Contact Details - Wilmslow High School

1 Friday 12th May 2017 Issue 28 Contact Details Reception: 01625 526191 Attendance: 01625 441089 Sixth Form Attendance: 01625 441070 Second hand uniform shop: 07889 924692 Community Liaison: 01625 444159 School lettings: 01625 441053 High Notes highnotes@wilmslow @wilmslowhigh @whigh_maths @whigh_eng Through to the National Finals – the Magistrates’ Mock Trial team have won again It’s the 5th year in a row Wilmslow High School have got throught to the national finals of the Magistrates’ Mock Trial competition and it puts us in the top 16 out of the 263 teams that have entered from all over the country. The case was about stolen bikes. The Chapmans live in a flat. Nik Speller is their landlord. They don’t get on. Nik hates the way they keep their four bikes in the communal area, blocking the exit and posing a fire hazard. She’s threatened to move them lots of times. Kate Rishworth won the award for the best individual performance in both the local heat and the regional final. As a barrister, she epitomised ‘polite, measured and deadly’. Our barristers, Clara Edler, Kate Rishworth and George Ainsworth, gave perfectly honed speeches and persuaded witnesses from other schools to admit that black was white. Our witnesses, Lilia Dandache, Jessica Davidson, Sophie Williams and Martha Simpson refused to budge an inch. Our Magistrates were Leila Mulholland and Alice Kraunsoe, our legal advisor was Nyiree Couligan and our usher, Evie Clayton. As always, the judges commented on how well prepared we were, how cleverly we analysed and argued the case and how professionally we presented it. Now, we’ve got to get back to intensive rehearsals for the national finals in Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on 17th June. Wish us luck! - Mrs D Roussak (To read the article in full please click here:

Transcript of Contact Details - Wilmslow High School

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Friday 12th May 2017 Issue 28

Contact DetailsReception:01625 526191

Attendance:01625 441089

Sixth FormAttendance:01625 441070

Second handuniform shop:07889 924692

Community Liaison:01625 444159

School lettings:01625 441053

High Noteshighnotes@wilmslow


Through to the National Finals – the Magistrates’ Mock Trial team have won againIt’s the 5th year in a row Wilmslow High School have got throught to the national finals of the Magistrates’ Mock Trial competition and it puts us in the top 16 out of the 263 teams that have entered from all over the country.

The case was about stolen bikes. The Chapmans live in a flat. Nik Speller is their landlord. They don’t get on. Nik hates the way they keep their four bikes in the communal area, blocking the exit and posing a fire hazard. She’s threatened to move them lots of times.

Kate Rishworth won the award for the best individual performance in both the local heat and the regional final. As a barrister, she epitomised ‘polite, measured and deadly’.

Our barristers, Clara Edler, Kate Rishworth and George Ainsworth, gave perfectly honed speeches and persuaded witnesses from other schools to admit that black was white. Our witnesses, Lilia Dandache, Jessica Davidson, Sophie Williams and Martha Simpson refused to budge an inch.

Our Magistrates were Leila Mulholland and Alice Kraunsoe, our legal advisor was Nyiree Couligan and our usher, Evie Clayton.

As always, the judges commented on how well prepared we were, how cleverly we analysed and argued the case and how professionally we presented it. Now, we’ve got to get back to intensive rehearsals for the national finals in Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on 17th June. Wish us luck! - Mrs D Roussak(To read the article in full please click here:

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Walk All Over CancerIn March, 3 staff members from the ASC Resource team, Katie Goodwin, Norma Waddell and Val Hulme, took on the challenge of ‘Walking All Over Cancer’.

Cancer Research UK asked people to raise money and awareness by doing 10,000 steps a day, every day in March, to help beat cancer sooner. Cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years and consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further.

In order to hit the target, each staff member needed to do a total of 310,000 steps during March, making a collaborative sum of 930,000. Half way through the challenge, it was looking good so, a new target was set by the team to try and reach 1,000,000 steps by the end of the month.

At 11.59pm on 31st March, the team had managed 1,174,481 steps having walked a total distance of 853.6km! The team raised £566.25, including gift aid, for the charity, which will be used to help Cancer Research UK improve results even faster.

The Portico Sadie Massey AwardsCongratulations to Megan Moore and Oliver Smith who have been awarded prizes for their entries in The Portico Sadie Massey Awards for Young Readers and Writers.

They are invited to this very special library for an award ceremony in June. Here, they will meet the judging panel consisting of poets and authors from the North West region and enjoy a performance by Manchester poet, Tony Walsh.

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Monday 8th May saw Bott & Co Managing Partner Paul Hinchliffe, Operations Manager Ann Walter, Learning and Education Manager Dianne Wheeler, Marketing and Communications Officer Alakie Asige Ginn have the pleasure of visiting Wilmslow High School and meeting what was originally supposed to be just the school’s 6th formers and Mock trial team but turned out to a room filled with young, keen and very switched on students. I must admit, we felt really old!

It was refreshing to see such interest and enthusiasm shown through the types of questions they were throwing at us: “What do you look for when someone sends you an application?” “Is doing an apprenticeship better than going to university?” “What is the age requirement for your apprentices?” “What is the difference between paralegals, legal executives and lawyers?” “You mentioned a Communications department, but why is that important in a LAW firm?” “My sister is currently at university, but I know that’s not the route I want to take, what options can you offer someone like me?” “Could you talk more about the Level 3 and 7 CILEx courses?”

All these questions not only helped the students in terms of thinking about their future careers, but for us at Bott & Co, it was beneficial to hear the concerns and some issues most students of this age are facing. For us, our take home message was how else we can better the work we do at the firm, to make sure that those that join us get a wholesome worthwhile experience, so that when they leave they are equipped with lifelong transferable skills that will help them not only in their careers, but also in terms of personal development. Are we doing enough? Could we do more?

No doubt when it comes to employment, competition is getting tougher by the day. Apprenticeships are good for business but more importantly good for the youth because they give young people opportunities beyond the classroom. People are at the heart of every thriving company and one can argue that businesses are playing a huge role when it comes to youth training in the UK. The greatest asset of any business is their people and investing in them through programs such as apprenticeships demonstrates your commitment to empowering them.

So the next time you find yourself in a situation where a teenager asks you about careers, take time to listen, support, answer, clarify and even bust certain myths about learning and the workplace that are still floating around. Because let’s face it, look around you and you will see that it’s not true that ‘Apprenticeships are for people who don’t do well at school’, it’s also not true that ‘Apprenticeships don’t lead to good qualifications’, it’s not true that ‘Graduates have better career prospects’, and it’s certainly not true that ‘Businesses prefer to hire university students’.

- Bott & Co, Solicitors

Hire For Attitude, Train For Skill


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Study LeaveA reminder to all our parents that timetabled lessons covering exam content and exam preparation sessions will be continuing until Thursday 26th May. This is because the longer that students are in school the more likely they are to perform well in their exams. After the Whit holiday, there will be a blend of exam preparation activities, support sessions and independent home study. It is important that each student plans carefully with their teachers the right programme for them. This will vary from student to student. We will give your son or daughter clear guidance on the programme of lessons, exam preparation and independent home study that they should be following in order to achieve most highly.

Important Notices for parents of Year 11 studentsBelow are some important messages for our Year 11 students as they prepare for their

examinations. These will also be included in a letter home to Year 11 parents next week.

Is your child struggling to revise effectively?

There will be a ‘how to revise’ session on Monday 15th May at 3.20 in Room 116. We would advise this for ANY student who feels that they could revise more effectively

From the English team:

English GCSE PreparationAs Year 11 students begin their final preparations, we would like to draw your attention to some important dates and information leading up to students’ English GCSE examinations.

There will be final exam walk-through sessions, with class teachers, on the dates and times listed below. Unless students are advised otherwise, these sessions will take place in students’ usual English rooms.

These are vital sessions in order for students to remind themselves of the specific requirements for each question in both the Language and Literature examinations:

Thursday 18th May: Periods 5 & 6Thursday 25th May: Periods 3 & 4

Monday 5th June: 11.15am - 12.45pmThursday 8th June: Periods 5 & 6


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A reminder that revision resources can be found on Firefly at the following links:

English Language

English Literature

English clinic will be running in the LRC on Tuesdays from 3:20 – 4:00pm and the ‘Quotes by Rote’ session will also be held at this time in room 35.

These sessions are open to all students, and we advise our students to take every opportunity to work with us in the final run up to the examinations

From the Maths team:

In Maths, practice, practice, practice makes all the difference.

The Maths team are asking both Foundation and Higher students to undertake 15 practice tests which have been given out by class teachers and are available on Firefly for students to download and print should they want to have another go.

These tests are a vital tool for students’ preparation for their exams as they will allow students to address any gaps in their knowledge before their exams.

These papers have been shared with every student. If they go onto the “tasks” section on firefly it will be there

Exam technique is also crucial. Students getting their timing of questions right is an important part of effective exam technique so we are recommending that all of our students ensure that they have a watch (NOT a smart watch) that they are getting into the habit of using in exam practice now so that they are well prepared.


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It is vital that all Year 11 students are signed into school well before exams. We will use High Options as our signing in venue for morning exams from Thursday 18th May. Students need to sign in at High Options between 8.15am and 8.45am. In High Options students will have the opportunity to:· Buy pre-exam refreshments· Purchase last minute exam equipment· Speak to form tutors· Get last minute exam advice and encouragement from subject teachers It is vital that students have signed in by 8.45am at the very latest. For afternoon exams from Tuesday 16th May, students will be signed in at the gym (coming through the gym fire doors). Students need to sign in between 12.45pm and 1.00pm. It is vital that students have signed in by 1.00pm at the very latest.


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Day/date Time Venue ActivityMonday 15th May Exams all weekWednesday 17th May 6.30-7.30pm Main Hall Camps International meetingThursday 18th May 3.30-6.00pm Main Hall Exam ThursdayFriday 19th May 9.00-12.30pm 6th form car park Primary tri-golf competiion

Day/date Time Venue ActivityMonday 22nd May Exams all weekThursday 25th May 3.30-6.00pm Main Hall Exam ThursdayFriday 26th May 3.10pm

Evening Hilton, ManchesterSchool Closes for studentsYear 13 Leavers’ Ball

USEFUL LINKS• Extra-curricular activities:• Previous issues of High Notes:• Letters sent from school:• Examination timetable:• Sports X-tra timetable:


Week commencing 22nd May 2017

Week commencing 15th May 2017


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School travel survey

Cheshire East Council would like parents/carers or students to complete a brief survey detailing what methods of transport they use on the way to and from school. The information

gathered in this survey will help the Council promote alternative modes of transport

The survey can be accessed via this link: (students have been encouraged to complete the survey as a ‘task’ on Firefly).

The survey is confidential with all responses compiled and analysed as a group. The deadline for all responses to the survey is the 31st May 2017.

Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Year 11 UniformThe PE Department and the PTA would be grateful for any donations of school PE kit

from current Year 11 students.

Kit can be given directly to the students’ PE teachers at the end of their last PE lesson or dropped off at the Olympic Hall office over

the coming weeks.

Tickets on sale soon!Musical Theatre Showcase group will be

performing a variety of songs from different Musical Theatre genres on the 30th June at


It is one not to be missed! come along and enjoy what promises to be a wonderful

evening of musical talent and entertainment.



RoundersLast Wednesday, Wilmslow played Knutsford in a junior girls rounders competition. There were plenty of girls competing and we managed to win all four games. The scores were as follows: U13A won 8 ½ - 4U13B won 10-2U14 won 9-4 ½ U12 won 14-6

TennisOn Tuesday 24 girls from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 played a friendly tennis fixture away at Stockport Grammar. There were 3 pairs at each age group with each pair playing 3 timed games of doubles. There was a win for the U14 team (31 games to 17), but losses for the U15 (16-28), the U13 (28-42) and the U12 (20-31).

REMINDERReminder to all students in years 7-9, if you want to go on the Rugby Tour to Paris next Easter 2018, you need to pay your deposit by 15th June to guarantee your place. If you haven’t got a

letter please collect one from Mr Rushton.

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CricketQuite a busy week in the cricket calendar... we made the most of the good weather!

A joint U12/U13 loss to Audenshaw Grammar School by 5 wickets.

Wilmslow High batted first, reaching to a total of 96-8 off twenty overs. Charlie Hodge (17*) and Ben Hamilton-Ryan (15*) both showing their class with the bat at the end of the innings. Unfortunately, some ill-disciplined bowling cost Wilmslow; Audenshaw won with four overs spare with the loss of four wickets.

A joint U14/U15 beat Audenshaw Grammar School by 8 wickets.

Wilmslow restricted the visitors to 83-3. The total was reached inside ten overs, thanks to an outstanding 50 not out from James Davidson.

Our U13 team then played and beat a strong Cheadle Hulme School outfit by 9 wickets.

Wilmslow elected to bowl on a green wicket at CHS on a sunny Friday evening. The Year 8 side bowled excellently: CHS all out for 78. James Morten (left) the pick of the bowlers - five wickets from 2.4 overs for 0 runs! Wilmslow reached the total inside 9 overs. Some positive, busy cricket from Henry James (14) and Tom Orr (30*) provided a great platform for wicketkeeper-batsman Will Murray (21*) to blast the winning runs.

On Saturday we played two more fixtures against Calday Grange. The U12 boys put in another great performance to win by 9 wickets. Wilmslow elected to bat first, hitting a massive 167-1 from their 20 overs with four players retiring after reaching 30 runs (Charlie Hodge, Tom Wilson, Ben Hamilton-Ryan and captain Harry Whitmore).Calday could only muster 65-6 from their 20 overs, Ben Hamilton-Ryan the pick of the bowlers with 4 wickets for 5 runs off 2 overs including a hat trick!

The U13 team unfortunately lost by 12 runs.Calday posted an above par total of 108-3 from their 20 overs on a bowler-friendly wicket at Alderley Park. In reply, Wilmslow finished up on 98-7 from their 20 overs. Tom Orr continued his good form with the bat with a cultured 40 runs.

This Saturday Wilmslow play 5 fixtures against Sandbach School.


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Do you want to:Develop your skills and qualities and become a more rounded Wilmslow student and citizen?

Then this programme is for you!We are a friendly group of students who support, organise and deliver activities and events linked to the School Games national programme. We need people who are interested in any of the following: officiating, coaching, journalism, photography, social media, public speaking, advocacy

You can volunteer as much or as little time as your time allows. Meet in Room 60 Mondays at 1.00pm, or speak to Mrs Harris (Sports Hall office)

Results week commencing 5th May 2017

Fixtures week commencing 12th May 2017


DATE OPPONENTS 1ST U15 U14A U13A U12A SPORT05-May-17 CANON SLADE @ Bramhall lane or David Lloyd walkover TENNIS05-May-17 CHEADLE HULME SCHOOL won CRICKET 06-May-17 CALDAY GRANGE lost won CRICKET 09-May-17 STOCKPORT GRAMMAR lost won lost lost TENNIS10-May-17 ELLESMERE COLLEGE lost TENNIS10-May-17 ABERDARE CUP @ MORETON HALL won 12 sets TENNIS11-May-17 STOCKPORT GRAMMAR TENNIS11-May-17 LYMM won 13-4 won 17-4 won 17-5 won 11-3 ROUNDERS11-May-17 SANDBACH SCHOOL canx CRICKET

won 4-2 lost 5-1

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Alderley & Wilmslow Musical Theatre Company are delighted to bring you details of our forthcoming show:

“The Platinum Collection” a celebration concert featuring songs from 70 years of A&WMTC

Saturday 13th May at 7.30 p.m. Sunday 14 May at 2.30 p.m.

At Mottram St Andrew Village Hall, Wilmslow Old Road, Mottram St Andrew SK10 4QP

Tickets £10 Directed by Tina Spiers and Alison Brander, this promises to be a showcase of some of the best songs from the last 70 years – there are bound to be some of your favourites in there! To book tickets online visit To book by post please download the booking form or call the booking line on 07506 988433 We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a great evening!

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This Summer at Wilmslow, Handforth and Alderley Edge Libraries

for young people aged 14-24 Do you want to improve your CV and get some

useful work experience this summer?

Then join the young volunteers at one of these libraries!

We are looking for volunteers aged 14 and over to help with the Summer Reading Challenge.

You’ll be helping to run the challenge, talking to children and their parents about books, and supporting library staff

for events and activities. If you’re interested in volunteering or would like to find

out more drop in for a chat or email: [email protected]

You can also find us on Facebook and on

Closing Date for applications 27th May 2017

Mark Hallett Drama Youth Presents:

‘HARD TO SWALLOW’ by Mark Wheeller

Based on the life of anorexia nervosa sufferer, Catherine Dunbar; told mainly through the words of Catherine and her


It charts Catherine's uneven battle with her illness and her family’s difficulties in coping

with everything that anorexia means.

Dean Row Village Hall

Browns Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 2BR

Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th May

At 4pm

Duration – 45 minutes (no interval)

Tickets £5

Please email: [email protected] for tickets