Color Texture Classication by Integrative Co-Occurrence Matrices

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  • 7/28/2019 Color Texture Classication by Integrative Co-Occurrence Matrices


    Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965976

    Color texture classication by integrativeCo-occurrence matrices

    Christoph Palm1

    Institute of Medical Informatics, Aachen University of Technology, D-52057 Aachen, Germany

    Received 26 November 2002; received in revised form 4 August 2003; accepted 18 September 2003


    Integrative Co-occurrence matrices are introduced as novel features for color texture classication. The extended

    Co-occurrence notation allows the comparison between integrative and parallel color texture concepts. The information prot

    of the new matrices is shown quantitatively using the Kolmogorov distance and by extensive classication experiments on

    two datasets. Applying them to the RGB and the LUV color space the combined color and intensity textures are studied

    and the existence of intensity independent pure color patterns is demonstrated. The results are compared with two baselines:

    gray-scale texture analysis and color histogram analysis. The novel features improve the classication results up to 20% and

    32% for the rst and second baseline, respectively.

    ? 2003 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Color texture; Co-occurrence matrix; Integrative features; Kolmogorov distance; Image classication

    1. Introduction

    Texture analysis is one of the main topics in the eld of

    digital image processing. Texture is described as a pattern

    with some kind of regularity. The approaches of mathemat-

    ical modeling are grouped into structural, statistical and sig-

    nal theoretic methods [1]. Structural methods are based on a

    more or less deterministic arrangement of textural elements

    (texels). They are mainly used in industrial quality control,

    where artical patterns are regular and dierences betweenmodel and reality indicate failures [2,3]. Statistical meth-

    ods dene textures as stochastic processes and characterize

    them by a few statistical features. Most relevant statistical

    approaches are Co-occurrence matrices [4], Markov random

    elds [5] and autocorrelation methods [6]. Signal theoretic

    approaches focus on periodic pattern resulting in peaks in

    the spatial frequency domain, e.g. Gabor ltering [7,8] and

    wavelet decomposition [9].

    1 Christoph Palm is now with the Aixplain AG, Monheimsallee

    22, D-52062 Aachen, Germany.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Palm).

    Beside texture, color is an important issue not only in hu-

    man vision but in digital image processing where its impact

    is still rising. In contrast to intensity, coded as scalar gray

    values, color is a vectorial feature assigned to each pixel in

    a color image. The mathematical dierence between scalars

    and vectors for gray and color values, respectively, demands

    a careful transfer of methods from the gray-scale to the color

    domain. Although the use of color for texture analysis is

    shown to be advantageous, the integration of color and tex-

    ture is still exceptional. We dierentiate between parallel,sequential and integrative methods (Section 2).

    Several studies favor the statistical texture modeling and

    in particular Co-occurrence matrices in the gray-scale do-

    main [10]. Nevertheless, just few approaches were made

    to transfer Co-occurrence matrices to color images [35]. In

    this paper, we study existing approaches for color texture

    classication by Co-occurrence features and propose novel

    matrices and features to allow the exploitation of the color


    After the introduction of general color texture con-

    cepts (Section 2) and details of the most relevant color

    spaces (Section 3), we shortly repeat the concept of

    0031-3203/$30.00 ? 2003 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    966 C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976

    Co-occurrence matrices for gray-scale images (Section 4).

    This concept is extended to the color domain (Section

    5) dening single- and multi-channel matrices, respec-

    tively. The description of the experimental setup (Section

    6) is followed by the results and a detailed discussion

    (Section 7).

    2. Combining color and texture

    We group the approaches combining color and texture

    into parallel, sequential and integrative approaches.

    The parallel concept for color texture analysis separates

    the processing of both phenomena. Color is measured glob-

    ally according to the histogram ignoring local neighboring

    pixels. Texture is characterized by the relationship of the in-

    tensities of neighboring pixels ignoring their color. The re-

    sults of both analyses are combined subsequently to a feature

    vector (Fig. 1, top). The parallel approach is advantageous,because the known methods of gray-scale texture analysis

    as well as pixel based color analysis can be applied directly.

    Up to now, parallel algorithms are most commonly used for

    image retrieval applications with color and texture as sep-

    arated discriminative features [11]. However, the view on

    texture as a pure intensity based structure is very simplied

    and disregards, for instance, colored texture primitives with

    constant intensity.

    Sequential approaches use color analysis as a rst step of

    a process chain. Clustering the color histogram, a partition-

    ing of the image is obtained. These consecutive numbered

    segments contain color information, but they are just repre-sented by their indices and, hence, by scalars. Subsequently,

    the index pattern is processed as gray-scale texture (Fig. 1,

    middle). The sequential approach is related to the structural

    texture model, where the pattern is composed by (color)

    primitives. Hauta-Kasari et al. used it for industrial qual-

    ity control [12], Song et al. especially for defect detection

    in granite images [13], and Kukkonen et al. for inspection

    of ceramic tiles [14]. These examples show the usefulness

    of the sequential approach. Nevertheless, it is based on the

    segmentation procedure, which depends on several parame-

    ters and, therefore, gives no reproducible results. Addition-

    ally, the assumption of colored texture primitives cannot be

    generalized.The third way of combining the analysis of color and

    texture is called integrative, because the information de-

    pendency between both image features is taken into ac-

    count. Integrative methods can be further dierentiated into

    single- and multi-channel strategies (Fig. 1, bottom). The

    single-channel methods apply the gray-scale texture anal-

    ysis on each color channel separately. The color informa-

    tion is used indirectly restricting the intensity pattern to the

    wavelength interval associated with the color channel. The

    advantage of the single channel approach is the easy adap-

    tion of known methods based on the gray-scale domain.

    Recently, some of these were compared with the paral-

    grayscale image

    color image


    color histogram






    color image color histogram label image


    color image












    single channel

    multi channel

    color channels

    Fig. 1. Top: Illustration of the parallel concept for color texture

    analysis. Textural features and histogram features are strictly sep-

    arated. Middle: Illustration of the sequential concept for color tex-

    ture analysis. After the color segmentation of the histogram the

    texture features are determined on basis of the segment indices.

    Bottom: Illustration of integrative single- and multi-channel color

    texture analysis. Both methods take color and texture into account.

    lel concept and showed signicantly improved results [15].Integrative multi-channel texture analysis handles two (or

    more) channels simultaneously. These approaches have al-

    ready been proposed for well known textural features like

    Markov random elds [16], wavelet [17], Gabor lters [18

    21], and autocorrelation features [22], showing encouraging


    Up to now, Co-occurrence matrices are just adapted for

    sequential [12,14] and integrative single-channel color tex-

    ture analysis [15]. The idea of multi-channel Co-occurrence

    matrices was rstly addressed by Rosenfeld et al. in 1982,

    but found to be computationally cumbersome [23]. In this

    paper, we rstly extend the Co-occurrence approach to

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    C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976 967

    integrative multi-channel color texture features. Addition-

    ally, we introduce an information measure to describe the

    supplementary information content of the multi-channel in

    comparison to the single-channel approach. The extensive

    experimental evaluation of the features in a classication

    task takes two color spaces into consideration. The results

    show the advantages of the multi-channel approach and

    demonstrate the existence of non-intensity based pure color


    3. Color spaces

    To study the relation of intensity textures, pure color tex-

    tures and combinations of both, respectively, the represen-

    tation of intensity within the color space is important. The

    RGB (red, green, blue) color space is a projection of the

    cumulated intensity of reected light within a dened range

    of wavelength to the axes of a three-dimensional space.Certainly, the RGB values are not only dependent on the

    reectance properties of the observed pattern but on the il-

    luminant and the recording characteristics of the camera.

    The problems of color constancy and device independency

    are studied in detail elsewhere [22,24] and are not topic of

    this paper. Because of the wavelength-dependent intensity

    cumulation each color band is inherently a combination of

    color and intensity. Additionally, a strong correlation be-

    tween the color channels is reported [25].

    De-correlating the RGB color bands and separating color

    and intensity yields the LUV color space [26]:L



    = HLUV









    2 1 10






    : (1)Tan et al. reported improving results for color histogram

    analysis using LUV [26]. Independently from the idea of

    mathematical de-correlation, a similar color space is denedmodeling human opponent color vision [27]. Additionally,

    the LUV space is strongly related to the complex color space

    since the color planes spanned by UV and the complex col-

    ors are equal [28]. With RGB and LUV we study color

    spaces where intensity and color are combined or separated,


    4. Gray-scale Co-occurrence matrices

    In contrast to histograms, Co-occurrence matrices

    (CMs) characterize the relationship between the values of


    Fig. 2. Illustration of the concept of gray-scale Co-occurrence ma-

    trices. The Co-occurrence matrices within one octant are combined

    to one mean meatix to be more robust for long distances d.

    neighboring pixels [4]. Therefore, they represent a secondorder statistical measurement. We denote the values of a

    gray-scale image f as w {0; : : : ; W 1} with f(p) = w.The pixel position is given by p = (m; n) with m; nZ. Thedistance vector d is noted in polar coordinates (d; %) with

    discrete length and orientation d; %N, respectively, com-puted from linear coordinates applying the polar transform

    and an appropriate truncation. The probability Pr of two val-

    ues w and w co-occurring with pixel positions related by d,

    denes the cell entry (w1; w2) of the CM Cd:

    Cd (w; w)

    := Pr(f(p1) = w f(p2)

    = w| |p1 p2| = d): (2)Hence, Cd is a symmetric two-dimensional neighborhood

    histogram, which depends on d. To study the eect of

    changing d to the classication results, we extend Cd to

    long-distance CMs. Fig. 2 visualizes the idea to build the

    mean CM for each octant of a discrete circle approxima-

    tion. The single CMs within the octant are summed up and

    normalized keeping d constant. Because of the symmetric

    denition of CM only four mean CMs remain. Neverthe-

    less, with (W

    W) they are high dimensional. To reduce

    the large amount of data represented by CMs, two methods

    are applicable:

    quantize the image into few values as a preprocessing step extract special features to describe CM data as a

    post-processing method

    In this work we applied the last approach and used the matrix

    features introduced by Haralick et al. [4]. Unfortunately,

    some of the 14 features show redundancies, but it is not yet

    clear, which of them can be ignored. Therefore, we selected

    eight features (homogeneity, contrast, correlation, variance,

    inverse dierence moment, entropy, correlation I, correlation

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    968 C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976

    II), that build the set union used in [10,15,29]. They are well

    distributed over the four feature groups dened in [10].

    The Cartesian product for the selected Haralick features

    generates a (8 4)-space for the rotationally variant CMfeatures. To be rotationally invariant, the mean and the vari-

    ance of the orientation-dependent features are determined

    separately. Overall, the gray-scale CM features (GCFs) are

    vectors of size 8 2.

    5. Integrative color Co-occurrence matrices

    According to our categorization (Section 2), in the follow-

    ing two integrative extensions of gray-scale CMs to color

    CMs are proposed. The single-channel Co-occurrence ma-

    trices (SCMs) consist of gray-scale CMs successively ap-

    plied to separated color channels. The correlation between

    textures of dierent color channels is captured by novel

    multi-channel Co-occurrence matrices (MCMs).

    5.1. Single-channel Co-occurrence matrices

    5.1.1. Background

    For the denition of SCMs, we assume a limited

    K-dimensional Cartesian space like RGB and LUV with

    K = 3. A SCM SCkd corresponds to Cd applied to the kth

    color channel fk of the image f = (f1; : : : ; fK)T:


    ; wk


    := SCkd(w; w)

    := Pr(fk (p1) = w fk(p2) = w| |p1 p2| = d): (3)

    The joint probability Pr(wk; wk) indicates the adjacency

    of w and w on the same channel k. The corresponding

    rotational invariant single-channel Co-occurrence features

    (SCFs) consist of K feature vectors SCFk, where SCFk is

    analog to GCF according to k: SCF = SCF1 SCFK.Following Section 3, RGB combines intensity as well

    as color information. Therefore, RGB-based SCFs contain

    combined color and intensity texture information. Recently,

    Drimbarean et al. showed RGB-based SCF-like features tooutperform GCFs [15]. In contrast to RGB, LUV separates

    intensity and color strictly. Hence, SCF1 represents pure

    intensity texture and equals GCF. In contrast, pure color

    textures are modeled by SCF2 and SCF3 according to the

    channels U and V, respectively.

    5.1.2. Information measurement

    The quantication of the information prot of CMs in

    comparison to common histograms is based on the Kol-

    mogorov distance [30], which measures the dierence be-

    tween two probability distributions. The one-dimensional

    histogram Pr(wk

    ) for each channel k is derived from the

    Image Number



    0 30




    Image Number


    0 30



    Image Number



    0 30



    Image Number



    0 30



    Fig. 3. Top left: Kolmogorov distance D(SCkd ) for single-channel

    Co-occurrence matrices with k = R (white), k = G (black),

    and k = B (gray). The image numbers follow the ascending

    order of D(SCGd ). Bottom left: D(SCkd ) with k = L (black)

    k = U (gray), and k = V (white). The image numbers fol-low the ascending order of D(SCLd ). Top right: D(MC

    k1 ;k2d )

    for multi-channel Co-occurrence matrices with (k1; k2) = (R; G)

    (white), (k1; k2) = (R; B) (black), and (k1; k2) = (G; B) (gray). The

    image numbers follow the ascending order of D(MCR;Bd ). Bottom

    right: D(MCk1 ;k2d ) with (k1; k2) = (U; V) (black) (k1; k2) = (L; U)

    (gray), and (k1; k2) = (L; V) (white). The image numbers follow

    the ascending order of D(MCU;Vd ).

    corresponding SCkd by summing up the columns:

    Pr( wk

    ) =


    w=0 SCkd(w; w): (4)

    In the case of stochastic independency ofd-adjacent values,

    the joint probability Pr(wk; wk) is estimated by the multi-plicative combination of the univariate densities Pr(wk) and

    Pr( wk):Pr(wk; wk) = Pr(wk) Pr( wk): (5)In contrast, the actually measured density Pr(wk; wk) is re-

    lated to the conditional probability Pr(wk| wk):Pr(w

    k; w

    k) = Pr(w

    k| wk) Pr( wk): (6)The Kolmogorov distance D(SCkd) as dierence betweenPr(wk; wk) and Pr(wk; wk) is equal to the dierence betweenrandom adjacency and the actual adjacency of w and w.Therefore, it is a measure of stochastic dependency and,

    consequently, a measure of information gain of the CM in

    contrast to the univariate histogram:

    D(SCkd) =





    |Pr(wk; wk) Pr(wk; wk)|: (7)With the help of D(SCkd), the general information prot of

    CMs specic to the color channels is determined. Fig. 3

    (left) shows the Kolmogorov distance values of 30 images

    of the VisTex database (see Section 6) corresponding to

    RGB and LUV.

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    970 C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976

    Fig. 3 (right) shows D(MCk1 ; k2d ) for the natural color

    textures of the VisTex database (see Section 6) for RGB

    and LUV, respectively. According to RGB, the values

    range from 0.1 to 0.7. Considering the baseline of zero for

    stochastic independency of color and texture, this range

    indicates clearly the high information prot using the novel

    multi-channel Co-occurrence features in contrast to any

    parallel method. The similarity of D(MCk1; k2d ) for dierent

    color channels regarding to each image separately allows

    their interpretation as a global color texture feature rather

    than a channel-specic feature.

    In contrast to RGB, the curves for dierent channel com-

    binations of LUV vary signicantly. Whereas D(MCk1 ;k2d )

    for the intensity independent combination (k1; k2) = (U; V)

    reaches values in [0:7; 1:0], the distances according to the

    combinations of color and intensity channels are mostly less

    than 0.3. Therefore, the information prot analyzing inten-

    sity independent color textures is very high and the existence

    of pure intensity independent color texture obvious.

    6. Experimental evaluation

    Studying the Kolmogorov distance, we already showed

    the existence of intensity independent color textures as well

    as the usefulness of the integrative color texture analysis.

    These results will be conrmed by experimental evaluation.

    6.1. Experimental setup

    To allow the generalization of the classication results,

    two dierent image sets are used. From the VisTex dataset

    [31] of MIT we choose 30 images of size 512512 (Fig. 4),each of which contains one natural colored texture. One tex-

    ture class is built splitting one image into 64 non-overlapping

    sub-images of size 64 64. Therefore, inter-class variationcorresponds to local variation of the full-size images. This

    dataset is here addressed by DS1. The second dataset called

    DS2 contains images of natural barks [32], built up in the

    context of the PhD thesis of Lakmann [33]. The images con-

    sist of one type of bark and background. Each image shows

    a dierent tree, which is previously classied into one of six

    classes (Fig. 5). Therefore, the inter-class variation reectsthe natural surface aberration of trees of the same kind. Each

    class consists of 68 images of size 384 256 yielding acollection of 408 images. Since we apply an image classi-

    cation not a texture segmentation, the image border is ex-

    cluded dening a Region-of-Interest of xed size 300200located at the image center.

    For classication, the leaving-one-out method is used to

    guarantee strict separation of test and training set in com-

    bination with the maximization of the number of training

    images. A 5-Nearest-Neighbor classier using the Euclid-

    ian vector distance was employed. To achieve a compara-

    ble range of values for dierent features, a normalization

    Fig. 4. Images of the VisTex database (leftright, updown): Bark0,

    Bark4, Bark6, Bark8, Bark9, Brick1, Brick4, Brick5, Fabric0, Fab-

    ric4, Fabric7, Fabric9, Fabric11, Fabric13, Fabric16, Fabric17, Fab-

    ric18, Food0, Food2, Food5, Food8, Grass1, Sand0, Stone4, Tile1,

    Tile3, Tile7, Water6, Wood1, Wood2 [31].

    Fig. 5. Images of the BarkTex database, one example for each

    class (leftright, updown): birch, beech, spruce, pine, oak,

    robinia [32].

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    C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976 971

    Table 1

    The notation dened in this table will be needed for understanding the following tables of classication results

    Space Feature vector Abbreviation E

    gray GCF m(L) 16

    RGB SCF m(R), m(G), m(B) 16

    RGB MCF m(RG), m(RB), m(GB) 16RGB HCF m(RG0), m(RB0), m(GB0) 8

    LUV SCF m(L), m(U), m(V) 16

    LUV MCF m(LU), m(LV), m(UV) 16

    RGB m(R)m(G)m(B) m(RGBSC) 48

    RGB m(RG)m(RB) m(GB) m(RGBMC) 48

    RGB m(RGBSC) m(L) m(RGBSC; L) 64

    RGB m(RGBMC)m(L) m(RGBMC; L) 64

    RGB m(RG0)m(RB0)m(GB0) m(RGB0) 24

    RGB m(RGB0)m(L) m(RGB0 ; L) 72

    RGB m(RGB0)m(RGBSC) m(RGB0; SC) 72

    RGB m(RGB0)m(RGBMC) m(RGB0; MC) 96


    ) m(RGBMC

    ) m(RGBSC; MC

    ) 96

    RGB m(RGB0)m(RGBSC)m(RGBMC) m(RGB0; SC; MC) 120

    LUV m(U)m(V) m(UV) m(UVII) 48

    LUV m(LU)m(LV)m(L) m(LUVID) 48

    LUV m(UVII) m(LUVID) m(LUVII; ID) 96

    The gray-scale Co-occurrence features, single-channel Co-occurrence features, multi-channel Co-occurrence

    features and histogram Co-occurrence features are here noted as the feature vectors GCF, SCF, MCF and HCF,

    respectively. The abbreviations of the feature vectors m make clear, which color channels are involved. These

    vectors are combined by Cartesian product . The indices MC, SC and 0 indicate multi-channel Co-occurrence,

    single-channel Co-occurrence and histogram features, respectively, in the RGB color space. For LUV, the

    feature vectors are combined to intensity independent (II) and intensity dependent vectors (ID). E symbolizes

    the dimension of the feature space.

    according to variance e and mean e of each dimension eis done separately exploiting the training data TR:


    e =me e



    e =1



    me; e =


    M 1


    (me e)2: (13)

    The eth element of an E-dimensional feature vector m and

    the corresponding normalized element is denoted with meand me, respectively.

    The optimal parameterd of a CM depends on the resolu-

    tion of the texture. Zucker et al. developed a method to de-termine this optimal distance [34]. However, this optimum

    refers to a distinct texture and one single color channel. In

    best case, it can be generalized to the entire texture class. In

    our classication experiments several classes are involved.

    Hence, an optimal distance for all color channels and all

    classes cannot be determined. Consequently, we studied the

    color textures according to several distances. The follow-

    ing experiments are performed with d = 0 (histogram) and

    d = 1; 5; 10; 15; 20.

    We combined the previously mentioned SCFs and MCFs

    and compared them to pure gray-scale texture and pure color

    histogram classication results. To give a clear reference to

    the feature vectors m used in the experiments, the abbrevi-ations of the single- and combined feature vectors are listed

    in Table 1.

    Note, that the combinations in LUV are grouped into

    intensity independent (II) and intensity dependent (ID)

    whereas in RGB they are grouped into SCFs (SC) and

    MCFs (MC).

    6.2. Results

    The classication results for DS1 and DS2 are listed in

    Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The CM-representation of the

    color histogram allows the direct comparison of the paralleland the integrative color texture concept (Section 2). Rows

    13 of both tables show the results of gray-scale texture fea-

    tures m(L) and the color histogram, described by its Haral-

    ick features m(RGB0). Obviously, the importance of color

    and intensity texture is quite dierent for the two datasets.

    Whereas the HCFs forDS1 performs with 0:938 better than

    the GCFs with 0:855, the texture features show better dis-

    crimination eciency with 0:787 compared to 0:654 for

    m(RGB0) according to DS2. For both datasets the parallel

    concept combining the two single features outperform with

    0.977 and 0.838 for DS1 and DS2, respectively, the results

    of the single features.

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    Table 2

    Classication results for dataset DS1 according to dierent color texture feature combinations


    0 1 5 10 15 20

    1 m(L) 0.855 0.652 0.544 0.531 0.5182 m(RGB0) 0.938

    3 m(RGB0; L) 0.977 0.945 0.929 0.910 0.928

    4 m(R) 0.868 0.771 0.726 0.702 0.691

    5 m(G) 0.869 0.779 0.697 0.691 0.677

    6 m(B) 0.896 0.819 0.738 0.720 0.704

    7 m(RGBSC) 0.951 0.884 0.826 0.811 0.793

    8 m(RGBMC) 0.960 0.870 0.862 0.850 0.864

    9 m(RGBSC; MC) 0.971 0.903 0.887 0.864 0.869

    10 m(RGB0; SC) 0.974 0.951 0.928 0.906 0.913

    11 m(RGB0; MC) 0.972 0.933 0.920 0.925 0.926

    12 m(RGB0; SC; MC) 0.977 0.946 0.928 0.917 0.920

    13 m(RGBSC; L) 0.946 0.868 0.821 0.807 0.804

    14 m(RGBMC; L) 0.966 0.894 0.865 0.864 0.882

    15 m(RGBSC; MC; L) 0.968 0.902 0.905 0.876 0.879

    16 m(U) 0.886 0.754 0.666 0.609 0.595

    17 m(V) 0.856 0.719 0.592 0.536 0.532

    18 m(UV) 0.891 0.799 0.795 0.794 0.661

    19 m(UVII) 0.969 0.910 0.867 0.840 0.843

    20 m(LUVID) 0.948 0.895 0.870 0.852 0.863

    21 m(LUVII; ID) 0.986 0.949 0.923 0.916 0.922

    The dierent results in one row refer to CM distances from zero (color histogram) up to 20. The feature

    combinations are divided into semantically interrelated blocks: parallel color texture concept (Rows 13),

    integrative color texture concept in the RGB color space (Rows 49), combination of integrative features with

    pure color and pure intensity texture features, respectively (Rows 10 15) integrative color texture concept in

    the LUV color space (Rows 1621).

    The results for SCF of the RGB color space are presented

    in Rows 46. The best results are obtained by m(B) with

    d = 1 and correctness 0.896 and by m(B) with d = 5 and

    correctness 0.794 for DS1 and DS2, respectively. A general

    superior performance of the B channel is not plausible and

    depends on the image dataset. All single results for bothdatasets are superior to the corresponding pure gray-scale

    texture result. These classication rates for m(R), m(G),

    m(B) are improved signicantly (unidirectional Binomial

    test statistic, p 0:05) by combining them to m(RGBSC)

    (Row 7). According to m(RGBSC) we achieved a correct-

    ness of 0.951 and 0.828 for DS1 and DS2, respectively. The

    corresponding combination of MCFs to m(RGBMC) yield

    with 0.960 better and with 0:795 even worth results forDS1and DS2. Combining m(RGBSC) and m(RGBMC) (Row 8),

    the dimension of the feature space rises to 96 and, hence,

    the complexity of classication task rises, too. Nevertheless,

    the results improved to 0.971 and 0.841, respectively.

    The results of Rows 1012 in Tables 2 and 3 allow the

    evaluation of possible advantages combining RGB-related

    integrative color texture features with the pure color his-

    togram features. ForDS1 the combination of SCF, MCF and

    both with histogram features showed slightly increasing re-

    sults, respectively. The overall combination m(RGB0; SC; MC)performed best with a correctness of 0.977. According to

    DS2 the combination of SCF with histogram features im-

    prove the performance of SCF with a correctness of 0.841.

    In contrast, the performance of the overall combination de-

    creased to 0.808. However, the feature space dimension and,

    therefore, the complexity of the classication problem, rose

    to 120 for this combination (see Table 1). All results of tex-

    ture feature combination with the histogram features outper-

    form the pure histogram features.

    Rows 1315 show the classication results combining

    RGB-based SCFs and MCFs with GCFs. For both datasets

    all color texture combinations performed better than the pure

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    C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976 973

    Table 3

    Classication results of dataset DS2 according to dierent color texture feature combinations


    0 1 5 10 15 20

    1 m(L) 0.721 0.787 0.742 0.694 0.6372 m(RGB0) 0.654

    3 m(RGB0; L) 0.831 0.838 0.814 0.765 0.767

    4 m(R) 0.723 0.775 0.708 0.664 0.639

    5 m(G) 0.745 0.777 0.740 0.689 0.627

    6 m(B) 0.740 0.794 0.750 0.703 0.708

    7 m(RGBSC) 0.787 0.828 0.784 0.708 0.666

    8 m(RGBMC) 0.807 0.795 0.747 0.705 0.738

    9 m(RGBSC; MC) 0.809 0.841 0.789 0.767 0.746

    10 m(RGB0; SC) 0.826 0.841 0.806 0.794 0.779

    11 m(RGB0; MC) 0.812 0.798 0.759 0.764 0.746

    12 m(RGB0; SC; MC) 0.824 0.808 0.813 0.803 0.795

    13 m(RGBSC; L) 0.777 0.824 0.784 0.703 0.668

    14 m(RGBMC; L) 0.809 0.797 0.767 0.794 0.733

    15 m(RGBSC; MC; L) 0.804 0.847 0.772 0.762 0.768

    16 m(U) 0.658 0.776 0.714 0.646 0.595

    17 m(V) 0.653 0.614 0.597 0.585 0.548

    18 m(UV) 0.532 0.548 0.484 0.548 0.453

    19 m(UVII) 0.756 0.807 0.759 0.778 0.729

    20 m(LUVID) 0.786 0.740 0.694 0.729 0.673

    21 m(LUVII; ID) 0.863 0.806 0.836 0.856 0.786

    The notation corresponds to that of Tables 1 and 2.

    gray-scale texture features. The combined features show

    similar results as the corresponding single features in Rows

    79. Therefore, no tendency can be remarked which indi-

    cates the usefulness of these combinations. For both datasets

    the best result of this block is achieved by the overall com-

    bination m(RGBSC; MC; L). It yields a correctness of 0:968

    and 0:847 for DS1 and DS2, respectively.

    The results related to the intensity independent single

    feature vectors of the LUV color space are listed in Rows

    1618. ForDS1 the best performance is achieved with 0:891

    by m(UV) and d = 1. On the other hand, for DS2 the bestcorrectness of 0:776 is achieved by m(U) and d = 5. There-

    fore, both are below the respective maxima according to the

    single RGB features (Rows 46).

    For both datasets the results are enhanced by combin-

    ing the single features to m(UVII) (Row 19). With 0:969

    and 0:807 for DS1 and DS2, respectively, the improvement

    is signicant (p 0:05). The intensity independent texture

    features are in both cases superior to the intensity depen-

    dent features (Row 20). Note, that m(L) is inherently in-

    tegrated into m(LUVID) as SCF1 of the LUV color space.

    The best results are obtained by the combination of both, in-

    tensity independent and intensity dependent features (Row

    21). These are superior not only to other combinations of

    the RGB color space but to the parallel color texture con-

    cept m(RGB0; L) as well. The results 0:986 and 0:863 for

    DS1 and DS2, respectively, refer both to d = 1.

    Taking d into account, a strong tendency to an opti-

    mum distance for each dataset can be stated. All supe-

    rior results for each experiment block are found for d = 1

    and (except one) for d = 5 according to DS1 and DS2,


    7. Discussion

    In our experiments, gray-scale texture and color histogram

    analysis were compared with novel color texture features.

    Additionally, two dierent concepts of color texture analy-

    sis, parallel and integrative, were evaluated. This was possi-

    ble for the rst time, because in the framework of CMs color

    histograms and textural features are both well described.

    The two image datasets used are rather dierent in content,

    color texture appearance as well as discrimination capabil-

    ity of color histogram and gray-scale texture. Nevertheless,

    the tendencies of the results are quite similar. Therefore,

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    974 C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976

    it is possible to generalize them to large application elds

    dealing with natural color textures.

    It has been shown, that color information improve the re-

    sults of gray-scale texture features [14]. Our experiments

    support these results. The combination of color histograms

    and gray-scale texture features shows a high supplementa-

    tion ability. The results of this parallel color texture concept

    are just slightly below the best results we achieved by inte-

    grative color texture features.

    Whereas the parallel concept is most commonly applied

    in the color image processing community, this paper intro-

    duced novel integrative color texture features to learn more

    about the aspects of color texture and develop new meth-

    ods to model them. According to SCMs, we realize notice-

    able dierences between the single-channel results. This in-

    dicates dierences in the textures of dierent color channels

    and relativizes their correlation. This observation supports

    our evaluation of Kolmogorov distances in Section 5. Addi-

    tionally, the channel-specic features supplement each otherresulting in a signicant better performance for the combi-

    nation features. This enhancement is noticeable in particu-

    lar considering the increase of dimensionality of the feature

    space. Because the gray-scale texture results are below all

    single-channel results, the transform from color to gray val-

    ues is lossy with respect to textural features.

    The novel method of MCMs improve the results of the

    SCMs taking the correlation between color channels into ac-

    count. With the help of the Kolmogorov distance, we demon-

    strated that the multi-channel modeling is not equivalently

    realized by the single-channel features in combination with

    the color histogram. Therefore, MCMs measure new colortextural features. The low redundancy of both integrative

    methods is also shown by the experimental evaluation. The

    combination ofm(RGBSC) and m(RGBMC) leads to increas-

    ing correctness although the feature space dimensionality

    rises by a factor of two.

    The combination of the SCFs with the histogram features

    show rather similar results to the parallel color texture con-

    cept. This could be expected since the only dierence is the

    already stated wavelength dependency of colored texture.

    Unfortunately, the information prot of texture modeling

    subsequently on the color channels is over-compensated by

    the disproportionate extension of the feature space. Never-

    theless, color histogram and single-channel texture analysissupplement each other. Therefore, the classication correct-

    ness rises in comparison to both single components. On the

    other hand, the combination of m(RGBSC) with the GCFs

    yields worse results according to both components. Again,

    this shows the high redundancy of GCFs and SCFs. Study-

    ing the redundancy of MCFs with HCFs and GCFs, re-

    spectively, in both cases better results in comparison with

    the single components can be stated. Therefore, a new kind

    of texture information is measurable by the multi-channel


    In addition to RGB, the experimental evaluation take

    the LUV color space into account. Although the methods

    of single- and multi-channel color texture analysis are the

    same, the interpretation of the results has to be adapted.

    Because of the two intensity independent channels U and

    V we achieve three intensity dependent and three intensity

    independent matrices. Obviously, the intensity independent

    features model a completely dierent kind of texture. Al-

    though the RGB related color texture features consider both

    color and texture, the texture is again intensity based, even

    though this intensity is measured on a small wavelength in-

    terval. In contrast, the MCMs related to U and V charac-

    terize the Co-occurrence of pure colors. Because the three

    single feature vectors m(U), m(V) and m(UV) represent

    dierent parts of the color plane, they supplement each other

    and, hence, their combination yields to a signicant better

    classication result. Additionally, the results to the intensity

    independent features are better than that of the intensity de-

    pendent. The novel pure color texture features in compari-

    son with pure intensity texture features show the overall best

    performance. Again, this proves the fact low redundancybetween these two concepts.

    8. Conclusion

    In this paper, we presented novel integrative single- and

    multi-channel Co-occurrence matrices for color texture anal-

    ysis and put intensity independent color textures in perspec-


    The multi-channel approach integrates color histograms

    into the Co-occurrence notation and allows the comparison

    of parallel and integrative approaches on the same levelfor the rst time. Additionally, the Kolmogorov distance

    is recommended to measure quantitatively the information

    gain of the multi-channel approach.

    The advantages of the integrative methods were demon-

    strated by the Kolmogorov distance as well as by the re-

    sults of the experimental evaluation. Nevertheless, because

    of the disproportional increase of feature space dimension-

    ality, the best results according to RGB are achieved by the

    parallel concept of separate analysis of color by histogram

    and texture by intensity pattern analysis. However, the inte-

    grative color features based on the LUV color space show

    not only the existence of intensity independent color texture

    but its discriminative power. In combination with the com-mon intensity dependent pattern, colored textures are more

    adequately described.


    Color image analysis and texture classication are two

    basic tasks in pattern recognition. The dependencies of

    both are still not clear and, hence, several concepts dealing

    with colored textures exist. The objective of this paper is

    to strengthen the basis for the discussion in the eld of

    color texture recognition. To achieve this goal, we treated

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    C. Palm / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 965 976 975

    ve main elds within the framework of Co-occurrence


    Categorization of the concepts for color texture featureextraction.

    The identication of these concepts enables an overview

    over the relevant literature and allows the comparisonbetween these approaches. Two of them, the parallel and

    the integrative method, have been compared within the

    experimental section.

    Extension of Co-occurrence matrices to multi-channelcolor texture characterization.

    Since Co-occurrence matrices are one of the most fre-

    quently used methods for gray-scale texture analysis,

    multi-channel matrices enlarges the toolbox of color

    texture analysis methods signicantly.

    Application of Kolmogorov distance to the novel single-and multi-channel matrices.

    The Kolmogorov distance serves as a quantitative mea-sure to determine the dependency of intensity textures and

    colors. Therefore, the discussion about this dependency

    in the scientic community can be adjudged objectively

    for each image separately.

    Application of integrative Co-occurrence matrices to theRGB as well as the LUV color space.

    Since the LUV space separates one intensity channel L

    and two color channels U and V, Co-occurrence matri-

    ces according to U and V provide intensity independent

    and, hence, pure color texture features. This features are

    used to prove the existence of intensity independent color


    Classication experiments on two large image databases.The large number of experimental data allows the gen-

    eralization of the conclusions drawn on the basis of the

    results. In particular, the parallel and the integrative con-

    cept are compared in the framework of Co-occurrence


    Two main conclusions have to be emphasized. Firstly, the

    parallel concept of intensity texture analysis and separately

    color histogram analysis is suitable for color image classi-

    cation. Secondly, the existence of pure color textures as well

    as their supplementation ability with respect to intensity de-

    pendent textures features is proven. Therefore, the integra-tive color texture features introduced in this paper enable

    the characterization of intensity independent color textures

    for the rst time. Using these novel features in combina-

    tion with gray-scale texture and color histogram features the

    classication correctness is increased up to 32%.


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    About the AuthorCHRISTOPH PALM studied Computer Science at the Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), Germany, and

    received his Diploma degree in 1997. Between 1997 and 2001 he was Ph.D. student at the Institute of Medical Informatics at the University

    Hospital of the RWTH. During his Ph.D. research, his research interests covered all aspects of pattern recognition, texture classication

    and color image processing. He is co-editor of a proceedings volume and author of several scientic conference and journal papers. He is

    peer reviewer of the Optical Society of America. In 2001 Christoph Palm joined the Aixplain AG, Aachen. Beside image processing, his

    research focus is now enlarged to information retrieval and statistical machine translation.