Connected - Issue 2

Issue 02 - June 2011 Palgrave Macmillan Authors’ Newsletter Using Social Media to Build Your Brand by Simon Mainwaring Revolt in the Middle East, Resurgence for Palgrave Macmillan Authors Save 35% off all Palgrave Macmillan titles (see back cover for details) Report from the BSA Prize 2011


Palgrave Macmillan Author Magazine - May 2011

Transcript of Connected - Issue 2

Page 1: Connected - Issue 2

Issue 02 - June 2011Palgrave Macmillan Authors’ Newsletter

Using Social Media to Build Your Brand by Simon Mainwaring

Revolt in the Middle East, Resurgence for Palgrave Macmillan Authors

Save 35% off all Palgrave Macmillan titles (see back cover for details)

Report from the BSA Prize 2011

Page 2: Connected - Issue 2


Welcome to Issue 2 of the new

Connected, the author newsletter

from Palgrave Macmillan.

Connected is sent out twice a year,

and aims to update you on new

products and achievements from

Palgrave Macmillan, as well as

providing some useful information

and special offers for all our authors,

contributors, and journal editorial

board members.

This issue we’ve got many interesting

articles, such as handy tips for using

social media, and how our expert

authors have provided commentary

on recent events in the Middle East.

Don’t forget that as a Palgrave

Macmillan author you can save 35%

on all Palgrave Macmillan titles.

Details of how to use your author

discount can be found on the back


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Page 3: Connected - Issue 2

BSA Prize 2011

Can Palgrave Macmillan win 4 years in a row?By Philippa Grand

The high point of my year as the Sociology Publisher in the Scholarly Division at

Palgrave Macmillan comes every April at the British Sociology Association Conference

and the awarding of the prestigious Philip Abrams Memorial Prize for the best first and

sole-authored book in the field. This year was a particularly tense one – Palgrave titles

have won the prize for an unprecedented three years in a row – could a Palgrave author

win again this year?

Palgrave’s recent run of success began in 2008 when Gurminder Bhambra’s sweeping

historical sociological account of modernity from a non-Western perspective

Rethinking Modernity: Postcolonialism and the Sociological Imagination scooped the

prize. 2009 saw the prize split between the two Palgrave shortlisted titles –

Researching Intimacy in Families, Jacqui Gabb’s methodologically innovative

contribution to family sociology, described by the judges as “a fine piece of work”

and Ribbon Culture: Charity, Compassion and Cultural Awareness by Sarah Moore,

which went on to receive reviews and mainstream press attention in the UK, Canada,

Australia and the US.

Last year it was hard not to feel confident – 3 out of the 4 shortlisted titles were

Palgrave books – The Politics of Multiculturalism: Race and Racism in Contemporary

Britain by Ben Pitcher, The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum by Vicki Squire and Becoming

European: Cultural Identity and Cultural Politics by Monica Sassatelli. Sassatelli won,

with the judges noting that “the study addresses the process of Europeanisation and

the discipline of sociology’s wider issues of identity, globalization and culture are

woven into this process with great deftness”.

So what does the prize mean to the academics who win? As Bhambra, currently

based at Warwick University, says “academic research is frequently a lonely activity.

It was great to receive such recognition from fellow sociologists and particularly nice

to get unsolicited messages of congratulations from colleagues across the country.”

Sassatelli agrees “to be shortlisted and invited at the BSA conference was already an

honour. Winning really felt like becoming part of the British sociological community,

especially for me, having moved to the UK only a few years before as a research fellow”.

Moreover, there are also career benefits – Sassatelli again: “I’m sure the prize was good

for my career. I got my new post as lecturer at Goldsmiths only a few months later”.

For me, it’s a wonderful opportunity to showcase the wider sociology publishing we

do here and highlight our commitment to younger academics, as well as those who

are more established – something that is recognized by the academic community:

“one of the things that colleagues have said to me,” Bhambra notes, “is how much

they appreciate Palgrave’s commitment to monograph publishing and to early career

academics. So it’s nice not just as an author to receive the award, but to see that one’s

publisher is so well represented in the list of nominees and winners”.

So did we win again this year? Sadly, no. Despite dominating the shortlist yet again

with two outstanding titles – Will Atkinson’s Class, Individualization and Late

Modernity: In Search of the Reflexive Worker and Andrew Smith’s CLR James and the

Study of Culture we didn’t make it to four in a row. But I’m looking forward to seeing

if we can win it back in 2012!

Class, Individualization and Late Modernity 9780230242005 • Hardback • Oct 2010 • £55.00

C.L.R. James and the Study of Culture 9780230220218 • Hardback • Aug 2010 • £50.00

Rethinking Modernity9780230227156 • Paperback • April 2009 • £21.99

Researching Intimacy in Families 9780230248090 • Paperback • April 2010 • £20.99

Ribbon Culture9780230247895 • Paperback • Mar 2010 • £20.99

The Politics of Multiculturalism9780230210349 • Hardback • Apr 2009 • £55.00

The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum 9780230216594 • Hardback • Apr 2009 • £57.50

Becoming Europeans9780230537422 • Hardback • Jul 2009 • £55.00

Order any of our sociology titles now with your author discount;

Page 4: Connected - Issue 2

On January 28, 2011, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians took to the

street to protest President Hosni Mubarak’s authoritarian regime.

The Egyptian people wanted change; they wanted a democracy; they

wanted Mubarak to step down. In a matter of days, Mubarak had

been toppled, and it wasn’t long before this civil unrest spread to other

countries in the Middle East: Libya, Tunisia, Syria. The people wanted

their voices to be heard and implementing a unified front of resistance

was the way they sought out to do just that.

This monumental moment in history brought a wave of change to

the Middle East, and also opened new doors for Palgrave Macmillan

authors to bring their thoughts on the Middle East back into the

spotlight. As a leading publisher on Middle East studies, Palgrave

Macmillan authors were a natural choice for media looking for expert

opinions, and the Palgrave Macmillan marketing and publicity teams in

both the UK and the US went into overdrive trying to capitalize on the

news cycle wherever possible. They pushed for account reorders, sent

press releases to the media, and posted on the Palgrave Macmillan

Facebook and Twitter accounts to promote these titles.

Once we saw the news in Egypt hit the wire, the quickest way to get the word out on authors was through

social media,” said Siobhan Paganelli, Publicist. “We knew we had to be quick, and that our authors, as Middle East experts, had something very powerful to say.” Clearly, the media agreed.

John Bradley, a journalist who has written for The Economist and

Financial Times, accurately predicted Egypt’s revolution in his

groundbreaking book, Inside Egypt. This tell-all account that was

banned by Egypt when it was originally published in 2008 illuminates

the foundations of this year’s uprising and provides insight into

the future of the country. Fluent in Egyptian Arabic, Bradley spent

time reporting from Egypt and brings an insider’s knowledge to his

assessment of the country’s situation. In the wake of the Egyptian

revolution, Bradley was called on by global news outlets such as

Bloomberg News and The Guardian for comment, and Inside Egypt was

chosen as one of the top five books on Egypt by the Christian Science


Bradley is currently updating Inside Egypt to include news on the

January 2011 revolution. The updated edition will publish in January

2012—in time for the Egyptian revolution’s one year anniversary.

At the same time, Palgrave Macmillan will also publish a new book

Revolt in the Middle East,

Resurgence for Palgrave Macmillan Authors

By Michelle Fitzgerald and Christine Catarino

by Bradley titled Tunisian Tsunami which will detail the events that

leading up to and after the revolt in Tunisia.

Barry Rubin, editor of the Middle East Review of International

Affairs Journal and author of Palgrave Macmillan titles The Muslim

Brotherhood and The Truth about Syria, among others, was called on

by Fox News to discuss his thoughts on the Muslim Brotherhood’s role

in the protests against Mubarak.

Dirk Vandewalle, an associate professor of government at the

prestigious Dartmouth College, was called on by National Public

Radio’s “Fresh Air” to offer his thoughts on the continuing situation

in Libya. He is the author of the 2008 Palgrave Macmillan title, Libya

since 1969, which offered the first fully comprehensive evaluation of

Libya since the Qadhafi coup.

Many other books on the Palgrave Macmillan list seemingly predicted

the events in the Middle East and saw renewed interest from readers,

bookstores, and the media. Those on the list offer a variety of

viewpoints on domestic policy, foreign relations, and overall culture—

some opinions of which are so starkly different in their founding from

one another that the diversity in perspectives within the collection

appeals to not just one type of person, but a plethora of those that

come from different backgrounds and experiences all over the world.

These include:

Arab Voices by Jim Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American

Institute, which draws on 40 years of experience to lift the fog that

has obscured understanding of the region and provides insight into

the myths, assumptions, and biases that hold West nations back from

understanding this important people, their societies, and cultures.

Engaging the Muslim World by internationally respected historian and

celebrated blogger at Informed Comment, Juan Cole, which offers a

bold vision for the future of US-Middle East relations and reveals how

to repair the damage already done and forge ahead on a path of peace

and prosperity.

The Mubarak Legacy and the Future of Democracy in Egypt by Alaa

Al-Din Arafat, Assistant Professor at Hail University, Saudi Arabia,

looks at the situation in Egypt through 2009 and considers both the

opposition parties active in Egypt as well as the potential successors to


Civilian Jihad by Senior Director of Policy and Research at the

International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, Maria Stephan, examines

Page 5: Connected - Issue 2

peaceful protest and civil unrest as a catalyst for change in the Middle

East and examines the role of technology in that change.

The Shah by Abbas Milani, Director of the Iranian Studies Program at

Stanford University, details the sweeping saga of the last Shah of Iran—

his life, legacy, and role in the creation of the modern Islamic republic.

What remains striking is the prescience with which all of these books

were published. Because of Palgrave Macmillan’s strong knowledge

of Middle East studies and current events, all of these books were

published far before the actual revolutions began to take place. Even

as backlist titles, replete with expert-driven cutting-edge reports,

sweeping historical analyses, and timely perspectives all of which

continue to lengthen the life, relevancy, and acclaim of our list. And

it’s a list that continues to grow and attract the most reputable Middle

East commentators of our time. “Our Middle Eastern studies list

is an impressive program of scholarly experts and established

writers that cuts across disciplines and regions, incorporating

diverse points of view,” says Farideh Koohi-Kamali, Editorial Director.

“This fall we’ll publish Obama and the Middle East by one of the top

experts in Middle East policy, Fawaz Gerges,” said Airié Stuart, Senior

Vice President and Publisher. “Often called upon by Charlie Rose,

Oprah, and ABC Nightline to offer his view on the ever-changing

political landscape of the region, we’re excited to have him associated

to the Palgrave name—he’ll undoubtedly be in good company.”

Inside Egypt9780230614376 • Paperback • Sep 2009 • £10.99

The Muslim Brotherhood9780230100718 • Paperback • Jun 2010 • £19.99

The Truth about Syria9780230604070 • Paperback • Jul 2008 • £14.99

Libya since 19699780230607651 • Hardback • Sep 2008 • £52.50

Obama and the Middle East9780230113817 • Hardback • Dec 2011 • £16.99

Arab Voices9780230102996 • Hardback • Oct 2010 • £16.99

Engaging the Muslim World9780230102750 • Paperback • Nov 2010 • £10.99

The Mubarak Leadership and Future of Democracy in Egypt 9780230615588 • Hardback • Jun 2009 • £50.00

Civilian Jihad9780230621411 • Paperback • Feb 2010 • £20.99

The Shah9781403971937 • Hardback • Apr 2011 • £14.99

Order any of the above titles online now with your author discount;

Page 6: Connected - Issue 2

Using Social Media to Build Your Brand

By Simon Mainwaring, author of We First

Social media is critical to the publishing business because consumers now co-author the stories that brands tell. In the past media companies

maintained a monopoly over the messaging tools that effectively told people what to think, do or buy. Consumers are now armed with free tools

such as Twitter and Facebook that allow them to be content producers, distributors and curators, and as such impact the reputation of a brand. The

challenge for a brand then, whether it’s a publishing house or an author, is to engage their community in a way that makes them want to promote

you through word of mouth advertising.

The most critical shift from a brand management point of view is the change from being the celebrity of your community to being its chief celebrant.

What this means is that if a brand wants to use social media to engage their audience, they must participate in ways that are meaningful to their

audience within social conversations that are already under way. Each tool must be used differently with specific goals and target audiences in

mind, as with any marketing campaign, but it cannot be overemphasized that the social business marketplace demands that brands engage in the

reputation management business by becoming day traders in social emotion.

In practice, this means that brands must lead with a listening ear, communicate in human and transparent ways, and finally, have crisis management

systems in place should anything go wrong. Done correctly, social media are powerful tools through which to amplify the awareness, profits and

positive impact of a brand. With that in mind, let’s look at two specific tools that are familiar to everyone, but that must be used very differently:

Facebook and Twitter.

Simon Mainwaring is author of We First: How brands and consumers use social media to build a better world ( An award-winning social branding consultant he is also an Expert Blogger on social media for Fast Company. Simon blogs at and tweets @simonmainwaring. We First • 9780230110267 • Paperback • Jul 2011 • £17.99

Top five Don’ts for Facebook

Don’t participate if you do not intend to invest time and energy into long-term relationships with your fans.

Don’t participate if you are not willing or capable of moderating the conversations you start on a daily basis.

Don’t measure success by the number of fans or followers you have, but rather, how deeply they engaged.

Don’t treat social media like direct mail where you simply talk about yourself tirelessly in shorter sound bites.

When you make a mistake, don’t get defensive or self-righteous, but rather, accept responsibility, apologize and do what you can to make up for it.

Top 5 Don’ts for Twitter

Don’t buy followers. It’s a waste of time and money.

Don’t spam your audience with constant messages about yourself.

Don’t forget to bring some humor and wit to your communications so that people want to read what you share.

Don’t forget to retweet what your followers share.

Don’t forget to be interesting. You must demonstrate your passion for your topic.

Top 5 Dos for Facebook

Do bring consistent creativity to your Facebook ‘Like’ page to inspire engagement.

Do respond to negative comments in order to turn a brand critic into a brand advocate.

Do recognize your brand loyalists and reach out to them to build them into brand ambassadors.

Do keep up to date with the latest applications and plug-ins that add new dimension to your ‘Like’ page.

Do recognize that your are effectively bidding for people’s attention in an overcrowded marketplace and that their time deserves to be rewarded.

Top 5 Dos for Twitter

Do engage with a follower when they reach out to you with a question or information.

Do post between eight and ten times a day and spend the rest of your time on engagement.

Do share photos, video links and text messages to inspire interest.

Do stay consistently engaged to avoid community attrition.

Do monitor your tone carefully, because it only takes 140 characters to undo all your good work.

Page 7: Connected - Issue 2

Top Ten Tips for writing history that people will want to read.

Carve out a manageable and do-able topic that can be completed

in your own lifetime. Think hard about these questions: What is

your topic? What do you want to find out? Why does it matter?

Check out histories that have been published in the relevant

historical field. You could save yourself years of research that

someone else has already done.

Do your own original research. Use whatever information you can

find – private letters and diaries, newspapers, government records,

and non-written sources like photographs, oral history interviews,

historical objects, and places. Be thorough but also be aware that

there is a time when you must stop, take the plunge, and start


Create and protect your precious writing time. Avoid trying to write

in your house during the school holidays with kids or teenagers.

There is a low probability that they will provide feedback on your

historical prose. Be obsessed and focussed for as long as you can.

Make clear to your readers the order in which events happened.

This doesn’t mean you have to present your information in strict

chronological order. Make use of the flashback and the flash-

forward. Mix things up a little.

Introduce the people in your story properly. Explain who they are

when first mentioned, and then reveal more information as needed.

Action is more interesting and exciting when we know something

about the people involved.

Write in the language of the present day. No matter how immersed

you may be in what happened in the past, you are writing for

readers in the present. Find and use your own lively present-day


Don’t write in isolation. Discuss your work in progress with others

who share your historical passions. It also helps to have a firm, hard

deadline - like having to speak in public or having to submit

something to a publisher.

Learn to exercise ‘tough love’ when editing your work. Okay, so you

love those words it took so long to put together. You’re a born

hoarder and that’s one of the reasons you love history. But now is

the time to pare down to what’s really essential, and to ensure

your meaning is clear. We suggest you start up a desktop folder

called ‘Treasures’ and put all your beautiful but unnecessary prose in

there to admire at a later date.

9780230290389 Paperback • Apr 2011 • £14.99

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Crying in the Archives

Writing history can take an author – and ultimately a reader – on a journey through time, across the globe and into the lives of others. But writing history that people will actually want to read is a lot more difficult to achieve.

Drawing upon the deep experience of two historians who have written many histories themselves, How to Write

History that People want to Read explains how to succeed in writing exciting historical narratives. It explores why

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There is no Wealth but Life – Philip Blond (Extract taken from Chapter Four)

If our economy essentially collapsed by destroying society as the ultimate arbiter of the good, then only a reintegration of economy and society can heal the wound and deliver a cure. The elevation of society above economy and the creation of a moral market is then the onlygenuine alternative to the continued destruction of wealth, both financial and social. There is no wealth but that enshrined in the good life and the extension of that to all subjects and all citizens.”

Investment and Public Policy in a Globalized Economy – Robert Skidelsky (Extract taken from Chapter Two)Human life is indeed a tapestry of diverse activities, not reducible to each other. It is notthe case that all motivation is “really” economic, that all relations are actually to do with exchange and the search for profit. Yet it can be said with some reason that economicsin the sense of housekeeping is a background for other things; and because of that it is particularly important to keep an eye on its moral contours. Get this wrong and many other things go wrong, in respect of individual character as well as social relations.”

The Financial Crisis and the End of the Hunter-Gatherer – Will Hutton (Extract taken from Chapter Nine)

When cave dwellers were unfair, they died. When capitalism is unfair, we have financial crashes. Ethics and justice, it turns out, are the indispensable values to underpin successful capitalism. They were neglected and the crisis broke over our heads. Managing our way out will require that they are once again respected.”

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New and forthcoming titles to look out for

Cover image: Dandelion Seed © Anette Linnea Rasmus/