COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido,...

MEXICO – CANADA TRADE JANUARY - SEPTEMBER 2009 Trade Among NAFTA Partners By the end of the third quarter of 2009, the Trilateral Trade in North America decreased 32% in accordance COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 Comercio entre los países del TLCAN Al cierre del tercer trimestre de 2009, el Comercio T il t l A éi dl N t ó 32% t l Trade in North America decreased 32% in accordance to the same period in 2008, totalling USD$502.5 billion. The Mexico-Canada Trade recorded USD$15.3 billion, a downturn of 20.5% with regard to the previous year. Notwithstanding, the value of total bilateral trade is 5 times higher than the trade number registered in 1993 (USD$2.8 billion) and an average annual growth rate of 11% in the NAFTA age. Trilateral en América del Norte cayó 32% respectoal mismo período del año anterior, ubicándose en US$502,557 millones de dólares estadounidenses (mdd). El Comercio México–Canadá totalizó US$15,366 mdd, lo que representa una contracción del 20.5% respecto a 2008. A pesar de esta caída, el valor del comercio al tercer trimestre representó más de 5 veces el monto registrado en 1993 (US$2 850 mdd) equivalente a una As for the Bilateral Trade between Mexico and United States, this value declined 28.2%, resulting in USD$205.1 billion by September 2009. i C d d registrado en 1993 (US$2,850 mdd), equivalente a una tasa de crecimiento anual promedio de 11% en la era TLCAN. Por su parte, el Comercio Bilateral México-EE.UU. se contrajo en 28.2%, ubicándose en $205,199 mdd a septiembre de 2009. Comercio México Canadá Mexico Canada Trade During the third quarter of 2009, Mexico recorded a surplus in the trade balance with Canada for USD$4.9 billion; amount USD$369 million (6.9%) lower than the surplus recorded in the same period of 2008. Mexico gained position as Canada’s third greatest trade partner in the world (3.9% of total trade), after Durante el tercer trimestre de 2009, México registró un superávit en su balanza comercial con Canadá por US$4,950 mdd, monto US$369 mdd (6.9%) inferior al superávit registrado en el mismo período de 2008. México se ubicó como el tercer socio comercial de Canadá a nivel mundial (3.9% del comercio total), d é d EE UU (61 2%) Chi (7 1%) the United States (61.2%) and China (7.1%). Canadian Exports to Mexico By September 2009, Mexico maintained its position as Canada’s fifth largest market (2.3% of total exports), exceeded only by Canadian sales to the United States, United Kingdom, China and Japan. It is worth emphasizing that United Kingdom took Chinas place as después de EE.UU. (61.2%) y China (7.1%). Exportaciones de Canadá a México A septiembre de 2009, México mantuvo su posición como quinto mercado de exportación de Canadá (2.3% del total de las exportaciones), siendo superado por las ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China emphasizing that United Kingdom took China s place as the third destination of all Canadian exports. In terms of value, exports from Canada to Mexico reached USD$5.2 billion, 542% higher than sales carried out in 1993. This value, however, also represented a decrease of 25.7% in the Canadian exports recorded last year. en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China como tercer destino de las exportaciones totales de Canadá. En términos de valor, las exportaciones de Canadá a México se ubicaron en US$5,208 mdd, monto 542% superior a las ventas realizadas en 1993. Sin embargo, este valor equivale una caída de 25.7% en las exportaciones canadienses a México registradas el año The average annual growth rate of exports from Canada into Mexico for the period January-September 1993 to January-September 2009 was 12.3%. W W W . N A F T A – M E X I C O . O R G 1 anterior. La tasa de crecimiento anual promedio de las exportaciones de Canadá a México al tercer trimestre de 1993 y el mismo período de 2009 fue de 12.3%.

Transcript of COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido,...

Page 1: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the


Trade Among NAFTA Partners

● By the end of the third quarter of 2009, the TrilateralTrade in North America decreased 32% in accordance


Comercio entre los países del TLCAN

● Al cierre del tercer trimestre de 2009, el ComercioT il t l A é i d l N t ó 32% t lTrade in North America decreased 32% in accordance

to the same period in 2008, totalling USD$502.5 billion.

● The Mexico-Canada Trade recorded USD$15.3 billion,a downturn of 20.5% with regard to the previous year.Notwithstanding, the value of total bilateral trade is 5times higher than the trade number registered in 1993(USD$2.8 billion) and an average annual growth rate of11% in the NAFTA age.

Trilateral en América del Norte cayó 32% respecto almismo período del año anterior, ubicándose enUS$502,557 millones de dólares estadounidenses (mdd).

● El Comercio México–Canadá totalizó US$15,366 mdd, loque representa una contracción del 20.5% respecto a2008. A pesar de esta caída, el valor del comercio altercer trimestre representó más de 5 veces el montoregistrado en 1993 (US$2 850 mdd) equivalente a unag

● As for the Bilateral Trade between Mexico and UnitedStates, this value declined 28.2%, resulting inUSD$205.1 billion by September 2009.

i C d d

registrado en 1993 (US$2,850 mdd), equivalente a unatasa de crecimiento anual promedio de 11% en la eraTLCAN.

● Por su parte, el Comercio Bilateral México-EE.UU. secontrajo en 28.2%, ubicándose en $205,199 mdd aseptiembre de 2009.

Comercio México – CanadáMexico – Canada Trade

● During the third quarter of 2009, Mexico recorded asurplus in the trade balance with Canada for USD$4.9billion; amount USD$369 million (6.9%) lower than thesurplus recorded in the same period of 2008.

● Mexico gained position as Canada’s third greatesttrade partner in the world (3.9% of total trade), after

● Durante el tercer trimestre de 2009, México registró unsuperávit en su balanza comercial con Canadá porUS$4,950 mdd, monto US$369 mdd (6.9%) inferior alsuperávit registrado en el mismo período de 2008.

● México se ubicó como el tercer socio comercial deCanadá a nivel mundial (3.9% del comercio total),d é d EE UU (61 2%) Chi (7 1%)

p ( )the United States (61.2%) and China (7.1%).

Canadian Exports to Mexico

● By September 2009, Mexico maintained its positionas Canada’s fifth largest market (2.3% of total exports),exceeded only by Canadian sales to the United States,United Kingdom, China and Japan. It is worthemphasizing that United Kingdom took China’s place as

después de EE.UU. (61.2%) y China (7.1%).

Exportaciones de Canadá a México

● A septiembre de 2009, México mantuvo su posicióncomo quinto mercado de exportación de Canadá (2.3%del total de las exportaciones), siendo superado por lasventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón;en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a Chinaemphasizing that United Kingdom took China s place as

the third destination of all Canadian exports.

● In terms of value, exports from Canada to Mexicoreached USD$5.2 billion, 542% higher than salescarried out in 1993. This value, however, alsorepresented a decrease of 25.7% in the Canadianexports recorded last year.

en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a Chinacomo tercer destino de las exportaciones totales deCanadá.

● En términos de valor, las exportaciones de Canadá aMéxico se ubicaron en US$5,208 mdd, monto 542%superior a las ventas realizadas en 1993. Sin embargo,este valor equivale una caída de 25.7% en lasexportaciones canadienses a México registradas el año

● The average annual growth rate of exports fromCanada into Mexico for the period January-September1993 to January-September 2009 was 12.3%.

W W W . N A F T A – M E X I C O . O R G 11

p ganterior.

● La tasa de crecimiento anual promedio de lasexportaciones de Canadá a México al tercer trimestre de1993 y el mismo período de 2009 fue de 12.3%.

Page 2: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

● Up to September 2009, the main Canadian productsimported by Mexico that recorded an important growthin comparison to the previous year were: cellulartelephones, drilling machinery, wheat, processed potato

● A septiembre de 2009, los productos canadiensesimportados a México que reportaron un importantecrecimiento respecto al año anterior fueron: teléfonoscelulares, maquinaria de perforación, trigo, papa procesada

and auto-parts (parts for ignition).

●As for the Canadian products with most decreases inthe Mexican market, were: rapeseeds, automobileswith engine superior to 3000 cc, auto-parts (bodyworkparts, air-bags and engine parts), electroniccomponents (printed circuits), and bovine meat.

y partes para encendido de vehículos.

● Los productos canadienses que sufrieron las caídas másimportantes en el mercado mexicano fueron: semillas decolza, automóviles con motor superior a 3000 cc,autopartes (partes para carrocería, bolsas de aire y partespara motores), componentes electrónicos (circuitosimpresos) y carne de bovino.

Mexican Exports to Canada

● By the end of September 2009, Mexico kept itsposition as the third greatest supplier for the Canadianmarket (4.3%), only exceeded by imports from theUnited States and China.

● During the period of January through September

Exportaciones de México a Canadá

● Al cierre de septiembre de 2009, México continuórepresentando el tercer proveedor de Canadá (4.3%),participación superada por las importaciones provenientesde EE.UU. y China.

● Durante el período enero – septiembre de 2009, las● During the period of January through September2009, exports of Mexican products to Canada totalledUSD$10.1 billion, which is 398% higher than the valueregistered in the same period of 1993. This valueregistered in September meant a decrease of 17.6%with regard to the sales recorded in September 2008.

● The average annual growth rate of exports fromMexico into Canada for the period January-September

● Durante el período enero septiembre de 2009, lasexportaciones de productos mexicanos a Canadá sumaronUS$10,158 mdd, monto 398% superior respecto al valor delmismo período de 1993. El valor registrado en el mes deseptiembre significó una contracción de 17.6% respecto alas ventas canadienses registradas a septiembre de 2008.

● La tasa de crecimiento anual promedio de lasexportaciones de México a Canadá para el período enero-

1993 to January-September 2009 was 10.6%.

● Among the Mexican export products that recordedimportant growth rates are: telephone kits for cellularnetworks, trucks with a less than five-tons weight,automobiles with diesel engine between 1500 cc and2500 cc, and auto-parts (ignition parts and engines).

On the other hand Mexican exports to Canada that

septiembre 1993 a enero-septiembre 2009 se ubicó en10.6%.

● Entre los productos de exportación mexicanos quereportaron tasas de crecimiento importantes, destacan:equipos celulares, camiones con peso inferior a cincotoneladas, automóviles con motor a diesel entre 1500 y2500 cc y autopartes (partes para encendido y motores).

● On the other hand, Mexican exports to Canada thatreported drastic downturns were: colour T.V. sets (witha decrease of-29%, affecting the total value of exportsfrom Mexico to Canada, being the main exporting goodrepresenting 8.6% of total value), automobiles withengine higher to 1500cc, petroleum, computers, auto-parts (ignition cables, seat parts and engines), gold,and printed circuits.

● En contraste, las exportaciones mexicanas a Canadá queobservaron las mayores caídas, fueron: televisores a color(-29%, impactando en valor total de las exportaciones deMéxico a Canadá al ser el principal producto de exportacióncon el 8.6% del valor total), automóviles con motorsuperior a 1500 cc, petróleo, computadoras, autopartes(cables de encendido, partes para asientos y motores), oroy circuitos impresos.y circuitos impresos.

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Page 3: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Investment from Canada in Mexico

During the last fifteen years, Canadian foreign directinvestment (FDI) has been a key factor for thei t ti f d ti t

Inversión de Canadá en México

Durante los últimos quince años la inversión extranjeradirecta (IED) de Canadá ha sido un elemento clave

l i t ió d l t d ti dintegration of our productive sectors:

From January 1994 to June 2009, Canada’s cumulativeFDI in Mexico reached $9.8 billion USD, becoming thefifth largest foreign investor in Mexico.

According to the Ministry of Economy, on June 2009,2,290 firms were registered in Mexico as havingCanadian capital

para la integración de los sectores productivos deambos países:

En el período enero de 1994 – septiembre de 2009, laIED acumulada de Canadá en México alcanzó losUS$9,825 millones de dólares, lo que lo ubicó como elcuarto país inversionista en México

En septiembre de 2009 2 290 empresas seCanadian capital.

These results demonstrate the high confidence that theNAFTA’s legal framework has granted to Canadianinvestors to operate in Mexico.

En septiembre de 2009, 2,290 empresas seencontraban operando en México con participación decapital canadiense.

Estos indicadores comprueban el alto grado deconfianza que el marco legal del TLCAN ofrece a losinversionistas canadienses para operar en México.








IED anual

IED acumulada

IED de Canadá en México a Septiembre 2009Millones de US dólares








Annual FDI

Cumulative FDI

Canada’s FDI in Mexico September 2009Millions of US dollars



241 215



233 303

555 443 540362







1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fuente: Secretaría de Economía

Promedio anual1994-2009(sep) = 614 mdd




241 215



233 303

555 443 540362







1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

FDI annual average1994-2009 (sep) = 614 md

Source: Ministry of Economy

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Page 4: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

1. Trade between NAFTA partners1.1 Trilateral trade 1

2. Mexico - Canada Trade2.1 Monthly trends 22.2 Main products imported by Canada from Mexico 32.3 Main products imported by Mexico from Canada 4

3. Canada's Total Trade3.1 Trade by country 53.2 Canada - Mexico trade by province 6

Mexico - Canada Trade StatisticsJanuary - September 2009

Table of Contents

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada - Embassy of Mexico

December, 2009

Page 5: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Trilateral Trade between the NAFTA Partners

(million of US dollars)*AAGR *AAGR

08/93 08/07 08/93 09/93 09/08 09/931993 2007 2008 % % % 1993 2008 2009 % % %

NAFTA partnersTotal trilateral trade 288,530 894,390 944,692 227.4 5.6 8.2 213,156 737,242 502,557 135.8 -31.8 5.5

Growth rateYear January - September Growth rate

US imports from NAFTA partnersMexico 39,930 210,799 215,828 440.5 2.4 11.9 29,119 166,526 125,066 329.5 -24.9 9.5Canada 110,921 313,111 335,491 202.5 7.1 7.7 82,004 265,314 162,379 98.0 -38.8 4.4

Mexico's imports from NAFTA partnersUS 45,295 140,570 152,615 236.9 8.6 8.4 33,459 119,135 80,133 139.5 -32.7 5.6

Canada 1,175 7,975 9,450 704.1 18.5 14.9 811 7,008 5,208 542.4 -25.7 12.3Canada's imports from NAFTA partners

Mexico 2,880 16,086 16,785 482.7 4.3 12.5 2,039 12,327 10,158 398.2 -17.6 10.6US 88,329 205,849 214,523 142.9 4.2 6.1 65,723 166,933 119,613 82.0 -28.3 3.8

Mexico-Canada tradeMexico's imports from Canada 1,175 7,975 9,450 704.1 18.5 14.9 811 7,008 5,208 542.4 -25.7 12.3Mexico s imports from Canada 1,175 7,975 9,450 704.1 18.5 14.9 811 7,008 5,208 542.4 -25.7 12.3Canada's imports from Mexico 2,880 16,086 16,785 482.7 4.3 12.5 2,039 12,327 10,158 398.2 -17.6 10.6

Total 4,056 24,061 26,235 546.9 9.0 13.3 2,850 19,335 15,366 439.2 -20.5 11.1Mexico-US trade

Mexico's imports from US 45,295 140,570 152,615 236.9 8.6 8.4 33,459 119,135 80,133 139.5 -32.7 5.6US imports from Mexico 39,930 210,799 215,828 440.5 2.4 11.9 29,119 166,526 125,066 329.5 -24.9 9.5

Total 85,224 351,369 368,443 332.3 4.9 10.3 62,578 285,661 205,199 227.9 -28.2 7.7Canada-US trade

Canada's imports from US 88,329 205,849 214,523 142.9 4.2 6.1 65,723 166,933 119,613 82.0 -28.3 3.8US imports from Canada 110,921 313,111 335,491 202.5 7.1 7.7 82,004 265,314 162,379 98.0 -38.8 4.4

Total 199,250 518,960 550,014 176.0 6.0 7.0 147,728 432,247 281,992 90.9 -34.8 4.1*A l th t*Annual average growth rate.Source: The Ministry of the Economy with import data from Statistics Canada, BANXICO and USDOC

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - September 09/93 = 136%)

January - September 2009(Total trilateral trade of US$502,557 million)


Billion US dollars

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - September 09/93 = 136%)

January - September 1993

Mexico-Canada trade


Mexico-US trade


Canada-US trade


January - September 2009(Total trilateral trade of US$502,557 million)






Billion US dollars

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - September 09/93 = 136%)

Mexico-Canada trade


Mexico-US trade


Canada-US trade


January - September 1993(Total trilateral trade of US$213,156 million)

Mexico-Canada trade


Mexico-US trade


Canada-US trade


January - September 2009(Total trilateral trade of US$502,557 million)










Billion US dollars

Trade Between NAFTA Partners(NAFTA trilateral trade growth January - September 09/93 = 136%)

Mexico-Canada trade


Mexico-US trade


Canada-US trade


January - September 1993(Total trilateral trade of US$213,156 million)

Mexico-Canada trade


Mexico-US trade


Canada-US trade


January - September 2009(Total trilateral trade of US$502,557 million)










Billion US dollars

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 1

Page 6: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Mexico-Canada Trade (1993-2009) (millions of US dollars)

Total Growth % Mexico Growth % Total Growth %


% Total Growth % Mexico Growth % Total Growth % Mexico Growth %

1993 131,819.4 -- 2,880.3 -- 145,307.9 -- 1,175.3 -- 277,127.3 -- 4,055.7 -- 13,488.5 -- -1,705.0 --2007 380,468.4 8.7 16,086.0 13.8 420,838.8 8.3 7,975.3 8.1 801,307.2 8.5 24,061.3 11.9 40,370.4 5.2 -8,110.7 20.02008 409,153.4 7.5 16,784.7 4.3 457,553.6 8.7 9,450.4 18.5 866,707.0 8.2 26,235.1 9.0 48,400.1 19.9 -7,334.3 -9.6

*AAGR 08/93

2007 380,468.4 8.7 16,086.0 13.8 420,838.8 8.3 7,975.3 8.1 801,307.2 8.5 24,061.3 11.9 40,370.4 5.2 -8,110.7 20.0Jan 27,410.0 -- 1,032.1 -- 32,530.2 -- 597.9 -- 59,940.2 -- 1,630.0 -- 5,120.2 -- -434.2 --Feb 27,545.7 0.5 1,161.3 12.5 30,654.7 -5.8 525.6 -12.1 58,200.3 -2.9 1,686.9 3.5 3,109.0 -39.3 -635.8 46.4Mar 32,120.0 16.6 1,443.0 24.3 35,558.6 16.0 630.3 19.9 67,678.6 16.3 2,073.3 22.9 3,438.6 10.6 -812.7 27.8Apr 30,729.5 -4.3 1,256.0 -13.0 34,779.1 -2.2 595.7 -5.5 65,508.5 -3.2 1,851.8 -10.7 4,049.6 17.8 -660.3 -18.7

May 32,451.9 5.6 1,251.3 -0.4 36,428.2 4.7 709.1 19.0 68,880.0 5.1 1,960.4 5.9 3,976.3 -1.8 -542.2 -17.9Jun 32,241.8 -0.6 1,364.9 9.1 36,983.3 1.5 656.9 -7.4 69,225.0 0.5 2,021.8 3.1 4,741.5 19.2 -707.9 30.6Jul 30,807.4 -4.4 1,155.4 -15.3 33,430.3 -9.6 679.5 3.4 64,237.8 -7.2 1,834.9 -9.2 2,622.9 -44.7 -475.8 -32.8

Aug 32,873.8 6.7 1,411.7 22.2 35,671.2 6.7 668.9 -1.6 68,545.0 6.7 2,080.5 13.4 2,797.4 6.7 -742.8 56.1Sep 32,334.0 -1.6 1,569.0 11.1 34,714.3 -2.7 663.9 -0.7 67,048.3 -2.2 2,232.8 7.3 2,380.3 -14.9 -905.1 21.9Oct 36,126.8 11.7 1,557.3 -0.7 38,196.6 10.0 770.4 16.1 74,323.4 10.9 2,327.8 4.3 2,069.8 -13.0 -786.9 -13.1Nov 35,139.7 -2.7 1,565.9 0.5 38,199.1 0.0 756.3 -1.8 73,338.8 -1.3 2,322.1 -0.2 3,059.4 47.8 -809.6 2.9Dec 30,687.9 -12.7 1,318.2 -15.8 33,693.3 -11.8 720.8 -4.7 64,381.2 -12.2 2,038.9 -12.2 3,005.3 -1.8 -597.4 -26.2

2008 409,153.4 7.5 16,784.7 4.3 457,553.6 8.7 9,450.4 18.5 866,707.0 8.2 26,235.1 9.0 48,400.1 19.9 -7,334.3 -9.6Jan 31,868.0 3.8 1,117.0 -15.3 36,111.8 7.2 746.3 3.5 67,979.9 5.6 1,863.3 -8.6 4,243.8 41.2 -370.7 -38.0Feb 32,548.4 2.1 1,314.2 17.7 36,690.6 1.6 786.5 5.4 69,239.1 1.9 2,100.7 12.7 4,142.2 -2.4 -527.8 42.4Mar 35,026.7 7.6 1,356.9 3.2 39,567.8 7.8 743.1 -5.5 74,594.5 7.7 2,099.9 0.0 4,541.2 9.6 -613.8 65.6Abr 35,392.9 1.0 1,317.2 -2.9 40,817.0 3.2 817.5 10.0 76,209.9 2.2 2,134.7 1.7 5,424.1 19.4 -499.6 -5.3

May 37,386.7 5.6 1,507.3 14.4 41,887.7 2.6 783.4 -4.2 79,274.4 4.0 2,290.7 7.3 4,501.0 -17.0 -723.8 17.9Jun 37,465.3 0.2 1,468.6 -2.6 41,877.1 0.0 815.9 4.2 79,342.4 0.1 2,284.6 -0.3 4,411.8 -2.0 -652.7 30.6Jul 36,836.2 -1.7 1,265.8 -13.8 43,036.0 2.8 770.9 -5.5 79,872.1 0.7 2,036.8 -10.8 6,199.8 40.5 -494.9 -31.6

Aug 34,054.7 -7.6 1,475.4 16.6 39,739.6 -7.7 775.3 0.6 73,794.3 -7.6 2,250.7 10.5 5,684.9 -8.3 -700.1 7.3Sep 36,054.0 5.9 1,504.3 2.0 39,688.1 -0.1 769.0 -0.8 75,742.1 2.6 2,273.2 1.0 3,634.0 -36.1 -735.3 48.6Oct 34,830.1 -3.4 1,526.3 1.5 37,581.1 -5.3 949.8 23.5 72,411.2 -4.4 2,476.2 8.9 2,751.0 -24.3 -576.5 -17.7Nov 30,431.8 -12.6 1,681.1 10.1 32,671.8 -13.1 706.0 -25.7 63,103.6 -12.9 2,387.1 -3.6 2,240.0 -18.6 -975.1 32.6Dic 27,258.6 -10.4 1,250.6 -25.6 27,884.9 -14.7 786.6 11.4 55,143.6 -12.6 2,037.2 -14.7 626.3 -72.0 -463.9 -19.5

2009 232,648.2 -26.5 10,158.1 -17.6 228,283.1 -36.5 5,207.8 -25.7 460,931.3 -31.8 15,365.9 -20.5 -4,365.1 -110.2 -4,950.2 -6.9Jan 23,830.7 -12.6 847.4 -32.2 24,053.5 -13.7 472.6 -39.9 47,884.2 -13.2 1,320.0 -35.2 222.7 -64.4 -374.9 -19.2Feb 23,785.8 -0.2 934.5 10.3 23,932.0 -0.5 533.8 13.0 47,717.8 -0.3 1,468.3 11.2 146.2 -34.4 -400.7 6.9Mar 25,373.1 6.7 1,057.6 13.2 25,908.1 8.3 540.9 1.3 51,281.2 7.5 1,598.4 8.9 534.9 265.8 -516.7 28.9Apr 25,107.6 -1.0 1,083.2 2.4 24,286.0 -6.3 601.6 11.2 49,393.6 -3.7 1,684.8 5.4 -821.6 -253.6 -481.6 -6.8

May 24,624.6 -1.9 1,089.7 0.6 23,898.9 -1.6 479.4 -20.3 48,523.5 -1.8 1,569.2 -6.9 -725.7 -11.7 -610.3 26.7Jun 26,394.2 7.2 1,100.8 1.0 25,969.1 8.7 606.5 26.5 52,363.3 7.9 1,707.3 8.8 -425.1 -41.4 -494.3 -19.0Jul 27,122.3 2.8 1,184.1 7.6 26,421.4 1.7 638.8 5.3 53,543.7 2.3 1,822.9 6.8 -700.9 64.9 -545.4 10.3

Aug 27,694.1 2.1 1,527.2 29.0 26,134.2 -1.1 718.4 12.5 53,828.2 0.5 2,245.5 23.2 -1,559.9 122.6 -808.8 48.3Sep 28,715.8 3.7 1,333.6 -12.7 27,680.0 5.9 615.9 -14.3 56,395.8 4.8 1,949.5 -13.2 -1,035.8 -33.6 -717.6 -11.3

*Annual average growth rate, 1993-2008

7.8% 12.5% 7.9% 14.9%

Canada's Trade BalanceCanada's Total TradeCanada's Imports Canada's Exports

7.9% 13.3% 8.9% 10.2%

Annual average growth rate, 1993 20081/ Due to export transhipment or indirect trade between Mexico and Canada through the US, the use of each country’s import data from official sources– Banxico and Statistics Canada– yields the most accurate trade figures. In this particular case, Canada’s exports to Mexico are based on the value of goods imported by Mexico from Canada as reported by BANXICO. Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada and BANXICO



Mexican imports from Canada (MIC)

Canadian imports from Mexico (CIM)

CIMSA seasonally adjusted

MICSA seasonally adjusted

(C di M i )

Mexico-Canada Trade: Monthly trends from January 1993 to September 2009(millions of US dollars)

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 2

Page 7: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Canada's Top 25 Imports from Mexico by HTS Subheading (millions of US dollars)

09/08 09/93 09/08 09/931993 % 2008 % 2009 % % % 1993 % 2008 % 2009 % % %

852872 Reception apparatus for television Other, colour 0.0 0.0 1,232.1 10.0 872.1 8.6 -29.2 N.C. 0.0 0.0 1,670.3 0.5 1,091.8 0.5 -34.6 N.C.

870323 Automobiles with reciprocating piston engine displacing > 1500 cc to 3000 cc

380.9 18.7 907.3 7.4 513.5 5.1 -43.4 34.8 3,286.4 3.4 11,051.8 3.5 6,771.3 2.9 -38.7 106.0

851712 Telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks

0.0 0.0 105.7 0.9 473.2 4.7 347.7 N.C. 0.0 0.0 1,208.0 0.4 1,326.3 0.6 9.8 N.C.

870431 Gas powered trucks with a GVW not exceeding five tonnes

14.2 0.7 224.1 1.8 446.4 4.4 99.2 3043.4 858.9 0.9 3,795.4 1.2 3,478.5 1.5 -8.4 305.0

270900 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude

137.2 6.7 678.9 5.5 359.0 3.5 -47.1 161.7 2,625.9 2.7 25,961.4 8.2 13,158.3 5.7 -49.3 401.1

847150 Digital process units o/t 8471.41/49, w/n cntg in same hsng storage/input/output

0.0 0.0 332.7 2.7 297.2 2.9 -10.7 N.C. 0.0 0.0 1,464.6 0.5 1,027.6 0.4 -29.8 N.C.

854430 Ignition wiring sets & other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft e

85.5 4.2 440.0 3.6 292.3 2.9 -33.6 241.8 481.9 0.5 900.8 0.3 623.0 0.3 -30.8 29.3

940190 Parts of seats other than those of heading No 94.02

18.0 0.9 365.2 3.0 245.3 2.4 -32.8 1262.3 329.9 0.3 1,050.8 0.3 690.3 0.3 -34.3 109.3

840991 Parts for spark-ignition type engines nes 16.1 0.8 153.4 1.2 202.4 2.0 31.9 1156.1 593.6 0.6 1,268.8 0.4 1,050.3 0.5 -17.2 76.9870324 Automobiles with reciprocating piston engine

displacing > 3000 cc49.3 2.4 264.1 2.1 184.8 1.8 -30.0 274.8 2,950.1 3.0 7,404.5 2.3 3,599.6 1.5 -51.4 22.0

840734 Engines, spark-ignition reciprocating displacing more than 1000 cc

99.6 4.9 92.4 0.7 176.3 1.7 90.8 77.0 1,817.2 1.9 3,626.8 1.1 1,757.1 0.8 -51.6 -3.3

710812 Gold in unwrought forms non-monetary 0.0 0.0 260.9 2.1 172.1 1.7 -34.0 N.C. 447.8 0.5 2,852.5 0.9 2,600.5 1.1 -8.8 480.7990100 Low value import transactions and confidential 4 3 0 2 193 7 1 6 154 5 1 5 20 2 3464 8 1 039 3 1 1 1 414 9 0 4 1 083 6 0 5 23 4 4 3

HTS DescriptionsJanuary - September

Growth rateJanuary - September

Growth rateCanada's imports from Mexico Canada's total imports

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 3

990100 Low value import transactions and confidential commodities

4.3 0.2 193.7 1.6 154.5 1.5 -20.2 3464.8 1,039.3 1.1 1,414.9 0.4 1,083.6 0.5 -23.4 4.3

870332 Automobiles with diesel engine displacing more than 1500 cc to 2500 cc

5.6 0.3 37.5 0.3 146.5 1.4 290.7 2506.6 26.1 0.0 52.5 0.0 154.3 0.1 193.7 491.9

851762 Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, including switching and

0.0 0.0 167.7 1.4 124.2 1.2 -25.9 N.C. 0.0 0.0 1,407.8 0.4 1,197.2 0.5 -15.0 N.C.

870840 Tansmissions for motor vehicles 0.0 0.0 90.9 0.7 120.3 1.2 32.4 N.C. 1,363.5 1.4 2,364.6 0.7 1,444.0 0.6 -38.9 5.9851770 Part of printed circuit 0.0 0.0 181.8 1.5 110.3 1.1 -39.3 N.C. 0.0 0.0 1,059.6 0.3 1,012.7 0.4 -4.4 N.C.841810 Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with

separate external doors0.0 0.0 145.3 1.2 106.1 1.0 -27.0 N.C. 99.0 0.1 454.5 0.1 351.6 0.2 -22.6 255.0

870895 Safety airbags with inflator system 0.0 0.0 147.4 1.2 102.6 1.0 -30.4 N.C. 0.0 0.0 348.2 0.1 252.3 0.1 -27.6 N.C.870829 Parts and accessories of bodies nes for motor

vehicles164.1 8.0 134.5 1.1 86.3 0.8 -35.8 -47.4 2,699.9 2.8 3,807.9 1.2 2,407.2 1.0 -36.8 -10.8

220300 Beer made from malt 2.8 0.1 90.0 0.7 85.5 0.8 -4.9 2985.6 28.2 0.0 419.2 0.1 413.4 0.2 -1.4 1366.1070200 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 8.1 0.4 100.2 0.8 83.0 0.8 -17.2 918.9 83.9 0.1 210.6 0.1 170.7 0.1 -18.9 103.4860310 Self-propelled railway cars powered from an

external source of electricity0.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 75.6 0.7 2673.2 N.C. 0.0 0.0 80.6 0.0 166.4 0.1 106.4 N.C.

903289 Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus, nes

1.5 0.1 121.4 1.0 69.7 0.7 -42.6 4426.2 433.0 0.4 744.3 0.2 537.9 0.2 -27.7 24.2

870421 Diesel powered trucks with a GVW not exceeding five tonnes

46.2 2.3 267.0 2.2 68.0 0.7 -74.5 47.0 244.4 0.2 761.6 0.2 418.9 0.2 -45.0 71.4

Sub-total 1,033.6 50.7 6,736.7 54.7 5,567.1 54.8 -17.4 438.6 19,409.0 19.8 75,382.0 23.8 46,784.8 20.1 -37.9 141.0Others 1,005.5 49.3 5,590.0 45.3 4,590.9 45.2 -17.9 356.6 78,546.7 80.2 241,250.9 76.2 185,863.4 79.9 -23.0 136.6

Total 2,039.0 100 12,326.7 100 10,158.1 100 -17.6 398.2 97,955.7 100 316,632.9 100 232,648.2 100 -26.5 137.5Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics CanadaRanked by Canada's imports from Mexico in 2009

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 3

Page 8: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Mexico's Top 25 Imports from Canada by HTS Subheading (millions of US dollars)

09/08 09/93 09/08 09/931993 % 2008 % 2009 % % % 1993 % 2008 % 2009 % % %

851712 Telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks

1.7 0.2 111.3 1.6 324.7 6.2 191.7 19554.8 22.3 0.0 3,435.5 1.4 2,952.4 1.8 -14.1 13149.5

120510 Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds 0.0 0.0 564.6 8.1 269.2 5.2 -52.3 N.C. 8.0 0.0 567.0 0.2 280.8 0.2 -50.5 3405.2843049 Boring or sinking machinery nes, not self-

propelled0.4 0.0 51.5 0.7 212.4 4.1 312.2 59654.2 4.4 0.0 150.7 0.1 449.7 0.3 198.5 10195.6

870324 Automobiles with reciprocating piston engine displacing > 3000 cc

11.7 1.4 310.6 4.4 163.1 3.1 -47.5 1290.9 170.8 0.4 2,408.2 1.0 994.1 0.6 -58.7 482.1

100190 Wheat nes and meslin 48.2 5.9 117.7 1.7 162.4 3.1 38.0 236.8 134.5 0.3 975.4 0.4 572.5 0.3 -41.3 325.7870323 Automobiles with reciprocating piston engine

displacing > 1500 cc to 3000 cc3.1 0.4 154.2 2.2 143.0 2.7 -7.3 4562.8 82.0 0.2 3,255.4 1.4 1,685.4 1.0 -48.2 1954.6

870899 Motor vehicle parts nes 0.6 0.1 119.5 1.7 113.0 2.2 -5.4 17472.0 52.3 0.1 1,966.1 0.8 1,112.2 0.7 -43.4 2027.6020130 Bovine cuts boneless, fresh or chilled 0.4 0.0 108.0 1.5 87.6 1.7 -18.9 22922.9 87.6 0.2 886.2 0.4 594.3 0.4 -32.9 578.8843143 Parts of boring or sinking machinery, whether or

not self-propelled0.8 0.1 69.3 1.0 86.6 1.7 25.0 11388.2 26.2 0.1 225.9 0.1 313.4 0.2 38.8 1095.6

760120 Aluminium unwrought, alloyed 0.1 0.0 102.0 1.5 77.2 1.5 -24.3 116232.0 40.6 0.1 722.8 0.3 309.4 0.2 -57.2 661.8870830 Brake sand servo-brakes; parts thereof 0.8 0.1 73.8 1.1 75.5 1.5 2.4 8810.2 69.2 0.1 764.5 0.3 515.3 0.3 -32.6 644.7840991 Parts for spark-ignition type engines nes 0.3 0.0 18.4 0.3 68.6 1.3 272.0 20805.5 131.0 0.3 1,312.1 0.6 815.9 0.5 -37.8 522.7980600 Personal & household effects of a resi- dent of

Canada dying abroad; etc0.0 0.0 59.7 0.9 66.0 1.3 10.6 N.C. 0.0 0.0 403.9 0.2 568.8 0.3 40.8 N.C.

848071 Moulds, injection or compression types, for rubber or plastics

8.2 1.0 90.5 1.3 65.8 1.3 -27.3 706.1 89.3 0.2 641.8 0.3 642.3 0.4 0.1 619.3

851770 Parts of printed circuit assemblies 6.9 0.8 89.7 1.3 64.6 1.2 -28.0 837.0 197.2 0.4 3,492.0 1.5 2,708.9 1.6 -22.4 1273.6870829 Parts and accessories of bodies nes for motor 0 7 0 1 101 6 1 4 63 9 1 2 37 1 9682 4 113 9 0 2 2 412 9 1 0 1 926 4 1 2 20 2 1591 2

HTS DescriptionsJanuary - September

Growth rateJanuary - September

Growth rateMexico's imports from Canada Mexico's imports from all countries

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 4

870829 Parts and accessories of bodies nes for motor vehicles

0.7 0.1 101.6 1.4 63.9 1.2 -37.1 9682.4 113.9 0.2 2,412.9 1.0 1,926.4 1.2 -20.2 1591.2

722830 Bars & rods, alloy steel, o/t stainless nfw than hot rolled/drawn/extruded, nes

14.5 1.8 122.0 1.7 60.5 1.2 -50.4 316.1 45.7 0.1 269.7 0.1 112.6 0.1 -58.3 146.1

381700 Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading 27.

0.0 0.0 78.8 1.1 50.0 1.0 -36.6 N.C. 74.3 0.2 317.0 0.1 221.7 0.1 -30.1 198.2

390120 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more

1.2 0.2 49.1 0.7 48.5 0.9 -1.2 3849.0 85.7 0.2 738.8 0.3 485.9 0.3 -34.2 466.7

300490 Medicaments nes, in dosage 1.5 0.2 40.0 0.6 48.5 0.9 21.5 3122.3 70.1 0.1 1,590.8 0.7 1,515.0 0.9 -4.8 2062.0200410 Potatoes prepared or preserved other than by

vinegar or acetic acid, frozen0.3 0.0 31.8 0.5 45.2 0.9 42.0 13070.2 6.8 0.0 94.5 0.0 81.2 0.0 -14.1 1087.4

720712 Semi-fin prod, iron or n-al steel, rect/ sq cross sect, cntg by wght <.25% carb

0.0 0.0 32.4 0.5 43.9 0.8 35.5 N.C. 3.1 0.0 339.5 0.1 211.1 0.1 -37.8 6715.5

940190 Parts of seats other than those of heading No 94.02

1.3 0.2 54.8 0.8 42.9 0.8 -21.8 3131.9 53.4 0.1 568.6 0.2 341.0 0.2 -40.0 539.0

870895 Safety airbags with inflator system; parts thereof 0.0 0.0 60.9 0.9 39.7 0.8 -34.9 N.C. 7.3 0.0 425.0 0.2 272.4 0.2 -35.9 3621.4

732690 Articles, iron or steel, nes 1.7 0.2 46.3 0.7 34.1 0.7 -26.2 1938.0 611.0 1.3 1,674.0 0.7 1,186.2 0.7 -29.1 94.2Sub-total 104.4 12.9 2,658.4 37.9 2,457.0 47.2 -7.6 2252.8 2,186.7 4.6 29,638.4 12.4 20,868.7 12.5 -29.6 854.3

Others 706.3 87.1 4,349.5 62.1 2,750.8 52.8 -36.8 289.5 45,843.7 95.4 208,580.7 87.6 145,957.4 87.5 -30.0 218.4Total 810.7 100 7,007.9 100 5,207.8 100 -25.7 542.4 48,030.4 100 238,219.1 100 166,826.2 100 -30.0 247.3

Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from BANXICORanked by Mexico's imports from Canada in 2009

NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 4

Page 9: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Canada's Trade by Country: Top 10 Trading Partners, (1993 - 2009) (millions of US dollars)

Total 1USA China 1 Mexico UK Japan GermanyTrade

1993 205,432.4 147,727.7 2,752.8 2,849.8 4,118.8 11,308.9 3,492.92008 676,048.6 432,247.0 37,754.4 19,334.6 18,937.4 19,324.1 12,248.32009 460,931.3 281,992.4 32,600.3 15,365.9 13,230.0 13,123.9 9,200.9

Growth rates09-08 -31.8% -34.8% -13.7% -20.5% -30.1% -32.1% -24.9%09-93 124.4% 90.9% 1084.2% 439.2% 221.2% 16.0% 163.4%

*AAGR 09-93 5.2% 4.1% 16.7% 11.1% 7.6% 0.9% 6.2%

Imports1993 97,955.7 65,723.3 1,801.4 2,039.0 2,475.1 6,221.2 1,972.32008 316,632.9 166,933.1 29,763.2 12,326.7 9,101.2 11,313.3 9,320.92009 232,648.2 119,613.0 25,302.3 10,158.1 5,787.9 7,844.5 6,847.6

Growth rates09-08 -26.5% -28.3% -15.0% -17.6% -36.4% -30.7% -26.5%09-93 137.5% 82.0% 1304.6% 398.2% 133.8% 26.1% 247.2%

*AAGR 09-93 5.6% 3.8% 18.0% 10.6% 5.5% 1.5% 8.1%

Exports1993 107,476.7 82,004.4 951.5 810.7 1,643.7 5,087.6 1,520.62008 359,415.7 265,313.9 7,991.2 7,007.9 9,836.2 8,010.8 2,927.32009 228,283.1 162,379.4 7,298.0 5,207.8 7,442.1 5,279.4 2,353.3

Growth rates09-08 -36.5% -38.8% -8.7% -25.7% -24.3% -34.1% -19.6%09-93 112.4% 98.0% 667.0% 542.4% 352.8% 3.8% 54.8%

*AAGR 09-93 4.8% 4.4% 13.6% 12.3% 9.9% 0.2% 2.8%*Annual average growth rate, 1993-20081/ Trade values between Mexico, United States and Canada have been calculated using import data from official sources in each country. Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada, BANXICO and USDOC

January - September







Canada's main trading partners (Total Trade January - September 2009:

461 billion US dollars)

Canada's top foreign suppliers (T t l I t J S t b 2009

Canada's main export markets (T t l t J S t b 2009







Canada's main trading partners (Total Trade January - September 2009:

461 billion US dollars)







Canada's top foreign suppliers (Total Imports January - September 2009:

233 billion US dollars)







Canada's main export markets (Total exports January - September 2009:

228 billion US dollars)

The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada 5

Page 10: COMERCIO MEXICO – CANADA ENERO – SEPTIEMBRE 2009 … · ventas realizadas a EE.UU, Reino Unido, China y Japón; Chinas en este mes destaca que Reino Unido desplazó a China the

Canada-Mexico Trade by Province, (1993 - 2009) (millions of US dollars)Province and Territories

1993 % 2008 % 2009 % 09-08 09-93 *AAGR 09-93Total Trade 2,485.2 16,533.0 13,198.0 -20.2 431.1 11.0

Ontario 1,874.1 75.4 11,260.2 68.1 9,412.0 71.3 -16.4 402.2 10.6Alberta 66.8 2.7 1,335.6 8.1 1,229.3 9.3 -8.0 1,739.7 20.0British Columbia 130.4 5.2 1,099.9 6.7 910.2 6.9 -17.2 598.2 12.9Quebec 263.6 10.6 1,797.0 10.9 848.7 6.4 -52.8 222.0 7.6Manitoba 33.2 1.3 469.7 2.8 389.6 3.0 -17.0 1,073.8 16.6Saskatchewan 58.7 2.4 440.4 2.7 297.2 2.3 -32.5 405.9 10.7New Brunswick 10.9 0.4 88.3 0.5 72.0 0.5 -18.5 560.1 12.5Nova Scotia 42.7 1.7 32.5 0.2 25.4 0.2 -21.8 -40.4 -3.2Newfoundland 4.5 0.2 6.5 0.0 11.8 0.1 80.4 159.3 6.1Prince Edward Island 0.3 0.0 2.9 0.0 1.7 0.0 -40.2 577.2 12.7Territories 1/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2 637.7 13.3

Imports 2,039.0 12,326.7 10,158.1 -17.6 398.2 10.6Ontario 1,656.0 81.2 9,457.4 76.7 7,961.0 78.4 -15.8 380.7 10.3Alberta 25.7 1.3 570.1 4.6 495.8 4.9 -13.0 1,831.6 20.3British Columbia 97.2 4.8 857.8 7.0 813.1 8.0 -5.2 736.6 14.2Quebec 206.0 10.1 1,055.4 8.6 506.3 5.0 -52.0 145.8 5.8Manitoba 11.2 0.5 250.2 2.0 234.1 2.3 -6.4 1,988.2 20.9Saskatchewan 4.2 0.2 95.0 0.8 83.1 0.8 -12.5 1,884.2 20.5New Brunswick 6.1 0.3 31.9 0.3 44.8 0.4 40.4 635.5 13.3Nova Scotia 32.4 1.6 5.7 0.0 8.4 0.1 46.8 -74.1 -8.1Newfoundland 0.2 0.0 3.1 0.0 11.3 0.1 262.7 6,065.8 29.4Prince Edward Island 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 6.2 121.9 5.1Territories 1/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.4 16,508.0 37.6

Exports 446.1 4,206.3 3,039.9 -27.7 581.4 12.7Ontario 218.0 48.9 1,802.8 42.9 1,451.0 47.7 -19.5 565.5 12.6Alberta 41.2 9.2 765.5 18.2 733.5 24.1 -4.2 1,682.3 19.7British Columbia 33.2 7.4 242.1 5.8 97.1 3.2 -59.9 192.6 6.9Quebec 57.6 12.9 741.5 17.6 342.4 11.3 -53.8 494.9 11.8Manitoba 22.0 4.9 219.5 5.2 155.5 5.1 -29.2 607.4 13.0Saskatchewan 54.5 12.2 345.5 8.2 214.1 7.0 -38.0 292.4 8.9New Brunswick 4.8 1.1 56.4 1.3 27.2 0.9 -51.8 464.7 11.4Nova Scotia 10 3 2 3 26 8 0 6 17 0 0 6 36 5 65 8 3 2

Growth rates %January - September

Nova Scotia 10.3 2.3 26.8 0.6 17.0 0.6 -36.5 65.8 3.2Newfoundland 4.4 1.0 3.4 0.1 0.5 0.0 -86.4 -89.4 -13.1Prince Edward Island 0.2 0.0 2.8 0.1 1.7 0.1 -41.4 650.4 13.4Territories 1/ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.3 -18.5 -1.3Note: Canada's export values by province are based on data from Statistics Canada. Therefore, this information is not comparablewith the other set of data (from BANXICO) used on this report to calculate Canada's total exports to Mexico.1/ Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon.Source: The Ministry of the Economy with data from Statistics Canada


The NAFTA Office of Mexico in Canada