Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping

ANRV278-NE29-07 ARI 7 March 2006 10:13 R E V I E W S I N A D V A N C E Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping Pieter R. Roelfsema The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute, Meibergdreef 47, 1105 BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and Department of Experimental Neurophysiology, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Vrije Universiteit, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands; email: [email protected] Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2006. 29:203–27 The Annual Review of Neuroscience is online at doi: 10.1146/ annurev.neuro.29.051605.112939 Copyright c 2006 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 0147-006X/06/0721- 0203$20.00 Key Words visual cortex, binding, visual attention, contour grouping, contextual modulation, grandmother cell Abstract A fundamental task of vision is to group the image elements that belong to one object and to segregate them from other objects and the background. This review provides a conceptual framework of how perceptual grouping may be implemented in the visual cor- tex. According to this framework, two mechanisms are responsi- ble for perceptual grouping: base-grouping and incremental group- ing. Base-groupings are coded by single neurons tuned to multiple features, like the combination of a color and an orientation. They are computed rapidly because they reflect the selectivity of feedfor- ward connections. However, not all conceivable feature combina- tions are coded by dedicated neurons. Therefore, a second, flexible form of grouping is required called incremental grouping. Incre- mental grouping enhances the responses of neurons coding features that are bound in perception, but it takes more time than does base- grouping because it relies also on horizontal and feedback connec- tions. The modulation of neuronal response strength during incre- mental grouping has a correlate in psychology because attention is directed to those features that are labeled by the enhanced neuronal response. 203

Transcript of Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping

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Cortical Algorithms forPerceptual GroupingPieter R. RoelfsemaThe Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute, Meibergdreef 47, 1105 BAAmsterdam, The Netherlands; and Department of Experimental Neurophysiology,Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Vrije Universiteit, de Boelelaan1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Neurosci.2006. 29:203–27

The Annual Review ofNeuroscience is online

doi: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.29.051605.112939

Copyright c© 2006 byAnnual Reviews. All rightsreserved


Key Words

visual cortex, binding, visual attention, contour grouping,contextual modulation, grandmother cell

AbstractA fundamental task of vision is to group the image elements thatbelong to one object and to segregate them from other objects andthe background. This review provides a conceptual framework ofhow perceptual grouping may be implemented in the visual cor-tex. According to this framework, two mechanisms are responsi-ble for perceptual grouping: base-grouping and incremental group-ing. Base-groupings are coded by single neurons tuned to multiplefeatures, like the combination of a color and an orientation. Theyare computed rapidly because they reflect the selectivity of feedfor-ward connections. However, not all conceivable feature combina-tions are coded by dedicated neurons. Therefore, a second, flexibleform of grouping is required called incremental grouping. Incre-mental grouping enhances the responses of neurons coding featuresthat are bound in perception, but it takes more time than does base-grouping because it relies also on horizontal and feedback connec-tions. The modulation of neuronal response strength during incre-mental grouping has a correlate in psychology because attention isdirected to those features that are labeled by the enhanced neuronalresponse.


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INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204BASE-GROUPING: GROUPING



THE LOCAL ASSOCIATIONFIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211Neuroanatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

SERIAL CONTOURGROUPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

NEUROPHYSIOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . 214Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

GENERALIZATION TO OTHERFEATURE DOMAINS . . . . . . . . . . 218Binding Features and Locations . . . 219


FUTURE RESEARCHDIRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222


We live in a complex visual world. The typ-ical visual scene that hits the retina is com-posed of large numbers of image elements thatvary in luminance, color, shape, and motion.Our visual system’s task is to impose struc-ture on all this information: It must group to-gether image elements that belong to a sin-gle object and segregate them from elementsthat belong to different objects and the back-ground. In most instances, we immediatelyknow where one object ends and another be-gins. Only occasionally do we experience dif-ficulty in segmenting a scene (one exampleis given in Figure 1A). The effortlessness ofimage segmentation could mean either thatthis task is easy or that the efficiency of ourvisual system prevents a full appreciation ofthe computational complexity. Computer sci-ence supports the latter view. The complex-ity of image segmentation was fully realizedonly when computer scientists tried to de-

velop algorithms for grouping and segmenta-tion (Marr 1982) and, in spite of the strikingdevelopments in this field, the best computeralgorithms are still no match for the humanvisual system (Barrett & Myers 2003).

Human vision uses many cues for imagesegmentation. One the one hand, it uses low-level grouping cues described by the Gestaltpsychologists many years ago (Wertheimer1923, Koffka 1935; reviewed by Rock &Palmer 1990). For instance, the Gestalt ruleof similarity states that similar elements tendto be bound as an object in perception. Onthe other hand, human vision uses high-levelgrouping cues. In Figure 1A we group thelegs of the bird with the rest of the animal,because we know from our previous visual ex-perience that this is where the legs shouldbe. This grouping is not supported by low-level cues, suggesting that the legs, with theirdifferent color and texture, should rather besegregated from the rest of the animal. Fa-miliarity with the shape of objects has a pro-found influence on image segmentation (e.g.,Peterson et al. 1991, Ullman 1996, Vecera &Farah 1997).

The neuronal mechanisms for groupingand segmentation are, at best, partially un-derstood. A satisfactory theory must explainhow subjects combine different cues to con-verge on the correct segmentation of an im-age (Palmer 1992). This is not easy becauseimage elements interact in complex waysin perception. Some of these complexitiesare illustrated in Figure 2. The first exam-ple illustrates the Gestalt law of proximity(Figure 2A). On the left side of this figure,the blue dot forms a perceptual group withthe yellow dot but not with the red dot. Thisgrouping occurs because the blue and the yel-low dots are close to each other and the red dotis farther away. By contrast, on the right sideof the figure, the blue dot is grouped with thered dot rather than with the yellow dot eventhough the distances remain the same. Thereason for this grouping is that the blue dotis close to a black dot, which in turn groupswith the other black dots, which then group

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with the red dot on the other side. These localgroupings are combined in our perception, re-sulting in the blue dot being grouped with thered dot. This example demonstrates the tran-sitivity of perceptual grouping: If A is groupedwith B, and B with C, then A is also groupedwith C.

Transitivity implies that grouping imageelements depends on the context of the sceneprovided by other elements located at nearbyor remote locations. Figure 2B illustrates therole of context through the Gestalt law of con-nectedness. On the left hand side, the two reddots are positioned on the same object, but onthe right hand side, they are not. These twoimages differ at a location far from the twored dots. Connectedness is a transitive prop-erty, and the grouping of connected image el-ements can therefore depend on long chainsof more local groupings (see also Minsky &Papert 1990). The third example, illustratedin Figure 2C, shows both transitivity and con-text sensitivity for the Gestalt law of similar-ity. Nearby line elements in this figure aregrouped together when they have a similarorientation. However, the law does not nec-essarily apply to image elements that are far-ther apart. Line elements at locations 1 and2, for example, have the same orientationbut do not group because they are separatedby boundaries where the orientation changesabruptly. In contrast, line elements at loca-tions 2 and 3 have an orthogonal orientation,but they are grouped because the orientationchanges gradually at intermediate locations,which allows transitive grouping. Taken to-gether, these examples demonstrate that ourvisual system evaluates features across manyimage locations to arrive at a correct globalsegmentation of the image (see also the re-view by Albright & Stoner 2002).

Here, I review the cortical mechanismsresponsible for perceptual grouping in thecontext of an incremental grouping theory(Roelfsema et al. 2000). The theory proposesa distinction between two types of grouping:base-grouping and incremental grouping (seealso Ullman 1984). Base grouping relies on

Figure 1Difficult perceptual grouping task. (A) The bird is hard to see on abackground that has a similar texture and color (photograph made by Dr.David Jefferies, and reproduced with permission). (B) Incrementalgrouping. The region occupied by the bird is shown at a higher luminanceto illustrate how the enhanced neuronal responses label image elementsthat are grouped perceptually in areas of the visual cortex.

Incrementalgrouping: groupingby labeling neuronswith an enhancedactivity

Base grouping:grouping by neuronstuned to featureconjunctions

RF: receptive field

neurons that are tuned to feature conjunc-tions. These groupings are rapidly computedafter the presentation of a new visual imageby a cascade of feedforward connections thatshape the neurons’ receptive field (RF) prop-erties in lower and higher areas of the visualcortex (purple in Figure 3A,C ) (Felleman &Van Essen 1991). The feedforward processingphase roughly corresponds to what is oftenreferred to in psychology as preattentive pro-cessing (Treisman & Gelade 1980). Incremen-tal grouping, by comparison, requires recur-rent processing: the exchange of informationbetween neurons in the same area by horizon-tal connections (yellow in Figure 3A,C ), andbetween neurons in higher and lower areas by • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 205

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It is possible to distinguish between feedforward and recurrentprocessing on the basis of the following criteria: (a) feedfor-ward connections drive the neurons’ responses and determinethe location and spatial extent of the classical receptive field.Modulatory influences on a neuron’s response by informationoutside the RF can be attributed to recurrent loops throughthe same and higher visual areas (see Figure 3C ). (b) A neu-ron’s initial response is dominated by feedforward connectionsthat provide the shortest route from the retina to the neuron.Effects mediated by horizontal and feedback connections areassociated with additional synaptic delays. (c) In the macaquemonkey a new stimulus arrives in the highest areas of visualcortex within ∼120 ms (Nowak & Bullier 1997, Lamme &Roelfsema 2000). Tasks that take more time suggest recurrentprocessing.

feedforward and feedback connections (greenin Figure 3A,C ) (see Feedforward and Recur-rent Processing). This time-consuming, at-tentive process labels a population of neuronsthat encodes the features to be grouped per-ceptually by enhancing the strength of theirresponses (highlighted region in Figure 1B ).Incremental grouping is transitive, and it istherefore sensitive to the context set by otherelements in the display. This review beginsby focusing on grouping of contour elements.Later sections generalize the ideas to otherfeature domains and then return to the dis-tinction between preattentive and attentiveprocessing.


Images projected onto the retina are initiallyparceled into tiny fragments represented byneurons with small RFs. The information isrelayed through the lateral geniculate nucleus(LGN) to the visual cortex, which has thedifficult task of putting the objects back to-gether again. Over 30 years of research hasprovided important insight into how object







Figure 2Context sensitivity of perceptual grouping. (A)Grouping by proximity. In the left image, thenearby blue and yellow circles are groupedtogether. In the right image, the blue dot is closeto a string of black dots that, in turn, is close to thered dot. Grouping by proximity is a transitiveprocess, and now the blue and red dots belong tothe same perceptual group. (B ) Grouping byconnectedness. In the left image, the two red dotsare located on a single, connected object, and inthe right image they are not. This exampleillustrates that one can influence grouping bychanging the stimulus at remote locations.(C ) Grouping by similarity. Nearby imageelements with a similar orientation are grouped inperception, whereas boundaries form at positionswhere the orientation changes abruptly. Imagelocations with similar orientations (locations 1 and2) do not group if there is a boundary betweenthem. In contrast, separate image locations withdissimilar orientations (locations 2 and 3) aregrouped if the orientation changes gradually atintervening locations (modeled after Nothdurft1992).

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Figure 3Connectionsbetween neurons inthe visual cortex.(A) Schematicrepresentation offeedforwardconnections (purple),horizontalconnections (yellow),and feedbackconnections (green)between areas of thevisual cortex. (B) Inhigher areas the sizeof the RFs increasesand tuning becomesmore complex.(C) Left: When a newimage is presented,neuronal responsesare initiallydominated by thefeedforwardconnections (purple).Middle: Horizontal(yellow) and feedbackconnections (green)take effect after adelay. Right: As timeprogresses longerrecurrent routes startto influence theneuronal responses.

representations are gradually reconstructedfrom lower to higher regions of the visual cor-tex (Felleman & Van Essen 1991, Kobatake& Tanaka 1994) (Figure 3). Neurons in theprimary visual cortex (area V1) have smallRFs that are tuned to simple features, suchas the orientation of a contour (Figure 3B ).Orientation tuning is a simple form of per-ceptual grouping because the detection of anoriented contour implies a set of smaller el-ements aligned in a specific oriented con-figuration. In addition, many neurons in V1

are tuned to combinations of features, suchas colors, orientations, disparities, and mo-tion directions (Leventhal et al. 1995, Sincich& Horton 2005). A neuron tuned to a redand vertical bar encodes a conjunction, i.e.,a grouping of these features. Therefore, thedistinction between a feature (unique and notdivisible into smaller elements) and a conjunc-tion (a combination of two or more features)is blurred at the neuronal level—a fact that hasnot been appreciated by many psychologicaltheories (e.g., Treisman & Gelade 1980). It is • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 207

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The biased competition model, proposed by Desimone &Duncan (1995), suggests that different objects in the visualfield compete for representation in the visual cortex. The com-petition is particularly strong in higher areas, where multipleobjects are likely to fall into one RF. These inhibitory interac-tions occur on a fast timescale so that the competition alreadyhas an effect during the initial feedforward processing phase(Knierim & Van Essen 1992, Miller et al. 1993). The biasedcompetition model proposes that bottom-up saliency as wellas top-down factors that reflect the stimulus’ behavioral rel-evance influence the outcome of the competition (for recentreviews of experimental evidence, see Kastner & Ungerleider2000, Reynolds & Chelazzi 2004). The incremental group-ing theory is compatible with biased competition between thefeatures that belong to different objects. However, it also pro-poses excitatory interactions between neurons that code fea-tures of the same object that thereby tend to be coselected forperception and action.

convenient to use the term base-grouping fora feature conjunction that is coded by a singleneuron, although it is just another word forthe neuron’s tuning.

The complexity of tuning (and thus ofthe base-groupings) increases in higher vi-sual areas where RFs are larger. Many neu-rons in area V4 are selective for the shape andcurvature of contour elements (Pasupathy &Connor 2001). In the inferotemporal cortex(area IT) the complexity of tuning increasesfurther. Figure 4A illustrates a neuron thatwas recorded by Brincat & Connor (2004) inarea IT of a monkey. They presented a largeset of simple objects to the monkey and sys-tematically investigated how the neuron’s re-sponse depended on the object’s contour ele-ments. The tuning of the example cell couldbe explained by the relative position of fourcontour elements. The neuron was excited bytwo of the elements (A or B) and respondedstrongly to stimuli with three of the elements(A, B, and C all present); a fourth contour el-ement (D) had a suppressive effect. Thus, thetuning could be described as the sum of terms

for the individual elements together with aninteraction term. Joint tuning to multiple con-tour elements was observed in the large ma-jority of IT neurons (Brincat & Connor 2004,see also Kobatake & Tanaka 1994). A sim-ple feedforward model can explain this tun-ing; V4 provides information about the indi-vidual contour elements that are integratedinto shapes at the level of area IT (insert inFigure 4A ). In such a simple model, tun-ing of V4 would depend on the input it re-ceives from area V2, which in turn would de-pend on the input it receives from area V1(e.g., Fukushima 1988, Riesenhuber & Poggio1999).

In such a model, the selectivity of feedfor-ward connection is responsible for the tun-ing of the neurons. Feedforward connectionsprovide the shortest route from the retina toa cortical neuron, and in such a model, tun-ing is therefore observed from the first spikeonward (van Rullen et al. 1998). Consistentwith this idea, many V1 neurons are tuned toorientation during their initial visual response(Celebrini et al. 1993). The initial neuronalresponses in higher visual areas are also se-lective for complex shapes (Oram & Perrett1992, 1994; Sugase et al. 1999). This is di-rect support for the feedforward model be-cause computational schemes that implicatehorizontal and feedback connections are as-sociated with additional synaptic and axonalpropagation delays and do not give rise to thetuning of initial neuronal responses. Althoughbase-grouping is fast (Lamme & Roelfsema2000), the feedforward sweep can be curtailedby other objects in the scene. Competitive in-teractions that occur between the representa-tions of different objects reduce the depth ofprocessing and thereby decrease the numberof computed base-groupings at higher levelsin the visual hierarchy (as originally proposedby the biased competition model of Desimone& Duncan 1995; see Biased Competition).

The complexity of tuning increases evenfurther in areas beyond area IT. Highly spe-cific neurons have been observed in the me-dial temporal lobe of humans who were fitted

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Figure 4Base-grouping in the temporal lobe. (A) Left: Responses of an IT neuron to a large set of stimuli.Background gray levels indicate response strength. A simple equation based on four contour elements(A, B, C, and D) accounted for a large fraction of the variability in response strength. Inset: Simplefeedforward model that could implement this equation. Right: Comparison of observed (black bars) andpredicted response magnitude (red bars) for four of the stimuli (red stars on the left). From Brincat &Connor (2004). (B) Neuron that responds to pictures of Bill Clinton. The cell does not respond to a largevariety of other pictures (only three of them are shown here). Adapted from Kreiman et al. (2002). • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 209

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with electrodes to investigate the source oftheir epilepsy. Figure 4B shows an exampleof a cell in the amygdala that responded reli-ably and selectively to pictures of Bill Clintonbut not to other pictures (Kreiman et al. 2002;see Quiroga et al. 2005 for more examples).The existence of these highly selective neu-rons was predicted by Barlow (1972) whocalled them “cardinal cells” (their nicknameis grandmother cells). It is useful to have car-dinal cells in an associative neuronal networkbecause knowledge about the object or in-dividual can be retrieved irrespective of thelow-level features. However, there are limi-tations to using cardinal cells to achieve per-ceptual grouping (Singer & Gray 1995, vonder Malsburg 1999). There are more featureconjunctions possible than neurons availablein the brain. Moreover, many groupings neveroccur in a lifetime, and it is unrealistic to ex-pect that there would be a neuron waiting forthem.


Any single object always activates a pattern,or what Hebb (1949) called an assembly ofneurons distributed across cortical areas. Dis-tributed representations have several virtues.For example, they can represent the featuresof an object at a level of detail that is difficultto achieve with one or a few cardinal cells. Aset of neurons in early visual areas can col-lectively represent the contour elements of anobject in detail, while neurons in higher ar-eas code aspects of its global shape. Moreover,a distributed representation would allow newobjects to be represented as new patterns ofactivity across existing neurons.

A limitation of distributed representationsis the binding problem, which is the tendencyto confuse features that belong to differentobjects (Treisman & Schmidt 1982, von derMalsburg 1999). Imagine the simple problemof the simultaneous appearance of two ob-jects composed of a number of contour ele-

ments. The objects activate two sets of neu-rons in early and higher visual areas, but thisrepresentation does not reveal which contourelements belong together as part of a sin-gle object. Similar problems can occur withthe integration of features from differentdomains, like colors, motions, and shapes.The assembly code signals which features arepresent in the display, but it does not revealwhich features belong to the same object (seealso Treisman & Gelade 1980).

The binding problem can be solved by la-beling neurons that encode the features of oneobject in a manner that distinguishes themfrom the neurons representing features ofother objects. Two neurophysiologically plau-sible labels have been proposed. The firstis synchrony. According to the binding-by-synchrony theory, neurons that respond tofeatures that belong to the same object firetheir action potentials at approximately thesame time (von der Malsburg 1981). Thistheory initially received much support (re-viewed by Singer & Gray 1995). However,recent studies that measured neuronal syn-chrony in monkeys that carried out perceptualgrouping tasks observed no direct relationshipbetween synchrony and perceptual grouping(Lamme & Spekreijse 1998, Thiele & Stoner2003, Palanca & DeAngelis 2005). In some in-stances, grouping is even associated with a re-duction in synchrony (Roelfsema et al. 2004),which suggests that synchrony is not the uni-versal code for binding.

The incremental grouping theory, pro-posed here, claims that neurons encoding thefeatures of one object enhance their firing ratecompared with neurons encoding the featuresof other objects (Figure 1B ). For ease of de-scription, the theory refers to this differen-tial activity as a response enhancement, al-though these effects are usually observed ona background of inhibitory interactions be-tween the representations of different objects(see Biased Competition). The theory pro-poses that the enhancement of neuronal re-sponses spreads across the network of hor-izontal and interareal connections that link

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the neurons representing features of the sameobject (Figure 3C ). These recurrent connec-tions form chains of varying lengths so thatthe effects of short chains become evident atan earlier point in time than do the effects oflonger chains. The next section reviews theinteractions between neighboring contour el-ements that form local groupings. This setsthe stage for the following section on a formof incremental contour grouping that is se-rial and time-consuming because it requiresthe combination of many local groupings in atransitive way.


A powerful tool to study contour groupingwas introduced with the so-called pathfinderdisplays (Field et al. 1993). These displayscontain Gabor patches (or contour elements),some of which are aligned colinearly to forma path (Figure 5A ). Human observers ef-ficiently detect the presence of such a pathif the elements are close together and wellaligned. The performance of observers de-creases if the elements are not aligned (e.g.,when the elements are rotated by 90◦). Onthe basis of these results, Field et al. (1993)proposed that oriented elements interact witheach other through a “local association field”:Colinearly aligned contour elements mutuallyexcite each other and increase each other’ssaliency, whereas noncolinear elements in-hibit each other (Ullman 1992). The localassociation field (shown in Figure 5B ) for-malizes the Gestalt rule of good continu-ation, which states that well-aligned con-tour elements tend to be grouped together(Wertheimer 1923, Koffka 1935; see alsoKellman & Shipley 1991).

Several studies have demonstrated that in-teractions between the neuronal representa-tions of contour elements take place accord-ing to the local association field, even at thelevel of the primary visual cortex (area V1)(Kapadia et al. 1995, Polat et al. 1998, Bauer &Heinze 2002). Figure 5C shows the response

Recurrentconnection:horizontal orfeedback connectionthat is modulatory

of a V1 neuron that was monitored in a mon-key by Kapadia et al. (1995). The response ofthis neuron to the appearance of a short linein its RF was augmented when a colinear linesegment was placed outside the neuron’s RF.The flanking line did not affect the neuron’sactivity when it was presented alone. As shownin Figure 5C, the colinear line elements hadstronger effects when a background texturewas added that consisted of line elements witha random orientation. In this case, the neu-ron’s response increased further with the ad-dition of more colinear elements. These ef-fects, which are observed in a large fraction ofneurons in area V1 (Polat et al. 1998, Kapadiaet al. 2000), indicate that neurons representthe local grouping of colinearly aligned con-tour elements by enhancing their response.

One important feature of these and otherstudies is that neuronal responses can be in-fluenced only by information outside the RFwhen the cell is driven by a stimulus inside theRF (Maffei & Fiorentini 1976, Allman et al.1985, Nelson & Frost 1985, Knierim & VanEssen 1992, Kapadia et al. 1995, Zipser et al.1996). These contextual effects are gated byappropriate RF stimulation.


Under the assumption that feedforward con-nections from the LGN determine the RF ofa V1 neuron, the local association field, whichis a zone outside the RF, must be the result ofrecurrent processing. These recurrent effectscan be mediated by horizontal connectionswithin area V1, by feedback from higher visualareas, or by both (see Figure 3C ). The topol-ogy of horizontal connections in area V1 canaccount for the shape of the local associationfield. This is illustrated in Figure5D with datafrom a study by Bosking et al. (1997) in thevisual cortex of the tree shrew. In this study,the layout of orientation columns in area V1was first established with optical imaging andthen a tracer was injected to investigate thetermination pattern of the horizontal connec-tions. Connections originating from a cortical • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 211

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column with a particular orientation prefer-ence predominantly terminated in columns ofneurons tuned to the same orientation (seealso Gilbert & Wiesel 1989, Malach et al.1993). This termination pattern may be re-sponsible for the tendency of similar elementsto group together: the Gestalt law of group-ing by similarity. Moreover, most connectionswere made along the direction of the corti-cal representation of the preferred orientation(thick gray line in Figure 5D). Thus, horizon-tal connections tended to interconnect neu-rons that were tuned to colinear line elements,i.e., elements in each other’s good continua-tion, in accordance with the shape of the localassociation field (this effect is less pronouncedin the macaque monkey; see Angelucci et al.2002). This remarkable convergence of re-sults strongly suggests that the Gestalt laws ofgood continuation and similarity are causedby the selectivity of horizontal connections(Schmidt et al. 1997).

These findings do not, however, exclude arole for feedback connections in shaping thelocal association field. Neurons in areas V2,V4, and IT that encode the shape of an elon-gated curve could feed back to V1 to raise theresponses evoked by contour elements thatare part of the curve. For example, Li et al.(2004) demonstrated that the degree of col-inear facilitation in area V1 depends on the

behavioral task. Because horizontal connec-tions would not be affected by the monkey’stask, feedback connections from higher visualareas may also play a role in shaping the lo-cal association field. Future studies could ex-plore the relative involvement of horizontaland feedback connections in producing theseeffects.


One feature of the pathfinder task is that itcan be solved very efficiently; observers canrapidly distinguish between the presence andthe absence of a string of colinearly alignedelements, which suggests that these group-ings are formed in parallel. Not all contourgrouping tasks can be solved in parallel, how-ever. Figure 6A shows a curve-tracing taskthat was introduced by Jolicoeur et al. (1986).In this task, observers had to maintain gaze ona central fixation marker (red in Figure 6A )and determine whether a second dot (shown ingreen) appeared on the same or on a differentcurve. The observers’ reaction time increasedapproximately linearly with the distance be-tween the dots, if they fell on the same curve(Figure 6B ), demonstrating that this group-ing task requires serial processing.

Why do curve-tracing tasks require se-rial processing, whereas pathfinder tasks can

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Figure 5Local grouping of contour elements. (A) Pathfinder display. The string of colinearly aligned Gaborelements pops out (yellow arrows). (B) Local association field: Neurons with RFs that are well alignedmutually excite each other (green arrows), whereas neurons that respond to contour elements that areunlikely to belong to a single continuous curve inhibit each other (red arrows). From Hess & Field (1999).(C) Colinear facilitation in area V1. The RF of a V1 neuron is shown as a green rectangle. The cell gave amoderate response to a single contour element (stimulus 1). The response was enhanced by a colinearflanker (stimulus 2). The flanker did not evoke a response if presented alone (stimulus 3). The effect ofcolinear flankers was particularly pronounced if a background of randomly orientated contour elementswas added (stimulus 4 and 5). Adapted from Kapadia et al. (1995). (D) Anatomy of horizontal connectionsin area V1 of the tree shrew. A tracer was injected at the red dot, and synaptic boutons were plotted. Thedistribution of labeled boutons was elongated along an axis that corresponds to the preferred orientationof the injection site (gray line). The inset shows a schematic representation of the RF at the location oftracer injection (red) and the RFs of cells at densely labeled cortical locations (gray) that have a similarorientation preference as the neurons at the injection site. Green dashed line indicates the verticalmeridian (VM), which, in tree shrew, runs at a distance of ∼1 mm from the V1/V2 border (Bosking et al.2000). Adapted from Bosking et al. (1997). • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 213

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be performed in parallel? Figure 6C illus-trates the critical difference between these twotasks (R. Houtkamp & P. Roelfsema, submit-ted manuscript). A parallel process that is sen-sitive to the local degree of colinearity can de-termine that the two elements indicated byarrows belong to a path. Indeed, configura-tions of a few colinear contour elements canbe detected either as base-groupings in highervisual areas (e.g., Gigus & Malik 1991) or bylocal recurrent interactions in lower areas, asdiscussed above (Figure 3C, left and middlepanel). However, when the task is to indicatewhether the elements are on the same path inthe presence of an equally colinear distractorpath, many local groupings must be combinedin a transitive way. This extra step apparentlyrequires serial processing.


To gain insight into the neurophysiologicalmechanisms underlying serial contour group-ing, Roelfsema et al. (1998) trained mon-keys to perform the curve-tracing task illus-trated in Figure 7A. The monkeys had toreport which of two circles was connectedto a fixation marker by a target curve (T inFigure 7A ) while they ignored a distractorcurve (D). Neuronal activity was recorded

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Figure 6Serial contour grouping. (A) Curve-tracing task.Subjects fixated the central red dot and indicatedwhether a second green dot was presented on thesame curve or on a different curve. Only one ofthe green dots was presented on a given trial. (B)Reaction time on trials where both dots fell on thesame curve increased linearly with the distancebetween the dots measured along the curve.Average reaction time on trials during which thedots fell on different curves is shown on the right(open square). From Jolicoeur et al. (1986). (C)Pathfinder display with two curves. A parallelprocess can segregate colinear elements frombackground elements, but the segregation of onecurve from another one requires serial processing.From R. Houtkamp & P. Roelfsema, submittedmanuscript.

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in area V1 using chronically implanted elec-trodes that pick up the activity of multipleneurons in the vicinity of the electrode tip.Figure 7A shows the RFs of five of these mul-tiunit recording sites relative to four stimuli.Neuronal responses were compared betweencomplementary stimuli that differed only intheir connection to the fixation point so thatthe target and distractor curves are switched(stimulus I is complementary to II, and III toIV). The RFs of neurons with an enhanced re-sponse are shown in yellow. Note that, at eachof the recording sites, the neuronal responsesevoked by the target curve were stronger thanthose evoked by the distractor curve. Thus, allcontour elements of the target curve were la-beled with an enhanced response, an outcomethat is consistent with the idea that the labelfor incremental grouping is an enhancementof neuronal firing rates.

In Figure 7, the contour element in theRF of the V1 neurons is held constant, and thedifference between complementary stimuli isfar from the RF. This finding suggests thatthe modulation of neuronal activity is causedby recurrent processing. Moreover, the en-hancement of responses does not occur dur-ing the initial transient response but later intime (Figure 7B ). There appears to be a cleartemporal separation between an early feed-forward processing phase and a later recur-rent processing phase, when the neurons areinformed about whether their RF is on thetarget or distractor curve. The modulation ofthe neuronal responses in the recurrent phaseis a reliable signal. Across the whole popula-tion of V1 neurons, the target curve evokesa 20%–50% stronger response than does thedistractor curve. The delayed modulation ofthe response of some of the V1 neurons isso strong that it can be used to infer on sin-gle trials whether the RF is on the targetor distractor curve. Moreover, these neuronschange their activity if the monkey groups thewrong contour elements together so that theygive insight in the monkey’s interpretation(Roelfsema & Spekreijse 2001). A differentpopulation of V1 neurons does not discrimi-


In the curve-tracing task, neurons at ∼60% of the V1 record-ing sites reflect the attention shifts associated with recur-rent processing (A-sites), and the other 40% do not (N-sites)(Roelfsema et al. 2004). This suggests that neurons at N-sitesare sensitive only to information in their RF, whereas neuronsat A-sites are also sensitive to the effects of recurrent con-nections. Neurons at A- and N-sites also differ in how theycorrelate with other cells. The firing rates of neurons at A-sites with nonoverlapping RFs are correlated with an averagecorrelation coefficient of 0.4, which is further evidence thatthese neurons are linked by recurrent connections. In contrast,the average correlation coefficient between the firing rates ofneurons at N-sites is only 0.02 (Roelfsema et al. 2004).

One tentative conclusion is that two networks coexist inarea V1 (see also Figure1B ). The first is a veridical networkformed by neurons at N-sites that reliably represent the stim-ulus. The second is a labeling network of neurons at A-sitesthat take part in incremental grouping. Such a division of la-bor would have clear advantages. Labeling need not changethe perception of low-level features that are always coded re-liably at N-sites. At the same time, the labeling operation canbe isolated from changes in firing rates induced by variationsin low-level features. Labeled image elements can always beidentified by comparing the activity of neurons at N- and A-sites if they have a similar tuning to low-level features.

nate between the target and distractor curve.These neurons may always convey a reliablerepresentation of the low-level features in thestimulus, irrespective of task demands (see AVeridical and an Interpretation Network).


To understand the selectivity of the labelingprocess, it is useful to consider a simple algo-rithm, illustrated in Figure 8. It uses a singleretinotopic area of neurons that receive feed-forward connections from the retina, as wellas horizontal connections from their nearestneighbors that can propagate an enhancementof the response. Suppose that the task is togroup all squares connected to the red square. • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 215

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P < 10-6

Fixation point

100 ms

P < 10-6

Time Time







1 deg









Figure 7Neuronal activity in area V1 during serial contour grouping. (A) Four stimuli that contain a target curve(T) that was connected to the fixation point and a distractor curve (D) that was not. The monkey had tomake an eye movement to the larger red circle at the end of the target curve. Neuronal responses werecompared between complementary stimuli, which differed in their connection with the fixation point.Stimulus I is complementary to II, and III to IV. RFs are shown in yellow (gray) if the strength of theresponse was stronger (weaker) than that evoked by the complementary stimulus. (B) Time course of theresponses at one of the recording sites. The initial transient response did not differ betweencomplementary stimuli, but the sustained response was strongest if the RF fell on the target curve.

In the model, neurons with a red or blacksquare in their RF are activated by feedfor-ward connections (gray circles in Figure 8B );the other neurons have only spontaneous ac-tivity. The algorithm requires that neurons are

sensitive to the horizontal input only if theyalso receive input from feedforward connec-tions. This type of gating is in accordance withneurophysiological data, as discussed above.Gating subdivides the connections into two

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Stimulus 1







Stimulus 2



Stim on

a b






Figure 8Algorithm for incremental grouping of connected image regions. (A) The task is to identify all squaresthat are connected to the red one. (B) Feedforward connections activate a subset of neurons in aretinotopic area (grey circles). Neurons also receive recurrent connections from their nearest neighbors;connections between active neurons are enabled (thick lines); the others are disabled (thin lines). If theinput changes, different connections are enabled so that neurons that respond to connected squares arelinked. (C) An enhanced response propagates gradually through the network of enabled connections(interaction skeleton) to make the incremental groupings explicit.

classes. The first class has an inactive neuronon one or both sides and is disabled (thin linesin Figure 8B,C ). The second class is enabledbecause there is an active neuron on both sides(thick lines). I refer to this class as the “interac-tion skeleton.” The interaction skeleton linksthe neurons that respond to squares that areconnected to each other in the image.

Neurons in other cortical areas do nothave access to the pattern of enabled con-

Interactionskeleton: set ofenabled connections

Enabledconnection:recurrent connectionbetween two activeneurons

nections. To make the groupings explicit andaccessible to these other areas, an enhancedresponse must spread starting at the represen-tation of the red square until it reaches all neu-rons that represent other, connected squares(Figure 8C ). The algorithm illustrates manyof the key features of incremental group-ing. First, it is serial because the amount oftime that the label takes to reach a particularsquare increases linearly with its distance from • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 217

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the red square. The delay corresponds to thenumber of synapses that must be crossed. Sec-ond, the algorithm is transitive. When the in-teraction skeleton connects square 1 to squareto 2 and it connects square 2 to square 3,then square 1 and square 3 are also connected.Third, it is sensitive to small changes in theinput, as can be seen by comparing the twostimuli of Figure 8B that differ in the po-sition of a single square. The shifted squareactivates a different cell and therefore enablesa slightly different set of horizontal connec-tions. One can see that the resulting changein the set of neurons linked by the interactionskeleton is much larger. The algorithm there-fore naturally combines many local groupingsin a transitive way to obtain a correct globalgrouping.

The model of Figure 8 groups adjacentsquares, but it is not sensitive to other group-ing cues. It will not, for example, handle stim-uli in which one curve intersects another one(see, e.g., Figure 7A ). It is possible to ac-commodate other grouping cues, however,without fundamentally changing the model.The inclusion of orientation-selective neu-rons that are connected according to thelocal association field would make it sen-sitive to colinearity (Grossberg & Raizada2000) and promote grouping of contour el-ements on both sides of an intersection.Another limitation of the simple algorithmof Figure 8 is that it uses a single spatialscale. The processing time increases whenthe same image is presented at higher mag-nification. This effect is not observed in theperformance of human observers (e.g., if wemove closer to Figure 6A ), where reactiontime is approximately constant across dif-ferent magnifications ( Jolicoeur & Ingleton1991). To account for this scale invariance,the model of Figure 8 must be extended toinclude neurons at higher levels in the corti-cal hierarchy that have larger RFs (Edelman1987, Roelfsema et al. 2000). At these higherlevels, the horizontal connections link neu-rons with RFs that are farther apart, and thislinking would allow the labeling of contour

elements to occur at higher speeds. If we goback to a low image magnification, however,the distance between the target and distractorcurves decreases so that both curves fall in thesame RF in higher areas, and this prohibits theselective labeling of one of the curves. In thesesituations, the response enhancement has tobe propagated in lower areas with smaller RFs,at the cost of a reduced grouping speed.


So far, this review has focused on the mech-anisms responsible for the grouping of con-tour elements into spatially extended objects.One important question is whether these ideasgeneralize to other feature domains and toother tasks that require perceptual grouping.Texture segregation provides one good exam-ple. In this task, a figure is segregated froma background on the basis of differences in alow-level feature, such as motion, orientation,or color (Figure 2C ) (see e.g., Beck 1966,Julesz 1981). Image elements of the figure aregrouped on the basis of the Gestalt law of sim-ilarity, while they are segregated from a dis-similar background.

Previous studies that explored the neuro-physiological correlates of texture segregationshowed that neurons in area V1 enhance theirresponse when the RF lies within the figurecompared with when it lies on the background(Lamme 1995, Zipser et al. 1996). The modu-lation of neuronal responses by figure-groundsegregation has been observed for figures thatwere defined by various features, includingorientation, motion, color, and depth. Thefigural response enhancement does not occurduring the initial transient response in areaV1 but instead at an additional delay, whichsuggests the involvement of recurrent con-nections. The response enhancement occursfirst at the boundary between the figure andthe background, and it then propagates to-ward the interior of the figure until all figuralelements are labeled by an enhanced response(Lamme et al. 1999). These results indicate

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that incremental grouping also occurs intexture segregation and that the proposedmechanisms generalize to perceptual group-ing on the basis of a large variety of visual cues.

Binding Features and Locations

Many tasks require grouping of features thatare represented in different areas of the visualcortex. Although much remains to be learnedabout interareal interactions, I briefly indi-cate how studies on spatial cuing and visualsearch in monkeys fit into the present scheme.The typical search task used in monkeys firstpresents a shape or color cue. Then a searcharray appears, and the monkey indicates thelocation of a matching item in the array. Thus,the target object is cued by a feature, andthe monkey reports the object’s location. Thelogic is reversed in many spatial cuing tasks.In this case, the monkey is first presented witha spatial cue, then an array of two or more ob-jects appears and the animal must report a fea-ture of the object at the cued location. Searchand cuing tasks require the monkey to link thefeatures of a target object to its location in thepresence of distractors.

The incremental grouping theory pro-poses that the binding of features across dif-ferent brain areas occurs by the enabling ofinterareal connections (for previous modelsthat proposed similar ideas, see, e.g., Phafet al. 1990, van der Velde & de Kamps 2001,Hamker 2005). Figure 9 illustrates this ideawith a highly simplified model that consistsof three types of visual cortical areas: (a) twoearly visual areas (EV) where neurons aretuned to colors and shapes at a specific po-sition; (b) two areas where neurons are tunedto the same features but have larger RFs (TI,translational invariance); and (c) an area ofcortex that represents the location of salientand behaviorally relevant items, irrespectiveof their features, as a saliency map (Koch &Ullman 1985). Gray circles in Figure 9 repre-sent neurons that are activated by feedforwardconnections. The model uses recurrent con-nections between neurons that are tuned to

the same shape, color (grouping law of simi-larity), or location (grouping law of proxim-ity). If only recurrent connections between ac-tive cells are enabled (thick lines), then thisproduces a selective linkage of neurons thatrespond to features of the same object. Aswitch in the color of the two objects acti-vates different neurons, and changes the setof enabled connections, so that neurons thatrepresent features of the same object are alsolinked for this stimulus (compare the two net-works in Figure 9).

Now suppose that the task is a visual searchand that the model has been cued to look for ared item. To implement the search, the modelwould first enhance the activity of neurons inTI that code red. This response enhancementthen propagates through the enabled connec-tions to neurons in EV and SaM. The neuronsin SaM that enhance their response representthe location of the red object, and the searchtask is thereby solved. Conversely, if the taskwere to report the color of an object at a cuedlocation, the model would first enhance theresponse of neurons in SaM that represent thislocation. The response enhancement wouldthen spread in the opposite direction, throughEV, to neurons in TI that code the target ob-ject’s color.

Results from neurophysiological studiesin monkeys are consistent with the key as-pects of this scheme. During visual search,for example, neurons in area IT that codethe object that the monkey is looking for in atranslational invariant way enhance their re-sponse (Chelazzi et al. 1993). A similar re-sponse enhancement is observed in early vi-sual areas (Motter 1994, Chelazzi et al. 2001,Roelfsema et al. 2003), as well as in areas ofthe parietal and frontal cortex, which act assaliency maps during visual search (Schall &Hanes 1993, Gottlieb et al. 1998, Schall &Thompson 1999). Similarly, the neuronal cor-relates of spatial cuing have been observed inmany cortical areas. The representations ofcued objects are enhanced in early visual ar-eas (Treue & Maunsell 1996, Luck et al. 1997),in area IT (Moran & Desimone 1985), as well • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 219

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Figure 9Incremental grouping of features represented in different areas of the visual cortex. Neurons in the twoearly visual areas (EV) are tuned to color and shape and have small RFs; neurons in two higher areas aretuned to the same features but have larger RFs (TI, translational invariance); and neurons in an area thatfunctions as a saliency map (SaM) are tuned to the spatial location of objects irrespective of their features.Neurons tuned to the same location, shape, or color are linked with recurrent connections. Out of 384connections, only 10 are enabled (thick lines; note that three enabled connections between cells withcoinciding RFs are represented by a single curve). A few disabled connections are shown as thin lines. Ifthe colors of the objects are switched, the pattern of active cells in EV changes, and this change enables adifferent set of connections. Note that for both images the interaction skeleton links neurons thatrespond to features of the same object.

as in areas of the parietal and frontal cortex(Everling et al. 2002, Bisley & Goldberg2003). Thus, if the task requires the mon-key to link features to locations, this linkage isachieved by labeling the respective neuronalrepresentations with an enhanced response.

Another aspect of the model of Figure 9that is supported by neurophysiological datais the gating of recurrent connections by feed-forward activation. A recent study by Bichotet al. (2005), for example, investigated theneuronal correlates of visual search in area V4.

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When the monkeys searched for a particulartarget item, the V4 neurons with a matchingfeature preference enhanced their response.The response enhancement occurred only forneurons that were activated by the stimu-lus, which suggests that the effects of feed-back connections, which transmit informa-tion about the target feature to area V4, aregated by the feedforward activation. An equiv-alent form of gating occurs in spatial cuingtasks. Neurons in early visual areas with aRF at the cued location enhance their re-sponse, but only if they are driven by the stim-ulus (McAdams & Maunsell 1999, Treue &Martınez Trujillo 1999). These findings con-cur with the idea that only a subset of therecurrent connections is enabled: those con-nections that link neurons that are activatedby bottom-up (see also Moore & Armstrong2003).

Taken together, the mechanisms that bindfeatures represented in different cortical areasappear to be analogous to those involved inthe grouping of image elements representedwithin a single retinotopic area. A single visualobject is represented by an assembly of neu-rons that is linked by an interaction skeletonconsisting of enabled connections. When theobject becomes relevant for behavior, an en-hanced response propagates through the in-teraction skeleton to make additional, incre-mental groupings explicit.


The incremental grouping theory is a neu-rophysiological theory, and some caution isrequired when translating it into psycholog-ical terms. It is nevertheless useful to makecontact with the large body of experimentalwork on the psychology of perceptual group-ing and the role of attention therein. Base-grouping maps onto preattentive process-ing because it occurs rapidly and in parallelacross the visual scene (Lamme & Roelfsema2000, Hochstein & Ahissar 2002) (Figure 3C,


In 1980, Treisman & Gelade proposed the feature integrationtheory (FIT). This theory claims that feature conjunctionsare formed by an attentional spotlight that binds all the fea-tures at one location. The data reviewed here demonstratethat grouped features are labeled by an enhanced response inthe visual cortex. These findings are consistent with the FITbecause the response enhancements are correlates of visualattention (Reynolds & Desimone 1999, Kastner & Unger-leider 2000). Nevertheless, the incremental grouping theoryalso incorporates a number of significant deviations from theFIT:

� Many complex feature conjunctions are established with-out attention as base groupings.

� The FIT uses a spotlight of attention to group features atone location in space. In the incremental grouping theory,attention can also group spatially separate image elements.Attention is object-based, and it can even be directed se-lectively to one of two overlapping objects (Duncan 1984),which is impossible with a spotlight.

The FIT proposes that Gestalt cues are evaluated preat-tentively. In the incremental grouping theory, the enablingof recurrent connections also occurs in parallel during thefeedforward sweep. However, to make the groupings explicit,an enhanced response must spread through the network ofenabled connections, and this spread corresponds to a time-consuming spread of attention.

left). The fast extraction of elaborate fea-ture conjunctions by the feedforward sweepmay explain, for example, why subjects canrapidly determine whether a complex visualscene contains an animal (Thorpe et al. 1996,Fabre-Thorpe et al. 2001). As a result of thefeedforward sweep, a subset of the recurrentconnections is enabled, but they take effectonly in the subsequent attentive-processingphase.

Recurrent interactions initially occur at alocal scale (Figure 3C, middle), and this suf-fices for some tasks such as the pathfindertask. However, tasks that require the evalu-ation of transitive chains of groupings require • Cortical Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping 221

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more time because the response enhancementmust be propagated across multiple synapses(Figure 3C, right). Houtkamp et al. (2003)obtained direct evidence for a role of at-tention in Gestalt grouping. The spatialdistribution of attention was investigated insubjects that had to trace a target curve con-nected to a fixation point. They found thatthe subjects initially direct their attention tothe first segments of the target curve andthat attention then gradually spreads acrossthe entire curve until all contour elementsare attended. The close correspondence withthe neurophysiological data in monkeys sug-gests that the spread of attention is a cor-relate of the spread of an enhanced firingrate in the visual cortex. Thus, image ele-ments that are grouped incrementally are la-beled by attention. Additional support for thisconclusion comes from studies demonstratingthat Gestalt grouping does not occur underconditions of inattentional blindness (Mack& Rock 1998) or when attention is directedto other items in the display (Ben-Av et al.1992). The idea that features are grouped byattention is in line with the feature integra-tion theory of Treisman & Gelade (1980).However, the present incremental groupingtheory also incorporates significant deviationsfrom that theory (see The Feature IntegrationTheory).


The incremental grouping theory assigns spe-cific roles to feedforward, horizontal, andfeedback connections that can be tested in fu-ture experiments. A promising approach hasbeen taken by studies that combine the ac-tivation or inactivation of neurons in onearea with the recording of neuronal activ-ity in another (Vanduffel et al. 1997, Hupeet al. 1998, Galuske et al. 2003, Moore &Armstrong 2003). These methods give directinsight into how cortical neurons influenceother neurons in lower or higher cortical ar-eas. These techniques could be used duringperceptual grouping tasks so that the effects ofactivation and inactivation can also be mon-itored at the behavioral level (e.g., Moore &Fallah 2001). Another important avenue forfuture research is to assess how recurrent con-nections are gated by feedforward activation.Gating of recurrent connections ensures theselective linkage of neurons that represent fea-tures of the same object. This gating is anessential ingredient of perceptual groupingtheories that combine computational, neuro-physiological, and psychological insights intoone single theoretical framework (Grossberg& Mingolla 1985, van der Velde & de Kamps2001, Hamker 2005).


I am grateful to J. Braun, J. Fecteau, R. Houtkamp, V.A.F. Lamme, M. Self, J. Theeuwes,A. Thiele, S. Ullman, and W. Vanduffel for thoughtful comments on the manuscript. Thework was supported by a HFSP Young Investigators grant and grants of NWO-ALW andNWO-Exact.


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