CONTACT! Magazine Issue 95



Pete Hodges plans to build an anphib, uses computer simulation to determine his 60 degree Chevy V/6 engine mods. The first Mustang II powered by a Chevy 4.3 was built by Gale Derosier. The Europa gets a HP boost using a direct drive Subaru EJ22, by Lynn Elsner. The Brits are developing aircraft Diesel engines per Vance Jaqua. Brian Robinson finally solves the Seabee engine problem with a Corvette LS1 installation!

Transcript of CONTACT! Magazine Issue 95 CONTACT! ISSUE 106 PAGE 23

CONTACT! Magazine currently offers three 8-1/2x11 soft cover books, each of them a unique, authoritative reference, dealing with auto engine conversions, each unrivaled in scope and detail of content. Each volume of "ALTERNATIVE ENGINES" is a compiled work of past CON-TACT! Magazine articles, documenting individual experiences in pre-paring, installing and flying converted auto engines. The three volumes also contain important information and solutions for cooling, ignition redundancy and selection of components. We are pleased to announce the publication of yet a fourth in the series,

"ALTERNATIVE ENGINES VOLUME 4" Over 350 glossy pages of black and white content, (or your choice of full color!) compiled from issues of CONTACT! Magazine (picking up where Volume 3 left off) as published by Patrick Panzera, the current editor and publisher of CONTACT! Magazine. Each volume explores in detail the builder's or designer's trials and tribulations in development and testing. Decades of experience are available at your fingertips, presented in a manner that is educational, informative, and entertaining.

Alternative Engines Volume 4

Alternative Engines Volume 4 Order Form (or simply call 558-584-3306 and order over the phone) Please sign me up for the Black & White version. I understand that this is a preorder for a book to be published in the near future.

Please sign me up for the COLOR version. I understand that this is a preorder for a book to be published in the near future.

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Black & White

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Issue #106

While we have not printed the book yet, progress is being made. We are very close to being ready to go to print, but we need your help to make the color book happen. While the black-and-white version will be created on a "print on demand" basis, we have to preorder the color book in in the highest quantity possible in order to get the best price. The prices shown below are based on a first run of 500 books, and that's where we need your help. Just as we did with Volume 3, we are asking you to pre-purchase the book now, which is several months before they actually become available. We will either have enough orders in the next few months to go into print, or we'll refund all the monies sent in for the color book. The black-and-white version will go to the printers in two months no matter how many orders we get.

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We are pleased to announce the publication of yet a 4th in the series, "ALTERNATIVE ENGINES VOLUME 4". Over 350 pages of full color content, compiled from past issues of CONTACT! Magazine as published by Patrick Panzera, editor of CONTACT! Magazine.

Alternative Engines Order Please rush me Volume 1 of Alternative engines.

Please rush me Volume 2 of Alternative engines.

Please rush me Volume 3 of Alternative engines.

Please rush me Volume 4 of Alternative engines.

Please rush me Volume 4 COLOR VERSION of Alternative engines.

CONTACT! Magazine PO Box 1382

Hanford California 93232-1382 [email protected] (559) 584-3306 Office

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