ContentServer (15)

90 Factors Associated with Depression among Elderly Living in Old Age Homes in Kathmandu V alley Timalsina R , Sherpa P D and Dhakal D K Lecturer, NIHSandcurrentlyinNursingCampus M aharajganj, Instructor, NIHS; Instructor, NAIHS Correspondence to: RekhaTimalsina, Email: rekha .timalsina@ gmail .com Abstract Introduction: Theelderlypeoplenot onlyfacephysical problems as theyareage, theyalso experiencemental healthrelatedproblems . Themainobjectiveof thestudywastoidentify thelevel of depressionandthefactors associatedwiththem amongelderlylivinginoldage homes inKathmanduValleyof Nepal . Methods: The cross-sectionaldescriptive analyticalstudy design wasused among 173 respondentswhowereselectedbypurposivesamplingmethod . Interview wascarriedout using socio-demographic and othervariablesrelated tool,the partially adopted coping checklist andtheGeriatricDepressionScale(GDS) . Thedataanalysiswasdonebyusing EpidataandSPSSsoftwareversion16 . Chi-squaretest andodds ratiowerecalculated . Results: Thisstudyrevealedthat 126(72 .8%)respondentshad depression . Out ofthem, accordingtoGDS, 98 (56 .6%) and28 (16 .2%) respondentshadmildandseveredepression respectively . Among45malerespondents, 28 (62 .2%)haddepressionascomparedto98 (76 .6%)out of128 femalerespondents . Therespondentswhohadchronicphysical health !"#$%&’() *+,,%!%-.) ./ %’) ",) 0"!!+%’) $+1%) 2-3-4+3$) ’%45!+./6) $341) ",) ’"4+3$) !%$3.+"-6) $341) ",) favoriteactivities, fear of futureanddissatisfactionwithenvironment of theelderlyhomes; feelingof stress and eventhoserespondents whousedcopingstrategies likeself blamewere foundtohavedepression . Conclusion: 73’%*)"-).8%’%)2-*+-9’6)+.)43-)#%)’599%’.%*).83.)-%0)4" +-9)’.!3.%9+%’)3’)0%$$) asmind diversionalactivitiesshould besoughtforpreventing depression among elderly livinginoldagehomes . Key Words: Factors AssociatedwithElderlyDepression Introduction Aging,a progressive developmentin the life span isa markeroflife’s journey towards growth and maturity . :"!$*);%3$.8)<!93-+=3.+"-)>: ;<? )*%2-%’)’%-+"!)4+.+=%-’) aspeople60 yearsand above . TheSeniorCitizensActs ",)@% 3$)ABCD 6)3$’")*%2-%’).8%)’%-+"!)4+.+=%-’)3’)E %" $%) whoare 60 years andabove” . Accordingtothe 2011 census ofNepal,there were 12,78, 880 elderly over65 years old inhabitants, which constitute4 .4 percentofthetotal population in thecountry . Life expectancy in Nepalhas increased from approximately 27 yearsin 1951 to 66 .16 years in2011 1 . Depression constitutes a major public health problem worldwide andtheir prevalence rates range between10 and 55% 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 . A studyinloneelderlypopulationshowed that malegender, livingingeriatrichomesandagegroup 60 to 70 8 werefoundtohavedepression . A casecontrol study on elderly in Kwala LumpurHospital(HKL)and Original Article 90-96



Transcript of ContentServer (15)

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90 91

Factors Associated with Depression among Elderly Living in Old Age Homes in Kathmandu ValleyTimalsina R3 , Sherpa P D4 and Dhakal D K5Lecturer, NIHS and currently in Nursing Campus Maharajganj3 , Instructor4 , NIHS; Instructor5 , NAIHSCorrespondence to: Rekha Timalsina,

Email: [email protected]


Introduction: The elderly people not only face physical problems as they are age, they also experience mental health related problems. The main objective of the study was to identify

the level of depression and the factors associated with them among elderly living in old age

homes in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal.

Methods: The cross-sectional descriptive analytical study design was used among 173 respondents who were selected by purposive sampling method. Interview was carried out

using socio-demographic and other variables related tool, the partially adopted coping

checklist and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The data analysis was done by using

Epidata and SPSS software version 16. Chi-square test and odds ratio were calculated.

Results: This study revealed that 126 (72.8%) respondents had depression. Out of them, according to GDS, 98 (56.6%) and 28 (16.2%) respondents had mild and severe depression

respectively. Among 45 male respondents, 28 (62.2%) had depression as compared to 98

(76.6%) out of 128 female respondents. The respondents who had chronic physical health

!"#$%&'()*+,,%!%-.) ./ %')",)0"!!+%') $+1%)2-3-4+3$)'%45!+./6) $341)",)'"4+3$) !%$3.+"-6) $341)",)

favorite activities, fear of future and dissatisfaction with environment of the elderly homes;

feeling of stress and even those respondents who used coping strategies like self blame were

found to have depression.

Conclusion: 73'%*)"-).8%'%)2-*+-9'6)+.)43-)#%)'599%'.%*).83.)-%0)4" +-9)'.!3.%9+%')3')0%$$)as mind diversional activities should be sought for preventing depression among elderly

living in old age homes.

Key Words: Factors Associated with Elderly Depression


Aging, a progressive development in the life span is a

marker of life’s journey towards growth and maturity.


as people 60 years and above. The Senior Citizens Acts

",)@% 3$)ABCD6)3$'")*%2-%').8%)'%-+"!)4+.+=%-')3')E %" $%)

who are 60 years and above”. According to the 2011 census

of Nepal, there were 12, 78,880 elderly over 65 years

old inhabitants, which constitute 4.4 percent of the total

population in the country. Life expectancy in Nepal has

increased from approximately 27 years in 1951 to 66.16

years in 20111.

Depression constitutes a major public health problem

worldwide and their prevalence rates range between 10 and

55% 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. A study in lone elderly population showed

that male gender, living in geriatric homes and age group

60 to 70 8were found to have depression. A case control

study on elderly in Kwala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) and

Original Article


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90 91

Universiti Kebangsaang Malasia Hospital (HUKM) found

that elderly with lower social support were eight times

more at risk for developing depression according to GDS9.

Studies in elderly females of Ludhiana City, India10 and

elderly home residents in Iran11 showed that economic

status, social relations, dissatisfaction with old age, lack of

favorite activities, behavior of family members, stress and


factors for depression.

Several studies in Nepal show that the long established

culture and traditions of respecting elders are eroding day by

day. Younger generations move away from their birthplace

for employment opportunities elsewhere. Consequently,

more elderly today are living alone and are vulnerable

to mental problems like loneliness, depression and many

other physical diseases12. Moreover, the elderly do not get

anyone to look after and listen to the problems. Therefore,

.8%)%$*%!$/)-%%*).")'%3!48).8%)#%..%!)" .+"-),"!).8%+!)*+,245$.)

life. In Nepalese society too, the elderly would like to stay

in elderly homes for their better life. In Nepal, there are

about 71 organizations registered with the government

spread all over Nepal. These organizations vary in their

organizational status, capacity, facilities, and the services

they provide. Most of them are charity organizations. About

1,500 elders are living in these old-age homes at present13.

The studies conducted in Nepal for identifying the level of

depression and factors associated to it among elderly living

in old age homes are limited and focused on ill patients

which can be an overestimated result and cannot be

generalized to elderly living in old age homes. Therefore,

this study was aimed to identify the level of depression and

factors associated with it among elderly living in old age

homes in Kathmandu valley.


The cross-sectional descriptive analytical study

design was used. The study area were Samaj Kalyan

Kendra Briddhashram, Nishahaya Sewa Sadan, Old

Age Management/ Social Welfare Trust, Matatritha

Bridhashram, Tapasthali Old Aged Homes, Divya Sewa

Niketan, Kathmandu Siddhi Smriti Bridhashram, Sahara

Care Centre, Bhaktapur, Senior Citizen Home & Dev

Corner Bridhashram, Lalitpur. Out of 412 elderly living

in those old age homes, 173 respondents; who were 60

and above 60 years of age, willing to participate, able to

listen and give response, had no severe psychiatric disorder

and had no severe sickness and disability in terms of

having neurological problems, were included by purposive

sampling methods. The data were collected individually

by interview technique using socio-demographic and

other variables related tool; the partially adopted coping

checklist from coping checklist by Rao, Subbakrishna, and

Prabhu (1989) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)

developed by J.A. Yesavage and others (1982). The data

analysis was done by using Epidata software and SPSS

version 16. Descriptive statistics as well as inferential

statistics; chi-square test and odds ratio were calculated.

Ethical approval was taken from Nepal Health Research

Council. The respondent’s rights were protected by taking

informed consent before data collection and keeping the



Out of 173 respondents, majority of the respondents, 83

(48.0%), belong to Pashupati Bridhashram and minority,

2 (1.2%) respondents, belong to Senior Citizen Home.

Majority 70 (40.5%) respondents were between 70-79

years age group and minority, 11 (6.4%) respondents

were between 90-99 years age group. Majority of the

respondents, 128 (74.0%), were female and remaining,

45 (26.0%) respondents, were male. This may be due to

the fact that majority of old age homes provide shelter for

elderly female only.

Table No. 1: Depression Level of Respondents, (n=173)

Characteristics Frequency Percentage (%)










Total 173 100.0

Above Table No. 1 displays that regarding their depression

level, 47 (27.2%) respondents were normal and 126

(72.8%) had depression. Out of theses 126 respondents, 98

(56.6%) and 28 (16.2%) respondents had mild and severe

depression respectively according to GDS. This study also

reveals that out of 45 male respondents, 28 (62.2%) had

depression as compared to 98 (76.6%) out of 128 female



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92 93

Table 2: Association between Depression and Socio-demographic Factors



P ValueOdds






No. (%)


No. (%)()*%+'!,'-./0"12031!"

Government Supported*Private


Marital StatusMarried*Unmarried


62 (74.7)

64 (71.1)

28 (62.2)

98 (76.6)

98 (65.3)

19 (82.6)

31 (67.4)

86 (67.7)

21 (25.3)

26 (28.9)

17 (37.8)

30 (23.3)

52 (34.7)

4 (17.4)

15 (32.6)

41 (32.3)













*: Reference *4'56578'91/"1#&0"3

AboveTable 2 displays that there was no association between depression and socio-demographic factors. But the odds

ratio revealed that females had 1.612 times risk of having depression than males.

Table 3: Association between Depression and Individual Factors


P ValueOddsRatio

:7; ' !"#$%"&%'

IntervalPresentNo. (%)

AbsentNo. (%)

CPHPGI Problem



Diabetes Mellitus



115 (76.2)

57 (79.2)

46 (75.4)

58 (80.6)

20 (86.9)

41 (73.2)

21 (63.6)

36 (23.3)


15 (24.6)

14 (19.4)

3 (13.1)

15 (26.8)

12 (36.4)






















WorriesFinancial Security

Lack of Social Relation

Dissatisfaction with Old


Lack of Favourite


Fear of Future

Dissatisfaction with

Environment Old Aged


Dissatisfaction with


120 (79.5)

66 (88.0)

56 (90.3)

85 (83.3)

74 (87.1)

104 (83.2)

50 (94.3)

41 (85.4)

31 (20.5)


6 (9.7)

17 (16.7)


21 (16.8)

3 (5.7)

7 (14.6)

























<*4'56578'91/"1#&0"3' ' ' ''''=!3%8' >?>8'Chronic Physical Health Problems


Timalsina R et al.,

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92 93

Above Table No. 3 illustrates that there was association

between depression and chronic physical health problems as

well as depression and worries with p value 0.010 and 0.000

respectively. The odds ratio showed that the respondents

who had chronic physical health problems had 3.194 times

more risk and those having worries regarding different

issues had 10.323 times more risk of having anxiety. On

the other hand, when CPHP was taken separately, there was

no association found between depression and GI, HTN,

DM, musculoskeletal, respiratory and other problems.

Yet, in the same case the OR revealed that the respondents

who had DM, HTN and GI problems had 2.316, 1.599 and

1.376 times more risk of having depression respectively.

The respondents who had respiratory, musculoskeletal

and other problems exhibited no risk for depression,

with OR 0.933, 0.776 and 0.447 respectively. Regarding

different worrying issues, there was association between

*% !%''+"-) 3-*) 2-3-4+3$) '%45!+./6) $341) ",) '"4+3$) !%$3.+"-6)

lack of favorite activities, fear of future and dissatisfaction

with environment of the elderly homes with p value 0.010,

0.006, 0.009, 0.013 and 0.001 respectively. No association

was found between depression and dissatisfaction with

"$*) 39%6) *+''3.+',34.+"-) 0+.8) %$*%!$/) 8"&%) ",24+3$') 3-*)

".8%!) 0"!!/+-9) +''5%F) G8%) "**') !3.+") '+9-+2%') .83.) .8%)

respondents had 6.667, 3.646, 3.095, 2.988, 2.925, 2.00

and 1.779 times risk for having depression in those who

had worry regarding dissatisfaction with environment of

the old aged homes, lack of social relation, fear of future,





P ValueOddsRatio

:7; ' !"#$%"&%'

IntervalPresentNo. (%)

AbsentNo. (%)

Feeling of Stress

Coping Strategies

Go to Religious Places

Listening Religious Music

Shares the Problems with


Visit in Different Places

Pray to God

Reading Religious Books

Crying Alone

Self Blame

Take Cigarettes

Staying Alone


110 (75.9)

43 (75.4)

54 (71.1)

33 (76.7)

11 (91.7)

76 (76.8)

10 (83.3)

23 (76.7)


15 (88.2)

33 (82.5)

1 (25.0)

35 (24.1)

14 (24.6)

22 (28.9)

10 (23.3)

1 (8.3)

23 (23.2)

2 (16.7)

7 (23.3)

8 (11.7)

2 (11.8)

7 (17.5)

3 (75.0)





































Table 4: Association between Depression and Individual Factors

Above Table No. 4 illustrates that there was association

between depression and feeling of stress (p value 0.041).

75.) .8%)<I)'+9-+2%') .83.) .8%) !%' "-*%-.')08") ,%$.) '.!%'')

had 2.357 times risk of having depression. Regarding

different coping strategies used by respondents, there was

association between depression and self blame (p values

0.014), depression and others coping strategies (p value

0.016). But the respondents who used passive avoidance

coping strategies (PACS) like visiting different (3.778

times), who used avoidance coping strategies (ACS) like

self blaming (2.917 times), cigarette smoking (2.605

times) and staying alone (1.714 times), who used emotion

focused coping strategies (EFCS) like crying alone (1.057

times), seeking social support coping strategies (SSCS)

like sharing problems to peers (1.071 times) and those

who used religious coping strategies (RCS) like reading

religious books (1.650 times) and praying (1.166 times)

were at risk for depression.


Above Table 5 displays that there was no association

between depression and duration of stay, depression and

caregivers’ availability and depression and MDA. But, the

respondents who stayed in old age homes for more than

1 year had 1.351 times risk of having depression than

those staying less than 1 year. Concerning depression



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94 95

and caregivers’ availability, the respondents had no risk

of getting depression (OR 0.524). Regarding availability

of different MDA, the respondents had 1.300 and 1.035

times more risk of having depression in those who used

prabachan and religious activities as coping strategies

respectively. No risk was found in those who used other

MDA (OR 0.386).


Regarding level of depression, 47 (27.2%) respondents

were normal and 126 (72.8%) had depression. Out of

theses 126 respondents, 98 (56.6%) and 28 (16.2%)

respondents had mild and severe depression respectively

according to GDS. This study also reveals that out of 45

male respondents, 28 (62.2%) had depression as compared

to 98 (76.6%) out of 128 female respondents. Thus, this

study concludes that female respondents have more

depression than male respondents (Table No. 1). A similar


prevalence of depression in the study population was 56%,

of which 23.2 % had severe depression according to GDS14.

The prevalence of depression was found to be 30.1%

according to GDS15 in one study whereas in another study

it was 25%16. Some other studies have varied results: out of

250 elderly, 23.6% had depression17. Therefore, it can be

concluded that such a high prevalence in this study could

be attributed to poor health awareness and underdeveloped

psychiatric medical services in the country as well as an

inadequate social support system provided by family and

government to the elderly living in old aged homes.

There was no association between depression and socio-

demographic factors. But the odds ratio revealed that

females were more at risk of having depression than

males (Table 2). A similar study revealed that gender and

Table 5: Association between Depression and Contextual Factors

%.8-+4+./) 0%!%) ,"5-*) .") #%) '+9-+243-.$/) 3''"4+3.%*) 0+.8)

depression among the elderly respondents18; females were

more likely to suffer from depression as compared to

males. Other factors associated with risk for depression in

the respondents were being uneducated19, being unmarried

and living alone15.

There was association between depression and CPHP as

well as depression and worries. The odds ratio showed that

the respondents who had chronic physical health problems

and those having worries regarding different issues were

more risk of having depression. On the other hand, when

CPHP was taken separately, there was no association found

between depression and GI, HTN, DM, musculoskeletal,

respiratory and other problems. Yet, in the same case the

OR revealed that the respondents who had DM, HTN and

GI problems were more at risk of having depression. The

respondents who had respiratory, musculoskeletal and

other problems exhibited no risk for depression (Table


association between chronic diseases and depression14, 18.

There was association between depression and feeling of

'.!%''F)G8%)<I)3$'")'+9-+2%*).83.).8%)!%' "-*%-.')08"),%$.)

stress were more at risk of having depression (Table 4). The

literature also revealed thatpsychosocial and environmental

stressors are known risk factors for depression. Genetics

research indicates that environmental stressors interact

with depression vulnerability genes to increase the risk of

developing depressive illness20.

Regarding different coping strategies used by respondents

who felt stress, there was association between depression

and self blame, depression and other coping strategies. But

the respondents who used coping strategies like visiting

different places, self blaming (i.e. PACS), cigarette smoking


P ValueOddsRatio

:7; ' !"#$%"&%'

IntervalPresentNo. (%)

AbsentNo. (%)

Duration of Stay<1 Year*

>1 Year

21 (67.7)

105 (73.9)

10 (32.3)

37 (26.1) 0.482 1.351 0.583-3.134

Caregivers Availability 47 (65.3) 25 (34.7) 0.059 0.524 0.266-1.031

Mind Diversional ActivitiesReligious Activities



78 (70.9)

59 (71.1)

18 (75.0)

18 (56.3)

32 (29.1)

24 (28.9)

6 (25.0)

14 (43.7)













Timalsina R et al.,

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94 95

and staying alone (i.e. ACS), crying alone (i.e. EFCS),

sharing problems with peers (i.e. SSSCS), reading religious

books and praying (i.e. RCS) were found risk of having

depression. But, no risk was found in those who used other

RCS like going to religious places and listening to religious

music (Table No. 4). One similar study revealed a positive

effect of religious coping in ameliorating the stress effect

on individual life. The study further revealed that positive

form of religious coping was highly correlated with stress-

related growth21. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

elderly who used religious coping strategies had lower risk

for depression.


The main objectives of this study was to identify the level

of depression and the factors associated with it among

elderly living in 10 old age homes in Kathmandu Valley

of Nepal. The study showed that majority of elderly

had depression. Among them, more were females. The

respondents who had CPHP, different types of worries,

feeling of stress and those who used coping strategies

like self blame were found to have depression. This study

also concludes that the female respondents and those

who have DM, HTN and GI problems, were more at risk

of having depression. The respondents who had worries


lack of social relation, dissatisfaction with old age and

*+''3.+',34.+"-)0+.8) %$*%!$/) 8"&%) ",24+3$'6) ,%3!) ",) ,5.5!%)

and dissatisfaction with environment of the elderly homes

, were more at risk of having depression. Surprisingly, the

respondents who used coping strategies like EFCS, ACS,

PACS and SSSCS were found to be more at risk of having

depression. Moreover, the respondents who used RCS like

reading religious books and praying to god were more at

risk of having depression. The respondents using MDA

like prabachan and religious activities were more at risk

of having depression. Therefore, it can be concluded that

the coping strategies and mind diversional activities which

the respondents used were not adequate and appropriate

to reduce depression. Based on the results of the study,

it can be suggested that new coping strategies as well as

mind diversional activities should be sought to prevent

their depression and to develop effective prevention and

treatment policies. Factors associated with depression in

elderly should be further examined in longitudinal research

with quantitative and qualitative approach.


It is our bounden duty to express the heartiest gratitude

to the University Grant Commission for awarding the

research grant. Our efforts would have been in vain without

the supreme guidance of Professor Dr. Shishir Subba since

the conception of this research idea till its completion. We

would like to express our deepest thanks to Ms. Rohani

Jaease from Thailand and Associate Professor Ms. Binita

Poudel, Associate Professor Mr. Prem Prasad Panta (Bio-

Statistician) of the Nepal Institute of Health Sciences for

guiding us in this study. Finally, we express our warm

appreciation and thanks to all respondents for their

cooperation and valuable time to participate in the study.

!"@1&3'!,'1"3%.%+38 None declared


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