Comparing WebUI Test Studio to VS2010 Test Edition[1]

6  This piece is designed to help clari y the way Telerik WebUI T est Studio goes beyond V isual Studio 201 0 to ofer richer user experience and solid web testing solutions. Its purpose is also to help readers understand the key challenges with test automation that we are trying to solve with our solution beyond just the “Hello World” test case . With the release o V isual Studio 2010, Microsot has introduced the capability to automate the user interace (UI) o applications on the Windows platorm. VS201 0 introduces the CodedUI test ramework and the MTM (Microsot Test Manager) as solutions or Testers and QAs to help manage test creation and test automation. We believe this to be a great step orward and a win or our customers espe cially in the areas o Test and Lab management. The Visual Studio  / .NET platorm has traditionally been exclusive to developers but now with VS201 0 it also encompasses testers and QA proessionals.  Test automat ion is not only about recording button clicks but also managing the test ater recording. It is not only about how ast you can record a test but also how ast you can resolve a ailure. It is not only about how many diferent tech- nologies it supports but also how well it supports the technology you care about. All o these are critical when it comes to test automation and are important when evaluating any test automation solution. TheSpecializedvs.“One-Size-Fits-All”Solution:HowDoes WebUITestStudioCatertoYourWebTestingNeeds? Visual Studio 201 0 approach to test automation is to ofer a broad, “One-Size-Fit s-All” solution. They try to solve all auto- mation challenges or all technologies using one common approach which results in generalizing the specic automa- tion needs and challenges that each technology introduces. For example, automating web/ AJAX applications has distinct and di ferent challenges and needs than those or Windows Forms or WPF applications. When working with a web application you are typically dealing with HTML and JavaScript. You are veriying a simple tag and complex multi-level tags with tex tual content. With WPF or Silverlight you are working with Visual Trees with complex properties and dealing with rich transorms and complex animations. The idea that you can ully meet the need o both using one homogeneous solution and UI is ideal but not practical. With WebUI Test Studio we are trying to address the specic automation needs o web applications. We s tudied the work-ow o testers when automating or the web and the entire testing lie -cycle which helped us identiy areas that take the longest to automate or are ver y tedious. We have built many specialized eatures that cater to these needs that you will not nd in VS 2010, here are a ew worth noting: DOMExplorer : A ull DOM explorer or your web application that supports nested rames and allows you to do rich search across the entire DOM. You can also navigate directly to specic nested Frame or iFrame with one right click and directly crat verication rom it. This eature reduces your reliance on external tools and reduces the context switching between our tool and others. BeyondtheBoundariesof Visual Studio 2010 with WebUI Test Studio

Transcript of Comparing WebUI Test Studio to VS2010 Test Edition[1]

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 This piece is designed to help clariy the way Telerik WebUI Test Studio goes beyond Visual Studio 2010 to ofer richer

user experience and solid web testing solutions. Its purpose is also to help readers understand the key challenges with

test automation that we are trying to solve with our solution beyond just the “Hello World” test case.

With the release o Visual Studio 2010, Microsot has introduced the capability to automate the user interace (UI) o 

applications on the Windows platorm. VS2010 introduces the CodedUI test ramework and the MTM (Microsot Test

Manager) as solutions or Testers and QAs to help manage test creation and test automation. We believe this to be a

great step orward and a win or our customers especially in the areas o Test and Lab management. The Visual Studio

 / .NET platorm has traditionally been exclusive to developers but now with VS2010 it also encompasses testers and QA


 Test automation is not only about recording button clicks but also managing the test ater recording. It is not only about

how ast you can record a test but also how ast you can resolve a ailure. It is not only about how many diferent tech-

nologies it supports but also how well it supports the technology you care about. All o these are critical when it comes

to test automation and are important when evaluating any test automation solution.


WebUITestStudioCatertoYourWebTestingNeeds?Visual Studio 2010 approach to test automation is to ofer a broad, “One-Size-Fits-All” solution. They try to solve all auto-

mation challenges or all technologies using one common approach which results in generalizing the specic automa-

tion needs and challenges that each technology introduces.

For example, automating web/AJAX applications has distinct and diferent challenges and needs than those or Windows

Forms or WPF applications. When working with a web application you are typically dealing with HTML and JavaScript.

You are veriying a simple tag and complex multi-level tags with textual content. With WPF or Silverlight you are working

with Visual Trees with complex properties and dealing with rich transorms and complex animations. The idea that you

can ully meet the need o both using one homogeneous solution and UI is ideal but not practical.

With WebUI Test Studio we are trying to address the specic automation needs o web applications. We studied thework-ow o testers when automating or the web and the entire testing lie-cycle which helped us identiy areas that

take the longest to automate or are very tedious. We have built many specialized eatures that cater to these needs that

you will not nd in VS 2010, here are a ew worth noting:

DOMExplorer : A ull DOM explorer or your web application that supports nested rames and allows you to do

rich search across the entire DOM. You can also navigate directly to specic nested Frame or iFrame with one right

click and directly crat verication rom it. This eature reduces your reliance on external tools and reduces the

context switching between our tool and others.



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WebVerications:Build computed or in-line style verications directly rom the UI in addition to the attribute/

content and CSS visibility verications. Such scenarios are important when validating web element positioning

and layering.

DOMCapturesonFailure:When your test ails, we capture the DOM o the page at the state o ailure and dis-play it or you to help you resolve your ailure easier.

ExecutionIntelligence: The execution engine is built to handle AJAX solutions rom the ground-up. I you are

executing a web test, the engine will intrinsically ensure the element exists and is visible on the page beore run-

ning each step. The check or visibility uses the actual HTML/CSS visibility checks rather than UIAutomation which

is much more reliable. For Silverlight scenarios we also ensure the element is not moving by doing a motion check 

on the actual visual element. This eature enhances the reliability o your execution dramatically so that you don’t

need to clutter your tests with sleeps and waits.

FindExpressions&LiveValidation:As many experienced testers will tell you, tests requently ail due to ele-

ment changes in the web application as it evolves. The Find Expression is a UI editor that allows you to easily

resolve element nd ailures with a suggest eature to help you understand why the nd ailed. It also comes withan integrated DOM so you can validate right there and then that you are nding the correct element instead o 

having to execute the test with each edit. A great time saver.


Do I always have to write code to automate my test? What i my tester is not procient in C# or VB.NET? Am I stuck withmanual testing?

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We don’t believe you always need to write code to build test automation. In Visual Studio 2010, to properly perorm

test automation o real line-o-business applications you always have to revert to the CodedUI test which is a pure C# or

VB.NET class that leverages the CodedUI ramework or automation. The element mapping in Visual Studio 2010 - also

known as the UIMap - generates a complex hierarchy o classes to represent the elements as strongly-typed objects in

code. Not very convenient when it comes to test maintenance. For example, a simple 15 step test in VS2010 generated

around 1000 lines o code or the test method.

Yes, there will always be cases when you will need to revert to code but that doesn’t mean your entire test has to be in


In WebUI Test Studio we designed our solution to allow most QA/Test proessionals to automate without having to revert

to code in most o the scenarios. When complex logic is needed, a step or two out o your entire test can be converted

and written in C# or VB.NET code without having to convert the entire test. Such approach not only simplies test au-

tomation or non-developer QA proessionals but also makes test maintenance a lot easier. You can update your test by

changing properties rather than editing code and doing code reactoring. Many o our customers that use WebUI Test

Studio end up writing 90-95% o their test automation without having to code anything.


UIAutomation technology is the evolution o the Accessibility API which is the mechanism by which screen readers and

other aided technologies enable visually impaired users to interact with a computer. Since 2005 Microsot has beenpushing UIAutomation as a solution not only or accessibility tools but also or test automation. In a way, they were trying

to hit two birds with one stone.

UIAutomation depends on application level hooks that give access to external programs to invoke or retrieve inorma-

tion rom the application. UIAutomation is 100% dependent on the developer o the application giving access to these

parts o the application; else those parts can’t be automated. With UIAutomation we ound ourselves constantly hitting

the wall o “not exposed by developer” argument and we ended up having to run tests manually because developers

didn’t have enough cycles to expose needed unctionality.

Furthermore, UIAutomation does not ofer real-user simulation. When calling a UIAutomation API you are actually invok-

ing a method call within your application. The user experience could actually be a lot diferent or many applications.

When building WebUI Test Studio we wanted to build a solution or testers that gives them reedom and ull access to

the application under test without limitations. Thereore we completely avoided any heavy reliance on UIAutomation

and used it only in certain scenarios. Our architecture relies on having ull access to the application whether it is a Silver-

light application or an Html page. You can access any and every element in the application and perorm real-user actions

against it.

VS 2010 solution is almost completely architected and reliant on UIAutomation. It is the solution by which all desktop

technologies are being automated including any uture Silverlight application support that they might include. With the

release o VS2010, the matrix support or browsers include IE & Fireox. WebUI Test Studio currently supports IE/Fireox &

Saari and Chrome support will be available beore the end o 2010.


With the release o VS2010, the matrix support or browsers include IE & Fireox. WebUI Test Studio currently supports IE/

Fireox & Saari and Chrome support will be available beore the end o 2010.

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VS2010 does not support Silverlight. WebUI Test Studio has ull Silverlight record/playback compatibility with rich special-

ized eatures or Silverlight applications automation:

VisualTreeinspection: View the entire visual tree o your Silverlight application and target specic elements or


RichsupportforOut-Of-Boxcontrols: All the Silverlight out-o-box controls that ship with Silverlight are sup-

ported with specialized translators or each control. For example, when using the Silverlight Calendar control and

selecting date, our translators understand the control being used and can determine the action you are perorm-

ing. So instead o recording a click against a low-level element, it records a select or a specic date. This makes

the test easy to understand, and easy to update.

CustomControlsSupport: From experience with real-business applications that customers are trying to au-

tomate, we ound that many applications use custom controls built in-house by the development team. Some

inherit rom Panels/Calendars/Checkboxes…etc. Our tool provides a smart control matching eature that allows

the it to drop to the base control type and ofer the common tasks or that control instead o dropping to just a

raw base element with only generic tasks associated with it.

NativeSupportforTelerikcontrolsforASP.NETAJAX&SilverlightI you use RadControls (ASP.NET AJAX or Silverlight) in the application you are trying to automate, then you won’t nd a

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more suited test automation tool or your application than WebUI Test Studio.

WebUI Test Studio comes with rich support or each RadControl:

1. RadControls are automatically detected on your page visually.

2. When perorming an action within the control, the action is routed through a special translator built or each con-

trol to help identiy the action at higher contextual level than a raw click, or example:

 TreeView=>Expand, Calendar=>SelectDate,DropDown=>Select Item

3. Each control has a set o specialized verication and synchronization tasks that are built dynamically or your ap-

plication in the desired state you want veried:

With WebUI Test Studio you will have the ability to:

1. Spend more time building test scenarios to ensure the quality o your application rather than trying to gure out

how to automate an action on the control and understanding the complexity o its rendering.

2. You don’t need to worry about backward compatibility. With each RadControls release, the translators are updat-

ed so your test continues to work without having to touch any o your tests.


At Telerik we have world-class support that starts the day you download your trial. Each trial user gets the ability to not

only use the community orums to ask questions but also gets to submit support tickets that our support proessionals

answer within 24-48hours.

Each license comes with 1 year o support. Each ticket submitted is also handled within 24hours. I you are still having

problems, we schedule GotoMeetings to help guide you through you automation scenario and ofer hands-on tips and

workarounds i needed.

With three releases a year and weekly public internal build releases, your eature requests and bug xes are accessible

with a aster turnaround not unmatched by any other product.

Visual Studio’s release cycle are typically 1-2 years out and getting a eature request approved and implemented takes

months i not years.