Components of a Successful Insurance Marketing Strategy

Components of a Successful Insurance Marketing Strategy Like virtually every other industry, the advent and now near ubiquity of the internet has had a significant impact on the way insurance products are marketed. In the past, salesmen could cold call or wander from door to door trying to convince people of their need for insurance. These days, though, consumers are far more likely to explore their insurance options on the internet before ever making a decision. Insurance agencies have been forced to adapt in light of these rapid changes in technology and consumer habits, and one of the essential components of a sound marketing strategy in the internet age is a well-maintained website. Simply having a web presence isn’t enough, though; the site has to provide accurate information, engage the user, and reflect the competence of the agency all at the same time. At this point, a website is virtually a prerequisite for an agency that wants to compete. This is true whether the segment is life insurance, car insurance, or homeowner’s insurance. Current and potential customers expect a professional-looking website that can answer questions about all aspects of their policy. Moreover, customers have grown to expect advanced features, like the ability to access an account or file a claim online. Even with a highly engaging website, there are other marketing opportunities that can help an insurance agency find new leads while improving interactions with current customers. One of the most


Insurance companies need to employ a variety of methods in order to compete for customers these days. The most successful agencies will make use of an engaging website, SMS text messaging, and sophisticated call center technology so that they can reach more people in more convenient ways.

Transcript of Components of a Successful Insurance Marketing Strategy

Components of a Successful Insurance Marketing Strategy

Like virtually every other industry, the advent and now near ubiquity of the internet has had a

significant impact on the way insurance products are marketed. In the past, salesmen could cold

call or wander from door to door trying to convince people of their need for insurance. These

days, though, consumers are far more likely to explore their insurance options on the internet

before ever making a decision.

Insurance agencies have been forced to adapt in light of these rapid changes in technology and

consumer habits, and one of the essential components of a sound marketing strategy in the

internet age is a well-maintained website. Simply having a web presence isn’t enough, though;

the site has to provide accurate information, engage the user, and reflect the competence of the

agency all at the same time.

At this point, a website is virtually a prerequisite for an agency that wants to compete. This is

true whether the segment is life insurance, car insurance, or homeowner’s insurance. Current

and potential customers expect a professional-looking website that can answer questions about

all aspects of their policy. Moreover, customers have grown to expect advanced features, like

the ability to access an account or file a claim online.

Even with a highly engaging website, there are other marketing opportunities that can help an

insurance agency find new leads while improving interactions with current customers. One of

the most exciting new developments makes use of the ever-growing popularity of cellphones

and other mobile devices. With more and more people regularly using mobile devices in nearly

every arena of their lives, this represents a robust opportunity to connect with a large portion of

the population.

SMS text messaging continues to be one of the most popular methods of communication for

cellphone users, and therefore text message marketing is an easy way to interact with

customers in a way that is convenient for them. The benefit of text message marketing is that

the messages are non-intrusive, yet they are hard to ignore.

Moreover, the nature of SMS messaging allows a variety of options for how the service is used.

In addition to basic informational messages, insurance agents can send billing reminders,

provide notification of changes to a policy, or personalize the experience through birthday

greetings. Each effort allows the agent to maintain closer contact with a customer; the better the

professional relationship, the more likely that client is to recommend the agency or expand their

own insurance coverage.

With a high quality website and an engaging SMS messaging service, an insurance company

will be well on its way to having an informed and committed client base. One other important

component, though, is an efficient and organized call center system. On a basic level, no

insurance agency’s marketing effort can succeed if the service being presented isn’t actively

meeting the needs of its clients.

Current trends in call center technology also involve the use of cloud computing and hosted IVR

(integrated voice response) systems. Along with a web presence and efforts directed at mobile

devices, insurance companies can take great strides towards marketing themselves more

effectively and thereby finding more customers.

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