Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · 2016-04-20 · © If you were...


Transcript of Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · 2016-04-20 · © If you were...

Page 1: Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited · 2016-04-20 · © If you were to look for a common denominator of all illness it would ultimately point to a break
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Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Group Pte Limited All rights reserved. Published by Kevin Richardson Notes to the Reader: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice. All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein. The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Individual results may vary.

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Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Today's Troubling Reality ..........................................................................................................................5

Basic Steps for Healthier Living ............................................................................................................... 9

Eating Right Make A Difference ............................................................................................................. 13

All-Natural Solutions For Low Energy .................................................................................................... 19

Natural Herbal Remedies In Multiple Formats ...................................................................................... 21

Balance: A Fundamental Requirement For Health And Vitality .......................................................... 30

The Power Of Purpose In Your Life ........................................................................................................ 33

Clear Clutter And You Clear The Mind....................................................................................................35

Common Conditions And Natural Solution .......................................................................................... 38

Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 54

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Most of us are in relatively good shape – at least at the moment. Oh sure, there

are the usual complaints of aches and pains. But we tend to attribute these

symptoms to simply getting older, and the older we get, the more symptoms

seem to appear. If you're relatively healthy now, this report will help you

remain so, while giving you easy to apply ideas to improve your overall health

and wellbeing even more.

If you're not currently feeling up to speed, or you're one of those people who tend to get sick

frequently, please read on. This is an important collection of life-enhancing information for you.

It's my sincere hope that these all-natural, self-healing tips and insights with help you make a

somewhat easy transition back to a state of more youthful vitality and wellbeing.

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It seems that degenerative diseases have taken hold of a large

chunk of the population of the western world. These negative and

destructive forces are even making an impact on other countries

too as they adopt some of the negative habits developed in the

west, life fast food and a less-active lifestyle.

Essentially, what we're dealing with is a modern-day plague and millions of people are suffering

from it in one form or another.

Our ancestors didn't face the same kind of diseases of “advanced” civilization and most of todays

serious and less-serious afflictions used to be quite rare. Some were never seen before in

civilization. It seems that our modern way of living has created a number of troubling diseases.

Now it's quite common to know someone – perhaps even someone close – who is battling cancer

or has been sidelined by another major killer, in one form or another – heart disease. Over the past

one hundred years cancer as well as many other common and debilitating health problems have

skyrocketed. Some would say it's gotten out of hand and is clearly beyond the capability of

modern medicine to handle.

Medicine has failed miserably in its fight against cancer. Despite decades of work and billions of

dollars, a diagnosis of most cancers today is fraught with as much peril as it ever was. Massive

amounts of government funding, huge hospital facilities and expensive equipment, and

continuous “cancer” lotteries raising a massive amount of money has had little effect on wiping

out cancer and extending the lives of those traditional medicine treats with its largely-invasive


Similarly, traditional medicine has come up short when it comes to fighting germs. Despite the

development of antibiotics with all their perceived power and promise, infectious germs continue

to win, causing havoc in the lives of far too many people today. The scenario is especially bad in

the locations where medicine performs its procedures – the hospital. Drug resistant microbes

TTooddaayy''ss TTrroouubblliinngg RReeaalliittyy

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fester in hospitals and nursing homes, contaminating medical instruments and causing

innumerable unnecessary and many times fatal illnesses. Tens of thousands of deaths could be

attributed to serious infections picked up while the patient was inside a hospital or other medical


Despite all the technological developments of medical science, degenerative disease

overwhelmingly dominates as society's number one killer. One only has to visit any hospital or

nursing home to see evidence of people living (or surviving) with limited capability and a severely

diminished quality of life. Most of these people have lost their independence and now rely on

society to take care of them. Degenerative diseases are devastating in multiple ways including

physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. In virtually every western country, health care

costs continue to spiral out of control. The cost in real dollars is out of control. But the cost in

terms of lives and normal functionality lost is completely off the charts.

Without sound health, the quality of life is dramatically affected in a negative way. Unfortunately,

it's far too common these days. Millions of people are suffering from today's deadly and

debilitating diseases yet we continue to eat the same foods, breathe the same polluted air and live

the same stressful lives. Until we begin to address the root causes, the end result will continue in

much the same way it has for several decades. It could even get worse.

The good news is that in most cases, these serious illnesses can be overcome using natural

methods. In the very least, symptoms can be eased and lives extended through safe, not-toxic

remedies and actions taken by the individual. But it usually takes a wake-up call like a serious

diagnosis before people start looking at their lifestyle habits as a potentially contributing factor.

Without sound health and a sense of wellbeing, one's quality of life is significantly reduced. That's

what makes the chronic illnesses of today so devastating to so many people. Severe degenerative

illness compromises the quality of life while shortening one's life span.

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If you were to look for a common denominator of all illness it would ultimately point to a break

down in the normal functioning of the cells and organs of the body. A loss of the body's natural

balance within is indicative of the presence of disease. Disease represents internal dysfunction or

chaos. For wellness to return and balance to be restored, a course correction is needed.

The Right Kinds of Foods are a Big Part of the Solution Fortunately, numerous natural solutions exist and many of these are related to one's diet. When

we begin to look at food as essential, nutrient-laden fuel for the body, instead of something that

merely fulfills a sense of hunger, we naturally pay more attention to what consume.

There are plenty of health-inducing foods readily available that should be incorporated into one's

everyday diet, while most processed and highly-refined, packaged goods and convenience foods

should be avoided. Some foods help one heal and while others can cause great harm. The secret

lies in making the right kinds of choices for you and your family.

As a general rule, it's wise to mostly consume healthy, living foods from nature's abundant bounty.

This means fresh vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, legumes, with some whole grains added to the mix.

Steer clear of fast foods, processed chemical concoctions as well as deep-fried or barbecued

foods. The less processing involved, the healthier it tends to be. That's why you just can't beat

fresh-picked produce in terms of the healthful benefits it delivers.

To begin improving health and wellness – to live longer while enjoying a full and rich life

experience –

All you need to do is take a closer look at the contents of your refrigerator and kitchen pantry. It's

likely that unless you've been on the path to wellness, you're storing and consuming foods that

harm an unnatural and perhaps even harmful effect on the body. You're better off avoiding

questionable foods altogether and the sooner you do just that – the better off you and your family

will be.

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The healing processes of the body are enhanced by the consumption of certain foods. Nutrients

contained and healthy food helps the body to heal naturally. Additionally, it's the antioxidants,

organic acids, flavonoids, sulfones and indoles in certain foods that have special qualities that

serve specific organs of the body. When these organs are diseased, it's important to eat those

organ-specific foods on a regular basis to speed the natural healing process.

Nutrient-dense, chemical-free foods are best. When you study the body and its intricate systems,

you soon realize that were meant to consume natural foods. And there's no question that vitamin

and mineral rich foods heal. Unfortunately, you have to be extra vigilant these days to by chemical-

free foods as not all natural-looking food is as pure as it should be. Look for organic fruits and

vegetables whenever they're available and always wash your produce thoroughly with a vegetable

wash, or by using a sink full of cold water with a few squirts of lemon juice and a little sea salt

thrown into the mix.

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Get plenty of exercise. You've undoubtedly heard this one over the years relating to

weight loss. And it's certainly true. The epidemic of obesity

continues to limit the quality and longevity of life. Clearly the

body was meant to move and the sedentary lifestyle many of us

live today is a primary contributing factor to the widespread

affliction of degenerative disease.

Truth be told, when you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise, you're on your way to a

much healthier state of mind and body.

Sleep soundly every night. A good night's sleep is essential to one's health. The best thing that you can do is establish a

regular sleeping pattern that you body can get accustomed to and repeat this pattern night after

night. When you are deprived of your normal sleep, you feel it immediately and it often continues

to drag you down all day long.

Young people tend to bounce back sooner, but chronic sleep deprivation can seriously harm your

health as it contributes to cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal disorders. Sound sleeping is

a crucial element of optimum health and you should shoot for seven to eight hours of

uninterrupted and restful sleep each evening. If you're not getting enough sleep, change your

ways. Start by going to bed one hour earlier than you normally do. Try it for a few weeks and then

make it your new routine.

If you're not getting the sleep you need – you're aging faster. Regular, quality sleeping time is as

crucial to one's overall health and wellness as is eating the right kinds of foods and getting plenty

of fresh air and exercise.

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Build more relationships of meaning. Having lots of friends and a strong social network can be a significant contributing factor to one's

health and wellness. Studies show that those who maintain plenty of active friendships suffer

fewer serious diseases and live longer too. It's the element of social interaction that seems to be

the key in nurturing a state of contentment and wellness in life.

You don't have to have childhood friends that you continue to meet up with regularly to get the

full benefit of this life-enhancing interaction with others. Simply look for opportunities to do

things you enjoy that involve other people. For example, you could join an adult sports league. In

my neighbourhood, there are advertised, co-ed opportunities for slow-pitch, beach volleyball,

soccer, yoga, Pilates and more.

If you're not necessarily the athletic type, look for group walks or guided nature tours. Such

groups really do exist and are a great way to get out and meet people and build long-term

friendships. Another option is to join a club of some type, perhaps a book or gardening club in your

area would be more to your liking. Look for adult education classes and learn something like

pottery, basket-making or even another language. We are social beings by nature and any

opportunity to connect with others is both nurturing and health enhancing.

Become a dog owner. Dogs are wonderful creatures that are full of energy and unconditional love. All they ask for in

return is to be fed and to have a peaceful place they can call home.

The power of love is unlimited and the mutual love one shares with

their dog is truly a beautiful thing. Love heals. The positive,

psychological impact of having a living being waiting for you, counting

on you, and loving you no matter what is immense.

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Older people have a better quality of life when they have a dog. Having this beautiful creature to

care for can add meaning to life too. A side benefit of having a dog is that they need to get plenty

of fresh air and exercise, which means that you will get the benefit of more fresh air and exercise

too. Tests indicate that dog owners typically have lower triglycerides (dangerous fat in the

bloodstream) than the average person.

Volunteer your time. Serving others is therapeutic and soul-satisfying. When you give to others in

some small way, you're really giving a gift to yourself. Studies show that

volunteers gain real health benefits by sharing their time and contributing to

others. You are a valuable human being with plenty of real life experience to

share. Open up. Share in whatever way you can and feel the sense of inner

satisfaction that it brings. When you lift another, you essentially lift yourself.

Lighten up. The healthiest people are those who don't take themselves too seriously. In fact it's healthy and

stress-relieving to laugh at oneself regularly. Stop worrying. Most of the things the average person

worries about cannot be changed by all the worry in the world and the cost to one's sense of

wellbeing is immense.

Life's just too short as it is to worry about who is watching us and what they think. That's just the

ego talking and it's the way that most of us have been conditioned to live. If you can't find

something else to launch at – laugh at yourself. You'll find that it helps lighten the emotional load

you're carrying – a heavy load that takes its toll on your health.

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Proceed without fear. Fear perpetuates illness. It's this negative thinking that impedes the flow of positive thoughts. If

you've always been stopped by fear in the past, it's time to break through that barrier once and

for all. All it takes is the decision to do so. Use whatever life experience you've gained to proceed

unafraid. Go after what you want – and that includes optimum health at any age.

The older you are, the more wisdom and experience you have under your belt. Trust in this

knowledge and proceed unencumbered. You have nothing to prove to anyone else and only your

desire to satisfy.

Make every day count. If you decide that you'll start eating better and exercising tomorrow or next week – you're missing

out on today. Seize the moment and value each day as it is given. Do what you can to influence a

healthful outcome and lose any guilt for your past behaviours that may have compromised your

health. What's done is done and as far as getting healthier is concerned – it's completely

irrelevant. Let it be. Drop all the baggage of your history and live in the moment.

What matters most to your state of health is what you do today. When tomorrow arrives great it

with gratitude and make the most of the day as it is provided you. Each day is an opportunity to

focus on your new priority. When you focus on one day at a time, you make that day count

towards real and meaningful progress. But when you take your time for granted – whether it is an

hour, day or decade – you give up the opportunity to effect genuine and healthy changes.

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EEaattiinngg RRiigghhtt MMaakkee AA DDiiffffeerreennccee

Whenever you go grocery shopping, begin your trip in the fresh produce aisle.

Stuff your shopping cart with all the fresh vegetables and fruits you can use

over the next four to five days. It's important to use vegetables and fruits at

the peak of freshness in order to maximize their nutritional value. Be sure to

include fresh vegetables like kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, romaine lettuce,

beets, spinach, red bell peppers, sweet potatoes and cauliflower.

Add fruits like oranges, apples, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, red grapes,

bananas, pineapples, plums and kiwi. These foods are champion antioxidants that work to

neutralize the damaging free radicals in your body.

When preparing dinners, use fresh garlic, onions, leeks, shallots and green onions for flavouring.

To kick it up a notch, add one of the many salt-free seasoning blends like Mrs. Dash. It's a healthy

idea to use salad as the base of the meal for lunches and dinners. Fill up on all the fresh, raw

greens you can and eat less the filler foods that have seized the average western diet like beef,

chicken and refined and flavoured pasta blends that come from a box. This is one of the principal

ideas promoted by leading natural health and dietary expert, Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

Pay greater attention to what you allow yourself to eat. You encourage your body's production of

youthful hormones when you limit your saturated fat consumption to no more than ten percent of

your total daily calories. For cooking and salad dressings, use olive oil, an unsaturated fat that

tends to reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol levels while improving the good cholesterol which helps

clean out the bloodstream (HDL).

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Eat to live instead of living to eat. When you think this way, you're more inclined to nourish your

body with fresh-picked living foods. These natural foods provide plenty of life-giving nutrients in a

way that's easily absorbed and assimilated by the body. Eating healthfully encourages the body to

produce youthful hormones which promote vitality and extend life. Eating plenty of vegetables

and fruits seems to strengthen the body's natural defenses which shield you from usual onslaught

of aging.

You should also make sure that you are consuming plenty of dried beans as they are great sources

of both protein and fibre. Load up your shopping cart with dried black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans

(also called chick peas), kidney beans (red and white) lima beans and black beans. Dried beans

should be left to soak overnight in cold water, so it can take a little pre-planning. It is worth the

bother both in taste and nutritional value as cooked dried beans tend to taste better and contain

no salt, unlike most brands of beans you find at the grocery store.

In addition to eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and legumes, you should also choose foods that

keep your blood sugar level balanced at a steady level. What you want to avoid are those refined

foods that cause the blood sugar levels to first soar and quickly crash. Such is the case with sugar-

laden foods and over-processed cereals like puffed rice, puffed wheat and corn flakes. It's far

healthier to choose whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice or quinoa.

Oatmeal is nutritious, satisfying and staves off any hunger pain for hours

on end. When prepared from scratch in the morning and combined with

seeds, dried and fresh fruit – it makes a nutritional breakfast that gives you

a soothing and nutritious start to the day. It's best to avoid the processed

supermarket varieties of flavoured oatmeal like apples and cinnamon or

maple and brown sugar.

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These products are processed and combined with artificial flavours. They may taste fine, but

you're not getting anywhere near the nutritional value you do when you use large flake rolled oats

to make your breakfast.

Oatmeal is a natural “comfort” food that helps restore energy, reduce fatigue, and improve one's

clarity of thinking. It is also said to aid in a speedy recovery from chronic illness, serious disease,

viral infections and even surgery. Oatmeal tends to help anyone constantly overwhelmed by a

huge workload too by contributing to one's stamina and soothing frazzled nerves. Oats contain a

substance called “avenacosides” which s chemically similar to the “ginsenosides” found in

ginseng, a well-known, natural energizer. It is also said that oatmeal also induces the libido in both

men and women.

For busy people, a healthy serving of oatmeal in the morning delivers enough physical and mental

energy to get through even the toughest and most demanding day. It leaves you satisfied longer

and allows you to have something light like a healthy salad at lunch. This is important because it

helps you avoid the mid-afternoon crash suffered by the usual lunch crowd that gorges on

fattening hamburgers, toxic hotdogs, deep-fried chips, loaded bagels, over-stuffed sandwiches

and soda pop.

An easy and delicious way to enjoy your morning oatmeal is to combine several ingredients with

the oatmeal to enhance flavour and add even more to its nutritional punch. Depending on how

many toppings you add, you should figure on about one half to one cup of dried oats per person.

Below are a few tested combinations that work very well.

Oatmeal with Seeds and Dried Fruit

Add raw pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or ground flax seeds

Add any combination of dried goji berries, currants, raisins, cranberries, chopped apricots,

mangoes, or apples

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Oatmeal with Fresh Blueberries

Cook the oatmeal and then top it with a generous serving of fresh blueberries.

Another option is to add other fruits like raspberries or blackberries

Oatmeal with Apple and Cinnamon

Core and chop one apple and serve it along with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon applied

to the cooked oatmeal

For softer apples, add chopped apple to the oatmeal halfway through the cooking process.

You can mix and match any toppings you want. Any way you serve it, oatmeal is delicious and

nutritious. When you add dried or fresh fruit, you really don't need to add any sugar. Give it a try

and you'll see for yourself. I've managed to convert hard-core believers who insisted that they

needed brown sugar with oatmeal. You really should avoid sugar in all its forms and especially the

highly-refined white sugar as it's like a poison to the body.

Brown rice and wild rice are far healthier than the various types of white rice that are available in

every supermarket and grocery store. But it seems that we've been conditioned to prepare the

more processed varieties. When it comes to sheer convenience and time-savings, instant rice beats

cooking any rice the old-fashioned way. But cooking white rice isn't the healthiest option either.

Brown rice is the overwhelming winner when it comes to vital, life-giving nutritional value and

instant rice (and any other pre-packaged and processed food for that matter) is something you

should probably avoid. Food additives are provided merely to extend shelf life or to artificially

enhance their flavours – not to give buyers any extra health benefit. Even those so called

“fortified” foods are typically only given enhancements to replace part of the original nutrient

value lost through processing.

Brown rice is far more natural. It undergoes the least processing and therefore contains a greater

nutritional punch than does white rice. Yes it takes a little more than twice the cooking time. But

with a little planning, you can easily account for this apparent disadvantage and your body will

thank you.

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Quinoa is another wonderful, whole-grain dish that's good for you. It can be prepared a number of

different ways – even served as breakfast or dessert with fresh fruit on top. You can find it in some

supermarkets and most bulk and health food stores. Quinoa is a tine, bead-like seed with a mild,

slightly nutty taste. It's typically available in ivory white and dark red and is eaten in much the same

way as one eats rice.

Quinoa is delicious when combined with your favourite vegetables

that have been roasted or stir-fried. This versatile food can be

cooked in water, broth or fruit juice. It can be easily combined with

other foods in soups, stews or salads. Quinoa can also be substituted

for white rice in rice pudding. Give it a go. If you've never had quinoa

before you'll likely discover another staple to add to your diet.

With all foods, the method you use to cook them can be healthful or harmful. Fruits should for the

most part, be eaten raw. Vegetables like mixed greens, peppers, cucumber, carrots and tomatoes

are fantastic when eaten raw in a salad, or with a salsa dip on the side. When cooking, the

overwhelming winner is steaming. When you steam your vegetables, you lock in those rich, life-

giving antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Steaming is also a fast and effective method of cooking vegetables. Sautéing, broiling or roasting

are also suitable and safe approaches to cooking your food.

Cooking methods to avoid are primarily deep frying and barbecuing. Deep frying soaks the food in

dangerous fats and barbecuing generates dangerous carcinogens that are easily transferred to the

food and the long it's left on the grill, he more carcinogens are absorbed. It's also not a good idea

to boil your vegetables. That might be the way it was done years ago but it's definitely not the way

to go today. When you boil you food, most of the nutrients are dispersed into the water, so what

you're left with is a lot of bulk, without much nutrition. You lose the natural protection you

thought you were getting when you boil those vegetables.

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Steaming is a far superior cooking method in all respects. If you're preparing soup, you can cook

the vegetables right inside the broth base. Since the entire contents of the soup pot will be

consumed, you don't have to worry about losing any vital nutrients.

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AAllll--NNaattuurraall SSoolluuttiioonnss FFoorr LLooww EEnneerrggyy

A lack of energy is a common complaint heard these days. “I'm

totally exhausted” or “I just don't have enough energy to make

it through the day” are the thoughts and feelings expressed –

the battle-cry of those negatively affected by the fast pace and

multi-directional pull of the times we live in.

If you notice a persistent fatigue and you have difficulty concentrating when doing simple tasks,

by all means, see a doctor. But if your fatigue is temporary, or you notice that it comes and goes

and that some days are noticeably tiring while others seem much more tolerable, chances are your

symptoms can be addressed though a change in diet.

To a large extent, one's energy level is controlled by neurons – nerve cells located in the brain that

communicate with the help of chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters. Research

indicates that changes in the levels of these neurotransmitters (primarily norepinephrine and

dopamine) can have a dramatic effect on one's energy level. This is the reason why

neurotransmitters are sometimes referred to as wake-up chemicals. Whenever the brain is actively

producing large amounts of neurotransmitters, people tend to think faster and clearer. They feel

better – more alive, motivated and energetic – when the brain chemical production line is

operating optimally.

You can directly impact your energy level through your diet. Raw materials from certain foods are

required to produce neurotransmitters – specifically the foundational building blocks of

norepinephrine and dopamine is the amino acid, tyrosine. You can benefit from the energy-

inducing power of tyrosine by eating even small amounts of protein-rich foods like a hard-boiled

egg or chicken breast. You can also get the highest amounts of vegetable-based tyrosine (in

descending order) from raw edamame, broad beans, bamboo shoots, green peas, garlic, sweet

corn, mustard leaves and broccoli.

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A lack of vitamin C in one's diet has been associated with fatigue.

Vitamin C is a useful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system

and helps ward of colds. It also helps the body produce carnitine – a

substance required by the body's muscles in order to burn fat for fuel

as energy. Low levels of vitamin C are easily corrected and the lack of

energy restored.

Be sure to eat lots of vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamin C including red hot chili

peppers, bell peppers, parsley, kale, broccoli, kiwi, papaya, oranges and strawberries. You can also

take vitamin C as a supplement if you're not getting enough of it through your diet.

Vitamin supplements in general can be quite helpful in shoring up any nutritional deficiencies,

helping your maintain a high level of health and wellness. Specific needs vary from person to

person and are based on gender, age, lifestyle and dietary factors. For specific solutions, seek out

the services of a competent professional. Meanwhile, almost everyone can benefit by taking a

quality multivitamin that is suitable for their age.

Here are two simple things we all learned to do as children that will help you maintain good health

throughout your adult years. One is to wash your hands and the other is to brush and floss your

teeth routinely. To stay healthy and avoid any viral infections, be sure to wash your hands

regularly, thoroughly and at every opportunity. You have only to notice the behaviours of the

masses in any public washroom to observe how easily germs can spread.

Even the common cold can be more than a slight annoyance and keep you away from doing what

you would like to do. For maximum protection, be sure to wash your hands completely with warm

water and soap and really scrub them like a surgeon would before suiting up to operate on a

patient. Flossing is important, not just for cleanliness and preventing tooth decay, but to help you

prevent gum disease.

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NNaattuurraall HHeerrbbaall RReemmeeddiieess IInn MMuullttiippllee FFoorrmmaattss

Herbs are nature's pharmacy, yet all too often these days are overlooked in

favour of purportedly faster manufactured chemical products. What is

often overlooked and downplayed are the apparent long-lasting and

damaging effects of toxic chemicals entering the body. Somewhere along

the line we accepted the premise that if a product is suggested by doctors,

druggists, or even advertising – than it must be safe for human


But this kind of logic has at least in part led us to the current health conditions we are experiencing

as a society where degenerative disease has taken over a dominant position. It's time we used our

human capability to examine options, think clearly, ask more questions and then, armed with

enough information, make the choice that best serves us.

Herbal remedies have been around for a long time. Years ago, tonics made principally from herbs

and were the primary remedies offered to treat a variety of ailments. These formulas were as

popular one hundred years ago as aspirin is today. This trend appears to have developed as a

result of perception. As more apparent “cures” were developed in medical laboratories, more and

more people turned away from the proactive approach of prevention through herbal tonics to one

of taking toxic substances that appear to be “safe” because they are readily available and actively


Back in the day, tonics helped promote the good health and wellbeing of many and were often

used as a preventative to stave off illness over the months and years. Taken on an on-going basis,

tonics proved to result in better health and vitality overall. Not only can they reduce the symptoms

of common irritants like colds or hemorrhoids, but tonics can also keep killer diseases like cancer

at bay. It's a shame that more people don't visit herbalists and use these life-enhancing

concoctions as a natural aid to optimum health and wellness.

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There is one class of herbs known as “adaptogens” that helps boost one's physical energy and

improve mental clarity and capacity. These natural healers help the body adapt to the burden of

physical, biological and chemical stresses we're all exposed to in our busy lives. In short, the

uplifting effect of these herbs make you feel better all over.

Gotu Kola is one of the most effective herbal treatments for anyone suffering from low energy

levels. It's a 100% natural way to get a quick dose of energy – whenever you need it most. Gotu

Kola has stimulant properties that provide this rapid boost of energy, while at the same time lifting

one's spirits – without any caffeine. Those hesitant to drink coffee or black tea for this very reason

can get a similar boost through this all-natural herbal supplement.

Ginseng is well known for its abilities to enhance one's endurance and stamina. In fact, it's long

been considered legendary in China where it has been used for hundreds of years. One study

revealed interesting results to back up these and other claims made by proponents of ginseng.

When taken in capsule from in a 40mg daily dose and combined with a multi-vitamin, users

showed significant improvement in their personal satisfaction, lower levels of depression, better

quality of sleep, more energy and a better sex life too. You get all of this from an herb and without

any side effects.

There are several species of ginseng and most offer similar benefits. Panax ginseng is the original

Asian variety of ginseng. You can also find panax quinquefolius ginseng, which is commonly

known as the American version. Another option is Siberian ginseng which is available at a lower

cost than the true, original panax, yet it offers many of the same kinds of healthful benefits.

Panax ginseng also acts as an antioxidant. So not only is ginseng an energizing, mood and sleep

improver, and sexual enhancer, it also strengthens the immune system by helping it attack harmful

free radicals. Free radicals are highly-charged, reactive oxygen molecules that form as by-products

of the body's natural metabolism.

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These pesky formations react with proteins, fats and nucleic acids, causing disruptive changes in

cells and tissues and inflict significant damage when they are not neutralized. These damages

compound and that can lead to cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and many other debilitating

degenerative diseases. If we as a society are to tame this nasty beast of degeneration, we need to

look at ways to minimize the presence and damages caused by free radical activity. Antioxidants in

foods, herbs and supplements combined can go a long way towards improving one's level of


Most people think of antioxidants as vitamins taken in pill form. But there are plenty of natural

herbs on the planet that serve as antioxidants too. What may be particularly surprising is that

some of these herbs offer as much as fifty times (50) the antioxidant power than those commonly

used antioxidant vitamins. When it comes to the knock-out power of antioxidants, you just can't

beat herbs.

There is a series of compounds known as “polyphenolic derivatives” that are present in the most

effective herbal antioxidants. Polyphenolic derivatives (also referred to as OPC's) are found

naturally in such things as pine bark, green tea, blueberries and grape seed. What these

compounds do primarily is they prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein – also known as

LDL or the bad cholesterol that left to linger, chokes off arteries causing major heart health issues.

OPC's make the cholesterol less sticky and less likely to accumulate on the artery walls. These

compounds also help to improve overall circulation by strengthening all those tiny blood vessels

that distribute essential oxygen and nutrients through the blood over the entire body.

One of the most effective natural antioxidants is derived from what used to be considered waste

material. That's right. What was for many years nothing more than a by-product of wine

production – grape seeds – is now a tremendously valuable antioxidant that some scientists

believe in its most concentrated form, may be fifty times more powerful than vitamin E and

possibly twenty times more powerful than vitamin C. That's impressive because those two

vitamins are among those life-enhancing nutrients most often suggested to fight off infection and

strengthen one's immune system.

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It should be noted that grape seed extract and vitamin C work synergistically – making the

combination of both of these antioxidants more effective than either one taken individually.

Together, vitamin C and grape seed extract facilitate the elimination of dangerous cholesterol and

they shorten the time it takes for minor wounds to heal.

Now, instead of treating grape seeds as waste – they've become a valuable, health-inducing

resource. The extract derived from grape seed has proven useful in the treatment of a weakened

blood flow – an all too common condition that deprives the body of vital, life-sustaining nutrients,

leads to early aging, and can develop into serious, life-threatening illnesses like heart disease and

cancer. The increased blood flow triggered by grape seed extract tends to relieve the pain of night

cramping and swelling associated with poor circulation.

That's not the end of the line for grape seed extract. It also shows potential in treating eye

problems like ocular stress and macular degeneration – the leading cause of irreversibly

diminished eyesight.

It's those polyphenolic derivatives or OPC's found in the skins and seeds of grapes that are

believed to be at least partly responsible for the French paradox. The “French paradox” refers to

the discovery that despite a diet that's rich in pastries, breads and other fatty foods, the average

native of France who consumes this typical diet, doesn't seem to suffer the same kind of negative

health consequences common to North America and other parts of the world. In other words,

there's something else going on.

What researchers believe to be the answer lies in the polyphenolic derivatives these folks also get

from their diet. Since the French routinely consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables, and

they drink wine with many of their meals – they are ingesting plenty of these cholesterol-lowering

compounds and flushing out their arteries at the same time.

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Grape seed extract is available at any health food store or wherever

vitamin supplements are sold. Typically, a dosage of fifty to one

hundred millilitres per day is recommended. Look for packaging that

indicates a concentrated grape seed extract ratio of 100:1. Such a

product should contain eighty to eighty-five percent OPC's.

For the treatment of specific therapeutic conditions, you may need more but you should consult

with your natural health practitioner first.

Rosemary, a common ingredient likely found in the spice rack of most kitchens, is another

effective herbal antioxidant. Rosemary in its fresh form, features spiky leaves that make it look like

rosemary is related to some species of the evergreen – and it's these leaves that hold the key to

rosemary's natural healing properties. Those leaves contain plant pigments known as

bioflavonoids, which possess antioxidant properties.

One bioflavonoid in particular – diosmin – reportedly strengthens the capillaries, which can often

reduce the swelling of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Two other compounds found in rosemary –

carnosol and carnosic acid – seem to also help guard the body against the ravages of oxidative

stress that is linked to early aging, heart disease and diabetes. Rosemary may also help with

circulation-related problems like low blood pressure, painful joints and sore muscles.

You can take rosemary as an herbal tea, using one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of hot water.

If you're using fresh rosemary, you may want to double or even triple the amount used. To easily

get the benefits of rosemary, use it more frequently in the kitchen as you prepare your meals.

Rosemary adds a wonderful flavour to roasted vegetables or poultry. It's also delightful on

potatoes and combined with a little olive oil.

For a different taste, prepare pizza dough as you normally would (whole wheat makes a healthier

crust), then combine fresh garlic, rosemary and olive oil as your base. Steam sliced potatoes for

five minutes before placing on the pizza. Add more garlic and rosemary on top of the potato

slices, and then top it with a little of your favourite cheese and bake in the oven until ready and


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Gingko Biloba can help to improve one's circulation. It boosts blood flow from the head to the feet

and everywhere in between. It also is known for its memory-boosting powers. The Chinese have

used gingko biloba for many centuries to treat various health problems including asthma and lung

congestion. Most of the benefits attributed to gingko biloba are thought to be due to its ability to

increase the flow of blood to all the body's cells and organs. It should be noted that herbs like

gingko biloba and ginseng need to be taken for at least one month straight, before any noticeable

improvements are made.

Hawthorn is another natural herb with valuable, life-enhancing properties. Often referred to as a

heart tonic, hawthorn helps lower blood pressure and prevent hardening of the arteries. It is also

said to assist other circulation-related problems like varicose veins by improving blood flow and

lowering swelling. Hawthorn contains “rutin” a compound that reduces the formation of plaque

on the walls of the arteries. It's this build-up of plague that slows blood flow forcing the heart to

pump harder to get the blood moving, taxing the heart beyond its normal function.

Eventually, plaque build-up shuts off enough blood to trigger a stroke or heart attack. In Europe

hawthorn is routinely suggested and accepted as an effective remedy for strengthening the heart

and blood vessels. As if that wasn't enough for one herb to do, hawthorn also contains a

compound called “hyperin” which goes after free radicals in the body and wiping them out. So it's

not just a circulation system enhancer, but as a powerful antioxidant, hawthorn serves to

strengthen the immune system too.

People who have used hawthorn have reported lower blood pressure readings, an easing of

angina-related chest pain, an improved breathing function and less shortness of breath and an

improvement in the symptoms of varicose veins. Overall, most improved their circulation and their

heart health as a result of taking this one herb. Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking

hawthorn – or any other herb, supplement, tonic or drug – for that matter.

This is particularly important when addressing a serious health issue or condition.

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Hawthorn can be made into a tea from the dried berries of the

plant. It is also available in tablet form (typically taken in the

amount of 300 ml per day) or as a tincture (one tablespoon). If

hawthorn is nature’s health tonic, Maitake should be considered

the immune system tonic.

Maitake is a mushroom-producing fungus that's good for you. While Japan is the world's leading

producer, maitake is also found in North America, Europe and Asia. What maitake does is it acts as

a stimulant to the immune system, making it more effective in fighting off harmful bacteria,

viruses and cancer. Maitake also helps prevent stress-triggered flare ups of the symptoms of

hepatitis and the herpes virus.

Research suggests that specifically what maitake does is it stimulates the body's white blood cells

– that key component that's responsible for wiping out harmful fungi, bacteria, viruses and cancer

cells. It seems that maitake fortifies the immune system agents know as interferon and interleukin

and it contains helpful substances that directly inhibit bacteria and virus growth.

If you know you have a particularly stressful event coming up like a day in court or a government

audit – it's best to take maitake in advance. When taken ahead of time, it strengthens one’s own

defences during especially difficult times. It helps guard against colds, while reducing flare-ups of

warts, herpes and hepatitis. Preparation seems to be the key here in adding preventative power.

Typically, 2 grams per day on a maintenance plan and possibly double or triple that amount (after

consulting your competent alternative health care provider, of course) to address a specific illness.

For women, a powerful, restorative herb is known as Black Cohosh. It can be of tremendous value

to those women who suffer from the dramatic changes – those ups and downs – associated with

monthly menstruation. Black cohosh is said to greatly alleviate the symptoms of menopause, PMS

and painful or irregular periods.

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Studies indicate that black cohosh helps to relieve hot flashes, headaches, joint pains, heart

palpitations, sleep disruptions, nervousness, irritability and even depression. Again, what is

particularly positive about black cohosh is that it can offer all these attributes, without any

negative side effects – something that cannot usually be said about the “standard” manufactured

remedies offered by prescription or sold over the counter at pharmacies. Black cohosh is available

in tea or capsule form taken in the amount of 40 millilitres daily.

For men, the common tonic recommended is called saw palmetto. What saw palmetto does is it

helps prevents changes in the prostate that can lead to urinary problems and impotence. Males

suffer from a form of menopause too, though it's slower, less noticeable and more subtle than the

symptom experienced my most women.

Natural physical changes in the body including lower testosterone levels can lead to a condition

described as a swelling of the prostate which leads to more bathroom trips and difficulty for some

men in emptying the bladder. As a result of the need to go more often, sleep interruptions tend to

occur with increasing frequency. What saw palmetto can do is slow down the progression of these


The male body naturally produces testosterone. At the same time, it also produces the enzymes

that break down that testosterone. Compounds found in saw palmetto actually destroy those

enzymes, allowing the testosterone to stay in the body longer. This is important since as men age,

the production of testosterone decreases, so when the net result of an herbal supplement means

that testosterone sticks around longer – that's a plus for men's state of health and wellbeing. Saw

palmetto also supports the joints and muscles of the body, which helps keep one stronger longer

than the average.

Another helpful, natural remedy for joint pain is celery seed extract. Its anti-inflammatory qualities

have been known to ease the discomfort by reducing the swelling. The symptoms of gout can

often be relieved to varying degrees using celery seed extract.

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Bilberry (a relative of the highly-nutritious blueberry) can be of significant help in addressing

vision-related problems from macular degeneration to glaucoma.

Kava kava has the opposite effect of coffee. Instead of the kick or wake-up call, like that which a

strong cup of coffee delivers, kava kava has a calming, relaxing effect. It can be an ideal antidote

for anyone suffering the effects of today's on-the-go lifestyle.

Garlic, a member of the allium family which also includes onions, chives

and leeks is a tasty and versatile food that can enhance one's health in

multiple ways. Garlic has proven effective in the treatment of high blood

pressure as it thins the blood naturally and lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol


Its antioxidant properties stimulate the body's immune system and helps maintain a healthy level

of blood circulation. Garlic also is a natural antibiotic that helps the body fight infections and

inhibits the ability of germs to spread.

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BBaallaannccee:: AA FFuunnddaammeennttaall RReeqquuiirreemmeenntt FFoorr HHeeaalltthh AAnndd VViittaalliittyy

A life of good health, peace of mind and prosperity requires a

healthy balance. The challenge is that most of us live busy lives.

Every day we are faced with competing demands on our time.

First there is a job we need to show up for, or a business that's

up to us to run.

Then there are the family requirements and all those errands to run – bills to pay, taxes to figure

out, soccer or baseball practice for the kids and that important community meeting about a

planned new development in your area. If you've regularly got any time at all for your friends,

relaxing dinners, or moments of peaceful solitude, you're among the fortunate few.

It's easy to let our lives get out of whack. But we need to recognize the folly of it all, become

better at prioritizing and strive to maintain a comfortable and stable balance. When you're pulled

in different directions, it’s easy to lose that balance, crash from sheer exhaustion and inevitably

get sick. Keeping your life in balance is crucial to your health and wellbeing. The good news is that

maintaining a healthy balance is a skill that can be learned.

Multiple and excessive demands on your time can cause one's life to quickly spiral out of control.

But the simplest of all solutions is to begin at once – ready or not – to simplify your life. Make it a

personal goal to live a simpler, calmer and less-stressful life. You'll come to enjoy the little things in

life – like a moonlit sky, neighbourhood walks and the smile on your children's faces – a lot more.

You'll no longer feel like you're being pulled this way and that simultaneously.

One of the basic requirements is to make more personal time. This is where you can get distance

yourself from the noise of the work and enjoy some peace and quiet. Consider it time to recharge

your physical, mental and emotional batteries. If you don't take this time out for yourself, you risk


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Sooner or later your circuits will overload and you risk burning yourself out. Stress is a serious

health risk – and it's a sign of the times. If you let it get the best of you, it will. But the serious

consequences of being overwhelmed and stressed-out could be disastrous. Each one of us needs

to take care of ourselves first and foremost. If you don't – you cannot properly care for anyone


Life should be a happy progression – where we continuously make gains and grow to new heights

where we face our next challenge. It's about successfully completing one goal after another. But

there's no race to the finish line and true success is about the journey along the way. Nobody

knows how much time they have left to enjoy this beautiful planet. All we do know is that our time

eventually comes to an end. Therefore, why not enjoy every day that we've got, as it is given? Life

is not just about work or efficiency – it's about living fully and joyfully. It's not about achieving in

order to feel happy – it's about happily achieving as we go through life.

To regain a sense of balance, you've got to take charge of your time and your life. Don't take on

more than you can comfortably accomplish. If you're used to doing this routinely, it may take

some practice to get turned around. Ultimately, your state of mind and your health is most

important. So take on what you can comfortably manage and learn to say no whenever you're

pushed that point. Stick to your guns. At first it can be a little uncomfortable, but it gets easier as

you go along.

Look at your own “to-do” list and begin to pare it down. Give up the need to do it all yourself. No

healthy company, organization or family is a one-man band. Consider all the resources you have

available that might be able to help ease your workload and don't be afraid to solicit help,

delegate duties to others, or to tap into services that can help you accomplish various tasks along

the way.

Take time to play. If you're all business all the time, you'll find yourself stuck in analytical mode. In

other words – you'll be wound up too tight. You've got to loosen up and have some fun play time.

You simply must balance your analytical time with play time.

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If you've got kids or a dog, this should be easy to do every single day. If not, look for other options

like joining a local racket-ball club of going for a swim at the nearby community pool. Rest assured

there are plenty of options. Choose one and give your mind and body some much needed

diversion and tension relief.

The idea is to momentarily let go of your “regular” life. It gives the body and mind a restful break

from the hustle and bustle of daily life and it soothes the soul. Spending quality time with your

family is life-enriching and extending experience. Lose yourself in the activity. With younger

children, try finger painting, doodling, or dressing up in costumes. If they're too old for that, try

playing board games, crafts, tossing a ball or Frisbee around, or going on a nature hike. With

young teens, take in a movie together, go camping, or share an evening telling jokes.

If you're on your own, book a day at the spa and pamper yourself in a sea of tranquility, or plan a

weekend getaway or vacation with a good friend. Vacations – even short ones help revive your

inner spirit. If you've got plenty of vacation time in your schedule, take a one to two month

vacation and travel to some distant land and explore the native culture and way of life. Do this

once and two things are certain: 1. you will inevitably come back as a changed person and 2. You

will want to do it again soon. You could also join a group for yoga or meditation where attendance

is purely optional. It really doesn't matter what you do in your free time as long as it's distinctly

different and it doesn't add to your heap of commitments.

Your chosen activity away from your work should be stress-relieving. You want to look forward to

this time as an opportunity to unwind and have fun. Be sure to take one day a week for pure rest,

relaxation and rejuvenation.

Use this time to recuperate from all the stresses of the past week and to reflect on your life and

the direction you are headed. Don't dwell on the past – spend your energy envisioning the future

as you would want it to unfold. On your day off, enjoy a more relaxed pace. Chill out more and

read a book that inspires you. Take an extended walk at a different location and revel in the beauty

of nature.

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TThhee PPoowweerr OOff PPuurrppoossee IInn YYoouurr LLiiffee

Having a purpose in life is vitally important. Purpose provides

meaning and it helps you maintain optimum health too. It gives

you a strong reason to live. It's a fact that people without a

purpose die sooner than they should. If you don't have a

powerful purpose – something that drives you forward in life in

a meaningful way – it's time for some soul-searching to find

something to inspire you to new heights.

What is it that you do that whenever you do it, it makes you feel like life is worth living? Become an

observer of your life. Think about the times you've felt most exhilarated and joyful. What activity

were you doing you noticed how quickly time flies? Pinpoint the “wow!” moments in your life and

look for the activities and pursuits that give you the biggest kick in life. If you're having difficulty

figuring it all out, meditate on it, ask for guidance from your higher power, and then listen to the

cues, insights and messages you intuitively receive.

Find that spark and you're away to the races. When you follow your inner calling or purpose, life

has added value, depth and meaning to you. Finding and following your purpose brings a new

degree of clarity to your life. It's as though you've figured out what you were put on the planet to

do and you pursue it with all that you've got.

Most people get caught up in the whirlwind of life and it's not until many years later that they

discover that their life is not really going in the direction they want. Assuming that each one of us

has but one kick at the can, there's no time to waste. If you've been going through the motions of

life and living a less than fulfilled existence – it's time to change.

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Gather the courage to forge a new path. Step outside of your comfort zone and be willing to take

new risks. Look for the opportunity to take a trial run, so you can investigate new opportunities

before jumping in with both feet.

Having a meaningful purpose in life gives you a mission. It's a guiding light and a driving force.

When you're feeling overloaded, take a fresh new look at your life and uncover your real purpose.

It can change everything – including your physical health in a meaningful and positive way.

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CClleeaarr CClluutttteerr AAnndd YYoouu CClleeaarr TThhee MMiinndd

If it seems that you're just not as effective in getting things

done as you could be, it may be time to de-clutter both your

workspace and your mind. Clutter caused congestion. It's

the opposite of organization and efficiency. Clutter leaves

you feeling encumbered and blocked – which is essentially

another form of stress and we all know that stress is

dangerous to one's health and wellbeing.

Stuff accumulates – that's just the way it is for everybody. It almost seems like a fundamental law

of the universe because everybody collects something to one degree or another. The trick is to

masterfully accumulate and organize in a way that prevents clutter from collecting and having a

negative impact on your life.

Look at every place clutter tends to accumulate – desks, drawers, countertops and credenzas,

storage cabinets, closets and the garage. Piles of “stuff” left unchecked will continue to grow until

they bury you. If you've ever watched the television program “Hoarders” you've seen examples of

runaway accumulations at their worst. Lives and families are torn apart by one person's

attachment to stuff that is often of little or no value. Clearly there's a connection between mental

health and clutter.

Freeing yourself from clutter is a liberating experience. Releasing is healing. No longer do your

accumulations have a controlling effect on you – you are back in control of the situation and your

life. When you clear away the clutter, you can breathe easier. It clears the obstacles, lightens the

path and opens up a psychic pathway where you are free and clear to continue with your day as


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Piles of files, papers and documents of all sorts stacked on your desk impair your ability to function

optimally. Even if you vehemently deny that your stacks of stuff have any negative effect on you –

they really do. Piles imply complexity. Each element requires effort and represents unfinished

business. And the higher the stack and more diverse its elements – the greater the degree of

complexity of that pile and the more it tends to weigh you down.

Since stacks require work – even if that work is nothing more than sorting papers and filing them

away – it nags you. Each item in the stack needs to be handled, therefore it occupies space in your

brain and it registers as yet another demand on your time. It's no wonder that some people are

perpetually stressed out – they never get rid of the clutter.

When it comes to alleviating clutter-induced stress, there is but one rule to apply above all else:

Handle each item only once. Do not fall into the habit of shuffling papers. Identify what it is and

where it belongs and place it there in one shot. Do not make additional work for yourself by

deferring any sorting for later – that's a trap that keeps you from taming the beast of clutter.

As you sort through things, keep that which is important or relevant to your direction, label it and

file it away where you can retrieve the item easily when needed. If it's not something that you

need, make the decision to get rid of it. If it's something of any value, you can sell it or give it away.

If it's loose papers or meaningless documents you're dealing with, toss them in the garbage

straight away. But decide on a deadline for possession and when that day comes, if you've still got

said item in your hands, it's time to trash it.

Tackle the sorting process one step – or one pile at a time. Stick with it and refuse to be distracted.

Reduce, recycle and trim. Constantly ask yourself – “What else can I toss out today?”As you clear

away the crap – you'll begin to feel better, lighter and less-encumbered. Keep only the bare

minimum of information on each important topic. Think of every piece of paper as taking up

valuable space – space you are paying for one way or another.

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Keep related items together. When sorting loose papers and assorted documents, keep a stapler,

paper clips and file folders handy so you can bundle related items together. This makes it much

easier later when you're working on a specific project.

If you put forth a determined effort, you'll quickly see how frequent de-cluttering can be

beneficial. It forces you to purge, categorize and delete that which just isn't as important as you

thought it was when you placed it in the stack. Regular maintenance helps you keep those stacks

to a smaller size.

When you've done all you think you can to de-clutter your environment and there are still piles of

files or extra items hanging around, find a place for them that is out of your line of vision. Out of

sight, out of mind is certainly applicable here.

It helps become a leaner, meaner, more focused action-taker because there is less material lying

around to distract you. You'll be happier, more energetic and productive too. The benefit to your

health and wellbeing cannot be underestimated either. Whatever you continue to hold onto that

isn't necessary is actually holding onto you – and holding you back.

De-cluttering, sorting and purging lifts a load off your mind and is definitely worth the effort. Once

a round of de-cluttering is complete, begin to pay closer attention to the items you acquire and

hold onto. Consider the consequences of not hanging onto as many things. Be vigilant about what

you acquire. Pay attention to the things you allow into your domain. Simplify your life and give

yourself some breathing room and your body and mind will reap the rewards. Peace of mind and

stress-free living can yours and perhaps all it takes is a good cleaning and reorganization of your


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CCoommmmoonn CCoonnddiittiioonnss AAnndd NNaattuurraall SSoolluuttiioonn

Heart Disease -- Heart disease remains the number one killer in

North America today and the incidence of heart-related

ailments worldwide continues to rise. Despite its attempts, the

high-tech equipment and aggressive procedures, traditional

medicine has fallen short in its attempts to reverse this reality.

Angioplasty, by-pass surgery, chemical blood thinners, and

other harsh drugs have done little to turn the tide and reverse

the steady increase in the numbers of people afflicted with

heart-related illnesses.

Heart disease represents a broad category of illness that affects the heart muscle, arteries, veins

and blood vessels. It's encompasses the entire circulatory system which is responsible for

delivering blood and all its nutrients to every cell and organ of the body. It's an absolute

requirement of good health that the circulation system functions as it should. Blood carries the

vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, protein and oxygen necessary for the survival of the body's cells.

Clearly, stress and smoking are key factors. Stress needs to be managed effectively and minimized

to contain its damaging effects on the body and smoking is a definite no-no for anyone who wants

to live a long, vibrant and healthy life. Excessive alcohol consumption is another contributing

factor because it destroys important vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, vitamin E,

vitamin C and several others as well. Additionally, alcohol induces mineral loss.

But a primary cause of poor health in general and heart disease specifically lies in one's diet. Yet

this is something that the medical community overlooks for the most part. In some parts of the

world, heart disease is rare.

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One of the big reasons is that those free of heart disease eat primarily fresh foods. For example,

there are people living out in the countryside of Europe who eat almost entirely what nature

provides. No laboratory-developed foods for them. This means no soda pop, candy bars, fast food

hamburgers, French fries, or boxed, chemically-laden “supermarket” foods sold to satisfy today's

public hunger for convenience. Europeans tend to eat in order to sustain life and they've made the

entire dining experience a cultural routine.

Europeans seem to have a better understanding that what an individual eats and drinks has an

effect on the health of one's body and that this effect is significant. They tend to pride themselves

on creating healthy menus and they're willing to spend the time it takes to prepare nourishing

meals. They eat as much fresh food as possible and their farming methods are more natural than

the methods commonly used throughout North America, for example.

Studies indicate that a wide range of antioxidants offer protection to the cardiovascular system as

a whole. These antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid, beta carotene,

selenium, magnesium, manganese and pyridoxine and are said to block the development of

cardiovascular disease. One study in particular showed a fifty percent drop in the risk of heart

attack for women by taking just one supplement – vitamin E. Other studies indicate that adding

important trace minerals to the diet reduces the risk of heart attack by one hundred percent.

Dieters need to know that some fat should be included rather than excluded from the diet. Fat is a

necessary nutrient when it comes from the right source like nuts, extra virgin olive oil, or

avocados. Reportedly, ninety percent of all the fuel consumed by the heart comes from fat. But

fats you need to avoid at all costs are hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils and refined

vegetable oils. Learn to cook with water, a splash of wine or vegetable broth instead and you can

avoid the need to purchase such oils altogether.

Carnitine (found in foods like avocados, fatty fish, milk, poultry skin and red meat) is said to be a

critically-important nutrient for the healthy functioning of internal organs including the liver,

kidneys and heart. A carnitine deficiency can cause the degeneration of the heart muscle, as well

as other muscles of the body. You can take carnitine in supplement form, but it's best to get it

straight from the source by adding it to your diet.

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Top heart-healthy, natural foods include:

Avocados – (carnitine, vitamin E and fatty acids)

Almonds – (vitamin E, magnesium and fatty acids)

Broccoli – (calcium, magnesium, vitamin c and beta carotene)

Garlic – (selenium and sulfur plus it naturally thins the blood)

Filberts – (potassium, vitamin E)

Olive Oil – (provides fuel and naturally improves good (HDL) cholesterol)

Onions – (vitamin C plus it naturally thins the blood)

Grapes – (helps strengthen heart muscle and arteries)

Cancer – Cancer is the most feared and most dreaded of all diseases that literally consumes its

victims cell by cell. And despite the ongoing effort to gain control over this widespread epidemic,

cancer remains among the top two killers in western civilization today. It's really a shame when

you consider the billions of dollars perpetually pumped into the “beat cancer” movement, medical

science is no closer to a cure.

But in the view of many leading thinkers, cancer is mostly preventable. Once cancer strikes, it's

difficult to even consider any other options than those presented by the established medical

authorities. But it appears that that may be the most important thing you can do to extend your

life and reclaim your health. Of course, it's much easier to avoid cancer than it is to defeat it once it

makes its presence know. Filled with shock and fear at the horror of it all, the majority of people

are led down the perilous road of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and the like offered by the


The fact is there are certain natural substances within various foods that have proven useful in

cancer treatment. But if these substances are effective in attacking this vicious disease, it only

stands to reason that those same substances could help prevent cancer from ever taking hold of

the body.

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Cruciferous vegetables as a group are one of the most effective as a cancer preventative when

consumed frequently and in large quantities. Foods from this group include broccoli, brussel

sprouts, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, watercress and kohlrabi and they include a variety of cancer

fighting substances like sulphoraphane, which is said to activate the body's natural, anti-cancer

defenses by speeding up the synthesis of cancer-beating enzymes. These vegetables are also rich

in indoles which may directly weaken any cancer cells and impair their growth. Additionally, these

nutritional powerhouses also contain vitamin C, selenium, folic acid, beta carotene and riboflavin.

Foods like onions, shallots, leeks and garlic also help defend the body against the invading forces

of cancer by improving circulation and therefore improving the rate at which the oxygen can

deliver its payload throughout the body. Oxygen counteracts cancer growth and serves as a

poison to any cancer cell.

Glutathione is the body’s best, front-line defence against toxic chemicals. High levels of

glutathione helps protect against the genetic damage from pesticides, heavy metals, herbicides,

chlorinated hydrocarbons and nuclear radiation. The best way to gain this protection is through

the regular consumption of glutathione-rich natural foods like garlic, leeks, onions, shallots, celery,

watercress, turnips, broccoli and cauliflower.

Since synthetic chemicals and pollutants are widespread today, it's imperative to include these

health-promoting, anti-cancer foods regularly in one's diet. Among these natural jewels – garlic in

particular possesses awesome power in deactivating cancer-causing chemicals. Another cancer-

fighting attribute of garlic is the thinning effect it has on the blood. Thick blood fuels cancer

growth. But by thinning the blood naturally with garlic, you obstruct the ability of cancer cells to

spread throughout the body.

White blood cells are another important component in a strong defence against cancer and white

blood cells are created principally by protein. Therefore it's imperative to consume plenty of

natural and healthy, protein-rich foods like almonds, broccoli and yogurt.

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Certain vitamins and minerals are also highly-effective in the battle to prevent or halt cancer in its

tracks. Notable vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin D, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and beta

carotene. Minerals with the greatest anti-cancer punch include selenium, magnesium, calcium,

manganese and zinc. All of these vitamins and minerals are available and most effective when

obtained from food sources. So by making specific dietary changes, you significantly improve your

defences and your overall health.

Cancer needs to be better understood and not feared. Its presence indicates an abnormality that

can many times be corrected. The body can heal from cancer when given a chance and the proven

nutrients to make it happen.

The top anti-cancer natural foods include:

Almonds – (vitamin E and cyanogenetic glycosides)

Broccoli – (vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium and protein)

Sweet Potatoes – (vitamin E, beta carotene)

Tomatoes – (lycopene, beta carotene)

Cabbage -- (vitamin A, vitamin C, protein and calcium)

Papaya – (vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium and folate)

Turnip – (vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium and potassium)

Yogurt – (potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins)

Rosemary – (folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and pyridoxine)

Diabetes – Diabetes is a disease that adversely affects millions of people. But if for the most part,

diabetes is a disease that is greatly influenced by one's diet, though most remain unaware of this

reality. Excessive consumption of refined sugar is the biggest culprit. It's not just the refined sugar

dumped into cups of coffee and cans of soda pop that is the problem. It's all the refined

carbohydrates consumed today that contributes to the problem. Studies indicate that as refined

carbohydrates are increased in the diet, so too is the number of people diagnosed with diabetes.

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Diabetes is essentially a disease that affects all the organs of the digestive system including the

pancreas, liver, and intestinal tract. But this disease also affects the adrenal glands, thyroid gland

and the entire cardiovascular system too. With diabetes, the body is unable to digest, process,

metabolize and assimilate sugar. Treatment with insulin is common, but this fails to correct the

root problem.

Since diabetes is primarily caused by dietary deficiencies, it only makes sense that a reversal of

such misfortune could be obtained through a health-inducing diet. This means including a rich

supply of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids and amino acids. This kind of course

correction makes the most sense in terms of affecting a real cure and ending the dependence on

insulin injections.

Nutrients most lacking in diabetics include: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, all the B

vitamins, chromium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, zinc, essential fatty acids, as well

as the amino acid, carnitine. Carnitine is said to assist fat metabolism and prevent ketosis – a

metabolic conditions common to diabetics.

With diabetes, the body's normal metabolism is impaired, with the greatest disruption occurring in

the metabolism of sugar. To make matters even more complicated, diabetics are unable to

properly metabolism natural unrefined sugars like pure honey and maple syrup. Even fruit with its

natural sugars causes a problem.

Due to the compromised functioning of their bodies, diabetics are particularly susceptible to

multiple health issues including: chronic infections, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, high

blood pressure, kidney failure, osteoporosis, skin diseases and more.

For significant improvement, one needs to change their diet in a big way. Diabetics need to

completely avoid sugars and starches and rely heavily upon healthy fats and protein for fuel.

Complex carbohydrates like breads, pastas, cereals and potatoes should be strictly limited in the

diet of diabetics.

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The top natural foods to help protect against diabetes and beat it include:

Artichokes – (inulin, a natural insulin-like substance)

Avocados – (carnitine and healthy fat that becomes carbohydrate-free fuel)

Broccoli – (magnesium, calcium, folic acid, and riboflavin)

Cilantro – (potassium and magnesium)

Cumin – (improves functions of the pancreas and liver)

Eggs – (lecithin, vitamin E, vitamin D)

Garlic – (improves circulation)

Oregano – (Chlorophyll and anti-fungal properties)

Arthritis – Arthritis is a debilitating disease that can not only cause severe pain in the joints – it can

cripple and even disfigure people. Any condition that features inflammation or pain in the bones

or joints is considered to be arthritis. There are several variations of arthritis, each with its own

causes and symptoms. But the one common characteristic arthritis sufferers seem to share is

inflammation and pain. Infections are often a root cause of both rheumatoid arthritis and

osteoarthritis. These infections often come from strep, staph, salmonella, proteus, parasites, fungi

and others.

Arthritics are often deficient (sometimes severely so) in many nutrients including vitamin A,

vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, all B vitamins and bioflavonoids. Minerals that are most lacking

include: manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, calcium, silicon and boron.

Once again, most people are simply unaware of the role food can play in causing, aggravating, or

curing arthritis. Foods that often cause or aggravate arthritis are common allergy foods like dairy

products, legumes (like peanuts), grains and citrus fruits.

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Arthritic symptoms of food allergies are difficult to detect but they play a major factor in

triggering arthritis. Some foods can cause a toxic reaction in the joints of some people which

triggers the inflammation and pain. But every individual is different. What is recommended is a

food intolerance test, rather than a simple blood test, which may be inaccurate in pinpointing the

real offending foods.

There is no doubt that chemicals in some foods (both natural and synthetic) can actually act like

poison to the joints. But there are other foods that block any inflammation. Additionally, some

foods, like almonds for example, contain a natural pain killer that's more potent than an aspirin


The best all-natural foods that serve as helpful remedies for arthritis include:

Almonds – (magnesium and natural pain-killing qualities)

Oil of Oregano – (anti-inflammatory qualities plus it's a natural pain killer)

Cilantro – (potassium and natural pain-killing qualities)

Kiwi – (vitamin C and anti-inflammatory enzymes)

Papaya – (anti-inflammatory qualities, improves digestion and rich in enzymes)

Parsley – (calcium, magnesium and folic acid)

Grapes – (bioflavinoids, resveratrol and pycnogenol)

Watercress – (vitamin C, folic acid, sulfur)

Alzheimer's – Alzheimer's involves the progressive degeneration of the brain and nervous system

and its primary is the loss of one's ability to think clearly. In other words, this disease progresses to

the point where its victims are no longer able to use their mental capacities for normal, everyday

functions. Basic, habitual tasks become impossible and victims are mentally incapacitated by their

deteriorating brains. Simple tasks like eating dressing and using the bathroom requires outside

assistance, making the progression of Alzheimer's a terrible disease for both the victim and their

families to have to endure.

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Yet one only has to go back about one hundred years in our history to realize that the devastation

of what we know as “Alzheimer's” was virtually absent and unknown.

It's difficult for doctors to identify Alzheimer's in its early stages because its varied symptoms may

be nothing more than signs of normal aging and the gradual losses that often occur. These early

signs include memory loss, disorientation, difficulty carrying out simple tasks, decreased

productivity, confusion, irritability, speech impediment, apathy, mood swings, agitation, and

personality changes. Individual symptoms might not necessarily indicate Alzheimer's, but when

multiple symptoms are apparent, Alzheimer's often becomes the number one suspect.

All symptoms above could be warning signs of nutrient deficiencies such as folic acid, magnesium,

vitamin A and several “B” vitamins including B2, B5, B6 and B12.

In similar fashion to other common degenerative diseases, Alzheimer's can be directly attributed

to poor dietary habits. What many people forget is that the brain is an organ and like any organ, it

has essential nutritional requirements that must be met. Of all the organs of the body, nothing

demands more nutrients than the brain and when these nutrients are denied, dysfunction and

degeneration take hold.

For optimal functioning of the brain, requirements include: vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12, fatty

acids, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, choline, inositol, biotin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine,

magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, cobalt, selenium, amino acids, beta carotene, and

glucose. This massive list of brain requirements includes virtually every known nutrient. A diet that

is deficient in any of these key nutrients will likely lead to symptoms and disease that effects one's

mental capacities and the most debilitating and degrading of all is Alzheimer's.

One common, long-term habit discovered in a large number of Alzheimer's patients is their

excessive consumption of sugar. Many are addicted to sugar and they consider sweet desserts to

be an important part of the meal. What most people don't realize is that sugar is dangerous. It

destroys the B vitamins and depletes the body's supply of life-giving minerals and this deficiency

negatively impacts the brain.

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Alzheimer's damages the brain through the process of oxidation and sugar only adds fuel to the

fire. In other words, sugar helps to prematurely age the brain. Studies indicate that when an

excessive amount of sugar is consumed, protein molecules are suddenly damaged in all cells,

including the brain.

Sugar turns this protein from something that’s normally flexible into a stiff and sticky substance

which dramatically alters its biological functioning beyond repair. Maximum damage is inflicted

with massive increases in blood sugar levels as is the case when one consumes cakes, sweet rolls

and candy. Some studies indicate that even natural sugars damage protein, so a diet that restricts

sugar in all its forms seems to provide the best protection.

The best all-natural foods to guard against the development of Alzheimer's include:

Almonds – (vitamin E, calcium and magnesium)

Artichokes – (various trace minerals and it delivers an insulin-like action)

Broccoli – (folic acid and vitamin C)

Cilantro – (potassium and magnesium)

Cumin – (antioxidants and phospholipids)

Eggs – (choline, B vitamins, amino acids)

Rice Bran – (B vitamins, magnesium and gamma oryzanol)

Rosemary – (fat-soluble antioxidants)

Yogurt – (B vitamins and amino acids)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Irritable Bowel Syndrome is another disease that perpetuates due to a

poor diet. Food allergies, stress and infections like intestinal parasites and yeast are major

causative factors. IBS is characterized by severe digestive distress that affects the entire digestive

tract, although it's the colon that takes the hardest hit. Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

include cramps, spasms, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation, and bloody or mucous-laden stools.

Left undetected and untreated, it may lead to more serious conditions like colitis and Crohn's


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Typically, colon-related illnesses can be readily addressed by altering one's diet. But you need to be

aware of the food allergy and irritable bowel connection. Some foods are toxic to some people

and these provoke a multitude of digestive problems.

IBS sufferers are often severely deficient in the following specific nutrients: folic acid, thiamine,

vitamin A, vitamin K, selenium, magnesium and zinc. Folic acid plays a key role in healing because it

is needed for the regeneration of the lining of the bowel. Dark leafy greens are your best natural

source of folic acid.

It's important to be thoroughly tested for allergies at the earliest sign of any repetitive digestive

discomfort. Severe inflammation is often a telltale sign of toxic food reactions, though it could also

signal the presence of parasites or infection. Logically, foods that fight inflammation, infestation

and infection are most helpful to anyone suffering the uncomfortable symptoms of irritable bowel


In diseases related t the colon, a poorly-functioning pancreas may be to blame. When that's the

case, consuming large quantities of enzyme-rich foods like fresh papaya, kiwi and ginger may help

considerably. A weakened adrenal gland increases the likelihood of colitis and this condition can

be addressed by adding to the diet natural foods that are high in proteins and healthy fats like

almonds, avocados, pine nuts and rice bran. These foods are rich in pantothenic acid – a key

vitamin for enhancing adrenal function. Additionally, specific herbs and spices like oregano,

rosemary, cumin, fennel and sage may help as well.

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A checklist of the best foods for combating irritable bowel syndrome would include:

Avocado – (essential fats and fuel for the body)

Artichoke – (folic acid and blood sugar regulation)

Ginger – (enzymes and anti-inflammatory compounds)

Natural Honey – (digestive aid and antiseptic qualities)

Kiwi – (vitamin C and enzymes)

Papaya – (vitamin C and enzymes – The seeds are anti-parasitic too)

Oregano – (helps soothe the digestive tract and natural antibiotic qualities)

Rosemary – (supports balance in the adrenal function and offers anti-spasmodic qualities)

Fennel – (strengthens adrenal glands and prevents spasms)

Wild Rice – (B vitamins, fibre and starch)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – If there's one condition that's common today and clearly reversible by

changing one's diet – it's the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Fatigue in and of itself is merely a

symptom rather than an illness. But it's a warning signal that something inside the body is out of

balance and the sooner a course correction is made – the sooner one can reclaim optimal health.

The secret to correcting any symptom of chronic fatigue is to first uncover the precise cause.

When the cause is discovered and appropriately addressed, the condition is readily remedied.

What is chronic fatigue? It's merely a lack of energy in the body and its organs and cells. A lack of

energy means that there must be a lack of nutrients getting into the body – or they're being

poisoned, causing fatigue and deficiency. A primary cause is adrenal insufficiency where the

adrenal glands fail to generate enough critical steroid hormones. Taken to the extreme, this

condition – known as Addison's disease – can become fatal.

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Often chronic fatigue is a warning sign of yet another potentially dangerous situation – chronic

infection. When the adrenal glands are not functioning as intended, it leaves the body susceptible

to a wide range of infections including the common yeast infection as well as other fungal

infections. The proper functioning of the adrenal glands is crucial to the health and vitality of the

immune system. If there's a weakening in the adrenal glands, your body's natural defenses are

compromised and you become vulnerable to parasitic infection. Parasites quickly grab a foothold

and soon tap the body of all its energy reserves, leaving one feeling tired and listless.

Chronic nutritional deficiencies are common and easily fixed. Fatigue sufferers are often short in

carnitine – an amino acid responsible for the delivery of fatty acids into the cells so they can be

used as fuel. A deficiency of carnitine means that energy is not being metabolized as it should,

which leads to fatigue, sore and weak muscles and even complete exhaustion. When you're

feeling this way, exercise is out of the question. But when carnitine levels are increased, those

feelings of fatigue quickly diminish. Avocados are your best natural source of carnitine, although

peanut butter also contains a fair amount of carnitine as well. It is also present in eggs, whole milk

products and red meat.

Some tests reveal a connection between salt deficiency and chronic fatigue. Salt – the highly

processed form in particular – is typically something most health-conscious people try to avoid.

But a severe deficiency could lead to fatigue. In test patients, those who were shown to have a

sodium deficiency, were given more salt, their symptoms including feeling lightheaded, muscular

weakness, low blood pressure and fatigue improved substantially.

When chronic fatigue sufferers are found lacking in sodium, it should serve as a warning sign of

potential adrenal gland malfunction. When the adrenal glands are weakened, their hormone

output is compromised and sodium and chloride are expelled through the urine. Adding more salt

at this point doesn't help because what goes it gets tossed out.

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The best foods for fighting chronic fatigue syndrome include:

Avocados – (carnitine and fatty acids)

Garlic – (sulfur and antimicrobial qualities)

Grapes – (tartaric acid and flavonoids)

Oregano – (calcium, magnesium and antimicrobial qualities)

Cumin – (antioxidants and phospholipids)

Peanuts – (carnitine and amino acids)

Salt – (gives a boost to the adrenal function)

Yogurt – (vitamin D, calcium and amino acids)

Attention Deficit Disorder – Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD is another recent by-product of

unnatural living and a telling condition of the times we live in. The good news is that ADD can be

completely corrected through an improved diet.

It seems that all too many kids these days have absolutely horrendous diets. Candy, fast food and

chemical concoctions like instant macaroni and cheese from a box dominate the diet. While kids

are often more resilient physically, they (and most adults) have no idea how they are literally

poisoning themselves from these very manufactured items that really don't deserve to be called


Most children love junk and they consume all manner of chemically modified and prepared foods

that are completely devoid of any nutritional value. What they're ingesting is massive amounts of

refined sugar, while flour, white rice products and dangerous chemicals including MSG, sulfites,

propylene glycol, artificial flavours and sweeteners and more. Tens of thousands of synthetic

chemicals are permitted legally in the production of “food”. But the steady consumption of

manufactured products like these taints one's taste buds.

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That's why it’s so hard to get young kids to eat their vegetables. And it's no wonder that their

nervous systems are out of whack. It's not uncommon to find large numbers of kids taking

powerful drugs like Ritalin, Prozac or Xanax. Many are plagued by conditions such as blood sugar

disturbances, asthma, arthritis, intestinal disorders, skin infections and high cholesterol.

What attention deficit disorder is when cut to the chase is food poisoning that negatively impacts

the mind. Processed, chemical concoctions are clearly deficient from a nutritional point of view

and remember that it's the brain that requires more nutrients than any other organ.

Some experts believe that the only reason for the rampant spread of symptoms like the inability to

focus and maintain attentiveness is because the brain is being fed the wrongs kinds of chemicals.

Instead of brain-building, fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids, the ADD afflicted brain is fed deep

fried oils or margarine, in effect wiping out those fat-soluble vitamins. Instead of a healthy dose of

B vitamins to provide mental energy, kids are consuming massive quantities of refined sugar which

in fact, directly depletes the brain of those precious B vitamins that power it.

And instead of the intellect-building and mood stabilizing effect of amino acids, the brain gets

overrun by harsh chemicals like sulfites, MSG, artificial flavours, preservatives and food dyes which

disrupt the normal functions of the brain. It seems that the only sensible approach to healthfully

treat a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder is to radically change the diet to infuse as many

brain-nourishing elements as possible.

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Here are the best natural food solutions to reverse the symptoms of attention deficit disorder:

Almonds – (magnesium and vitamin E)

Avocados – fatty acids, blood sugar balance, calories that are converted to fuel)

Cantaloupe – (folic acid, potassium and pyridoxine)

Peanuts – (B vitamins, potassium and calories that are converted to fuel)

Broccoli – (B vitamins, vitamin K and various minerals)

Filberts – (vitamin E, calcium and calories that are converted to fuel)

Rice Bran – (B vitamins, vitamin E, various minerals and essential fatty acids)

Sweet Potatoes – (vitamin A and minerals)

Squash -- (vitamin A and minerals)

Watercress – (vitamin C and calcium)

Yogurt – (vitamin D, calcium, and amino acids)

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Life can change on a dime. It need not take a diagnosis of a serious

condition to get one's attention and to change some old habits –

particularly of the dietary kind. All it takes is a decision to do so.

Sometimes a radical change is required – though that kind of

transition is the most difficult to make. But anyone can begin making

simple little changes and incrementally improve their state of mind

and body over time.

This report gives you a place to start. If nothing else, it should alert you to potential trouble spots

and help you make wiser choices in your daily life. Any positive, life-enhancing action is a step in

the right direction and this report should provide plenty of food for thought. Don't waste another

day. Take one step forward today and sculpt a future of optimal health and wellness.