Come one—Come all! to our St. Andrew’s Ministry Fair! · St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011 Page...

As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and An- drew his brother, casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.. Matthew 4:18-20 St. Andrew’s Net for MAY, 2011 5 ~ KnitWits @ 10 7 ~ Ladies’ Breakfast@9:30am (see details inside…) 9 ~ Vestry @ 5:30pm 11 ~ ECW –12:00 pm (after HE) 14 ~ Men’s Breakfast @ 8am 19 ~ KnitWits @ 10 Important May Happenings Every Sunday @ 10 am ~ HOLY EUCHARIST Every Tuesday @ 10 ~ DayBreak Every Wednesday @ 5:30pm~ HOLY EUCHARIST May 14—Vestry Retreat May 15—Ministry Fair ARTICLES TO LOOK FOR INSIDE……. ARTICLES TO LOOK FOR INSIDE……. WHOLE CREATION COMM WHOLE CREATION COMMUNITY UNITY — PG. 5 PG. 5 UTO UTO — PG. 4 PG. 4 GOOD EXERCISE! GOOD EXERCISE! — PG. 4 PG. 4 Come one—Come all! to our St. Andrew’s Ministry Fair! WHEN : MAY 15TH TIME : FOLLOWING WORSHIP WHAT IS A MINISTRY FAIR? - One aspect of our Stewardship commitment is our gift of service. The Ministry Fair is an opportunity for you to find out more about the ministries here at St. Andrew’s. There will be information tables for each of these ministries ~ you can get your questions an- swered by folks who are already serving …..and you are invited to volun- teer your services where you are called! It will be a grand day celebrat- ing our ministry together as the people of God!

Transcript of Come one—Come all! to our St. Andrew’s Ministry Fair! · St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011 Page...

As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and An-drew his brother, casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.”

Immediately they left their nets and followed him.. Matthew 4:18-20

St. Andrew’s Net for MAY, 2011

5 ~ KnitWits @ 10

7 ~ Ladies’ Breakfast@9:30am (see details inside…)

9 ~ Vestry @ 5:30pm

11 ~ ECW –12:00 pm (after HE)

14 ~ Men’s Breakfast @ 8am

19 ~ KnitWits @ 10

Important May Happenings Every Sunday @ 10 am ~ HOLY EUCHARIST

Every Tuesday @ 10 ~ DayBreak

Every Wednesday @ 5:30pm~ HOLY EUCHARIST

May 14—Vestry Retreat

May 15—Ministry Fair



•• UTO UTO —— PG. 4 PG. 4


Come one—Come all! to our

St. Andrew’s Ministry Fair!



WHAT IS A MINISTRY FAIR? - One aspect of our Stewardship commitment is our gift of service. The Ministry Fair is an opportunity for you to find out more about the ministries here at St. Andrew’s. There will be information tables for each of these ministries ~ you can get your questions an-swered by folks who are already serving …..and you are invited to volun-teer your services where you are called! It will be a grand day celebrat-ing our ministry together as the people of God!

St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011 Page 2

May Several colorful umbrellas lined the narthex while others found a place to drip dry in the cor-ners of the Parlor and the Common Rooms. They verified the Sunday forecast to be almost accurate. The weatherman had predicted an 80% chance of rain, with a strong possibility for scattered thunderstorms, hail, damaging wind and a tornado was not beyond considera-tion. Well, he missed his forecast by a mere 20%. The heavy, wind driven rain was exactly 100% wet, and it persisted that way exactly all day long. Any expectations for a perfect

Easter based solely on the weather were washed quickly away, even before our fist cups of coffee. As we came to church on Easter morning, it was not a question of if it would rain, but if would ever stop. The weather was less than perfect. Inside the church the mood was Easter, none the less. Carolyn Williams and the altar guild had mothered the white lilies all week, timing their peak performance perfectly with the sound of the opening hymn. The church looked perfect. Every lily rose to the celebration and every celebration lifted the lilies even higher. The unveiled crosses, the bright lights and the perfect lilies mocked the dreary weather outside, and invited us to be glad in it. In preparation for Easter, Billie Kurtz had the choir rehearsed to new standards of perfection. Alleluias rang out as clear as sunshine. Praises to the Risen Lord trumped the distant thunder and filled the church with joy. We rejoiced! Having planted their umbrellas somewhere in the church, and having shed their slickers and capes, God’s people settled in, looking real fine and living into the present moment. Several Easter bonnets taunted the weather. Jackets and ties, pretty dresses and brand new shoes, and smiles celebrated an empty tomb. After church, the recessional hymn sang us into the Common Room; there to enjoy the perfect Easter Brunch. You can always recognize a perfect Brunch by taking note of what happens when a thunderstorm knocks out all the lights. It was amazing, nobody even noticed! We rejoiced all the more. Debbie Potter and her volunteers had all the right stuff at just the right time. Egg hunters dashed about within the church delighting at each in-crease to their basket. It seemed most appropriate that they should seek, find and rejoice their discoveries, in the very place that the rest of us had just discovered the Risen Lord. Perfect!

No doubt a sun filled sky would have provided an additional blessing, but, It would not have al-tered God’s people in any measurable way. Because Easter Sunday told the story of who we really are, it was a platform of praise for what we do; it was the continuing celebration of our thanksgiv-ing to God. Rain or shine, we lift up what we have; hymns lift us higher. Rain or shine we lift up who we are, and pray for a seamless joining in communion with God. Rain or shine we lift up the

very best that we have, humbled in response to the Living God. Rain or shine, in darkness and in light we live and love in communion with others, jackets and ties, pretty dresses and brand new shoes, and smiles, we cele-brate!

On this day the Lord has acted; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Fr Phil

Thoughts of a deacon......

Lift your voice rejoicing, Mary, Christ has risen from the tomb; On the cross a suffering victim, now as victor he is come. Whom your tears in death were mourning, welcome with your smiles returning. Let your alleluias rise!

Life is yours for ever, Mary, for your light is come once more and the strength of death is broken; now your songs of joy outpour. Ended now the night of sorrow, love has brought the blessed morrow. Let your alleluias rise!

Hymn #190, vs. 1 & 3

The mother in anguish, who wept at the foot of the cross, is now experiencing unbelievable joy. She al-ways knew in her heart that her son was sent from God, was the Messiah, the Christ. She knew, when he stayed in the temple to question the teachers ~ and he, only a boy of twelve. She knew, when he turned the water into wine. She knew, when he raised Lazarus from death.....She watched as he angered the Jewish authorities, and she feared for his safety. But surely never did she imagine the ignominious treatment he suffered on the cross.

Such horrible anguish for a mother. And then, barely two days later, such unbelievable joy! Her son, the Messiah, the Christ, has broken the strength of death, for her, for us, for all time.

Let your alleluias rise! Love, Melissa

St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011 Page 3

ECW NEWS It just doesn’t seem possible that our ECW year is coming to a close, or at least it is approaching our summer break . The April meeting signaled the end of the Lenten season. Starting with the 12:00 Eucha-ristic Service we then enjoyed a light lunch followed by a very informative program given by the Humane Society. ( We even had a four-legged visitor named Baylor.) Thanks to your generous response to our

Stay-At-Home-Tea Invitation we were able to donate $100 to this worthy cause. Our humane society is kept alive by donations only and does not solicit any state or federal funds. Much of the joy in the Lawrence household is provided by two former guests of this wonderful group of caring volunteers.

The nominating committee presented a slate of officers for next year: President…Donna Lawrence, Vice- presi-dent…Bobbie Carlson, Secretary…Joan Blythe, and Treasurer…Fran Rahn. All were voted in by acclamation. Three delegates were appointed for the Spring Conference…Melissa Harris, Fran Rahn, & Carolyn Williams. It was an-nounced that in May our group will host the refreshments for the Free Clinic. A sign-up sheet is available for any-one wanting to takes a group ( 3-5) for each Thursday. Bobbie informed us that we are all in for a special treat at our May meeting …visitors from afar, no less…a couple of Old Testament ladies traveling thru our fair city, (en route to God only knows where), will drop by and share some history and insight with us.. Don’t miss it!!!! This will probably be a once in a lifetime experience! Remember the meeting starts at 12:00 PM with a light lunch, followed by our program and a business meeting including a report on the conference in McAlester. You just couldn’t have a better way to end a very successful season than that.

Your officers wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who have sent in donations to our outreach programs. Please join us so we can say so in person! God Bless….Donna Lawrence, President


Thursdays in May…….(5th,12th,19th,26th) Host Free Clinic refreshments

May 11 at 12:00…final meeting of 2010/2011 season

St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011 Page 4

Our group is trying out new locations since Raggedy’s is now closed on Saturday—so this month ~ Saturday, May 7th @ 9:30am ~ we are going to……….. “The Bunkhouse” located at 3625 Hwy 59 N.



With spring comes the UNITED THANK OFFER-ING….

If you don’t know about U.T.O., briefly, two far-sighted women Julie Emery and Ida Soule who were leaders in their day, began the legacy in 1889. The General Convention looked to them to begin the Women’s Auxiliary as part of the Board of Missions. They began the offering to show the connection between giving thanks and giving money….united praying and sharing. The church continued to look to the United Thank Offering in times of great need. In 1967, presiding Bishop John Hines, asked the General Convention and the Triennial Meeting to support the newly established Urban Crisis Fund. The Triennial Meeting was the first to respond, by pledging one million dollars a year for 3 years from the U.T.O. This began the awarding of Grants every year, rather than only at the Triennial Meeting. Since 1988, every cent of-fered through the twice yearly ingathering is granted throughout the world for mission and in response to com-pelling human need. Our ingathering will be the first 2 weeks of May. Take a little blue box home with you, drop a coin when you say “thank you Lord.” In the fall bring it back for the fall in-gathering and pick up another box for the spring ingather-ing. GOD GAVE YOU A GIFT OF 86,000 SECONDS TODAY, HAVE YOU USED ONE OF THEM TO SAY “THANK YOU?” Thank You so much, U.T.O. Chairman, Darlene McCullah

Walk On!

Here’s another good reason to come to church. Exercise! Yes exercise! Exercise is good for your health, my Dr said so. And there’s probably no better form of

exercising than walking. You’ve heard of “Mall Walking”, why not “Church Walking”? It’s safe and secure, comfortable and convenient , rest stops along the way, the scenery is spectacular and you won’t get wet when it rains. Here’s the course. Start from the office door and walk into the nave. Turn right and stay on the outside isle into the sac-risty. Go through the sacristy and back up the north isle of the nave. U-turn into the Parlor and go completely around the Parlor, into and out of the Library. U-turn back into the Narthex and exit at the New Common Room. Go all the way around the Common Room, out the other end, turn right in front of the rest rooms (stop if you must), then go in and around the Old Common Room. Back out the double doors in front of the drinking fountain. Grab a quick drink than back into the Narthex and to the point of beginning, the Office door. Do that six times and you have a walked a mile.

Congratulations! Wednesday Schedule Change

Effective , Wednesday May 4th, the mid-week celebra-tion of the Holy Eucharist will be offered at 5:30 pm. As we did in the past each third Wednesday of the month a pot luck supper will conclude our time together. Differ-ent moving forward each Wednesday evening an invita-tion for healing prayers will be extended. The mid-week worship is less formal than Sunday, typically there is no music and the Liturgy of the Word is generally expressed less formally. But, it is worship, none-the-less. We are fed and sustained by the Holy Eucharist , and we are healed and made whole, and we are sent out in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Come and see!

Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit; especially…….. There are times when it seems as if the list of concerns might never end. The demand for our prayers is ever-present., and our prayers do help as neighbors are often healed because of them. So please remember to let us know when a name can be safely removed. During the next week Fran will be starting a new list, of interces-sion, so please let her know who needs to stay and who has been restored.

Page 5 St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011


Stewardship weekend is just around the corner. On May14, and 15th we will have the opportunity to examine stewardship concepts and programs.

On Saturday the 14th, from 10am to 3pm, St. Andrews will host a stewardship workshop open not only to our congregation but to any church in our region that wants to participate.

The workshop is entitled “Stewardship; Beyond the Basics.”

Successful stewardship programs typically meet the following conditions: 1) they are grounded in a clear theology of giving; 2) they take place in a congregation where the institutional culture encourages generosity; 3) they speak to the different ways that people relate their giving to the church. In this workshop, Mike Stephenson, Canon for Development in the Diocese of Chicago, and long-time friend of our own Sen-ior Warden Tom White, will present practical information on the ways a congregation can develop and maintain a successful stewardship program. Topics include: how theological considerations about money and giving influence pledging; the be-haviors and mixed messages that inadvertently undermine a stewardship appeal; and specific liturgical and other practices that a congregation can use to encourage generosity.

Mike Stephenson is canon for development for the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, where he provides assistance to clergy and congregations on the theology and practice of stewardship and generosity. He also supervises donor relationship activities and gift solicitation programs for the bishop. Mike has been in the development field for 20 years and has consulted to more than 100 churches and other organizations.

Mike is a native of Joplin, Missouri, and entered seminary as a parishioner from St. John’s, Oklahoma City. Ordained deacon in 2007 and priest in 2008, he remains canonically resident in the Diocese of Oklahoma. Mike’s service to the church prior to ordination began as an acolyte and includes election to vestries in three parishes as well as terms as parish treasurer, steward-ship chairperson, endowment fund trustee, youth group sponsor, and ballroom dance instructor, among others.

On Sunday May 15th Mike will be our guest Celebrant. So mark your calendars and plan to attend the workshop and special Sunday Service.

The WH LE CREATION COMMUNITY As a congregation in the Diocese of Oklahoma we have been invited by our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Edward J. Konieczny, to heed the call of the Primates of the Anglican Communion, to give “urgent priority for reflection, study and action” to address “climate change and the responsible management of our natural resources”. In response to this call, St. Paul’s in Oklahoma City, has inaugurated a new diocesan community called The whole Creation Community which will provide for this reflection, study and action.

The mission of the Whole Creation Community is to nurture environmental ministry through a spiritual fellowship among all congregations that are dedicated to the care of God’s creation.

The Whole Creation Community (WCC) is a spiritual community whose primary goal is to bring together people of faith who will commit themselves to live a shared Rule of Life. To join the WCC, our congregation is asked to follow a simple Rule of Life: ~To pray for God’s creation (worship), ~To teach stewardship of God’s creation (education), ~To work to sustain God’s creation (ministry).

You can find out more about this simple Rule and meet other members of the Community by simply going online to Face Book and linking to the Whole Creation Community wall, or, by calling Saint Paul’s directly at 405-235-3436. “The WCC “wall” is the community forum for members to post how they are honoring creation in their worship life, teaching others about the issues and resources for the care of creation, and what they are actively doing as work in progress to sustain creation through concrete action.” (WCC brochure)

A Daily Devotional for Morning, Mid-day and Evening Prayer has also been created for the WCC. If you are interested in these devotionals, please let Fran know and she can get a copy for you or you can check the WCC Face Book wall as well.

EFM Sunday + May 22, 2011

Robin White is graduating after four years of study in the Education for Ministry Program.

Let’s all rejoice in her journey and celebrate her accomplishment.

St. Andrew’s Net for MAY, 2011 Page 6


May 1 Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 Greeters: ....................... Jim & Sandy Rodriguez Altar Guild:................... Sunny Uttley, Sandy Churchwell Lay Readers: ................. Bev Lawson, Alan Shelton Acolytes:....................... Laly Xiong, Corrina Archer Vestry Counters: ........... Dale DeVoe, Dennis Deakins Coffee Hour Hosts: ....... OPEN Prayer Minister: ............ Carolyn Williams

May 18 Altar Guild: ......Connie Haugen & Carolyn Williams Lay Reader: ......Donna Lawrence

May 25 Altar Guild: ......Debbie Potter, Susie Hickam, Melissa Harris Lay Reader: ......Fran Rahn

May 8 Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-3,10-17; 1 Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35 Greeters: ....................... Homer & Judy Kemper Altar Guild:................... Connie Haugen & Carolyn Williams Lay Readers: ................. Karen Thomas, Tommy Clarkson Acolytes:....................... Virginia Plank, Jackson Clarkson Vestry Counters: ........... Mark Phelps, Susie Hickam Coffee Hour Hosts: ....... David and Mary Mandeville Prayer Minister: ............ Bob Carlson

May 15 Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10 Greeters: ....................... Jim & Susie Hickam Altar Guild:................... Connie Haugen & Carolyn WilliamsLay Readers: ........................ Connie Saxton, David Mandeville Acolytes:....................... Laly Xiong, Heather White Vestry Counters: ........... Pete Churchwell, Roby French Coffee Hour Hosts: ....... May Xiong Eucharistic Visitor: ....... Rev. Melissa Harris Prayer Minister: ............ Donna Lawrence

May 22 Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5,15-16; 1Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 Greeters: ....................... Dale & Patsy DeVoe Altar Guild:................... Debbie Potter, Susie Hickam, Melissa Harris Lay Readers: ................. Karen Thomas, David Mandeville, Doris Bradley Acolytes:....................... Carolyn Williams, Cindy Hamilton, Servers .......................... Roby French, Dennis Deakins Vestry Counters: ........... Tom White, George Kirkpatrick Coffee Hour Hosts: ....... Debbie and Scott Potter Prayer Minister: ............ Bud Lawson

May 11 Altar Guild: ......Connie Haugen & Carolyn Williams Lay Reader: ......Karen Thomas

May 4 Altar Guild: ......Sunny Uttley, Sandy Churchwell Lay Reader: ......Sharon Deakins


3 Bob & Joan Blythe 26 Randy & Abby Beal

Please call the office if we’ve missed your special date

3 Ben Saxton 6 Dale Watson Rich Cornwell 12 Bonnie Pflug 13 Dave Williams Donna Altmiller 14 Lorraine Niiehus 16 Robin White

19 Betty BeVier 20 Ed Oursler 21 Doris Shelton Fran Rahn 23 Gus Gray 27 Danielle Allsup &

Jim Corbridge 30 Randy Beal

May 29 Acts 17:22-31; Psalm 66:7-18; 1Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21 Greeters: ....................... Scott & Debbie Potter Altar Guild:................... Debbie Potter, Susie Hickam, Melissa Harris Lay Readers: ................. Susie Hickham, Pete Churchwell Acolytes: ...................... Heather White, Tom White Vestry Counters: ........... Dale DeVoe, Thurman Thomas Coffee Hour Hosts: ....... OPEN Prayer Minister: ............ Alan Shelton

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9 am CE 10 am HE

2 9 am MP 10 am SPG 12:30 Alanon 4:30 GSA 8 pm AA

3 10 am DayBreak 5:45pm EFM

4 5:30 pm HE

5 10 am KnitWits 12N AA 6:30 AlAnon 8 pm AA


7 9:30 am Ladies Breakfast (@The Bunkhouse Café) 8 pm AA

8 9 am CE 10 am HE

9 9 am MP 10 am SPG 12:30 Alanon 4:30 GSA 5:30 Vestry 8 pm AA

10 10 am DayBreak 5:45pm EFM

11 5:30 pm HE

12 12N AA 6:30 AlAnon 8 pm AA

13 Vestry Retreat

14 8 am-Men’s Break-fast Vestry Retreat 8 pm AA

15 9 am CE 10 am HE

16 9 am MP 10 am SPG 12:30 Alanon 4:30 GSA 8 pm AA

17 10 am DayBreak 5:45pm EFM

18 ECW— Noon 5:30 pm HE Potluck

19 10 am KnitWits 12N AA 6:30 AlAnon 8pm AA


21 8 pm AA

22 9 am CE 10 am HE EFM Sunday

23 9 am MP 10 am SPG 12:30 Alanon 4:30 GSA 8 pm AA

24 10 am DayBreak

25 5:30 pm HE

26 12N AA 6:30 AlAnon 8pm AA

27 28 8 pm AA

29 9 am CE 10 am HE

30 9 am MP 10 am SPG 12:30 Alanon 4:30 GSA 8 pm AA

31 10 am DayBreak

Page 7 St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011

MAY, 2011

EFM—Education for Ministry SPG—Serendipity Prayer Group GSA—Girl Scouts of America AA—–-Alcoholics Anonymous HE—–-Holy Eucharist ECW—Episcopal Church Women CE—–-Christian Education

St. Andrew’s Net for May, 2011 Page 8

MISSION STATEMENT Where We are Called by God ~

t o Worship, to Serve, to Learn... In Community

JESUS CHRIST ~ the Head of the Church

THE RT. REV. EDWARD J. KONIECZNY ~ Bishop of the Diocese of Oklahoma

THE REV. PHIL LAWRENCE ~ Vicar of St. Andrew’s


FRAN RAHN ~ Parish Secretary

BILLIE KURTZ ~ Organist & Music Director

Office Hours ~ 9am —1 pm, Monday through Friday

Phone ~ 918-786-4113