Computer Project Managnment Assignment 1 - Copy (2)

CASE STUDY ON THE CASE OF NEVER ENDING SCOPE CREEP. Contents Introduction................................................... 1 Summary Of Current Project Status Assessment...................2 Analysis of steps and justification............................6 Recommendation Improvement for Future Project..................8 Selecting Project Manager......................................9 Guidance and support..........................................11 Referencing................................................... 12 THINAGERAN RAJENDRAN 0



Transcript of Computer Project Managnment Assignment 1 - Copy (2)

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Summary Of Current Project Status Assessment............................................................................2

Analysis of steps and justification...................................................................................................6

Recommendation Improvement for Future Project.........................................................................8

Selecting Project Manager...............................................................................................................9

Guidance and support....................................................................................................................11


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The main purpose of this report is to identify the problem and also to find out the status

current status of the XY department. In this report this going to talk about the current status of

the software project that has been taking by the XY department and the report also is going to

talk briefly about the XY department problem that are based on the case study. This report also

will content of detail of the software that the XY department has over taken.

Other than that, in the report also there will detail regarding the problem that the

department is facing. This report also will be talking about the improvement that the XY

department should do in order not to face the same problem. Moreover this report also will

briefly give what are the mistake that has made by the XY department in this project which lead

it to the problem. This report also will do some analysis on who make the mistake and in which

phase does the mistake has been made.

Other than that, this report also will talk about what the solution that can be done in order

to complete the project and some advice on how to conduct the project as well as how to conduct

a good project in the future.

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Summary Of Current Project Status Assessment.

The project of building the software for the managing public was taken by the XY

department in order to replace the old software which the current software that are using for

managing the public client has been out dated and it does not support with new technology.

Which it was found when the company has reviewed the current that they are using. However

once the XY department found out that they have using an outdate software, the company has

decided to replace the software as well as adding some additional feature to software so that it

will improve the quality of the software.

However in order to complete project the XY department has request a total budget of 2.3

million in total so that the project can be completed without any problem and with proper

funding for all the resource that they needed to complete the project. Besides that, According to

the case study the since during the period that they request for the budget the federal government

was facing with some problem with the funding. The government has only approved the budget

of only 1.5 million in total in order to complete the project.

According to the case study as well the XY department also accepted this amount and

assume their self that they could finish the project within the scope of the budget, even though it

is not going to fulfil all their need with the money. However according to case study the project

was scoped and plan with a specific milestone which is the project should be implement with

hardware and subsequently the software, across 87 site within the jurisdiction. Beside that

according to the case study the project was started in the July 1999 and it also was planned to

complete fully by the date 30th June 2001.

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However form the case since the project is running I low budget then what it was planned

the committee member have decided not hire and project manager in order to lead the project.

Instead hiring a good and qualified project manager the committee as decided to assign the job to

the financial manager to take charger and act as the project manager for the project. However the

finance manager has who has undertaken the responsibility of the project are still continuing his

normal work duties as the finance manager which he is working for two job at the same time.

Besides that, the XY department also has sign up the contracted with a company call

Good Programs” which the company is all about supplying the software and also assisting the

implementation. According to the case study the XY department is one of the biggest client for

the Good Program Company. As a result of this the company has offered a free of charge of the

many feature that is not originate from the scope.

However this newer version software were developed after consulting with various no

of the individual manager to accommodate the requested and new features with the little

consultation. However the XY department and the company need to do is to identify the problem

and also make the system tester available for new version. However at the current status of this

project is at this time the project is needed about $185 000 more for the project which is not in

his current budget. And the original project has not been signed off, due to the evident that it has

not been complete which now the new version of the 16.5 is test event thought the system still

has a lot of problem that are needed to fix which the company promise to fixed in the next


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Task 2 Comparative Analysis

The first point that can be compare with the sound management practices is define the

scope and the objective of the project. In this XY department at first they has the objective of the

project which they are planning to replace the obsoleted computer and they also are planning to

improve some of the features for the newer version of the software. However according to the

case study the project has apparently scoped and planned with some specific milestones which

they are supposed to implement the hardware and the software for 87 site by the by 30 June

2001 which was the project final completion date. However the project was not able to finish and

complete with the scope.

Besides that according to the sound project management practice the scope is way the

place to defines the boundary of the project which is like what the project need to do and how

big the project is going to be. For example a good scope would be like if the XY department has

clear picture on what are the feature that they are going to be needing for the software and the

amount of work that are need to be done this are the scope that need to have for a good project.

Moreover a good project which is having a good sound project management practice

would has done a proper planning. Planning is one of the most important phase in any project

planning also is consider as one of the stage which can determine how the project is going to

end weather in a good way or in the bad way. Project without a proper planning will end up with

a big problem and it will be one of the fail project. Such as the project that have been taken by

the XY department. According to the case study the XY department has not done a proper

planning for the project. Which lead them to spend more and more for the project and they did

not have the proper skillful person to run the project which in-order to cut cost they have hire

the finance manager as the project manager. Which the finance manager has no experience in

being a project manager.

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Other than that proper sound project management practice will have keep track the

project progress which one of the important stage which the project manager and the project

team should keep track on the project progress but in this XY department the project team were

having a regular meeting with the Good program company but once the new version has

implemented the meeting with the company has become less the which in another word there

was no any proper meeting on give a good feedback about the program.

Moreover speaking of the good Program Company which actually one of the company

that is under the contract with the XY department on building this program but according to the

case study there is no any reliable report that for the actual scope and schedule. However sound

management practice would have a clear contract for the company. However according to the

case study also the good program was offered an additional feature for the XY department which

in return the department will allow the company to open a research and development site which

will benefit the company. however according to the sound management practice the original

scope should complete and be running before adding any different additional feature to the

project that was not in the scope.

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Analysis of steps and justification

There are many ways in order to lead to this project to the end or to bring this project to

close. Other than that, in-order to bring this project to close we need follow according to the step.

One of the first step that we need to do in order to bring this project to the end is the company

XY should hire a new project manager who is skillful and have some experience in handling

such a case or a person with better experience. The reason of this step is, when an experience and

a skillful project manager person step into this project he/she will able to analyst the problem of

the project well and, the new project manager will able to lead the team into right direction so

that the project can be completed with any problem.

Once the a project manager has been hire a the project manager should do analyst and

find out that what are task that has been done and what task that still haven’t completed yet

which are the one that needed to be completed, the project manager also need find out and know

about what the task that are in the current process that are going to be complete soon. By this

way the team and the project manager will got to know what are the task that need to do and how

many task that still haven’t finish yet in-order to complete the project and with this will they also

can come with estimation on the project completion with the fully working project.\

On the third step the project manager should try to find the original contract that was

made by the XY department for the project to the Good Program. This due the reason that the

project manager can get to know what are the task and the requirement that are giving to the

Good Program company in order to complete the project, and the project manager also can get to

know what is original scope that was made by the XY department for the project. Or else if the

contract paper is nowhere to be find then the project manager should sign a new contract to the

company with clear scope that what the company should do for the program without adding any

extra features to the program. The project manager also is recommend to extend the project

duration to 2002 June so that there would have more time to finish the project.

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At last if the project is seems to be a never ending project and improving the project cost

more than a starting a new project. In this case project manager can consider drop the project and

concrete on the new project. The reason of this step is if rebuilding the project cost more than

doing a new program from start, it like spending more money to something that can be get with

the low budget price.

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Recommendation Improvement for Future Project.

There few point that are needed to be highlighted to the XY department that they should

not do in the future for other project that they would wish to undertaking. Firstly recommend

improvement that the XY department should take for their future project is, the XY department

should appoint a good project manager who has experience and skill to handle such a project.

The reason of hiring a good project manager is important is because the project manager is the

one that is going to lead the team to the success and the project manager is the person who is the

responsible person who is going take control of the project. Moreover I would recommend to the

XY department not to cut cost on the project manager budget as what they did for this project.

Other than that according sound project management practice the project team and the

project manager should know what scope is and also the objective for the project and stick to the

objective until the end of the project so that the scope and the objective will be fulfill in the end

of the project. Which according to the case study the XY department did not stick with the

original scope and objective of the project instead of that the team were concreting more into

adding the new feature and function the system. Which this action lead the program not to full

fill the original need even though that is the main propose of the project.

Moreover I would like to recommend to the XY department to do a proper planning and

also a proper budget estimation for the project so that the project will not run out of cash in the

middle of the project and I would recommend to the company to use a proper Gantt chart or pert

chart in order to estimate the proper completion date for the project.

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Selecting Project Manager

A project manager is one of the important person in the project so find a good project

manager for the project is one of the most important task. The main reason that we need to find a

good project is better is due to the complexity of the job position which only can be handle by a

skillful person with the position. Moreover a project manager is the person who is going to work

around and involving him/herself into all aspect in the project starting from the contract

document up to the end of the project. The project manager post also can be consider one of the

high risk post whereby if there is any mistake or problem with the project all the blame will

going to the project manager. So since now we know what risk is an important of the project

manager post now let look into the skill and criteria that a person need to has in order to elect as

the project manager.

However according to an analysis shows that a project manager need three important

criteria that will elect him /her as the project manager. The first most important criteria is the

personal competencies criteria (Mitjana.C, 2009). When we talk about personal competencies

many may ask what personal competencies that are need for a project manager. Well a project

manager need to personal competencies such as analytical thinking, self-confident, adaptability,

system thinking, and last and most important communication skills (Krajeswksi.L, 2010). The

main reason that a project manager need all this personal competencies in order to be a prefect

project manager. The first personal competencies which is the analytical thinking a project

manager should be able to analysis and also think when there is any problem occur during the

project which Is one of the most important skill. Secondly a project manager need to be a person

with self-confident so that he/she will be confident with decision that he/she made. Thirdly

adaptability and system thinking the project manager should be adapted to the current situation

so that he/she can perform the best. Lastly the project should have a good communication skill so

that he/she can communicate with the team better.

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The secondly competencies that are needed for project manager is behavior competencies

which is consist of leadership, high-performing team leadership partnering, accountability. A

project manager should a person who must be with the leadership skill so the lead the team and

to appeal and mobilize energies and talents; to work towards a public intention in the best

hobbies of the association, the people including it and the people it serves., and the high-

performing team leadership partnering is referring to project manager who should be good in

leading the team and assigning the task the team to complete the project in time.

The third competencies knowledge and skill which the project manager should have some

knowledge regarding the project management knowledge which is most important without the

knowledge managing there no point of electing as the project manager and the last the project

manager must have some knowledge about the instrument or the tool that are need to use for the

project so that he/she know what is going with the project an no one can take any advantages.

For the XY department this are the few tips that can be follow in order to get a perfect

project manager for the next project that there are going to work on. If the XY department able to

find a project manager with all this skill and criteria then the conducting a project will not be a

problem at all.

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Guidance and support.

In conclusion the CEO of the XY department should take more precaution one selection

a project manager. Other than that if the XY department is think of having another project then I

would advise the CEO of the department not to cut cost on the project manager and not assign

the project manager post to a person with the his normal duties going on. Or else it is better to

have well qualified project manager with the above skill so that the department do not end up

with another same project status. Other than that the CEO also must make sure that the project

meet scope and the objective of the program before adding any new features that is not in the

original scope.

Other than that, the XY department also should have a proper budget management so that

the project does not go over the estimate budget and stop in the middle. Because low budget or

under estimation of budget can lead to most of the project failed. Other than that, it is better for

the XY department to have a proper contact paper if the department sign up for any other

external source for the project so that the out sourcing company stay within the scope of the


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Abhinav Kaiser. 2012. IT Project Management 101: How to Select the Right Team and Make Them Productive. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 15].

Krajewski, L. 2010. Project Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 15].

Simon Buehring. 2015. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUCCESS WITH THE TOP 7 BEST PRACTICES. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 15].

Steve Hart. 2011. Top 6 Project Management Best Practices. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 15].

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