Content marketing, Blogging as an effective marketing tool

Marketing a good content marketing strategy Babu Appat
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Content Marketing is too essential today. Your can build up the online identity of your product or services by that. Building up blogs and promoting those blogs is what you have to do in this regard.

Transcript of Content marketing, Blogging as an effective marketing tool

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Content Marketing

a good content marketing strategy

Babu Appat

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E-Age Marketing

Part of a good content marketing strategy, blogging helps you position yourself as an

expert in your area

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A Good Content Marketing Strategy

consists of producing and publishing information that builds trust and

authority among your ideal customers.

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Building Brand Loyalty

It is a way of creating relationships and community so people feel loyal to your

brand, and it helps you become recognised as a

thought leader in your industry.

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Successful blogs play a pivotal role in delivering your brand message, and

help drive sales without using traditional hard-sell tactics.

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Help Making Better Decisions

They don’t merely push out your sales pitch over and over — they offer insights,

answer common questions, and help readers make better decisions

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Content is King

The key to successful blogging is creating content that your target audience wants

to read.

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5 steps for creating a successful blog

The steps below will help you create a content marketing strategy for your blog that ensures you will

reach your goals

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1. Understand your goals

It’s important to know what you want to accomplish and how you’ll

measure your success.

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Ask these Questions

• Do you want to promote new products and services?

• Are you trying to attract a particular target market?

• Would you like to create a community and foster engagement with your customers and prospects?

• Are you looking to improve your search ranking?

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Form a Clear Understanding of the need

Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve before you start blogging, otherwise you risk disappointment

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2. Know your audience

You have to build up a thorough knowledge about the target

customers to who you are going to talk through your blogs and

other E-contents

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Some Relevant Questions

• Who are you trying to reach? • Where do they spend time online? • What do they want and need from a blog

like yours?

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Basis of our Blogging Strategy

These data points should be the basis of your blogging strategy.

All of your blog content should be written with your target audience in


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Lest you may mar the apprehension

If it isn’t, it can be detrimental — you run the risk of confusing your readers about your brand and

breaking the trust they have in your ability to deliver articles they want to

read consistently in the future

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3. Write with your readers in mind

We harp on the fact that in-depth customer knowledge which you

continuously improve as days go by, is an important requisite of effective


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Your Unique Voice

Identify ways in which you can add your unique voice to the

discussion that already exists about your industry and brand.

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Your Product – A Better Solution

Determine your value proposition — a clear statement that explains how

your product solves customers’ problems, delivers specific benefits,

and communicates why people should buy from you instead of from

your competition.

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Thus Create an Edge over Others

Armed with this information, you can identify your niche and hype your differentiators by creating content

around topics that offer special insights and analysis not offered by

other blogs

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4. Be consistent

Consistency is really important. You should keep on trying to improve the

offer through the blog on a pre-determined periodicity.

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Update at Regular Intervals

Have you ever heard someone say, “If you don’t update your blog daily, there’s no

reason for people to visit it”? Well, that’s not quite true. But it is important to post

regularly so you can retain subscribers and attract new ones.

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One Post a Week

It is a lot of fun but also very challenging, so I suggest one blog

post a week.

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Sustain and Grow

You will be thankful that you can, not only able to retain your audience, but grow it as well via social media

and syndication.

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Consistency PaysBeing consistent helps you meet your

audience’s expectations and create a place they trust and visit over and over.

That consistency will reward you with reader loyalty.

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Use techniques like:• SEO Search Engine Optimised Content• Embedded Videos of your products • Relevant External Links to your other blogs• Product shots of yours• Your own product albums etc

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5. Use marketing tactics to create visibility

“If you build it, they will come” isn’t a viable blog marketing


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Blog- a Viable Marketing Strategy

Promoting your blog is an essential element of attracting interest for your content, and thus for your

products and services.

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Make efforts to create visibility for your content.

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ExamplesExamples include making it easy for your

readers to share your content via social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook,

Pinterest, and LinkedIn; using social bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon and Digg; and syndicating your content through RSS (Real Simple Syndication).

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Learn More about Blog Marketing

120 ways effective ways to Market your BLOGS

For this you may please contact [email protected]

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