Conus medullaris and cauda equina syndrome

Conus Medullaris & Cauda Equina Syndrome By: Ismah Haron 12/06/2022 1 ‘Leg weakness is flaccid and areflexic not spastic and hyperreflexic’


an introduction

Transcript of Conus medullaris and cauda equina syndrome

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Conus Medullaris &

Cauda Equina Syndrome

By: Ismah Haron

‘Leg weakness is flaccid and areflexic

not spastic and hyperreflexic’

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Source: Walter B. Greene. Netter's Orthopaedics 1st ed. 2006Source:

Keith L. Moore and Anne Agur. Essential Clinical Anatomy, 3rd Edition

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Trauma- Fracture, subluxation- Penetrating trauma

Herniated disc- 90% at L4-L5 and L5-S1

Spinal stenosis- Developmental abnormality- Degenerative disease

Picture from: Walter B. Greene. Netter's Orthopaedics 1st ed. 2006

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Neoplasm- Primary (schwannoma, paraganglioma)- Metastatic (intracranial, lung, breast and renal cell ca)

Inflammations and infections- Paget disease, epidural abscess - Pyogenic and non pyogenic

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Iatrogenic- Misplaced pedicle screw, laminar hooks- Continuous spinal anesthesia

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Conus medullaris syndrome

Cauda equina syndrome

Vertebral level L1-L2 L2-sacrum

Spinal level Sacral cord segment and roots

Lumbosacral nerve roots

Presentation Sudden and bilateral Gradual and unilateral

Radicular pain Less severe More severe

Low back pain More Less

Motor strength Symmetrical, less marked hyperreflexic distal paresis of LL, fasciculation

More marked asymmetric areflexic paraplegia, atrophy more common

Reflexes Ankle jerks affected Both knee and ankle jerks affected

Sensory Localized numbness to perianal area, symmetrical and bilateral

Localized numbness at saddle area, asymmetrical, unilateral

Sphincter dysfunction

Early urinary and fecal incontinence

Tend to present late

Impotence Frequent Less frequent


Conus Medullaris vs. Cauda Equina Syndromes

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Illustration of saddle anesthesia; - The S5, S4, and S3 nerves provide sensory innervation to the rectum, perineum, and inner thigh.

Source: Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedics Surgeons,

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Radiology – MRI

Laboratory – FBC, ESR

Needle electromyography of the bilateral external anal sphincter muscles

Lumbar puncture


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Sagittal and axial CT scans of thoracolumbar spine demonstrating an L4 burst fracture with retropulsion of bone into the spinal canal

Source: Harrop, J. S., G. E. Hunt Jr, et al. (2004). "Conus medullaris and cauda equina syndrome as a result of traumatic injuries: management principles." Neurosurgical Focus 16(6): 1-23.

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Source: Harrop, J. S., G. E. Hunt Jr, et al. (2004). "Conus medullaris and cauda equina syndrome as a result of traumatic injuries: management principles." Neurosurgical Focus 16(6): 1-23.

MRI image shows compression of the distal lumbar and sacral nerve rootles

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Sagittal MRI images demonstrating large central disc extrusion at L5-S1 (arrows) with compression on the cauda equina.

Source: Levis, J. T. (2009). "Cauda equina syndrome." Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 10(1): 20.

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Discectomy - 1 2 Laminectomy

Method to Relieve Cord Compression

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Important predictor of recovery- The extent of perineal or saddle sensory deficit

Patients with unilateral deficits have a better prognosis than patients with bilateral deficits

Females and patients with bowel dysfunction have been reported to have worse outcomes postoperatively


Source: - Shaw A, Anwar H, Targett J, Lafferty K. Cauda equina syndrome versus saddle embolism. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. Sep 2008;90(6):W6-8. - O'Laughlin SJ, Kokosinski E. Cauda equina syndrome in a pregnant woman referred to physical therapy for low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. Nov 2008;38(11):721.

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Other references:- Oxford handbook of clinical medicine- Oxford handbook of clinical surgery- Apley’s consice system of orthopaedics and fractures 3rd edition