CommonHealth’s Guide to Healthy Sleep. 20 million adults in US suffer insomnia Everyone has...

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Transcript of CommonHealth’s Guide to Healthy Sleep. 20 million adults in US suffer insomnia Everyone has...

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  • CommonHealths Guide to Healthy Sleep
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  • 20 million adults in US suffer insomnia Everyone has difficulty falling or staying asleep from time to time Daily tasks or getting to work can be a chore Lead to health problems, especially with your heart
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  • Poor sleep could increase risk for heart disease. When is it a problem? What can you do to get help? How can you get to sleep?
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  • Our bodies have a powerful internal drive to sleep Studies suggest that sleep is just as important for survival as food As important as eating, drinking & breathing Humans have an overwhelming need to sleep Critical to our heart health & well-being
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  • Gives your heart a break Sleep reduces heart rate and blood pressure by about 10% Boosts learning & memory Lack of sleep leads to faulty decision making Can cause problems with learning and memory retention Boosts immune system Sleep deprivation decreases ability to fight off infections
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  • Helps with weight management Those who sleep 5-6 hours per night are more likely to be obese than those who sleep 7-8 Other health concerns Research volunteers who slept less than 7 hours per night were more likely to have diabetes Lack of sleep reduces womens fertility as well
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  • NIH recommends 7-8 hours for adults Less sleep can make us perform inadequately Avoid sleep debt No problems with sleepiness during day Necessary to avoid an increased risk for cardiovascular disease
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  • Occurs when we don't get adequate sleep Can be difficult to "pay back" if it becomes too big The resulting sleep deprivation has been linked to health problems High blood pressure Obesity Negative mood and behavior Decreased productivity Safety issues in the home and on the job, and on the road
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  • DO YOU: Take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night? Wake up frequently and have trouble falling back asleep again? Regularly need to use stimulants to get through the day? Awaken too early in the morning? If two or more of these behaviors sound like you, you may have a sleep disorder.
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  • Not feeling well rested despite 7-8 hours of sleep at night Feeling sleepy during the day and fall asleep within 5 minutes if you have the chance to nap Your bed partner claims you snore loudly, snort, gasp, or make choking sounds while sleeping
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  • Half of all adults snore and half of all snorers snore loudly and frequently Frequent loud snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea Daytime sleepiness What can help stop snoring? Tennis ball in back of pajamas Change position not on back Body pillow Breathe right strips
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  • Nighttime breathing disorder affects more than15 million Americans Men and women of all ages Even some children Breathing stops briefly during sleep when airway partially or completely closes The amount of oxygen in the blood drops Your brain wakes you enough to tighten the airway muscles so you can breathe again
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  • Insomnia Trouble falling asleep & staying asleep Narcolepsy Brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Neurological disorder Irresistible urge to move one's body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations
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  • Blood pressure normally lowers during sleep Essential in maintaining heart health Reduces plaque build-up in the arteries Inadequate sleep prevents the nightly dip in blood pressure Lack of sleep raises stress hormone levels Causes inflammation in blood vessels Leads to clogged arteries Inflammation, blocked blood vessels results in a heart attack
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  • Sleeping following night shift: Experiment with different sleep times to see what works for you. One sleep period is typically better than two shorter sleep periods. Limit noise and light. Try to sleep same number of hours as on day shift.
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  • Sleeping when switching back to days: Get most of sleep on night following last night shift; daytime sleep should be just enough for recovery purposes. Maintain same pre-sleep pattern of activities, no matter when you sleep. Get into the sunlight early in the day.
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  • Not a magic cure Talk with your Doctor and Pharmacist Over the counter meds & side effects Diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Unisom sleep) Sedating antihistamine Side effects include daytime drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and memory problems Many medications that use PM at the end of their brand name (like Tylenol PM) contain this antihistamine
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  • Doxylamine (Unisom Sleep Tabs) Sedating antihistamine Side effects: daytime drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and memory problems Melatonin Hormone helps control your natural sleep-wake cycle May help treat jet lag or reduce falling asleep time Side effects: daytime sleepiness, dizziness and headaches Less common side effects: abdominal discomfort, mild anxiety, irritability, confusion and depression Valerian May reduce time to fall asleep and promote better sleep overall Active ingredient isn't clear and potency can vary Side effects: headache, abdominal discomfort, uneasiness, and heart disturbances
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  • Occasional, short naps may make up for sleep missed the previous night Does not substitute a good nights sleep No napping after 3PM Try not to nap more than 1 hour Some evidence showed naps longer than 20 minutes made waking fully difficult Some people may want to avoid napping if it is not beneficial to their overall sleep quality
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  • Regular sleep schedule Get up and go to bed around the same time each day Keep your same schedule on weekends Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows You spend 1/3 of your life in bed Create a comfortable sleep environment Block out noise Use darkening shades or curtains Bedroom temperature slightly cooler Wear comfortable sleeping clothes
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  • If possible, avoid medications that disrupt or delay sleep Some heart, asthma & blood pressure meds can disrupt sleep Read the labels: some over-the-counter cough, cold or allergy meds may cause sleep problems Take a hot bath before bed Decreases body temperature Helps feel drowsy Routine promotes relaxation and slowing down
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  • Stop using smart phones, cell phones, laptops, or computers 2 hours before bed Screen too stimulating Set boundaries about being contacted/available New research indicates cell phone usage decreases melatonin Move your alarm clock Light from clock can disrupt sleep Eliminate constantly checking Turn it away from bed or move to hallway Decrease bright lights in evening Avoid bright lights if up in middle of night
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  • Exercise during the day Flush out stress hormones Brisk walk (during your lunch break) promotes restful sleep at night Not too close to bedtime too stimulating Decrease caffeine Switch to caffeine free early afternoon Skip the night cap Alcohol may help with falling asleep Causes frequent waking or waking too early Avoid nicotine at bedtime It is a stimulant, causing difficulty falling asleep
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  • Write down your worries Wakefulness caused by worries, concerns, or the To Do list Write it down Establish a plan of action for the next day May be better able to sleep If you cant fall asleep, get up If it has been over 30 minutes Get up and go to another room Read or engage in some other restful activity
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  • Keep your consistent sleep routine Same things every time before going to bed Routine helps your body relax Signals to your body sleep is near Keep your bedroom for sleep and intimacy only No catching up on work, emails, etc. In the morning see the light Open shades or curtains let in bright sunlight Turn on lights Daylight regulates sleep patterns
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  • Thank you for attending! Visit the CommonHealth website at for more great sleep resources