Contents page analysis




Transcript of Contents page analysis

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In order to achieve my contents page I researched various contents pages with R&B and rap genre. This helped me to get an understanding of what they all have in common, then I could apply this to mine. After analysing both of them it became apparent that the women generally look seductive and a little promiscuous.

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During the decision of choosing my contents page image I wanted one which was direct mode of address and another which wasn’t. The contents page reflected so I had to choose out of 4 of my pictures.

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USING PHOTO SHOPI didn’t want the original background as it was too busy and I wanted something simplistic and more beach like. I imported two layers, one the original picture and the second was the back ground I wanted to import my model on. I achieved this by using a clone tool and clicked on where the model is behind the picture so she appeared on the the second background. Also by increasing the density achieved a more believable image.

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TITLE IDEASI really liked the title and colours as it goes with my logo and colour scheme overall. I applied the colous, and the boldness to my contents page as its classy but still having a revealing photo to interest the audience and grab eye attention.

I didn’t want it to look exactly the same, but I did want it to look similar. I kept the O red as it stands for Original which is part of the title for my magazine. I used font Helvetica size 72, so it’s bold and big. I found the lines emphasised importance in the title.

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I wanted to keep the same Helvetica font throughout my contents page so it looks clean and consistent. I used Helvetica bold for the sub headings so they are the first thing to see and it also catches the audiences attention. I put names in bold so the reader/audience can immediately see what celebrities are in the magazine. I kept the black font the same as in my opinion I believe that it was distracting and took main attention away from the ‘features’ and ‘fashion’. However I did highlight ‘NEW TRACK’ in red, similar to ‘BOYS TO MEN’, this was because the magazine is based on shakiras new song so I thought it was important to let the audience know what page and grab there attention.

Its apparent that in the VIBE contents page the sub headings are bigger and bolder than the information that comes afterwards in a smaller size. Also I noticed that major names are in bold in order to alert the reader on what the magazine contains straight away.

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USING QUARKHere’s a picture of quark which I used in order to achieve a realistic look. The tools allow this to happen by inserting text boxes and shapes to diffuse the magazine from looking to simplistic. The tool bar on the left hand side I used the most as it had most things I needed. The picture box allowed me to import pictures and crop what wasn’t needed. Also the bottom bar I used for changing font and trying them out to see which one worked best. I didn’t choose to put a background, however if I did like my front cover I could have made a text box, right clicked, went to modify and change the colour of the background. The lines help me to level my text boxes etc and to acknowledge where I need to place stuff in order for my contents page to look realistic.

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This tool allowed me to move anything needed so I could fine the right position

This tool allowed me to create text boxes such as my title ‘CONTENTS’

This allowed me to make picture boxes to import pictures into

This allowed me to have shapes on my contents page

This tool can be used to create a shape of my own or put lines underneath anything. For instance my title; there are 4 lines underneath my title.

Changes font, bold/italic, size, what position I want my text, changing the way in which my content page looks and how my paragraphs were written.

This tool allowed me to change the colours of my typeface. Also If I didn’t want the colours on display I could make a colour that suited to me. This would be reconginsed by ‘new colour’

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