Stingrays (v): a large flat fish that has a long tail with sharp poisonous

points on it

Sharp (adj): having a very thin edge or point that can cut things easily 

Sore (v): If part of your body that is sore is painful, because of infection

or because you have used a muscle too much:

Scratch: to rub your skin with your nails because it feels


Strenuous (adj): needing a lot of effort or strength:

Stone: a small piece of rock of any shape, found on the ground

Spring: the season between winter and summer when leaves and

flowers appear 

Soothe (v ): to make someone feel calmer and less anxious, upset, or 

angry: Lucy soothed the baby by rocking it in her arms

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Team a group of people who compete in a game against another 


Thunderstorm (n): transient storm of lightning and thunder, usually

with rain and gusty winds, sometimes with hail or snow, produced by

cumulonimbus clouds.

Trip (n): a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a

particular purpose

Throw (v): to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the

air by pushing your hand forward quickly and letting the object go

Tickle (v): to move your fingers gently over someone's body in order to

make them laugh

Tip: a small amount of additional money that you give to someone

such as a waiter or a taxi driver 

Trip: A trip is a travel you make to a different place. It can be done for 

different purposes such as vacations, work or for academic purposes.


Vacancy (n): a room in a hotel or building that is not being used and is

available for someone to stay in

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Warn: cautionary advice.

Waste: loss.

Wide (n): of great horizontal extent; extensive; vast; spacious: the wide

 plains of the West. 

Workout (n): a period of physical exercise, especially as training for a

sport. A daily workout in the gym

Wellbeing: a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happyWhir l : to turn or spin around very quickly, or to make someone or 

something do this

Whim : a sudden feeling that you would like to do or have something,

especially when there is no important or good reason

Waiter: A waiter is the person who serves food or drinks at a

restaurant or at a bar.