Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.

Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues
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Transcript of Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.

Page 1: Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.

Contemporary Middle East

Some Fundamental Issues

Page 2: Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.


• Israeli-Palestinian Relations and Peace Process

• Arab Spring

• Future of Iraq

• War in Afghanistan

• Drone Attacks

Page 3: Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.

Israel & Palestine: Palestinian Concerns

• Israeli Settlements

• Occupation

• Gaza Blockade

• Wall

• Status of Jerusalem

• Right of Return

• Palestinian Statehood (Two State Solution)

Page 4: Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.

Israel & Palestine: Israeli Concerns

• Israel’s Right to Exist

• Israel as Jewish State

• Security Concerns

• Status of Jerusalem

• Israel’s Peace Movements

• Two State Solution

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Israeli history: Highlights

• May 14, 1948. The State of Israel declares itself as an independent Jewish state. The UN approves

• May 15, 1948. 1948 Arab-Israeli War: Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon and Egypt invade Israel hours after its creation. The attack is repulsed, and Israel conquers more territory.

• 1948–1949 Almost 250,000 Holocaust survivors make their way to Israel.

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Israeli history: Highlights

• 1956 The Suez War.

• June 5–10, 1967. The Six-Day War. Israel launches a pre-emptive strike against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Israeli aircraft destroy the bulk of the Arab air forces on the ground in a surprise attack, followed by Israeli ground offensives which see Israel decisively defeat the Arab forces and capture the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.

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Israeli history: Highlights

• October 6–24, 1973 The Yom Kippur War. Egypt and Syria, backed up by expeditionary forces from other Arab nations, launch a surprise attack against Israel on Yom Kippur. After absorbing the initial attacks, Israel recaptures lost ground and then pushes into Egypt and Syria. Subsequently, OPEC reduces oil production, driving up oil prices and triggering a global economic crisis .

• September 18, 1978 At Camp David, near Washington D.C., Israel and Egypt sign a comprehensive peace treaty, The Camp David Accord, which included the withdrawal of Israel from the Sinai.

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Israeli history: Highlights

• 1982 June–December 1st Lebanon War. Israel invades Southern Lebanon to drive out the PLO .

• 1990 The Soviet Union opens its borders for the three million Soviet Jews who had been held as virtual prisoners within their own country. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews choose to leave the Soviet Union and move to Israel.

• October 30, 1991 The Madrid Peace Conference opens in Spain, sponsored by the United States and the Soviet Union .

• September 13, 1993 Israel and PLO sign the Oslo Accords.

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Israeli history: Highlights

• August, 2005. Israel withdraws military and settlers from Gaza.

• January 2006. Hamas wins Palestinian Elections.

• 2006 July–August. 2nd War in Lebanon. About 2,000 Lebanese and 159 Israelis were killed, and civilian infrastructure on both sides heavily damaged.

• 2008 December. Israel Invades Gaza, Hamas fires rockets into Israel.

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Israeli history: Highlights

Since 2008:

• Settlement Activity Continues

• Blockade of Gaza

• Peace Talks Stalled

• Palestinian Bid for Statehood with UN

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• Israeli-Palestinian Relations and Peace Process

• Arab Spring

• Future of Iraq

• War in Afghanistan

• Drone Attacks

Page 18: Contemporary Middle East Some Fundamental Issues.

Arab Spring

• Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria

• On-Going Situation in Syria

• Emerging Turkish Leadership

• Democratic Movement, Social Media

• Creation of Democratic Institutions?

• Islamic Militancy

• Legacy of American Foreign Policy

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Arab Spring

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Future of Iraq

• U.S. Pulling Out by the end of 2011

• Will Internal Tensions Re-emerge Once the U.S. Military Presence Is Gone?

• Shi’ite/Sunni Tensions

• Influence of Iran

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War in Afghanistan

• Are We Making Progress?

• Complexities of Afghan Culture, Geography, History

• Civilian Casualties

• Ruthlessness and Persistence of Taliban

• Pakistan: • Drone Attacks• Territorial Incursions• Civilian Casualties

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Drone Attacks

• 3000 People Killed in Drone attacks

• Includes many Civilians

• Includes American Citizens

• Pakistan, Yemen

• Exacerbates Bad American Reputation