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"The Slaves of Castle Plun-Darr" Wily-Kit: Wily-Kat! He's gaining on us! Wily-Kat: If you didn't keep looking back, you wouldn't know that! Keep going! Wily-Kit: Monkian? Monkian: Impatient, little one? Heh, your turn will come! Wily-Kit: I'm taking my turn now! [throws a pellet] Wily-Kit (laughing): Monkians sure know how to fall, don't they? Wily-Kat: They could use a bit of practice landing, though! Jackalman (about the Thunder-kittens): You let them escape? Monkian: They just got lucky, that's all! Cheetara: You're trying too hard, Jackalman! Just follow your... [Jackalman charges and slams his nose into a rock] Cheetara: ...nose. Slithe: So, I face the great Panthro! I am not impressed, panther. Panthro: You're no work of art yourself, ya scaly reptile. Let's see what you got, Slithe. [after Panthro disarms Slithe] Panthro: Had enough, reptilian? Slithe: I am unarmed, Thundercat. Dare you face me the same way? Panthro: I prefer it. We'll finish this hand-to-hand... Slithe: That devil Panthro is more than I bargained for. Since I cannot defeat him physically, I must rely on my reptilian cunning! Lion-O: A Thundercat in trouble! Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight! ... It's Panthro! He's trying to hold off gas-maddened Brute Men! Will the Eye of Thundera penetrate stone? We'll soon know... Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats, ho! Tygra: So, that's it. Warp gas! Panthro: I thought the Interstellar Council ruled against warp gas? Cheetara: When did the Mutants ever go by the rules? Tygra: Rules are only meaningful if people agree to follow them. Otherwise, they're just words! Tygra: These poor creatures can't help what they're doing, Lion-O. You musn't fight them! Lion-O: I won't fight them, but the Lord of the Thundercats can't run! Cheetara: Pride can be a good thing, but pride carried too far is foolishness! Lion-O: Well, the Brute Men seemed to understand the word "free" alright, didn't they? Tygra: Everyone does, Lion-O, even those who would deprive others of their freedom! Lion-O: And then the Brute Men just turned and walked away, without so much as a thanks! Tygra: Is that why you fought to free them, Lion-O? For thanks? Panthro: You wasted your time then, didn't you? Lion-O: I did not! I did it because... because it was the right thing to do! Snarf: Nobody bothers to mention that he was just following old Snarf's example, oh no... "Pumm-Ra" [after kidnapping Cheetara] Slithe: Did you get her, yes? Monkian: Yes, of course we got her! Jackalman: She's there now!

Slithe: I hope this works. Those cats are very clever, and I don't trust Mumm-Ra... but it is a good plan, so we wait and see, yes? Monkian, Jackalman: Yes. Mumm-Ra: So, the cheetah has been trapped! Cheetara, they call you, the Quick... we were not so quick this time, were we? Fear not, fast one, you shall be back among your friends this very night, and you will remember none of this! Sleep, and dream peaceful dreams, while Mumm-Ra calls on all of his strength to leave this pyramid in a new form he has never tried before! Behold! [chanting] Spirits of evil, transform this ancient body to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living! And now, from Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living, to Pumm-Ra, the Puma of Thundera! Pumm-Ra! [outside] Pumm-Ra: Drink this. You'll feel better. Cheetara: What happened? Who are you? Pumm-Ra: You were captured by some strange creatures. I heard a name. 'Smithe', or something. Cheetara: Slithe! Pumm-Ra: Yes, that could be it. They drugged you, and were about to carry you off when I appeared. There were three, and I fought them off. I'm pleased that you seem to be well. And so, I shall be on my way-Cheetara: But wait, who are you? Are you from this Third Earth? Pumm-Ra: No. I am from a distant planet, that was destroyed, called-Cheetara: Thundera! Pumm-Ra: You know of Thundera? Cheetara: It is--was my home. But I thought all the other ships that tried to leave were destroyed! Pumm-Ra: All but mine. My crew was killed, and my ship was stranded in nothingness with no engines. Until yesterday, when the gravity pull from this planet brought me here. Cheetara: Then you must come with me at once to the Cats Lair, and meet my friends, the Thundercats. Pumm-Ra: I would like that. Yes. I would like that very much! [in his room at Cats' Lair, on the radio] Pumm-Ra: Do you hear me, Slithe? Are you there, Reptilian? Slithe: Yes, we are here, and we are prepared. Where are you? Pumm-Ra: Where I am supposed to be: in the kitty-cats' lair! Slithe: We must know what their plans are. If you find their war room and-Pumm-Ra: Mumm-Ra does-- uh, I mean, Pumm-Ra does not need any instructions! Just be sure you are where you are supposed to be, at high noon tomorrow. Slithe: We will be there, yes. We'll certainly be there! Tygra: Although Lord Lion-O leads us, Jaga chose me to be the head of the Thundercats' Council. This puma has apparently saved Cheetara's life, and he appears to be one of us. Panthro: Have you anything more to say, Cheetara? You didn't actually see him before you fainted, did you? Cheetara: No, that's true. But when I awoke-Lion-O: I vote we take him in! [Jaga appears] Jaga: Be not hasty in your decisions, Lion-O. Your instincts may be correct, but one does not make decisions on instinct alone. Let the facts weigh heavily on your mind, and listen to your peers with caution. Lion-O: You're right, Jaga. I guess I should take more time in making important decisions. [that night] Pumm-Ra: They must all be asleep by now. So, while the Thundercats purr, Pumm-Ra pursues. Pumm-Ra: Yes. This door would be safely locked to anyone but Mumm-Ra. They have used an

old Egyptian tomb device, unknown for a thousand years. Unknown, that is, except to one who has lived for a thousand years! [after finding the Sword of Omens] Pumm-Ra: But. it is much smaller than when I last saw it. No matter, it is mine! Pumm-Ra: Stand back, and do as I say, boy! Lion-O: Who are you? You're not from Thundera; you're not one of us! I was foolish to trust you. What do you want? Pumm-Ra: Everything! I want it all! And before this day is done, I shall have it! Lion-O: The Sword will not obey you, and without it, you are no match for me! Pumm-Ra: Hold! Your tongue speaks faster than your brain can think! Hold... and behold! We have met before, boy! And I remember! Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats... HO! [a lightning storm occurs] Tygra: I've never seen the likes of such a storm! Panthro: It's not a storm, it's a cataclysm! Cheetara: No, it is something more! We are needed! Jaga: The Mystic Sword of Omens cannot be used for evil deeds. Attempt it, and know the wrath of Jaga! [after fending off the Mutants] Lion-O: Everyone all right? Tygra: Yes. A little dizzy, but intact. Lion-O: Well, that takes care of the Mutants for a while, but that puma's locked up our Lair. Tygra: Not necessarily... Panthro: There's another way in you haven't told us about? Tygra: The power exhaust. Cheetara: But suppose he turns the power on? Lion-O: It's a chance we'll have to take. I'll go. Tygra: I'm the architect of Cat's Lair. I know every turn, nook, and cranny of the system. Lion-O: But I have the Sword! [Jaga appears] Jaga: Ingenuity is called for, not bravery and strength, Lion-O. Tygra is right; it is he who should go. Pumm-Ra: Spirits of evil, send forth a force from the darkest depths! [a giant moth emerges from the dark world] [after cornering Pumm-Ra] Panthro: Who are you? Cheetara: What are you? Pumm-Ra: Who am I? Wouldn't you like to know? Suffice to say, that I have lived here for a thousand years. I am not the intruder; it is you who have disturbed my rest! But I have time... [transforms into Mumm-Ra] a thousand years more, FIVE THOUSAND! You cannot defeat me, for I am Mumm-Ra! And wherever evil exists, Mumm-Ra lives! Mumm-Ra lives! Mumm-Ra lives! "The Terror of Hammerhand" Snarf (sees the snared unicorn): Trouble! And no Lion-O! That boy's never around when I need him! Snarf: I'll have you know that I'm Snarf, valiant squire to Lord of the Thundercats, and I am neither a pack animal nor unnatural!

[Hammerhand slams his fist] Snarf: Just kidding! Berserker: Hammerhand, leader of the Berserkers! Berserkers! Berserkers! does not like jokes! Hammerhand: Hold! So you know each other? Bad, bad, BAD! The so-called Snarf will fall to the hammer hand of Hammerhand if you do not lower that sword! [Snarf runs away] Snarf: Hammer away! The Snarf is ready! Lion-O: I will find them, and return your baby to you. I swear, by the Code of Thundera! Old Man: The ring! Old Woman: No man has ever worn that ring! Go, and may it aid you on your journey, magician friend! Cheetara (about the Thunder Tank): Is there anything this kitty cat can't do? "The Tower of Traps" Snarf: Don't panic, Lion-O! Snarf's coming for you! [Lion-O pops out of the water and dunks him] Lion-O: See, I told you'd love it! Snarf: You scared me like that for nothing! I did my best to raise you right, Lion-O, but let's face it; you've got a mean streak in you! Lion-O: Oh, come on, Snarf, I was only fooling. Snarf: Where did I go wrong? [storms away] Lion-O: I didn't mean to scare him. I guess a joke doesn't seem all that funny, when the joke's on you. I'll have to remember that. "Mandora-The Evil Chaser" Snarf: It's probably dangerous, like the sign says! Remember what curiosity did to the cat! Snarf: That low-life beanpole picked my pocket! Crook! Lion-O: Come on, Snarf; you can't accuse someone without proof! Snarf: You need proof? Then where's your Sword? Lion-O: It's--it's gone! The Eye of Thundera is gone! But how? Snarf: He's a sneaking good pickpocket, that's how! Mandora: What do you people think you're doing? Who opened that door! Lion-O: I did. I'm sorry, I thought someone in there needed help. We chased them but-Mandora: Help? You just released three of the universe's most wanted evildoers. I left them here until they could be transported to the great Penal Planet! Lion-O: I'm sorry, I-Mandora: Never mind! What could you expect from an inexperienced oaf and a fuzzy shrimp. Lion-O: Oaf? Snarf: Shrimp? And just who do you think you are? I haven't seen you around here before! Mandora: Evil Chaser 1st Class Mandora, Interplanetary Control Force. Now, let's recover the perpetrators. Snarf: You mean us? Mandora: It's every citizen of the galaxy's business! Mandora: Everything Plutar touches eventually dies. Trees, flowers, animals! If he takes root here, the Third Earth is finished! Plutar: Mandora, your career as Evil Chaser is terminated. Who's going to help you? The cub...

or his friend, perhaps? Lion-O: Hold, Burnout creature! Burnout: Hold? Burnout never holds! Lion-O: I just need a little instruction. As you saw, I'm a fast learner. Mandora: Hop on, I'll give you a crash course! Snarf: It'll be a crash course, all right! Mandora: You're ready to solo. Expedite the prisoner, and return on the double. You can find me by following the beam from this tracker. Mandora (after letting Lion-O fly off with Burnout): I think I just made a terrible mistake. Ah well, on with it. Quickpick: For once, I'm glad to see you, Mandora. Anything you have in store for me would be an improvement over this! Quickpick: Maybe they're going to turn us loose? Mandora: I doubt that. Those holes in the roof look just about big enough... Quickpick: For your head to fit through? Lion-O: If I could get my hands on that Sword, none of this need worry. Quickpick: Fat chance! Mandora: You're the great sleight-of-hand escape artist. Quickpick: Those muttonhocks would tear me apart! And what good would it do? One sword against all these beasts? Lion-O: That is no ordinary sword you stole from me, friend. In my hands, it guarantees freedom. Lion-O (to the Pig Men): Stay back! I don't want to destroy you! Snarf: Who's going to destroy whom? Mandora: Before it's too late, Lion-O, I have to say that you'd make a great Evil Chaser! Lion-O: Thanks, Mandora. Coming from you, that's something! Tygra: Shall we use the Cat Blaster on them? Panthro: No; something they fear a lot more! "Lord of the Snows" Panthro: It's pure Thundrylium! Tygra: You're right. Panthro (laughing): It must have been part of Thundera! 100% Thundrylium! Wily-Kat: Hey! What's happened to all the lights? Panthro: Not frightened of the dark, are you? Wily-Kat: No! I--I just wondered, that's all... Lion-O: It's cold! Cold as a reptilian's smile! Slithe: Vultureman will take us in his flying machine. Jackalman: Is it safe? Slithe: You cowardly, sniveling dog! Stay at home if you cannot face your destiny! Snarf: We did it! We conquered Hook Mountain! Lion-O: That part was...easy. This looks harder! Come on, conqueror!

Snowman: Who intrudes on the Kingdom of the Snowmen? Lion-O: Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats. I and my squire come in peace. We have braved Hook Mountain to meet you. Snowman: Luck was with you, young Thundercat. Why are you here? Lion-O: To find the meteor that landed on the mountain! Snowman: Everything on Hook Mountain is ours, whelp! Snarf: Great Seas of Thundera, the Thundercats, Lion-O! Call them! Lion-O: That would be admitting failure! Snarf: Who cares about failure? We need them? Lion-O: It's a matter of honor! I cannot call them! [Jaga appears] Jaga: Perhaps you've overreached this time, son. Lion-O: I have to fight with honor. I must earn this Snowman's friendship alone! Snowman: You fight with skill and courage, whelp! But so far, it has just been a test! Charge, Snowmeow! Jaga: Snowmeow, Lion-O! Think! Lion-O (thinking): That's right; Snowmeow is a cat! (out loud) I am Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats! I command you to halt, snow cat! [Snowmeow stops] Snarf: It works! Lion-O has power over all cats! Snarf: We did it! We did it, Lion-O! What are you doing? Lion-O: We came to make allies and gain the meteor. I cannot make a friend of a dead man; I must see if I can save the Snowman! Lion-O: How'd you get here so fast? Panthro: Gotta ask Cheetara... Cheetara: Woman's intuition! "The Garden of Delights" Silky: How do you feel? Tygra: I feel like... I'm flying! Silky: You are flying, Tygra! Tygra: This... is... great! Hey, Thundercats! Mumm-Ra: You can have all the fruit you wish. Tygra: Thank you, Silky. Mumm-Ra: But first, you must bring me something in return: the Eye of Thundera! Bring it to me, Tygra! To Mumm-Ra! Panthro: Take it easy Wily-Kat. How do you feel? Wily-Kat: With my fingers! Panthro: No joke. Be glad you've still got them! Mumm-Ra: It is said that the Eye of Thundera cannot be used for evil purposes. But there must be way... Mumm-Ra [to the Sword of Omens]: What is your secret? Everything has a secret! Nothing is without a taint of evil spirit! [pause] If I cannot use your power, I will destroy it! Mumm-Ra: Ancients Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living! Mumm-Ra: Behold, the Mystic Sword of Omens!

Slithe: How did you secure it? Mumm-Ra: Let's just say, I wormed it out of them! Mumm-Ra: Apparently, the Sword does not respond to the evil touch. Slithe: Yes. We have learned that the hard way! Lion-O: Tygra designed this room so that there's no way out once that door has been sealed. Panthro: You are thinking logically, son. And sometimes logic doesn't work. Lion-O: What does? Panthro: Ingenuity! Time to plan for a rainy day is when the sun is shining! [in prison] Lion-O: If I had been more careful about protecting the Eye, we wouldn't be here now. Cheetara: Some things are beyond one's control, Lion-O. Do not blame yourself. Tygra: Have you any more of the fruit, Silky? Mumm-Ra: What could you possibly offer in return? I have it all! Tygra: You will never have it all as long as Lion-O lives. Mumm-Ra: You're probably right. Warrior maidens, prepare yourself for battle! This should be fun! Now, have some more fruit, Tygra... [Tygra pretends to eat the fruit] Mumm-Ra: Let the festivities begin! Tygra: Oh, Silky? There's one other thing I forgot to mention. Mumm-Ra: Silence him! Tygra [standing up]: The Sword, Mumm-Ra, will not respond to an evil command! Mumm-Ra: I know that? [pauses, realizing] ... What? Tygra: Yes! Yes, mighty Mumm-Ra! Willa: Lion-O! [tosses him the Sword] Lion-O: Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats! Ho! Tygra: Obviously I have a lot to apologize for. Panthro: Not you, Tygra; that was some other person. We're thankful that you had the strength to pull yourself out of it in time. Lion-O: And that you, Panthro, had the... what did you call it? Cheetara: Ingenuity. Lion-O: That's it! The ingenuity to prepare us for what was to come. Snarf: Were you scared, Lion-O? Lion-O: Me? I knew the Sword couldn't be used against me. Panthro reminded me of Jaga's warning. Snarf: But were you scared? Lion-O: Darn right I was! "The Trouble With Time" [at dinner] Slithe: Yuck! Slop! Unfit for mutant consumption! Monkian: Ooh, we need slaves, Slithe! Cooks, servants... the look of this place, a jackal wouldn't eat in this mess! Slithe: Then go, Monkian! Go! and do not come back without a few likely specimins. a woman's touch is what's needed here! Monkian: Hmph, chauvinist reptile... Slithe: What? Monkian: I-I said you're right, Slithe! a woman's touch by sundown! Monkian: A warrior woman. Alone. I wonder if she can cook! [chuckles] Alright, Slithe, one

servant coming up! This was too easy! Snarf: You usually find stuff like Thundrylium in a mine or some place, so be careful you don't fall down a mine shaft, Lion-O. Lion-O: Yes, Snarf, I'll make a point of it. Snarf: And stay out of drafts! Lion-O: I will, Snarf, I promise! Snarf: He's not a bad boy, but he never listens! Jaga: Wait, Lion-O. It's best to listen to what she has to say. Lion-O: But, Jaga, every minute I stay here I-Jaga: This is her home territory; she knows it much better than you. You should listen before you rush off headlong. Lion-O: But, Jaga-Jaga: Sometimes, you can save time, by waiting and finding out all there is to learn about a situation. Lion-O: Yes, I see that, Jaga. Cheetara: If I move fast enough, the cave won't affect me? Nayda: It's not possible to move fast enough, I tell you! Panthro: You've never seen a cheetah move, if you think that! "The Spaceship Beneath the Sands" Monkian: Do you think Mumm-Ra will really do it, Slithe? Slithe: Oh, yes. as i said, he needs us! Monkian: But what makes you so sure, Slithe? His power is unlimited! Slithe: Is it? Then why must Mumm-Ra always return to his tomb, if not to replenish that power? Jackalman: Ooh, the Sky Cutters are operational! So is the Nose Diver! Slithe: And most of our equipment can be transferred to Castle Plun-Darr intact! Now, finally, we mutants will teach the Thundercats a lesson! Tygra: Ouch! Cheetara: Sorry, Tygra! The adhesive stuff from the mutants' net takes forever to remove! Slithe: If sticky gunk is the worst thing the mutants throw at us, I guess we'll survive! [sudden explosion from outside] Wily-Kat: Ah! Hey, what was that? Panthro: SkycraftI We're being attacked! Lion-O: Skycrafts? But whose? Do you recognize them, Panthro? Panthro: Can't get a good look at their silhouettes! [zooms in with Cat's Eyes] They're Sky Cutters! Mutant ships! Lion-O: I thought all their equipment was destroyed! Panthro: Not completely, it looks like it. I'll tend to that now! [fires a blast] Panthro: Wait a minute. [to the Seaquine] Think you can pull the Thundertank off your baby? [Seaquine chirps affirmatively] Lion-O: It moved! But if the Thunder-Tank goes over the edge, we could lose it forever! Panthro: We can always replace the Thunder-Tank, but there's no way we can ever replace a life! Pull! Panthro: Now that the mutants have retrieved their weaponry, it's a whole new contest! Tygra: Hmm, they must have raised their spaceship somehow. Panthro: They couldn't have done it by themselves. Something else is behind this. Cheetara: Or someone else. Tygra: Mumm-Ra!

Lion-O: We'll have to be doubly watchful. Tygra: Yes. Evil never sleeps. Snarf: Even worse, he doesn't let anyone else any rest either! Mumm-Ra: It seems you fared no better aginst the Thundercats than before. Slithe: We had bad luck, Mumm-Ra. Our craft can be repaired, and now we can build weapons that are even more powerful! Mumm-Ra: That is not my wish! The equipment you transported to Castle Plun-Darr... you will return it to the spaceship! Slithe (quietly): No, Mumm-Ra. We will not. Mumm-Ra: You defy me, Reptilian? Slithe: Never, mighty one! We merely wish to be more useful to you! Mumm-Ra: Do you? Well, in that case... [returns to his sarcophagus] We shall see! "The Doomgaze" Mumm-Ra: Nemesis, force of darkness, come to the aid of Mumm-Ra! Give me the power to overcome the Thundercats and rule in darkness over the Third Earth. Tell me the secret force of darkness! Nemesis: You must summon the Princess Tashe. Free her from the Time Warp Prison and she will share with you the power of Doomgaze. Summon Tashe now, Mumm-Ra! Call her to you! Mumm-Ra: Tashe! Possessor of the power of Doomgaze! Come... to Mumm-Ra! Come... to Mumm-Ra! Tashe! Tashe: What do you want of Tashe? Mumma-Ra: The secret of the power of Doomgaze. Tashe: Why do you want this power? Mumm-Ra: With the power of the Doomgaze, we can control the Thundercats forever! Tashe: But I am trapped within the time warp prison! Mumm-Ra: I, Mumm-Ra, the ever-living source of evil, can free you. Tashe: Impossible! Do not taunt Tashe! No one but I knows the key to the time warp prison, and I am powerless to act! Mumm-Ra: Not so, Tashe! I too know the key! I can free you from the time warp prison! Tashe: And what is the key, o bane one? Mumm-Ra: A tuft of hair from a cheetah! Tashe: But that is not all... Mumm-Ra [laughing]: A tuft of hair, a Berbil's tear... Tashe: Still, that is not enough! Mumm-Ra [still laughing]: A tuft of hair, a Berbil's tear, and a shoe from an enchanted unicorn! Tashe: There is but one more element, evil Mumm-Ra! Know that, and you truly know the secret of the time warp prison! Mumm-Ra: A hero to take your place in the time warp. That is the final element! [after Slithe captures Cheetara in a net] Cheetara: Slithe! You slimy reptilian, I might have known you were part of this. Slithe: Silence, catwoman! A tuft of a cheetah's hair, yes... [Slithe cuts off a tuft of Cheetara's hair] [after rescuing the unicorn] Snarf: We got here just in time! Lion-O: But why did Jackalman want its shoe? Snarf: And who took Ro-Bear Belle? Cheetara: And what did they want with a tuft of my hair? Lion-O: What happened? Cheetara: Slithe set a trap, and I ran right into it. Lion-O: What did he want? Cheetara: That's the strange thing. He just cut off a piece of my hair!

Snarf: This just gets stranger and stranger! Cheetara: Then the man-o-war cloud helped him escape. Lion-O: Hmm, only one person -- one thing -- could be behind all this: Mumm-Ra! Mumm-Ra: Tashe! Taaashe! Come to Mumm-Ra, and be free of your Time Warp Prison! [Tashe appears in her boat] Ro-Bear Belle: Oh, Thundercats, save me, please! [while climbing the mountain] Snarf: Maybe there was an easier way! Lion-O: Save your breath for climbing, Snarf! You'll need it! [spotting Tashe] Snarf: Who is that? Lion-O: I don't know. But she's... so... beautiful! Snarf: Lion-O... Lion-O: In a kind of... evil way, of course! Mumm-Ra: Now, let the sorcery begin! Ancients spirits of evil... transform this decayed form, to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living! Tashe: O evil Mumm-Ra, free me from my Time Warp Prison so that I may share the power of the Doomgaze with you! Snarf: Lion-O! Lion-O! Monkian: A Berbil's tear... Ro-Bear Belle: No! I must not cry... [Mumm-Ra electrocutes her until she cries] Snarf: We've got to get her out of here! Mumm-Ra: Aha! I have them! Snarf: Lion-O, pull yourself together! She needs your help! What's wrong with you? Cheetara (to herself): Well, if Lion-O's not going to do anything, I certainly am! [after the Thunder-Tank is penetrated] Wily-Kit: I thought you said this thing was impenetrable! Panthro: Nobody's perfect! Mumm-Ra: Now, I have you, Lord of the Thundercats, helpless in the power of the Doomgaze! Soon you will be imprisoned in the Time Warp, roaming time and space for eternity while we rule the Third Earth and the universe! Snarf: You still got Snarf to deal with! Tashe: Puny creature, you may join your heroic master in his eternal prison! Cheetara (to Jackalman): So, it comes down to this! Cat against dog! A foregone conclusion, wouldn't you say? Mumm-Ra: Submit to a superior power, Cheetara! There is nothing you can do! [Tashe activates her Doomgaze] Mumm-Ra: With your master trapped in the Time Warp Prison, you will need our protection! [Cheetara shrugs it off] Tashe: The Doomgaze! It fails! Mumm-Ra: What? How can it be? Summon up your power! Cheetara: Your mystical powers have no effect on me. You may mesmerize men with your evil beauty, but I am a woman! You hold no mystery for me! [after being banished] Tashe: I want to be free! I only wanted to be free!

Snarf: Lion-O! You got trapped by Tashe's Doomgaze. I'd say that shows a certain weakness of character! Ro-Bear Bill's in trouble; we've got to help her! "Spitting Image" Driller: I will do business with you, evil one. My services, for your diamonds. Mumm-Ra: Such loyalty... You shall have diamonds! To the treasure room! [they go to the treasure room]Here are your diamonds! you shall have half of your payment now, the other half on completion of your mission! Driller: Enough diamonds here to keep my drill points sharp for centuries! Mumm-Ra: Of course, if you fail in your task, I shall recover these and you shall have nothing for your trouble! Then, your drill points shall grow dull, and you will stay locked under the earth forever! Mumm-Ra: Observe. The Thundercats sleep! This one, bring me the one they call Panthro! He is the one I want. Driller: Hmm, it will be difficult. The walls are thick. I'll need more diamonds to penetrate it! Mumm-Ra: No more diamonds unless you succeed, Driller! On your way! Mumm-Ra: Now, to bring this Panthro clone alive. Hammerhand! Mighty leader of the berserkers, agent of war and chaos! Come to Mumm-Ra! Rise from your watery grave and enter the body of my Thundercat clone! Fulfill your destiny of terror! Come... to... Mumm-Ra! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Panthro Clone: I will obey you, evil Mumm-Ra! I will spread fear and suspicion wherever I go! Lion-O: I sense Mumm-Ra's evil hand in this. I'm going to find Panthro! Wily-Kit: I'm going with you! Wily-kat: And me! Lion-O: No! We can't all look for Panthro. From the look of those screens, there's too much going on out there. Our friends need us! Tygra: Lion-O's right! We better find out what's happening. Lion-O: Panthro! You all right? What were you doing here? Panthro (weakly): I'll explain... just need a little... nap... Wolo: It's him! The Thundercat! Panthro: What's the problem? We're your friends! Wolo: Do 'friends' set fire to people's homes, uproot forests, smash fishing boats, burn crops? Is that what 'friends' do? Panthro: Me? You think I did that! Lion-O: You told me the Driller drugged you. Maybe you weren't in control? Panthro: But I was trapped in the chasm! I couldn't have done it. Could I? Lion-O: Maybe you should take the Thunder-Tank back to the Cat's Lair. I'll try to straighten this out. Panthro: You must believe me! I did not do any of those things. [Panthro leaves in the Tank] Wolo: I would not have believed it of a Thundercat, but I saw it with my own eyes! Lion-O: Whatever caused it, we will help repair the damage. Wolo: I'm sorry, Lion-O. None of us will ever trust you again. Lion-O: Panthro! Stop! You don't know what you're doing! Panthro Clone: Frightened, cub? Lion-O: You're not yourself! Don't force me to fight you! Jaga forbade us to fight amongst ourselves!

Panthro: Jaga is gone, cub! Now I serve a new master! [the real Panthro shows up] Lion-O (confused): Panthro... and Panthro? Panthro Clone: Panthro! Panthro: Yeah, the real one! Lion-O: How can I help you, Panthro? I can't tell the real you from the fake! Snarf: The Sword, Lion-O! Use the Sword! Lion-O: Not against a Thundercat, Snarf! Our Code expressly forbids it! Snarf: Exactly! The Sword will only harm the fake Thundercat! Do it Lion-O, or they'll burn! [Lion-O raises the sword] Lion-O: Jaga, guide my hand, and free Panthro! Panthro-Clone: You have deceived the spirit of Hammerhand, ever-living source of evil, evil, evil! You promised me destruction and devastation, but you gave me no power to overcome the Thundercats! Mumm-Ra: Ah! You failed, clone! And now I have no use for you! Panthro-Clone: Now, I will take my revenge! I will destroy, destroy, destroy! Lion-O: I guess I should have realized that clone could never have been the real Panthro. No true Thundercat would have done all that! Panthro: How could you know? It even had me fooled! Cheetara: Hey, imagine what would happen if one of us really did turn bad? Panthro: We just have to make sure we never do. Tygra: That's right, Panthro. The Thundercat power gives us extra responsibility. Lion-O: One thing's for sure: I'm glad you're one of the good guys! "Mongor" Mongor: No creature, no structure, no Third Earthling will escape the wra-a-ath of Mongor! Mongor is free! Mumm-Ra: Mongor terrorizes Third Earth, and wherever he finds fear, he grows in power and strength! Soon, he will be fit to destroy the Thundercats! [while the Thunder-Kittens try to unlock the tomb] Mongor: Mongor calls! Mumm-Ra, ever-living source of evil! Mongor will soon be free! Call your servant, and I will obey! Mumm-Ra: Mongor? How can it be? I have sought to free him for three centuries, and never found his prison... Wily-Kat: We got it! [Mongor appears] Wily-Kat: W-what's that? Wily-Kit: Who are you? Mongor: I am the eternal image of fear! I am called Mongor! [after chasing away the Thunder-Kittens] Mongor: Wherever fear is, Mongor grows more powerful! Mongor (to Tygra): You fool! Fire cannot harm me! Mongor (to Cheetara): Cute trick, Thundercat! But only a trick! [while reading the carvings in Mongor's tomb] Wily-Kat: Looks as if you can get him... by kind of redirecting his forces back at him! Wily-Kit: See these figures that are reflecting his power? They've all got their backs to him!

Maybe the secret is not to look at him directly. Wily-Kat: Maybe, but I sure wish we could ask Tygra about it. He could figure it out! Panthro (to Mongor): Whoever you are, you're tough opposition, but no way am I giving up! Mongor: Maybe this will change your mind! [Mongor's spell ties up Panthro] [after Panthro is defeated] Mumm-Ra: Two children, and little Lion-O: all that stand between me and my perpetual reign of evil! Lion-O: I don't like it, Snarf. None of the Thundercats have been in contact, yet we've all got communicators... and there's some kind of force out there that's blocking the Sword's vision. Snarf: What was that? Mongor (invisible): 'Some kind of force'? Heh heh heh... Lion-O: What? Mongor: What do you know about 'force', youth? Lion-O: Who are you? What are you? Mongor: I am the power of everything you fear! I am in everything you see! I am all around you! Above you, beneath you! I am... [Mongor appears] Mongor! Lion-O: Sword of Omens, do not fail me now! Lion-O: For Thundera, for Jaga, and for the Thundercats, strike down this power of fear! [Lion-O defeats Mongor] Wily-Kat: Don't look at him, Lion-O! Lion-O: No, Wily-Kat. I no longer fear his power. And without fear, he is nothing. [to Mongor] Go back to your ruined temple, and leave the Third Earth to live without fear! "The Astral Prison" Lion-O: Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight... [in Lion-O's vision] Nemex: Aaah, I have primed this moment for many years! Now at last, Jaga, you are my prisoner! A prisoner for all eternity! [laughs] [vision ends] Lion-O: Jaga, a prisoner! Cheetara! Panthro! Tygra! Lion-O: I have to help him, but how? Tygra: The problem is how to find Jaga! Panthro: We have to find some way of communicating with him. Cheetara: We need someone -- something -- that understand the Astral World. Wily-Kat: There's only one person like that on Third Earth! Wily-Kit: The Nether-Witch! Mumm-Ra: So, Lion-O wants the Nether-Witch to help him visit the Astral World... If only he knew that Mumm-Ra and the Nether-Witch are one and the same! (chanting) Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living! And now, sorcerers of the netherworld, make Mumm-Ra, the Nether-Witch! [Mumm-Ra becomes the Nether-Witch] Cheetara: Are you sure you want to go through with this, Lion-O? Panthro: You'll be putting yourself in grave danger. Lion-O: Jaga needs me, and if the Nether-Witch is the only person who can help me find him, I have no choice. Panthro: Well, there it is -- the Bridge of Slime.

Snarf: And that dark hole must be the den of the Nether-Witch! Tygra: We should go with you, Lion-O. Lion-O: No, Tygra! I have to do this alone. No one can help! Cheetara: There must be something we can do! Lion-O: You can wish me luck! All: Thundercats, ho! Slithe: With Lion-O out of the way, we'll never have a better chance to smash the Thundercats once and for all! Jackalman (nervously): If he is out of the way... Slithe: Why should Mumm-Ra lie? It's not in his interest! [Jackalman drops a wheel on Monkian's foot] Monkian: Watch what you're doing, you cowardly wretch! Vultureman: Relax, Jackalman! Those Thundercats don't stand a chance against the Thundrainium Cannon! Nether-Witch: So, Lord of the Thundercats, you want to enter the Astral World to free your mentor Jaga? Lion-O: How--how did you know that? Nether-Witch: I am the Nether-Witch, Lion-O, I know everything. Lion-O: Will you help me? Can you get me into the Astral World? Nether-Witch: Of course. But I warn you that once you are there, you will never return... Lion-O: But-Nether-Witch (angrily): No! Never! You will leave Third Earth forever! (calmly) You must make your choice, Lion-O. Lion-O: Whatever I have to do to free Jaga, I'll do it. Nether-Witch (chanting): Ancient spirits of the void... transport Lion-O to your Astral World! [the Nether-Witch turns back to Mumm-Ra] Lion-O: Mumm-Ra! Mumm-Ra: You will never return to the Cats' Lair, Lion-O! You are trapped in the Astral World forever! [Lion-O vanishes] Slithe: Is the Thundrainium Cannon ready, Vultureman? Vultureman: Ready, and loaded with Thundrainium shells, the only material on Third Earth that's known to weaken those blasted Thundercats! [in the Astral Prison] Nemex: Only when you surrender all your knowledge to me will I consider the possibility of your freedom, Jaga! Jaga: Never! Nemex: Brave words, feeble fool, but I, Nemex, have all eternity to change your mind! And Jaga, you can be sure I will change your mind! [Lion-O storms in] Lion-O: Not if I have anything to do with it! Brodo (from inside a cell): Help! Help me! [Lion-O busts open the cell] Lion-O: Who are you? Brodo: My name is Brodo. Many centuries ago, I was the most powerful magician on Third Earth! But my wizardry threatens Mumm-Ra's evil dominion... he tricked me, and I have been here in the Astral Prison ever since! Lion-O: Come on, let's get out of here before Nemex rallies his forces! [after they escape from the Astral Prison] Brodo: How can I ever thank you, young man?

Jaga: By Thundera, Lion-O, I never thought I'd see you again! Lion-O: Now we'll be together forever, Jaga. I can never return to Third Earth. Jaga: No, Lion-O, your place is there, not here in the Astral World. Lion-O: I have no choice; I am with you now, and forever. [the Eye of Thundera growls] Lion-O: Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight! [Lion-O sees a vision of the Mutants attacking the Cats' Lair] Lion-O: Cats' Lair is being destroyed! They need me, Jaga, and I'm stuck here! Brodo: I can get you back there! Lion-O: Will you do it, Brodo? Brodo: If it will repay you for saving me... (chanting) Ancient spirits of good, transport this young Lion-O back to his own world! [Lion-O vanishes] Jaga: I owe my freedom to your bravery, Lion-O. Lion-O: I don't think I'd have been so brave if I had known what I was getting into in the Astral World. Jaga: But you did confront the unknown, Lion-O. That takes real courage. It's always easier to deal with dangers you know and understand. Lion-O: Well, I just couldn't stand by and watch, Jaga. I had to do something! Jaga: I will always be grateful. Lion-O: It was no more than you did for us when you saved the Thundercats and brought us here from Thundera. [Jaga chuckles] Jaga: So, now we're even, Lord of the Thundercats! Lion-O: Jaga, wait! [Jaga vanishes] Lion-O: He's gone... I tell you, Snarf, the thought of being stuck there in the Astral World really made me appreciate our life here on Third Earth. Snarf: Mutants and all? Lion-O: Mutants and all! Snarf: Perhaps from now on, you'll keep your feet on the ground! "The Ghost Warrior" [at Grune's tomb] Bolkan 1: Those symbols were carved here, to ward off evil. Bolkan 2: We're not evil. Just poor! [after the Bolkans accidentally free Grune] Bolkan: It's him! From the legends! Grune, the Destroyer! The one who ravaged Third Earth! [Panthro gets shoved out of his chair] Panthro: All right, who's the wise guy? Cheetara: It wasn't any of us, Panthro! There's a force in here -- an alien force! Wily-Kat: And it's stronger than Panthro! Panthro: Stronger than me? Not likely! Grune: So this is what becomes of the Thundercats? Wily-Kit: Lion-O! It's a ghost! Cheetara: And it knows who we are! Lion-O: Stay back. (to Grune) Who are you? Identify yourself! I, Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats, command you! Grune: And led by a mere cub?

Lion-O: Why did you come here, ghost? Who are you? Grune: You will know who I am soon enough, my Lord of the Thundercats! Oh yes, you will see me again! Wolo: It was Grune the Destroyer, Thundercats. He's come back to Third Earth! Bolkin: It had to be him. There's no mistaking that single saber-tooth! Wolo: He demanded that we give him Fire Rocks! Lion-O: Fire Rocks? Wolo: Yes! But we don't have any! Bolkin: It's been forbidden to mine Fire Rocks for a hundred mega-years, or more! Wolo: Their power is too difficult to control. Too dangerous! Tygra: We had something like that on Thundera. It was called 'Thundrainium'. Wolo: Oh please help us, Thundercats! We're helpless against him! Lion-O: Of course we'll help you. I'm not sure exactly how yet, but we'll do something. Lion-O: Grune the Destroyer, they call him. We must learn as much about him as he knows about us, if we are to fight him, and win. Cheetara: How, Lion-O? What we know is just legend. Myth. Lion-O: The Sword! The Sword may have the answer. Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight! Show us what we must know of Grune the Destroyer. [] Lion-O: Nothing. The Sword showed me nothing! Tygra: Because the Eye has no psychic powers. Panthro (looking to Cheetara): Yes... Cheetara: No! I can't. You can't ask me to! Lion-O: Cheetara? You have this gift? Cheetara: It's a curse, Lion-O! Sometimes visions just appear to me. At other times, I must bring myself to the brink of oblivion to call forth the vision. Tygra: Sometimes, it takes Cheetara weeks, even months to recover. Lion-O: Then you mustn't, Cheetara. Cheetara: This time I must. We must know who or what this Grune the Destroyer is, or risk being destroyed ourselves. Cheetara: I see... I see Grune. But not the Destroyer. He's... he's... yes... he's a Thundercat! Lion-O: Grune? A Thundercat? Never! Panthro: No way! Tygra: Shh! Don't disturb Cheetara's trance! It could harm her. Cheetara: I see... I see... Jaga! He and Grune are friends! Great friends, and great warriors, defending Thundera against all invaders! But greed overcomes Grune, and a lust for power. Grune and his army of marauders sweep across Thundera, destroying, looting, bringing shame to the Code of the Thundercats. Jaga pursues him. They clash. Hour after hour they fight, day after day... but Jaga is the mightier. Grune is banished from Thundera, set adrift in space. And... aand... it's gone! I see nothing more. Panthro: Rest now, Cheetara. We can figure out what happened from there. Tygra: Yes. His ship found its way here to Third Earth. Wily-Kat: Where he had easy pickings! Panthro: Sure. Who could stand up to a Thundercat gone bad? Lion-O: How can we stand up to him? Knowing who Grune is makes it even-[the ground shakes] Wily-Kat: What was that? Wily-Kit: The storm? I thought it was over! [Grune is smashing the Cats' Lair with his Thundrainium Club] Grune: Come meet your fate, Thundercats! Grune the Destroyer has come for his revenge! Lion-O: Your fate will be sealed by the symbol you betrayed, Grune! The Eye of Thundera! Ho!

Wily-Kit: Aw gee, how do we fight a ghost? Lion-O: Yes! How do we fight a-- wait! Cheetara gave us the answer! We fight a ghost with another ghost: the mightiest Thundercat of all! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats, ho! [The Eye of Thundera appears] Lion-O: Jaga! Your ancient enemy awaits you! [Jaga appears] Jaga: Hello, Grune. Grune: So, I've finally drawn you out, Jaga? Jaga: I suppose we were destined to meet again. [while fighting Jaga in the astral world] Grune: Surprised, Jaga? I forged my battle-club from Thundranium. Tygra: Thundranium... Thundranium weakens us, Lion-O! Panthro: Jaga can't win! Tygra: That club will finish Jaga in moments! Lion-O: No! [Eyes flash] Jaga! Take my strength! Jaga: No! Lion-O, no! Lion-O: I command you, Jaga, as Lord of the Thundercats! I command you to take my strength! [while watching Jaga and Grune fight] Panthro: It's like they've set the entire heavens aflame! Tygra: Was there ever a battle such as this? Cheetara: I just hope Lion-O survives it! Grune: You've won, Jaga. I'll never fight you again. [Jaga turns] Grune: Jaga? You'd never turn your back on a hand extended in friendship, Jaga? Would you scorn an old friend who repents his evil ways? Jaga: No. I would not, Grune. [walks towards Grune; Grune snatches the sword from his waist] Grune: Your righteousness made you strong, Jaga, but it has also made you foolish! [Jaga's eyes glow; the Eye of Thundera obliterates Grune] Lion-O: You won, Jaga, as I knew you must. Jaga: No, Lion-O. It was the strength of the Lord of the Thundercats that one this day. As is only proper... [throws the Sword to Lion-O] Lion-O: Thank you, Jaga. But you knew that Grune would go for the Sword, didn't you? You let him take it. Jaga: Better an honest enemy than a false friend, Lion-O. You must learn which is which. Lion-O: I'll try to, Jaga. Jaga: You will, Lion-O. You will. "Dimension Doom" Mumm-Ra: Ancient spirits of evil, turn stone into flesh, blood, sinew, and claw! Wizz-Ra: After 7000 years, the hour has struck! The beautiful Cheetara and her feline cohorts will help me defeat the evil Mumm-Ra once and for all! Mumm-Ra: Behold, the Vulture King! That beam of sunlight smites his left eye! As the hours pass, the beam will move. When it smites the right eye, the single day is over! That's how little time Wizz-Ra has to regain the helmet! Snarf: The pyramid! Lion-O: Courage, Snarf!

Snarf: Right! We can handle anything! Snarf: Moons of Thundera! Lion-O's collapsed! Lion-O: Only Mumm-Ra commands me! Panthro: Only Mumm-Ra commands me! Snarf: Oh no! Mumm-Ra: Now, Panthro, let Wizz-Ra feel your strength! [after Wizz-Ra defeats Panthro] Wizz-Ra: Unless we get the enchanted helmet back, Mumm-Ra will enslave all the Thundercats! Snarf: Don't give up now, Wizz-Ra! We're winning! Wizz-Ra: But my powers grow weaker, Snarf! Mumm-Ra [spotting Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat]: The twins of mischief! Wizz-Ra: Ropes! Turn to chains! [changes the Thunder-Kittens' ropes to chains] Mumm-Ra: The Thundercats are my slaves, Wizz-Ra's powers are exhausted, and soon he must return to the Seventh Dimension... without the enchanted helmet! Slithe: The she-cat Cheetara! What of her? Mumm-Ra: Helpless, in a trance! The final triumph is ours! Mumm-Ra: Thundercats... who commands you? All [in unison]: Only Mumm-Ra commands us! Wizz-Ra: I thank you, Cheetara, for all you have done. Cheetara: Will I see you again, wizard? Wizz-Ra: Only in your dreams, beautiful Cheetara. Only in your dreams... Cheetara: I'm glad it all turned out well, but maybe if I had trusted you more, and told you about Wizz-Ra, all this wouldn't have happened. Lion-O: That's in the past, Cheetara. But in the future, we must hold nothing back from each other, if we are going to remain a team. Right? All: Right! Thundercats, Ho! "Queen of 8 Legs" [Mumm-Ra watches a vision of Spidera's birth] Mumm-Ra: Hmm? What is this? Some sort of activity in the Kingdom of Webs? Nemesis -- force of darkness, come to the aid of Mumm-Ra! Tell me the meaning of this nightmare event! What vicious evil hatches in the Kingdom of Webs, and how might I use it against the Thundercats? Nemesis: I, Nemesis, will tell you this! The Kingdom of Webs has a new Queen of Eight Legs! Spidera! Spidera! Mumm-Ra: I welcome such frenzy and hate to my dynasty of darkness! But how? How do I lure Lion-O and the Thundercats into Spidera's web of rage? Nemesis: The dark power is within you, Mumm-Ra: the evil of deception! Mumm-Ra: Yes! Yes! Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra the everliving! And now to... Diamondfly! [transforms into Diamondfly] [outside] Diamondfly: Oh help me, Lion-O! Help me! [nearby, the Eye of Thundera throbs]

Lion-O: Danger! But I don't see anything? Diamondfly: Help me, Lion-O! Help me! [begins glowing] Lion-O: Hey, turn down the lights! [dully] Pretty lights... pretty lights... lights... pretty... Diamondfly: You will help me, won't you? Lion-O (slowly): Thundercats... always... help those... in need... How... can I... help... Diamondfly: By following me... [in Mumm-Ra's voice] eternal captivity in Spidera's web! Lion-O: I must help the Diamondfly. Snarf: Help who? Diamondfly: Help me, Snarf. Help me! Snarf: Oh, no, whatever you've done to Lion-O, you're-Diamondfly (in Mumm-Ra's voice): Meddlesome nursemaid! Nothing can save the Lord of Thundercats now! Snarf: You! Diamondfly: Lion-O shall walk into eternal captivity in Spidera's Kingdom of Webs! [spiders begin emerging from the darkness] Diamondfly: And you shall precede him! Snarf: The Diamondfly is Mumm-Ra! Lion-O: Mumm-Ra! Let's see you for what you are! [holds up the Sword of Omens] Ho! [the Diamondfly changes back into Mumm-Ra] Lion-O: Your fiendish deceptions have failed! Mumm-Ra: Perhaps, Thundercat, but let's see if you can rescue your nursemaid from Spidera's Kingdom of Webs! Snarf: Whoever you are, I'd let me go if I were you. I'm a Thundercat, Snarf! Spidera: Thunder-food! [a spider ensnares Lion-O] Spider: It's no use, Lion-O! They are webs of steel! Lion-O; I'll have you out in two shakes of a cat's tail, Snarf! [Spidera roars] Snarf: Run, Lion-O! [back at Cats' Lair] Cheetara: The Thundercat signal! All: Thundercats, Ho! Panthro: What on Third Earth did Spidera make this stuff from? We'll never get rid of it! Tygra: Whatever it is, it's pretty strong stuff! Snarf: But it wasn't strong enough to hold old Snarf. Lion-O: Yes, how did you break out of that cocoon, Snarf? Snarf: You know how it is. When you think you've got nothing left, you just have to... dig deep! "The Crystal Queen" Lion-O: The engine break down? Panthro: No way! When I build them, they don't dare break down! Panthro: Well, of all the-Lion-O: What is it? Panthro: Snarf was supposed to recharge the Thundrillium Module. He must have forgotten. Lion-O: He's getting a bit absent-minded. Panthro: Well, he's not getting any younger... Lion-O: Snarf... getting old? I never thought of that...

Panthro: We'll just have to cut down on his responsibilities. [back at Cat's Lair] Snarf: Where's Lion-O? Panthro: He's standing watch at the Thunder-Tank. The Thundrillium Module ran out because-[pause] --well, it's nothing to worry about. Did you reenergize the spare module, Snarf? Snarf: Of course! I know my duties! [over at the container] It's right here in the-- [finds nothing] I put it in the-- [still finds nothing] Huh, that's funny. I could have sworn... Let's see, I was cleaning up while the module was in the energizer... It's right here in the closet! [runs over to the broom closet and opens it; the module falls out] Wily-Kit: Yikes! Wily-Kat: Watch out! [Panthro catches it] Panthro: That's our only spare! Snarf: No harm done. It's perfectly okay! Panthro: Uh, I've got to get going. Lion-O will be wondering what happened to me. Snarf: I'm coming with you. Panthro: There's no need! We'll be back before you know it! [Panthro leaves] Snarf (to himself): 'There's no need'! 'Don't bother, Snarf!' I'm not good for anything any more, that's what they think! [pause] I've got, like, a feeling! A bad feeling! Lion-O! I have to get where he is, and nobody can stop me! [after Queen Tartarra steals the bird with her flying machine] Lion-O: What is that thing, Ro-Bear Bill? Ro-Bear Bill: Ohh, it's Queen Tartarra again. She's always trying to steal the Arietta Bird for her Crystal Kingdom. She wants the bird to sing for her alone. Lion-O: Why, that's the most selfish thing I've ever heard! Ro-Bear Bill: Yes, isn't it sad? She never learned that the greatest pleasure comes from sharing! Lion-O: Well, I'm not about to wait until she learns! [to the bird] Queen Tartarra: So, you'll sing for those wretched Ro-Bear Berbils, but not for me? Very well! Your feathers will enhance my own beauty, as a headdress! Guards, destroy it! Lion-O: No! Lion-O: I'm leaving, and I'm taking the Arietta Bird! Queen Tartarra: You will never leave. My treasure chamber is my pleasure alone. Even those who guard it are forbidden to look at it. Any who have seen it are doomed to remain here forever! Lion-O: I'm the exception, Tartarra. Thunder! Thunder! Thunder-[Queen Tartarra petrifies him] [finding the bird] Snarf: Oh, a bird. You're the bird, aren't you? The one that caused all this trouble? [bird sings] Snarf: Nah, no use trying to win me over! I'm tone deaf! [bird sings] Snarf: Hey, can you sing real high? [releases the bird] Okay, you're on. Give it your best shot. [bird sings high] Not good enough! Those top notes gotta through the roof! "Safari Joe" [after landing his space ship] Safari Joe: Ha, Safari Joe does it again! Another perfect landing! Tell me, Mule, can I hit a target or what? With spaceships, with weapons, my aim's always perfect! And that's why I'm the best big game hunter in the galaxy!

Mule: You're a living legend, Safari Joe! Safari Joe: These big cats you've found for more better be a decent challenge. Mule: Thundercats, sir. Safari Joe: Big cats, aqua cats, sky cats... I've hunted them all! Mule: You haven't hunted Thundercats, sir. They're different! We've never encounted life force readings like these! Safari Joe: Then get to work, you lazy mule! Do I have to set up the holo-jector myself? I should be watching prey specifications right now! A good hunter knows everything about his prey before moving in for the kill! [Wily-Kit is flying rings around Wily-Kat] Wily-Kat: You're a showoff, Wily-Kit! [after capturing the Thunder-Kittens] Safari Joe: Ha! Safari Joe does it again! Lion-O: It's all clear! Just a few more feet and... [Snarf runs out and kicks the bucket] Snarf: Ooh! Ouch! Lion-O: Ha ha, I'll never beat you at this Kick the Bucket game, Snarf. Snarf: Wanna give it another go? Lion-O: Well, okay, but you shouldn't kick the bucket so hard next time! Panthro: Yes. I've tried sound waves, alpha waves, radio waves... nothing works! Lion-O: Do you think it's the Mutants? Panthro: Technology's too advanced for them! Lion-O: Maybe the Sword can penetrate this blind wall. Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight! [he can't see anything] Hey, there is some sort of electrical interference! I can see it, but not through it! Tygra: Not even the Sword of Omens can see through that blind. I'm going to check it out. Cheetara: I'll go with you! [they leave] Mule: Congratulations, sir! A successful hunt. Safari Joe: Will these cages hold them? Mule: The bars are made of Thundranium, a substance that somehow weakens Thundercats. Safari Joe: Now, who's next on the holo-jector? [Tygra's image appear] Mule: Thundercat prey Tygra, the Architect: Defense systems -- paranormal strength, agility, and energized bolo whip. And invisibility. Weakness -- except when he's invisible, Tygra cannot swim. [Cheetara's image appears] Thundercat prey Cheetara, the Swift One: Defense systems -- super-speed, paranormal senses, including undeveloped sixth sense, and a power staff. Weakness -- Cheetara can maintain top speed only short distances. She is vulnerable to fire, lightning, and energy bolts. Safari Joe: These full-grown ones are dangerous! Any recommendations, Mule? Mule: Neutralize defense systems. Safari Joe: Pity the beasts. Pity them, when Safari Joe goes hunting! [after catching Tygra and Cheetara] Safari Joe: Ha! Safari Joe does it again! Cheetara: Doesn't that thing ever rest? Tygra: It wouldn't matter. This... Thundranium cage has me weaker than a kitten. Cheetara: Me too. And the poor kids... they're out like lights. Somehow, we've got to warn LionO! If only I had my staff... [Safari Joe walks by with the staff] Safari Joe: Ha ha, looking for this?

[Cheetara reaches for it] Nice kitty! Be nice, or I'll make your tiger friend into a rug. Cheetara: At least tell us why you're doing this, Safari Joe. Safari Joe: Why? For sport, why else? I'm a sportsman! Cheetara: No you're not! You're just a bully! [Safari Joe draws a gun] Safari Joe: Brave words, Thundercat! But let's see how brave you'll be with your friends Panthro and Lion-O safely behind Thundranium bars with you! Safari Joe: Mule! Who's next? [Panthro appears] Mule: Thundercat prey, the deadly Panthro! Defense systems -- paranormal strength, master of all fighting arts. His shoulder spikes are endowed with remarkable properties. Panthro is a master mechanic, but Panthro is most deadly when he uses his fighting sticks and the dangerous substances he might conceal within them! Weaknesses - Panthro fears bats! Safari Joe: Bats? That's all? Good! I love a challenge! [in the Thunder-Tank] Panthro: Moonlight's too bright. Even though I'm rigged for silent riding, I might be seen! Well, since there's nothing I can do about it, I might as well go in with teeth bared and furs flying! [loads all of the tank's weapons] [Lion-O's image appears] Mule: Thundercat prey, Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats. Defense systems -- Paranormal abilities rivaling those of other Thundercat prey, claw shield with array of defensive properties. Lion-O wields the Mystic Sword of Omens, in which is embedded the Eye of Thundera-[the image of the Eye of Thundera shoots a lightning bolt that destroys the holo-jector] Safari Joe: Mule! What happened? Mule: Eye of Thundera object defies analysis! Safari Joe: Ha! A challenge I can sink my teeth into! Safari Joe: Perhaps I've underestimated your power, Thundercat! But what would you be without that sword? Lion-O: Release my friends, and I'll fight you without it! Safari Joe: You could not be that foolish! Lion-O: Release them! Safari Joe: The sword! First, throw down the sword, and then I'll release them! You have my word as a sportsman! [Lion-O throws down the sword] Safari Joe: Ha! Safari Joe does it again! [shoots Lion-O] Lion-O: Now we know you're a liar, Safari Joe! Let's see if you're a coward too! Come and get me! [runs into Cat's Lair] Safari Joe: Very clever, Lion-O. Lure me into your Cat's Lair, where hunting you is most dangerous! But, since you have nothing to fight with except your strength and wits, you don't stand a chance! [runs in after him] Safari Joe: You're not playing by my rules, Thundercat! Have you forgotten? I'm hunting you, not the other way around! Lion-O: All out of ammo, Safari Joe? [takes the gun from him] Looks like you ran out of courage, too. Safari Joe: Please--please don't--please don't hurt me! Snarf: Safari Joe turned out to be a big coward, didn't he, Lion-O! Lion-O: Most bullies are, Snarf. Most bullies are.

"Sixth Sense" Lion-O: But why did they try to destroy it? Tygra: Sometimes, when people come up across something they don't understand, they feel threatened. Panthro: And their first reaction is to destroy it. Jackalman (about the Control Unit): I don't like it! I don't understand it! We should get rid of it! Monkian: Destroy it, before it harms us! Vultureman: Ignoramus! We must learn from it. Slithe: I'll give you 12 hours, Professor Vultureman! If you have not unlocked its secrets by dawn, I'm going to obliterate it! "Snarf Takes Up The Challenge" Snarf: It's so quiet! Why aren't the lights on? [enters; turns on the lights and starts searching] Lion-O! [pause] Ch-Cheetara! [pause] Anybody home? Come on, stop kidding! Where are you all? [later] Tygra? Panthro, are you in there? Panthro! Where is everybody? Thundercats... ho-o-o-o? Unicorn Keeper: Slithe and his band of Mutant friends have captured the Thundercats! Snarf: Impossible! Unicorn Keeper: I saw it! It is true! Snarf: But... uh... couldn't... wasn't there anything you could do to help them? Unicorn Keeper: The Mutants are formidable opposition, even for Thundercats? What could I and my gentle unicorns achieve against them? Besides, it started in the Forest of Silence, where warnings go unheard! The Mutants began to herd my unicorns, driving them from the safety of their home. My husband, the Unicorn Keeper, went to the Cats' Lair and begged the Thundercats for help! Snarf: What can I do? Ro-Bear Bill: You're a Thundercat! You must save them. Snarf: I might be a Thundercat, but look at me! I don't have the cunning of Wily-Kit or Wily-Kat, the intelligence and strange powers of Tygra, the speed and the courage of Cheetara, or the technology or the skills of Panthro, the strength and youth of Lion-O... how can I save them, I'm-I'm just... Snarf... Ro-Bear Bill: You must use what talents you have. Snarf: Like what? Ro-Bear Bill: I don't know! You must have some. [pause] They say you can communicate with the creatures of Third Earth. Snarf: Yeah, creatures! [after Snarf frees the Thundercats] Lion-O: Too late, Mumm-Ra! Cheetara: It was a good plan! Tygra: But you made a fatal error! Panthro: You underestimated the seventh Thundercat! Wily-Kit: The bravest of us all! Wily-Kat: The Thundercat Snarf! [charging at the Thundercats] Mumm-Ra: Nothing will stop the vengeful force of Mumm-Ra! [Lion-O raises his sword] Lion-O: Except, evil Mumm-Ra, the horror of your own reflection!

"The Thunder-Cutter" Mumm-Ra: Once again, you have failed! Slithe: It's the Sword, Mumm-Ra, the Eye of Thundera. What can we do against it? Monkian: Each day, it seems to take on more power! Mumm-Ra: Sword? Sword? I'll show you a Sword! [conjures the image of Hachiman's sword] Here's a Sword! [conjures Hachiman] This is Hachiman, ultimate warrior bound to the Bushido code of honor. Slithe: You mean, he will fight on our side, yes? Hachiman: What is this place? Who are these foreigners? [draws] Slithe: Hey, watch it! Mumm-Ra: I, Mumm-Ra, Ever-Living Shogun of Third Earth, brought you here to my service. Your reward will be an empire of your own. Hachiman: My sword and my skills cannot be bought, Mumm-Ra-san. I fight only for honor, against evil. Mumm-Ra: And that is exactly why you are here! [conjures an image in his cauldron of the Thundercats] Mumm-Ra: My empire is threatened by evil invaders, and they attack my peace-loving soul! They are led by a warrior whose skill with a sword is unbeatable! [Hachiman draws his own sword] Hachiman: There is only one whose skill with a sword is unbeatable, and he stands before you! Mumm-Ra: This other warrior is called Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats. Hachiman: So, it is truly fate who has summoned me! They call this great sword the ThunderCutter! Hachiman: Where can I find this lion swordsman? Slithe: We will take you in our machine. Hachiman: No! A samurai lives by the Bushido code, a simple, basic life. I have no use for machines! I will find him alone! Slithe: Whatever you say, sword-swinger! Lion-O: I get the feeling we're lost! Nayda: I'm taking you on a shortcut! Lion-O: Is that wise? Nayda: We have to cross the Four Day Drop, but it will save us a whole day. Lion-O: What in the world is a Four Day Drop? Nayda: You'll see! [seeing the Four Day Drop] Nayda: We call it the Four Day Drop because if you fall in... Lion-O: takes four days to reach the bottom! Lion-O: Hey! Pardon me sir! As I started to cross first, I ask you please to back off! Hachiman: A samurai never backs off! Lion-O: Does that mean a samurai has no manners? Hachiman: Manners? It is good manners if a boy gets out of the way of a man! I will continue to cut this log until you back off! [begins slashing the bridge in half] What do you think of that, boy? Lion-O: This is what I think of that, samurai! [draws the Sword of Omens] Nayda: You fools! If one of you doesn't give way, you'll both wind up in the pit! Hachiman: Retreat, boy! Take your little sister's advice! Lion-O: I am not a boy, and that is not my little sister! [the bridge gives way] Nayda: What a perfect example of mindless combat! Hachiman: You stood up to me, my young friend, and we both kept our honor. Now I must go, for

I seek the Lord Lion-O. Lion-O: Why are you looking for this... 'Lord Lion-O'? Hachiman: My master, the shogun Mumm-Ra, has commanded me to destroy him and his Sword. Lion-O: Then go no further. I am Lion-O. Hachiman: What? This cannot be! How can I fight a man I respect, whose little sister has just saved my life. Nayda: You have already tested each other's bravery. Isn't that enough? Hachiman: Honor demands that I obey my lord, Mumm-Ra! Nayda: That's not honor! That's rigid, futile, and stupid! Hachiman: It is my belief, my code! And just because you do not understand it does not mean it is wrong! [Lion-O and Hachiman square off; Lion-O tries to draw his sword] Lion-O: The Sword refuses to fight you, samurai! It cannot be used for an evil cause, and this duel is evil! Hachiman: My honor demands that we fight to the finish! [tries to draw his sword] Hiyah! The Thunder-Cutter will not draw! This duel is wrong! Mumm-Ra lied! We are friends! I will go with you to fight this evil Mumm-Ra. [after capturing Slithe] Hachiman: Let me finish this worthless snake! Lion-O: No! He may be more useful as a prisoner. Let's find Willa. Monkian: How are we going to rescue Slithe? Mumm-Ra: They will expect us to attack, or negotiate. Monkian: So... which will we do? Mumm-Ra: Neither! Never do what your enemies expect. The samurai would not fight for us because of his code of honor. We need someone without honor! Abshe! Ancient spirits of war, Abydos, Abishemy, Duat! [a brilliant flash of light] Monkian: I don't see anyone! Mumm-Ra: Look behind you! [a ninja appears] Mumm-Ra: This is the ninja! If the samurai is for honor, the ninja has none. His methods are silence, secrecy, and stealth. And his weapons? Terror, and disguise! [at the warrior village] Nayda: It's just a Tabbut! [to the Tabbut] Identify yourself! Why are you here? Gumla: I am Gumla, the Tabbut. I have come to negotiate on behalf of the High King, Mumm-Ra. He wishes Slithe to be releaesd. Willa: Bring the Tabbut to me! [they do] Speak! Gumla: I bring assurances from the Mutants. All will be forgiven, forgotten, and filed away. All they ask is the return of their beloved leader, Slithe. [after finding Slithe] Ninja: The Mutant force will attack at first light. Be ready! [catching the ninja] Hachiman: Did you really think you could trick a samurai? You are finished, ninja! Nayda: What? [the ninja grabs her] Ninja: Another step, and I dive with her into the ground! Panthro: Lion-O, ho! Lion-O: Ho! Hachiman: Ho!

Nayda: Let me ask you, Lion-O. If it had come to it, who do you think would have won that sword duel? Lion-O: Why, Hachiman. He had the experience and strength. Nayda: When I asked him that, he said you, because you were young and flexible. Lion-O: The truth is, in a duel, nobody wins! "The Wolfrat" Mumm-Ra: Well, Vultureman, is it ready? Vultureman: Yes, Mumm-Ra! Allow me to introduce you to the robot, Wolfrat! He can penetrate the Cats' Lair's every defense! He is the state of the art in Mutant technology! Mumm-Ra: Ha, Mutant technology? Much good that has done us! Wolfrat: Attack! [fires a blast at the pool] Mumm-Ra: Ah! Perhaps I underestimated you, Vultureman. [holds up a potion] Get this into the Cats' Lair, and our problems are over. Vultureman: What is it? [Mumm-Ra sprays him; he shrinks down to tiny size] Mumm-Ra: That is the magic miniaturizing potion! It will turn the Thundercats into helpless Thunder-Kittens! [Wily-Kat is searching the Lair] Wily-Kat: Nothing so far, but when Cheetara gets a hunch, it's usually worth investigating! [after shrinking] Panthro: They say it's a small world, but this is crazy! Mumm-Ra: What we have here is a Third Earth pest control operations! [while fighting Wolfrat] Wolfrat: Attack! Attack! [fires lasers] Snarf: Candy fruit vs. lasers? Thank Jaga I can call on superior intelligence! Snarf: This armor better work, Panthro. Panthro: If it doesn't we're all finished! Wily-Kit: But how can we fight them, Lion-O? Our weapons are like toys now! Panthro: Not so fast, Wily-Kit! [Snarf emerges in a red armor] Panthro: The Snarf NK1 Charger: Guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of all mutants. Lion-O: We may be small, but if stick together we can do it. Teamwork is everything. Panthro: United we stand, divided we fall. Wily-Kat: All for one... Wily-Kit: ...and one for all! All: Thundercats, ho! [after destroying the Wolfrat] Panthro: That'll teach you to bust in where you're not wanted, you mechanical monstrosity! [after entering the empty Cats' Lair] Slithe: Is this a trap? Vultureman: The Thundercats are now puny midgets! What 'trap' could they set for us? [after returning to normal] Cheetara: Now that we're up to normal size, let's cut those Mutants down to size!

Lion-O: Snarf's taking care of that! [after giant Snarf knocks the Mutants into the river] Snarf: Good riddance to bad rubbish! Snarf: What I want to know is, when am I going to get back to my normal size? Panthro: But Snarf, don't you enjoy being big? You were such a hero when the Mutants were around. Snarf: Just doing my duty, Panthro. But now I can't get into my bed, and I keep bumping my head in the doorway. Tygra: Aw, don't worry, Snarf. It'll wear off in a few days, and you'll be your normal size again. Lion-O: But, to honor you for fighting off the Mutants, I'm going to give up my chair on the Council table, and you can take my place! Snarf: Well, in that case... [gets up and sits down on the chair; it breaks he crashes on the ground] Lion-O: We asked you join us at the Council table, but we didn't expect you to take the floor so soon! Thunder-Cutter Power * by resting it on the tip the finger, it points towards the target * it can cut through stone "Mandora and the Pirates" Mandora: Pull over there! This is Officer Mandora, Evil Chaser of Control Force 5, speaking! Stand by, I'm coming aboard! [flies into the ship] Cracker: Good evenin' to ya, Officer. Eep, I'm Captain Cracker, of the Star Fish. Mandora: Mandora, Evil Chaser 1st Class, of Force 5 Control. Cracker: What's the problem, Officer? Mandora: Broken running lights, unreadable galaxy numbers, visible radioactive exhaust.... I want to see your papers, Mister. [Lion-O is watching that] Snarf: Listening to the police band? Lion-O: It's Mandora, calling in a space freighter! I'll see if I can get a picture on the monitor... there it is! Look at that old space wreck! Have you ever seen one like it? Snarf: Why... that's old X4 neutron drive! Wait a minute, look at that transeil! See how it's shaped like an ancient galleon? That's the Jolly Rogers! Lion-O: The what? Snarf: The famous pirate ship! Years ago, it plundered the planets. The captain was a renegade robot named Cracker! He was exiled to a fixed orbit, and left to space rot! Lion-O: But... he can't still be around... Snarf: No? Warn Mandora now! Before it's too late! [Mandora destroys one of Cracker's robots with her boomerang] Mandora: Cease and desist, Cracker, before anyone else is deactivated! [Mandora communicates with Lion-O by radio] Lion-O: Thundercats, here! This is Lion-O! Mandora: I'm trapped in the pirate ship, and they've overrun the guards and taken the prison! Lion-O: What can I do? Mandora: Get here immediately! Snarf: I don't like us going off alone. Lion-O: There's no other way, Snarf. I've got to get there fast to help out Mandora.

Snarf: That police person is always in trouble! Lion-O: Of course. That's the business she's in. [Lion-O flies off] Snarf: Go, with Jaga's luck! Cracker: Officer Mandora! Come out here, or we'll bust you out! Mandora: Oh no you won't! This ship is your only way out of here. You won't damage it! Cracker: You're right about that! But we have other ways! [See-Through and Rhino escort Quickpick out] You recognize Quickpick here? I'm told he's an old friend, a reformed man, and not popular among the other punishees and murderers! Quickpick: I assure you sir, I am neutral here! Just doing my time! Cracker: So, Officer Mandora, either you leave my ship, or I literally take this one time king of the pickpockets apart! Mandora: You can't threaten the law! [Rhino and See-Through start unscrewing Quickpick's hand] Quickpick: Oh! Please, sir! I'm right-handed! Ohh! Mandora: Stop that! Cease at once! Quickpick: Ohh! It's loose! Mandora: Alright! Enough! I'm coming down! Cracker: Wise decision! Rhino! See-Through! Escort Officer Mandora ashore! We'll have to have a special welcome for Officer Mandora! Parrot: Boil her in oil! Boil her in oil! [after trapping Rhino] Lion-O: What was that? Quickpick: A Rhinoceri! This prison is teeming with all sorts of monsters! All of them loose! Lion-O: I know. I got Mandora's SOS. Quickpick: I saw you come in. Uh, let's get on that Space-Bike and leave at once! Lion-O: Not before I find Mandora! Quickpick: Mandora? By now, Captain Cracker is boiling her in oil! Lion-O: What? Stay here if you want. I'm going after Mandora! [runs off] [pause] Quickpick: Wait for me! Anyway, you've got that Sword. Lion-O: The Eye of Thundera cannot be activated here, because of the magnetic field. Quickpick: You mean... we have to tackle this on our own? Quickpick: As a trusty, I had access to the prison keys. Fortunately, I made copies against just such an emergency! Lion-O: Stop talking and open it! Quickpick: With their head start, you'll never catch them! Mandora: Wrong! The Electro-Charger will catch them easily! Quickpick: ...I was afraid of that! [to Lion-O, who is walking the plank] Cracker: Keep going, boy! You've got a long walk on a short pier! Lion-O: You caught me! Mandora: Of course. Quickpick: No problem. Lion-O: Cracker is going to attack Cats' Lair, and I have no way of warning them! [Quickpick hands Lion-O the Sword of Omens] Quickpick: Will this help? Lion-O: The Eye of Thundera! You retrieved it! Quickpick: Well, I was certainly not going to let a valuable piece of property lay around with all those... uh... crooks loose!

[after trapping Cracker and his crew in nets] Panthro: Alright, mates, we've made our catch! Let's reel 'em in! Lion-O: Will Quickpick be pardoned? Mandora: I might ask the Galaxy Governor to parole him in my custody, as an assistant. Lion-O: Hear that? You're going to get to ride around on the back of the Electro-Charger with Mandora! Quickpick (sarcastically): Marvelous! Lion-O: What's going to be Captain Cracker's fate? Parrot: Boil him in oil! Boil him in oil! Boil him in oil! Cracker: Traitor! "The Return of the Driller" Wily-Kit: Look out, Wily-Kat! You'll fall! [Wily-Kat overreaches and falls] Wily-Kat: You made me do that, Wily-Kit! Wily-Kit: No I didn't! You fell because you broke the law! Wily-Kat: 'Broke the law'? Which law? Wily-Kit: The law of gravity! [watching the Thunder-Kittens] Mumm-Ra: How very charming! What a tranquil scene! The Thundercats romp and play unmolested on my planet! I shall soon put an end to this frivolity! Begone, foul image! Driller, Sand Devil of the Deep Earth, Mumm-Ra summons you once more! To the Pyramid! I await you! [the Driller arrives] Mumm-Ra: Diamonds, Driller! You like diamonds? Driller: It is not a question of 'like' or 'dislike', o mighty Mumm-Ra. Without diamonds, a Driller's drillpoint grows dull... Mumm-Ra: Yes! Dull! And when your point dulls, you are useless, correct? Driller: Yes, yes, all-powerful one! Unable to move, and buried under Earth for eternity. Mumm-Ra: I'm glad we understand each other! Then, you shall do as I say, Driller, or I shall stop giving you diamonds! Driller: I shall do as you say! Mumm-Ra: 'I shall do as you say' what? Driller: I shall do as you say... master. Tygra: Ready for the test, Panthro? Panthro: Ready! Lion-O: You sure that motor's nailed down tight? If this super-fuel is as good as Tygra says it is, it could rip that motor right off the table! Panthro: Trust me. It will never leave the table. Tygra: Ignition! Panthro: Ignition! [the motor and the table fly off and destroy half of the room] Lion-O: You did it, Tygra! Panthro: And like I said, the motor never left the table! Tygra: Red Alert! Get ready for possible evacuation of the Lair! Lion-O: What's going on? Tygra: That foul odor! I put it through the analyzer. It's ultrasolvic acid... the same stuff that's in Acid Lake! Mumm-Ra: Those accursed Thundercats have escaped the acid. But, without the protection of Cats' Lair, they will be no match for Mumm-Ra! And one hour is all it will take for that acid to turn

Cat's Lair to liquid chowder! Mumm-Ra: They escaped again, but for the last time! The only way back is over the River of Despair. This time, I shall put out their lights personally! Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living! Cheetara: Action stations! We're going into the Whirlpool of Infinity! Mumm-Ra: My time has run out. But I will never give in! I will return and wipe the Thundercats off the face of Third Earth! Lion-O: I still say something smells funny around here. Snarf: Three guesses! Lion-O: Applesauce? Snarf: Burned applesauce! We didn't get back in time to save it! Lion-O: Well... one of two isn't bad! "Sword in a Hole" Snarf: But who are they? Lion-O: Hijackers. Captain Shiner: Mercenaries... if you please. Snarf: The Sword of Omens! Why? Shiner: As I told you, I am a mercenary. I did it for the money. [Mumm-Ra appears] Mumm-Ra: And I paid the money! Snarf: You're wasting your time! The Sword of Omens does not work for evil. Mumm-Ra: I may not be able to use it, but I can certainly destroy it! Mumm-Ra: Hear me, Ankat! Anubis! Apophis! I offer up the Eye of Thundera! I consign to the deep this defender of the right, the just, and the weak! Snarf: We won't last twenty-four hours down here! Lion-O [grunting]: I'm afraid that's the idea! Shiner: This is your Captain! I would like to welcome two new engine rooms members: a lion, and a fuzzy dog! Panthro: That little joke will cost you, clown. Now I know where they are! Panthro: Stay on this course, Captain. Shiner: You're directing me back to the black hole? Panthro: Not back to it; into it! (Navy-Engineered Power Tower Under Nuclear Energy) Shiner (to N.E.P.T.U.N.E.): Sir, I demand to see your human control! N.E.P.T.U.N.E.: I am in control here. Lion-O: You mean, there is no human force in control here? N.E.P.T.U.N.E.: Fortunately not, or this plant would have broken down eons ago. Shiner (to N.E.P.T.U.N.E.): I demand officer's quarters! Jaga: The Eye of Thundera is with you, Lion-O, the source of the Thundercats' power. Lion-O: But I cannot summon it, Jaga. Shiner has sealed the eye! It sleeps, Jaga, and I cannot awaken it.

Shiner: Your young friend talks to himself? Snarf: Jaga! Jaga: Sealed or not, the Eye sleeps only until needed. Lion-O: No, don't leave us, Jaga! Jaga: The Eye sleeps only until needed! Shiner: Jump! She's going down! Lion-O: Come with us, Captain! It's no use! Shiner: I'm in command! I order you to jump! Panthro: Come on, Shiner. You don't have to go down with the ship. Shiner: Oh yes I do! Cheetara: It's sounds to me as if it took the team work of all of you to see it through. Snarf: That's right! And if it hadn't been for my cheerful optimism, we would have given up without a fight! Panthro: If that's optimism, I'd hate to see you depressed! Lion-O: I'm sorry Captain Shiner went down with the ship. He was on the wrong side, but he was a brave man. Panthro: Don't be too sure he didn't survive; he was a remarkable space seaman. Cheetara: But surely, if the Vertus was as badly damaged as you say, it was hopeless. Snarf: Yes, but what could he do to save her? Lion-O: You never know with a man like Shiner. "The Evil Harp of Charr-Nin" Charr-Nin: You have released me, young masters! I am in your debt. Wily-Kat: Uh, who are you? Charr-Nin: I am Charr-Nin, the genie of the great golden harp! [conjures flowers for Wily-Kit] Wily-Kit: Why, thank you! But why do you call us your "master"? Charr-Nin: This harp has been my prison for many thousands of years. But now, you have released me! I will grant your every wish! Mumm-Ra: So, the Thunder Kittens want to give Lion-O a surprise? Well, we'll give him the biggest surprise of his life! The last surprise of his life! It's time Charr-Nin, the genie of the harp, met Mumm-Ra, the ever-living! Lion-O (to Charr-Nin): I'll get out of here, and when I do, you and your harp will sing a different tune. Lion-O: This was our fault. We shouldn't have messed around with something we didn't understand. Panthro: It happens. Lion-O: Well, thanks for getting us out of a hole. [Others groan] "Anointment Trial Day 3: The Trial of Cunning" Monkian: It's true! He has to fight the Thundercats one at a time. If he defeats them, they will anoint him Lord of the Thundercats! Jackalman: But he's already Lord of the Thundercats! Monkian: Every Thundercat Lord has to go through the Anointment Trials. Lion-O's time has come! He's already defeated Panthro and Cheetara. Now, it's the Thunder-Kittens turn! Jackalman: Hah, they don't stand a chance against that wretched Sword of Omens! Monkian: That's the whole point! He's not allowed to use any weapons, and he can't ask for help. If he does, he fails the trial!

Slithe: We'll never have a better chance to destroy him, once and for all, yes! [while watching the viewscreen] Panthro: Lion-O should hit the maze any moment now! Cheetara: Look! There he is! Panthro: But where are the kids? [after the Thunder-Kittens slide through a chute] Lion-O: So, we start even after all, despite your secret shortcut! Wily-Kit: It looks like it! Lion-O: Any time you're ready then. Wily-Kat; We're always ready! [Wily-Kat laughs] Lion-O: That's Wily-Kat! Seems to come from the left. [Wily-Kit laughs] Lion-O: But that's Kit, from the right! Wily-Kit: Go right, Lion-O! Right! Wily-Kat: Go left, Lion-O! Left! Lion-O: Thanks just the same, kids, but I'll find my own way out. [while watching the viewscreen] Cheetara: Lion-O's still on the wrong route. Panthro: Yeah. Going through that part of the cave is almost impossible. Snarf: Look! Panthro: A vehicle of some kind. Snarf: Must be... Panthro: Mutants! Snarf: Look! Lion-O's finding his way back to the main track! Cheetara: And Wily-Kat and Kit are waiting for him, with more of their traps... Under-Man: Can you read, Over-Earth Man? Lion-O: Huh? Well, sure, I can read, but-Under-Man: You will read to us, Over-Earth Man! Lion-O: Why don't you read them your voice? Under-Man 2: One needs light to read! Under-Man 3: Our eyes can no longer bear the light! Under-Man 4: Because of you, and your kind! [Lion-O gets shocked by one of the Under-Men] Under-Man: A mild shock, Over-Earth Man. We can do worse. Under-Man 3: Much worse! Under-Man 4: Your kind forced our ancestors to hide in these caves! Lion-O: My kind? Under-Man 4: The Over-Lords! They feared our books! Under-Man 3: They sought to destroy them! Under-Man 2: Now you will read to us, until your eyes can no longer bear the light. Without OverEarth eyes, you must remain down here forever! Snarf: Lion-O's back on the track! Panthro: But look! Wily-Kat and Wily-Kit are off in one of the side caves. Snarf: Another underhanded trick! Cheetara: They're only doing what they're supposed to, Snarf! Snarf: But why do they have to do it so good? Lion-O: I can't hang on!

[Lion-O slips; an Under-Man catches him] Lion-O: You! Under-Man: We heard the cries! Under-Man 2: We'll help your friends. Under-Man 3: You helped us! Under-Man 4: You saved our books! [after Lion-O reaches the tree first] Thunder-Kittens: You tricked us! Lion-O: Yep! It's been a trick for a trick all day, but it's the last trick that wins the game! Cheetara: Panthro, the screen's gone dead! Panthro: And no signal from the Sword! Snarf: Does that mean...? Panthro: That Lion-O failed the Wily-Cats' trial? Probably. I wasn't crazy about Lion-O's chances against Tygra, even if he had beaten the Wily-Cats. Snarf: Hey, come on you guys, we don't know that he lost! [later, the Eye of Thundera flashes] Cheetara: The Sword! Panthro: He did it! Lion-O did it! Snarf: Yeah, I knew he would! Knew it all along! Look out, Tygra! "The Mumm-Ra Berbil" Jackalman: Why have you summoned us here, Mumm-Ra? Mumm-Ra: I wish to teach you a lesson. Look! A miserable record of consistent failure, Mutants. A pathetic exhibition of Plun-Darrian incompetence. A convincing demonstration of calamity, clumsiness, and cowardice. There is only one creature who can rid Third Earth of the Thundercats: me! Mumm-Ra, ever-living source of evil! And I will do it! Mumm-Ra Berbil: Fools! They're all fools! Ancient spirits of evil... transform this feeble Berbil into the one creature on Third Earth that the Thundercat Panthro fears: the energy bat! Tygra: That Berbil's no friend of ours. I wonder if it's a Berbil at all. Snarf: You mean... Tygra: Yes. Mumm-Ra can take any form. Mumm-Ra: Find your master, Snarf! Find Lion-O, and bring him home to his friends! We can't wait to see him! Lion-O: Oh, hi, Snarf! I guess you didn't find them either. Snarf: Oh, I found them all right... and we'll all do Mumm-Ra's bidding! Mumm-Ra: That piece of tin won't harm me! Lion-O: But the horror of your own reflection will! Mumm-Ra: Unlike those miserable Mutants, Lion-O, I learn from my mistakes! [puts on a pair of sunglasses] There is no reflection; nothing can save you now! Tygra: The party's over, Mumm-Ra! Mumm-Ra: This is not a failure, Thundercats. Merely a setback. And each time we meet, I learn more. One day, I'll prevail... "Mechanical Plague"

[watching Snarf jump around on the screen] Tygra: Was that Snarf? Snarf: Of course it was me! Tygra: Strange... didn't look like you! Snarf: Very funny. What are we going to do that thing anyway? Panthro: Each one of us will have one of these recorders. Lion-O: And we're going to make a holographic record of everything that happens on Third Earth. Wily-Kit: Sounds like fun, but what's it all for? Tygra: It'll be like a time capsule for future generations. Cheetara: So they can see what it was like here on Third Earth. Wily-Kat: What's the use of a time capsule, Lion-O? Who cares what happened in the past? Tygra: We can learn from the past! Wily-Kit: You see a mistake, and try not to make it again? Panthro: Exactly! Lion-O: Everybody set? Tygra: Let's go. Cheetara: Ready when you are? Panthro: Sure! Wily-Kat: We can't wait! Wily-Kit: Right! Lion-O: Okay, let's make it a great show! All: Thundercats... ho! [they split up] Snarf (to his holoprojector]: Hey! Know why ducks don't fly upside-down? Because they quack up! Get it? Quack up! Mumm-Ra: So, Lion-O wants a show? Heh, heh, I'll give him a 'show'! I'll give him... the Thundercats' last act! Mumm-Ra: Ancient spirits of iron and steel, salvage the robots and war machines of the past! Send me a mechanical plague to bring down the curtain on those wretched Thundercats once and for all! [resurrects the Giant Technopede, the War Machine, the Driller, etc.] Seek and destroy! Seek and destroy! Seek and destroy! Seek... and destroy! You may have got the better of these robots one at a time, Thundercats, they'll give you quite a different show! A tragedy! [Panthro vs. Giant Technopede "Turmagar the Tuska"] [Tygra vs. Slithe's War Machine "Return to Thundera"] [Cheetara vs. the Driller "Spitting Image" & "Return of the Driller"] [Thunder-Kittens vs. Mechanosect "Return of the Driller"] [to the camera while fighting the Mutants] Lion-O: I hope you're getting all this, because I'm not doing any retakes! [while fighting the Mutants] Lion-O: I think I've had it with this show! Time to change the scene! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats... ho! Mumm-Ra: Cowards! Bunglers! Obviously, I expected too much from a cast of bit-playing Mutants! Rest assured, Thundercats, this was just a rehearsal! When it comes to the real performance, I, Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living, will star... and I will not leave the stage until I have destroyed you! Lion-O: You were great, Snarf!

Tygra: The star of the show! Snarf: That's the last time I do a comedy part. Next time, I'm going to be serious. The real star! Panthro: You know what they say! Snarf: What's that? Panthro: There's a hidden Hamlet in every comic! Snarf: E-exactly! [walking away] What the heck's a 'Hamlet'? "Anointment Trial Day 4 - The Trial of Mind Power" Monkian: There's Tygra, Slithe! Jackalman: Hurry, Slithe! Lion-O has already passed Panthro's Trial of Strength, Cheetara's Trial of Speed, and Wily-Kids' Trial of Cunning! Monkian: We must stop at nothing to keep Lion-O from being officially anointed as the Lord of the Thundercats! Jackalman: Yes! If we cause Lion-O to fail, the Thundercats will be leaderless. Slithe: And Third Earth will be ours to rule as we please! [spotting the Mutants] Tygra: Mutants! Mustn't let them interfere. I should conserve all my mind power for Lion-O's Trial, but... [after watching the Mutants crash into the snow because of an illusion] Snarf: I don't get it! Why did the Mutants do that? Panthro: Tygra had something to do with that, if I'm not mistaken. One of his illusions! Wily-Kat: Why hasn't he ever used these illusions before? Panthro: Using his mind power is a terrible strain on Tygra. He's been storing up all his mental energy for today's Anointment Trial. Lion-O (thinking): Daybreak! Well, if my mind isn't prepared for Tygra's mind power now, it's too late to do anything about it! [looking at the map] The Desert of Sinking Sands lies on the other side of those mountains. I must get there before sundown. And Tygra will, somehow, be trying to stop me all along the way. Tygra: Ho, Lion-O! Lion-O: Ho, Tygra! I'm ready. Tygra: Have you focused your mind, Lion-O? Lion-O: I've tried to remember everything you taught me, Tygra! Tygra: The Lord of the Thundercats must be able to tell what is from what is not. Have you prepared yourself? Lion-O: That's what we're here to find out. Tygra: I am allowed to tell you this, Lion-O: Before this day is over, Lion-O, you will face your greatest fear. Lion-O: But... I fear nothing. That I know of. Tygra: We shall see. Let the Trial begin! Panthro: No way Lion-O can ever match Tygra in mind power. The Tygra clan of Thundercats have a special gift for it. Wily-Kat: Well, then how can Lion-O possibly win today's Trial? Panthro: By being able to resist the illusions created by Tygra's mind. Lion-O: A blizzard! I can't tell if this storm is real or another of Tygra's illusions. Either way, it's cold. No! Can't let myself feel it. Concentrate! It's not cold! It's not cold... it's freezing, is what it is! There is no blizzard. It doesn't exist! It's... getting worse! Tygra (chanting): Make him see what is not there! [sees giant snowflakes] Lion-O: Snowflakes can't be that big! It's Tygra's doing; he's making me see what is not there. There are no giant snowflakes! The blizzard is not... is not... is...

[the blizzard vanishes] Tygra: So much for the warmup! Now, for the game! [after dropping his belt next to Snowmeow] Lion-O: That arch! It's on my map; I'm still headed in the right direction. [looks down] My belt! I've got to go back for it! Monkian: I'm telling you, Slithe. There was nothing left of Lion-O but his belt! Jackalman: We've seen the last of him! Slithe: We've thought so before! Jackalman: You'd be convinced of it too, Slithe, if you'd seen that cave beast! Slithe: I'll never be convinced, until I see for myself, yes? [in his vision] Lion-O: It's not night... I'm in space! Going to... crash! [sees Planet Thundera] I can't see where I'm... [spots the scene] That's Thundera! I've come back, in time and space. It's happening again! It was Jaga who saved me; he got me aboard the spaceship, just in time to see my beloved Thundera blown into space dust. It's my nightmare, it's waken me in terror ever since! I hid my fear then, as I hide it now... Tygra (voiceover): Because... before this day is over, you will face your greatest fear! Lion-O: My greatest fear is... that I'll be afraid again! But I fear it no more! Do you hear me, Tygra? My nightmare is over! Lion-O: Now that I have survived the Trials of all the Thundercats, I wonder why they were so important. It is our tradition. Lion-O: Tradition? Tygra: Yes, Lion-O. It gives our lives form, tells us who we are and what we must do. "The Transfer" Ship: Off-course! Alert! Off-course! Alert! Mumm-Ra: "The Mountain" Mumm-Ra: It seems you have given up your fight to possess the Sword of Omens, Mutants! Monkian: That's not true, Mumm-Ra! Jackalman: