Computer Hardware Notes Organizer

IT: Principles of Information Technology: Computer Hardware Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 1 Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Information Technology Session Title: Computer Hardware Lesson Duration: 7 hours Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to identify classes of computers and the hardware device functions of computers. Students will be able to reference user manuals for hardware devices. Specific Objectives: Identify classifications of computers Identify types and functions of various computer hardware devices Interpret the listed specifications of computer systems Preparation TEKS Correlations (130.272): (4) The student demonstrates knowledge of the hardware components associated with information systems. The student is expected to: (A) identify the different computer classifications such as minicomputer, mainframe, and microcomputer; (B) identify major hardware components and their functions, such as the central processor unit, input and output peripherals, and storage systems and devices. Instructor/Trainer References: Content Developer Knowledge Instructional Aids: 1. Computer Hardware Presentation 2. Computer Hardware Notes Organizer 3. Computer Hardware Notes Organizer KEY 4. Activity #1- #3 Instruction Sheet 5. Computer Hardware Test 6. Computer Hardware Test Answer Key Materials Needed: Poster-board, glue, markers Copies of Notes Organizer, Instruction Sheets, and Test

Transcript of Computer Hardware Notes Organizer

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IT: Principles of Information Technology: Computer Hardware Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 1

Lesson Plan

Course Title: Principles of Information Technology

Session Title: Computer Hardware

Lesson Duration: 7 hours

Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to identify classes of computers and the hardware device functions of computers. Students will be able to reference user manuals for hardware devices.

Specific Objectives: Identify classifications of computers Identify types and functions of various computer hardware devices Interpret the listed specifications of computer systems


TEKS Correlations (130.272): (4) The student demonstrates knowledge of the hardware components associated with information systems. The student is expected to:

(A) identify the different computer classifications such as minicomputer, mainframe, and microcomputer; (B) identify major hardware components and their functions, such as the central processor unit, input and output peripherals, and storage systems and devices.


References: Content Developer Knowledge

Instructional Aids:

1. Computer Hardware Presentation 2. Computer Hardware Notes Organizer 3. Computer Hardware Notes Organizer KEY 4. Activity #1- #3 Instruction Sheet 5. Computer Hardware Test 6. Computer Hardware Test Answer Key

Materials Needed:

Poster-board, glue, markers

Copies of Notes Organizer, Instruction Sheets, and Test

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Equipment Needed:

1. Computer and Projector for Presentation 2. Computers for individual student use with Internet access


Have students look through advertisements for computer systems. Have them pair up and compare the differences, besides the cost of the systems. Note: The objective of this exercise is for students to become aware of the many details of a computer system.


MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):

SAY: Have you ever wondered what it is that makes your computer work? SAY: Have you ever gone shopping for a computer but didn’t understand what all the gigahertz and terabytes terms meant? SAY: In this unit you will learn about the hardware that makes up the computer and what those pieces of hardware do to make the computer work for you.


MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructor Notes:

I. Students identify classifications of computers

(slides #4 - #6) II. Students identify functions of various

computer hardware devices (slides #7-16)

Suggest websites that link to information about different types of computers.

Instructor should use a computer and projector to display the presentation: Computer Hardware. Handout the Computer Hardware Notes Organizer, 1 per student, to aid them in note taking during your presentation.

III. Students interpret listed specifications of

computer systems

Activity #1: Also listed in guided practice below. Students will use Internet to locate information about computer systems and

Handout the Activity #1- #2 Instruction sheet, 1 per student. Review the instructions for Activity #1; explain to

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make a display board

students what you expect to see on the display board.

Activity #2: Also listed in independent practice below.

Students will use Internet to locate information about printers for personal use along with the cost of replacement cartridges.

Tell students to refer back to the Activity #1- #2 Instruction sheet. Review the instructions for Activity #2; explain to students what you expect to see on the display board.

Students will complete the review activity listed below in the Summary section.

Place the students in pairs or groups of three for this activity.

Students will complete the exam activity listed below in the Evaluation section.

Students will do this individually. Answer key provided in lesson documents.


MI Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

Activity #1: Students will research computer systems using the Internet and compare the two systems by displaying information on a poster-board.

MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

Activity #2: Activity in which students will use device/user manuals to access information about various hardware devices and record their answers on a worksheet.


MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):

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In pairs, have students ask questions of each other from the lesson note organizers they filled out at the beginning of the lesson.


MI Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):

Discussion comments during introduction activity Observation of note-taking during presentation of lesson presentation Guided practice activity

MI Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):

Activity #2: Activity in which students will use device/user manuals to access information about various hardware devices and record their answers on a worksheet. TEST: Questions over Computer Classifications and Hardware Functions


MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):

Enrichment #1: Have students find the most expensive personal computer on the market and list the details of its capabilities. Enrichment #2: Have students research personal computer capabilities of 5 years ago and then tell how much these capabilities have changed.

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Icon MI Teaching Strategies Personal Development


Verbal/ Linguistic

Lecture, discussion, journal writing, cooperative learning, word origins

Reading, highlighting, outlining, teaching others, reciting information

Logical/ Mathematical

Problem solving, number games, critical thinking, classifying and organizing, Socratic questioning

Organizing material logically, explaining things sequentially, finding patterns, developing systems, outlining, charting, graphing, analyzing information


Mind-mapping, reflective time, graphic organizers, color-coding systems, drawings, designs, video, DVD, charts, maps

Developing graphic organizers, mind-mapping, charting, graphing, organizing with color, mental imagery (drawing in the mind’s eye)

Musical/ Rhythmic

Use music, compose songs or raps, use musical language or metaphors

Creating rhythms out of words, creating rhythms with instruments, playing an instrument, putting words to existing songs

Bodily/ Kinesthetic

Use manipulatives, hand signals, pantomime, real life situations, puzzles and board games, activities, role-playing, action problems

Moving while learning, pacing while reciting, acting out scripts of material, designing games, moving fingers under words while reading


Reflective teaching, interviews, reflective listening, KWL charts

Reflecting on personal meaning of information, studying in quiet settings, imagining experiments, visualizing information, journaling


Cooperative learning, role-playing, group brainstorming, cross-cultural interactions

Studying in a group, discussing information, using flash cards with other, teaching others


Natural objects as manipulatives and as background for learning

Connecting with nature, forming study groups with like minded people


Socratic questions, real life situations, global problems/questions

Considering personal relationship to larger context

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NAME DATE Computer Hardware Notes Organizer Computer Classifications

1. Computer: A collection of __________ such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor

screen, _________ processing hardware, __________ storage and printer,

communicating with each other for data processing purposes.

2. Mainframe: A large computer __________ comprised of __________ pieces of

hardware. It can fill a large room or even a warehouse. Used mostly by large

businesses or __________ that need to process large amounts of data.

3. Microcomputer: Computer system built on a smaller ______ for a single person

use, sometimes referred to as a _____, which stands for Personal Computer.

4. Desktop: A microcomputer that rests on a table or desk and is not meant to be

__________ but to remain at the original place of installation.

5. Laptop: A much smaller __________ of the desktop which incorporates a flat-

screen monitor, keyboard, mouse/touchpad, data processor, and memory

storage in a compact case. Also called a __________. Battery operated.

Intended to be portable.

6. Laptop Dock: A device built to reside on the desktop area, maintaining

permanent connections to the printer and Internet, so that a laptop can just be

placed on the dock rather than having to reconnect the wires to the printer and

Internet every time it is moved.

Computer Monitor 7. Monitor: A device with a television-type __________ that displays information

relayed from the computer system.

8. CRT Monitor: ____________________. Older version monitor with a depth

dimension about 12” that cause it to take up a lot of space on the desktop

9. LCD Monitor: ____________________. Has a flat-screen appearance with a

depth dimension about 3”.

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10. Computer Keyboard: A device with moveable _______ representing the

__________, numbers, symbols and frequently used commands used to input

data into a computer system.

11. Qwerty Keyboard: A keyboard that arranges the alphabet letters so that the

letters qwerty are arranged in the __________ __________ of the keyboard.

This arrangement was initially designed to keep __________ keys from jamming.

12. Ergonomic Keyboard: Alphabet arrangement similar to the Qwerty keyboard.

The keys for the left hand are __________ from the keys for the right hand to

help prevent hand/wrist/arm __________.

13. Computer Mouse: A device that connects to a computer system that allows the

user to __________ and __________ to select items from the monitor screen.

14. Mechanical: Older version with a __________ __________ inside. Inside has

to be cleaned frequently. Needed a pad on which to roll the rubber ball.

15. Optical: Has a red beam of __________ that is directed out of the bottom of the

mouse. The __________ light bouncing off of the desktop surface is what

causes the mouse to communicate with the computer system.

16. Wireless Devices: A device that runs on __________ and has a transmitter that

communicates with the computer system using an antenna-type receiver. Does

not have a wire connection.

17. Printers: A device that __________ to a computer system that allows the user to

create a __________ of the data displayed on the computer screen.

18. Inkjet Printer: Sprays _______ onto the paper to create text or images. Uses a

lot of ink to create good quality printouts. Is usually slower in printing each page

than a laser printer. Ink cartridge replacements are more __________ than the

printer itself.

19. Laser Printer: A laser shines __________ onto a surface, the surface pulls

__________ onto it in the form of the text or image, then it is __________ onto

the paper. More expensive than inkjet printers.

20. Motherboard: A device that is __________ the case of the computer. It is a flat,

thin __________ with __________ welded on it. It has __________ to all the

other devices that are inside the computer system. It has connections to all the

devices that are externally connected to the computer system. Contains the

__________ chip and __________ chip.

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21. CPU: Central __________ Unit – a silicon chip. Chip that transfers or processes

ALL the __________ /information from one device to the other. Speed or

processing time of the chip is measured in __________. The latest and fastest

cpu currently available is the ____________.

22. ROM: __________ Only Memory – a silicon chip. Information placed there at

manufacture of motherboard is __________ information only. Information can

__________ be changed at a later date. Chip that contains the __________ -up

instructions of the computer.

23. Hard disc drive: Also called hard drive. Device __________ the computer case.

Is connected to the __________. Contains a stack of discs that __________

rapidly when functioning. The __________ __________ software (Windows or

MAC) is stored in the memory of the hard drive. Contains memory storage to

save _______ to. Measured in memory/ bytes and speed/rpm. Common

systems have memory/ ______________ and speed _____________.

24. A user can also purchase hard drives that can connect externally/ USB port to

the computer system

25. RAM: __________ __________ Memory. A small circuit board containing

silicon chips. This board fits into slots on the motherboard. A computer system

can have more than 1 RAM card. RAM is measured in: speed ____________

and memory space ____________. Current systems usually have 4GB.

26. This is __________ memory that holds the document you are currently working

on. When the power to the computer or the program you are using shuts off,

everything stored in RAM __________.

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NAME DATE Computer Hardware Notes Organizer – KEY Computer Classifications

1. Computer: A collection of devices such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor screen,

data processing hardware, memory storage and printer, communicating with

each other for data processing purposes.

2. Mainframe: A large computer system comprised of several pieces of hardware. It

can fill a large room or even a warehouse. Used mostly by large businesses or

corporations that need to process large amounts of data.

3. Microcomputer: Computer system built on a smaller scale for single person use,

sometimes referred to as a PC, which stands for Personal Computer.

4. Desktop: A microcomputer that rests on a table or desk and is not meant to be

portable but to remain at the original place of installation.

5. Laptop: A much smaller version of the desktop which incorporates a flat-screen

monitor, keyboard, mouse/touchpad, data processor, and memory storage in a

compact case. Also called a notebook. Battery operated. Intended to be


6. Laptop Dock: A device built to reside on the desktop area, maintaining

permanent connections to the printer and Internet, so that a laptop can just be

placed on the dock rather than having to reconnect the wires to the printer and

Internet every time it is moved.

Computer Monitor 7. Monitor: A device with a television-type screen that displays information relayed

from the computer system.

8. CRT Monitor: Cathode Ray Tube. Older version monitor with a depth dimension

about 12” that cause it to take up a lot of space on the desktop.

9. LCD Monitor: Liquid Crystal Display. Has a flat-screen appearance with a depth

dimension about 3”.

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10. Computer Keyboard: A device with moveable keys representing the alphabet,

numbers, symbols and frequently used commands used to input data into a

computer system.

11. Qwerty Keyboard: A keyboard that arranges the alphabet letters so that the

letters qwerty are arranged in the upper left of the keyboard. This arrangement

was initially designed to keep typewriter keys from jamming.

12. Ergonomic Keyboard: Alphabet arrangement similar to the Qwerty keyboard.

The keys for the left hand are separated from the keys for the right hand to help

prevent hand/wrist/arm cramps.

13. Computer Mouse: A device that connects to a computer system that allows the

user to point and click to select items from the monitor screen.

14. Mechanical: Older version with a rubber ball inside. Inside has to be cleaned

frequently. Needed a pad on which to roll the rubber ball.

15. Optical: Has a red beam of light that is directed out of the bottom of the mouse.

The reflected light bouncing off of the desktop surface is what causes the mouse

to communicate with the computer system.

16. Wireless Devices: A device that runs on batteries and has a transmitter that

communicates with the computer system using an antenna-type receiver. Does

not have a wire connection.

17. Printers: A device that connects to a computer system that allows the user to

create a hardcopy of the data displayed on the computer screen.

18. Inkjet Printer: Sprays ink onto the paper to create text or images. Uses a lot of

ink to create good quality printouts. Is usually slower in printing each page than

a laser printer. Ink cartridge replacements are more expensive than the printer


19. Laser Printer: A laser shines light onto a surface, the surface pulls toner onto it in

the form of the text or image, then it is heated onto the paper. More expensive

than inkjet printers.

20. Motherboard: A device that is inside the case of the computer. It is a flat, thin

board with circuits welded on it. It has connections to all the other devices that

are inside the computer system. It has connections to all the devices that are

externally connected to the computer system. Contains the CPU chip and ROM


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21. CPU: Central Processing Unit – a silicon chip. Chip that transfers or processes

ALL the data/information from one device to the other. Speed or processing time

of the chip is measured in hertz. The latest and fastest cpu currently available is

the Intel i7.

22. ROM: Read Only Memory – a silicon chip. Information placed there at

manufacture of motherboard is Readable information only. Information can not

be changed at a later date. Chip that contains the boot-up instructions of the


23. Hard disc drive: Also called hard drive. Device inside the computer case. Is

connected to the motherboard. Contains a stack of discs that spin rapidly when

functioning. The operating system software (Windows or MAC) is stored in the

memory of the hard drive. Contains memory storage to save files to. Measured

in memory/ bytes and speed/rpm. Common systems have memory/ 3 Terabytes

and speed 7200 rpm.

24. A user can also purchase hard drives that can connect externally/ USB port to

the computer system.

25. RAM: Random Access Memory. A small circuit board containing silicon chips.

This board fits into slots on the motherboard. A computer system can have more

than 1 RAM card. RAM is measured in: speed (hertz) and memory space

(bytes). Current systems usually have 4GB.

26. This is temporary memory that holds the document you are currently working on.

When the power to the computer or the program you are using shuts off,

everything stored in RAM disappears.

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Computer Hardware Activity #1 - #2 Instructions Activity #1: Computer System Poster

1. Using the Internet, look up various computer systems on popular electronics-selling websites.

2. Find two different computer systems that you wouldn’t mind having for your own personal use.

3. Print out a 2 pictures, one of each system. 4. Using a poster-board or display board, divide the poster/display into two equal

sections. 5. Glue a picture in each section. 6. Also, list the system specifications in the section with the picture. 7. Be sure to include: monitor type & screen size; RAM, CPU, number of USB ports,

hard drive capacity; operating system, and any software that comes preloaded. 8. List the prices of each computer system. 9. Draw a big arrow, or circle the side, to indicate which computer system you like

best. Write on the poster board two reasons why you prefer one over the other.

Computer Hardware Poster Grading Rubric Requirement Points


Information mounted on a poster board or display board 6

Board is clearly divided into two equal sections 4

2 different pictures of computer systems are mounted on board in separate sections (5 pts each)


Full list of computer system specifications are listed in the section with the picture of that system (15 pts each)


Price of each system is listed in the section of that system (5 pts each)


Indication is made as to which system is preferred by the student


2 valid reasons are given as to why the student would prefer the indicated computer system (11 pts each)


All website addresses are listed as sources for information 12

Total Possible 100

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Activity #2: Researching Printers

1. Using the Internet, look up various types of color printers for personal/home use. 2. Find an inkjet printer and a laser printer. 3. Using desktop publishing software, create a flyer that compares the two printers,

listing the capabilities, speed, paper tray capacity, cost of printer, cost of replacement cartridges, and average number of printouts per cartridge.

4. Be sure to insert pictures of both printers with their respective prices. 5. Indicate which printer you would prefer and why. 6. Be sure to copy down the websites used for information in bottom section of flyer.

Printer Comparison Flyer Grading Rubric Requirement Points


Information displayed on a flyer-style of document 6

Flyer is clearly divided into two equal sections 4

A picture of a color inkjet printer is displayed 8

A picture of a color laser printer is displayed 8

Full list of printer specifications is provided in the sections with the picture of each printer (12 pts each)


Price of each computer is listed in the section with that printer (5 pts each)


Indication is made as to which printer is preferred by the student 6

2 valid reasons are given as to why the student would prefer the indicated printer (11 pts each)


All website addresses are listed as sources for information 12

Total Possible 100

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Computer Hardware TEST

Instructions: Read each question below. Decide which option best answers the question and write the letter that precedes that answer in the blank to the left of question.

1. Two types of printers are:

A. CRT and LCD

B. Laser and inkjet

C. Mechanical and Optical

D. RAM and ROM

2. The device that contains the operating system

A. Hard disc drive

B. Cathode Ray Tube

C. Mechanical Laser

D. Qwerty memory chip

3. ROM is:

A. Read Only Memory

B. A chip that contains boot-up instructions

C. A chip whose information remains in memory even when computer is powered off

D. All the above

4. A computer system is:

A. A device built to reside on the desktop area, maintaining permanent connections to the printer and Internet, so that a laptop can just be placed on it

B. A collection of devices such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor screen, and memory, used for data processing purposes

C. Cathode Ray Tube

D. A Qwerty Keyboard and Optical Mouse

5. Processing speed is measured in:

A. Inches

B. Bytes

C. Hertz

D. All the above

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6. The initials PC stand for:

A. Particle Computing

B. Quantum Physical Connections

C. Particle Cables

D. Personal Computer

7. RAM is:

A. Read around memory

B. Temporary memory

C. Has optical connections

D. Both A and B

8. The motherboard is:

A. A computer without an operating system

B. A device built to reside on the desktop area, maintaining permanent connections to the printer and Internet, so that a laptop can just be placed on it

C. A circuit board inside the computer that is connected to all the other computer system devices

D. A Qwerty Keyboard and Optical Mouse

9. Wireless components are powered by:

A. Solar

B. Batteries

C. Electrical outlets

D. Antennas

10. The initials CPU stand for:

A. Central Processing Unit

B. Control Paper Uptake

C. Counter Productive Unit

D. Counter Paper Uptake

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Computer Hardware TEST ANSWER KEY

Instructions: Read each question below. Decide which option best answers the

question and write the letter that precedes that answer in the blank to the left of


B 1. Two types of printers are:

A. CRT and LCD

B. Laser and inkjet

C. Mechanical and Optical

D. RAM and ROM

A 2. The device that contains the operating system

A. Hard disc drive

B. Cathode Ray Tube

C. Mechanical Laser

D. Qwerty memory chip

D 3. ROM is:

A. Read Only Memory

B. A chip that contains boot-up instructions

C. A chip whose information remains in memory even when computer is powered off

D. All the above

B 4. A computer system is:

A. A device built to reside on the desktop area, maintaining permanent connections to the printer and Internet, so that a laptop can just be placed on it

B. A collection of devices such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor screen, and memory, used for data processing purposes

C. Cathode Ray Tube

D. A Qwerty Keyboard and Optical Mouse

C 5. Processing speed is measured in:

A. Inches

B. Bytes

C. Hertz

D. All of the above

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D 6. The initials PC stand for:

A. Particle Computing

B. Quantum Physical Connections

C. Particle Cable

D. Personal Computer

B 7. RAM is:

A. Read around memory

B. Temporary memory

C. Has optical connections

D. Both A and B

C 8. The motherboard is:

A. A computer without an operating system

B. A device built to reside on the desktop area, maintaining permanent connections to the printer and Internet, so that a laptop can just be placed on it

C. A circuit board inside the computer that is connected to all the other computer system devices

D. A Qwerty Keyboard and Optical Mouse

B 9. Wireless components are powered by:

A. Solar

B. Batteries

C. Electrical outlets

D. Antennas

A 10. The initials CPU stand for:

A. Central Processing Unit

B. Control Paper Uptake

C. Counter Productive Unit

D. Counter Paper Uptake