College Magazine Analysis

College Magazine Analysis

Transcript of College Magazine Analysis

Page 1: College Magazine Analysis

College Magazine Analysis

Page 2: College Magazine Analysis

MASTHEAD: It is a bright, stand out red which is colour coordinated with other aspects of the front cover. It reflects the genre by being simple but sophisticated. ‘COLLEGE’ is in capitals so therefore suggest significance of the target audience.

COLOUR: There are 3 main colours chosen for the front page (red, blue and green) which makes the magazine appeal as the colours compliment and go well together. Also, red is quite a powerful colour so it creates the representation of power and strength for students.

TYPOGRAPHY: The difference between sizes of the texts symbolises their significance; ‘COLLEGE’ is the title of the magazine which is large, bold and capitalised which is the initial draw-in for the audience. There are then sub headings in a smaller but still bold font sometimes with a non-capitalised informational text below.

LAYOUT: The girl is placed in the centre of the page to draw attention to the audience. The text is then placed around her so she remains the main focus throughout.

CONTENT: The content showed on the front page are all things to do with college students including teen pregnancies, drugs and celebrities.

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MASTHEAD: It is a bright yellow, capitalised and bolded title for the magazine which shows that it is a big and stand out type.

ICONOGRAPHY: The image used is to help motivate students through the use of a good-looking, male posing with an arm full of text books to do with college. It motivates students by showing that no matter who you are, you can still achieve.

CONTENT: The contents shown on the front page are all things to do with and appeal to college students such as phones, campus’ and spring break. These aspects of the magazine makes the audience draw in as they want to find out more about the features.

COLOUR: There are 3 main colours chosen for the front page (black, white and yellow). The black background makes the yellow headings seem more stand-out to create an appealing effect to the audience.

LAYOUT: The man in placed in the centre of the page, overlapping the title. However the sub titles overlap around him as the image is large and takes up almost the whole of the front page. The way in which he is standing is calm and relaxed which is a good image for the audience to see as it shows that it is possible to be stress free in a student’s college life.

TYPOGRAPHY: ‘COLLEGE’ is capitalised and bold to emphasise the significance of the title and the target audience. The sub titles are smaller but still bold, bright and mainly capitalised too. There are then informational sentences which are smaller below the sub titles to give the audience more information on what to expect under the headings.

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COLOUR: Black, white and yellow emphasising the night scene. The yellow parts are the numbers which stand out against a black background.

ICONOGRAPHY: The top and middle pictures are both night-related which goes with the colour scheme whereas the picture at the bottom is a day-time picture. It shows that the magazine isn’t just to do with night time.

TYPOGRAPHY: The font of the ‘CONTENTS’, ‘features’ and ‘regulars’ are all the same. The font represents he magazine’s page as it is quite quirky and original, matching the rugged layout.

CONTENT: The content includes different variances of what the magazine offers so it is for all audiences, not specific ones.

STYLE: It is modern and represents people who like to have an adventure. It is stylish in the way that it has been put together to make it more intriguing.

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ICONOGRAPHY: The ways in which the pictures have been placed make the magazine very open. They are also inviting as the people in them are smiling and looking at the camera.

COLOUR: Neutral colours are used in the contents page to make it more relaxed yet sophisticated.

TYPOGRAPHY: The font is all quite simple and plain but it’s also effective as it is straight-forward and gives the reader what they want in order to fulfil their needs.

STYLE: It is plain and simple as the pictures are all at the top and the writing is all at the bottom but it is effective at the same time.