contemporaryNaturalism W.I.P.



Updated february 2015

Transcript of contemporaryNaturalism W.I.P.

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CONTEMPORARY NATURALISM (CN)Hypotheses and thoughts for a collective imaginary's biology (2009)

contemporaryNaturalism is a project that combines various forms of research on the idea of nature and modernity. Since 2006, when the project began, Mauro Ceolin has developed extensive research with the intention to describe and deepen the integration of the languages of visual arts with the natural sciences, a cultural revolution that leads to the disappearance the thin line between drills intangible correspondences “real.” The way in which nature is represented in our society through fictional characters and symbols that refer to an idealized vision of anthropocentric and natural environment, is collected by the artist in a series of works that take the vision of a naturalist trying to understand a world in which the separation between natural and artificial are blurred.

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CRIDA STUDIESAcousmatic soundscapeA concert in two movements for your MP3 player

Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de PalmaThursday 12th April, 2012, 20 h.

Es Baluard will host on April 12 at 20 hours the project by artist Mauro Ceolin CRIDA Studies. Acousmatic soundscape CNSA 0102, a concert for MP3 in two movements. This concert is the result of the research carried out by Ceolin within his project contemporaryNaturalism, about how nature is represented in our consumer society.

CRIDA Studies: acousmatic soundscape CNSA 0102, concerto in two movements for MP3 summarizes, in a visual format, the research conducted by Mauro Ceolin on the relationship between astronomy and the scientific imagination in science fiction movies. The result of this study (CNSA 0102) produces a soundscape and visual impressions made of parts of elements copied, isolated and extracted from various video sharing websites (eg YouTube) and mounted with a free software.

link: concert per a MP3 en dos moviments

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VIVENDI / contemporaryNaturalism - from Lassie to Pokémon

research-Work by Mauro Ceolin, curated by Alberto Pizzati Caiani

Triennale di Milano | Triennale Bovisa |Triennale VisionLab, October 2011 - Location: Triennale Bovisa

Triennale VisionLab, the laboratory of Triennale di Milano laboratories, which promotes creative cooperation between young artists and scientists, presents VIVENDI ContemporaryNaturalism – From Lassie to Pokémon a research-Work by Mauro Ceolin for Laboflabs 2011.....the project will make it possible to analyse the artistic proposition of the work by participating with the artist in the Art and Science Crossing laboratory, with its cross-fertilisation of codes and canons. The first results of the investigations carried out by Ceolin since 2006 on the trans-media characters, icons, and objects of the international intra-generational world of the imagination will be presented.An explorer of landscapes, places, and electric/electronic/computer/digital universes, Mauro Ceolin, a latter-day Darwin, goes so far as to trace out the new frontiers of the concept of Nature. From it, he attempts to bring out and express an innovative range of meaning for a global society that is increasingly pervaded by virtual and immaterial dimensions.The exhibition, which also includes docu-videos (matteo scanni), sound-design(asmagita darvinci) and theatre performances (fattoria vittadini)....

Diary on issuu

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CNbiotopoGT @ the digital layer for the Italian Pavilion at the Architecture Biennale 2012

GranTouristas, curated by: Daniele Mancini, Stefano Mirti, Remo Ricchetti.

Italian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012

link: CNbiotopoGT

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memeZoology” special projectcurated by Claudio Mussofor roBOt by Federica Patti

roBOt06 Festival - digital paths into music and arts - Palazzo Re EnzoCappella di S. Maria dei Carcerati (Tremlett)02 October - 05 October 2013

Mauro Ceolin : Evolutionary (dis)orderMemezoology fits within the research project contemporaryNaturalism, active since 2006 with the goal of certifying the existence of a "biology of the imaginary collective" and the spread of memes in mainstream media. With an analytical eye, Ceolin chooses cases that have become "viral" as a result of countless versions created from a common template. Our imagination expands thanks to the emergence of new (even synthetic) life forms. Another evolutionary breakthrough is looming. For Homo Digitalis it is not difficult to be surrounded by wildlife created by film, television or video games and, likewise, it easily contributes to a meme’s survival.

Claudio Musso 2013

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ETERNAL SEPTEMBERThe rise of amateur culture

curated by Valentina Tanni

Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art in collaboration with Škuc Gallery

Ljubljana, Slovenia, september 2014group exhibition

Featuring: Anonymous (The Game Pro), Tymek Borowski & Pawel Sysiak, Mauro Ceolin, Paolo Cirio, Paul Destieu, Electroboutique, Matthias Fritsch, Colin Guillemet, David Horvitz, Maskull Lasserre, Aled Lewis, Dennis Logan (Spatula007), Valeria Mancinelli & Roberto Fassone, Mark McEvoy, Casey Pugh et al., Steve Roggenbuck, Smetnjak Collective, Helmut Smits, Phil Thompson and Wendy Vainity (madcatlady) Eternal September is a group exhibition that aims to explore the relationship between professional art making and the rising tide of amateur cultural movements throughout the Web, a historical event that has triggered a huge, fascinating shift in every field of culture, especially the visual one. The exhibition includes works by 15 authors and artistic groups (professionals and amateurs alike) and a series of special projects and accompanying events that will take place both offline and online.

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A+A | Centro Pubblico per l'Arte ContemporaneaVenezia 31 gennaio 2011Studying the Spore's Ytubesoundscape and his wildlife

La A plus A, Centro Espositivo Sloveno è lieta di presentare un appuntamento che si inserisce nella parte più sperimentale e laboratoriale del programma di “Concrete Landscapes”. Interagendo con quelle energie artistiche presenti nel territorio nazionale ed internazionale, la A+A desidera offrire uno spazio aperto al libero sviluppo di alcuni momenti radicalmente sperimentali, per cogliere quell’essenza di novità che spesso nasce in luoghi nascosti, trasversali, e proprio per questo più fecondi.

Lunedì 31 gennaio 2011 la A plus A, Centro Espositivo Sloveno – in collaborazione con l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia (corso di Applicazioni Digitali per l’Arte del dipartimento di Nuove Tecnologie di San Servolo) avrà il piacere di presentare, nella continuazione del programma di “Concrete landscapes“, una giornata di studio/evento articolata in due momenti complementari con il digital-artist Mauro Ceolin.

webpage at

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Spore's Ytubesoundscape and his wildlife

FILE Hypersonica part of FILE 2011 - Electronic Language International Festival exhibition.SESI' Cultural Centre, Av. Paulista, 1313, Sao Paulo, Brazil

"Spore's Ytubesoundscape and his wildlife" classified the zoological sound environment on Spore's videogame

Spore's Ytubesoundscape and his wildlife" is in a soundscape composed of 36 proposals in an infinite loop. The tracks are taken from sessions of the videogame Spore, published by the players on the YouTube platform. Each track corresponds to a zoomorphic creature in the game, creating an overall sound portrait of a living environment, but virtual, populated by characters in the form of nature 2.0.

Link "Spore's Ytubesoundscape and his wildlife"

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Rapporti di Rapidità solo show at SKL galleryPalma de Mallorca · Illes Balears (Spain) april/june 2013

Rapporti di Rapidità, la muestra que ahora presenta en la Galería SKL, constituye la más reciente línea de investigación de Mauro Ceolin en este campo. Un estudio iniciado durante su residencia en el programa CRIdA en Palma y desarrollado a lo largo del último año en Milán explora ahora el impacto de las imágenes en la sociedad y las relaciones de continuidad que se producen entre estas, basándose en los modelos que ofrece la memética, la teoría de la información y la antropología cultural. Una serie de obras se configuran como “informes de la velocidad” a la cual se distribuye un determinado meme en nuestra sociedad, a través de productos de la industria cultural tales como films y series de televisión.

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Mauro Ceolin: Etnografia Dell’immaginario by Claudio Musso on Digimag # 7 | 2011Mauro Ceolin: PageRank#CMdcU – spazio ULTRA | 2012Mauro Ceolin, Claudio Musso - PageRank#CMdc01B - Digicult Edition on lulu press | 2013

The experience PageRank#CMdc born on the occasion of an interview published on Digimag magazine published by Digicult. PageRank#CMdc represents a new stage of contemporaryNaturalism, the project with which Mauro Ceolin intended to build a line of research that has the ability to incorporate a variety of discourses, languages and meta-languages. Since 2006, in fact, built a path in progress based on the logics of the catalog and archive to highlight the existence of a biology of the contemporary imagery. The action is developed in three phases: prologue, performance, documentation.

link: Mauro Ceolin: Etnografia Dell’immaginario by Claudio Musso

link: Mauro Ceolin: PageRank#CMdcU – spazio ULTRA

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Special guest project

FUNGI3D Mushroom on the World Wide Web.videogame, manga, web mushroom papercraft present in the world wide web between 2009 and 2010, with one exception.

Museum of Science and Technology | Step09 art fair 26.27.28 Milan, November 2010

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En_lloc (ning/un lugar). Diálogos entre arte, territorio y tecnología.

Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró Mallorca,26 y 27, junio 009

ContemporaryNaturalisn has been presented as a absolute preview in june 2009 within the conference cycle “Now_here, dialogues among art, land and technology” at Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca, curated by Pau Waelder.In the conference I had introduced the first alpha taxonomy, which describes flora, fauna and fungi generated by electronic and electrical means, software and the collective imagination.

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memeZoology prequel

Seminario con Mauro Ceolin Venerdì 13 e Sabato 14 Febbraio 2015

Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma - Campo Boario Aula 1A

Studenti corso Illustrazione – Progettazione Grafica – Tecniche e Tecnologie della Grafica - Grafica d’Arte Tecniche dell’Incisione, Prof. Enrico Pusceddu.

il seminario visto l’aspetto operativo ha previsto un tetto massimo di 70 studenti.

Il seminario sarà impostato come momento di ricerca dialettica e affronterà i temi del rapporto tra la diffusione dell’informazione nelle piattaforme sociali informatiche, nelle società post alfabetiche, attraverso possibili “nuove” forme zoomorfe.Il seminario si inserisce nel raggio di contemporaryNaturalism, ricerca attiva dal 2006 che si propone di attestare l’esistenza di una “biologia dell’immaginario collettivo”.(foto courtesy Simone Cera)

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Seminario n.2: Mauro Ceolin

Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo

Siri: "gli esseri umani hanno le religioni, io ho il silicio"Ammissione: studenti del I, II e III anno di Pittura e di Nuove tecnologieBergamo, 9 maggio 2014

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"Animali Trans-mediali", approfondimenti e concetti base.

Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia Dipartimento di Nuove Tecnologie dell’Arte, Isola di San Servolo

Dal 2013 con la realizzazione della ricerca "memeZoology" Mauro Ceolin ha iniziato un processo di riflessione che intende cristallizzare quel fenomeno, dove la transitorietà nel tempo da differenti media rendono alcune forme zoomorfe sedimentarsi nell'immaginario comune e divenire attraverso i nuovi mezzi di comunicazione "più reali del reale".

Lo studio triennale che presenterà si inserisce nel main project “contemporaryNaturalism” che dal 2006Ceolin ha sviluppato, indagando tutte quelle forme auto-producenti che transitano nell'immaginariocomune. Ricercatore in paesaggi immateriali, Mauro Ceolin, illustra le nuove frontiere del concetto di Natura, cercandone le regole, le relazioni di un rapporto che vede l'uomo sempre di più fondersi con il suoimmaginario tecnologico.

L'incontro con gli studenti sarà l'occasione per fissare/presentare i concetti base della ricerca eattraverso alcuni casi storici, indagare le nuove modalità di organizzare l'informazione.

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Presentazione del libro: Eternal September

Istituto Svizzero di Roma – sede di Milano Milano, 23 aprile 2015

Pubblicato in occasione della mostra omonima, tenutasi presso la galleria Škuc di Lubiana nel settembre 2014, il libro raccoglie i risultati di un lavoro di ricerca sulle relazioni tra arte contemporanea e produzione amatoriale che ha avuto la sua prima tappa espositiva proprio all’Istituto Svizzero di Milano, con il progetto Nothing to See Here… (maggio – luglio 2013). L’evento ha visto la prima presentazione pubblica del Great Wall of Memes, un progetto in corso poi riproposto in forma installativa a Lubiana e, più di recente, nella mostra The Darknet. From Memes to Onionland alla Kunsthalle Sankt Gallen.Nel suo intervento, Valentina Tanni ripercorrerà le tappe del progetto e approfondirà alcune delle linee tematiche esplorate dalla mostra. Con lei interverranno Domenico Quaranta, Roberto Fassone, Valeria Mancinelli e Mauro Ceolin.

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Politecnico di MilanoFacolta' di Architettura e Società , Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione

Mauro Ceolin incontra gli studenti del Corso: Multimedia e Paesaggi VirtualiDocente: Prof. Mario GerosaMilano 13 Ottobre 2010

“Sulla origine dell'integrazione culturale tra mondi materiali e immateriali”Variazione dello stato di natura tra rappresentazione e descrizione:, dai gamepeople a contemporaryNaturalism

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ContemporaryNaturalism: Ipotesi e riflessioni per una biologia dell immaginario collettivo ʼ

Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia corso di Applicazioni Digitali per l'Arte del dipartimento di Nuove Tecnologie di San Servolo

Mauro Ceolin incontra gli studenti del Corso: Applicazioni Digitali per l'ArteDocente: Prof. Manuel FraraVenezia 31 gennaio 201

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PageRank#CMdc01B Incontro con MAURO CEOLIN / CLAUDIO MUSSO

Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo

Mauro Ceolin incontra gli studenti del Corso: Sistemi editoriali per le arti visive Docente: Marco MancusoBergamo 17 Aprile 2013

I due autori presentano la pubblicazione digitale PageRank#CMdc01B. Il volume ha la duplice funzione di raccogliere e proseguire l’esperienza PageRank#CMdc nata in occasione di un’intervista tra i due curatori per Digimag. Il testo rappresenta una nuova tappa di contemporaryNaturalism, il progetto con cui Mauro Ceolin ha inteso costruire un filone di ricerca che avesse la capacità di inglobare svariati discorsi, linguaggi e metalinguaggi. Dal 2006, infatti, ha costruito un percorso in fieri basato sulle logiche del catalogo e dell’archivio per evidenziare l’esistenza di una biologia dell’immaginario. contemporaneo.

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Acerca de los memes y la vida basada en silicio

SKL gallery |Palma de Mallorca, ES 19 de junio de 2013

Charla con Mauro Ceolin con motivo de su exposición Rapporti di Rapidità. con la participación de Pau Waelder, comisario.

En este encuentro con el artista, presente a través de Skype como una “forma de vida basada en silicio”, el comisario Pau Waelder (presente en forma de ser vivo basado en carbono) comentará algunas claves de la obra de Ceolin. Seguidamente, en un diálogo abierto con el público, artista y comisario debatirán el concepto de meme y nuestra relación con las formas de vida reales y artificiales.

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Lecture: Sodobni naturalizem, Mauro Ceolin

ART STAYS 2010 International Festival of Contemporary ArtSummer Acadeny of Contemporary Arts, Wednesday 28th July 2010

"ContemporaryNaturalism" oziroma sodobni naturalizem v najširšem smislu pomeni izpraševanje o življenju na osnovi silikona. To raziskovanje temelji na kolektivni domnevi, da je materialni svet resničen zato, ker se dogaja. Beseda “ContemporaryNaturalism” izvira iz besed “Contemporary” oz. sodobno, kar lahko definiramo kot tisto, kar živi, se dogaja ali obstaja v električnem ali elektronskem času, in “Naturalism” oz. naturalizem, kar je empirična metoda preučevanja .Izraz “ContemporaryNaturalism” se nanaša na pojav v smislu življenja na osnovi silikona, ki je najbolj čista in najbolj značilna oblika življenja v elektronskem času, na katerega se nanaša beseda 'sodobno'. Ta pojav je s pomočjo novih, široko dostopnih sredstev, ki so tesno povezana z elektronskim in električnim časom, močno zakoreninjen v kolektivni navideznosti, in je pridobil konkretno materialno prisotnost.

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Triennale di Milano | Triennale Bovisa |Triennale VisionLab

Open Conference: Vivendi - contemporaryNaturalism, from Lassie to PokémonCon la partecipazione di Peppino Ortoleva, Mauro Ceolin, Alberto Pizzati Caiani

Triennale Bovisa, Milanomercoledì 19 ottobre 2011 h.18.30

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Memezoology, the book edited by Mauro Ceolin and Claudio Musso, contains and elaborates the content of a research shown for the first time in the form of an installation during the sixth edition of roBOt Festival. The project Memezoology is part of a wider range of contemporaryNaturalism, a project started in 2006 that aims to certify the existence of a “biology of the collective imagery”. In this case the focus is on the spread of memes through the mainstream media, particularly the Internet. With an analytical look Ceolin choses memes with zoological subject, the cases become “viral” as a result of countless versions created from a common template. The material collected was subjected to a sampling with a scientific approach: appointed, cataloged and stored “animals memes” look like any other living being.The book is introduced and accompanied with texts by Federica Patti, Valentina Tanni and Pau Waelder that in different ways have followed the work of Mauro Ceolin and are interested in the relationship between artistic production and new technologies.

PDF on issuu

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Alpha taxonomy

uls pocket #8 Mauro Ceolin

(Un)limited Store 2009

(U)L.S sont les initiales de (Un)Limited store, structure d’exposition, de diffusion ainsi que de production de multiples et de livres d’artistes située à Marseille.uls pocket est une collection de livres d’artistes au format livre de poche, un volume de 1 cm d’épaisseur d’un format de 16,3 cm X 11 cm.Cette collection s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une carte blanche proposée aux artistes invités.

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contemporaryNaturalism, hypotheses and thoughts for a collective imaginary's biology

Lulu edition 2012

contemporaryNaturalism is a project that combines various forms of research on the idea of nature and modernity. Since 2006, when the project began, Mauro Ceolin has developed extensive research with the intention to describe and deepen the integration of the languages of visual arts with the natural sciences, a cultural revolution that leads to the disappearance the thin line between drills intangible correspondences “real.” The way in which nature is represented in our society through fictional characters and symbols that refer to an idealized vision of anthropocentric and natural environment, is collected by the artist in a series of works that take the vision of a naturalist trying to understand a world in which the separation between natural and artificial are blurred.

PDF on issuu

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PageRank#CMdc01BBy Mauro Ceolin, Claudio Musso

Digicult Edition 2013

The book has the double function of collecting and continue the experience PageRank#CMdc born on the occasion of an interview between the two curators published on Digimag magazine (the past version of the new Digimag Journal) published by Digicult. PageRank#CMdc represents a new stage of contemporaryNaturalism, the project with which Mauro Ceolin intended to build a line of research that has the ability to incorporate a variety of discourses, languages and meta-languages. Since 2006, in fact, built a path in progress based on the logics of the catalog and archive to highlight the existence of a biology of the contemporary imagery. The action is developed in three phases: prologue, performance, documentation.

PDF on issuu

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Ceci est Silicium

Elaborazione dei materiali, cartacei e digitali, raccolti durante il seminario di Mauro Ceolin presso l'Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo il 9 maggio 2014 e parzialmente pubblicati sul layer digitale della giornata presente sulla pagina Facebook Seminario Ceolin 2014.Il seminario tenuto da Mauro Ceolin si inserisce nel raggio di contemporaryNaturalism, ricerca attiva dal 2006 che si propone di attestare l'esistenza di una "biologia dell'immaginario collettivo". Nel caso del lavoro svolto con gli studenti di Bergamo la riflessione si è concentrata sulla mediazione operata dalle tecnologie nel rapporto con la realtà.

Come spiega l’artista: «il libro contiene e rielabora una selezione di materiali prodotti durante il seminario, dove, con gli studenti, abbiamo esplorato aree relative all'esperienza che soggettivamente percepiamo nel nostro rapporto con l'uso dei nuovi strumenti elettronici. Come tool dialettico, oltre alla parola, abbiamo lavorato utilizzando una pagina di Facebook creata appositamente. Inoltre i topic che incontravamo e che ritenevamo importanti si cristallizzavano attraverso fili, note su carta, palloncini colorati sui quali venivano trascritte idee e concetti, in una struttura comune, site specific, in grado di materializzare il pensiero collettivo. Il ruolo di chi presiedeva il seminario non si limitava ad un'azione ‘uno a molti’ ma stimolava una comunicazione ‘molti a uno’ in una fase preliminare e successivamente nello step dialettico del ‘tutti a tutti’». (from

PDF on issuu

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Mauro Ceolin ( Milan, Italy 1963) is a bio-artist based in Milan, whose work is focused on representing contemporary realities. Since 1996 his research consists in studying the aesthetics forms and the experiences coming from the post-alphabetic society. In the past few years his work has been shown in many international shows and venues: “Eternal September“, Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art in collaboration with Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia; “CnbiotopoGT” project for GranTouristas the digital layer for the Italian Pavilion at the Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy; “CRIdA Studies. Acousmatic soundscape, a concert for MP3 in two movements” at Es Baluard Contemporary Art Museum, Palma, Mallorca, Espana; “Play Station” at Postmasters gallery, New York, Usa; “VIVENDI, contemporaryNaturalism - from Lassie to Pokémon” at Triennale di Milano, Triennale Bovisa, Milan, Italy (solo show); ”Italians Do It Better!!” Neoludica. Art is a game 2011-1966, 54th Venice Art Biennale – collateral events, Sala dei Lanieri, Venice, Italy; "WRO 09” 13th Media Art Biennale, BWA Galeria Awangarda, Wroclaw, Poland; “Metalandscapes“, 4 Triennale der Photographie - Deichtor Center, Hamburg, DE; “Flow”, Kunsthalle CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Espana; “MetaLandscapes”, Fundación Pilar y Joan Miró Mallorca, Espana; “GameScapes”, Galleria Civica, Monza, Italy; “Net Archive: Art Game”, MAXXI museum, Rome, Italy; “L'arte videoludica di Mauro Ceolin”, IULM University Gallery, Milan, Italy (first retrospective); "Bang the Machine” Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA; “Biennale Adriatica Arti Nuove”, Italy; "armoury" Trevi Flash Art Museum, Italy; "VI Salón Pirelli " Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Caracas, Venezuela; "InteractivA'03", Museum of Contemporary Art, Merida, Mexico; "L'oading", Galleria Civica, Siracusa.As invited artist he participated to many new media festivals around the world; among them: “roBOt06” Festival - digital paths into music and arts, , Bologna, Italy: “FILE Hypersonica” at FILE 2011 - Electronic Language International Festival exhibition, Sao Paulo, Brazil; “Art Stays” 8th Festival of contemporary art, Regional Museum, Ptuj, Slovenija; "B I T M A P: as good as new" Pearlstein Gallery, Philadelphia, and , Brooklyn, New York; "File07" Sesy Gallery, San Paolo, Brazil; “SlickVIDEOArt 07” Auditorium du Pavillon Carré de Baudouin, Paris, France; “59 seconds International Film/Video Festival” 911 Media Arts Center, Seattle, WA e Media Arts Center San Diego, CA; "GameScenes.Scapes” piemonte_share_festival_2005, Palazzo Cavour, Torino; "Bit art" Florence; "PEAM2004" Pescara; "FileGame2004" Sesy Gallery, San Paolo, Brazil; "ISIMD2004" Istanbul; "Pathiharn electron", Chiangmai, Thailand; "Pixxelpoint2002" Slovenia (best vectorial art); "AfterNeeN" Utrecht.

Official website: 

Lecture, workshop and residence

2015 lectureAcademy of Fine Arts in Venezia, New Technologies Departments in San Servolo island, Italy, "Animali Trans-mediali", approfondimenti e concetti base.2015 seminarAcademy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy, “memeZoology Prequel”2014 seminarAcademy Carrara of Fine Arts, Bergamo, Italy, “Siri: "gli esseri umani hanno le religioni, io ho il silicio”.2013 talk with P.WaelderSKL gallery, Palma de Mallorca, Espana, “Acerca de los memes y la vida basada en silicio”2013 lectureAcademy of Fine Arts “ Carrara”, Sistemi editoriali per le arti visive Departments, Bergamo, Italy, “PageRank#CMdc01B” with C. Musso 2013 lectureUniversità degli Studi di Milano, Laboratorio di Storia e Critica dell'Arte Contemporanea, Milan Italy, "metodologia di pensieri 3.o"2012 conferenceContemporary and Modern Art Museum, Udine, Italy, “#udine SM.ART - L’arte fa il punto - Mauro Ceolin: art 2.0” 2012 residenceCRIdA. Center for Artists’ Residencies and Exchanges, Palma Espai d’Art Foundation, Mallorca, Espana2011 lectureAcademy of Fine Arts, workshop organized by A+A | Slovenian Exhibition Centre in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts New Technologies Departments, Venezia, Italy, “Metodologia di pensieri”2011 lectureAcademy of Fine Arts New Technologies Departments in San Servolo island, Venezia, Italy, “ContemporaryNaturalism: Ipotesi e riflessioni per una biologia dell immaginario collettivo”ʼ2010 conferenceAuditorium, Palace of Exhibitions, Rome, Italy, The next stop “contemporary art and communication”.Case history: Mauro Ceolin, artist2010 meeting with studentsPolitecnico di Milano, Faculty of Architecture, Course: Multimedia and Virtual landscape, Milan, Italy, “ Sulla origine dell'integrazione culturale tra mondi materiali e immateriali”2010 lecture

ART STAYS 2010, 8th International Festival of Contemporary Art, Ptuj, Slovenija, “Sodobni naturalizem: Mauro Ceolin“2009 conferenceFundación Pilar y Joan Miró, Mallorca, Espana, “en_lloc, Diálogos entre arte, territorio y tecnología”2008 residenceKunsthalle CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Espana, “Flow”2006 conferenceIULM University, Milan, Italy, “Games@IULM”2004 conferenceUniversity of Torino, Organizzazione per la Ricerca in Scienze e Arti, Torino, Italy, “Playtime. Dimensione ludica e new media art”