Connections: September 10, 2015

Road to Tomorrow team (left to right): Research Engineer Jennifer Harper, Intermediate Communications Specialist Kellen Burns, St. Louis Assistant Engineer Tom Blair, Assistant to the Resident Engineer in Kansas City James Pflum and Special Projects Coordinator Bob Brendel. Commission Summary by Bob Brendel The “Report Card from Missourians,” conducted in late spring and early summer, shows that 87 percent of Missourians are willing to pay more to support the state’s transportation system, but there is no consensus on how. Transportation Planning Director Machelle Watkins presented the results to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission at its meeting last week in St. Louis. The survey, last done in 2013, was conducted by phone to more than 3,500 randomly-selected persons. The top choice was an increase in the state fuel tax (24 percent – an increase of nine percent), followed closely by adding tolls to some interstate highways (23 percent). Two years ago, the survey results showed that an increase in the general sales tax was the most favored funding stream. Other new revenue sources supported were an increase in car registration and license fees (11.4  percent) and replacing s tate gas tax with a vehicle mileage tax (13 percent). “Specifically, when we asked them: ‘What would you be willing to pay on a monthly basis additional for transportation?’ – 65  percent indicated they’d be willing to spend another $5 or mor e a month to help fund transportation i n the state,” Watkins said. Overall customer satisfaction was at 81 percent, a decrease of four percent from two years ago, and 85 percent said they trust MoDOT to keep its commitments – a seven-percent drop since 2010. OTHER ITEMS Road to Tomorrow – Tom Blair, St. Louis assistant district engineer and leader of the Road to Tomorrow team, updated the Commission on progress made since the initiative was announced in early June. More than 180 ideas have been submitted suggesting a wide assortment of innovations. About one-third of those have merited additional examination, and 15- 20 are being actively pursued to see how they could possibly be implemented. The team hopes to have more detailed recommendations by the end of the year. Consideration of Bids for Transportation Improvements  – State Design Eng ineer Eric Schroeter reported to the Commission the results of the August 21 bid opening. MoDOT received 35 bids on nine calls, all of which were taking-care-of- the-system projects. The Commission awarded contracts to the low bidders. Read the entire summary here - September Commission Summary. Changes to MAPS Process by Paul Imhoff Last July, through an all user email by Matt Sonner, the Chair of the EAC, it was announced that changes were being made to our performance management process. The change is we will no longer be doing formal “mid-year” ratings in the MAPS system in the fall, but we will conduct informal performance feedback sessions with each of our employees in the fall/winter, prior to Jan. 1. With this change, our next formal ratings in the MAPS system will happen in the spring of 2016, between April 1 and May 31. To help us with this change, the Information Systems Division has transitioned all current “mid- year” MAPS forms in the system into “year-end” MAPS forms for your use next spring. This change was made last week. For supervisors, your next responsibility for the performance management  process is to conduct the informal performance feedback s essions and document these sessions in the employees’ MAPS files. You can review the revised performance management policy at the following link: Personnel Policy 6506, Performance Evaluation. September 10, 2015 Central Office Districts Northwest Northeast Kansas City Central St. Louis Southwest Southeast Pag e 1 of 6 Connections 9/10/2015

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Road to Tomorrow team (left to right): Research Engineer Jennifer Harper, IntermediateCommunications Specialist Kellen Burns, St. Louis Assistant Engineer Tom Blair, Assistant tothe Resident Engineer in Kansas City James Pflum and Special Projects Coordinator BobBrendel.

Commission Summaryby Bob Brendel

The “Report Card from Missourians,” conducted in late spring and early summer, shows that 87 percent of Missourians are willingto pay more to support the state’s transportation system, but there is no consensus on how.

Transportation Planning Director Machelle Watkins presented the results to the Missouri Highways and TransportationCommission at its meeting last week in St. Louis. The survey, last done in 2013, was conducted by phone to more than 3,500randomly-selected persons.

The top choice was an increase in the state fuel tax (24 percent – an increase of nine percent), followed closely by adding tolls tosome interstate highways (23 percent). Two years ago, the survey results showed that an increase in the general sales tax was themost favored funding stream. Other new revenue sources supported were an increase in car registration and license fees (11.4

 percent) and replacing state gas tax with a vehicle mileage tax (13 percent).

“Specifically, when we asked them: ‘What would you be willing to pay on a monthly basis additional for transportation?’ – 65 percent indicated they’d be willing to spend another $5 or more a month to help fund transportation in the state,” Watkins said.Overall customer satisfaction was at 81 percent, a decrease of four percent from two years ago, and 85 percent said they trust

MoDOT to keep its commitments – a seven-percent drop since 2010.


Road to Tomorrow – TomBlair, St. Louis assistant districtengineer and leader of the Roadto Tomorrow team, updated theCommission on progress madesince the initiative wasannounced in early June. Morethan 180 ideas have beensubmitted suggesting a wideassortment of innovations. Aboutone-third of those have meritedadditional examination, and 15-20 are being actively pursued tosee how they could possibly beimplemented. The team hopes tohave more detailedrecommendations by the end of

the year.

Consideration of Bids for

Transportation Improvements

 – State Design Engineer EricSchroeter reported to theCommission the results of the August 21 bid opening. MoDOT received 35 bids on nine calls, all of which were taking-care-of-the-system projects. The Commission awarded contracts to the low bidders.

Read the entire summary here - September Commission Summary.

Changes to MAPS Processby Paul Imhoff 

Last July, through an all user email by Matt Sonner, the Chair of the EAC,it was announced that changes were being made to our performancemanagement process. The change is we will no longer be doing formal

“mid-year” ratings in the MAPS system in the fall, but we will conductinformal performance feedback sessions with each of our employees in thefall/winter, prior to Jan. 1.

With this change, our next formal ratings in the MAPS system will happenin the spring of 2016, between April 1 and May 31. To help us with thischange, the Information Systems Division has transitioned all current “mid-year” MAPS forms in the system into “year-end” MAPS forms for your usenext spring. This change was made last week.

For supervisors, your next responsibility for the performance management process is to conduct the informal performance feedback sessions anddocument these sessions in the employees’ MAPS files.

You can review the revised performance management policy at thefollowing link: Personnel Policy 6506, Performance Evaluation.

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For employees, if you have questions on these changes, please contact your supervisor or local Human Resources staff.

Missouri’s Number of Critical ConditionBridges is Growingby Bob Brendel

Just two-and-a-half years after the completion of the most intense bridge program in the state’s history, the number of critical-condition bridges in Missouri is growing again.

After the latest round of bridge inspections, the number of bridges in critical need of attention has risen to 641 – 50 more than ayear ago. State Bridge Engineer Dennis Heckman says that trend is likely to continue.“When we completed the Safe &Sound Bridge Improvement Programin 2012, we stemmed the tide for awhile,” he said. “But we knew thatthe curve would start going up again.Safe & Sound made a dent; however,it did not repair or replace all of thestate’s bad bridges. Now with ashrinking construction budget, thenumber of bad bridges is on the riseagain.”

Missouri has 10,376 bridges on state highways, including 209 that are more than 1,000-feet long. While the Safe & Sound program replaced or repaired more than 800 bridges over four years, 50 to 100 fall into the “critical condition” category each year.Critical condition bridges are the state’s worst, and with continued deterioration, are just one or two steps from being closed.

“To get ahead of the game, we should be replacing more than 100 bridges per year,” Heckman said. “Instead, our funding levels

are only allowing us to replace about 30. In 10 years, we’ll have about 1,500 bridges on the critical condition list.” Read More -Critical Bridges.

Preparations are being made for MoDOT's first Stand Up for Safety Day, Oct. 8. The day's activities are being organized aroundour five safety commitments: I'm Safe, What I Use is Safe, Where I am is Safe, My Customers Are Safe and So We Go HomeSafe.

Below is an idea of what some of the day's activiites might include based on our "I'm Safe" commitment. Click on the link to seethe ideas related to other commitments.

These are just some examples of what might be included. Your supervisors and management teams are working on the details forwhat your specific activities will be as we take this day to focus on safety.

I’m Safe

 I will use my knowledge,awareness and attitudeto make me a safeemployee.

Morning Safety Discussion

As a work unit or division, discuss the special safety message provided for Stand Up for Safety dayand view video.

Sharing Close Calls or Incidents

Employees should share close calls or incidents, even if they’ve shared them before. Then talk aboutwhat could have been done to achieve the same result but in a safer way, therefore avoiding theclose call. Sharing close call experiences with others in their work units and talking about what otheractions could have been taken may keep others safe.

For Office Workers

Sharing Close Calls or IncidentsCan share close calls or incidents such as building or parking lot/garage security issues, trip hazards,

co-workers suffering heart attacks or other sicknesses, etc. What could have been done differently toimprove safety?Discuss importance of wearing shoes in the office at all times (some office staff slip off summerfootwear).Can review personal health tips like Coventry’s “desk moves” flier and other healthy lifestyle tips.


Supervisors document the operations and close calls discussed and what ideas employees had to dothings differently to improve safety. Document healthy lifestyle tips and discussions shared withemployees.

Click here to see the rest of the examples - Safety Day Activities.

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New Medical Plan Option FAQsMore Frequently Asked Questions on the New High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA)option.

Employees are encouraged to review all of FAQs and other information on the website at and attend one of the workshops being held in the districts and central office to see ifthis new plan would be beneficial for you. You can also contact employee benefits staff at 877-863-9406.

Q. Is the employer contribution prorated for new

hires based on their beginning month ofemployment?

A. Yes, the contribution will be prorated based ontheir start date.

Q. How does your dental and vision costs apply

toward your deductible and out-of-pocket


A. Dental and Vision costs can be paid through theHSA, but they do not count toward your deductibleor out of pocket maximum.

Q. When will the employees be provided communication about the new plan offering so they have time to review and plan

in lieu of waiting for the fall meeting and only having a week or two to make a decision?

A. Communication plan is in progress. Information has been released through Connections and is posted on the Employee Benefitsinternet and intranet pages.There are workshops being conducted to learn about the plan. We will also be delivering information during fall meeting


Q. Can current retirees enroll?

A. Yes, current retirees can enroll. They will not receive the HSA contribution from MoDOT/MSHP. They also cannot be enrolledin Medicare or have a Medicare dependent.

View From the ChairProgress on the 'Road to Tomorrow' by Chairman Stephen Miller

Three months ago, in Kansas City’s historicUnion Station, we announced our “Road toTomorrow” initiative – an effort by MoDOT toinspire, attract and identify innovations for there-construction of Interstate 70 – not only forthe purpose of building a “smart highway” forthe 21st century, but for identifying newrevenue sources. Last Wednesday, we gatheredin the shadow of another symbol of Missouri’stransportation heritage – the St. Louis Arch –to receive a progress report.

Since June, more than 190 ideas have beensubmitted to MoDOT's "Road toTomorrow" (R2T) team. Some are technicalinnovations that could be incorporated in the design and construction of a new roadway; others offer the opportunity to movefreight more efficiently; and still others propose different ways to fund the 200-mile project.

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The ideas have been screened and sorted by topic. For example: energy/utilities, trucking efficiencies, advertising,data/communications, funding, alternative travel modes and freight choices. Nearly a third of them have been examined in moredetail, and 15 to 20 of those are being seriously studied to learn how they might benefit Missouri and I-70.

Read More - View From the Chair .

Safety Campaignsby Kelly Jackson

Pledge Now to Focus on the

Road - Statewide CampaignEducates on the Dangers ofDistracted DrivingAre you an advocate of driving distraction free?Do you park the phone and drive the vehicle?Well, your pledge to drive distraction free could

 pay off big - with a brand new 2015 Ford Focus.

To help prevent distracted driving, the MissouriCoalition for Roadway Safety has teamed up withKRCG-TV and Joe Machen's Ford to bring the

 problem into focus. From now until Nov. 6, thecoalition is urging drivers to Focus on the Road as part of a promotion to win a 2015 Ford Focus donated by KRCG and theMachen's Dealership.

"Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person's attention away from the primary task of driving," said CoalitionExecutive Committee Chair Bill Whitfield. "It's also one of the leading factors in traffic crashes in Missouri and nationwide."

Read More - Focus on the Road.

Child Passenger Safety - It'sMore Than Just a Law

 National Child Passenger Safety Week is Sept. 13-19. The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safetywants to ensure all caregivers of young childrenknow the importance of buckling children in anappropriate child restraint. Motorists can alsoexpect increased enforcement of Missouri's childseat safety laws during this campaign.

In 2014, seventeen children less than eight years ofage were killed and 86 suffered serious injuries asoccupants in motor vehicle crashes in Missouri.Thirty-one percent of the children killed were notrestrained in a car seat or safety belt.

Missouri law requires all children under eight to bein an appropriate child safety seat or booster seat

unless:  • They are at least 80 pounds.  • They are at least 4'9" tall.

"All parents and caregivers need to understand the importance of booster seats. It's not just about following the law - booster seatshelp prevent serious injury and may even save your child's life," said Bill Whitfield, chair of the executive committee for thecoalition.

Read moroe - Child Safety.

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What's Happening

Benefits Update on the WayThe 2016 Annual Benefit Update is now available online on theEmployee Benefits Sharepoint site and internet.

You will also receive a hard copy at your home within the nextcouple of weeks. Employees should watch for this in the mail.

If you have any questions after reviewing the information, youcan contact your district or division's benefits representative.

State Employee TrainingExpand your job skills with a library resource training session

 provided by the Missouri State Library Reference ServicesDivision. All resources covered in class are available at no costto state employees and can be used from work or on the go!Check out this flyer for webinars, on-demand classes and more

 – Training.

Deferred Comp UpdateWhen you think of employee benefits, you think of benefitsthat you receive while you’re, well, employed. But did youknow that the State of Missouri Deferred Compensation Plan

can be a lifelong employee benefit?

Click on the image to watch this month’s update on the topicsof: a lifelong benefit, auto enrollment report and stayingconnected with the plan on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn andYouTube.

Sprint Discounts for State EmployeesSwitch to Sprint and get 4 lines with unlimited talk, text and 10GB of high-speed data to share – all while on the Sprint network – for less than$100/mo. after Sprint waives the access charge. It’s the Sprint Family SharePack. Click here for all the details – Sprint Discounts.

September Service Anniversaries

30 Years

Brian A. Bottcher - NWCharles H. Gaines - NWMonte Dale Fisher - NERobert Charles Rhodes - KCJames D. Collier - SLDavid L. Herbst - SESherry L. Glastetter - SEMark L. Biesemeyer - COPaula A. Evers - CO

25 Years

Blaine K. Siddens - NWAmy Susan Nash - KCPhil Crawford Cain - CDJulie Kay Nelson - CDRobert C. Hoffmann - SW

Thomas Eugene Rutledge - SEKaren M. Reinkemeyer - COCatherine Venita Morrison - CO

20 Years

Travis A. Burns - NWKeith Allen Killen - NERichard K. McKown - KCCurtis R. Dunakey - SLPatrick S. Turner - SWDavid Ross Long - SWBrent Lee Grandstaff - SEJeffery Carl Riegle - SEDavid Eugene Musser - COJohn Stephen Cauwenbergh - COKeith Eugene Pigg - CODouglas Duane Abbott - CO

15 Years

Stephen L. Teter - NEMark A. Wortmann - NE

Dana Ann O'Maley - KCJohn L. Sanders - CDWestly P. McPeters - CDBarry Owen White - CDBennetez Jermaine Meeks - SLDennis M. Murphy - SLChristina Rose Stroyan - SLLoyd C. Wilson - SWMark Henry Aufdenberg - SEScott D. Bronenkant - SEKerry P. Grogan - SEDeanne P. Rickabaugh - CO

10 Years

Robin D. Wardlow - NWCharles D. Leach - NWCaleb C. Gilgour - NWAmanda Marie Howe - NWWilliam Alan Elliott - NEAlfred C. Battle - KCJuan Yin - KCJustin Edward Fagre - CDEric Jeffrey Denton - CD

 Nicholas R. Lambert - CDKemmy M. Collins - SWCory M. Hildebrandt - SWThomas M. Turner - SWJames Ryan Freeze - SEBrad W. Koch - SEMichael Ray Reeder - SE

Thomas M. Barnard - SETimothy Calvin Ford - SEGuy Thomas Pagel - SEOscar Lester Smith - SERussell A. Koestner - CO

5 Years

Larry Tadd Cunningham - NWAdam Christopher Nold - NWJason Christopher Wood - NWCherie Beck - SLManuel Davis - SLGary E. Pettit - SLWilliam A. Hawkins - SWDavid Paul McKnight - SW

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Charitable Campaign Pet Parade

The results are in for the pet parade!! The five pets with the most votes invited to attend the pet parade during the Central

Office Charitable Campaign kickoff event are:

• Buttercup (Jay Wunderlich)

• Henry (Beth Ring)

• Truman (Jim Allison)• Winston (Bill Dunn)

• Wreck-It Raven (Roberta Broeker)

During the kickoff event, employees will be able to drop a donation into the pet’s jar they like the best. The pet with themost money wins bragging rights and his/her owner gets to select the charity to receive the pet parade donations!

Charitable Campaign Kickoff Event

Sept. 15 at 11:30 a.m.

Chili dog lunch available

Healthy AgingSeptember Wellness Newsletter

Exercise keeps your muscles strong and your body moving freely. Generally, the more

vigorously you exercise and the more time

you spend doing it, the greater yourendurance and heart health.

When your endurance is good, it’s easier to

sustain low to moderately intense activity

over a long period of time. And the ability todo that is a sign that you have good

circulation, a high energy level, a strong

cardiovascular system (heart, lungs andveins) and excellent overall health.

September is Healthy Aging Month. Read

this month’s Coventry wellness newsletter tolearn how to take steps to improve your


Central Office Happenings

Third Annual Day of

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Remembrance CeremonySept. 17 at 1:31 p.m.Fallen Worker Memorial just west of the Central Office

Show your support by wearing orange as we honor those

we have lost in the line of duty.

Mee Zone EventsHealth Care and Your RetirementSept. 17 – 2 to 3 p.m.By Brad Oxenhandler, Edward Jones Financial Advisor 

Central Office Conference Room 100

The seminar will cover frequently asked questions, including:

  • What is the cost of health care during retirement?

  • How do I prepare for long-term care expenses?

  • How do I use insurance to address long-term care costs?  • How do I develop a healthy retirement portfolio?

  • What are the steps I should be taking before Medicare?

How to East Less and Still Feel SatisfiedSept. 24 – 2 to 3 p.m.

By Robin Gammon, Coventry Health Care Coordinator 601 W Main, Jefferson City

Training Room B, HR Annex

or from anywhere via video conference

Are you interested in eating less but don’t want to give up your favorite foods? Well, you don’t have to. Attend this event tolearn several strategies to help you eat less at work and home and still feel satisfied.

Sign up for both of these Mee Zone events using MoDOT U.

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After the presentation, Fitzpatrick answeredquestions from the attendees.

Missouri Western State University's LatoyaFitzpatrick presented on microaggressions to a fullhouse during a diversity workshop.

Diversity Presentation

 Northwest District employees recently had the opportunity to attend a diversity training on microagressions at the

 Northwest District Conference Center featuring Latoya Fitzpatrick. Ms. Fitzpatrick is the coordinator in the Center for

Multicultural Education at Missouri Western State University.

In her role at the university, she challenges the campus and community to step outside their comfort zone whileappreciating the similarities and differences of those around them. Her presentation examined stereotypes, biases and

 perceptions and how these all intertwine.

Flashing Yellow Arrows

Flashing yellow arrow signals are coming to St. Joseph soon. While the Northwest District did install one flashing yellowarrow signal in Chillicothe, this is the first time they will be installed along a corridor in our district.

To help employees better understand the how's and whys of this project, presentations were held at the district office and

at our St. Joseph maintenance complex. Traffic Operations Engineer José Rodriguez and Senior Traffic Studies Specialist

Joseph Turner led the discussions about why this type of signal, why they're being installed along a corridor and the safety benefits.

Outreach efforts to our local government partners and to the public will be held in the near future.

The signals should be fully installed and operational before Thanksgiving.

Employees from the St. Joseph maintenance complexattended an early morning presentation on theflashing yellow arrows.

A fully operational flashing yellow arrow signalaccompanied the presentations.

Asphalt ZipperA demonstration of a new piece of machinery was held recently on Harrison County Route BB. An Asphalt Zipper was

mounted onto a loader and operated by MoDOT crews under the guidance of an asphalt zipper expert. Several employees

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The asphalt zipper is mounted on the front of theloader and pulverizes asphalt on chip seal surfaces.Water is injected as needed through a spray bar,which is why the tank is leading the loader on the job.

After the asphalt zipper has passed, it leavesreusable ground material in its wake, which can begraded, shaped, compacted and then paved orsealed.

Contractors check the placement of the generator asit is lowered onto bolts secured in the concrete pad.Once fully operational, the new generator will beable to power the district office complex in times ofemergency.

Work continues on the generator installation at theNorthwest District Office. A large crane lifted thegenerator into place on the pre-poured concrete pad.

from maintenance and construction gathered to observe the demonstration. The asphalt zipper pulls up the existing asphalt

surface and grinds it into reusable material.

The zsphalt zipper website claims it can take projects that would normally take one week and completes them in less thanone day. It can be used on small patches to areas up to a half mile per day.

Continuing Generator Installation

For more info

Marcia JohnsonCommunications SpecialistNorthwest District

[email protected]

3602 N. Belt HighwaySt. Joseph, MO 64506-1399

Comments & Suggestions

We would like to hear from you. Send commentsand suggestions to Tammy Wallace [email protected].


Our mission is to provide a world-classtransportation experience that delights ourcustomers and promotes a prosperous Missouri.

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Let's "Face" It... We're MoDOT On ANDOff the Clock

With the extensive use of Facebook as a communication tool,

friends, family and MoDOT customers are connected 24/7. The

lines are blurred when it comes to communicating, because ourcustomers also know many of us outside of our profession. How

we handle these questions, comments, concerns, compliments, onand off the clock, are what can contribute to making us a great


Bill Noyes, senior procurement agent in the general services

department at the Macon Regional Office, is well connected tohis community, so it’s no surprise a Facebook friend of his sought

answers to a MoDOT-related question.

Macon County Route T has been closed since Feb., 2015 atThomas Hill Lake due to significant deterioration and damage to

the concrete girders. This closure has made it difficult for manyarea residents, as well as, visitors to the lake area.

One weekend, a local resident contacted Bill Noyes via Facebookinquiring if some changes could be made to the signage at that


“Since the customer did not know who to contact, she was trusting that I would get her question to the correct individuals,”

said Noyes.

And that is exactly what he did.

Bill forwarded the concern on to communications, the area engineer and the appropriate maintenance personnel. The signs

on the closure were evaluated that day, and it was decided we could make a change to help better communicate the closureto motorists in the area. The changes were made the same day Bill forwarded her concern. The next morning, Bill received

a text from that same customer thanking him for our quick response.

Each person played an integral part in responding to the customer’s concern, that began with a communication to her

MoDOT “friend” on Facebook.

Around the District...

Representatives from Mack, Henderson and Rexrothgave training to some Northeast District employees onthe new trucks that have arrived.

Bridge rehabilitation continues on Salt River Bridgeon U.S. 61 near New London in Ralls County.

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A "brown cow" (or root beer float) fundraiser washeld on Wednesday at the district office for theNortheast Employee Relief Fund (N.E.R.F.) to help aidin the effort of providing financial assistance toemployee enduring catastrophic situations, such asillness.

For more info

Marisa EllisonCommunications ManagerNortheast District573.248.2502

[email protected]

1711 S. Highway 61Hannibal, MO 63401

Comments & Suggestions

We would like to hear from you. Send commentsand suggestions to Tammy Wallace [email protected].


Our mission is to provide a world-classtransportation experience that delights ourcustomers and promotes a prosperous Missouri.

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Unique Summit Street Bridge CreatesChallenges, Extends Construction Timeline

Bridge rehabilitation on the Summit Street Bridge over I-670 started in the early days

of summer with the plan to open within 30 days – and that’s when things gotinteresting.

This bridge has something most do not, an engineered false bottom created to softenthe appearance for traffic below. It has a lovely art deco feel that marks many of

the iconic structures in the Kansas City skyline.

Known as an arched steel box girder, the false bottom creates a series of eerie, almostsubmarine-like tunnels that traverse one end to the other . The tunnels are coated in

layers of dust untouched by human shoes until recently.

Read the complete story on our blog On the DOT.

MoDOT Celebrates One Year of No Crashes atRoutes 50 and 58 Thanks to J-turnsIt was six crashes in 2012, six more in 2013, four crashes in 2014. All of them happened mere feet from the local high

school. It was a community fed up, looking for a solution.The citizens of Centerview wanted a new interchange, an option that was unfunded

and unfeasible for MoDOT. They teamed up with MoDOT Area Engineer Mike

McGrath for an option that was proven to reduce traffic crashes, fatalities andinjuries and for an equitable price tag – J-turns. A relatively newer engineering

solution, a J-turn allows motorists to cross traffic on busy routes more safely.

“We were hoping to save lives and reduce possible injuries with this project,” says

McGrath. “We felt that something needed to be done now and the J-turn was the

 best solution for the funds we have available. And a year later, not a singleaccident. ”

A J-turn is an alternative to traditional roadway intersections. Instead of motorists

on the side streets crossing two fast-moving lanes of traffic to get to the opposingtraffic lanes, drivers turn right and will use a u-turn to go left.

In the case of Route 50 and Route 58, it was the right alternative for the job.

J-turns have proven to be a safer alternative to a traditional intersection on a four-lane highway because they essentially

eliminate right-angle crashes while lessening the severity of other crash types. Angle crashes can be severe, and frequentlylead to traumatic injuries and even fatalities. In fact, the installation of J-turns at similar intersections throughout Missouri

and the nation have shown a substantial decrease in fatal and serious injury crashes.

For more info

Melissa BlackCommunications Manager,Missouri Department of [email protected]

P: (816) 607-2027F: (816) 365-0860

600 NE Colbern RoadLee's Summit, MO 64086

Comments & Suggestions

We would like to hear from you. Send commentsand suggestions to Tammy Wallace [email protected].


Our mission is to provide a world-classtransportation experience that delights ourcustomers and promotes a prosperous Missouri.

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The old console radio system is pictured in the first frame, while thenew computerized Zetron Max Dispatch System is pictured in thesecond frame.

New Radio System Installed at District

Out with the old and in with the new. This adage is

especially useful when applied to emergencycommunications equipment.

The radio is a vital tool during times of disaster orother emergencies, as well as serving as another

form of communication in areas where cell phonesdo not have reception.

Recently, a new dispatch radio technology, the

Zetron Max Dispatch System, was installed at thedistrict office. The new system replaced an obsoleteconsole radio system that was in need of an


The Zetron Max system is being installed as a partof a statewide dispatch upgrade. Radios for field

staff will remain unchanged and unaffected by the

new system.

Replacing the old system was logical and cost-effective, according to MoDOT Traffic Liaison

Engineer Rick Bennett.

“Our dispatch consoles were nearly 20 years old,”

said Bennett, “and there was quite a learning curve

to use them. It was especially a difficult system for

new employees to learn. The Zetron Max system ismuch more user friendly for both new and seasonedoperators.”

The Zetron Max system allows for easier upgrades,

replacement and repair.

“The new system also simplifies the equipment setup at a number of our radio tower sites," said Bennett. "This should

improve reliability and make troubleshooting easier. Also this computerized system is connected to the MoDOT network, sowe can make any system upgrades or changes remotely, as needed. We can also do a lot of troubleshooting remotely, too.”

Another helpful feature of the Zetron Max system is the ability for every district to have access to the entire MoDOT radio

network. Similar to the “bucket” system, where customer service calls from one district go into a “bucket” that can beanswered by any district, the new radio system allows radio calls to be answered by any district for any area of the state.

This will allow any district or Central office to talk directly to field people anywhere on the MoDOT radio if needed.

“This is especially helpful during times of emergency or disaster if the affected district gets overwhelmed,” said Bennett.

“Before, if one district is overwhelmed and another district or Central Office needs to help out on the radio, they couldn't.Under the new Zetron Max system, now they can.”

Containing the Brine at Williamsburg

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A new brine containment facility is being built at Williamsburg that will allow us to store up to 30,000 gallons of salt brine/geo-melt at this facility. This will help minimize our salt usage, as well as help get roads back to a near-normal status

quicker. It should also help minimize the amount of time plows need to be on the pavement.

A Thank You Letter From the WankumsAllen Wankum, senior facilities operation specialist, and his wife, Lois, share their thanks following Lois’ surgery to receivea new kidney and pancreas in a note below:

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Around the DistrictMaintenance Superintendent Ken Strubesent in this photo of a self-propelled, selfdriving wide load that recently passedthrough his area. It was a transformerheaded to the Bland substation, north ofOwensville on Missouri Route 19. Thetrailer and payload weighed 460,000pounds and was 20 feet wide. The trailerwas escorted by the Highway patrol and eprovided message boards for advancewarning to the public. The trailer averages1.3 mph and according to Ken, “it was thetalk of the area!”

Columbia Senior Construction InspectorSusan Ball is works on changing amessage board for motorists on U.S. Route63.

For more info

Sally OxenhandlerCommunications Manager

Central [email protected]

1511 Missouri BoulevardP.O. Box 718Jefferson City, MO 65102

Comments & Suggestions

We would like to hear from you. Send commentsand suggestions to Tammy Wallace at

[email protected].


Our mission is to provide a world-classtransportation experience that delights ourcustomers and promotes a prosperous Missouri.

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Tanya Fipps speaks with Burns & McDonnellemployees at their United Way rally on Sept. 8.

Jake Bummer takes his time with theroadside memorial located at Hwy 61 &Hwy W in St. Charles County.

Right of Way Employee Helps OthersBy Sharing Storyby Shaunda White

Though her childhood did not always give her a reason to be happy, Tanya Fipps can now be seen on any given day walkingthrough the St. Louis district office building with a genuine smile on her face. Fipps, St. Louis district real estate appraiser,is now sharing her childhood story as a way to give back to the community and help others in similar situations.

As a teenager, Fipps faced some challenges that landed her in a shelter. At the age of 15, she went to live at Youth

Emergency Services (YES) in University City. This situation seemed like the lowest point in her life, but it actually becamethe ‘turning point’ in her life. The shelter, YES, not only provided for her basic needs, it also helped Fipps attain the skills

needed to live successfully on her own.

As an adult, Fipps never forgot how YES changed her life and

 became a board member for the organization. Eventually YESmerged with Epworth Children and Family Services.

Epworth provides the St. Louis community with essential youthdevelopment services that help thousands of children overcome

severe emotional and behavioral challenges caused by abuse or

neglect. Their mission is to help youth and families find strength, break through obstacles and build brighter futures.

Both YES and Epworth keep their organizations running through thefinancial support they receive from United Way.

As a former Epworth board member, Fipps was recently asked to

share her personal story at a United Way rally. She did not hesitate toaccept the offer.

“I am so excited to be able to help raise awareness about agenciesthat assist needy families with children. I hope that sharing my story

will motivate people to donate to these organizations so that they can keep providing services that change lives, as they didmine,” said Fipps.

Epworth Children and Family Services is a participant in the Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign (MSECC).

Employees wishing to donate will have the opportunity to give to this organization, as well as many others, at the districts’Fall meetings.

Maintenance Workers' CompassionInspires Co-Worker

To some, maintaining the roadsides may be just part of a job routine. That is notthe case for Wentzville maintenance worker Jake Bummer. Recently, he provided

extraordinary care for a roadside memorial that compelled his co-worker to take a

 picture to capture the moment.

Christine Scholz, Wentzville maintenance crew leader, works with Bummer and

is the employee that took the picture.

“I couldn’t resist taking the picture. It warmed my heart to see the special care he

was providing to a roadside memorial of someone that he did not know,” saidScholz.

Roadside memorials commemorate the site where a person died suddenly or

unexpectedly. The memorials not only honor loved ones killed in automobilecrashes, but they also remind motorists to drive safely.

“I am honored to receive this recognition. It really made me feel good to providecare to an item that holds so much value,” said Bummer.

The memorial sign Bummer provided care for is located at southbound Route 61

and Route W in St. Charles County.

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Southwest District at Work

GETTING OUT OF THE OFFICE – Southwest DistrictEngineer Becky Baltz (center) talks with OzarkSeasonal Maintenance Worker Brian McFarlin (right)and Ozark Maintenance Supervisor Brian Lambert(left) during a patching operation on Christian RouteT near Oldfield on Aug. 24. Baltz was visiting thework zone to learn more about flagging operations.Click the image above to view a short video abouther experience.

I AM A CONVERT – Marshfield Maintenance CrewLeader Mark Adams recently returned to work afteran incident where the distributor he was drivingrolled over June 22 in Webster County. As a result ofthe crash, Adams’ sternum was broken, but he saysit would have been much worse if he’d not beenwearing his seatbelt. In a safety video, he said hewas not a regular seatbelt user in his private vehiclesand was only wearing one that day because ofMoDOT policy. Click the above image to see moreabout his story in a short video.

HELLO, HOW MAY I HELP YOU? – Senior CustomerService Representative Becky Walsh (left) andCustomer Service Representative Tonya Staeger manthe phones and front desk at the Southwest DistrictOffice, helping customers get the information theyseek. (Photo/David Mitchell)

NEW EQUIPMENT – Senior Information SystemsTechnologist Blaine Doss (center) directs a deliverycrew with where to place a new plotter printer at theDistrict Office. (Photo/David Mitchell)

SPREADING THE WORD – Springfield TransportationProject Designer Mark Mais (left) explainsconstruction of a new diverging diamond interchangeat U.S. Route 65 & Christian County Route CC/J at apublic meeting Sept. 3 in Ozark. Construction of thenew $8.3 million interchange is scheduled to beginthe week of Sept. 21 with completion in June 2016.(Photo Angela Eden)

#ILookLikeAnEngineer – Southwest District EngineerBecky Baltz is turning to other female engineers inthe district to look for ways to encourage youngwomen to consider engineering as a career. Theendeavor is a result of outreach efforts at Logan-Rogersville High School’s Women in Engineeringthrough the Project Freeway: U.S. Route 60Rogersville design-build project. (Photo/DavidMitchell)

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Route Z bridge over McGee Creek in Wayne County

Route C bridge in Mississippi County

Progress on Route 158 bridge in Harviell, Mo. on Aug.26.

Customers Express “Thanks” for SoutheastMaintenance, ConstructionDespite declining transportation revenues and questions about thefuture of Missouri’s transportation system, Missourians still

experienced a very active construction and maintenance season in2015.

For maintenance crews, this time of year has meant mowing, stripingand working to hold the roadways together as long as possible with the

limited funding for major projects.

For construction, this season has been filled with resurfacing andoverlay projects, bridge replacements, and intersection and shoulder

improvements, as well as roundabout projects in Poplar Bluff andKennett.

This work has not gone unnoticed by Missourians, as the SoutheastDistrict has received calls, Facebook posts and even cards expressing


Here are a few “kudos” to the Southeast District’s maintenance crews:

Thanks for the excellent striping of roads. The yellow lines in middle

and white lines on outside of roads greatly increase safety, especiallywith our weather in recent months with dense fog in mornings and rainat night. This helps drivers see that they don't go over the middle line

and don't fall off the sides of the roads. You are doing a great job.

Thanks. Mr. Larry Vaughn of Ste. Genevieve

 A customer called and wanted to thank us for the mowing we did. He

 said this is the best mowing he has seen in a while and he wanted us toknow we did a great job!! Great job MoDOT! Keep up the great work.Regarding Route JJ in Howell County

 Bill and Pat Patillo live on Route PP off Hwy 63 in Howell County. Mr. Patillo would like to pass along a huge thank you to all of the West

 Plains crew mowing the right of way on Route PP. He said that theirroad has never looked better than it does now. THANK YOU ALL...

Mr. and Mrs. Patillo of Howell County

 I just want to thank you for being so quick about filling the pot holes I sent an email about yesterday. This is fabulous service, and I really

appreciate it. Lori Brees of Steele

 I greatly appreciate the grass cutting on Hwy 8 and P in Park Hills. I

 gave them a thumbs up when I went by there. Ms. Roberta Lord via

Facebook regarding Park Hills

 Dear Andy. Tears are shed for sorrow and sometimes joy!! I am not

crying now….(I don’t want to get my card wet.), but I have shed tears

of joy for the excellent job our MoDOT boys have done. Danny wasespecially attentive to my needs. Thank you so much for correcting my

 problem. I have told some of the Chamber of Commerce about your

quick response, and they too were very appreciative. Thank you and

God’s blessings. From a 92-year old lady, Janice Christakis. Ms.

Christakis regarding driveway entrance repair work completed by

Marble Hill Maintenance

Click here to view the card from Ms. Christakis >

Several recent bridge openings have also garnered attention of areamotorists via Facebook. One of the most recent bridge openings on

Route 61 over Hughes Creek in Cape Girardeau County received over100 likes and 100 shares, in addition to numerous comments.

Some of the comments included:

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Route 61 bridge over Hughes Creek in Cape

Girardeau County

Thanks it's smooth!! Debbie Niswonger

 I LOVE YOU MODOT!!!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer Kerns Morrison

Was on the bridge Friday. Good improvement. Gerry-Ginger


 I never thought the opening of a bridge could make me so HAPPY!!!!!

Jennifer Kerns Morrison

U.S. Senator BluntVisits SE Missouri

Wings Over HallAirshow

U.S. Senator Roy Blunt recently paid MoDOT and local CountyCommissioners a visit to discuss his desire for a long-termtransportation bill. As reported in the AASHTO Journal, along-term highway bill will be a hot topic of discussion in theupcoming legislative session. Congress went back intosession this week. The current bill will expire Oct. 29, and thecurrent push is for Congress to develop a multiyear surfacetransportation bill. To learn more, the AASHTO article can beaccessed at: .

Executive Assistant Doris Dumey and her husband, Craig,recently helped commemorate the 70th anniversary of theend of World War II at the Wings Over Hall Airshow. Thecouple parachuted out of a Beech 18 airplane from 5,000feet. Doris flew the Tennessee flag, and Craig flew theAmerican flag, landing on Arnold Field (formerly part ofDyersburg Army Air Base) in Halls, Tenn. This is the thirdyear Doris and Craig have jumped at this airshow.

For more info

Nicole ThieretCommunications ManagerSoutheast [email protected]

2675 N. Main StreetP.O. Box 160Sikeston, MO 63801

Comments & Suggestions

We would like to hear from you. Send commentsand suggestions to Tammy Wallace [email protected].


Our mission is to provide a world-class

transportation experience that delights ourcustomers and promotes a prosperous Missouri.

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