Content marketing- The Power Of The 80/20 Rule


Transcript of Content marketing- The Power Of The 80/20 Rule

As Entrepreneurs,we’re only limited by the ideas we can


I believe as long as we can see with crystal clear clarity…

We can create a world that benefits future generations.

But as we strive to make our dreams become a reality…

We have to realize theres certain rules we must follow.

Failure to take those rules seriously…

Can cost you everything.

As Entrepreneurs, we have a responsibility to choose our

words wisely.

Our dreams depend on it.

And while there are many rules we follow…

One stands out above the rest…

It’s called the 80/20 Rule.

It simply states-80% of our results come from 20 % of

our efforts.

And while many understand this rule, few implement it.

So I say this to remind all dreamers and visionaries…

You’re only one thought away from changing the rest of your


So track everything you do…

And find your 20%.

Because no matter the dream…

You have a responsibility to raise it.

So stay focused…

And find your 20%

If you can master how to use this principle…

Your possibilities are endless.

Your life will never be the same!

If you need someone who knows how to inspire, motivate and create desire with copy …

This will you get you from where you where you want to be

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