Convex modeling and sizing of electrically supercharged ... · Convex modeling and sizing of...

Convex modeling and sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine powertrain Citation for published version (APA): Marinkov, S., Murgovski, N., & de Jager, B. (2016). Convex modeling and sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine powertrain. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(6), 4523-4534. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2510510 Document status and date: Published: 16/06/2016 Document Version: Accepted manuscript including changes made at the peer-review stage Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 17. Jun. 2020

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Page 1: Convex modeling and sizing of electrically supercharged ... · Convex modeling and sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine powertrain Citation for published

Convex modeling and sizing of electrically superchargedinternal combustion engine powertrainCitation for published version (APA):Marinkov, S., Murgovski, N., & de Jager, B. (2016). Convex modeling and sizing of electrically superchargedinternal combustion engine powertrain. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(6), 4523-4534.


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Convex modeling and sizing of electricallysupercharged internal combustion engine powertrain

Sava Marinkov, Nikolce Murgovski and Bram de Jager

Abstract—This paper investigates a concept of an electricallysupercharged internal combustion engine powertrain. A super-charger consists of an electric motor and a compressor. It drawsits power from an electric energy buffer (e.g., a battery) and helpsthe engine during short-duration high-power demands. Both theengine and the buffer are sized to reduce the sum of the vehicleoperational (fuel) and component (engine and buffer) costs. Forthis purpose, a convex, driving cycle-based vehicle model isderived, enabling the formulation of an underlying optimizationproblem as a second order cone program. Such a program canbe efficiently solved using dedicated numerical tools (for a givengear selection strategy), which provides not only the optimalengine/buffer sizes but also the optimal vehicle control and statetrajectories (e.g., compressor power and buffer energy). Finally,the results obtained from a representative, numerical case studyare discussed in detail.


BL Baseline.DS Downsized.NA Naturally-aspirated.SC Supercharged.A Area.C Capacitance.E Energy.H Heating value.J Cost function.L Gear ratio set.P Power.Q Charge.R Electrical resistance.T Temperature.V Volume.a Linear acceleration.c Constant coefficient.m Mass.m Mass flow.p Pressure.r Radius.s Scaling variable.soc State-of-charge.t Time.u Voltage.v Linear velocity.

Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must beobtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected].

Sava Marinkov and Bram de Jager are with the Department of MechanicalEngineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Nether-lands (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected].).

Nikolce Murgovski is with the Department of Signals and Sys-tems, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden (e-mail:[email protected]).

w Weighting coefficient.γ Varying coefficient.η Efficiency.λ Ratio.µ Price.ω Rotational velocity.ρ Density.τ Torque.ˆ(·) Approximate.¯(·) Baseline/mean effective.(·)c Chemical.(·)e Electrical.(·)m Mechanical.(·)A Alternator.(·)AM Ambient (air).(·)AU Auxiliary.(·)B Electric energy buffer.(·)BR Brake.(·)C Compressor.(·)E Engine.(·)EM Exhaust manifold.(·)G Gearbox.(·)IM Intake manifold.(·)M Motor.(·)ML Mechanical link.(·)V Vehicle.(·)W Wheel.(·)end End.(·)life Life-cycle.(·)surge Compressor surge.(·)vol Volumetric.(·)year Year.(·)R Specific gas constant of air.(·)c Cell (electric).(·)d Drag.(·)ec Compression ratio.(·) f Frontal.(·)g Gravity.(·)l Lower.(·)min Minimum.(·)max Maximum.(·)p Specific heat constant of air (at const. pressure).(·)r Rolling resistance.(·)α Air.(·)κ Specific heat ratio of air.(·)φ Fuel.(·)Π Pressure ratio.

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Recent years have shown high interest in the reduction ofenergy consumption and pollutant emissions of ground trans-portation. With the goal of improving energy efficiency andemploying renewable energy sources, vehicle manufacturersare currently introducing several types of electrified vehicles.Nevertheless, internal combustion engines (ICE) are expectedto remain the dominant force in the automotive market for thenext decade [1].

To meet the ever-tightening expectations on the vehiclefuel economy, the automotive industry has pursued the pathof engine downsizing [2]. The engine downsizing has beentypically followed by the ICE overpowering, e.g., by meansof torque boosting [3], [4], to improve the vehicle drivabil-ity. In general, the application of the ICE downsizing andoverpowering results in lower carbon emissions and a betterfuel economy, w.r.t. the original, large engine situation – dueto the reductions in the engine weight, friction and pumpinglosses [5]. The ICE overpowering can be also achieved usingintake air boosting, with the help of a turbocharger (driven byhot exhaust gases) or a supercharger (driven mechanically by acrankshaft via a chain or a belt). In both cases, a compressor isutilized to increase (boost) the pressure/density of air suppliedto the engine and thus provide it with more oxygen. Thisallows more fuel to be injected and burned, thereby risingthe ICE maximum torque and power limits.

However, the turbocharged ICEs exhibit a relatively poortorque capability at low engine speeds, which compromises thevehicle drivability and acceleration performance [6]. Namely,at low speed, the downsized ICEs suffer from insufficientexhaust gas-flow to adequately propel the turbocharger fromthe moment the gas pedal is pressed, resulting in a well-known turbo-lag [2]. The belt-driven supercharger, on the otherhand, does not experience this phenomenon but is less fueleconomic, as it increases the engine parasitic losses. One wayto efficiently provide the required low-end torque and at thesame time eliminate the turbo-lag is to electrify the super-charger, i.e., to replace its mechanical power source (primemover) with an electric motor [7]–[9]. The resulting device,an electric supercharger, i.e., a motor-compressor unit (MCU),follows a popular automotive trend of vehicle electrification –which has already proven capable of enhancing the efficiencyand performance of numerous systems such as steering, waterpump and air conditioning [10].

Historically, a lack of compact, high-power/energy-densityelectric sources and of light-weight, high-speed, high-power-density electric motors prohibited the proliferation of theMCUs throughout the automotive sector. The widely used 12 Vbattery system is at the limit of providing sufficient power forthe electrical boost [4]. Besides, the high power surges fromthe MCU may incur high battery losses.

Today the situation regarding electric storage elements issomewhat different as a plethora of high-power batteries andhigh-energy capacitors has appeared on the market. However,the choice of the electric buffer technology and optimal buffersize, in terms of its power rating and energy density, is stillan open question.

This paper presents a method for computing the buffer sizethat provides sufficient electric power and energy to run the su-percharger. The supercharger is used to help the engine during











BRE. link



Fig. 1. Illustration of the components considered in the proposed powertrainsizing problem – arrows indicate a power flow direction. The source of air flowfeeding an internal combustion engine (ICE) intake (IM) and exhaust (EM)manifolds is determined using a bypass (BV) and a throttle valve (TV). TheICE is equipped with a stand-alone motor-compressor unit (MCU) consistingof a compressor (C) and an electric motor (M). The motor, as well as otherelectric auxiliary loads (AUe), draws its power from an electric buffer (B).The buffer is charged by a conventional car-alternator (A) that is mechanicallycoupled to the ICE crankshaft along with mechanical auxiliary loads (AUm). Aclutch and a gearbox (G) connect the ICE with wheels (W) and brakes (BR).

short-duration high-power demands, which could potentiallyallow it to be downsized. Specifically, the sizing of boththe ICE and the buffer is performed by minimizing the sumof the vehicle operational (fuel) and component (engine andbuffer) costs. This optimization problem constitutes a dynamicprogram, where the ICE and buffer are optimally sized onlywhen the vehicle is also optimally controlled on a studieddriving cycle. In addition, this problem is also a non-convex,nonlinear and a mixed-integer dynamic program, where bothplant design and control parameters act as optimization vari-ables.

The plant design and control problem is typically handledby decoupling the plant and the controller, and then optimizingthem sequentially or iteratively [11]–[16]. However, sequentialand iterative strategies generally fail to achieve global opti-mality [17]. An alternative is a nested optimization strategy,where an outer loop optimizes the system objectives over a setof feasible plants, and an inner loop generates optimal controlsfor plants chosen by the outer loop [14]. This approachdelivers a globally optimal solution, but may incur heavycomputational burden (when, e.g., dynamic programming isused to optimize the energy management [18]), or may requiresubstantial modeling approximations [19]–[21].

This paper addresses the plant design and control problemby first decoupling the integer decisions, i.e., the gear selectionstrategy, and then by formulating the remaining problem as aconvex second order cone program (SOCP) [22]. The integersignals are decided outside of the convex program, by meansof two simple heuristic strategies – one designed to promotethe ICE downsizing and one that aims to maximize the ICEefficiency. Finally, a case study is provided where the optimalengine and the electric buffer sizes are computed for a specific,MCU-equipped vehicle.

This paper is organized as follows. Section II providesbackground to the electrically supercharged ICE configurationand states a verbal problem formulation. The mathematicalmodeling is provided in Section III and the convex optimiza-tion problem is formulated in Section IV. Section V presentsa use-case study. Conclusions are drawn in Section VI.


The block diagram of the electrically supercharged ICE isillustrated in Fig. 1. The MCU, which is placed in the ICEair intake along with a bypass valve, enables more power

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Minimize:Operational + component cost,Subject to:Driving cycle constraints,Energy conversion and balance constraints,Buffer dynamics,Physical limits of components,...(For all time instances along the driving cycle).

to be delivered by the ICE, e.g., while overtaking or whenstarting-off at the traffic lights. The supercharging (SC) refersto a situation when the excess power is needed, i.e., when thebypass valve is closed. In contrast, during naturally-aspirated(NA) operation the bypass valve is open.

The bursts of mechanical MCU power have to be matchedby the power ratings of the electric buffer that feeds the MCU.However, deciding the optimal buffer energy requirement isnot trivial since it depends on the typical daily usage of thevehicle. A common way of representing the vehicle dailyusage is by recording the vehicle speed and acceleration timeprofiles, and then by constructing a driving cycle that containsboth the vehicle speed and road topography as functions oftime. An example of one such cycle is the Class 3 WorldHarmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure1 (WLTP3), whichis used here as a proof of concept for realization of the methodbeing proposed.

The vehicle is required to exactly follow the speed de-manded by the driving cycle, thus ensuring that a possibledownsizing of the powertrain does not compromise the de-manded performance. To have a fair comparison, the buffer isrequired to sustain its initial charge at the end of the drivingcycle, meaning that any energy used for supercharging has tobe put back in the buffer at some point, through the use of aconventional car alternator driven by the ICE. This may requirehigh utilization of the electric buffer, making it beneficial toincrease its size. However, a larger buffer increases the costof the vehicle. Then, to keep the cost down, the possibility ofdownsizing the ICE is also considered, such that the optimaltrade-off is reached between the components cost and theoperational cost within the lifetime of the vehicle.

The resulting optimization problem is verbally stated inTable I, whereas its mathematical description is deferred toSection IV.


In the remainder, a power-based [23], quasistatic model of a4-stroke ICE is provided. The ICE is downsized by scaling itsdisplacement volume while keeping its bore-stroke and com-pression ratios constant. Specifically, the ICE displacementvolume is defined as VE = sEVE, where VE denotes the baselinevolume and sE ∈ (0,1] the engine scaling coefficient. The ICEis equipped with the MCU, which provides the possibilityto enhance its torque capacity by means of supercharging.To match the MCU power requirements the vehicle electricenergy buffer is sized as well. For this purpose, the buffer is

1, March 2015.



sE sB







ωA PmA


P cE



P eA


ωC PmC

P eC

sBP eB2










P eB1













cycleDrive Alter.

& p.e. & p.e.



Fig. 2. Quasistatic model of an ICE equipped with a stand-alone MCU –arrows indicate component inputs and outputs.

considered to be built out of nB = sBnB cells connected inseries, where sB > 0 represents the buffer scaling coefficientand nB the baseline cell count. Both sE and sB are treated asreal optimization variables.

A. Vehicle

The vehicle is modeled as a system with a point mass

mV = mEsE + mBsB + mV, (1)

where mE denotes the baseline engine mass, mB the baselinebuffer mass and mV the baseline vehicle mass (excluding mEand mB). The mass mB is further defined as mB = mcnB, withmc being the baseline buffer cell mass.

If the driving cycle provides the demanded vehicle speedvV≥ 0, the acceleration aV and the road slope α , and assumingthat the driving occurs in still air, the vehicle wheel speed ωWand the power at the wheels Pm

W can be computed as

ωW =vV

rW, (2)

PmW = aVλVmVvV +ag sin(α)mVvV +agcr cos(α)mVvV (3)


ρAMcdA f v3V.

The terms on the righthand side of (3) respectively representthe inertial driving, driving on a slope, rolling resistance andaerodynamic drag power components. Here, rW denotes thewheel radius, λV the equivalent vehicle mass ratio, ag thegravitational acceleration, cr the rolling resistance coefficient,ρAM the ambient air density, cd the drag coefficient and A fthe vehicle’s frontal area. Due to (1) the power Pm

W is affinein the optimization variables, i.e.,

PmW = γW0 + γW1sE + γW2sB, (4)


γW2 = (aVλV +ag sin(α)+agcr cos(α)) mBvV, (5)γW1 = (aVλV +ag sin(α)+agcr cos(α)) mEvV,

γW0 =12

ρAMcdA f v3V +(aVλV +ag sin(α)+agcr cos(α)) mVvV.

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B. Wheels & brakesThe required mechanical power at the wheel side of the

gearbox is given by

PmG2 = Pm

W +PmBR, (6)

where PmBR ≥ 0 is an optimization variable representing the

power of the brakes.

C. GearboxThe speed and power at the engine side of the gearbox are

given by the following expressions

ωG = λG(g)ωW, (7)Pm

G1 = γG0 +PmG2, (8)

whereγG0 = cG0 + cG1ωG + cG2ω

2G, (9)

with λG(g) denoting the gear ratio corresponding to the gearg ∈ 1, . . . ,5 and γG0 ≥ 0 the gearbox drag losses. The gearis treated as an optimization variable decided separately andprior to the rest, see Section IV-B.

D. Mechanical power linkTo be able to distinguish between regular and idling engine

operation, define

γML =

1, for ωG ≥ ωE,min,

0, otherwise.(10)

Then the engine and the alternator speed exiting the mechan-ical power link follow

ωE = ωGγML +ωE,min(1− γML), (11)ωA = λAωE, (12)

while the corresponding engine mechanical power balancereads

PmE = Pm

G1γML +PmA +Pm

AU. (13)

Here, λA denotes the alternator speed ratio, ωE and ωE,min theICE rotational and idle speed, ωA the alternator speed, andPm

E ,PmA ,Pm

AU ≥ 0 the mechanical power of the ICE, alternatorand the remaining mechanical auxiliary units (assumed con-stant). The power Pm

A is one of the optimization variables.

E. ICE & air-fuel controlThe ICE mechanical behavior can be described using the

following relationship [24], [25]:

pE = ηE pφ − pEf− pEg, (14)

where ηE denotes the effective ICE efficiency, pE and pφ theengine brake and fuel mean effective pressures, and pEf andpEg the brake mean effective pressure losses due to enginefriction and pumping work. Assuming that the ratio λec, theignition/injection timing angles, the burnt gas fraction and thebore-stroke ratio are kept constant, the effective efficiency ηEcan be treated as a function of the engine speed only [24], i.e.,

ηE = cη0 + cη1ωE + cη2ω2E, (15)

where cη i, i ∈ 0,1,2 denote constant parameters. The twopressures, pE and pφ , further read

pE =4πτE


pφ =4πPc


, (17)

while the related loss components may be modeled2 [24] as

pEf = c f 0 + c f 2ω2E, (18)

pEg = cg0 + cg1τE

τE,max, (19)

with τE,max = τE,max(ωE,sE) denoting the maximum achievabletorque τE of a downsized ICE during its NA operation,c f 0,c f 2,cg0 and cg1 some constant parameters. The ICE chem-ical (fuel) power Pc

E is given by

PcE = mφ Hl , (20)

with Hl being the fuel lower heating value and mφ the ICEfuel mass flow. Assuming that the fuel controller maintainsa constant, stoichiometric air-fuel ratio λαφ , the flow mφ isrelated to the required engine air mass flow as

mφ =mα


. (21)

Since from the air system perspective the engine acts as avolumetric pump, the air mass flow fulfills

mα = ηvolpAMsEVEωEλΠ

4πcRTIM, (22)

where λΠ represents the ratio between the intake manifold andthe ambient air pressures, pIM and pAM, satisfying 0≤ λΠ ≤λΠ,max > 1, with λΠ,max being its stoichiometric combustionknock limit value. Furthermore, cR is the specific gas constantof air, TIM the intake manifold air temperature and ηvol =ηvol(ωE,λΠ) the engine volumetric efficiency. The efficiencyηvol is frequently modeled as a multilinear function [24] ofthe pressure ratio λΠ and the speed ωE, i.e.,

ηvol = ηvol,ω ηvol,Π, (23)


ηvol,ω = cvol0 + cvol1ωE + cvol2ω2E, (24)

ηvol,Π = 1+1









with pEM being the (constant) exhaust manifold pressure, λecthe engine compression ratio, λκ the specific heat ratio of airand cvoli, i ∈ 0,1,2 some constant parameters.

Using (16) to (21) the expression (14) can be rewritten interms of torque, as follows

τE = ηEmα Hl

λαφ ωE− VEsE

(pEf + cg0 + cg1



). (25)

Since during the ICE NA operation at a wide-open throttle itholds τE = τE,max(ωE,sE), λΠ ≈ 1 and TIM ≈ TAM, where TAMdenotes the ambient air temperature – by substituting these

2The adopted friction loss model is pessimistic as lower friction losses canbe expected in the case of downsized engines.

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values and the flow given by (22) in (25), the expression fortorque τE,max can be derived. This yields

τE,max =




−VE(pEf + cg0 + cg1)


(26)= τE,maxsE. (27)

where τE,max = τE,max(ωE) denotes the maximum achievabletorque of a baseline (non-downsized) NA ICE and ηvol =ηvol(ωE,1). By multiplying both sides of (25) with ωE andusing (27), one can further obtain the relationship betweenthe ICE mechanical Pm

E = τEωE and the fuel power PcE, i.e.,

PcE =

4πτE,max + cg1VE


E +VEωE(pEf + cg0)

4πηEsE, (28)

PcE = γE1Pm

E + γE,minsE, (29)

where γE1 > 1 and γE,min > 0. The power PcE is treated as an

optimization variable.

F. Air system

During the ICE SC operation it holds τE > τE,max(ωE,sE),when pIM ≈ pC > pAM and TIM ≈ TC > TAM, where pC,TCdenote the compressor outlet pressure and temperature. Thusone may approximate the compressor pressure ratio pC/pAMby the intake manifold pressure ratio λΠ and express thetemperature TC, as




Π−1), (30)

where ηC is the isentropic compressor efficiency (assumedconstant). The equations (22) and (30) uniquely determine thevalues of TC and λΠ for each given mα and ωE. Although theunderlying relations are nonlinear in λΠ, in its narrow range ofinterest, i.e., for λΠ ∈ [1,λΠ,max], they can be approximated bysuitable affine functions. To achieve this, the expressions (22)and (30) are first rewritten as

TC = λT TAM, (31)mα = λmγmsE,

where λT = 1 + 1ηC



, λm =ηvol,ΠλΠ

λTand γm =


. Then, the best affine fits λT ≈ λT and λm ≈ λm(w.r.t. λΠ, in the least-squares sense) are constructed whileenforcing λT (1) = λT (1) and λm(1) = λm(1), to preservecontinuity. This yields

λT = cT 0 + cT 1λΠ, (32)

λm = cm0 + cm1λΠ, (33)

where cTi > 0 and cmi > 0, i ∈ 0,1 are constant parameters,see Fig. 3.

From (31), (33), (21) and (20) the pressure ratio limit λΠ ≤λΠ,max can be expressed as an engine size-dependent limit onthe fuel power Pc

E. Specifically, it follows

PcE ≤

γmHl(cm0 + cm1λΠ,max)


sE = γE,maxsE. (34)

1 1.2 1.4 1.60




λΠ [-]







Fig. 3. Affine approximation of compressor temperature TC and engine airmass flow mα dependence on the intake manifold pressure ratio λΠ.

Furthermore, the mechanical MCU power PmC ≤ cC,max, is

given byPm

C = max(mα cp(TC−TAM),0) , (35)

where cp denotes the specific heat of air at constant pressureand cC,max the maximum compressor mechanical power (as-sumed constant). Using (31), (32), (21) and (20), the powerPm

C can be computed as

PmC = max


E + γC2Pc2


,0), (36)

with the coefficients

cC1 =λαφ cpTAM(cT 0cm1− cT 1cm0− cm1)

Hlcm1, (37)

γC2 =λ 2

αφcpTAMcT 1

H2l cm1γm


Since γC2 > 0, ∀ωE, the expression γC2Pc2E + cC1Pc

E is convexin Pc

E. Moreover, as sE > 0, a perspective function [22]corresponding to this expression is given by the first argumentof the maximum function in (36), which implies that thisargument is convex in both Pc

E and sE. Because the maximumof two convex functions is itself convex, the same also holdsfor the compressor power Pm

C .Furthermore, it is assumed that for the air mass

flow/pressure ratio range of interest the MCU can be alwayschosen such that the compressor surge/choke phenomena donot occur. The surge condition can be expressed as [24]:

ωC ≤ ωC,surge ≈ csurge0 + csurge1mα , (38)

where ωC denotes the compressor speed, ωC,surge(mα) thecompressor surge speed limit (for a given air mass flow) andcsurge0,csurge1 > 0 some constant fitting coefficients.

G. Alternator and MCU motorThe electric machine electric power can be modeled as

a second-order polynomial of its mechanical power, with aconstant term representing a speed-dependent drag loss [25].In this context, the alternator electric power can be formulatedas

PeA = γA0 + cA1Pm

A + cA2Pm2A , (39)

whereγA0 = cA00 + cA01ωA + cA02ω

2A > 0, (40)

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2 4 6






nE [krpm]

Pm C[kW]

BL & NADS & NADS & SCideal

2 4 6







nE [krpm]τE[N


2 4 60



nE [krpm]

Pc E[kW]

0 20 400









E [kW]

Pc E[kW]

Fig. 4. Top left: the constrained compressor power PmC needed to achieve

the maximum pressure ratio λΠ,max = 1.58. Top right: the maximum ICEtorque τE of the baseline NA, the downsized NA and the downsized SC ICE(with sE = 0.8, λΠ,max = 1.58). Bottom left: the corresponding maximum ICEchemical power Pc

E. Bottom right: the ICE chemical power PcE vs. the ICE

mechanical power PmE . The speed nE represents the ICE speed ωE expressed

in (thousands of) rotations per minute.

with cA0i, i ∈ 0,1,2, cA02 ≥ 0, −1 < cA1 < 0 and cA2 ≥ 0being constant coefficients, see Fig. 5. The signs of cA1and cA2 ensure that the electric alternator power Pe

A is non-positive for a non-negative mechanical alternator power Pm

A .This is in accordance with a general convention (in the energymanagement of electrified vehicles) which states that theelectric power should be positive when the electric machineacts to discharge the electric buffer (i.e., during motoring)and negative when it charges it (i.e., during generating).Furthermore, the coefficient cA1 is bounded to reflect thephysical limitations of the alternator. Namely, if one would letcA1 >= 0 this would imply that the alternator can sometimesoperate as a motor, which is not considered in this study. If,however, cA1 <=−1, then it could happen that the alternatorelectrical power output is absolutely larger than its mechanicalpower input, which is not physically possible.

The mechanical power PmA is constrained both above and

below, i.e., 0≤ γA,min ≤ PmA ≤ cA,max, where

γA,min =−cA1−




and cA,max is a constant parameter.Similarly to the alternator, the MCU electric power Pe

C canbe modeled as

PeC = Pm

C0 + cM1PmC + cM2Pm2

C , (42)

where the speed-dependent motor drag loss is given by

PmC0 = cM00 + cM01ωC + cM02ω

2C > 0, (43)

with cM0i, i ∈ 0,1,2, cM02 ≥ 0, cM1 > 1 and cM2 ≥ 0 beingconstant coefficients [25]. The motor drag loss Pm

C0 can beupper-bounded by setting ωC =ωC,surge, which from (20), (21)and (38) yields

PmC0 = cM00 + cM01Pc

E + cM02Pc2E , (44)

with the coefficients

cM00 = cM00 + cM01csurge0 + cM02c2surge0, (45)

cM01 =λαφ


(cM01csurge1 +2cM02csurge0csurge1


cM02 =λ 2




Note that since cM02 ≥ 0 the drag loss PmC0 is convex w.r.t.

the fuel power PcE. In the same way, the compressor electric

power PeC is convex w.r.t. both its mechanical power Pm

C andfuel power Pc

E, and the alternator electric power PeA is convex

w.r.t. its mechanical power PmA .

0 0.5 1 1.5 2












A [kW]

Pe A[kW]







Fig. 5. Convex approximation of the alternator electric power PeA as a function

of its mechanical power PmA and speed ωA.

H. Electric power linkThe electric buffer terminal power follows from the power

balance at the electric power link, given by

PeB2 = Pe

A +PeC +Pe

AU, (46)

where PeAU ≥ 0 is the power consumed by electric auxiliary

devices (assumed constant).

I. Electric bufferThe electric buffer cells are considered to be either lithium-

ion batteries, or supercapacitors. Each cell is modeled as a cellopen circuit voltage uc with a constant resistance Rc connectedin series. The voltage uc is modeled as an affine function ofstate-of-charge soc ∈ [0,1], i.e.,

uc =Qc

cc1soc+ cc0, (47)

where Qc is the cell capacity, and cc1 and cc0 are the resultingfitting coefficients. Such a model is suitable for lithium-ionbattery technology, see Fig. 6, where low/high soc operationis avoided due to battery longevity reasons [26].

As nB cells are connected in series, the buffer terminalvoltage uB2 reads

uB2 = nBuc−nBRcic, (48)

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0 20 40 60 80 1002




soc [%]





Fig. 6. Battery cell open circuit voltage.

where ic denotes the cell current, which determines the evo-lution of the cell state-of-charge, i.e.,


=− icQc

. (49)

In the following, convex modeling steps of [27] were em-ployed, where instead of using uc and ic the electric bufferis modeled in terms of its energy Ee

B, internal power PeB1,

dissipative power PeB0 and terminal power Pe

B2. In this contextPe

B1 and EeB are treated as the additional (although constrained)

optimization variables. Specifically, the energy reads



B1, (50)

meaning that PeB1 > 0 results in buffer discharge and vice versa.

The internal and dissipative buffer powers are defined as

PeB1 = nBucic, (51)

PeB0 = nBRci2c .

This impliesPe

B1 = PeB2 +Pe

B0. (52)

Furthermore, from (49), (50) and (51), it follows

EeB = nBQc


uc(s)ds =nBcc1


c− c2c0). (53)

Thus the pack losses may be expressed as

PeB0 =


2EeB +nBcc1c2

c0, (54)

which, as a quadratic-over-linear, with a strictly positivedenominator, is a convex function [22] of Pe

B1, EeB and nB

(and therefore also sB). Note that when cc0 = 0 the adoptedmodel, (53) and (54), describes a capacitor with a capacitancecc1.

Constraints on the state soc and the current ic can betranslated into constraints on the energy Ee

B and the powerPe

B1, i.e.,

EeB ∈




c(socmax)]− c2



= [EeB,min, E


PeB1 ∈ [ic,min, ic,max]





), (56)

where socmin and socmax represent the minimum and the maxi-mum state-of-charge, ic,min < 0 and ic,max > 0 the minimum andthe maximum cell current and Ee

B,min and EeB,max the baseline

minimum and the maximum buffer energy. Notice that thegeometric mean in (56) is a concave function [22] of Ee

Band nB.


The optimization problem formulated in Table I is revis-ited here by providing mathematical meaning to constraintsand the objective function. In this context, the optimizationgoal is defined as finding the minimum of a weighted sumof operational and component costs. The former is simplyrepresented by the cost of consumed petroleum while the latterconsists of a sum of the ICE and the electric buffer cost.Each specific cost component is weighted by its respectiveweighting coefficient, wφ , wE or wB, so that its contributionis expressed in currency per distance. Using the approachoutlined in [28] these coefficients can be computed as

wφ = µφ

1Hlρφ d

, (57)

wE = µEPm





(1+ εE,year

tlife +12


wB = µBEe





(1+ εB,year

tlife +12


where µφ , µE and µB are fuel, engine and buffer priceexpressed respectively in currency per volume, power andenergy. Furthermore, d =

∫ tend0 vVdt is the total drive cycle

length, dyear the average distance a vehicle travels duringone year tyear, ρφ the fuel density, Pm

E,max = maxωE τE,maxωEthe maximum baseline NA ICE mechanical power, tlife theduration of the expected vehicle life-cycle, and εE,year andεB,year the yearly engine and buffer interest rates.

A. Convex optimization problem

Based on the equations derived in the previous section therelated optimization problem is summarized as follows

min J = wφ


PcEdt +wEsE +wBsB, (58)

s.t. (55),(56),0 < sB, 0 < sE ≤ 1, 0≤ Pm

BR, PmC ≤ cC,max,

γA,min ≤ PmA ≤ cA,max, γE,minsE ≤ Pc

E ≤ γE,maxsE,

EeB =−Pe


EeB(0) = Ee


PcE = γE,minsE +(Pm


+ (γG0 +PmBR + γW0 + γW1sE + γW2sB)γML)γE1,

PmC = max



sE+ cC1Pc


PeB1 =


2EeB + sBnBcc1c2

c0+ γA0 + cA1Pm

A + cA2Pm2A

+ cM00 + cM01PcE + cM02Pc2

E + cM1PmC + cM2Pm2

C +PeAU,

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with the constraints imposed ∀t ∈ [0, tend], where tend is thetime when the trip ends. Note that the values of all the varyingcoefficients γ can be pre-computed for the entire range of thedriving cycle. This is because the variations originate fromthe changes in vehicle speed vV, acceleration aV or slope α

that are given, or from one of the rotational speeds ωG, ωEor ωA which can be computed using the knowledge of vVand of the gear ratio trajectory λG(t). The trajectory λG(t) isthus assumed fixed prior to solving the convex optimizationproblem.

In (58) the last two equality constraints can be relaxed withinequalities by replacing “=” with “≥” sign. The relaxationchanges the original formulation by creating a convex supersetof the non-convex set. However, it can be logically reasonedthat the resulting two constraints hold with equality at theoptimum – otherwise energy would be unnecessarily wasted.Hence, the solutions of the relaxed and the non-relaxed prob-lem are the same. For a detailed proof see [29]. This impliesthat the compressor power Pm

C may be treated as an additionaloptimization variable, yielding in total six time dependent,Pc


mA ,Pm

C ,PeB1,E

eB, and two scalar ones, sE and sB. Also

strict inequalities describing lower bounds of sizing parameterscan be relaxed by means of a small constant ε > 0. In otherwords, (58) may be rewritten as

min J = wφ


PcEdt +wEsE +wBsB, (59)

s.t. (55),(56),ε ≤ sB, ε ≤ sE ≤ 1, 0≤ Pm


γA,min ≤ PmA ≤ cA,max, γE,minsE ≤ Pc

E ≤ γE,maxsE,

EeB =−Pe


EeB(0) = Ee


PcE = γE,minsE +(Pm


+ (γG0 +PmBR + γW0 + γW1sE + γW2sB)γML)γE1,




+ cC1PcE,0)≤ Pm

C ≤ cC,max

PeB1 ≥


2EeB + sBnBcc1c2

c0+ γA0 + cA1Pm

A + cA2Pm2A

+ cM00 + cM01PcE + cM02Pc2

E + cM1PmC + cM2Pm2

C +PeAU.

All the optimization variables in (59) are further scaledwith their expected maximal values, the resulting problem isdiscretized using a zero-order hold with a sample time δt andthen casted into a standard convex second order cone program(SOCP) form. The SOCP is given by

min J = f T x (60)

s.t. ||Aix+ ei||2 ≤ cTi x+di, i = 1, .., .m,

Fx = g

where x∈ Rn are optimization variables, Ai ∈ Rni×n, F ∈ Rp×n,and || · ||2 is Euclidean norm. Constraints of the type z≥ x2/yare written as ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣( 2x

y− z

)∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣2≤ y+ z. (61)

The SOCP (60) is specified and solved using the CVXoptimization modeling language [30], [31], in combinationwith the SDPT3 solver [32].

B. Gear selection strategyThe discrete-time gear trajectory g(tk), with tk = kδt and

k≥ 0, is decided prior to and outside of the convex optimiza-tion. In particular, two different gear selection strategies havebeen implemented. The first searches for a gear that resultsin the largest difference between the approximate and themaximum operating torque of a baseline NA ICE, at everytime instant. This is expected to promote the ICE downsizing.The second however, at every time instant finds a gear thatmaximizes the estimated ICE efficiency, so that a lower vehiclefuel consumption can be achieved.

These two gear selection strategies are implemented usingthe functions

g(1)(tk) = arg maxg∈1,...5

(τE,max(tk)− ˆτE(tk)), (62)

g(2)(tk) = arg maxg∈1,...5


where ˆτE and ηE denote the baseline NA ICE operating torqueand efficiency estimates, computed as

ˆτE =Pm


, (63)

ηE =Pm


γE1PmE + γE,min


with PmE being the estimated baseline NA ICE mechanical

power, given by

PmE = max


A +PmAU + γG0 + γW0 + γW1 + γW2,0


and PmA the estimated alternator mechanical power, i.e.,

PmA = Re



(γA0 +Pe




. (65)

The use of torque ˆτE, efficiency ηE, power PmE and Pm

Aestimates, instead of their optimal values, is required sincethe computation of gear selection strategy precedes the convexoptimization – which renders the optimal values unavailable.However, an alternative, more sophisticated gear selectionstrategies, employing iterative solutions of a convex prob-lem (59), could be applied here as well. For details, see [33]–[35].


This section provides the case study results related tothe sizing of electrically supercharged ICE powertrain. Thepurpose of the study is mainly to demonstrate the proposedmodeling and optimization methodology. For this reason, thestandard WLTP3 driving cycle has been used. Note thatcycles, such as the WLTP3, are more often employed forevaluating the vehicle fuel consumption than for componentsizing. Thus, for purposes a specific, real-world powertrainsizing application, one should consider replacing the WLTP3with a different (more demanding) cycle, which would better

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suit the intended vehicle driving scenario. The values of therelevant model parameters, used in this particular study, arelisted in Table II.

The duration of the chosen driving cycle, sampled at δt = 1s,was tend = 30min. Thus, to find the solution of (58) it wasnecessary to determine the values of 1800 unknowns pereach of the 6 time-dependent optimization variables, plusthe two unknown scaling coefficients. For this purpose, theMicrosoft Windows 7 Enterprise computer was employed,equipped with the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM 2.20GHzCPU. Specifically, due to the optimization problem’s convexformulation and despite its considerable size, it took less than20s to find its unique global optimum, along with the valuesof the related optimization variables. The optimization resultsare presented in the following.

A. Optimal component sizesTable III summarizes the results of 6 different optimization

runs. They correspond to 3 distinct engine scenarios: baselineNA ICE, downsized NA ICE and downsized SC ICE, eachfor 2 defined gear selection strategies: g(1) and g(2). From thepresented data it is apparent that the electric supercharging hasled to a substantial decrease in both the engine size (1− sE)and the dominant fuel cost (Jφ ). As expected, the engine sizereduction is more prominent in the case of g(1) strategy, wheregears are chosen such that they maximize the distance betweenthe engine operating torque and its maximum torque line. Inthis case, the use of the MCU has resulted in 41.57% of enginevolume decrease, when the downsized SC ICE is compared tothe baseline NA ICE. On the other hand, more fuel is savedwith g(2) strategy, which is reflected in the downsized SC ICEfuel cost of 6.53 ¢/km vs. the baseline NA ICE fuel cost of7.22 ¢/km. This is expected since g(2) strategy maximizes theICE efficiency, instead of the torque difference, thereby alsopromoting a lower ICE fuel consumption.

Note that using (13), for a particular gear selection strategy,engine and buffer size, the demanded engine mechanical powerPm

E directly follows from the provided WLTP3 driving cycledata. Specifically, for all 3 considered engine scenarios andg(1) gear selection strategy, this yields a peak in the mechanicalpower demand of Pm

E ≈ 38kW, after t = 26min and 7s from thebeginning of the cycle. By comparing the peak power demandwith the maximum baseline ICE mechanical power Pm

E,maxpresented in Table III, scaled by the appropriate downsizingfactor sE, it can be concluded that in the first scenario theengine was clearly oversized (45.44kW vs. 38kW), in thesecond tightly sized (38.54kW vs. 38kW), and in the thirdclearly undersized (26.55kW vs. 38kW), w.r.t. the WLTP3cycle requirements. This implies that in the last case thepower gap was filled by the operation of the MCU via itstemporary enhancement of the power production capability ofthe downsized ICE.

B. Optimal state and control trajectoriesApart from the optimal component sizes, the solution of

the problem (59) provides also the optimal control and statetrajectories for the studied driving cycle. These are shownin Fig. 7 for the case of the downsized SC ICE employing thefirst gear selection strategy. Indeed, it can be observed that the


Type Parameter Value

Drive cycle

δt 1stend 30mintyear 1yeartlife 15yeardyear 12000km


ρAM 1.184kg/m3

pAM 98kPaTAM 298Kag 9.81m/s2

λκ 1.4cp 1005J/kg/KcR 287J/kg/K


mV 970kgλV 1.3rW 29.57cmcd 0.32cr 0.01A f 2.07m2

Gearbox [cG0,cG1,cG2] [700,3,0]λG [15.2,8.2,5.3,4.0,3.3]

Mec. power link λA 1.5Pm

AU 500W


mE 62.67kgVE 1000cm3

[cvol0,cvol1,cvol2] [0.36,3 ·10−3,−3.3 ·10−6][cη0,cη1,cη2] [0.4,1.1 ·10−4,−1.7 ·10−7][c f 0,c f 2] [3.1 ·104,0.6][cg0,cg1] [9 ·104,−7.6 ·104]λec 10pEM 108kPaωE,min 60rad/sωE,max 680rad/sεE,year 5 %µE 0.67 €/kW

Air-fuel control

Hl 42.7MJ/kgρφ 758.8kg/m3

λαφ 14.7µφ 1.216 €/l

Air system

ηC 60%λΠ,max 1.58[cT 0,cT1] [0.59,0.41][cm0,cm1] [0.43,0.56][csurge0,csurge1] [1.55 ·105,3.72 ·103]

MCU[cM00,cM01,cM02] [33.2,1.4 ·10−3,4.8 ·10−7][cM1,cM2] [1.09,5.01 ·10−6]cC,max 2.6kW

Alternator[cA00,cA01,cA02] [70.8,−0.2,5.5 ·10−4][cA1,cA2] [−0.8,6.8 ·10−5]cA,max 2.4kW

El. power link PeAU 300W


nB 4mc 80gQc 2.3Ahcc0 3.27Vcc1 58kFRc 11.5mΩ

ic,min/max ∓35Asocmin/max 20,80%εB,year 5 %µB 500 €/kWh

MCU is mostly activated during high power demands that aremostly presented near the end of the cycle. As a consequence,this reduces the load on the ICE and allows it to be downsized.Furthermore, it can be seen that the energy stored in the bufferat the end of the cycle is the same as the one stored in thebeginning. This implies that all the energy consumed by theMCU is ultimately compensated by the work of the alternator.

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Case Parameter g(1) g(2)

Baseline &naturally-aspirated

J 8.98 ¢/km 7.25 ¢/kmJφ 8.95 ¢/km 7.22 ¢/kmPm

E,max 45.44kW 45.44kWEe

B,max 0.03kWh 0.03kWh1− sE 0% 0%

Downsized &naturally-aspirated

J 8.29 ¢/km 7.19 ¢/kmJφ 8.25 ¢/km 7.14 ¢/kmPm

E,maxsE 38.54kW 44.89kWEe

B,maxsB 0.07kWh 0.06kWh1− sE 15.18% 1.21%

Downsized &supercharged

J 7.36 ¢/km 6.63 ¢/kmJφ 7.26 ¢/km 6.53 ¢/kmPm

E,maxsE 26.55kW 31.87kWEe

B,maxsB 0.23kWh 0.21kWh1− sE 41.57% 29.85%


This paper presented convex modeling steps for the problemof optimal ICE and electric energy storage buffer sizing,in the case of the electrically supercharged ICE powertrainconcept. In this context, the electric supercharging was usedto help the engine during short-duration, high-power demands.The underlying optimization problem was formulated as theminimization of the vehicle operational (fuel) and component(the ICE and electric buffer) costs on a given driving cycle.The optimization problem was solved for the WLTP3 cyclewhich delivered not only the optimal component sizes but alsothe optimal control (e.g., engine fuel power) and state (e.g.,buffer energy) trajectories. In the analyzed scenario, the fuelcost savings of up to 10% were obtained, showing that theengine downsizing via electric supercharging could constitutea promising fuel-saving mechanism.

This research could be extended in at least two differentdirections. The first would be to consider also the sizing ofthe vehicle alternator, compressor and gearbox, so that theymatch the electrically supercharged downsized engine moreprecisely. The second would be to evaluate the investigatedpowertrain concept on a more-demanding driving cycle, or afew of them, consisting of prolonged high-load intervals. Tothis end, it could also be beneficial to adapt the developedconvex modeling and optimization method towards a pow-ertrain topology utilizing an electrified turbocharger. In thiscase, the inclusion of the electric motor could help improvethe compromised torque capability of downsized, turbochargedICEs, at low engine speeds – whereas long-duration, high-power demands could be handled solely by the conventionalturbocharging.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial supportfrom the EU Eureka Program (Project # 5765 – WETREN).


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0 5 10 15 20 25 300












0 5 10 15 20 25 30−1













0 5 10 15 20 25 30









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Sava Marinkov was born in Novi Sad, Republic ofSerbia, in 1986. He received the M.Sc. degree (cumlaude) in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 fromthe Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e),Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Currently, he is aPh.D. candidate with the Control Systems Technol-ogy group, Department of Mechanical Engineering,TU/e. His research interests include modeling, op-timization and control of automotive and high-techmechatronics systems.

Nikolce Murgovski received the M.Sc. degreein software engineering from University West,Trollhattan, Sweden, in 2007, and the M.Sc. de-gree in applied physics and the Ph.D. degree insignals and systems from Chalmers University ofTechnology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2007 and 2012,respectively. He is currently an Assistant Profes-sor with the Department of Signals and Systems,Chalmers University of Technology. His researchinterests include optimal control and dimensioningof automotive powertrains.

Bram de Jager received the M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering fromDelft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, and the Ph.D. degreefrom the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.Currently, he is with the TU/e. He was with the Delft University of Technologyand with Stork Boilers BV, Hengelo, The Netherlands. His research interestsinclude robust control of (nonlinear) mechanical systems, integrated controland structural design, control of fluidic systems, control structure design, andapplications of (nonlinear) optimal control.