conception Clothing Co. I -...

... . INSURE .. youR . PROPERTY ' fitt31 Ins t . . VOLUME LXVIIT. P.G.BOX 12 Harbor Grace. 00 - 00 . ! 00 00 and 1.s now ready (or inspection [!J @] ' ' (!] 00 00 00 @ 00 l!!I A very ' rtice selection C!1 00 00 Ill Ill l.!l Come early and pick your. choice l!.J 00 00 Ill W. H. PARMITER ' CHURCH SBBVICES. Church of England. ST. PAUI ... 11 :a 111 , Mattins. 6 30 p m., 1-;vc:u oog. Caa1tt Cswrcu. S 31) :i m , H1 IJ Comrr.uaion. 6 3:J p.m. l·;fcnaoug. ST. P.ETE&'s. 11 :a m .. Holy Cornmcnion . J:p. m .. Chilureo'• Sen1cc. United Church. Sun1,:i7: Dmoe Sc"ice al ll a.m. aad at 6.30 p.m. R:s.11' Ser•ice at Sanday School a t 'Z 30 p.m . Friday: Pra.yer Meetin g at 7 o'eloelc. IN MEMORIAM. IN Al'F£CTIO!UT£ OJ' CArr. Buen W. S1N'llONS Ml11ini: at aea. Ndvember 1918 " I l.111>¥; -n ot wb11re 0 la l1lat1d1 lift T'1tlr !r anded p alm• tu a.Ir ; I nnl7 konw J rannot Jr.Yood hll lo.-e aoLI cart. I Poppy Day Coliectioo. November 12th, 1927. I Tlle JO UD!!' Jadi n. aader Mias El•ie Okc:, were aboat towo oo Sa urd•y lut eelliaj!' Poppiea in aid j of tbt> Grut War Vctrraa. An ccia· lion Relit'f Committee:J'and for clia trueed ex aenicemco aad their dt'- and reeei•td a iood re· aponse from oar town•pcople, lbc lolal receipt• ar:sountlng lo !1:?6. The followiog is the liat of collcc· tora aod r,et.i,ed.- 1. Ri•erhCild tn Downing St. - MiHea Vi•la.o Dui1. Lillian Ste•eoaon .... .... $ 8 22 2. Downing St. to Noad St . Mi11ca Mr.ty Goodland, l'atr ida Cron ...... • . . . •• 10 66 3. Noad St. to Victoria. St.- Millea Enid Sheppard , Katie Yetm:tn ....... .... 16 02 4. Victoria. St. to Bannerman St.- Mi11ca Jennie Good· wlo, Elsie Wa rren .• , •• , : 24 28 5. Bannerman S t. to LtMa chan t St.- Mi11c1 Ma r. garet' Andre"•· Qo otby Areblbald • • . . .. . • . . • . . . 14 48 6. LeMarcbant St. to toeh· rane St. - Ml t.ael Mary McRae. Ffora. Ford .. ... . 10 79 7. Cochrane St. to Cathedral St.-MIHca Jeau Duao, Alice Keapedy ... . .... .. '21 55 HARBOR GRACE, NFLD., •-:e1• ·ez ---·<•=er• THAil OFT WHOLES -. We ame now up . our "Caribou" Shits and . . I I I Sendl in "Veteran" Overalls. and Prices. 1 conception Bay Clothing Co. ·i · I I Harbo . Newfoundland's Leading Overall House l - __ _ CROICi FRESH 6ROCEIOES and PROVISIONS always oo hand FRESll FRUITS ud VEfifil'ABLE _S H. L. Yetman . WANTED. A GOOD PLAIN COOK for Staff Rouse, wage& !>SO.CO a .re - fereoctS required ; apply m wnhog or pereon to MRS 0.. A. F RA ER, tafJ Bouao, Dornioinn Iron & Steol Company, Dell bln.nd. tr For Service. C. · D. SLEATER, Purebred .Ayrshire Bull, GUDUAJE cPTICIAH . H No. 14161. i 43'1 WATER STREET, § Fee-$1.00. a str ... JOfu"l'S. I I WATTS' FARM. Telephone 916. ., ti _ § P. 0. Box -51. f'l fire Insurance! .. 7 .. '::."::.JOOC\K tiaure rour property agaia•t fGeorge G. Hunt7"1 loss by fire ia the strongest and i General freltht f orward 1 ;r largest In s urance Compan ies io Broker and Commission i the world. Agent. Scottish Union i National 63 water st. E. , st. John·s Sal, of Work of the 8. Cathedral St. to Bear'• Co•c- Mlaaca \{ar y Stu· en100, Ruth Akoclc •• .•. 9. Stncneou'• Village aad the Bill-Miaau S'loule Sheppard. Buel Crane .. 10.. Sooth Side-U1eue Elale Sheppa rd, Dorothy Noel . 8 87 meh'2S,tf { '11'.1: h Seo I d J. J; LANG LEY, LTD., CONFEDERATION LIFE.- / Compuy i Dislributiog Ageut ror I - - - o t aa Liverpool, Engla nd. 4 ,.6 WANTED. Sub-Agent for Harbor 4 Have your shipments addrH5- Ladies' aqd Girls' Oulld of the CHURC' will br hctd ia pill OD Tuesday aqd of the co:nl11r week-23rd •nd 24th. B11b Teaa aad Caudy. aleo a well· etocked P111tr1 wt.ere yoa caa bay i:ood for Cbri1hnu, ena your puddini;-. Tbe Needlework. coatl1ting c.I maa1 01eful ::rtidn .,..Come and hdp u• make it a l•accua. A General Servant or a EDWARD L. OK!!. Led to my care and avoid delay. ,. 6 92 Charwoman. Apply to ,- - - _ Comutlonstllruout t.110 WOf'kt. I!' Mas. JA•l!S A. GAitLAKD , 11D001100CX1uouuu ouucJ0011000f§ ..,. .,,..,,...,..,,...,..,.,,,.,.. Total ... ...... ......... $12(; '2S Water Strttt CAR. D II Al St. Paul'• Church on Satar. Oct . . ti a - . . a w.s. Goodwin, D.O.S. day ahernooa lut, the marrlare of Tbc Germaa Beinkel hydroplane a DI QCD.lLD' 5yn.tpp II Mr. Ambroae Tacker, ol Carbooear, D. 1120 Wll wrec:aed at the Azore• I . Ul4U a. aa 1 Graduate of Phlladel Iii& and MIH Violet Wicka of Bay de earlf oa Sunday moraiq l11t. whea .Daltal Coll ud Ga.. Verde, wu qaletly •olemalscd ia talrlar off for lh la port. The con· Su ... ery: pHal of 0ra1CS:upn. the pretence of frleada of tbo coa· dltloae there were u«ptloaal aad I tractinr partlee who accompanied the crew dedded to Jea"N. It lo aa· Corner and BA· Teeth utracted abeolately wll '> them The cerrmODJ wa1 COil• deretood t11at wbll• tall'- off a I oat pa1a bJ ue of Tltall&ed Iii-or ducted b the ReT. G. a. Templeton high wHootnacllooeoUllopontooa.l Nf:RMAN STRffTS. perfect aaaathetic:. after wb cb lb• party rftaraed to brint'•s tbe nip do•• aod break· , Carbonear. Tbe 8TAllD4•D join Ing off oae wtac aad tail. prallcally Office Holfra : 9 to 10 am. I 0-tal Oftice: Victoria St .. aut tbe maay lrleada of tba bappy a total wrtck. Tise crew were 2 tO 3 pm 4 -.or tc- U1e STAJrD&ao O!ice couple In eateodlq It• beet wa.liea. 1&•ed bf boeta. TIN Jnaker1 Jtydro· m _ _ I pla:Ea ... Vin...- actnoe oa 7 to 8 Pm. Ueed by pbyeldaa- Ki1ard'1 Llaimnt forClalllllab11. Mlaard'• Llaimeo , . JOB WORK ALL !O. " ·• FROM VJSJT!Nt: CAl l'r TO ..a., -:: . NEWFOUNDLAND RAIL WA f. Revised Sclaeclule Branch. · ROTHWELL & BOWRING, LIMITED. St. John' s. I C. C. BUTT, Broker, P. O. Box Hx: bol" Grace Phone 52 1 KIRKMAN'S •I • BORAX. SOAP i. ,. ' has stood the test ' ... I .. and - .. proved the BEST. 'f .. . : .-;:;;:.. .. =----- '=7 n . { GEO. NEA.L Ltd ., St. Jahn's " .. Sol e Agents. Guardian Fire and Lllo ASSURANCE CO'Y UIITED. Of London. · Subscribed C:apltal ••• .£".l,000,000 atg TotaJ Io.eatcd ll'uade upwa.nt• of .•••• .•• '2.750,000 A.nou!U Income up- ward• of·-·-···· - 350.000 •ti? The GuUJ>lA.M be1ag a 6nit-clau 1tn11 Uah Ioeur1J1cc Compauy, otJera all thoee adn11tagu moat dul rnblc to inaatera. •Is .. abbili· ty, fa.•orable tCTma and pron ipt act· tlemeat on claim• for Ion. The aaderalpcd been ap· poi.Jlt.ecl A(Ctlta for Newfoandla.nd are to luu Policies looa 1" nn. T . A 11. WDft'D. St. John '• G. lt. &rU'&Jl90M, Rr. vrace. AUll'l'tlC MADDOCS, Cu1xJaear. It' s the handiest about our house. We can talk to al· most anybody in town-anv t ime. It saves trips and ti m• 1 and offers the surest protectin· 1 ag. unst fire and sickness. Ne it's not expensive. It's th cheapest, best thing you ca1 get. DO IT TO-DAY ___ ...... _.._ ................ \..or,..., ...... ___ -- AV !LOH TILIPHOMI SYSTEM Treat V .. . whb

Transcript of conception Clothing Co. I -...


. INSURE .. youR. PROPERTY ' fitt31 Ins t • • • .


P.G.BOX 12 Harbor Grace.

OO(!l[!J~OOOOOOOOl!Jl!l[!l[!]{!]~OOOOOOOOOO~OOOO••OO 00 - 00

~ ~JUST ARRIVED~ . ! ~ 00 00 and 1.s now ready (or inspection [!J ~ ~

@] ' ' ~ (!]

~ 00 00 • 00 @ 00 l!!I A very' rtice selection C!1 00 00

Ill ~FRENCH IVORY~ Ill ~ ~ l.!l Come early and pick your. choice l!.J 00 00


Church of England. ST. PAUI ...

11 :a 111 , Mattins. 6 30 p m., 1-;vc:u oog.

Caa1tt Cswrcu. S 31) :i m , H1 IJ Comrr.uaion. 6 3:J p.m. l·;fcnaoug.

ST. P.ETE&'s.

11 :a m .. Holy Cornmcnion . J:p.m .. Chilureo'• Sen1cc.

United Church. Sun1,:i7:

Dmoe Sc"ice al ll a.m. aad at 6.30 p.m.

R:s.11' Ser•ice at Sanday School a t 'Z 30 p.m .

Friday: Pra.yer Meeting at 7 o'eloelc.


OJ' CArr. Buen W. S1N'llONS

Ml11ini: at aea. Ndvember 1918 " I l.111>¥; -not wb11re 0 la l1lat1d1 lift

T'1tlr !ra nded p alm• tu a.Ir ; I nnl7 konw J rannot drll~

Jr.Yood hll lo.-e aoLI cart.

I Poppy Day Coliectioo. November 12th, 1927.

I Tlle JOUD!!' Jadin. aader Mias

El•ie Okc:, were aboat towo oo Sat· urd•y lut eelliaj!' Poppiea in aid

j of tbt> Grut War Vctrraa. Anccia· lion Relit'f Committee:J'and for clia trueed ex aenicemco aad their dt'­pcnd~nt• and reeei•td a iood re· aponse from oar town•pcople, lbc lolal receipt• ar:sountlng lo !1:?6. The followiog is the liat of collcc· tora aod a mou~ r,et.i,ed.-1. Ri•erhCild tn Downing St.

- MiHea Vi•la.o Dui1. Lillian Ste•eoaon .. .. .... $ 8 22

2. Downing St. to Noad St. Mi11ca Mr.ty Goodland, l'at rida Cron...... • . . . •• 10 66

3. Noad St. to Victoria. St.­Millea Enid Sheppard, Kat ie Yetm:tn ....... .... 16 02

4. Victoria. St. to Bannerman St.-Mi11ca Jennie Good· wlo, Elsie Warren .• , •• , : 24 28

5. Bannerman St. to LtMar· chant S t.- Mi11c1 Mar. garet' Andre"•· Qo otby Areblbald • • . . .. . • . . • . . . 14 48

6. LeMarcbant St. to toeh· rane S t. - Mlt.ael Mary McRae. Ffora. Ford .. ... . 10 79

7. Cochrane St. to Cathedral St.-MIHca Jeau Duao, Alice Keapedy ... . .... .. '21 55


•-:e1• ·ez • ---·<•=er•



We ame now up .our

I· "Caribou" Shits and ~) . .



Sendl in

"Veteran" Overalls. and Prices.

~ 1 conception Bay Clothing Co. ·i·


Harbo .

Newfoundland's Leading Overall House

l ~---~-~r---:a:.:-.:<~--zj,:~.,,....;::;::-:::*•:==::"""~-::;~~·..._...:::.::~;:::::~u:.;:!'H;::=""'::;..,,..;:;,:'"~;-;"',,:;;-:;"'-:;;:...'1"·:.::!•;:::=::~:;~{,,.,. _nea=c-=~~ - __ _


6ROCEIOES and PROVISIONS always oo hand



H. L. Yetman . WANTED.

A GOOD PLAIN COOK for Staff Rouse, wage& !>SO.CO a ~onlb,_ .re­fereoctS required ; apply m wnhog or pereon to MRS 0.. A. FRA ER,

tafJ Bouao, Dornioinn Iron & Steol Company, Dell bln.nd. tr

STOCKBRE~DERS NOTICF. 1r:.c.,·i~·.:/~ RD.~~~

For Service. ~ C. ·D. SLEATER, ~ Purebred .Ayrshire Bull, ~ GUDUAJE cPTICIAH. H

No. 14161. i 43'1 WATER STREET, § Fee-$1.00. a str ... JOfu"l'S. I

I WATTS' FARM. ~ Telephone 916. ., ti _ § P. 0. Box -51. f'l

fire Insurance! 1(~7 .. 7 .. '::."::.JOOC\K tiaure rour property agaia•t fGeorge G. Hunt7"1

loss by fire ia the strongest and i General freltht f orward1

;r ~ largest Insurance Companies io Broker and Commission i the world. Agent. • Scottish Union i National 63 water st. E., st. John·s

T~e ~qqual Sal, of Work of the

8. Cathedral St. to Bear'• Co•c-Mlaaca \{ary Stu· en100, Ruth Akoclc •• •.•.

9. Stncneou'• Village aad the Bill-Miaau S'loule Sheppard. Buel Crane ..

10.. Sooth Side-U1eue Elale Sheppard, Dorothy Noel .

8 87 meh'2S,tf { '11'.1: h Seo I d J. J; LANG LEY, LTD., CONFEDERATION LIFE.- / (osuru~ Compuy i Dislributiog Ageut ror I

- - - -~ o ~oburg • t aa Liverpool, England. 4 ,.6 WANTED. Sub-Agent for Harbor 4 Have your shipments addrH5-Ladies' ~id aqd Girls' Oulld

of the

U~ITED CHURC' will br hctd ia

OOU8HL~~ pill OD

Tuesday aqd Wed~ay of the co:nl11r week-23rd •nd 24th.

• B11b Teaa aad Caudy. aleo a well· etocked P111tr1 wt.ere yoa caa bay i:ood tliln~• for Cbri1hnu, ena your puddini;-. •

Tbe Needlework. coatl1ting c.I maa1 01eful ::rtidn .,..Come and hdp u• make it a


A General Servant or a EDWARD L. OK!!. Led to my care and avoid delay. ,. 6 92 Charwoman. Apply to ,- - - _ Comutlonstllruout t.110 WOf'kt. I!'

Mas. JA•l!S A . GAitLAKD, 11D001100CX1uouuuouucJ0011000f§ ..,. .,,..,,...,..,,...,..,.,,,.,.. Total ... ...... ......... $12(; '2S Water Strtt t CAR. D II

Al St. Paul'• Church on Satar. Oct 20t~. . . ti a - . . a w.s. Goodwin, D.O.S.

day ahernooa lut, the marrlare of Tbc Germaa Beinkel hydroplane a DI QCD.lLD' 5yn.tpp II Mr. Ambroae Tacker, ol Carbooear, D. 1120 Wll wrec:aed at the Azore• I . Ul4U a. aa • 1 Graduate of Phlladel Iii& and MIH Violet Wicka of Bay de earlf oa Sunday moraiq l11t. whea .Daltal Coll ud Ga.. Verde, wu qaletly •olemalscd ia talrlar off for lhla port. The con· Su ... ery: pHal of 0ra1CS:upn. the pretence of frleada of tbo coa· dltloae there were u«ptloaal aad I tractinr partlee who accompanied the crew dedded to Jea"N. It lo aa· Corner WAT~R and BA· Teeth utracted abeolately wll '> them her~ The cerrmODJ wa1 COil• deretood t11at wbll• tall'- off a I oat pa1a bJ ue of Tltall&ed Iii-or ducted b the ReT. G. a. Templeton high wHootnacllooeoUllopontooa.l Nf:RMAN STRffTS. perfect aaaathetic:. after wb cb lb• party rftaraed to brint'•s tbe nip do•• aod break· , Carbonear. Tbe 8TAllD4•D join Ing off oae wtac aad tail. prallcally Office Holfra : 9 to 10 am. I 0-tal Oftice: Victoria St .. aut tbe maay lrleada of tba bappy a total wrtck. Tise crew were 2 tO 3 pm 4 -.or tc- U1e STAJrD&ao O!ice couple In eateodlq It• beet wa.liea. 1&•ed bf boeta. TIN Jnaker1 Jtydro· • m _ ~ _ I pla:Ea ... Vin...- actnoe oa 7 to 8 Pm. Ueed by pbyeldaa-Ki1ard'1 Llaimnt forClalllllab11. ~ .;;.::r,r:-~r Mlaard'• Llaimeo

, .



TO POSTG~ ..a., -:: .


Revised Sclaeclule Branch. ·


C. C. BUTT, Broker, P. O. Box l~ Hx:bol" Grace Phone 52


1 ======~======~~====~====~===2~~~~



BORAX. SOAP i. ,. '

has stood the test ' ... I ..

and -.. proved the BEST. 'f .. . :

.-;:;;:.. .. :c~ =----- '=7 n . { GEO. NEA.L Ltd., St. Jahn's •

" .. Sole Agents.


Guardian Fire and Lllo


Subscribed C:apltal ••• .£".l,000,000 atg TotaJ Io.eatcd ll'uade

upwa.nt• of .•••• .•• '2.750,000 at~ A.nou!U Income up-

ward• of·-·-···· - 350.000 •ti? The GuUJ>lA.M be1ag a 6nit-clau

1tn11Uah Ioeur1J1cc Compauy, otJera all thoee adn11tagu moat dulrnblc to inaatera. •Is .. andoaht~ abbili· ty, fa.•orable tCTma and pronipt act· tlemeat on claim• for Ion.

The aaderalpcd h11:ria~ been ap· poi.Jlt.ecl A(Ctlta for Newfoandla.nd are ~ to luu Policies ~t looa 1" nn.

T . A 11. WDft'D. St. John'• G. lt. &rU'&Jl90M, Rr. vrace. AUll'l'tlC MADDOCS, R11b-~t.


It's the handiest thin~ about our house. We can talk to al· most anybody in town-anv time. It saves trips and tim• 1

and offers the surest protectin· 1

ag.unst fire and sickness. Ne it's not expensive. It's th cheapest, best thing you ca1 get.

DO IT TO-DAY ___ ...... _.._ ................ \..or,..., ...... ___ -- •


whb ~1ioafd'1 ~lmti. ~




A,dvertised Goods. Shop Where a1::ios b:i\aocl'cl" nu tomatitatly. lhe lastrubeal br>ard. Railronds, Thro'"" off balance by d111iberat1: ' rivers, aad valleys, wluch you or ill-advised mnoipulatioa of the have been iollowiog as a further cpatrols it tends to rcgaiu its bal· , . aid to navigatku, ;ue now iovis• :iacc a fter the controls are rP.· E w k Ible. You may have aoy of ac· sturtd to uorm:il. or fl1 lag posi· very ee veral typts of compass, some tioc- provid iog th:it ·you )re hig h simple magnetic types or oac of l!DCIUJ! b to permi t the machine to L t y the acw•devices with i"ls oystcru

'do thi:t l>efore i t collides with toe as ear for cna.bliog you to correct your wr~cc. ; ·o mystl!ry tl>crc. wur~c at rrgul:i r intervals. Or

Like :rnv motorist with bis c:ir ,you way h:ive a radio and take you p:r ject => loug trip-o\·cr l:ind your beari nr.~ 'vitb faiq accuracy. or \V,'\trr. You ha,·e ll'aracd that O\•crl:inll you a r:: <1i~h\iog acrinl :\lrrianc ... likl' motor ca rs, differ. m o re S.'\)es were b eing . m adt!, stock turn· btaCOnl, but if f OU :\ r f> trviog to E ich type is desi~red ft1r :t sp~c~ fly the Atla ridc r1r P 1ci fic. you fi:: purJl-O~e. E ach bis its owo overs speed e d up and profics increased by must be au c :c pcri.:actd a~vigator rcct>li:i r ch:iractcristics. bi:t a ll A OV £RTIS1N G. a science ia ittclf. ate ~uvcrc-.d 1,y the s:iwc ptin· Doayllghl agaia -your goal lies ciplc::, the &ame natura l l .iws. noly a few hundred miles Jiiataot. You sbou?d not o,·er load your Your gauge recMds a dwiddliair pl:1:1c. You cannot make n lig ht • -This Yc:ir fuel 1upply ia the main taak. You Eport c:ir scrv:i as a uclivcry truck tura oa tbc emergency aupply. lllorcovcr, you ran not ovcrlo:id You recognize.- landmark aotea , our plauc s:lfelf. bcc01use i t will every ,~eek you le t • lip by without AD- C\u your map, a lighthouse, :a rail-Ii fl oulJ :i ccrt111n wci~h t. based way junction, or ia a modern com· on the piwer o r tbc cu~ ioe, shape VER'flSl~G gives your competitor a big~ muP.1t1 ita name la _big_ letters of the winj?'l,nod o t l:er tcchaica l 9 easily discernible ~ above. fca:u rr s. SJ you choose fo r your ger opportunity. Start your A VERTIS· Tbe route lies 1tra1~ht ahead. lotr<{ fligh t that m:ichioc 'vh kb ING in the next issue of The STANDARD The weatbcr i1 fair. You relu,

ccm<J bt t fi!• d for the j >l>. .Ce t eat a luncb ; tbea lf JOU are air· u • !.:IS tbat yc ur choice b a ha ppy and follow the example of hundreds of aeuoacd, JOD qbt reacla for a or.~. • s uccessful business men by kc!cping your book aad &bu retlen lbe moao-

So111c fifty dilforea t materia ls b"'"inesa co'ns•~ntly b-'ore vou• ,customers toa1 of aae,.tfal QJI• t1blcb la !J;i·:c i:onc into this machine, a~ ~ ... 1;1 ~ "'" eoaietlalaraomoloriltat~wbccl many ~ld!ltd tr:ides ue reprctieot· th1ough st;ady advertising. c:aa dO. ct! io i ts couatructioo, Your me· BHalaall.JJOD DlQl\'~iowa cba~c~ fill it wi th ~;uolioe a nd lite moet dilkalt ~i!<Gf Jljlar oil, and uolc ·l you h:ivc no air· ...J aatll yoa la&Ye DnCdClll laadl c"nl~•I eo~ i J1:, t hey must 611 the galore. Toa da'd)'nr-fie1d l r:lu ntor oi.1b v; ,, ,~ r. Youc11mtJia, PRO.:fln~slVc IElrH'NTS invEITISE tbe direc:tlo• 01 tile w1.c1 !ir·t ma Icing !lure that the chucks , ulli;., a. V a '"' come dowa u 70atookolf,a1ata1 are ilj!:t ii.s! t h,. wheels if it j, a it, bd•I' 1are to time 7our slow


!aou plno.:. You b\"i itch on the , icllde IO JOU caa lenl oat aad Wb.: t YJ.l Do W!teu You Fly. I'!' iti'Jn. Your iB cr:iukcd ' toucb tbe field at the right place

either with n iielC·'1artcr or by nffordinK' 7out l)laae a clear, \. _Jt,r u:u•,l .. i 1 the OJtlook. \urning the propeller u you some· tn11ed by l.'..u1aili:111 Wttldr Xc1np3pcN Aaoeiatioo. amooth r11nway oa the ground.

li:ncs .:-1nuk the engine of vour Practice bu eaablcd you lo judge I. ... t U!; :i~~uu1' :i1:i! 'ou, rc:a<!~r. car. Tile propeller t ras You accurately wben to throttle down;

:m·. on., of th1 :!.C'• 11 ~: ~·ilia.ns . n:~n w:irm t l· e cuginc, the blcclts pull back Her ao ali1htly oa the •. nu "ona•n :>ow.t1;11•i: ,:iirpl :i,~ .i :i~:iins: 1h.c wheel&, auistcd by '"-=~~~~~~~=-~===~=!'""----~~=====~== s t ick to put the wings more 1.1 : .. • U·:1 1 • l ':·'o! :, t.h .. :- :,·.>u Lumans'L:oldirg t l>e wings, pre· I agaiast tbo wind, like a duck '1.1n: b~o!:J • r .. u r. ·l r 1 1lt s liccns... \':u tioir a .n Cl:\l start. Gnd· ~, frame nrc pushed baclc and forth lauding on the' water or a bird on '\ (1 cr c:t')' • • n~ c ·•"' '10:1:ssr·c11 u11: .- \'e>tla1h ·ancc ,·our tb rolllc I Use t~opcr:itct~eclentor~. Youlearo, laud, ":adj11st before your wheels ; :t th.: ::i . ,. :111 :i. .: ·1pdo!ut it~· u-: :i·I il•e C'l~inr jg m'akioKccough to uO' all t bts automatically before aod tail·skid touch the e:irtb al !• tru=tc.r. -:r: :!llt '° u no w I ·' rL\"'lluti~us tu lift rou~ cr:ift. 4,.~-•. MoN·os rcur in,tructor turns you loose oo the same t ime ia a perfect three·


up·~ ;! t it". ~ :'. .1..i; r..ld opu:iti_.::1 , t C.ll til roltic dowa :igaio, tut • - sour fi rs t t olo . point lauding '·'' ~11up . .: 1·1 ·:: ny r~. p:ct;; :1:1 " our coa t r11 : ~. look ia all direc '5au..S Now lu viog circleCi th e field Rather iovolnd ? It all di?· l.ri\· i1· f!,:> :L •' r .; .. r. iror.s to lie rnrl? \'Ou will uot col· ' ""' you dart olf ou your cou: se; 3 gain pends oa your e~eerieucc :ind ;our

Wild ! 1\:. •i. tpl" :i' dnvir.;r 1iJc ('::t u ;;not her m ach ine. A ~· BECAUSE gunrontttd to rour arc the watchful motoris t. plane. Fast mthtar1 pl:uscs have .i ctr? L .. r~rly \l» You k::i· w l.i~t gbace a t your instrumen t cut 10% n)()l'C timber in Direc tly before you is a. boa:d full faster landlag speeds tha u slow ..:;ir, it5 .~ r"·i:H', tl~e 1 c!t:i or t~1~ h,t:i rd : en:ry ~bicg in order. You = ~~.!iC:. labor of dials :ind whatnots-most con· m achinC'J. A good field is im· ~oad. \. · ' ll c:o;p rrrn1:.: :. ou h.:: : r " gi,·• her 1 h t 11:uo," bead on fusing '""re it not for the fact la a small field you may 1carn . d h lW I<' m ;?!<i:. :urn!', clunh ;:••.11ust the wind tp-.-tcssc.>o the ··-~"'co. LTD. tb'l t you learned to read them be· b:ave to. side·slip to ge t to earth nt 11:11~. aai.l nr; o1ia lc bld. i:r?ts. r;rl uia~ diit:iuce o"\!~c surface. v-~;...~ H.:1.o 11 fore you s tuted to Oy- the co:n· tbe right apot i i>ut this is one or Yo~ ti .. , . .: >:o ur roatl.~'1p3 !>Uow10~ 0.i tile grouot.! thc coatrolsb:ive \ pa!S,the tachometer which shows those technical poiats SiUllla• to C' a.· .1 tu! a in the h1~u\··"lj ard a.I been neu tra l, snve that the clev:i· the number of revolutions the co· dpviair in crowded tra ffic. I have th.: v.mou~ land m:irllg calcullt tl to rs hi ngell ou eilbcr side of the g ioe is m3l:in(. . tbe thermometers seen pilots come down three or to keep you on the route. tail b:i\·e fi .lppeJ do·~n or t l:tir them in tbl? opposite positio n to for oi l a~ water, fuel preu ure fourl times and take off agala

Yflu. watch your fu.·I i;u;>;- ly ;u:d o\·rn \Vcight 110 th:lt they now r e· resume your level position :ig aio . gauge fuel level gauge, oil pres· witliout toucbiuc 'tbe ground. be· :::o schedule .f?Ur ru:i .tb!l t you ru:iy sist the air st ream Jo th is po!li This is no more d ifficul t than au re g~agc, a· clocli. fore t'\J.ey succeeded ia ~caching reach.·' ~~ n·1c.! r.t~:i~u b~Core ex· tioo t he coutrol s tick io your code- turning a corner with a mot"r Au altimeter shows bow high the po1~t tbey required to order :1aust111~ your.~a!I :iud .• 011. A~d pit teaus forward. ' A' your pl uc vou :i re. the 'a ir·specll indicator lo permit a s~ootb . sa,rc r unway if vou a rc'\ ~1 .. c LDClo:11t )OU ~111 tar ts Cortil you do Jillie or nolb· But bow, ioquirc your ~ s, indicates how fast you would be I know boya tu thei r te.cos wh.o never scl ou.t ou a .lorJ.; trip \V1lh· ing. T~ ? iaac :icts cC its own can you do all this a t oac • a t a travelling wrr~ you at sen level fly re~ul:uly a.loo~, putttag tl>ei r nu~ lir~t Gttnig to tl tb:it_rour ru:i· acconL'1lur you must be cautious; s rieeJ of from ooc to tbrec miles a aud without any wioJ. Aoother machines down 10 p:isturc lots, c~1.oc t F t!Je t!cs~ p0!~.1,bl.! ~on· you w:iat your pl:ioc iu fi1 io1r minute ? . d b t ins trumCtJl e nables you to calcu- au~ any.where el"c t~at t hey tuay ~ 11011. ly~o~ I:. J.U'>t l?.C t at. p?llit i.>a, the t ;iil up a nd kv<:I 1:ar ta m10 t a vou a rc.a part la te ~our actual apced O\'er the decide IS a convenu:nt plac~ to . or course it ,hu its. ov1n p~cu· This occurs au torua tic;illtt as " OU of yc ur machine. Tbiakiog a"ld J la nd

h r f a ure• You n, to a medium · J J op~r:11 ing controls arc as s im ple surface. s till :iaothcr shows bow lf · 0 · " . • . · ,. • . ga1u ~occu ; bu t r ou must cn rt :i fast you :iscend or de"cead. you stuuy y1og as you sludy ba\'1a~ t.ucc: ~1raeo .. 10<:1'! . • ~stead very •light rir~ssurc oo tbc con· "" when J OU nrc drivin~ your car. You perr abc:id . Clouds. How you r mo.tor car, you become adept of tbc l t1 rc:itr.1al l\~ •.-tb1c.:ac:os, trol stick to prevent the t:ii l bub· You use you r fc.:t, your bnud,., h ig h ? You 11'.!U climb them. a t m~ellug aoy em.ergeacy. ' Ia do.!pth a?ocg wt!b w1.1a tb ~ l.:o.~tb bin ir u p a:id tbrowiog :rour ma· iltld your \lead. Experience trains Rut lhcy nre too h igh. You must th.e a ir 10.u may cruise n~out. nl :i.od breath. 'Sou .c1A\'C rcalt;:cd chine oo it t coac. vou to use your bud almost a go through or turn back, or g o will, tak1ug time lb dtctde JUSt to I c:i jOUr lirit ~1""h t. :and. }C.U A" ttJc machiac rolls fortrard, iavoluotarily as you do iu your lower. Y vu decide no t to go lower what you .want to do aod ? ow u.ndc:stacd that this thtrd d1men· gathering momectum, tbe stick car. for there m raio, mis t. or bcsl to do 1t. Oa a moto r h.1J! b· 110.a II t.hc cl~mcnt tha t m:\ket s! S\viags b1clr to neutral. Y our feet a rc oa tbe rudder bar ; fcuc further o • ro vou go. Now way J'OU m~st. act ruorc ~u1ckly flyuig d 1ffc teat. Y ou must ~n up s traight up. 81 this you know :. above, vtry sli~ht wilh your you are la a s trang e element. The bccau~ of 1.1m1tcd space vmb oa l.r lO ftt :tnywbtre a ud CVl'GlU3llJ lhC tail ts Jcvcl. At a certain fight fool turns the 1ail to tile earth ba!I riJeo wiTh )'OU tO }'OUf l \VO d1 eCSIOUS. . you must comcl!~wo, t wo features s p:ed, depcadiog oa the surface, right with the lr ft it ha s the op· a ltitude nod in clear air you al· Au remember a a a irplane docs wilbout parallel ID l!\lrface traps- the tvpe of plane aad ite weijlbt, positc effect. T he control st icli w"y• ba·""' tbc bor1'zoa by w'-1' cb not fo r crash to the .ground porta tioa Ii d If i b 1 T 'Jctwcea • oqr k ::ieo Is kevcd up .. "' ' " " h th l t If • JO!I a youru a t e • r. he , to tell bow to keep oo a lc'·el lcccl. w en e. o.or s ops. it s t.ops

But J OU hn• bi:ca su tpriud a l d d y with wires or bars ~o t ll:i t bv mov· Id •· b . '" , i.:rouo rccc easlowh-. ou wa tch J Now your horizon bas fad ed. : o ~u1c !s a ~ery rare t 1Dg, tbe eaae w1tb w.ilcb J OU. have i~ until you arc sure.that it h far inc- It to either s ide vou mo ve tbe Outside tbc pla ne there is aoth- ,-,ur p.aue il~ghde to:wa rd a s mutewt those •prarcotly d1ificull e:sough underneath to permit a :i.ilerone-o,P a right turn you iug but mist. Wi thout iastru· lonJ ~as be control.s are in neutral fea \I, aad you a re tea1pted to g 1ve safe tura. ruove tbe tltck to the r it:h t. Ia meats rou could not tell whca poath i Dlca,a wbt le you look.for the bulld<r of t he ph1oe mr.11t o f Tbc tura is tbc thing . add ~ome planes you have a wheel set your plaac awen·ed aidc 1111ise or the pot which a ff?rds a safe tbc credi t, alll> tb! m.1tn wbo ."" here you'we grateful to the 'pioa· Q.IJ a framework faclnJ! you (ltke happroed to t ilt over. But in· !:a o~lnir, a~ _.rou l>anw: your plane developed your ~ng1nc that l!s .:ers ;.ad cattinecra aad pilo ts wbo ~~~ stt~i:i~~t:1:~c!idi:wi~:i:~ IT~~~~ atrumeats arc there. You s tudy ia 'C1 rc!es ~ahl .re~dy to Oattca ou\ ucu~ power bow a:surcs rcu C?f have cvolveu tbc present sys troi a dial. A ball ill off ceatr~, like- :i.od gh do .1ato 1t , the danger here c:utal' ~nlrol. Yru ltoow t t is o r coot:-ol, thouq h the principles the ailerons, while wheel a ud wise:\ pointer. The ball indicates ~tcs in loStng your bead acd ~ork· no nui:1c cu;>et , th:it it s tar11 .up were ioveotell by the Wright that the plane is t ilted iu a cer· ing the controls the wrong WJ.J, ~t:cai: c of the r c-s.sta.occ wh:cb brother~ :iod rem11a lhe !<:> me. Bl••• DA VIS ••lill taia direction, the haod abows it too close to the surface for a safe ·'!<!; ".nrrrrs lo lhe wing·'· Tbe Lille tbe ta il 3DU Goa o r a fi sh ia turaiDI!' off lo tbe right of the rc~OVCf.J wbea. Y? U d iscover your :11r l' e.cs P'Cktl ~1enc:i1h tn . lov .. er \be plaue h::s a rodder, io fron t LIVER PILLS course. 'You kick your rudder, m1.st11tC. M~torisis do that v~ry

ur l11r, •of the ""!"P.' :iod as yo1!r of which j, "\ fixed vertic;il fin to FOR CONSTIPATION alii;:h tly and mo"c the stick to the th1at!' sometimes. Otb ers d ri ve f~~:c~~~r c~o:~~:a~~;~ir!~~cugb H t?h icb the rud•Jer is b ioged. Rolh . o...u. bat JUlltctJ" ~dt, uatil the dial registers nor· cant1ously, nod therefor e safely.

Nor mu t you b" ao ·acrobat. b~lp .r.ou to your r,orw":rd - •a.a'!!.''::,::_·--. Ima!. ---- -The de: i~oer and the builder h:ive J;rcc~100. Suck lag out s1~ew1se Through the clouds. 'l'he su o Chapped H d llll:aactd your plaae for you With ltke .h.ttlc wings ~re the bon zoatal Ma. J. \V. McGRATH, ~t. Jobn't, ha' d ls:appeored. You switch 00 an s enough 01otor power to l!Stabr b s tabil:zers to which the C!lcyatora 'Agent for Newfoundland. lo your ligh ts, on the wiogs aod on a coatinucd bt;avy :ai r re:i ist.i~~t hluged. Tiler hel p to keep • J~pin!ll the win'!"" ~our pl:inc re· toe place from a?11og up or down ~===~~~~~=--==--=============-

u11lc11 you steer 1t so. ___ "


( P crmissioa granted.)



Your wiairs a rc so built a t an eagle that they teod to keep your machine from tippia~ sidewisr, but more importnn l are alleroue. relatively small ~urfaccs set ia lhe wings on- the outer rur coro- 1 trll, j'.>iacll to the '19ioi;rs aod mov· iog up and down. T he ai leron on o:ie side always moves iu a direction opposite tha t_ takca by tbe otbtr. You desire to turn to the ri~bt aod circle the airdrome

Based on the o fficia l time or the \Vorld Flig ht by


Firat Prize, $100.00. THE ORGANIZED ' MOVE· . ,

FOR SCALJ,)S A.~D BURN~ t'J make sure tha t everythi11g is \TOrkinl( properly befor e leaviog your landing and repair Cacilltiu. 'Po tlo this you mus t bank your

C over a.fleeted area wi t h "Vn!ellne'~ Jelly spread on linen or gauze. It's pure and safe to uae on n1' minor ctits, wounds, brulses, bumps.

l.-lt for tu,,,_,. Md• -v-~ I " .. -,,..,.,_ Cb~th Mft. Co., Cont'd N_Y_. ~ .._.._.

plane oa ' n· turn.

Second and Third Prizes o f $60 each to .tickets next above and below wlnnina number

Prlce- lOc S cc"re your tickets now and hold one as <\ of !his

historic event.

Aero ·Tennis Club Harbor Grade vase11ne

Ct ........ f ·~ • . ... ssa~AU.T..._ • • ~

You turn the rndJer over so slightly to the righ~ Tbia swings the tail. At the 11me time you mov~ your control atick to the dgqt, tlepren ior tbe leh ai~eroa which, c:itcbiag the air stream, , lifts the left wiog, tbu1 tiltiu, ' your place add awiaglog tlie 0011 • ~reuotl tbc tura. Yon tetura botb a.ileroa Hd rudder to aeatral dur· l iar lb• baat tf/oa waat to •1;,.~==-========:a;:;::;;;;::;;;;;====:;:====;=~ 1tial11ltt1 oat, u t••• Ulro• ..



A ddrc11 by George A. Soper, at American Deatal Auoclatloa

... Meeting. -1

Detroit, Oct. 26.-" T~o great priaciplts abould aac!ulie all ef. forts for the control of caactr, be they aatioaal, 1tate or mapiclpal, or coaceraed only wltb tbe treat· meet of a 1ia1le cue." aaid Dr. Georlr• A. Soper, Pb.D, Naaar· la1 Director of tbe Amerlcaa SO. detr for tile Coatrol of Cuc:er ia llddiall•I tbe ·America Dntal

I l


,Asent for Ne...toundlaud, MR. .J.~. McGRATH,

. Sa. JOHN'S.


Do You Want . PRINTI°IVG?

TRY The Standard Office


Letter H ea ds

Ilill Heads,

Note Heads,




Office Forms ,

Church Envelop es,

Poste rs ,

Cards ,



Dl:tnk Forms,

Church Lis ts,

Circular Letters,

Gummed Labels,







The Standard Ollice, ,

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---, ' ' ,



I "

' '

' I

. " '- . . "


$1.00 ,.



Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Have No Equnl for This Purpose.

a tbrilliJJg fiai1h, with last year 's wloaer but a dozen

yards behind.

Owen Sa\1\l'le;,-~f Dartmoulb, 1 the champion sbortdis taace walk·

Anaemia, or lack of good blood er of tbe Maritimcs, aad a mem· cau~cq not ouly pale fo~cs and ber of the Micmacs cha·mpioo four white lips i it i~ lhc root or maoy oared crew, woo further laurel!! on paio>t -nnd miseries. It is the Saturday afternoon, Nov. 5th

' can~:: of shattered ocn·cs. bead· when he-woo tbe Hera'd's wallting ache', and l hc always tired feel· ract from Dartmouth to: 11.lliru, i uir lrnm which so ma ny . womeo in wbicb tbcre were 53 slar terll, .l!C1l 1!1rls 5utT~r. To regain DC\\' 31 o f 'thcse finishing. Grant Bur· hii:i l•h ni:d str.?ngtb the blood aell, of St. John's, winner last sbnuhl he enrich ed th r b the ;car, was secood, but n dozen tonic lreatweut with ' · \Vil· yard:l away, fioisbiog about two I Iiams' l'inlr Pill~. 'l'b minutes ahead of last year. Saw· bas brought ucw be and ler bad waikcd tbc Aistaoce io strl!n:.:1!1 to thousauds o weak de· 3.56·3S 4.5, supplanting the re· spon<!e:' t people. I cord of 3 59 of last yeu. Tbe

Ac ,_" 1 hose .., ho found surprise o ( tbe race wa~ the fine 111'-.v loc.1llh thrnut!'h t sc of showing made by F. DugJ?alY. St. I this mcdic_ine is ~l rs. Gregory J . Joseph's, wqo came fast and :>lroog

· Murphy, East Sb•;> Harbor, N S • at the finish, and he was nearly a


· ' a year1n advan~ce; oth~rwi_se, $1.50

Do Y oxi Own Y Our Home ?

M~ny people often boast of owing their .own homes and y~t do not in reality. What if a fire took place, and the. ~avings .and accumulations of a 1if~ti~e ~ere destroy­ed ? No inaurance to offset the losS'. What a blow it would be. Fire ia everybody's foe and make• no diatiilc­

lt may be YOUR fire and YOlfk'- diatress any tions. time.

An insurance policy cooers your pro., and a

• I

wbo sn:< :-" I bless the <lay I minute ahead of last year 'srccord. hr,n' of o~' P ink P ill.s . Charles Bagley was a good fourth, Before 1 beg:iu their U3C l w;n 1." and with Leo Hannon sii1;1h, John a ruu· ~lnv:o and very w.eak condi· Dunphy seventh, and Howard ti.Jn. Thz!>t eiter t101! \vould Latter twclftlJ, the C. N. R. Re· lca\•e 01 c hre:ilbless ao.d tired out. cre:u ion CJub woo the team priz'!. Housewgtk was a trial. and a t Weather cooditioos were ideal time~ l felt very despondent •. A for walkins as Referee Aid. L.A. f1 iencl :id\·is<'rl me to t rr Dr. W~· GJStOUl?uay lioell th~ 53 s tarters /' Hams' Prnk Pill, nod l ~ol s ix up a t the coruerof King aod Och· boxes. I had uot b~en tak1og the terloney streets. M1ryor McLean pills vcr;: loot{ . unttl I be~aa . to g:ive them the word al 9 38. Bur·

· !Mf~twr in llca1 lb, and conunuiog oell, Stallard, Bagley abd Sawler t ~cir u~e 1 her rcc;toreJ m:: to my im:ncdiately s teppep out io fron t, lor ni. r (!OOil health. I also g:ive the fi rst oamed selling the pace. t he i'I s ! ·1 ru \° daughter, Porto Bello was re11clled at 1 01 00. w~ .inacl!l:c ~r.d run·dO\V O, wi th Bu~oell a od Stallard were s till t h( fame 1:1~od r~sul~ s. Now I close together, Sawler tea yards alv·an !. , ... 1be pills 10 !Jchiod.

.to your. life, a• ft removes much ol your W"1J.\l.

ther~fore ~rire, feel safer and be /iappi

:iuu , .. o'.1\l rot like to be w1tli::ut · Ourocll p:isscd the l Waverley 1bcir ... . . . corner io l.33.00, Sawler beiog

801J by all clc:ilcrs !" me1hci~ e• on? yard hcbiorl bi , Stallard o= Viii! be s::ot l1y m:11l, P.)~t pC11d, baviog d ropped b:1c • Bedford at 55-:. per box, bv addre11l'1ug T . was reache~ .,- Sawler and Mc.Murdo & Co. , St. John's, or W. Burnell ttl'lie thcr. Bagley passi;d H. T .. mi:psun & Co .• Ur. C r:ice. throug h four mioutcs later, a stet=

- ---- or two a head o f Cooper. Duggnu " i;l'I\ Fl":i·• Crosses Channel from was r rlv thirty sccoods bchicd. Boulugue tn Dover in 20 Mins. R.iouoa· cao1c c cxt, a t:lioute later.

~~e~ York, Oc!. 10 -Grorce de G21~;nke>crosscd t'i c E nr{lish Chan­r.el from Uouloirnr lo Dover in 20 minutes t.>·day in b is "S~n Fie~," \9hich looks lik~ 3 crns'l hr t wrco :i submaricc ;ind seaplane. accord· in~ to a message picked up by.The Wo rld's wireless operator tlf.:11ght

T be queer craft av.erage 93 n;ilc• an bour for tbc t rip and \be

' i o\°eotor '":is so cheered by bis r.ucccssful trip that be predicted a s imilar craft, hold ing 100 pasBel.!· K n. could easily be built to cross :be A tlaolic in 40 hours. D~ Gasinko's craft embb'diea t bC

l)TiUcil lcsof w:itcr butzs. I t draw9

only three inches of wa1er, al·

tboacb 35 fret lonr aad 18 fet t higb. The bull i1 of mabo1aa1 two-third• of aa iacb thiclr. Witb a load of fuel i! weigbs only 2600 poua4s.

\Vilh l•o small wing• aad an airplane propellor, the Flea at low speed 1kims tbc surface of the water, but when it approa.c.he.s it11 mnimum it almost lifts into the air and flits from the crest of one wave to the cre!lt of another, meanwhile retaioiog a perfect bnlaace., inauriog against sea· sickness.

Jo May, 1926, af(cr sever3"t short but succnsful tests. De Gasioko set oul from Marseilles for a 1rip across the Mediterranean aad along the African coasf, but the

- propellor wu !tpliotered by a h eavy sea.

0 :: Gasinko is :1 native of the tiknioe, but was traiaed io Ger· 01aoy, aod baa ~co carrying out bis recen t work ia

Du1nl'ao commenced to gaio and at Oirc!:i Cove be was even with S:iwlcr a ud Burnell. Duggan stttyeJ witb them uolil Kempt Road wa:1 reached, wl:r:n Sawl..:r aud ~uraell drew aw:iy from bi1:1 lightly. the foruier alla inintr .a

le;id of a couple or yards. T his be increa sed, and witb both meo at top speed, Sawler bad the best sp1i1rt at the fi _, isb; and Y(,OD hy about a dcZl!ll varda; or but fi\"e s~coods ahi'r tbe long walk.

1'be time of tile first tweh·e arc as follows :

1-0weo Sawler, D.irtmouth A. A. A., 3 1)6.SS 4.·5.

2-GtWt Burnell, Guards' A.A.. A .. Newfouodlaad, 3 56 48 ~ ·5.

S-F. Duggan, St. Joseph's , 3.58 20. .

4-Cbas Bnglc:y, C N R .. 4.02.31. 5-Pcrcy Cooper, Dutmoutb A.

A.A., 4 OS 07. (1-L<.o Haonoo, C N.R, 4. 10.29. 7-fohnay Dunphy, C. N. R.,

4.14 07. 8-Joba D'Arcy, St. Joseph's,

4 H 29. 9-W. A. Holmes, McPbersoa'1

Milli, Pictou Co , 4.15.44. 10-G. J. Smill', Dartmouth A.

A.A., 4 21.16. 11-E. MiHioa1, Weslmoual•,

4.2.f 09. 12-Howard Latter, · C.N.R.

• 28 6:!.


Canadian Eastern Champions Will ~Try Conclu1ion1 With Local :J Men at Iadoor Meet.

• George Irwin, champion fi•e and tea mile runner of Eaatern Canada with bis manager aod trainer Johoof Dee, arrived here by tbe Nerina Saturday •• did Oweo Sawlor wioaer of the tweo· ty· fivc mile walk held in Halifax a liute time i.go.1 At aooou'Uced before, Irwin will compete against Newfouadlaod:a best runners io • five mile race on tbe aigbt of the 18th last., aod a tea mile race oa tbe night of tbe 22ad at Priace's Riok. Ow'\n Sawlor will walk against Grant Ouroetl, Newfound· land'• champion, who rue bim 1ucb · a bard ' fight la Hallfu:. The distance of the race and its date bas oot yH bteo determined. lrwia i1 being iarite.d by tbeC. L. B. Athletic A.uodatioa and Saw· lor by the Guards Athletic Ano· ciatlon: Io preparuioa for the races the Prlace'1 Rink is now be­lag pat la readiae1S and tbe Boor around · where tbe atbletn will rue ii receiyiar uteasive repairL TbeN ,.111 occupy a lew days after wbicb all compeUton will lai1b tbeir traiah11 t1ten, Wltb tbe comlar of these aoted atbletea, SL 19ba'• 1port1 are la for eome i.Dterhth•f raCM Ii tile aar futdre.-Daily Nen.

• • • Iii

For rates, -i!tc., apply ' . "

EDWARD L . OKE, • Local Agent. •: , Reliable Companie•. 'Lowest Rates. I ,:a~~~~~~~~~~----~ ~ ~_jffi!Jji~~~~~~~~~-

THE FAMILY CIRCLE. +wort~ th fill air w 0•1 ~ht i~ "Fla.tlher Him a. Little." II QI iii 'U ~ " In Gold

A gen tleman o.voed a very fine 1 D horse whose only :ipparcot fault i re was an exuberance or ~:ty !!pirits. He was g-eotle and williuf(, but r.o soou r Jid be fiild !lims~lf on tbc road tbao there would be a scrita of pluoKe& aod dartioga, first to the righ t. then to the left. With bis beau tiful neck arched to a per· feet cuf\'c, be seemed to coo~ider it quite the proper tb iog to r~ and curvct :ind prance uatiM bc patience of tbe driver was well· nigh ubau1ted striving to control the mettl,some b:::auty. To apply the ""hip was simply cruel, and be dido'~ koow \\bat to make of it either To sell him was out of the quc.s!ioo. One evcaiog the owucr, wbo lcoew \iis Irish groom had taken tbe horse oe quite a long drive during tb 1:: day, said to bim : " \Veil, Uikc, bow did you iret along whh Caesar this morn· iai ; could you manage bim at all ?" Mike turned bis bead to one aide with an h2duli:eat a:r as

Morse's Indian Root Pills.

Dr. Marse•s Indian Root Pills.

Or. Morse~s Indian Root Pills. -. -

~To Save Doctor's 8l!Js, us,~ Dr, ~\orse'S lndlan1toot llilLi;.

be replied. ' 'Och, well, air, wbin rH! BEST FAMILY PIU. IN USE we fu1t shtarted out be kicked atid pawed. ll'ke tbe lively cratbur he is, but I 8attbered bim a little, aa' be came 1iown upon his f~t, an' btb:lved."bimself like a gin e• maa every ble11ed shtep o r t ~ way." If parents will ooly stop and think a moment they will see bow very ~ucb like this horse are the merry children, whose antics, as lhey ofleo declare, nearly drive them wild. It is not because littl~ Thomas. Richard, or Beary have a drop of vicious blood in their restless little bodies that tbey act, as old·fasbiooed graod1D0tbers used to say, as if. they were po•· aessed . • Fact is, tbi:y are posses11· ed, but only with the roguish, fun·liYing spirit which is tbe legi· timatc birthright of a healthy Child. What woold be the use of tying up or 11ci>ldlog a monkey for "cutting up" aM lriods of shines ? Aad where would be tbe sense ia switching kitty for turning I\ dozen aomer11ult1 la the vale effort · to grab her' owa Httlc tall 1

A boy whom we knew, aad fancied for a kind·hearted, loviog little fellow, aeem:d to ,,.,bave no affection. whatever for bis graod· fafher-cntr aa unfortunate dread of him. Bat it wu all 'uplaiaed oae day, wbea a aeirnbour, speak· inc o( tbe tame rraod·pareot1 re· marked, "Ke'• one of thOBe men who entirely' forget• that be waa ewer a boy ; upecta just 11 much of a dblld •• be would of a maa." Alu I tbat too maa7 parea:a make

" OF TJfl;'LIVmC

For Sale lly all Oulr.:t.

the same mi11taie. The ga):, rot'. licking ho~e will !Oon become tbe steady·going old roadatcr; kitty will become a ataid sleeper of tbc hearthrug; and Thomas, Rich:itrl , an<! Henry will be tbouirhtful, care-ridden men, only too glad to look b:ick, 1f possible, to t be days of a free, happy cbildbood. There was tact nod magic power ia the way io which a motlier once en· tered a room where her three boys were engaged io play not ooe ~old williogly lcave, aad said : ••1 know which of my boy is go· iag to carr1 this letter to the of· fice for me, h's my own particular little son I'm after this t ime." Just as sbe expected, there were three particuhu little sons eafler to leave their play and do her b)d· ding. Oh I draw tbe ci: ild by kindness ; if necessary ••fia ltber him a little," not that firmess or even force. are to be dispensed with if actually required, but only check and restrain the gay spirits wbeo you must- ·then in the most enticiar wny; it is 110 much bette.r ''to rul e by lo•.e \baa fur."

Ou, Bame MBTRaRosas To·DA'' I " When the last feeble accent is

spoken • • Aod dies like a teode{ refraio, You will weep o'er the he t&at IA

bro tree, Aad wish it united agaJo.

. ' . . Aou your tears "will not waken

m slce;iing Nor ¥i:1dle a beam io my eyes

Tbopgb you cull from tbe sunniest bowers,

· Ob, wb°i1t would i~ matter to me'!

I would not fee} tbe breath of the flowers

TbouB.b fr<>gran t aad balmy it ~].

' Will you think of the loog years . o r sadness.

It seemed th ~re were none ;.s> ' approve! ·

flow my heart would b11ve bouod· ed wilh ghdaess,

To know that you bore me such Jove I

Ob, wait ool t ill summer is Coded And winter lies cold on my

brow I Go gather the garlanfts io\ehded

Aotl briaf(" tliem to comfort me DOW I

What wisdom is there in cooceal· iog

The Sunbeams that/ brighten the room i .

Then tell me your. tenderest fe~l· lag.

Nor keep it for ears that arc dumb.•

Theo briog wbat you hue to the 1 liviag,.

Whea you asln1le the teal'll with To brighten life's 'tUarisome tbe Oowcl'I way,

Yoa Jovlarl7 1trew oa my bier, Since the dead caoaot b-eed to Aad you speak of tbe maay 1our gl•iag,

boura Ob, briog me the rcise1 to-dayr•

0&:1,:~:; :: :::·,:to:.:: C•~:~, t3<h, ,;;,G. W. :J-ph•r,

Nor · lldd to 7our pallioaate 11&11.a ; ~or all pahat-Miaard'a Liaimea

His L11St Sea Voyage.

When tbe Cuoa rder Aquitaoi~ arTivcd at Southampton, 'l'ue~daJ: Caplain S ir James Charles, Com· modore oo the retired lis t of tlie­Reyal Naval Reserve, relioquisheit bis command alter forly·six yean' sea t ervice ia sail and st~am.

Sir James ill one of the last or tile great sea captains who have belp~d to build up the fame of lbe transatlantic passengers liners duriog the p:ist quarler of a ceo· tury. He is a tall, well·buil t mau .. itb ~commanding presence aoll a reserved manner.

Captain Charles f tartcd all a cadet io the hig clipper sailiog ships out of Liverpool. H.i tbco joined the Brilisb India Steamship Compaoy, 2'0in~ to tbe Cunard T,ine io 1894 His first command was the steamship Aleppo in the Mcditcrraoeao.service. Theo fol· lowed tbl Ua:,bria, Etruria, Du· caoia,. a nd others until he bad charge cf the L usilaoiaJaod Maure· ladia before aod duriag tbe war Io March, 1918, Sir J ames tool< command of the Aquitania and trans ported 48, 67 troops acro~s the Atlantic, many of them from Halifax. Ile was appointed aide· de· camp to tbe Kiog, and received several decorations for bis ser· vices. •·

It is understood that Sir James will act for the Cunard Line in an advisory cap11city on the construe· tioo of new liners until Aug ust 1928, wbea he reaches the retiriog age or 63. • ,


Notice to Mariners No. 22-1927.


Jt tit' Entraqce to DR~WBUCIET TICKLE, _

LABR~DOR , Lilt. 50° 09'

Loog. Gt 0 12'

POSITION : - On .S. August feland.

00" N. 00" w. E. End of

CHARACTER : - A Fi~ed While Light of the 8th Of'.(ler.

ELEVATION :-Heig!Jt of light from high water to focal : 50 feet.

ST~UCTURE :-Octagonal wooden tower and Keeper'• 1'1'elling with

• flat roof, a.U painted white. REMARKS :-Thia ligbl ·will be

pul into opezation July let., 1928. W. C. WINSOR.

Minister o1 Marine & Fisheries.

D~ of Marine & · Filheriu, .. ht-house Dfpartment, • ,

t. John'1, Newfonodland, • Ootober 27, 1927. nll,3i


Mariners · NO. 19-192'1.

DUCK Bill POINT- · HPDPiDI Hr.. Whi'e Bay

Lat. 50° 36' ·oo" N. Long. 56° 11' OU" ·w.

P03ITIOX :-On Duel: Rill Ppint, Hooping Harbour, \\:bite Bay~

DF.SCRIPTIO!ll :-A White Fl»b· fag •Acetylene Light Gu giving :

io ·flashes Per Minute


Notice to Mariners No. 20- 192'1.

COOMB'S COVE - Grt:!t Bay D'Leau, Fortuqe Bay 1-'lt. 4'i0 27' IS" ~. J.o ng. 55° 3S' 20'' W.

• P0SlTlON : - On· BM! Point­

Coombs' Cove, 1''. B. DESCRI PilOX :- A \VMte Fl11:-h.

iog Acctyleoo Uatt Ligh( gh·iu~ :

· 35 flashes Per Minute.

ELEVATIOX : - Heigh( of lii:ht from high wnler to focal pl111•u : 35 fl'CL •

3TRUCTCRE : ~-A Wooden Slap· ing Structuro, painted Whitt·, Lnntern Red.

RE~IARKS :-Light will ho put io opcrntion Nov. Jstf 1927.

W. C. WINSOR. l\Unister of ~lnrino &: Fisberi~

Dept nf Mnino & Fisheriei', Lighl·hou o Uepnrtment,

SI. John'!!, Ne1~foundland1 October 2G, 1927. • n 1 I, 3j


Notice to Mariners No. 21-1927.

NOTICE I~ llF.REBY Gl\' F.N thnt tho l ron Huoy, "ith \\'bitG Flashing A~tyleno Gas r~igbt .\t-tached, now moored on •

fl1AN·O .. WAR ROCK-· Stag )fr. Point

Lui. 49° 38' 32" N . Long. 5~0 lG' 49" \V.

will ho tnken up on December 151, 1927. natl will bo plnced in tbeftn1n& position nl the opcniog oC Nnvi"aliun 192 . • 0


ALSO The Whistling and Acel.> lene GM

Light Buoy moored on tho

BR~NDIES - Eqtraqce to . Catalina Hr. L:lt. 48° 30' 30'' . N( Long. 53° 02' 0" w.

will bo rerx:oved on Decemt>or 15th 1927~ nnd "ill .be . n>placed Rl th~ opeo1og of Nav1gntion i928. -.

W. C. WINSOR ' llioislor of Mru:ioo & Fi!he.i s.

Dept.. of Marine & Fiaberiea · Light·houlld Department, '

St. John's, ~ewfoundland / October 26, 1927. ~Jl31


~THE HARBOR GR.ACE ·sT~NilARD. . , _..B11y Advertised Goods. Shop Where You Are Invited ·To ·Shop.-.






FHtD.\ Y, :\,1n;~1u1m 1 '. 10~1.

l~umor!\ concrrni ng ;i Genera l· E lection ha,·c \Jci.:o in circulation fo r sowc ti m.- pin :ind t ht'SC h ;i,·e been subs t;:n1i .i 11:J di:ricg t he p:is t w eek IJr • r \1cleo; in t h e Gover n· m cut r ri::ir s. It is x ;m::I d tb:i t he d ct100 will he h d ll i n th sprinr, l..ut a 1:\11 Pl<Ct ion is be· ,. cm1 ,i tleh 1I. The ~.:w • refe rs o th e 111 .• l>iht; o f the l:o,·c rn w c t to c.nn· 0 11 rn<lthc r ~c~~iou with a b :irt• 11:: . joritr of one mcm bt r. a • I.I t h\! Pr· ;iia" me 1 iwe :ii;o g';\ c hi s Jcc1~iJ11 ou tlli~ n·:i thr, 1b.1 lH• v·o1Jhl 11 1t (t) a :w :!1cr ~es· sion 11 . r le J r.ny p1r l\· -in t h.c forthcomin~ cl ~rt iou ::,ur~ly t he C,o, ~rnw.:. • .:-.11IJ : •. 1 I c1rry oo !or 1 ,.. ~r '"I! ;. , ·. ~ ioo a" ' 'i:ll a s I

' The deatll of M i•s Lilla E . Pynn occurred at be r home on Watc' Street Weal early cin Monday morn · iris: followloir a brier lllnesa The deccued waa tbe youo::ut dauzhter of the late Capt. J oseph

I anct IJrlllah P ynn aml \'l'H in \Jcr 6i1h. yr ar nnd ,..-aa the l:aat of a lari:e fa nu I y She bad breo iu htr UIU I h: alth anti WI.I ou t OD

Colors---Fawn, W4_ite, Blue and Cardinal, $1.45 valae

choice for $1.18.

Should there be any questoin whatever your dealer has authority to refund you your ~oney.

COULD ANYTHING BE FAIRER.? it 111•! lai.t ' •• r . \\'!, cu t here was = -===========---==-:=========================== t :ill· ,,r .111 ~:, t1•10 i:-•t> t Yl··r it de· ' p cit!cd to carry oo and it t lie r,-:.~~ ;;.,:;;gY,rs'iJ&Y::S ....... :ffJM).;;.~~


s :imc members s till ~t'~ :.Jany ru ·.::101~ _.1r ~ rife r 'IF:rJi nc- "f3 . /

poss ible formal l?tJS or ;r r llts to rib To make room-- I • cootcs t the elcclloc but so r~r co (~ ~ h<althy h.dr has lcc .i rucolloncd .J for 11cw BOOKS f or our Ll BR . .\RY we.- A

'fLl' gr.eale!- t nt cJ or 1hc cour.try . • • ~ • • :it ibe pri•sco t t ime i:> o:it a shuf· ~ w 11L 8cl£ 0 111' STOCJ\. OB' CSED BOOhS ~

;;;~C~~::h~.~;.c~"\~~ ,~~~.~~ 1iir.1io~~~ Ci] nt • 30c. Each. ~ hi priuci,,!e a d t he COU:J lfJ


S f cir

The Satu,rday Evening Post­fol' Sale caclt "fec.'r, at Sc. Copy,. .. d-nc.11

t l:e ~l!lf·appoi n tcd, HH· ~j opicion il:rJ pol1< ician w!Jos c chief I ' J and•ok 1>u ,ineq i.; poli:ics Lui men , ::}

3 wlio will give or tbdr tiwc nod I £}; their a b1h•): fo r: he l>t!> t i ntcrcstso: •t ' r. I r :· J:J:.I flC'!'1 t• Ur rroplc :ind o ur •u C'.?:"n~'"· ~!-n ,.r: :11t kc:.:a rcrdccp· ct; STR A.~ ~ ·· •1 . •l'JJe_ ... 0. rurp :e :Ill. a cl ' ~c-.r PHARMACY lJj .. h rcr.: ~r ... ~or :uc uul1.s \"\'b c!J b ' .... ~;1:11 C.!".' 1v.: U;''il I ~ ·n, wbo r ~.., ~ ltfi ha\'C I.leer·~ o:l I Cl 1;•::c1i ns or [ Ii THE'e/)(,Oj/J{J STORE. iii at :1 11•1 \\10 J.!' , a od "- llo \\ ill ctf} • - f ,, ci1.ri i1 1bc r!.,ht a11J :i tlcrly <i i:;- U-o c ~

' J • . I ·'"" C..."" rY"' t""'t (V) t'Y) C-'1 (¥) C'."> t'V'J~ - <.Y> """"' !)"? ~ C"':..,_.!'Yl f.'l",,.,g"' .Q'I C::1 .. t~ c.ouot n:tt.C.' t IC \HOq;- • IS ;;. -~~"O"-e;~"'C!"::.. CVL E?!~? !!fl !,::--c; &i(Srzss:tp:J.~ ruattcr to t.c t!~alt wll!J l>y ou r people io gcu~ r:i ! ' l ''': ticc is come wbe::i ,;11 ~hr uhl \'ICW :nal· tcrs 10 a 1 rcper lii:Lt-wt1cn <lis· t m:-ts • bould ~ct IC'gdiic r lDOrc an ti h:i,·e fo r t lleir rq1rcsen t:ith·cs w en \? ho m they would be prc uJ to h a\'c rcprc~<: 'lt t hem at the L rgisl tore. To g e t thei r com·

-.....,. mlllcl!!I worl:i n:~ aod clloosc tbd'r tJwn candid:it s and not be fo rced t o occcpt mco foisted on them by outside interests. Wbec e \·ery voter secs that i t is a \' i t:il quet· t ion for b io111e' f ~ad uses bis ri:;h l aod pri\•i legc wisely a r d co11sdr11tiou1ly ; tac1s 1li:i t unless he takes sufficient i nte rest in t he wtlfarc or bi~ country that 1bio~" ~II 1101 improve; rcalizn thit he i a cog io the wbecl of de!ltiny of our coun tr; and u ses Jr1, I est cndca\'Or to furthe r it!! wc:lfarc-lbea,acd ooly tbeo, will .. uaditious be iwprc\ed aod our country acbiC\'C stOl• i1ity and prospe:i t 1·

From a report rh·cn tit 11011\C or tbe cll7 papen~ Mr G. T. Phil:lp•. miU iHpector of the Department of ~..Jr callure aad alinea. It I• learaed

_,.oat fro111 cape Frtel• to Cape Nor-man 1lle amouat of &Te aad a half ••Iii n fei t of lumber haa ~en 9&WD b7 lH m1lla. lie reported tb&t practlcall7 the total amount of plllp wood alle1wed la ll• cbartcr hH bee• exported b.Y tl:e lntema· t loaal Paper Cclmpany :al Hampden. I• order to prnent diakcH among lahet•tta t.D part of the ahorc tile Goteramenl bu allo\lltd certain pulp wood aod t ie cutting contract•

"to be made. lt 111wonllered1l thc8e contract• arc ginn to local aj!cnt1 for m:anulactnre in thl-. COUl\try or ii they :arc part of lbe iot :arie policy or forthcr CUltlllJ,! Of pulp \'rOOd for export and n1aoufacturc io foreig n cuuntric1.

Full Stock Now Opened.

A line of

Sample Coats No two alike.

Men's & Boys' Suits to fit all purse&

A bis t.nap in

Men's Overcoats 80lns rapidly.

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

-A FEW PRICES-Ladi•' Coraeb:, 66c. pr. lnfanta' ~b. 4Sc. pr. BJc CottOn Blanketi; $2.96 pr. Fi'innelette. 20c. yd. ~ Curtain Scrim, 1 Oc. yd. Men'• Cloth, 98c. yd. Ladiea' Rubber .. 85c. pr.

~· Leonard Ash= I Carbonear - - - Nfld.

L• ..

Mr. Walter Nicbola of Clarke"• b wu la ton oa a baalaeaa

tall oa \Yedaeada7, ReY. N . s. Noel of SL AatllO'JJ

C.lmt: up by Ille Kyle oa Saada7 on t. 1bcrt whit befcro the wiate.r aeta


1._ Bia maay fricad1 arc pleated to ac• bl~oolring 1:1 •ell. _, Mr. T~. ,D, lln r.ihaa, who bad

beea oo a le"ngtb1 Ylait to Nor"aJ aad wl.Jo returned to Bawk'1 Harbor by the t :inker Gul'aug. arrind here by lhc Kyle on Sunday. Ba bu bcnefitted ~really lbrougb thr: trip Md friend11 arc pleated 10 ice him home again.

Mr. F,. S1mmons went to St. John"• on Wednl'aday ou a liricf viait a'ld r:turi1 rt.1 yc1lcr.:l3y ,

. Ir. \'I. A. McK1y. or• tbe 1tafJ or tbe Tclq;ram, ~t. J ohn'•· :iccnm· p:anicd by hi& t.lau1:btcr, M:iry • ...,.;111

111 town o.-cr l:uit w~ek end. on a "11it to bi1 •OD, Mr. 1''red McKay.

Capt. Cb;irlu Webt>er of t be s . a . S trandhill, whi:b went ashore at B;iy Uulla whlle a t aocbor there durinj.!' the beny 1lorm or laal wetk and \vbich i1 now ut St. Joh n'• for do•kln&:"• came b.ire b7 motor on Suud:iy on a brlif visit.

Mr. W. B. Parmite r. who had been lo St. J obn'11 0 11 a buaioeu vi•il durin!!' t he wccli, ret urned home oa Tue1da1 ·

..., r. C Muir. of St. John ·,. wu1 in town over lll'll week cod, oc a busl· OCH y.u,

. fr. Jotrph C:/Brieo. ion of '.\fra. Thomi\a O 'Drien. who i• wor klnS' with the Wutern Union Cable Co .. New Yorli. :irri"cd home a couple of wetk• ago on a • lai t. Be bad not b:cn fee1ing too well but b ia visit 11 pro•iog moat b:ne6cial.

Mr. A. L . Cc-Iii•. who had been vl1iting- Carboaur oo :i buaincu trip for tbe put three w«ka re· turned on Saturday lut.

Mr. Grcgnr y Oui~. 100 of Mr. :iod Mra. Edward D 1. arrlTed here by train :vc:att;rd rom Mon· tre:il. Mr. Dula, w o \':ent t o Montre:il laat fall de•elopcd 1carlet fever rcceollJ and ii Q.OW CODvaleS• ainl:'.

The !bye• Taxi Comp:iny hu ctcenlly had a l?':trai:e erected on the • ite o( the old rink op Baney St reel. which will be UllCd fo r the llOr3J:'e or Ila c.lre and t heir overhaul during t be winter mooth1.

The fifteen t h annual abow of the Newfoundfilnd Poultry Auociatioo wu ol!idall1 opened at tile CL. B. Armour1 St! J olin'• on Wednesday ueuing by Bia E .rccllcocy t he Gonroor. Prolc11or L:1ndr1 ia llg11in preaeol from No'l'a Scotia :and wlll jnoge t be poullr1. A ngetable

•1ec1ion a.rd oae for ccreale, !roil• aod jam~; arc also part of t be abow and the :ifJalr mus t be one of great inlerc_.1t to tbo1e iotercatcd in poullr1 and a~rlculturc.


The 6 rm of McHr1. Squibb· Mu:in & Co. bue n cenlly porcbaud 11 motor truck which 91ill be used in the tra n,..fer of oll, mtal. elc. Mr . licolc:y Martin baa secured the po1i· t loo a1 dfrrer .

T h6-flf'ectinir of 1he B~rbor Grace branch of the llrHl• ll and 1''orclitn Bible Society w.u held on F rid:iy Jut. It waa decided n1>t t :> ma kc a bonae to hou11c anu• tlrla ydr, :11

r~· M 1.s·s JOY.~· .,.. ~ h;u been cuatomary. hut en .. r lopu

will be clrcdl:ated wl11ch arc to be collect•d Ill t he H!rT·ret 1n t he Cburcbc• here Oil the 27th, in the ar­pca l for fund• to a rr1 on tbi1 im port:aol worli.

Miu Marion Simmon" a nd. her mother, Mr•. l:loi;:b Simmon• left here oo Wednead•J by t be (J aye• Tul for St. John's where t hey will inake their home in future . Ml11 Simmon" haa been 11enn11 rafl'ler a t Jltr. f~ . Slmmooe' for t nmc 5tare. ~·1c ,,.., an 11cth-e member of the l'nit•d Church 11nrt wnS<crelary ol uni Girl• Gu1IJ of that organlnt ion for \o:ne tlratt. l'rnioaa to bcr de· puturc. 11. 1urpri11e p:trty wu held at tb~ ho tne of )Jfe. W. J • Orltcoll ~1 \he meanb-r• of lhe Gull•I a nd MiH Simmon- WU rrcacrtlt d with a fOI J piece ae a tr.k n ol the C: UCAl1 111 whtcb •be la held. Tl-e ~T4JIO AND j~IH thei r m.iny hitrll• ID w11hwf .Ur•. :ind 1'11•• 1'1mmon1 lwahb and blpplacH ill tbclr cc• .... , ..


Latest in Millinery. <;1dies' Hats, $1.90 and upwards.

· Mi••e•' Hats, $1.20 and ·upwards. Children'& 'Hats, 98c. to $3.80.

I I All personally aelett.J.,.

Ladia' Coat•, Dreaaes, Underwear, Htoniery, at va•onable prica.


Wcdoe•d:iy la•t but coctracl· ed a heavy c11ld wb 'ch de"clop· ed into p11eu111on•:i Iler father wn11 a well k nown Gi:urr: in tbi1 c.1mmanlty tome ye:ir" :ii!'" bring muler of the L lnic: :ind Ellen GI• bourne and other •hlpa wh ich plied In tbe pau~urer iacnice in tbi1 Bay. and lind •mid deligbtlul 1urround· loll• :it Baooern1an Lake. The funcrlll •It held on Tueaday .lifter· aoon. the aenlce at St. Paal'a Church beinlf conducted b7 the Rn. G. S . Templeton. aad at ira.Calde b7 tbe Rn. N. S. Noel . Left to mo11ra ber paaalac are a larce aomber of a epbewa •ad 11eletta. of wbom 001 la Mt. ~-rJ P111a of tlll1 towa. To tbe aonow­l• relaUtta lbe ST_.,.DAaD utada


See Window lor Big Sale · Ladieal Handkerclaiela.

,. . '

bi 17mpatll1. _ .. JOU K&ULU.

1111 IOI

111 I~

~~I 1@1 l~l


Carboaear ~~ lb• puaiq OJ Ile oldeat ,......, la tbe penoa ot Patrick KleU91. ac.t97 ,ara. lie came from a iace of labermaa wbo ban helped to trite till• coaatry aa eatlable aama la tll• e7a of tlloee J>ltC)ple wbo are lateraled la tbe &1blac iad•1tr7. From bla earlJ 1ern he proaecated tllo Labrador &aher7 aad waa a. planter with bl• aenral brotbera, who died • .ome of them. lo the primo nf manhood and aome of them In later life. Bia 1c cord carried oat tbe but traditlou~ of Carboaear : a acameo unafraid. a gentleman alwaya. lo later 'fears be bad bia roideace io Carbou!:ar with bis wile and f.&mily nod hlP home w11 alway1 open to all. P i.c. haps t here 11 po man iu Carbonnr now who wu more rcapcc ted than the late Patrick l\:ielll!y. Up to t wo moclh1 ago be waa apparent ly in perred bc.ilt b, but a fall dt.locatcd bl• h ip and aincc then be hu been awaltiul:' for the call which c:i.~e oo Suouay ui~ht. F'Qrtl6cd .by the the rltu of the Romau Cathc>'I~ Cblltcb, be wu altendrd i~ bi , lut momenta bJ Rt. 9.~,. Moa• 11l1:oor McC:irtby aud lt\lrrouodcd by his family he pau~a iuto eternity Sunhing !Jim are hie wulriw and three 1ou1.- Michael lo Victoria 8. C. ; Jamc1 In T oronto: John or the Wu tern Unio11 Cable Com p~ny, Bay Roberts : t wo <laugh ter1, >.fr11. Ja1t1e\ Ka•auagh of U1i8 .:lt1. aod Julia, lo Carbonear. l:fo, death will cul a gjo:>m ever llic old town of Carboncar and m11ch syrn· p:ath1 will be u:tcoded to the be rcaved. Be will be mourned b:cauec he waa a boat mo&t boapil.'lblc. a rrieud and a gentleman. Uia fuoe:al took place at Carbone.a r. Tuead:iy.



Ill! Sh~!!!!~~ortNo~~~p ill ~ t • .~


A~11cus, in D. New1

Aero Tennis Club Closing.

Loco.I for 5 Mile Race.

Mr. Joseph Marlin. IOD or Mr. and Mrs. 1\bnlom M:irtln of tl1l11 town, l~ft he re thi& morning by t he f:!aye1 Tu.-ci for St. John '•· to t:illc put in t he Gve mile race to be held to ni~h l at t he Priocc 'e Hink. in "Nhich Ir wio1. winner of the Bali fa 't 10 mile J11ar:1tbon, and t he St. Jobn '11 ruunernwbo"ere entered in t he Hali· fax Marathon ,.,ill c~mpetc. J oe ba!I done conaldcrable practice and i1 in good form and we t ruat be will ghe a irood accouot of himself. ll 11 on· dcratood that be will nlso en ter in the 10 mile r;ice <o l:e run in the Rink oc Tuesc!:iy u igbt.

Sale of Work.

The nnoual S:ile of Work of St. Paul'e Women'• Anociation and S1. Catherine'• Girl&' Guild w:111 held ia St. P3ul'a Ball on Wedncaday hull Thul"lld:iy elcnloJ!• :lod proved h iithly aucceuful P la in :ind Fancy Woi;I.'. Candy. Vc~etable ;tnd Tea table" were placed about t he ball a nd t he ::itteudant• were kept quite b1.1e1 c:epcci:illy tboae in charge of t he meat tcae. Tbe attend:incc the 6r1t night waa a good one ;ind t he g oodly 11um of three huudred dollar• WU received while t bC prOCctd1' Of laat evening amouoted to $ 10-4 cfol· l::ira making the grou total or $404 dollars.

The annu:il cloain~ o! the Aero Tcnnla Club w:111 held on Friday ueolng la11t, Armlaticc Day. in t he Academy Ball, and pro~cd a most enjoyable afJ&ir. Tile attendance waa l\ la rg e on,many •is itora from Bay Roberti, Car~:ie:ir and EJearl'11 Content bciuir. p 1cnt. The cloa· ing waa to h:ive een held on Thnra· daJ eveniu~ but o g to the incle· ment we:itbcr bad ~n po1l poned Dancing bcgao nl 9 'clock and al 11 p.m. a~ u l down to lhe t able• wbero a d111ntr auppc hnd been pro. vided by the ladi1'6f lbc club. The following tout J)et wna followed­The Kln1r. the Pre1ldenl Mr . .a. D. Arcbibald,-God Sue t he Kinjl'. " Tenni1 the! World Over." Mr. H. 8. Archibald. Prucotatioa of the Imperial Cup bf Mr. H. Hioton to Mr. W. ' Ba.yea, who oow owna it outrigh t ' and repl1 or Mr. Saye~. Prucat11lion ol tile Aoooaen Cup by Mc. E . D. F+ceman to Mill S. B. Bayu, who hotb& it for the aecond t ime and reply bJ Miu Bayca. - • • , "The Ezecull•c." prop. Mr. Cuhnan, l mp. M~. B. D Arcblb11ld. ·: The CONFEDERATION LIFE.-.Ladica, prop. Mr. 8 , D. Archibald, mcb25 tt reap. Mra . B. Hinton. "Our ' __ Touroa~eot Team•" prop. Mr. M. I On \Vedncaday anow and •Ice!, t he Bayca, up. Mr. E. L . CJke. . 6r•t tbi11 aenaon. made It• appear·

Dancibg waa the.a ru umcd 1Vh1ch a nce and with t he cold c•cnl oir the waa .l:ept up until 2 a.-m. when all couotry aide waa covered and waa repaired lo their ho111e1 well contcqt q uite alippery . The u:ceptlonall1 with the fun of the ncnln~. Tbc mild weather of ycaterday, wllll t he moalc wu auppllcd by tbc K. o( C. wind from the Soutb weat nnd 1t1 9rcbeatra nqu wu thoroug hly . en· balmJ feellnj!'. aoon removed t he JOyed. Ooe feature wu the cllmtna- e•ldencc or tile ileet atonn of t he t loo danc.e, "°hlch locluded, noveltlu prc•ioua day. wbeo all were proTidcd with paper bata of all de1crlptioo• and horna. wbl1tlel( crackcr1, etc. and added grcatl7 to the fuo of the atJalr. The wlonera were J.fiaa F. BarUett and ur. M. Ra1e1.

Supreme Court on Circuit.

The woddipg of Miss MaitioSmilh, daughter of Mr. Josiah Smith' of Biabop·s Cove, and Mr. Lemuel Barrett., of Spaniard's Bay, wu solemnized at S t . Paul's Church on Tuesday at 5 30 pm Many guest. from Spaniard's Bay aod Biahop'a

':t'be Fall S4uloo of the Cclacep· <'Ave were present u well 111 a la~ t • B Ci I f s number of lo1'nepeoplo. The bride ion ar rcu t o . the upreme WILi a ltired in powder blue'ailk wllh

Cc.urt, Mr. Ju1Uce Keo} pre111dlnr. opeaa at Brtcaa oa tbe 18th inat. hd to match and 11'1111 a ttended by On Monday, the 2lat 1nat, at Barbor Mn. Annie Smith, who wore roeo Grace. aod tbe 25111 ID1t. at C.rbo- colored t ilk. The tcrvice wu con· near. ducted b7 Rev. G. S. T empleton.

The <;Gutt leana bere oa Tbara· ollo"ing t!M ceremon1 the day moralar. tile Collowrac ofliclala bappJ couple and guetl9 in all aome accompaa7lal[ :- fourteen cars, Dlotored '4> Spaniard'• w. J, Carroll. SberltJ; D. F. Kent, Ba h tb ti held i Qlerk 1 John C.bill, Crier ; MIN G. Y • en • ttoep on Wftl n Cottallo. Steno~pber. the new home of tb~ groom and •

Quite a aomber of tbe lepl pro- moet pl-.nt eurung wu epeot fneioe will elao attead.-Bnatar The ~AJfDHD join lhe man1 Talqram. I frieoda of the happy couple lo wil!b­

i I~ t~ a 1eng\hy and happy aw-001'Rdl8& TIOR LDB.- ! ried liie.

•Oll,tf . • . I lliurcl'• Limaellt for Diatesa~ •

Viaitoci at the Nftd. Weekly Office •

Capt. Wm. J . Kennedy, formerl1 of Crocker·s C<lve. Cuboncar. aon of " Skipper Terence" Kennedy 01>" livini: 111 Harbor Gnce.

Leaving I.Jome in 1891, Capt. K: n· ncdy came to Bonton and for 17 yeara wa11 mastrr of a tol:' boat. He afterwards went out lo Seattle, and wu i11 the Aluka trade for about cij!'llt year•.

rn 1916 he went t o the Paaama Caual aod accurinit a poaitioo aa canal pilo t bu been engAgl'd io the wor k of piloting •e51els from coaat t o co:aat. ·

Be la now oa a vacalioo :ind left for Brooklyn. N. Y., on Tuet1day on a weck'o viait to bia &late r, :Jn. Ca pt. M. Coooora.

Be pur po1ca vie it ing t he homeiaod next aummcr. '

Mias Myrtia Dlwe, C::iughter of William Dawe of Bay Robert11, ac· comp:ioicd by Mre. Lawrence' 8111· &ey (Min Mildred \Vhl:cwa1 ofc11 m· brid~e. formerly of Barbor Grace.)

Mtn Dawe baa been vialting Mr•. Bu111ey tor t he put t wo montba and purpoaca rcturniol:' I.Jome by the Kenmore on t ile 19 th, ioat., or bJ the croea·countr1 cxpreu.

The a. a. Sam bro. Capt. Renouf. arrl9cd here oo l•' rid:iy cveolng hut with part cu~o or flour and provl•· ioo1 cooaigntd to some of ou r mer­chaota.

Mr. \V . \V . F rench baa been ap· pointed local a ireot of the AT:ilon Coal Company, Ba1 Roberta. and la 1ccuring or.:ler1 for coal which t?ill be delivered by motor boa le.

The pavilloo a t the Aero T cnni1 Club Cc>urt1, which blew oTer du ring lbe heavy • torm of Aug uat and "'H replaced, again toppled oTer dur inr the beuy g;ile of lu l week.

The following la taken from a let" ter of a •alued aubacrlber of Moo· treat, Mr. Jamea MartJa, aon of Mr and Mra. Tbomu atartla of tbie towo. Jim i1 iu buaiocu la caaTa1 repairing . rope and wire 1plicJD1", oatelde , palotlog, rlfclng aod re· pairing ol 1bipa aod aolking o( dech etc. aud 11 dolor well.

A fatal accident bappeaed to one or oar old Cacboaear mea bJ the name of Phil Colbert, oa NoT. 3rd. Be waa bit bJ a motor car, on the cor. ner ol Will lam aad Daire St. Be died -la the Wntera Boapltal on NoY, 6th, 1957 aad all upenaea were paid t11 a Carbocear maa. I do not know bie ••me. Be w11 a rrcat frlead of the late Geoqre Edlaan, o dltd oa Jnl7 12tb. 19'27, al tbe re of 87. aad Phil at tbe are of •1147 ll'reacll la dolnr nr, well aad ada h i• beat reepecta. All tile Ba r Grace 111ea ap llere an dolar n OIL ·-OORl'BDBB&TIOR LD1~ mcla