comments of obs. ultasound

Comments of Obstetric Ultrasound 1. U S showing fetal head measuring BiParital diameter. 2. U S showing gestitional sac with femur length.



Transcript of comments of obs. ultasound

Comments of Obstetric Ultrasound

Comments of Obstetric Ultrasound1. U S showing fetal head measuring BiParital diameter.

2. U S showing gestitional sac with femur length. 3. U S showing 2 fetal heads (Twins).

4. U S showing one gestational sac with 2 embryos inside it(monoamniotic twins).

5. U S showing 2 gestational sacs with 2 embryos inside (diamniotic twins).

6. U S showing one gestational sac with 2 embryos inside it (monoamniotic twins).

7. U S showing placenta previa. # colored U S showing placenta previa 8. U S showing honeycomb appearance of complete vesicular mole.

9. Coloured U S showing honeycomb appearance of complete vesicular mole.

10. U S showing gestational sac and honeycomb appearance of partial vesicular mole .

11. U S showing Complete fetus anterior posterior view .

12. U S showing Complete fetus (lateral view).

13. U S 3 gestitional sacs (triples).

14. U S showing fetal heart beats with doppler.

15. U S showing Gestitional sac with yolk sac inside it.

16. U S showing gestitional sac with embryo inside it.

17. U S showing gestitional sac with early formed embryo.

18. U S showing gestational sac with well formed embryo

19. U S showing gestitional sac with embryo and developing umbilical cord.

20. U S showing pregnancy on top of IUD

21. U S showing empty gestational sac Follow up after 2 weeks:- IF no fetal nodes: Blighted ovum an embryonic sac

- IF Fetal node : Early pregnancy 22. U S showing threatened abortion.

23. U S showing 2 gestational sacs with 2 embryos inside (diamniotic twins).