Costume Analysis

Costume Analysi s

Transcript of Costume Analysis

Costume Analysis

In this photo we see a grown up and sophisticated Justin. He is wearing a navy/black suit. The colour navy is a respectable colour as it is usually worn by those in the navy and the colour black is a classic colour, and is often a popular colour on suits as it makes them look more mature and classy. The two colours together, as well as the meanings behind them suggest that Justin in going for a mature and grown up look.

His shirt is a classic white and is done up all the way to the top and is potentially tucked in - we can’t tell for sure because it is a medium close up shot. The colour white can reflect his innocence as he is still very young, yet successful at the same time.


Bieber Justin’s suit looks silky, which shows of his wealth as it is a very rich and expensive material. This overall highlights his success as a pop artist as he is only 20 years old.

The collar which look matte. It has a visible pocket, located on the left side of his jacket, traditionally where handkerchiefs are placed.

His shirt and jacket look is complete with a classic black tie, which is also silky to match his suit, once again representing his wealth.

In this photo we see Olly Murs wearing a low collared white shirt. White often represents the idea of purity and innocence, however, pop fans can tell this isn’t a word to describe Olly, as he is often described as being cheeky and mischievous!

With this we see him wearing a black and white patterned blazer - making it look grey. The blazer itself is open - not done up. The buttons on the jacket look to be a black. The blazer is a typical look for Olly Murs, representing that he is one of the older male artists in the Pop Genre. His outfit represents his maturity.

The blazer is complemented with a silky pocket handkerchief, which is a burgundy colour. Further creating a sophisticated look.

To top the outfit off, Olly is wearing a hat, that he always wears. Ever since we first met him on the X Factor.

This costume presents Olly as a sophisticated and grown artist, in comparison to when we seen his dressed in a plain tee. He looks smart and ready for business, insinuating he is serious about his career in the industry!

Olly Murs

In this photo it is hard to see what Leigh-Anne is wearing on her bottom half, however, she is wearing a black top that is designed with the colours red, blue and purple. These colours are common with in pop magazines. Matched with a black pencil skirt. This is a formal outfit for the girls who are usually dancing on the stage in baggy jeans and crop tops where in this photo Leigh-Anne’s costume is more sophisticated and formal, showing a different side to the fun loving and bubbly girl band.

Little Mix

Jade is wearing a Fred Perry shirt-dress. It goes down just above her knees, and the sleeves are mid lower arm. The dress is a purple/black checkered pattern with white buttons and a gold Fred Perry badge/sign. These colours comply with those on Leigh-Anne’s costume, representing the idea of unity within a band.

Jese is wearing a short sleeved baseball styled shirt, which is black with two white rings going around the sleeved and one going down the middle of the shirt - outside the white buttons. This look is more laid back than Leigh-Anne’s outfit and tends to be more of a male choice of clothing, however, Jese is able to pull it off and make the costume look rather glamorous. Despite the fact it isn’t fornal, the girls all look like they are together as one mainly through the choice of colours they are all wearing.

Perry it wearing a black turtle neck jumper with the sleeves mid lower arm - like Jade’s dress. She is wearing black, green, and burgundy tartan shorts. This look is classic old-school, similar to Jade’s Fred Perry’s dress. The girls costumes all go together, yet contradict each other at the same time as Jade and Perry’s costumes tend to be more classic, where as Jese’s is more relaxed and Leigh-Anne’s is more formal.

As a girl band there outfits all have some relation to one another but also have all their individual differences, the look the girls have gone for is and old school, classic kind of look - which is known coming back into fashion and highlights their youth also.