Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03

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Transcript of Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.2 Computer Fundamentals

    3 In the New Presentation task pane, under Open a presentation,

    click More presentations, or on the Standard toolar click the Open


    PowerPoint displays the Open dialo! o", which is where you

    specify the name and location of the presentation you want to open.

    4 In the #ook in o", $erify that your hard disk is selected.

    5 In the list of file and folder names, doule%click the &nlimited

    Potential folder to open it.

    6 'oule click the(omputer )undamentals Practice folder to open it.

    7 In the list of file and folder names, doule%click the Part V folder,

    then doule%click the #esson*+ folder, and then click *+ PPT

    #esson, if it is not already selected.

    8 (lick Open.

    PowerPoint displays the presentation *+ PPT #esson in Normal


    our presentation window should look like the followin! illustration-

    The Open utton down arrow

    in the Open dialo! o"

    pro$ides additional ways to

    open a file.

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    Part V: Lesson 3 Printing a Presentation V-3.3

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.4 Computer Fundamentals

    9 On the )ile menu, click Sa$e s.

    The Sa$e s dialo! o" opens. Verify that the (omputer

    )undamentals Practice folder appears in the Sa$e in o".

    10 In the )ile name o", typeContoso Rer!iting Pres 03and thenclick Sa$e.

    PowerPoint sa$es the presentation, and the title ar chan!es to the

    new name.

    Searching for a Presentation

    $f you cant remember the name of a presentation file but you know part of the

    name or some of its contents, you can search for the presentation that contains

    part of the file name or specific words in the file by using the /asic 0earch task

    pane. For more advanced searches, you can use properties, conditions, andvalues in the !dvanced 0earch task pane to make the search criteria more

    specific. )he !dvanced 0earch task pane contains a set of properties-such as

    file name, text, creation date, last modified, and number of slides-and

    associated conditions-such as e1ual to, on or before, more than, or yes2no-to

    help you find a specific file or set of files. For example, you can type the search

    criteria %file name includes training( wherefile nameis the property, includes

    is the condition, and trainingis the value, to find all files that contain the word

    training. $f the fast searching option is installed on your computer, PowerPoint

    can search through files and organize information for faster retrieval. $f fast

    searching is not installed, you can click $nstall in the /asic 0earch task pane to

    install it.

    )o search for a presentation using the /asic 0earch task pane3

    1 On the Standard toolar, click the Search utton.

    The /asic Search task pane appears. If the d$anced Search task

    pane appears, click /asic Search at the ottom of the task pane.

    2 In the Search te"t o", type the te"t to search for the files that you

    want to find.

    3 (lick the Search in down arrow, and then select the check o"

    locations to look for presentation files. Or, select the 0$erywhere

    check o" to search all files on your computer.

    4 (lick the 1esults should e down arrow, and then select the check

    o" for the types of items to find, or select the nythin! check o"to find all types of files.

    5 (lick d$anced Search at the ottom of the /asic Search task

    pane to display the d$anced Search task pane.

    6 (lick the Property down arrow.

    The Property o" displays the properties in the currently open


  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    Part V: Lesson 3 Printing a Presentation V-3.5

    7 (hoose a property from the list, or type the property name that you

    are searchin! for.

    8 In the (ondition o", choose a condition from the list, or type in a


    9 In the Value o", type the $alue to associate with the condition.

    10 If pre$ious search criteria e"ist, click nd to add criteria that must

    e true in addition to pre$ious criteria, or click Or to add a criterion

    that is sufficient re!ardless of pre$ious criteria.

    11 (lick dd to add the search criterion.

    12 (lick Search.

    PowerPoint searches through the selected files in the indicated folders. hen

    the search is complete, PowerPoint displays the files that meet the search

    criterion in the 0earch &esults task pane. You can double4click files in the

    0earch &esults task pane to open them.

    Adding a Header and a Footer

    /efore you print your work, you can add a header or a footer, which will

    appear on every slide, handout, or notes page. 5eaders and footers contain

    useful information about the presentation, such as the author or company name,

    the date and time, and the page or slide number. /ecause PowerPoint lets you

    add more than one header and footer to a presentation, you can have different

    headers and footers for slides and for notes and handouts. You can 1uickly and

    easily add a header and a footer to your slides, audience handouts, outlines, and

    speaker notes with the 5eader and Footer command on the iew menu. 5eader

    and footer information appears on the master slide.

    $n this exercise, you add a header and a footer to a presentation.

    1 On the View menu, click 2eader and )ooter.

    The 2eader and )ooter dialo! o" appears with the Slide ta on


    2 Select the )ooter check o", and then typeE"#$o%ee &rainingto

    the ri!ht of the phrase Contoso, Ltd.

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.6 Computer Fundamentals

    In the Pre$iew o", a lack rectan!le hi!hli!hts the placement of

    the footer on the slides. our dialo! o" should look like the

    followin! illustration-

    3 (lick the Notes and 2andouts ta.

    The header and footer settin!s for the notes and handout pa!es

    appear. ll four check o"es are selected.

    4 (lick the 2eader o", and then type Rer!iting Ne' C$ients.

    5 (lick the )ooter o", and then type Contoso( Lt).

    6 (lear the 'ate and Time check o".

    PowerPoint includes the header, footer, and pa!e numer on each

    notes or handout pa!e you print.

    7 (lick pply to ll.

    The header and footer information is applied to the slides, notes

    pa!es, and handouts pa!es. Notice that the current slide appears

    with the slide footer in place.

    Preiewing a Presentation

    Print previewallows you to see how your presentation will look before you

    print it. hile in print preview, you have the option of switching between

    various views, such as notes, slides, outlines, and handouts, and changing the

    print orientation. $f you are using a black and white printer to print a color

    presentation, you need to verify that the printed presentation will be legible. For

    example, dark red text against a shaded background shows up well in color, but

    when seen in black and white or shades of gray, the text tends to be

    indistinguishable from the background. )o prevent this problem, you can

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    Part V: Lesson 3 Printing a Presentation V-3.7

    preview your color slides in pure black and white or grayscale in print preview

    to see how they will look when you print them.

    Pure Black and Whitedisplays colors in black and white, while Grayscale

    displays colors in shades of gray. $f you want to make changes to your sideswhile viewing them in black and white, you can change the color setting to

    black and white in 'ormal view.

    $n this exercise, you preview your presentation handouts, view your slides in

    6rayscale and Pure /lack and hite, and then change the way the slides looks

    in black and white.

    1 On the Standard toolar, click the Print Pre$iew utton.

    The screen switches to print pre$iew and shows your presentation

    in the currently selected settin!s.


    If you are printin! to a !rayscale printer, your slides are shown in !rayscale

    usin! print pre$iew.

    2 On the Print Pre$iew toolar, click the Print 3hat down arrow, and

    then click 2andouts 45 slides per pa!e6.

    The pre$iew screen displays your presentation in handout formatwith two slides per pa!e.

    3 On the Print Pre$iew toolar, click the Options down arrow, point to

    (olor78rayscale, and then click 8rayscale.

    The pre$iew screen displays your presentation in a shaded


    4 On the Print Pre$iew toolar, click the Ne"t Pa!e utton.

    The pre$iew screen displays the ne"t handout pa!e.

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.8 Computer Fundamentals

    5 Position the pointer 4which chan!es to a ma!nifyin! !lass with a

    plus si!n6 in the pre$iew area, and then click the center of the top


    The pre$iew screen ma!nifies to display a close%up $iew of the


    6 Position the pointer 4which chan!es to a ma!nifyin! !lass with a

    minus si!n6 in the pre$iew area, and then click the center of the


    The pre$iew screen 9ooms out to display the ori!inal $iew of the


    7 On the Print Pre$iew toolar, click the Pre$ious Pa!e utton.

    The pre$iew screen displays the pre$ious handout pa!e.

    8 On the Print Pre$iew toolar, click the (lose Pre$iew utton.

    The pre$iew screen closes, and your slide appears in the pre$ious

    $iew.9 (lick the Normal View utton, if necessary, and then click the

    Slides ta to display slide miniatures in the Outline7Slides pane.

    10 On the Standard toolar, click the (olor78rayscale utton, and then

    click 8rayscale.

    The slide switches from color to !rayscale and the 8rayscale View

    toolar opens. ou can still $iew the slide miniatures in color on the

    Slides ta, makin! it easier to compare the color slides with the

    lack and white slides.

    11 On the Standard toolar, click the (olor78rayscale utton and then

    click Pure /lack and 3hite.

    The slide displays in pure lack and white.

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.10 Computer Fundamentals

    !n example of each printing type is shown below.

    0lide 7landscape8

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    Part V: Lesson 3 Printing a Presentation V-3.11

    'otes page

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.12 Computer Fundamentals

    5andout page

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    Part V: Lesson 3 Printing a Presentation V-3.13

    :utline page

    /y using the "olor26rayscale down arrow in the Print dialog box, you can

    choose to print a presentation as one of three color options3

    9 Color &se this option to print a presentation in color on a color

    printer. If you select a lack and white printer with this option, the

    presentation prints in !rayscale.

    9 Grayscale &se this option to print a presentation in !rayscale on

    a color or lack and white printer.

    9 Pure Black and White &se this option to print a presentation

    in only lack and white with no !ray on a color or lack and white printer.

    Finally, at the bottom of the Print dialog box, you can select from the following

    print options to enhance a printout3

    9 Scale to fit paper &se this option to scale slides to fit the

    paper si9e in the printer if the paper in the printer does not correspond to

    the slide si9e and orientation settin!s.

    9 Frae slides &se this option to add a frame around the

    presentation slides when you print.

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.14 Computer Fundamentals

    9 !nclude coent pages &se this option to print any

    comments that you ha$e inserted throu!hout the presentation.

    9 Print hidden slides &se this option to print all hidden slides.

    $f you are satisfied with the current Print dialog box settings, you can click thePrint button on the 0tandard toolbar to print directly without first viewing the

    settings. :therwise, click the Print command on the File menu to print with

    new settings.

    $n this exercise, you review print output types and options. You then print

    presentation slides, audience handouts, and speaker notes.

    1 On the )ile menu, click Print 4if the Print dialo! is not already


    The Print dialo! o" appears.

    2 In the Print ran!e area, click the (urrent slide option.3 (lick the Print what down arrow, and then click Slides.

    4 (lick the (olor78rayscale down arrow, click 8rayscale, and then

    click O:.

    PowerPoint prints the current slide in the presentation. small print

    icon appears on the status ar, showin! the printin! status.

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    Part V: Lesson 3 Printing a Presentation V-3.15


    0$ery printer prints te"t and !raphics sli!htly differently. PowerPoint si9es

    presentation slides to the printer you choose. &sin! scalale fonts, such asTrueType fonts, PowerPoint allows you to print a presentation on different

    printers with the same !reat results. 3hen you print a presentation with

    scalale fonts, PowerPoint reduces or enlar!es the si9e of the te"t in the

    presentation for each printer to !et consistent results.

    5 On the )ile menu, click Print.

    The Print dialo! o" appears.

    6 (lick the Print what down arrow, and then click 2andouts.

    7 (lick the Slides per pa!e down arrow, and then click 5.

    Notice that PowerPoint selects the )rame slides check o" when

    you select handouts.

    8 (lick O:.

    PowerPoint prints the presentation slides as handout pa!es.

    9 On the )ile menu, click Print.

    The Print dialo! o" appears.

    10 (lick the Print what down arrow, and then click Notes Pa!es.

    11 In the Print ran!e area, click the Slides option.

    The insertion point appears in the ran!e o" ne"t to the Slides


    12 Type 1-3( 5.

    PowerPoint will print notes pa!es ; throu!h + and

  • 8/13/2019 Computer Fund Part v Lesson 03


    V-3.16 Computer Fundamentals

    2 On the )ile menu, click (lose.

    PowerPoint closes the presentation.

    $f you are not continuing to other lessons3

    1 On the Standard toolar, click the Sa$e utton.PowerPoint sa$es any chan!es to the presentation.

    2 (lick the (lose utton in the top%ri!ht corner of the PowerPoint


    PowerPoint closes the presentation, and then e"its.

    %uic& %ui'

    1 2ow do you chan!e to Pure /lack and 3hite $iew=

    2 3hat are four options you can specify in a header or a footer=

    3 3hat are the output types from which you can print a presentation=

    4 2ow do you print audience handouts with four slides per pa!e=

    5 2ow can you pre$iew a presentation outline efore printin!=

    Putting (t All )ogether

    Exercise 1::pen the presentation "ontoso &ecruiting Pres *+ in the Part ,

    #esson*+ folder that is located in the "omputer Fundamentals Practice folder,

    and then print two slides per page without a frame.

    Exercise 2::pen the presentation "ontoso &ecruiting Pres *+ in the Part ,

    #esson*+ folder that is located in the "omputer Fundamentals Practice folder,

    and then print audience handouts using six grayscale slides per page in vertical


    Exercise 3::pen the 5olidays presentation you created in ;xercise + for
