Conscious Evolution Coaching - Introduction


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This is a one page description of Conscious Evolution showing the purpose, process and benefits.

Transcript of Conscious Evolution Coaching - Introduction

Page 1: Conscious Evolution Coaching - Introduction

Co-create the Evolutionary Breakthrough of Human Consciousness

If we are to successfully navigate our current economic, social and environmental crises, we need new ways of being with one another. What affects one affects all. We will either continue on our current

path of separation, competition and mutual destruction, or together find ways to shift into collaboration and global co-creativity. The choice is ours.

What is Conscious Evolution Coaching?

Conscious Evolution Coaching (CEC) is a dynamic multi-dimensional process that integrates ancient and modern wisdom to facilitate a rapid expansion of personal and collective consciousness. CEC is organized as a community of practice circles. The intention is to expand the consciousness of oneself and other circle members by shifting from Separation to Unified Consciousness by permanently healing the Wounds of Separation.

In cascading circles we coach one another to expand our consciousness Virtual circles meet weekly to practice what we have learned and apply it to a variety of individual and collective challenges. This co-evolutionary practice strengthens our authentic confidence allowing us to live in ongoing expansion while facilitating this process in others. Members also participate weekly in one-on-one coaching, a living practice of mutual support which sustains our growth. The Circle Leader orchestrates and provides the initial experiential coaching.

If you are an awakened Conscious Evolutionary seeking to:

Re-energize your own spiritual growth – with renewed focus, intention and support

Join a community of practice of kindred spirits also committed to the same goals

Expand beyond your limitations in all areas of your life

Accelerate your development by becoming a Circle Leader

Earn a sufficient income both to meet your needs and to invest in a sustainable future

Expand conscious co-creativity and collaboration in the world

Activate your “Vibrational Power” to resolve the massive resistance to this change.

Please Join Us Now!

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